
After watching the series 3 times i think i get it completely. However, there's one thing i still don't get, how did Yoshii get his Texhnolyze arm if he was from the surface where they would not function without the obelisk? He didn't have those arm band things the Doc put on Ichise

Attached: t_yoshii.jpg (640x352, 19K)

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Yoshii was never Texhnolyzed. He says as much when he clobbers the two Rakan punks who try to steal his stuff.

is this not a texhnolyzed arm?

Attached: Screenshot (48).png (1710x934, 691K)

>After watching the series 3 times i think i get it completely
Are you baiting? I watched the series last Saturday and Sunday from start to finish on 1.9x and 2.5x in VLC and I understood everything on the first try. There really isn't any "hidden symbolism", what they're trying to say is literally screaming at you and explained explicitly.


I watched it on 2.0x the 2nd time.

For me, normal time was too fast. I watched two eps on 0.5x then dropped it for My Hero Academia.

>There really isn't any "hidden symbolism", what they're trying to say is literally screaming at you and explained explicitly
Oh yeah? Then explain the ghosts.

They just be ghostin and shit.

Reminder that the series is a literal dream

Laziest interpretation possible for anything.

It's either technological advancement, similar to what Masami Eri wanted in Serial Experiments Lain, or they are just metaphorically ghost people.

The point is that they're the spiritually dead people who got rid of all the underclasses and inferior genes, so this is the suggested endgame of a perfect society without crime and you-know-who's influence.

It wasn't a dream, the subhumans of Lux really went extinct (thankfully).

I wish that it wasn't something so canonically lazy as it being all a dream, but it is. Everything you see is around because Kano's dreaming, complete with the illegible text throughout. Him dying shortly coinciding with humanity becoming extinct is just what happens how you wake up shortly after you die in a dream.

You know, I could make Texnolyze easily a 10/10 if I was the anime director and a producer with 150% of the series' budget.

I could easily re-cut the entire thing to two 90 minute anime movies. One for the Yoshyoshyoshyoshyoshyooosh part and one for Kano.


I made a collection of the best scenes from Texhnolyze in one album when I watched the anime this weekend.

Please check it out:

He was actually gay. Like it's literally suggested multiple times.

What about the old theonormal man who talked to Ichise? He also had mechanic legs. But I think the main point texhnolyze tech was created by doc and only worked in Lux. Yoshii and old man were from above. Just think about it like Android vs Apple.

Damn, that's really nice user.

Because he is a strong and competent man who needs no woman and he is brave for surviving two rapes.

Regular cyborg enhancements. Doesn't really matter. Would maybe explain why Yoshii was better than the Texhnolyzed losers despite being a karoshi office worker.

Hmmm yeah I guess that makes sense. He was most affectionate towards that Twink who was raped by his dad.

Twink was his bro, that were his last words. Doc and mafia woman just used Ichise like he owe them.

Bump for secretary, she deserved better and still can’t understand how she ended like that.

Not a lot of hot girls around.

No. He mentions having to power it somehow. Texnolyze limbs are a very specific thing that are made of dead people and allow you to talk to the spooky obelisk.

Oregano >> Union >>> Rakan

onishi was literally contributing to humanity's extinction though

That's good.

who in this series wasnt though? I always saw texhnolyze as a cautionary tale

Blessed post.

Doc, maybe? It's not her fault the Class went full retard and rejected her new prototype for Kano's insanity.

>I always saw texhnolyze as a cautionary tale
thats why i call texhnolyze "optimistic nihilism". Pessimistic nihilism like Yoshii is rejected by the series and instead it gives you a story which shows by example the direction humanity shouldnt go down

>so this is the suggested endgame of a perfect society without crime and you-know-who's influence.
The series actively chastises them for giving up on preventing humanity's extinction, presenting them as lazy and just waiting for the end. Thats why Ichise leaves them and goes back down because he becomes an active person with a purpose

i guess she was the only truly good persona in the series

Gabe would be better if they weren't too blinded by muh oracle.

>good persona
She just wanted to achieve her personal goals, with no idea of the consequences of those. She was a entitled bitch, extremely smart and a genius, but still totally detached from human bonds.

but her personal goals was to evolve humanity to save it from extinction

Wtf this show has nipples?

>2003 + 16
>still hasn't watched texhnolyze
your missing out user, 10/10 show highly reccomend

Nah, it's 8/10 and Lain is 9/10.

Fuck off and die.

both are 10s to me. the whole Abe trilogy are 10s haibanne renmei is the weakest for me tho while still being great

The only true 10/10 anime is Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
