Does Yea Forums like Log Horizon?
Does Yea Forums like Log Horizon?
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Unwatchable piece of shit.
It's one of my favorite anime
>Yea Forums is one person
yes and don't let other Yea Forumsyers say otherwise.
Fuck off Nazi!!!
More like legend of WHORRA amirite guys...guys?
Multiple people in one body.
I liked it for the most part. Characters were cool and the plot was interesting, but it had a very slow pace desu.
>Jewtube e-celebs
we are a hivemind
We're all just computer simulations anyway
Go back to newfag
I like him
s2 was a bit bad desu
Yes even if the humor got kinda shitty repetitive at times.
if this is an eceleb thread, hes one of the few ytbers I find funny
What are the others?
>if this is an eceleb thread, hes one of the few ytbers I find funny
I love Akatsuki-chan!
Collective consciousness
Dont listen to this user. Hes a 16 year old underage idiot. Yea Forums isnt one person.
Boy howdy do I hate niggers
I thought both raids were fun. I miss MMOs
Best girl is the princess
One of my favourite threads was the one were Mamare came here to shitpost abousthis imouto.
sudoku asap
There are two (2) people on Yea Forums, me and the guy im talking to. this is a fact
It's great when it focuses on Shiroe. And only alright when it doesn't.
S3 never.
Henrietta is also great.
[Sseth and RLM/spoiler]
Yes, I like the autistic level of detail
sseth good rlm meh
Can't think of many. Maybe ralphthemoviemaker.
Fuck the alt-right
Ok user calm down
>being so autistic you are literally incapable of comprehending what a "collective" is.
No fuck nips for selling license to shitpress
Always got bored of it before I could finish it.
It's just not very good.
Isuzu makes my counteraction rise, if you know what I’m saying
Yea Forums is an unique entity. You should know this by now.
hivr mind
Somehow I've missed this whole thing, I googled it and I saw what it was about but I didn't find what he'd actually written about her, does anybody have it?
Season one was alright, never got to watch the second one because everyone says it's bad.
Slow pacing was sometimes unpleasant, but what annoyed me the most is that loli craving for Shirou's dick, not Akatsuki but the other one with a brother(?) I think?
Every time she was on screen with MC I couldn't wait for her to fuck off somewhere.
God, remembering her also brought back memories of Hataraku Maou that also got ruined by a fastfood loli but this time with some oppai.
I want this guy to review more shit. His voice is enticing.
Remember Yea Forums, it is okay to punch nazis.
BTW, you’re a Nazi now.
How is the English release so far guys? Did it already catch up to the Japanese release?
I miss moe-sensei.
What in the fuck are you talking about?
Both wrong
am I missing something here?, why are we talking about fucking natsoc and youtube e-celebs
I used Dr Oetker ingredients for a cake.
I seem to have lost the image, but it was something about his sister getting mad at him and hiding one of his shoes.
Here you have a transcript of the entire thing:
>filtered idiot
that is a ecelebs avatar
OP is trying to make an disguised eceleb thread because they get banned
All i know is that It went shit real fast.
I like s1.
Isn't that the villain from sailor moon s?
Is he an anime eceleb?
Second season is Garbage, first season was good all the way until they defeat the goblin King.
>a bit
It was a severe downgrade in every way possible.
Shiroe from Log Horizon. Probably inspired from Sailor moon since the author loves Ikuhara.
First season was ok. Second season was utter garbage.
I want to stick it in Minori's butt
Give me fucking season 3. There is almost enough to make 12 episodes. Even that would be better than nothing!
What happens after the point S2 ended?
I liked the whole "Pure darkness with eyes & mouth visible) when Sailor Moon did it.
She is the best after all
Yes, and its not even a guilty pleasure.
>cool is a sailor moon thread!
>people calling nazis at each other
im so confused
Reminder that "not as entertaining as s1 by virtue of focusing on uninteresting subplots and secondary characters" does not translate as "bad".
Thanks, mate
Ironic vonsidering how based he is
no it's shit
internet historian
Log Horizon I get, but why use a background from fucking Kampfer of all things?
It's okay.
Leaving the hard libertarian ideas of the writer at the door it was actually very good at showing the slow evolution of life after getting Isekia'd. Shit like SSO skipped a lot of the nitty gritty of that idea that whole group came to new area with no real clue how to live there.
The slow build of we are in our game so we can do what we want, we live here so we act like human beings, this isn't the game but a place like the game so we need to better people than we where before, was done in a believable way with the population almost entirely consisting of people that had an extremely warped world view from life on earth.
I wish we got to learn more about the Ayylmao's and their bullshit or the faction of evil players but even Al Capon couldn't outrun the IRS.
a no from me, but dont associate me with the rest of these retards
I liked the first season.
I've never got how to solve these games.
Each row, column, and group consists of the numbers 1-9. And you cannot have the same number appear twice.
>t. Raiden
It's cringe, really big cringe.
But Akatsuki is super cute.
>he thinks this is E;R
your new is showing
>hard libertarian ideas of the writer
Sounds fucking based
we are many, but we are one.
No, it better to neck commies.
Yes, but I'm the original. The rest are the clones.
Once upon a time, I did.
I don't understand how it mishandled things so badly. It's not that it got absurd or anything, it got BORING. Only "isekai" that I genuinely enjoyed, though. It was really interesting how they slowly integrated into the world and such.
This is why you pay your taxes user.
Pls be quiet
Fuck off E;R
The most boring show I have ever watched.