This nigga 100% definitely gets road head from Raphtalia in that wagon

This nigga 100% definitely gets road head from Raphtalia in that wagon.

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Imagine inserting your dick in her mouth while getting a cart movement powered blowjob

With 0 attack can he break her hymen?

Imagine the cart hitting a rock and you get a surprise circumcision.

She breaks it for him

If he doesn't view it as an attack, shouldn't it work?

Is this photoshop or it actually happened?
I don't watch the show

Imagine Raphtalia barfing on your dick.

Attached: ew8jecxr0ca31.jpg (772x432, 68K)

>Raphtalia has motion sickness and is constantly nauseous while riding in the cart
>Doing something to stimulate gag reflex
>No water magic other than Melty to help clean that shit up

>Racism outside of Yea Forums
sasuga newfaggot kun?

Attached: fuck commies.jpg (461x393, 66K)

What are you talking about? We all love coons in this thread.

It happened

OP is black so its ok


this user does not speak for me, I do not love **********

Well the thread IS about get sucked off by a coon

Well just put the penis in the lower mouth then.

>raccoon teeth

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I-is she pregnant?

it happened, our boy Nafumi even ALMOST went for the ASS GRAB like a fucking CHAMP

No, the anime skipped the kiss.

Naofumi's sperm can't get into Raphtalia's egg cell due to 0 attack.

Can't be racist against black folks if all humans are the same race.
You are the one that feels black are of different race here.

Yea Forums is a tolerant board where even demi-humans are loved. Like a good 99% of this thread would die to be isekai'd to get some of that raccoon puss.

p.s. reported for hate speech against homosexuals.

He still has some attack, he could kill balloons.

>tolerant board where even demi-humans are loved

Why would you announce a report?


>Being an edgy beta faggot and a furry
Why hasn't he killed himself yet?

>Having your daughterwife to break her hymen because you can't
What a beta

>implying it wasn't already broken before he met her

Not an issue if coony cunny is (down to cellular level) receptive. Also, slave crest.

it wasn't, shes a new slave who was too sick to sell or touch

That guy in the tophat fucked her silly

It all depends if Raph's hymen is harder than the balloons

If naofumi can't hold swords does that mean he can't wank one out?

Next experiment: have Motoyasu kill a balloon with his dick and measure how many thrusts it took.

pedophelia is illegal in the kingdom

>this nigga didn't do anything with this milf

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And children are illegal here too


I want her to dominate me