Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu

Volume 6 raw is out, and there while there were some art changes, some of the most important ones didn't happen. Why doesn't the artist want to show more of Mio's and Tomoe's bodies?

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I haven't checked much of the volume, but there were a few changes I noticed. This was an original page.

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The updated version.

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Why aren't the manga pages in black&white?
This red hue is weird, and it just needlessly bloats the files.


I think this was a scanned version instead of digital, and whoever did it didn't bother to make only color pages in color.

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I think I agree with most of the changes. Though I find the middle panel in the first comparison to be awkward either way.

What are the changes? I don't notice anything at all.

Open the images in different tabs and then switch between them. (or download and go from one to the next that way)

Some seem good for both, just different, although there are probably fixes for things that I couldn't tell were a problem. The first one just didn't fix the biggest problems, which was the placement of things that should have been moved out of the way here.

Why does they give him such a normal luck? In the canon he has a goblin face.


His face is normal, that world just has such high beauty standards that normal is ugly to them.

But monsters in that world still have the same look at in other fantasies. If he had looked any different they would have noticed. But I remember in one chapter his hyuman friends thought his face look the same as a goblin/kobold.

>And /pol/ thinks that black people look like gorillas.
Really? I don't go there.

I shouldn't have said that. This can only derail the thread.

Is this the thread?

Not until someone posts it.

You know what you did, and you did it on purpose, user.

No idea, i havent found the thread for the last 4 days.

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Is there any art of his mother?

>insignificant changes

Then again I'm no artisticfag, so maybe I'll never know.

But the tankubon.

There are also some minor changes in the text, with occasional text bubble size changes. I can't tell if it's just making it simpler to read.

More nudity would have helped encourage that too.

I don't remember seeing any. I think the first chance we should have is when he starts looking for people who recognize his parents.

>secret psychopath
What makes him one anyway? Killing someone who tried to kill him certainly doesn't. It's self-defense.

I just want to see his thot mother and his cuck father. Imagine the doujin when this gets an anime.

secret psychopath, as in it's literally in his (cursed) blood/genes.

It's been too long since reading the WN, but it's more about his reasoning and that his behavior is more an act that he also believes. He kills for more than just self-defense later.

I'd expect any anime to be so rushed that very few would be interested in making the doujin it needs, and it would use the LN designs.

Huh? I thought both of his parents are normal hyumans?

That's not how it works

They are. The most that could be revealed is his mother cheated again, and his father is actually a normal human or something else that lived on Earth. There was that unknown healer.

It's isekai. I ain't gotta explain shit.

>his mother cheated again
>this time it's some sort of elder god
>that's why he healed him
>also why his nature is that of an eldritch abomination

When there is that other future enemy that gave the other heroes additional power, that elder god could be related. The normal gods didn't seem to know about everything that would be expected.

>his mother cheated
Wait what?
I though his family was "normal"?
Beside being hyumans
Did she cheated for his sisters too?

Probably a typical faceless fat old man. Maybe even her husband's boss, which explains how he could keep his job despite having no skill nor education. The doujin just keeps writing itself.

We don't know she cheated, but Makoto is the only one of their children that doesn't look beautiful. There was an explanation given for his health being worse which may be related to his appearance, but it wouldn't surprise me if his mother cheated again.

His mother cheated with a literal demon but his dad still accepted her after the dude dumped her. And Makoto is too ugly compared to his sisters, indicating that they may come from different fathers.

>his mother cheated with a literal demon
Fucking whore

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so he still a virgin in good old japanese custom?

Demons are like angels, just sexier.

Yes. After the first interrupted attempt to lose his virginity with prostitutes he isn't even shown to try it again when offered free use later. He would have given it to Mio before that. Now it's just the author not writing anything.

Also his inner power that exists before isekai, his nightmarish true self that maddens those who see it and his alien psyche, all are hints that he is anything but human.

yes, the three war gods cockblocked him til the bad ends went away

Those bad ends would also result in him losing the ones who helped him lose his virginity. The good one is him losing it and then a very long time helping others lose their virginity.

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I hope the manga adds more partially dressed Tomoe and Mio. They need to be shown trying to tempt Makoto more, since the WN hardly mentions anything that would be expected. I still don't know how the onsen is going to be drawn if their breasts have to stay covered.

Would certainly foreshadow Tomoe's want of a hundred children with Makoto.

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I think the chapter where they interrupted Makoto's attempt to lose his virginity had an auhthor's note about how progress would be slow. Slow was fine, but not the lack of small events that would show there was progress. There were a few bigger ones like Mio asking for sex as a reward or the onsen being built, but those weren't nearly enough when they badly wanted Makoto out of his clothes and in theirs.
I also just checked the W again, and the water they bathed in together was almost transparent, so Makoto could clearly see their breasts floating. The towel Mio uses will probably cover too much later.
>The figure of Mio holding her towel as she leaves the hot spring was projected in my eyes.
>I unconsciously let out a dumbfounded voice.
>Because I was hit directly by it, it can’t be helped.
>The body of Mio that was wet by the hot spring water…
>There’s no day where I have cursed my eyesight -that had recovered when I arrived in this parallel world- as much as today.
>Thinking this was bad, my retreating back felt a soft sensation.
>“Are you okay, Waka?”
>It was Tomoe.

I wonder what events it will take for Makoto to trust Tamaki enough and only keep her hidden as a surprise for the goddess, not because he doesn't trust her getting out. She needs a chance to give Tomoe more of Makoto's children too.

Tamaki is threatening to go full genocide at the smallest provocation, so until she reigns that in, I guess.

It wouldn't take much for Mio to do that either given the right conditions. I think they just need to know her motives, which probably include some grudge against a god in particular or that she was always used by gods.

Not enough. Needs to happen earlier in the story since those events are further on in the WN.

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