ITT: We post our anime reaction images

ITT: We post our anime reaction images

Attached: 1449441893576.png (250x250, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 474838262.jpg (313x234, 55K)

Attached: 15542169933.png (500x504, 410K)

Attached: 1557036154842.png (1280x720, 1.29M)

Attached: 1562692743955.png (188x181, 29K)

Attached: c6b13138a5b15a0c3df4d3bd8075a9f9.jpg (235x275, 15K)

This is now a King Crimson reaction thread!

Attached: Its.png (126x169, 36K)

Can I commit jisatsu now?

Attached: 1554777081696.jpg (639x719, 53K)

Attached: 15627328790.jpg (1013x923, 109K)


Attached: 1528040007327.png (657x527, 138K)

Attached: 1507551726538.jpg (579x436, 36K)

Behold. Most likely the only animu reaction image you'll ever need.

Attached: 581ee0864fdae32ab5cf7febea112c0f52b6e4d9_00.jpg (512x288, 20K)

Attached: jolyne oh.jpg (200x200, 8K)

Attached: chen.jpg (247x165, 20K)

Attached: 1274772838687.png (514x514, 274K)

Man I wish I were a table

Attached: 1555792051566.png (308x321, 53K)

Attached: 1548691727675.png (503x373, 99K)

Attached: 1480840675124.png (1194x1194, 116K)

Attached: 1544630032155.png (368x319, 126K)

Attached: # (4).jpg (1920x1080, 345K)

Attached: 1547036885491.png (1420x893, 268K)

I rove Konata

Attached: 607cfaaf.jpg (704x400, 37K)

Attached: yuno3.png (756x658, 596K)

Attached: crusty_slasher_smile.gif (640x360, 2.78M)

Attached: 1460040292973.gif (500x281, 364K)

Attached: 1560976887749.jpg (262x206, 12K)

I know, it's manga.
Go fuck yourself.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (172x233, 32K)

>girl reactions
>muh meme culture
>muh smugs
Trannies, all of you.

Attached: distressed johnny.jpg (750x1217, 240K)

Attached: 1558274192991.jpg (704x396, 25K)

Do you not like girls, faggot? Women are more expressive than men so its only logical that there would be more reaction images that includes cute girls. I bet your a man that smiles often. Go suck a dick.

Attached: 1557788476397.jpg (1280x881, 296K)

Attached: AAAAAAUUUUUUGGHHH.jpg (310x239, 21K)

Attached: 1426727528842.png (455x364, 117K)

Attached: 1558855885764.png (1366x768, 800K)

Liking girls and acting like them are two different things, seething tranny.

Attached: akari.jpg (599x639, 224K)

Attached: 1561767763687.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

Attached: sip (6).png (404x435, 376K)


Attached: 1556520138552.jpg (1080x1080, 514K)

Attached: 1458264063576.png (640x480, 256K)

>I only post manly reaction images for manly men such as myself
>as you can see from this jojo picture

Attached: 1542811648515.png (780x720, 162K)

Attached: better than mcdonalds.gif (379x440, 140K)

Imagine being so insecure about your manhood. What a waste of trips.

Attached: 1530547441484.jpg (546x547, 63K)

This anime was worth picking up for the reaction images alone.

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_Konohana_Kitan_Ep02_[BD_720P_8Bit]_(1C76EF56).mkv_snapshot_10.35_[2019.07.14_23.08. (1280x720, 830K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.28_[2018.09.02_16.03.34].jpg (1280x720, 309K)

>using "dilate" unironically

Attached: D7061932-65CE-4EED-A744-7403D99AA220.jpg (480x360, 122K)

Attached: Capture.png (399x356, 194K)

>calls other people trannies
>posts gay manga

Attached: 1555791075841.jpg (344x209, 20K)

Attached: 20190515_220223.png (449x460, 236K)

Attached: 1511815471219.jpg (335x369, 35K)

Attached: Nils Holgersson - 02 - Der Ruf der Wildgänse (DivX).avi_snapshot_01.12_[2017.10.25_21.07.16].jpg (576x432, 134K)

Attached: 1551460771170.jpg (322x365, 24K)

now this a comfy animu

Attached: Die-Wunderbare-Reise-Des-Kleinen-Nils-Holgersson-2.jpg (1024x1001, 98K)

where my /dandy/bros at

Attached: 1557120479621.jpg (1001x717, 155K)

Attached: TSUNDERE PERKELE.png (735x582, 12K)

Attached: 1177656778337.jpg (235x262, 16K)

be a good goy and buy a pass

Attached: 1556952600232.jpg (228x208, 38K)

Attached: cobruh.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

>not mieru.jpg

Attached: Kimetsu no Yaiba - c111 (v13) - p092 [mag] [anonymous]_1.png (902x696, 599K)

i cannot be fucked to re title everything i download

Attached: konbeattheshitoutofyou.jpg (755x720, 47K)

Attached: 1562925048685.png (1125x550, 216K)


Attached: 1538677585026.jpg (512x498, 30K)

Attached: 1546502858454.gif (200x300, 994K)

>posting cringe in a thread dedicated to having folders of laughing anime girl pics

Attached: sm.png (388x360, 54K)

Attached: Dd5wBD0UwAAqQPI.jpg (1080x887, 113K)

Tomo may be gone, but we still have her reactions

Attached: 1479531382782.png (188x194, 60K)

Attached: 1563206609833.png (503x414, 143K)


Attached: johnny more like tranny.png (789x960, 837K)

>This thread
All of you

Attached: satanichia.png (1361x810, 1.21M)

Attached: 1563202093373.png (377x300, 52K)

Attached: please kill yourself.png (339x298, 51K)

this user has kino taste

Attached: 1562474868445.jpg (315x315, 35K)

>We post our anime reaction images

Alphabet soup gov agency looking to expand on their cute smug anime girl reaction images?

Attached: 5696BF27-8C79-4C06-91BF-9F7A480D1642.jpg (462x693, 313K)

Attached: consider23.png (2685x2630, 2.94M)

probably my favorite smug image ever

Attached: kumasmug.jpg (480x550, 40K)

Attached: 1533881906776.png (793x770, 465K)

Attached: 1563067842903.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Attached: cat.jpg (820x715, 170K)

Attached: bakame bloodshot.jpg (921x600, 53K)

Attached: iyami phone.jpg (1430x1072, 186K)

Attached: 1FB37D6A-C47A-48F9-ADE1-0767DF3EB469.jpg (998x750, 586K)

Attached: Nyarome think.jpg (1208x902, 136K)

Attached: dekkopachi eating.jpg (824x620, 33K)

Attached: bocchan ochan in bed.png (492x495, 77K)

Attached: gyujiro heart eyes.jpg (960x446, 71K)

Attached: gesupeta bat.jpg (704x815, 71K)

Attached: gon father tense.jpg (750x739, 72K)

Attached: wanpei eyes.png (234x164, 25K)

Attached: Honkan eyes pop.jpg (1379x1031, 134K)

Attached: honkan big eyes.jpg (750x584, 209K)

Attached: dekapan smug.png (363x367, 176K)

Attached: B031D038-10F8-4F08-923F-3BCDEAA7AAD2.jpg (240x281, 24K)

Attached: mean old man looking at.png (241x174, 22K)

Attached: PrecureLook2.png (712x480, 591K)

Attached: gesupeta distorted.png (341x208, 82K)

Attached: babatchi react.png (231x186, 27K)

Attached: noragaki look.jpg (750x612, 35K)

Attached: death angry.jpg (421x488, 18K)

Attached: Oni Keibu giggle.png (128x195, 20K)

Big fan of this one

Attached: 1563004599077.png (295x321, 139K)

Attached: 13B0000C-71DC-4A9D-AF02-6ADD32D149EC.jpg (797x330, 90K)

Attached: treats.jpg (502x471, 56K)

Attached: 1561460501734.png (1000x1000, 242K)

Attached: 1561204521381.jpg (1440x1080, 170K)

Attached: Anime Reaction Image.png (500x500, 16K)

Nice meme but that doesn't make it real.

Attached: 15627284337.jpg (570x621, 63K)

Attached: 1548871397093.png (289x565, 107K)

Medabots was a goldmine

Attached: 1431815773196.png (525x463, 202K)

Attached: cory.png (600x600, 560K)

Attached: ShockAndHorror.png (409x358, 164K)

Attached: 1403727331351.png (256x256, 52K)

Attached: dce.png (570x353, 414K)

Attached: 1555306578900.jpg (275x419, 24K)

>stream screenshot

Attached: c80.png (768x1024, 878K)

“Shrek, Corey in the House, King of Hill, and Bee Movie are all anime XDDD”

“Get it? Because it’s not actually Japanese animation”

This joke has been dead for years


when you bump in this thread, please bump with a reaction image, user

Attached: Amano pointing.jpg (1095x965, 109K)

Attached: Amano drunk pose.jpg (651x723, 50K)

Attached: Amano heh heh heh.png (221x168, 16K)

Attached: 1557848769312.jpg (330x310, 53K)

Attached: 1556927871126.png (1280x720, 671K)

Attached: 1557502175303.png (545x724, 378K)

Attached: ;(.png (500x510, 268K)

Attached: ew.png (1311x1080, 1.34M)

Attached: skeptikal yui.png (428x850, 238K)

Attached: Butamatsu lovey.jpg (870x904, 126K)

Attached: 09. New Club Member!.mkv_snapshot_09.13_[2018.12.16_18.25.44].png (387x500, 151K)

Attached: butamatsu face close up.png (382x389, 73K)

Attached: nervous yui.png (686x1005, 1.04M)

Attached: 1562130474794.png (762x766, 476K)


Attached: Screenshot (872).png (913x918, 684K)

Attached: Butamatsu think.jpg (573x867, 69K)

Attached: 1463365248135.jpg (500x375, 38K)

Attached: what.png (128x105, 19K)

Attached: butamatsu surprised.jpg (826x612, 75K)

Attached: 05. Advisor!.mkv_snapshot_07.13_[2018.12.29_00.43.48].png (785x1025, 554K)

Attached: YKKReaction.png (673x768, 249K)

i recognize that buldge from kengan asura

Attached: E31D26EC-E8EB-49D4-8E18-D97021B175CB.jpg (447x221, 55K)

Attached: Screenshot (996).png (217x281, 71K)

Attached: d-d-dubs!.png (367x351, 142K)

anyone have any other carl reactions? I want to get a folder going.

Attached: 1508540343943.jpg (720x405, 17K)

Attached: I see you're a keionbu of culture as well.png (402x617, 301K)

Attached: EE313D63-A86D-409C-AB04-6BC166244B16.jpg (1400x1400, 176K)

Attached: Butamatsu hulking.png (1011x1007, 703K)

Attached: grr.png (411x325, 142K)

Attached: 2019-03-03 19-36-12.mp4_snapshot_00.06_[2019.03.15_23.42.18].png (411x562, 190K)

Attached: butamatsu face.png (230x272, 92K)

Attached: are you well.png (843x842, 408K)

Attached: butamatsu pose.png (504x412, 309K)

>posts the same stupid face of Yui a hundred times.

Attached: 09. New Club Member!.mkv_snapshot_19.32_[2018.12.27_15.43.09].png (1805x1080, 1.42M)

Attached: K-ONYuiSweat.gif (565x450, 342K)

Attached: Butamatsu heart eyes.jpg (1074x908, 121K)


Attached: 04. Training Camp!.mkv_snapshot_06.08_[2018.12.21_20.17.58].png (480x480, 171K)

I'll share a couple of faces I screencapped

Attached: mpv-shot0029.jpg (654x720, 166K)

Attached: mpv-shot0017.jpg (960x720, 112K)

Attached: 09. New Club Member!.mkv_snapshot_02.46_[2018.12.16_18.10.31].png (376x480, 199K)

Attached: mpv-shot0038.jpg (287x353, 54K)

Attached: akikan rapeface.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

Attached: 1558488285623.png (2500x1080, 810K)

And that's all I'm willing to share from my sacred archive.

Attached: mpv-shot0004a.jpg (392x350, 45K)

Attached: butamatsu dab.png (557x417, 381K)

Attached: 1537294578518.jpg (708x663, 58K)

Attached: ah.png (250x240, 40K)

Attached: butamatsu sword.jpg (650x483, 44K)

Attached: 1541385755204.png (731x557, 270K)

Attached: PTEUnsophisticated.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Attached: 1552420793409.jpg (464x464, 156K)

Attached: butamatsu akanbe.jpg (1136x1078, 139K)

Attached: 1506658129841.jpg (392x296, 17K)

Attached: yuii.gif (500x451, 1.13M)

Attached: evil plot.png (416x529, 203K)

Attached: Gyate_9.png (279x248, 61K)

Attached: chrome_kBF2gqlv2h.png (1166x895, 1.41M)

Attached: Butamatsu mad.jpg (1207x895, 147K)

Attached: 3DisPD.png (1440x900, 875K)

Attached: 02. Instruments!.mkv_snapshot_08.28_[2018.12.19_13.41.53].png (608x601, 358K)

Attached: f43375e2a78451134386a289b3c0602a.jpg (236x236, 9K)

Attached: 1561734490575.jpg (633x651, 25K)

Attached: 228036-sosuke_aizen.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Attached: absolutevictory.png (379x508, 113K)

romantic love is just a trap designed to expand capitalism

Attached: butamatsu square up.png (360x435, 90K)

Attached: 03. Cram Session!.mkv_snapshot_07.43_[2018.12.20_18.16.55].png (205x500, 101K)

Attached: 1560425285510.png (1024x576, 314K)

Attached: 1553640958014.png (762x558, 700K)

Attached: 1561739203491.png (1280x720, 490K)

Attached: Screenshot (440).png (273x242, 50K)

Attached: butamatsu no pupils.png (686x386, 243K)

Attached: itcotck.jpg (500x500, 75K)

Attached: RitYui.jpg (582x744, 51K)

>not using captcha buster

Attached: Anshin shinasaii.jpg (659x471, 128K)


Attached: Screenshot (1017).png (269x304, 93K)

Attached: 1561178679566.png (421x420, 139K)

what the fuck is going on here

Attached: AjinGettingRealSickOfYourShit.png (958x953, 617K)

Attached: umi.jpg (545x478, 41K)

I'm at out of images of Butamatsu. It looks like you'll have to settle for Boss Kokoro

Attached: Kokoro akanbe at Butamatsu.jpg (1207x859, 167K)

GAHAHA i win

Attached: Screenshot (1016).png (250x273, 84K)

WIN!? I didn't know this was a competition.

Attached: Kokoro caught.jpg (1281x877, 138K)

ano ano eto eto

Attached: nanii.png (370x503, 197K)

Attached: zeno is displeased.jpg (960x526, 33K)

Attached: my_rage_is_internal.png (353x362, 124K)

Attached: itcotck_1.png (1000x500, 850K)

Attached: kokoro piyoko.jpg (590x442, 28K)

Attached: RookiesGenius.png (188x477, 39K)

Attached: 1525565359372.png (334x229, 67K)

Attached: Screenshot (424).png (306x1080, 372K)

Attached: 1512004263486.png (553x691, 399K)


Attached: 1460313541900.png (1280x720, 420K)

Attached: Shouta.png (605x605, 389K)

Attached: Salutations.png (332x355, 134K)

Attached: 1465751124410.png (1280x720, 496K)

Attached: Screenshot (1399).png (744x899, 708K)

Attached: kokoro walk.jpg (748x808, 88K)

Attached: Screenshot (1191).png (597x338, 228K)

Attached: mitaso.png (518x421, 308K)

Attached: cat.jpg (536x593, 205K)

Attached: 1562460991231.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Attached: Kokoro wink.jpg (1183x901, 124K)

>Rukia's execution has been postponed

Attached: 1563253253614m.jpg (1024x512, 83K)

Attached: moe.jpg (708x890, 94K)

Attached: Kokoro bashful.jpg (327x367, 26K)

Cute anons...

Attached: yuicrunch.jpg (540x549, 29K)

Attached: ss (2017-10-23 at 01.12.46).png (389x386, 202K)

Attached: lolle.png (613x450, 235K)

Attached: kokoro_no_dab_by_chickenbittle-daiy3d2.jpg (806x992, 54K)

Attached: Kokoro arms cross.jpg (965x903, 118K)


Attached: Screenshot (1188).png (559x391, 214K)

Attached: 182347239650.png (1854x1030, 1.62M)

Attached: kokoro down.jpg (750x914, 99K)

Attached: literally me.png (222x226, 26K)


muhpeep hard

Attached: 1551350676037.jpg (720x559, 33K)

Attached: wrQwr3G.png (1920x1080, 743K)

lurk more

Attached: hehe.jpg (250x250, 6K)

Attached: horesore think it's hot.png (1445x1075, 1.74M)

Attached: ba54081d9b17bf6579c874e84c393e864b1b8f68_00.jpg (512x403, 25K)

Attached: 1506517205741.jpg (1280x720, 302K)

Attached: ok bun.jpg (1091x492, 166K)

Please forgive me, I can't control myself anymore!

Attached: 1289356046016.jpg (631x480, 150K)

darker than black, purely because im proud

Attached: 1542150850521.png (733x632, 520K)

Attached: 856437456757.png (260x240, 87K)

Attached: db7596b7e2e5c0174f8fa37896eaf64b.png (225x283, 66K)

Attached: 1530673654809.png (545x541, 211K)

Attached: 1371450619743.jpg (1053x1070, 700K)

Attached: 1553052344280.jpg (409x452, 52K)

Attached: 1506818196278.png (1701x1329, 1.52M)

I hope I'm not late

Attached: 963.png (680x423, 291K)

Attached: 1530935989328.png (509x216, 86K)

Attached: Yui flames.jpg (512x512, 115K)

Attached: 1450280498560.png (292x437, 215K)

Attached: 1494127790603.png (283x280, 136K)




Attached: 1561990463785.png (1280x720, 1.01M)

This concludes my bun dump

Attached: tard.png (215x135, 24K)

what do you MEAN you have no more bun

Attached: chrome_MgiLKoyZHQ.png (340x454, 47K)



I have more, I just figured I'd let others post. But if you insist...
>imglimit reached

Attached: bumpbun.png (654x526, 225K)

Attached: long toungue 2.png (979x869, 980K)


Attached: always I wanna be with you.gif (800x800, 676K)

I am winrar.

I have enough bun to fill 18 threads

So one photo of your mom's ass?

4channel is 18+ bud.

Plot twist: user is actually trapped between his mom's butt cheeks and has never been able to leave his house.