Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu

Volume 6 raw is out, and there while there were some art changes, some of the most important ones didn't happen. Why doesn't the artist want to show more of Mio's and Tomoe's bodies?

Attached: 0001.jpg (1143x1618, 536K)

I haven't checked much of the volume, but there were a few changes I noticed. This was an original page.

Attached: 05.jpg (1080x1536, 388K)

The updated version.

Attached: 0063.jpg (1143x1618, 668K)


Attached: 07.jpg (1080x1536, 412K)


Attached: 0065.jpg (1143x1618, 729K)

Why aren't the manga pages in black&white?
This red hue is weird, and it just needlessly bloats the files.


I think this was a scanned version instead of digital, and whoever did it didn't bother to make only color pages in color.

Attached: 12.jpg (1080x1536, 505K)


Attached: 0070.jpg (1143x1618, 884K)


Attached: 05.jpg (1080x1536, 361K)


Attached: 0117.jpg (1143x1618, 685K)