Why was Kaneki against killing humans but alright with killing ghouls?
Tokyo Ghoul
Other urls found in this thread:
ghouls are shit
Fuck them ghouls
This is why SNK>TG
>be terminally ill
>have the world's only WMD
>world hates and oppresses your kind and sees them as people who can turn into monsters
>decide to genocide them all so your people can finally be free
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love Kaneki.
>t. every girl
Does kaneki ever even kill any ghouls
Why are some people against killing puppies but alright with people being killed?
He only kills ghouls. Man's gotta eat.
femtoneki soon
Because he's a hypocrite.
He was a hypocritical murderer and spineless cuck, just like his """father""" figure
t. buttmad tokyocuck
Fuck off
Because ghouls are natural killers. Did we read the same manga?
I want to FUCK Saiko
Marley propaganda
Fuck this shit, Ishida literally ruin all the good character, especially ETO
Kaneki is a manic hypocrite. This nigga proclaimed that he only cared about his friends and that most humans and ghouls are shit people(based), but somehow he still freed everyone from Cochlea, even though most ghouls there are the biggest psycho pieces of shit in existence.
+ 90 of the fucking problems could have been solved if people only talked for 5 seconds.
Cuckneki should have gotten his "le epic death" so every other character could develop from it.
t. Amonfag
Implying that even if that was true it wouldn't be kino.
>Implying that even if that was true it wouldn't be kino.
That's not the point, really. It's a slap on the face of shitren fags, if anything. What with Shitren's "i is be FREE" bit.
He never actually gave a shit about ghouls and thought most of them were murderous monsters even when he was the OEK. I'm pretty sure there was a panel where takizawa called Kaneki on his shit and pointed out that Kaneki doesn't even care about ruling over ghouls as the OEK.
Because late game Kaneki was a poorly written character.
Killed many in the original to develop the Kakuja.
Killed a many more as Haise and Black Reaper.
Probably culled a lot of them as Dragon (among many other living organisms that just so happened to be in his path).
That's just in theory.
Decapitate a puppy and a person in front of someone and they're bound to puke their guts out and shit just about the rest of their insides all the same.
Puppies are cute... and small. They remind us of kids; innocence and all that jazz.
>all that jazz
Based digits!
It would have been a lot more interesting if Ishiggy had decided to focus on Aogiri and their slow downfall after the Tsukiyama Extermination instead of hamfisting that timeskip and introducing his litteral who tier Qs.
Because Ghouls are serial killers who need to kill 1 human a month for as long as they live. Most of them kill more than 1
In short, Ishida is a hack.
>hey Ishida sensei, why did your manga go to absolute shit
>well...actually...because I got bored of it
The virgin(not after chap 125) Eyed king VS the chad jaegerist leader
>well...actually...because I got bored of it
That look like an answer from furuta
Didn't he start behaving more like a virgin after 125?
Furuta got it from Rize.
>wake up
>see this
What do?
Time for breakfast.
>Finally, some good fucking food.
cool reply newfag
Have another then.
You have only 2 possible outcome:
>became her lunch/dinner
>became her sexual slave who have to impregnate her in order to create a stronger ghoul-human hybrid who will rule over the ghouls.
>not both
In the books, it says he killed and ate a bunch of ghouls he deemed to be "bad".
>and then you actually wake up for real
part 3 in 2021
Because ghouls are shit and everyone knows it, including ghouls themselves.
Who would've guest that these two would've ended up fucking the series over with their asspull powerups and retarded edge nonsense?
pixiv net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag_full&word=エト&order=date_d&mode=r18
>eto gets 10 times more fanarts after the series ends
Why did nips got rcpilled so late?
you need login
its not far bros
I'm so pissed at Mutsuki, she had an amazing character arc with coming to terms with her psychopathy but got talk no jutsu'd.
sure isn't
My wife Saiko
that hairu retard
you're both wrong, its eto
Stay mad erencucks
>when you enjoy the simplified anime adaptation of the second half of tg:re then the actual trainwreck of the manga
Anyone getting ishida's game for the switch when it comes out in 2020?
Switch is based loser
Switch is shit
because he was a massive fucking hypocrite who continually lied to himself throughout the entirety of the manga
I miss the threads, tgbros ;_;
Has :Re already gotten an anime adaptation? I know it was anounced at one point
Should I read/watch Tokyo Ghoul?
I heard that anime was shit, but manga is alright. Should I even bother with it?
off yourself
Tokyo ghoul is great. Tokyo ghoul re is trash and makes in restrospect tokyo ghoul trash as well. So no, read better manga, like houseki no kuni, chainsawman or shingeki no kyojin
What said. If you do it you're in for a wild ride that'll end in a crash.
Are you keeping up with the viz translation of the manga?