How does counting on your head translate to seconds...

How does counting on your head translate to seconds? You're gonna have a different pace unless you specifically practiced for it. Senku may be autistic, but something so random is not the kind of thing he'd spend his time on when he wasn't petrified.

Attached: Dr. Stone.jpg (1172x625, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you dont need to be a genius to know how long a second it

Just turn your brain off if you're watching Dr. Flop. It's a kid's show.

A true genius would cheat by counting days.

How would he tell? He's a blind statue, retard.

Shit writing.

If he miscounted, who would know?
He's bluffing.

Kohaku when?

In about 3 episodes.

I think Dr. Stone sucks!

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>How does counting on your head translate to seconds?

Woah, he was upside-down the entire time?

This feels like BAZINGA anime/manga.The random yelling and le science is very annoying. I guess i have grown out of the shounen genre.

add 1 day every 86400 seconds


>Goes away after the fight
>In his next appearance he is looking for them
>Out of nowhere he figures out where they are and what are they doing

LOL what a poor writing

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He's good at counting seconds. What's so hard to get about that? He's autistic.

Why did they design this guy to look like a modern day mumble rapper?

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Spring onion looking ass

>user can't tell how much time has passed without looking at a clock
Sounds like you have brain problems if you can't accurately measure seconds/minutes/hours

It's an approximation. He isn't Funes el Memorioso.


You are fine with guy punching lion to dead but guy being able to count precise seconds breaks your suspension of disbelief?

>it has been 5 years

i'm not crying
you're crying

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You're more concerned with person who is capable of having perfect rhythm rather than people being turned to stone by a beam of light?

If he can count fairly accurately to 800000, he's good.
Assuming that urge to lose consciousness is really constant, just keep counting and let the cycle serve as your benchmark.
If you start drifting, adjust your counting speed based on the rolling average between dips.

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>there being fantastical elements means that the elements based on reality don't need to make sense
Based retard.

This might sound weird but this manga has actually made me cry more than most other shonen have. Only other series I can think that actually earnestly made me tear up as much was One Piece. This is just a really heartwarming, feel-good sort of series that makes me appreciate life more. I'm seriously looking forward to the glasses scene in the anime.

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Musicians depend on having rhythm. There are many people out there that depend on having rhythm.
There's really nothing fancy about being able to keep track of time.

Rhythm and pitch are the same thing

What’s more amazing is he’s able to count for 3000 years without getting bored.

I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but how would you not go insane counting every second for the past 3700 years?

manga any good?

Yes - the prologue isn't exactly the best indicator of what the series is like, though, so to tell if you're truly interested, give the anime until like episode 5 or so. The manga only gets better over time.

Yeah but not for 37000 years. I'm sure early clocks weren't even that precise. He straight up said he was counting to know which season he'd wake up in, which is extremely precise after that much time

thanks for input
really enjoyed this artist works

it's the best series in Jump

How the fuck did he not go insane?
No one could go through that and be the same afterward.

Learn to subdivide seconds into 1/16s. Or just imagine watching 60 Minutes.

I swear the fanbase of this cringe anime is even cringier.

Im a brainlet
I always have a hard time in math subjects but then again im a lazy autist

That could have been good if the dog and girls in this manga didnt look like full blown fucking ayylmaos

user I think you might be the coolest guy in all of Yea Forums

>body doesn't rot
>don't go crazy after thousands of years without sensory input
>enough nutrients that your body stays alive
>breath through stone
why did they lose their cloths again? also Yuzuriha has her headphones.
>animals were encased in stone
>nope actually they weren't, look at those lions and fish. it was just a joke being vegans on EP.1

This part really hit hard

You've grown out of having good taste, you massive faggot.

>he didn't read/watch Dr.Stone
>tried to get away with it

>science is annoying
Sounds like you didn't grow at all if anything

Man, I can sympathize with this. Had pretty much the same experience the first time I got glasses at six years old or so.

Yeah, really not a fan of how he draws women. Not only do they suffer from extreme sameface, they look like fucking Funko Pops. Which is bizarre since the dudes are generally well drawn.

I recommend reading the fucking thing, user.

This girl had blurry eyes all her life and thought it was an incurable disease. Got called useless by everyone and played alone in the woods.
Then this madlad smug scienceman just swooped in and solved all her problems.

Anything that is not nanotechnology that can reverse transmutation is not even scifi thats pure fantasy. The nitric acid mixture that undos the petrification makes no sense at all.

>Yea Forums - Anime & Manga

I hate that they spoiled it in the opening.

just count in Mississippis.

I enjoy just watching it for now.
are you saying it makes more sense on the manga and the anime just dun goofed?

He's saying you're not paying attention and answers to these problems have already been solved and explained

You can go unconscious, senku just willfully kept himself conscious. Not only is your body preserved it also comes with a free panacea, they revived someone who in the past was bedridden in the hospital and she was 100% healthy.

It's pretty inconsequential to the entire story, and doesn't actually matter other than he was able to maintain his consciousness. But yes, I agree that it would be very hard to maintain this for such a long time. More importantly, if you are slightly off in time with your counting of seconds you'll end up underestimating the number of YEARS and there would be no way of keeping track of the seasons.

Still the new viewers don't know what to expect from it.

That thing was like 30 lbs, dude clearly went hunting and killed it out of sadism, we've discussed this already on /an/

how can they solve in retroactive saying animals were petrified but then on episode 2 suddenly they aren't? prove me wrong and i will shut up and read the manga.

Hes the worlds smartest man, but that iq wont save him when tsusaka splatters his brains across a tree

No, I'm saying all those complaints either have been answered already or will be shortly.

it's a show for kids what did you expect?

Only sparrows were petrified. No other animals were. Now go read.

It's pretty contextless, so I don't think new viewers would suspect it.

I'm a bit more bothered by the opening showing Gen, Ishigami Village and Chrome before they're actually introduced. Even if it's early spoilers and takes like 6 eps to get there, I'd have rather they made a super simple version of the OP to keep those things hidden until they are unveiled.

Openings are always shit these days they just spoil everything and put a jap pop song through it.

I really hope you're pretending, please be pretending I beg you.
Only swallows and humans were ever petrified. Swallows were petrified a few days before the actual incident. No other animal was petrified.

Hallo I am trying to figure out how six people can breed. So I made this graphic to show genetic distribution.

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This makes me feel smarter, but at the same time I legit have no idea if this is how it works or not.

I always thought they just got really lucky, since inbreeding never actually SECURES terrible birth defects, just makes them more likely.

man you people sure are obsessed with this one factoid
its either the peak human abilities or the village population origin that drives people nuts

>it was just a joke being vegans on EP.1
Taiju caught and cooked a fucking piglet in the first episode user

When will the series have a second popularity poll?

I can easily suspend the human abilities because it's not like they're NORMAL. Tsukasa is clearly just way stronger than the average human, and Senku is way smarter than the average human.

The village population origin just makes me scratch my head, if only because "inbreeding defects" is the obvious conclusion, so I suppose it would feel a little too convenient or safe that all of Ishigami Village is nigh-problemless. But again, I can shrug that off, it just sticks out a little more since you'd think Senku would even straight-up remark on the lack of notable defects from inbreeding.

This isnt Ishigami the genetics are mainly on Treasure Island.

No idea, whenever it happens Kirisame has my vote

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It might have a different explanation soon, read the manga.

TEAM JUMP:How did just six astronauts create a healthy community that could last for 3,700 years without serious problems from inbreeding/lack of genetic diversity?

Inagaki Sensei:The basic answer to this is, nobody knows whether this is possible or not. The reason is because nobody has ever tried it. But there are situations where islands were populated with small numbers of people. But nobody knows if it started with four people, or ten people. So if nobody really knows for sure, then the god of the world can decide it. And I’m the god of the world inDr. STONE.

Attached: Dr.-Stone-002-005-Image-2.jpg (561x600, 69K)

That's a good enough explanation for me, honestly.

I don't mean to dissuade you here, but it's going to be very difficult to figure out by diagramming it this way, and by difficult I mean next to impossible, because you don't know how the DNA was randomly distributed during meiosis.
All these lines sort of imply that all of one color is the same DNA, when that just isn't the case, even after one generation.
It's actually closer to pic related. I'll follow up with the second point.

Attached: Visual DNA from FTDNA.jpg (862x628, 69K)

>Handwave of god
you know what? i'm content. that works for me

There are no family trees only family pyramids, we are all inbred and at most 51st cousins with each other.

When I say the DNA is randomly distributed, it really is. Pic related is how much DNA on chromosomes 1-22 I share with my grandmother (don't worry, nothing personally identifiable there.) The blue segments indicate a match.
Notice how I inherited one of my Chromosome 19s directly from her in whole, but nothing from Chromosome 20. It could have been the other way around with another grandchild. Unless you know specifically which half was inherited, the best you can do is make generalized predictions on what inbreeding might do.
It's important to understand that the same "block" is not just passed down to everyone.

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Is this why latinos call eachother cousins? Have they cracked the code?

The math says all white people in Germanic Europe stem from a small group of people in 3000 B.C

Is this incest?

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No but Im sure Chrome is Kohaku's first cousin.

No, because Senku isn't related to Ruri at all, and like he said after 3700 years it wouldn't have mattered.

Wow, hot, do they actually do it?

There are good books for kids.
If he can't see shit he could have counted summers and winters by being warm or cold.

Senku only has eyes for science

You need to be a literal robot to count secinds for 3700 years and not being off a couple centuries at least

>Look, I'm like a super smart scientist. I even wrote E = mc^2 on my shirt, see? Zimbabwe

6 humans three men three women create 1 boy 1 girl in each couple these then fuck eachother creating 12 children who fuck creating 24 chldren who fuck creating 48 children

Now lets assume gen 1 fucked at age 20 then gen 2 fucked at 16 so Gen 1 is 36 while Gen 2 can breed and Gen 3 fucks at 16 so Gen 2 is now 32 while gen 1 is now 50 6+6+12= 24 people in total for the tribe. Now after Gen 3 fucks there is no 24 new humans in the tribe and in 16 years Gen 1 dies so thats 24+24-6= 42 people in the tribe most of them are 16 year olds. 42 people huh with just six people but about that inbreeding I aint gonna try to think about it. Gen 1 is distinct, and Gen 2 is distinct but Gen 3 everyone is first cousins with eachother, and Gen 4 is the result of first cousins fucking first cousins which creates ????.

Moving on Gen 4 fucks creating 96 new humans Gen 2 dies so the population is 42+96-9= 129 humans in the tribe 96 of them are young. Starting to see a pattern? As the generation comes and go more old timers die compared to the previous generation so you gotta fuck as young as possible.

Gen 5 fucks at 16 creating 192 new humans, Gen 3 dies so the population is now 129+192-12= 309 people in the tribe wow thats alot of people they would eat up most of the ungulates around them, such a high number would require some form of agriculture like herding or crops to maintain. 309 humans from just six people incredible to think about.

>inb4 there's a girl out there named Science
>inb4 Senkuu hooks up with her
What would Science-chan look like?

If you don't actually understand why E=MC^2 is important enough that you'd want to put it on your shirt, maybe you need shows like this more than you think you did.

You're right, he might just forget it. He needs everyone to know about it too. It's not as if every 3rd grader knows of it. When does black science man character show up to tell us "the universe really be like that sometimes. Ever thought about that? how its really big and all?"

You'd be surprised how many people don't understand the significance of the formula. Point is there's a reason why it's so widely used, even if the average person doesn't actually know what it means other than "Einstein did it". I don't know why putting it on your shirt is bad for any reason other than "I don't like it". He puts it there BECAUSE he knows what it means, he's not your average media guy slapping it there just to give off the impression that it's smart. Hell there's a portion of a chapter dedicated to indicating his understanding of the formula/concept and how it might be core to the stone mystery. I don't know why that'd ever bother you other than you just bitching to bitch.

>imagine being this triggered over EMCsquare
This brings me more joy than you can imagine

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Sorry I was wrong it seems an even amount of men and women prevents any actual increase in population as I have found a pattern where the population is consistently 36.

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>the idea of putting such an obvious symbolism so prominently on your clothing is intolerable and ruins the series for me

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I mean at that point do a few centuries even matter?

It's symbolic for him. It's a symbol of rationality in an insane stone world.

How do you know he got it right? He might just be delusional.

There are 116,683,200,000 seconds in 3700 years, and btw thats how long it would fucking take you for you to count that number too 3700 fucking years meaning its legit impossible for a human do.

No no you're right. He knows what it means, that proves he's really smart. I bet he watches rick and morty.

it's not just that, it's just a good representation of how the entire thing is in general. man karate chops a fucking bolder and fights off a pack of lions. Yo, like quantum mechanics and stuff. Observation creates casual reality. Ever thing about that? Jamie, pull up the double slit experiment, yo that's wild

Yes, because the entire point of him counting was so he could wake up in summer and not winter lmao.

Absolute brainlet post.
You're not half as smart as you think you are. I can't believe some Bill Nye shonen sends you into these pathetic fits. Just recap your high school science if its fictional application makes you feel this insecure.

Anime ""intelligence"" is always some retarded autistic trait, such as counting seconds nonstop for entire millenia or "heh... i noticed he took a step with his left foot first rather than the usual right step, which proves this man is a doppelganger". Writers cant write intellect for shit

So, he is allowed to mention it, allowed to explain it and how it's connected to the situation, but writing it down is where you draw the line.
Sorry, but I can't take you seriously, not even Senkuu is this autistic.

>some Bill Nye Shōnen

As long as you understand.

The irony of the counting le seconds asspull is that Senku never once demonstrates that level of mathematical autism afterwards in the manga. Besides if Senku is man of science he should have observed the surrounding then use that to date how much time has passed for example look at all the foliage try to calculate how much time it would take for it to grow to that extent.

Well, would any other symbol for his faith in science have worked?
If he had chosen this one, people would be giving him shit too.
Or did it have to be blank to show that he was cool with science, but socially concerned enough that he didn't want to flash his power level in public?

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He calculates the amount of records sold by a popstar just from what it cost her to go to space

He just reminds me of that scene in Jimmy Neutron where he refers to salt as sodium chloride in a restaurant.

Actually, that is this show. He’s literally Jimmy.

>he didn't read the manga

Like 60-something chapters later he manages to calculate a popstar's measurements and the amount of records she sold through a family photo and the cost of her trip.


And when does he do a Super AI level mathematical feat in the manga? Never again after the le counting seconds bullshit.
Thats not even comparable to counting for thousands of years.

Most animeonly's I've seen think everyone in the OP is just someone Senku revived. Ishigami village is also barley more advanced than Senku's current homestead so they have no reason to think it isn't just something Senku built.

Read the manga and find out

No, that is definitely way harder than thinking in increments of ten.

But I am a manga reader up to 113 you fucking faggot.
Wrong thinking for that long is something that is not humanly possible to begin with Im sure your brain would stop functioning from trying to remember all shit over the centuries.

if you were smart, you wouldn't write fiction. If you were normally empathic or reasonably understood other people different from you (different ages, gender, ethnicity, era) then you'd be bored writing about it and you'd write something completely different (like sports or some shit). Writing is like talking to yourself and those conversations are guided by the unconscious mind which compensates for shortcomings. People complain about unrealistic female characters because the writers who are interested in writing such characters fundamentally don't understand them which is why they obsess over them. People who happen to understand (reasonably) other people would be bored using that in a story and it wouldn't be noticeable anyway.

Like Rick and Morty or Sherlock Holmes, the writers do not understand or relate to people with large intellects. Conan Doyle was quite dumb from a pragmatic point of view, proof: check out this

I wouldn't say that the authors are stupid in general, Dan Harmon seems more self destructive and impulsive than 'stupid' - he probably has average/above average IQ but these characters are outliers (150-170 or more) and even then are exaggerated for comedy or philosophical reasons.

It's boring as fuck for any writer who isn't compensating and insecure about their own intelligence. It's a way to vent or express that insecurity as much as it is to entertain others with the same kind of interest.

Counting seconds for thousands of years is as much of a feat than creating an Iphone from raw materials

Then your reading skills are very low
Let me ask you then, who is bestgirl?

I don't think there's a single MC who rubbed me the wrong way every appearance as this guy did. He's literally a Marty Stue but with INTELLIGENCE and arrogance rather than charisma and power. Actually struggling to keep watching ep1 spesifically due MC, first time since that terrible mermaid/human future show some years ago.

Rick isnt smart hes a supergenius hes an accurate example of a genius the complex shit he does is trivial to him while it looks like witchcraft to us. He is also the rare genius with actual human social skills.

Nice arguments fagtron you sure convinced everyone with those hot opinions.
Your post is all conjecture and opinionated drivel.


Why are you people overthinking Senku counting? What exactly is wrong with an established supergenius counting for a really long time? It's something that you have to suspend for because the fucking premise of the series wouldn't happen otherwise. Senku obviously isn't like other people. I thought this was established. Taiju keeping his brain active through thinking about his waifu is just as silly.

This series may involve progressing through science, but many things are just going to have a fantastical, exaggerated bend (hell the steps Senku takes to create things are simplified quite a bit for the sake of the plot happening), because in the end it's still a manga meant to entertain firstly and educate secondly. Why is Senku counting such a problem? I'm not gonna say "turn your brain off", but it seems like common sense that that particular event isn't really about being scientifically accurate down to the bone, so there's no use in trying to pick it apart when you could pick apart the inaccuracies in the actual science-focused elements in the series

>you'd be bored writing about it and you'd write something completely different (like sports or some shit)
>(like sports or some shit)

How the fuck did a flood move Senku from the upper floor of his highschool to a cave?

Heightened reality is a hard concept to grasp for some people. For them it's either hardcore surrealism or 1:1 realism. It's funny since most anime and manga has a tone entirely dependent on a sense of heightened reality. So they are just silly shitposters.

Highschool collapsed

How did a high school collapse into rumble over the millenia? Even then how did the rumble not bury Senku?

After 3700 years there was nothing left of the school.
Senku wasn't in the cave, just near it.

Attached: senku wakes up.png (895x1300, 626K)

i'm getting tired of this posts. This anime is the nippon equivalent of rick and morty.

Does Senku even count as a Shonen when he's over 3700 years old?

Shonen is a demographic a series is aimed at, not age of the characters, but most shonen have young boy characters.

god ever since the anime started it's been the same pattern of retardation in these threads for such a chill series
>OP or someone else questions something insignificant that just requires you to suspend because this was never a "100% REAL SCIENCE" series despite people misleading themselves into thinking otherwise for whatever reason
>some shitposter who thinks he's clever replies with "shit writing"/"cuz it's bad"/some variation on that in response to said question
>obligatory "shonenshit"/"cringe" reply by some moeshit fanatic who's deeply convinced that they're smarter than they actually are because they have a GED to prove it
>cue at least three posts from anons who think it's the worst thing ever because they apparently actively watched enough of the The Big Bang Theory/Rick & Morty to develop deep-seated insecurities about their intelligence and a blind hatred for anything vaguely related to science
>at least one motherfucker losing it over E=MC^2 for no good reason
>mangareaders who actually give a shit about the series popping up to diffuse things and typically failing as the shitposters overwhelm them
>either way it devolves into people calling each other retards for either liking the series or failing to understand the series

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>muh science n shiet
Scientist will be obsolete due to Artificial super intelligence being able to think up shit that would take them billions of years to hypothesize. AI would also not have a single thought process it could think literally millions of different things at the same time allowing it to come to conclusions more efficiently and logically than humans.

Isn't that what Senku implied here?

Attached: 46.png (895x1300, 510K)

This part wasn't shown in the anime.

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>Flood pushing modern japanese buildings
Im sorry what the actual fuck is this.

Even modern buildings need upkeep and maintenance, 3700 years is a long time

Hundred of years without any kind of maintenance?

>calling each other retard of either liking the series or failing to understand the series.

that's it, this is rick and morty all over again

i wish my brain were multicore

Where are the AI in this manga user?

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It is user.

No, great nippon architecture will last forever! Long after white pigdog buildings are gone

>gets btfo
>doesn't respond again

What would Senku think of Dr. Stone if he read it?


Attached: stone.jpg (1172x625, 123K)

Wait how do these tribal fucktards know there is another side of earth? Im sure inland tribes thought of earth as infinite expanse not disc.

the stories passed down must have talked about earth being vast, and that it ends. but never explicitly said that it was a sphere

The anime better keep these Tsukasa expressions.

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Maybe they did but then Senku mentioned the other side which caused Magma's two braincells to deduce that if the Earth has two sides than it must be flat.

Although the panel doesn't depict it well, the issue here is the debris field being pushed by the tsunami rather than the water itself.
If it picked up enough along the way, it could seriously weaken the base of a few of those skyscrapers and topple them, especially if they are a few hundred years old.

But what would be the point of saying the earth is vast if they were gonna remain tribal dummies and never develop farming?

I don't quite think it's the same. Senku typically understands that he has to simplify things for other people, so he will. If he wants to make a car, he does actually say "a car". Typically when he's using scientific terms it's because he's actually educating the people around him (and the audience), since a large part of the story is getting scientific advancements running through humanity again. There's also the fact that he's just genuinely that enthusiastic about science, not necessarily trying to flex his intellect every other second. He has priorities.

Why did the astronaut dummies not move into inland Japan to better the chances of survival?

to tell them about the world.

they cant

Just build a boat you so called high IQ astronauts.


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fucking retard. stop asking stupid questions

One of my favorite aspect of Senku is how willing and eager he is to share his knowledge with others. Animeonly's won't get that impression yet because all he has for company is Taiju and they're childhood friends so Senku knows just how pointless it is trying to teach that blockhead anything. He's not like your typical "smart" character who's so obsessed with their own intelligence that they think anyone not as smart as them isn't worth their time.

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I'm more impressed that somehow the skyscrapers have managed to remain standing for hundreds of years, almost entirely intact, with the only apparent damage outside of the flood being almost entirely cosmetic. Urban decay can kick in incredibly fast without constant maintenance and human intervention; I'm surprised that the majority of the buildings hadn't topped long before then.

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someone say gen?

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senku is a nice boy he's just a bit of an ass to taiju

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But whats the point if they aint gonna explore that vast world?

There was a boat right there. Thing is Byakuga took 10 hours to swim to the island. They weren't about to go back out for that long and risk starvation/death, so they just chilled.

my favorite hobby is teaching Ugandans how to program javascript

that literally doesn't change anything.

I wanna pinch his cheeks.

it's like telling a dog about the structure of dna. what's the dog gonna do with that information

Do you expect everything you watch to make perfect sense? It's called a suspension of disbelief.

>dude like you are gonna this giant floating rock in like black stuff thats everywhere and even the glowing thing in the sky is surrounded by this black stuff, theres a big world out there beyond this island like with mountains and deserts, and horses and stuff.

Its useless information.

that is a stupid comparison. dogs can't think and therefore could literally do nothing with that information, and neither could the average human. stop acting retarded. read slower

>just turn your brain off


So about that metallurgy they didnt teach the retards on Treasure Land.
>ok dudes go find a nice rock then make this thingy that works with fire wait for the rock to get really fucking hot then get this really hot shit you bang into a shape its called metal my dudes. Its way more flexible than shitty rock so use it to make your weapons bros

I miss pre anime Dr. Stone threads

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thats why anime and manga need their own boards so we don't get swarmed with animeonlies

Suspension of disbelief is not excusing flaws in writing. It's the idea that several unrealistic things MUST happen for the story to function. No shit no one can count perfectly while being trapped in stone for thousands of years, but it was what the author thought was the most entertaining way for Senku to maintain his consciousness that would be fitting of his character, in contrast to Taiju using his feelings.

So about that medical they didnt teach the retards on Treasure Island
>Ok first off dudes there are these tiny tiny things you cant see called bacteria and they like to live inside you and when they are inside you that when you get sick its not a curse dumbass curses dont exist ahahahahahaha. Yh but when bacteria get in you you need medicine but you probably wont be able to make that for a while so use these herbal brews and if they dont work burn up the sick person so the diseases doesnt spread. Oh yh there are these tinier dudes called viruses your completely fucked against them so if you get one well nice knowing you. Oh yh if your genitals bleed, secrete white stuff, get spots allover you, and if you suddenly become sick very easily. Dudes listen to me kill that person ASAP.

It's frustrating how seriously the author seems to take his chemistry, but almost doesn't even bother trying when it comes to anything else.

Even ignoring starting with 6 people, 3700+ years later, there are only _40_ humans around (never mind how that's not even a genetically viable population)? And they're still in the exact same place? And they're speaking exactly the same language? And they don't know shit about their surroundings that they've lived in for THOUSANDS OF YEARS? Never mind dumb shit like this tiny village of 40 people, with zero outside threats, having at least 4 healthy adults whose only job it is to guard the bridge and priestess 24/7? There should be millions of humans all over the planet by this point. They literally could've just strolled across the landscape for a couple of days to find all sorts of modern herbs cultivated to allow their population to grow into massive numbers, but instead they've all just sat in that village for ~150 generations doing nothing? Never mind how beyond retarded it is for a hunter-gatherer population to be fucking sedentary, even literally dying of starvation while there's insane amounts of food all around them. Maybe they'd do that for a couple of generations, but not for thousands of years man.

That's not even touching on shit like all the plants and animals being exactly the same 3700 years of natural selection later (in sometimes completely new environments for them, like with the lions). Having king dipshit wake up and find modern-day domesticated grains or confidently know which mushrooms are edible based on info that much out-of-date is ridiculous.

All that would've been to be expected in a generic post-apoc show that doesn't bother trying to take anything seriously, but it's annoying how all the plant and animal life acts as if it's been frozen in time, while the author goes out of his way to make a big deal about how the night sky has changed due to the tilt of the earth.

Not watching the anime and have no interest in the source material but jesus I feel sorry for you guys. You don't deserve this.

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Could you make the case that there's only 40 humans because inbreeding defects killed the rest?

So about that weather they didnt teach the retards on Treasure Island
>Ok dudes I bet you think the thunderstorms are caused by gods or the spirits well they dont exist. The cause is the transfers of energy in the atmosphere basically dudes when shit gets hot alot of water goes into the sky and then overtime becomes the rain if shit gets really hot you get a thunderstorm or a tornado. Dudes if you see a penis looking thing coming from the sky run for your life bros thats a tornado those things can destroy anything you build. Lightning is caused by a flow of shiny stuff from the air to the ground its not magic at all and thunder is the sound you know sound slap your hands yh thats the sound of the fucking lightning bros. Lets recap grey clouds means rain, white clouds means decent weather, and black clouds means bad weather. Understood bros let this help you out when you go into the sea and shit.

Why are people so upset about this show? Senku isn’t really obnoxious about his intelligence and as far as bullshit manga science goes it’s pretty tame. Plus he doesn’t have the cliche smart person means god complex asshole personality and actually recognizes that he pretty much needs others to survive

So about that nutrition they didnt teach the retards on Treasure Island
>Ok dudes so your lower region hurt it means you are hungry you gotta get food, humans eat animals and plants but be careful what plants you eat they might be poisonous or you cant digest them at all. Dont attempt to eat grass or flowers you morons. Now for food if you like vomiting eat rodents like rats, if you suck at hunting eat insects like grubs, but you really wanna hunt those big ass animals mmm delicious yum. Those shiny things on trees are called fruits you can eat them all of them but they take time to grow dudes. Yh man happy hunting bros

Shitposters who probably have genuine opinions formed from fairly understandably shaky first impressions (Senku is kind of established like a know-it-all in his first appearance in the school, and the "counting seconds while in rock" thing required a suspension that not everyone was prepared for) but are overblowing the fuck out of them and disregarding the positives to piss the fans off.

So about that farming they didnt teach those retards on Treasure Island
>Hello bros I know hunting is fun and all but lets be serious you need to have a food supply you can control and not rely on mother nature. So hers what you can do well go to the Japanese mainland first of all. When you go there find a thing called a cow, then a boar, then a goat, then a sheep, and if you feel like it a chicken. Good now find this yellow looking grass we call wheat. The things on the grass are seeds you can eat and plant to grow the wheat it grows fast so enjoy never haviing t hunt again bros but you might wanna invent writing to keep track of those crops of famines gonna fuck you up. Good luck dudes.

Because it's a new anime season and people want to shitpost.

Shame these threads will be bad. I never read the manga but I like what I’ve seen of the anime and it has me interested in reading ahead

So about incest they didnt teach those retards on Treasure Island
>Sex feels great bros but I gotta warn you watch who you fuck because if you fuck your sister or mom babies are gonna come out really weird. Now my bros I am one of your distant ancestors one of the six humans you came from dudes so I know most of yall are really inbred I mean holy shit yall must be fucking ugly as shit, but I digress fuck your cousins not your sisters.

He seems like a nihilist with a wicked sense of humor

So about democracy they didnt teach those retards on Treasure Island
>Good bros have I got a system for you now I know you call obey one dude like a retard so listen here how about this. Every single thing the tribe does is done by a vote basically you agree to it and the most agrees leads to a motion its called democracy my dudes and you r population should be small enough to use it and not end up destroying the tribe.

it'd be fine for a few generations just to fill out the population

not a good idea for a smallish tribe.

>3700+ years later, there are only _40_ humans around (never mind how that's not even a genetically viable population)? And they're still in the exact same place?
The tiny population explains why they're in the same place. The starting group was reasonably ethnically diverse and intense eugenics in the first couple of generations could stave off the worst of the recessive alleles.
There's actually quite a few more humans, but they're basically held hostage on an island by someone who weaponized the petrification beam
>3700 years of natural selection later
That's absolutley nothing on geologic time scales

To think I was annoyed by the occasionlal PUSH poster and feared fujos taking over.

>it tears my ass apart to have things I like being criticized and I lack the capacity to ignore threads
There, I summed up your wall of text.

So have they finally revealed what caused the Petrification in the manga?

He could just be wrong and coincidentally woke up in the season he thought he was in.
He could have made it up and actually determined the date from the stars.
Or he could be an anime character who has the superhuman ability to perfectly count seconds. Similar to the superhuman ability to punch lions to death.

So about their history
>Hello dudes you are wondering where you are? Japan is an archipelago made up of many islands and its BEAUTIFUL! Not really its a shitty mountainous archipelago caused by the pacific plate raping the eurasian plate. Now Japan started as a land full of cannibal savages we call the Ainu they live in the north now because we the Yayoi and Jomon kick their savage asses all the way there. Ok so bros for a long ass time we the japanese people spent alot of time hunting animals in the forest n shit when during this time our ancient enemy the yellow demons or the chinese people had a thriving dynasty and that knowledge was passed on to backwards savages in the peninsula next to us its called Korea. Those Koreans then passed on this knowledge to southern people in Japan and the first kingdoms formed but who about that shit? Blah blah eventually Japan becomes a large nation made of many smaller nations pretending its one nation that periodically has civil wars that are very very bloody. We originally had a weird Shinto religion but that got raped by something called Buddhism from our yellow devil "friends" fuck them. Did I mention our writing system is also from them as well we call it kanji they say something gay like hanzi. At some point the nobility hired those faggots with swords called Samurais and then the Samurai took over the country creating the Shogunate Anyways we lived in peace until these savages from far in the greater land who rode on horses tried to invade our glorious mother land but thank Kazejin a windstorm got rid of them. Then after that we met the WHITE MAN. The white man was a mysterious creature that lived in the far west of the greater land and had alien technology none of our so called geniuses could think up at all so we let them in. They tried to pass on this Christianity stuff but the shogun said hell no. The next Shogun said fuck you to the white people and closed the coutnry off and for a while it was sweet.

Dr. Atone is as stupid as rick and morty. Stop thinking aboutt it

actual criticism like is cool
buzzwords being repeated ad nauseum are not, because it doesn't generate discussion, only shitflinging. i'll take a whole thread of negative talk about this series if it's actually constructive

I just caught up with the manga last week, and it's been a fun ride. I'd say go ahead and try it out

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Is keeping their consciousness even needed? What undid the petrification was the nitric acid. And when they make more, whether the persons they intend to wake up are conscious or not is never brought up as an issue.

Does Tsukasa get better as a villain? I thought he was really interesting in his introduction but I hit like chapter 70 and he's just been kind of there. His motive is perfectly fine on paper, but he just feels kind of like a bland personality. I wish they played a lot more on his love of nature like in his debut, where he talks about giving back to the earth and stuff.

>Yes but then the white man came back but from the east wtf they actually tookover that continent full of red colored people who look like us during all that time damn those white people. Their tech had advanced to the point we could no longer tell them to fuck off so we opened up and got that sweet european technology as a part of the deal. The white people loved testing their weapons on each other so had a war in their turf and we helped out Britain, then they had another war and we allied with a nation called Nazi Germany, and the white man's greatest country America dropped fucking fireballs and shit on us it was horrible we had no choice but to give up, then we rapidly advanced becoming the most civilized and developed nation in the entire eastern hemisphere SUCK IT YOU YELLOW CHINK PIECES OF SHIT! Now then years ago a weird ray thing hit the world and turned everyone into stone but not us JAPAN HAS LIVED AND DEFEATED ALL AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NIPPON STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!

We kinda got the what but not the how.

No but some hicks on Treasure Island somehow got their hands on weaponized mini versions of it

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>and I lack the capacity to ignore threads


The thread you're looking for is

He couldnt feel shit

Yea Forums is a cesspit when it comes to popular shows

But for real though those astronauts were really stupid not leaving behind this sort of information.

It's why Chrome and Senku's interactions are the best part of the manga. Dude has no education, he's not standing on the shoulders of giants, but he's smart and wants to learn and Senku is happy to treat him as an equal.

>That's not even touching on shit like all the plants and animals being exactly the same 3700 years of natural selection later (in sometimes completely new environments for them, like with the lions).
Animals would barely change at all in that timeframe. Natural selection (completely free of human intervention) just starts to be noticeable at the hundreds of thousands of years.

So about sexual dynamics
>Good afternoon women am I right? Listen bros all they are good for is making babies and if they dont agree just hit them alot but dont kill them you dont need to make babies. I would advise one guy gets one girl and when you ge that girl you fuck her alot fucking rape her you pussies. Dont ever be nice to them treat them garbage all the time, force them to work unless they are pregnant if they get the idea they are special n shit they will start to get catty with you forcing you to have to beat the life out of them. Dont ever let them control anything TRUST ME, dont explain anything to them if they dont respond punch them until they lose the will to rebel. Remember dudes they are useless and only good for making babies and if some guy starts talking about love kill him hes a weak link that gonna slowly destroy your tribe.


Not really that long to see smaller changes. 4,000 years is pretty short, though. Maybe some birds would have smaller or larger beaks and things like that.

About the number of people, in the manga they find another island with people that are offshoots of Ishigami village, presumably there are even more villages elsewhere
As for evolution after 3700 years, that's nothing when it comes to major changes, you need millions of years for that shit. Maybe insects and plants, but lions would not be realistically different in that timespan.

So about basic building
>Ok dude humans cant sleep on the floor and making shit in trees is a bad idea because you cant take it down thats a waste of matter my man. Heres what you do gets some stick put them in a square shape then get some dirt wet it with some water put it into the square frame then leave to dry,. Congrats you bros you now have a mudbrick now make more of these to make a simple mudhut to live in, be careful of rain though it will collapse your home.

Fucking talk about something you faggots.

Will Senku marry anyone once civilization is rebuilt?


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No hes a permanent science-cel.

this is so fucking cringe
jesus fuck holy shit

what if everything was exactly the same, but senku was a girl?

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Read the fucking manga

I hate it, Gens ear looks too much like a sreaming man.

he already did

Yes, keeping their consciousness was needed. And yes the issue is brought up when reviving other people. That is why they needed nital, not just nitric acid.

Still the funniest moment in the series for me.

Dr Stone is aboutindulging in the process of scientific discovery

R+M just uses it to show even with the greatest knowledge theres still no value in life.

They're complete opposites, fuck off.

Ruri is for Chrome, and I meant near the end of the series.

what the fuck

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People care about some guys ability to count in a medium filled with people going through wormholes to other galaxys and still find internet access