New episode this Friday. Post charts
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
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why no pt 7 and 8?
still no episode this Friday, but I'll post a chart
>New episode this Friday
Haven't read yet.
Great taste friend
fucking cringe
fucking based
Jojo part 5 is utter garbage trash. So no need to apologize.
this is a pt4/6chad thread now
>realising no matter how many times you post your reddit tier OC won't change a thing an d DP will animate stone ocean
Well I think part 6 could greatly benefit from being animated, given how confusing feng shui and underworld look without motion.
Nothing confusing about underworld
fucking part skipper
newfag not realizing pt 5 was just as shit on as 6 before its anime
Havnt watched any of the part 5 anime yet so now im going to binge it, looking forward to Clash and Talking Head since I really enjoyed reading that
Excited for part 6 to get animated. Despite the bad rep it gets here there are a lot of good fights in there that could be greatly enhanced by animating them
>looking forward to Clash and Talking Head
Oh no
The first clash episode looked really bad, as in horrendous. The second was fine but still not quite there.
Well thats a shame. Youd think with how popular JoJo is theyd have the cash to make every episode look good
the money goes to the VAs not the animators
Why does Jotaro in part 6 look younger than he does in part 3?
Hes supposed to be 40 years old here
>favourite fight
>ending of part 6
My man
araki changed his artstyle for the worse
artstyle shift along with him getting weaker and losing muscle as he ages
>jotaro at the beggining of pt 6
>shit tier 2 sec timestop
>jotaro after come that made him lose muscle mass
>5 sec
>for the worse
>Favorite part 6 stand and favorite stand abilty
That's something I don't think I've ever seen.
I found this, thought it was dope
I wonder what other stands Pucci had stored in his treasure trove of discs
survivor tier garbage judging by the fact he didn't use many of them
Hermes and Kiss are great, but sadly so underutilized.
He had an unnamed stand whose abilty was to boil water. Just that.
It only worked for him because he used it against F.F, who needed the water to live.
Jojolion chapter 88 spoilers from 2chan:
[Jobin uses Speed King’s true power: apparently the stand range is actually ten centimeters, but the heat can propagate through surfaces to cover great distances. Jobin warms up the floor and the heat travels from the floor to the ceiling, frying Ojiro who is on the roof. The scene shifts to Josuke, Rai and Yasuho who have gathered again to face the head doctor. Rai has a plan: since it is impossible to reach the head doctor, they will have to make him head towards them. In the last pages, Makorin tries to contact Ojiro, in vain. A bizarre series of accidents around her will lead her to fall from the balcony where she was, dying. Paper Moon origami moves away from the crime scene]
proofs? i tough he just used a sprinkler that was set to very hot or some shit, read it like a year ago could be wrong
Jojolion chapter 88 spoilers from 2chan:
Jobin uses Speed King’s true power: apparently the stand range is actually ten centimeters, but the heat can propagate through surfaces to cover great distances. Jobin warms up the floor and the heat travels from the floor to the ceiling, frying Ojiro who is on the roof. The scene shifts to Josuke, Rai and Yasuho who have gathered again to face the head doctor. Rai has a plan: since it is impossible to reach the head doctor, they will have to make him head towards them. In the last pages, Makorin tries to contact Ojiro, in vain. A bizarre series of accidents around her will lead her to fall from the balcony where she was, dying. Paper Moon origami moves away from the crime scene
>Disco Ballad
No he put a stand disc into her, at least part of the stands ability was to boil water, which killed her since she needed the water to live
wasnt the last chapter called ojiro returns part 1? why would he lose this fast?
could you post that panel? I forgot about that completely
We already know Ojiro, his story, his relationship with Kira and all that his stand can do. In my opinion it was reintroduced in the story to give him a little more screentime (he was one of the secondary villains with less personality up to that point), and above all to act as a sacrificial victim to show the true power of Speed King
not the same user, but I guess that makes sense
Chapter 90 for reference
He cuts off a piece of her body and then puts the disc into it when she runs away to get water
Pucci is smarter than i remember him being
I do not get the hate for Dragon's Dream but then I had some knowledge of Feng Shui going into it.
Tsurugi confirmed serial killer
The fight just felt like I was being forced to read a wikipedia article about Feng Shui
So unless you're interested in that mysticism shit its really boring
Pucci really makes jolyne the weakest of all jojo. Wonder how she fair to deal with other main villain?
even beyond the feng shui stuff it's just a boring fight
>vs Dio
>vs Kars
>vs Dio2
She might actually stand a chance given Stone Free's ability to warp and dodge stuff like bullets and knives
>vs Kira
Instant loss
>vs Diavolo
She would get Stone Free Requiem and I can't even imagine how broken that would be
>vs Valentine
>vs DIO
>vs Jobin(?)
I'd imagine her doing well if swapped with Giorno or Josuke.
Defeating people by giving them a self-harming stand is genius. There are quite a few abilities that harm their user. Some of the weirdest ones like Super Fly only give a disadvantage, it's just a jail with nothing beneficial at all.
>Instant loss
She can disassemble herself meaning she's got a perfect way around the First Bomb and Stone Free is as fast as Star Platinum.
I wanted Speed King to have an additional utility but that seems a little excessive. It can already shut down people's brain with just a tiny change in temperature, if the ability travels through solids then it can insta-kill anything that isn't a bird or helicopter flying in the air. If the temperature flow require heat-conductive solids, I guess wearing shoes made of glass could offer protection.
josuke could just steal the heat conductivity of the ground to counter it
I have several questions
>Stone Free is as fast as Star Platinum.
wait when did they say that?
based hairposter
based chad realizing part 5 is trash
Josuke stopped stealing concepts because it was too clutch and OP, just like how Giorno lost nearly all of his original abilities other than creating life.
Unless I'm forgetting something about early Tusk, Jolyne and Johnny were the only protags to not get nerfed.
no need to nerf Jolyne when she starts at the bottom of the ladder
Part 3, 5, and 6 are the worst parts.
pretty bad but at least you realize 5s inferiority
Never seen a coin snap like that but the panel makes it look incredibly satisfying.
Does it ever occur to you guys that all of our arguing and competition is centered on a story and characters all birthed from the mind of one man?
Like when you argue about a wester tv show or movie, it's not just one guy's creation, it is born from a room of writers, producers, assistants, and executives. But when we argue over Jojo, we're arguing over stuff that Araki thought up and probably didn't give much thought to after leaving his mind, like the argument of whether GER is permanent.
Like Araki makes his stories then he puts down his pen and paper and goes about his life, but we sit on our asses arguing about these stories he has put out. It's not bad, but it puts things into a perspective I can't quite name.
3 and 5 are good, retard
The fuck? But 6 is better than 4 and 5.
even stories written by a writers room are usually created without much thought by people who go about their days later
I have a question about part 3
When they reach Egypt after having defeated all the tarot stands except The World and Emperor, Avdol is surprised that there are now other stand users working for Dio, since he only knew of the Tarot stands
But earlier, Avdol said that he had heard of Tower of Grey and Ebony Devil.
But if Avdol only knew of the Tarot stands, then who the fuck did he meet that could have told him about those stand users?
Yeah when I first thought of this I also thought of like hardcore scifi/fantasy writers like GRRM and others. They just spit out their stories and leave, leaving fans to argue and debate aspects that can never be truly answered. I guess it's been going on for centuries at this point huh
*6 finger slipped
>Tower of Grey and Ebony Devil
tower of gray is of the tower card and ebony devil is of the devil card
>Favorite Part
>Favorite JoJo
Absolutely patrician.
Only a villain would post this
based taste
She'd wreck the shit out of Kira
fucking repugnant
The turtle got put into polnareff's dead body, then the turtle survived after SCR swapped again. Does that mean doppio survived and got put back into bossu's body? There's a whole death scene and everything for doppio, so it doesn't really make sense.
One on one next to one another? You know Stone free only has the power to bend a coin?
no, turtle survived and doppio died
Agreed. Hopefully Araki does some of that in part 9, since a lot of the stands will probably parallel part 6 characters.
I like jojo so far but part 4 has been a let down for me. does it get any better or should i just skip it?
im at around episode 14
fuck off brainlet animeonly
it gets better
im a newfag to the series, i am planning on reading the manga after i catch up to the animu
then don't come here where most people are talking about spoilers, unless you wanna have less fun with it
Vampire can’t “stand” before stand user. Vampire might be still alive in the form of puddle blood, but it can’t really do anything until sun comes up
A tricky one. It is said pillar man can sense stands but not really see it, nor hurt it. They might gain a stand if they stick their finger in one of the users. Jolyn is also said to be as cunning as Joseph so she might do better than Joseph, using stand inplace of Hamon. Ultimate lifeform is out of question though since I don’t think Stand punch can even damage it. However I can imagine that jolyn can wrap ult Kars and let volcano carry him to space or something, even immobilize him under larva, forcing him unable to transform and burn to death.
>part 3 dio
Out of question. I don’t think there’s anyway jolyn could fight a time manupulation users. Only jotaro with that “we have the same stand” bullshit can beat it.
Then I suggest you get the fuck out of here before shit is spoiled for you
koichi is the main antagonist
Part 4 feels a bit slow in the anime, I'd recommend reading the manga, though you should also have the mindset of "Wacky shit happening in smallville" rather than "Great scale epic adventure through the world", don't go through a part with the idea of "I want to get to THAT part" either, don't skip parts.
>Dio least faveourite
Part 5 got by far the best and most intense fight and minor antagonist and part 6 by far the worst.
What happened?
polnareffs body lived for a bit while brunos died
Nothing, you just have immensly shit taste and selective memory
by the end of part 5 (end of metallica) araki lost all motivation and started writing pure shit
Wasn't he depressed at that time?
he was depressed after part 4 ended, so throughout part 5, vatist
Narancia clearly indicated that Polnareff was dead.
How can one man have such god tier taste? I literally can't find any faults with this image, it's scaring me.
he was mistaken
this proves you're an intelectual pygmy
His stand literally lets him detect breathing, so no, you're fucking wrong. Here's a better theory I literally just came up with: coco jumbo's soul got sucked into his own stand during the first round of SCR.
Here's an even better theory, Araki writes whatever contrived bullshit he wants. That's all there is to it.
Amazing fucking taste, particularly with your favorite stands. I'd post my chart but it's a work in progross as a I re-read the whole series.
No shit, retard. I'm just trying to make sense of it, because it's fun.
here u go if ur a monkey without access to image editing software
>nobody else likes Magenta Magenta.
I'll leave then...*sniff*
narancia can tune the breathing detection, so if the bodys breathing was too faint he wouldnt be able to detect it, like with diavolo after metallica.
Diavolo wasnt sensed because he lost too much iron for his blood to carry oxygen anymore. He was still sucking air pretty hard it just wasnt circulating because of what risotto did to him.
There's definitely an AU where Risotto won the fight and also executed Bruno's gang save for Giorno.
Most do, but just not the first clash one
Nah, you're braindead. Seek medical help
You know... the whole head doctor chase is a lot like SCR mixed with King Crimson.
>trying to get to the head doctor causes you to be attacked, much like trying to reach the arrow causes you to be automatically attacked
>the head doctor's true face (and possibly name) is not revealed, and he clearly cares about keeping his identity a secret from everyone
If JoJolion becomes AU VA I'm gonna shit. Right in my pants.
I just wish Diego was able to pass his genes on to create an AU giorno.
That would be some serious kino, user. If Araki could write in a son for DIO, he could probably find a way to make it work. Imagine if Ojiro was revealed to be AU Giorno.
Why would he spare Giorno?
pretty sure araki brought ojiro back just to show that his stand isn't utter garbage
I didnt say he would, but as the replacement villain, he would have to lose unfortunately.
because he was responsible for the deaths of all of his squad mates
With that logic, I don't think it would just be Giorno surviving. You can't apply storytelling logic and realism at the same time.
A few of the main characters would survive if that were the case.
That's beyond shit taste
what are the odds of a purple haze feedback OVA
which stand would be the most useful if your goal is to rape as many girls as possible?
reminds me of this ol' thing
Kiss is a really cool stand conceptually, I think part 6 had a lot of cool stands in general. Stone Free's easily my favorite of the Jojos for example. Favorite stand overall is still Echoes act 2 though.
There are no odds, it's guaranteed.
depends on your fetishes
Hierophant green
>mind control, tentacle
Yellow Temperance
>vore, slime rape
Heavens Door
>Mind control, skin peeling
The lock
>Mind control but still conscious
Love Deluxe/Stone Free/Doggystyle/Oh Lonesome Me
Grateful dead
>Old lady
Littlefeet/Goo Goo Dolls
Nut King Call
Doctor Wu
>Mind control and entering with your entire body
There's probably much more but that's all I've got
How long would it be?
3 inches
What would you guys think if stone ocean's openings returned to being 3D?
That's not what I meant.
You know that isn't what I meant.
Did you really think that was amusing in your head before you posted it?
The final one should be in 3D.
I'd be fine with it.
anime only fag here. I'm halfway through part 5
when does it get _bad
White album