You just need to confuse her by showing more of your sassy side, Shinji

>You just need to confuse her by showing more of your sassy side, Shinji

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did it work?

>>You just need to confuse her by showing more of your sassy side, Shinji

Why are we talking about irrelevant characters as Misato and Stupidshinji ? Everybody knows Pen Pen is the main character of Evangelion. He's the coolest character of them all.

Based and Penpilled

What if Shinji impregnated Misato?

>What if Shinji impregnated Misato?

Kaworu would get jealous.

More likely Asuka and Rei would get jealous. Kaworu would be just happy if Shinji would be happy. Question is more what would Misato say about her situation.

What if shinji and eva 01 kissed at the terminal dogma

Kaji would fucking neck himself. Imagine being cucked by a schoolboy.

Gendo would scream

>tfw no misato mommy gf
kaji was so lucky

That's why a gorillion fan works have Shinji responding differently to Kaji's "is she still wild in bed" question on the aircraft carrier.

He's too much of a little bitch.
Had the chance to fuck her, but turned her down. Pathetic.

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Guys I've read that Shinji is trans, is that true?

>used goods
no thanks

Take your pick

Used goods
Damaged goods
Counterfeit Goods


Attached: f_0547.jpg (736x540, 38K)

>used goods
>implying that would stop any 14 year old virgin who's not a faggot

Attached: 15509843530.jpg (250x250, 14K)

>Counterfeit Goods

Fucking cuq was depressed because the girl he loved exploded lol


I understand. I would/will turn down sex no matter what.

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So he'd rather wallow like a fag in despair, instead of taking his mind off of it for a while by melting in Misatos sweet juicy vagina?

Meh, I'd hit it