Also LOGH thread. Gonna dump what reaction images I have. For a thread opening question, is Oberstein the real hero of the series?

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LOGH is great.

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Yes it is. Is DNT even worth giving the time of day?

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I watched 4 eps of DNT and then dropped it, totally underwhelming.

Sounds about right. Disappointing, but not unexpected.

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I find it hilarious that this is the only show which made me feel like shit when Yang died AND THEN it made me feel even fucking worse when I saw everyone's reaction to it in the show, especially Frederica and Poplan.

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I knew it was coming because it got spoiled for me, but it still hits like a damn brick.

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Over a decade later, I made it thirty five episodes in.

Laughable facial expressions, already bad animation then reused constantly, criminally inconsistent character art styles, fine OST edited awfully, off sync sound design, blisteringly bland directing.

I tried, but I failed. I just can't finish it for the life of me. But the other day I noticed VIZ has officailly published the final volume of the novels, and I bought them all at once.

It's happening.

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I understand your issues with the production, and am happy you get to experience the story in a way you're more comfortable with, user!

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>this picture
Fake and straight.

Oberstein is the real hero, because he saved domocracy

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Oberstein appreciation thread

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best couple

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Hey now, Bittenfeld is one of if not the most enjoyable Admirals in the empire. He has a specific purpose and does it well, and a great personality to watch.

Being funny is one way of being enjoyable, user

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Who's this guy? I saw some libtard commie trash using him as an avatar.

>mfw marathoned LoGH in a week back in university, just watching episodes whenever I had time

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Same here,it was just before the exams too,but i went fuck it.


dat reinhard singing

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Are you an adult, Yea Forums?

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i'm gonna have
a real good time

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I didn't cry when he died, but I did cry in the following episode when everyone else was just trying to cope with it.

I never got distracted by anything on the production side of things personally, but I'm glad you were at least interested enough to check out the novels, I wasn't even aware that they were being published in english at all, let alone just finished doing so. Enjoy!

Lurk more newfag.

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I want Reinhard to fuck me bros

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By that metric, I'm the best adult.

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i'm not going to watch this boomer shit, gramps

they made a version for the zoomzooms

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.01_[2018. (1920x1080, 128K)

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.54_[2018. (1920x1080, 175K)


RIP in pieces, Jesus.

Attached: Yang Wen-Li is Jesus.png (540x504, 135K)

>stupidity and capriciousness
Where were you when the Italians BTFO the French and Spanish translators?

Attached: LoGH - Foppery and Whim.jpg (1280x1920, 551K)

Here's how it went down in Oberstein's head.

Attached: he finna boutta get cute.jpg (640x2400, 385K)

If you were disappointed by the anime then you're going to be disappointed by the novels as well. Their translation ranges from sub-par to outright bad and the anime is superior in terms of storytelling.


have a cute kaiser

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I know Yea Forums disagrees but localization in the subs gave old anime a lot of charm..

I don't remember this part.


Looks good.

Of course. LoGH is art.

Attached: Yang is art.jpg (827x1169, 226K)