Does Yea Forums like Galaxy Angel?

Does Yea Forums like Galaxy Angel?

It is a classic 2000s anime produced by Broccoli, now famous for their stores in Japan called "Gamers"

If you aren't familiar, Galaxy Angel is a sci-fi comedy about a bunch of psychotic, traitorous, two faced, fake old hags working together in the "Angel Brigade", a branch of the military, who go around being crazy bitches and getting into absurd and wacky situations that only 2000s anime could provide.

Please discuss Galaxy Angel or even other Broccoli anime in this thread. Are there even more than a handful of people on this board old/knowledgeable enough to know about Broccoli on this board nowadays?

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Galaxy Angel wasn't born as an Anime though.

I played the first game. Vanilla and Mint are very cute.

I love them. The angel-tai has a special place in my heart. Except rune

I didn't say it was. This is the anime board though, and I happened to remember the anime out of nowhere hence this thread. I feel like most of Yea Forums hasn't heard of it.

Is there any god-like non-omnipotent character that can defeat Milfuelle?

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Galaxy Angel Anime was born from Broccoli getting the character portraits and names but no other information so they had full free reign to create whatever they wanted.

I almost watched this because of amv hell 3

It produced a top tier class of seiyuu new comers. Miyuki Sawashro, Yukari Tamura, Ryoko Shinitani, Mika Kanai and Saori Goto

She is the best.

Why didn't you?

The games and anime and stores Broccoli were/are associated with and created are important parts of anime history.

It's one of those shows I have on-going but on a low heat. I guess I watch one episode every week or two. Here's a picture of the Best Girl.

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>tfw very few people actually played the games.

There's been an english patch released for years, why isn't it well-known?

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At last, revenge!

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Imagine if Galaxy Angel comes out in current times, it will be just Takuto and his harem.

that rice cooker looks so familiar

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Maybe because the first game is a pain in the ass to run in anything that isn't XP.

You're mistaken.
Madhouse was given the character sheets while Broccoli delayed the game's release due to complications.
I remember years ago making weekly threads about convincing people to play the games. I think it was pretty successful because I got one person to try out the 2nd series of games, which were significantly better than what the shitty rune anime would suggest

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Well thank goodness it didn't, the manga was my least favorite medium of the series.

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>No true harem ending in the game
Shame. They could've added it in the expansion version.

Did you know Kanan still draws the GA cast on her twitter?

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Have you preordered the Mint figure that comes out in November?

Thanks for reminding me. I hope its success brings figures for the others. I'd kill for a scale for Ranpha and Vanilla

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I'll take this chance to also apologize for fucking up seeding the 10 gig GA music torrent.

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of course, its my all time favourite anime and forever will be. no contest. i wish ga would have gone forever.

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oh and btw, there is a new mint blanchmanche figurine out and very recently. i bought one and you should too.

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Vanilla was one of my first anime crushes, she is really adorable.
It's been so long ;_;.

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Vanilla by the anime itself always creeped me out.
It wasn't until the games she annihilated my heart and completely veered me off course from my initial Ranpha route choice.

Finally got around to watching it recently and I loved it. Trying to play the games now, but compatibility issues are a bitch.

I love mint and I want more characters like her, but I'm struggling to figure out what her archetype is. Loli ojou-sama?

>compatibility issues
Last I heard, you need to download the patch from the game's site and not bother trying to window-mode it

Tried both, but there's some issue with old versions of directx that makes some animations render ridiculously slowly. I'm working through it by constantly alt tabbing out of focus because it runs smoothly in the background.

No but I am tempted.

This is Forte Stollen. The leader of the Angel Squadron and a cool and mature woman.

Say something nice to her!

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Hey, your great, keep up the good work.

>Say something nice to her!
People still do this?

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Literally never heard of any of these people except Sawashiro

Yukari Tamura = Nanoha

If I were a 10 yo girl or gay maybe I would have watched Nanoha.

She's also voiced Tenten (Naruto) and the main girl from B Gata H kei

She was that angel bitch in NGNL

somebody said it was like milky holmes, how true is that

Milkey Holmes' anime's absurdist humor was the reason it was called the spiritual successor to GA's anime.
Funnily enough, both series' anime has little to do with its relatively serious game counterparts.

right i'll download it now then
gotta finish watching excel saga first tho, since that's what i'm currently watching

Just know that the real crazy shit doesn't really start until Season 3, but the episodes are basically 15 minutes long anyway. Season 1 is relatively light-hearted and the artstyle's softness adds to its comfortable atmosphere.

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i'm kind of concerned there is only that dodgy looking chinese torrent with seeds but i'll give it a shot anyway

>except Rune
You take that back.

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That chinese one is the BD rip with classic yellow subs, use it at your own discretion. The first two seasons were subbed by some anons years back. Zura subs is the one you're looking for. You might have to struggle with some lesser quality subs regarding Season 3 though since BD rips haven't been subbed on those yet

The anime was shit, the formula for comedy gets stale when one joke is taken too far, in this case, one lame joke for 30 whole minutes instead of the first GA series' 15 minute crunch time that makes the jokes fresh and constant.
Rune's games were miles better than the anime. I will admit, the opening and ending themes were nice though.

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There should be some DVD-rips from a while back. Unless BakaBT dying made those obsolete

look i don't have much to work with here, season 3 and 4 are only in that batch

i can only access nyaa like a common pleb

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Shit, and I stopped seeding for the series after I had to move shit from my computer. Looks like that's what you're stuck with for now. I might have to go upload Season 3 and 4 on MEGA or something but I'm already hosting all 6 games on that

I did the second I saw it. Proportions aren't perfect but it's cute and the only GA merch to come out in a while.

it's fine i can tolerate yellow subs, i mean i've stuck with excel saga and those subs are fucking abysmal, they look really aliased in my player

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Fucking summer

Ah shit, my eyes

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i hate it but there is no other choice