What are anime that has timeskips and characters growing up?

What are anime that has timeskips and characters growing up?

I really like the trope.

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Usagi Drop



I liked that anime where OP lurked more. Of course, it is merely a fictional tale.


I fucking hate what the author did to Nitta

how did waver grow up to be so tall when he was already 17 or 18 in zero

Magic, ain't gonna explain shit

puberty doesn't really end until you're 21

he did nothing at all

>have magic
>stay a manlet
literally why?

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But it gets kinda shitty soon after.

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Very few anime/manga have actually done it well

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iskandar dickings gave him the push he needed

Iskander(aka gigachad) semen


Hikaru no Go

Constant mana exchange during his HGW


Seeing Nanoha grow up and become a mother was really comfy but I still hate them for completely skipping the teenage years

SnK, but you have to wait the next season

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Vinnulandu saga.

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>Stopped growing at 17.
Heh, third worlder

Land of the Lustrous

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except the timeskip also takes away any enjoyment from the manga :(

Filtered ;)

Unironically this.

Some men don't stop growing until 25.


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this along with OP is good examples of time skip, If only more time skip is like this instead of
>I'm the same but stronger

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He was 19

Shinsekai Yori

Fucking hell
Two first posts and its literally the worst examples you could come up with

thats me btw

That was the most retarded thing.

>End series with a timeskip
>Release a teaser for the next season
>Timeskip again before season starts

I grew 7cm when I was 20

Dragon ball franchise

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