Why are childhood romances so pure

why are childhood romances so pure

Attached: Mou, Satoshi, doko miteru no yo.webm (1280x720, 402K)

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because you never had one


imagine actually giving a shit about any romance subplot involving ASH KETCHUM


They are until netorare comes into play. Then it goes all downhill from there.

He's gonna be the world's greatest pokemon master.

Can you imagine that to this day, right as SM is about to end and Sword/Shield is about to start, that there are still people who can't accept that Serena is gone forever?

I hate you and myself

Pokémon discussion is not allowed on Yea Forums.

Considering there are people who are not over Misty being gone, that's nothing

This ain't childhood romance. It's a shitty rip-off of NaruHina, except Naruto was not oblivious to Romance. Ash on the other hand is a derivative of Goku and will never understand "romance". Serena's chances of winning are absolutely Zero.

Thing is, at least Misty and the others came back for cameos or specials. Serena on the other hand, never did, which is funny when you think about it considering both Clemont and Bonnie reappeared in a special.

Being obsessed with a character for 3 year is one thing, being obsessed for 20+ years is another. That's hyper autism you got there.

Attached: Autism.gif (480x281, 124K)

Iris came back too? I'm guessing the director said as much?

can you blame the man though those are some damn nice collarbones

She had a Japan-only special where she fought Clair.

You don't see many Mistyfags (or indeed fans of any other girl) on /padt/ though. Mention anything good about any girl there and you'll be accused of being any of their favorite boogeymen (like "Scott"). They also still think Serena will win despite all evidence to the contrary. In fact they're so delusional that some there even believe that Serena not appearing in SM is actually a good thing because they claim "they're saving her for the future when they show her marrying Ash".

>It's a shitty rip-off of NaruHina
But Ash and Serena spoke to each other more than like 5 times

>nonanime discussion on Yea Forums

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Ash will age if he develops interest in anyone. To play pokemanz forever, he must remain young and virginal. He is a metaphor of the Pokemon fan.

But Serena already raped him

Attached: serena kiss.webm (640x360, 2.47M)

I never understood Serenafag logic. They claim that Serena won because she kissed Ash. Does that mean, by their logic, that Ayase is the true winner of the Kyousukebowl because she kissed him before Kirino?

>they felt they had to censor that
Honest question: did they really need to?

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Delusional, there was clearly no kissu. She was just doing one of those quirky greeting.

Yeah, she just shoved her tongue in his mouth as a joke

Literally no such thing was shown on screen.

I remember an user posted this. Feel free to prove it wrong or right.
>Various interesting tidbits from the recent interview with Yajima:
> *The kiss scene is indeed meant to be Serena kissing Satoshi, and his reaction to it is surprised awe, any ambiguity the scene has is so they could get it on TV in the first place.
> *Likewise, you're meant to hope and assume the two of them are going to become a couple later.
> *The idea to have a romance subplot apparently came from producer Shukichi Kanda, who came up with the idea of portraying things through a female lead's admiration for Satoshi, which then led to the suggestion that they'd have a flashback to a childhood meeting with romantic implications.

>not Misty
into the trash it goes

Yajima isn't even the director anymore. Saying what he says is canon is like saying whatever Shudo said is canon despite both no longer being the director and being dead.

>Likewise, you're meant to hope and assume the two of them are going to become a couple later
Too bad it will never happen since Ash is Pokesexual.

I didn't mean to claim that, only responded to that user to say that the kiss is real. The interview also didn't claim that this is canon, but only to make people assume it will later on.

>but only to make people assume it will later on
Unfortunately for the Serenafags, that's enough to make them delusional. Why couldn't they just stick to hoping instead of actually claiming canonicity?

It's shippperfags, user, there were always be people to claim something is canon. In fact, Mistyfags were BTFO recently with one of their "claims". A director or w/e confirmed that future orange-hair woman holding a kid(youtube.com/watch?v=szdaWLRL3jo) is not Misty.

>A director or w/e confirmed that future orange-hair woman holding a kid(youtube.com/watch?v=szdaWLRL3jo) is not Misty.
That was a "theory" that was debunked years ago, the kid is supposed to be a representation of the singer of that song. Not sure why it popped up all of a sudden again.

>You're meant to assume that they will be a couple
He is literally giving us the greenlight to consider them a couple. That's as good as Canon for a never ending show like Pokemon. What were you expecting? Ash to grow up? That's never gonna happen. The definition of a "Canon" pairing changes according to the status quo of a show

>The definition of a "Canon" pairing changes according to the status quo of a show
>Admitting to move goalposts

Let's say for the sake of argument, in Sword/Shield, the travelling companion ends up being Gloria, and they also write it so that Gloria is a girl who has a crush on Ash. Then at the very end of Sword/Shield, Gloria kisses Ash, then the director says that "you hope that Ash x Gloria" is canon. Does that mean that Ash x Gloria is "as good as canon"?

For the Galar region it will be. Continuity doesn't really matter in Pokémon anymore. Sure enough, they brought Misty and Brock back, but they hype up Ilima because he reached the Kalos league, but no one ever talks about Ash who reached the finals of the Kalos league, its like Kalos never happened for Ash. Every season its gonna be a different Ash who is gonna be appropriate for the region and they're gonna pretend past seasons never happened except when it is convenient for market reasons.

>Then at the very end of Sword/Shield, Gloria kisses Ash, then the director says that "you hope that Ash x Gloria" is canon. Does that mean that Ash x Gloria is "as good as canon"?
Unfortunately that's not gonna happen. Stay mad cuck

I said for the sake of argument, I didn't mean it actually will happen.

It's true and it hurts

Red probly fucking impragnated every single Female trainer he meet

How the fuck is Ash still this small?

Just like Serena winning Ash is never gonna happen, right?

He is a mute that lives in a cave

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I am 27 and married, but I still remember my first love. Her name was Angela, like her name she was a little angel, pure arian beauty.
I wonder how she is right now.

It already did. Her kissing Ash on the mouth obliterated your headcanon ship