How could anyone say no to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
is that abe
Anybody with a sense of pride.
no one likes being given a pity fuck, well the desperate ones will like it, but not everyone else
>How could anyone say no
Lol this retard can't even say one of the easiest words in English
Anybody with a sense of pride.
>One night stand with sempai who's gonna bang heaps of random guys in college anyway
>Not saving the socially retarded moralfag girl from eternal virginity
Ishi chose right whether he realizes it or not
Used goods. Any thot that’d fuck you just for liking her but won’t date you has ridden at least 10 cocks
Which is more loser behavior:
1. Not having sex with a girl that likes you but don't want a long term relationship.
2. Having sex with a girl that likes you but don't want a long term relationship.
By being the Supreme Gentleman.
The loser behaviour would be throwing away your own dignity for a one night stand of meaningless sex with someone who doesn't love you back
Onodera bros what up
The loser behaviour would be clinging to your warped sense of sexual idealism and not creating a fond memory with someone who trusts you enough to want to have sex.
>tsubamekeks that fucking mad
oh no no no
The era of used goods is cumming. I warned you. It's all part of Abe's keikaku.
Ishigami was in the wrong.
Had he actuallyask her in the middle of the act, she would have been a slave to his cock and say yes in the heat of the moment.
For an otaku he hasn't read many doujins.
Tsubamebros it's not over for them rright?
Depends on values, desu. Ishi definitely can't choose first one, though.
>blackmailing someone into having a relationship with you because they had a moment of weakness and you exploited that
Stop, for the love of god. I don't want another 600 post thread full of virgin and slut shitflinging.
it's totally bait, but still - no.
Imagine her saying no while his dick is in her.
Holy kek I want to swap time lines.
virgin sluts
I'm sorry. Then let's discuss what will happen in the next chapter between Miko and Ishi. Any Ideas?
>i was thinking of doing x, but holy shit MUH DICK.
Our boy made the right decision.
why the heck you want relationship like that
People have to eventually grow up and realize that casual sex and associating with roasties gets them nowhere in life. I'm glad Ishigami realized it early.
The thing is, most of us can't even predict this chapter ever happening (I mean damn, they almost did the dirty, and there's that ending altogether), I wouldn't put stock for anything that cause her arm to break to be of any sense. But just for posterity, I hope she does try to relieve him of his boner but have second thoughts which lead to her arm being broken
t. incel
Casual sex is a perfectly normal activity between two people, you need to stop thinking sex as some sort of sacred activity, sex is just sex.
Casual sex is fine for some people, it depends on the person.
According to your degenerate modern society. People are allowed to think otherwise.
>entering a thread for the 30th time this week
Why don't you just stop going to these threads and come back next week? jesus christ the autism
This is all i do.
Muh Purity,
even if I was a virgin ( wish that I was desu) You shouldn't care as long as they are a good-natured person.
>normal activity
That literally depends on which society you're in.
>You shouldn't care
Literally your subjective opinion.
Look while I don't think of sex as a casual thing if others do that's fine. to me, sex is something special and sacred. I regret Losing my virginity in the worst event of my life. some people can have casual sex, some can't. judging, either way, seems kinda... well... not wrong but misguided
never denied that it wasn't.
Incel means involuntary celibacy. When someone offers you casual sex and you refuse then you are by definition not an Incel. I assume some of theses Anons here are honest when they say they would refuse.
>Not entering every Kaguya thread
Usually there's something new to discuss/to show, but it's been like 2 threads where the discussion has been to a standstill. I guess the next step is to wait for the Japanese raws to see whether it was Ishigami that said the "As thanks for liking me that much" or was it Tsubame
>judging, either way, seems kinda... well... not wrong but misguided
The standard l*beral viewpoint until anything taboo to them gets brought up. You don't need to pretend for good boy point on 4channel.
It was Tsubame, the Japanese raws for the last dialogue had 「」along with the ellipsis which meant that was her answering him.
Budy I am ugly as fuck and a cripple if that type of person can have sex not sure why these people cant.
and what's wrong with being one? thinking everybody's opinion is valid to a certain point. if we let certain conservative views exist. we would have an awful society stuck in the 50s with no social mobility.
>Budy I am ugly as fuck and a cripple if that type of person can have sex
Stop trying to show off on anonymous image boards.
Your answer has literally nothing to do with what I wrote and being ugly has nothing to do with having sex or not.
>not sure why these people cant.
Have you forgotten that you were ranting about purity fags? Go get your attention somewhere else.
Chapter where? WHERE?
Chapters been out a couple days already. You didn’t really miss anything in these threads other than “slut” being repeated constantly.
IIno a shit.
Ignore the eyes, just have sex
Tsubame is a slut.
Nope, Jamini still hasn't released their authorative version of the chapter.
The new series title should be "Ishigami wants to be in a serious relationship: women are sluts"
She just wanted an oni night stand whereas Ishi wanted to build a relationship. Its quite easy to understand if you are not a dense retard, user.
So its society? or the big bad L then?
explain user.
Abandoning discussion
>two girls fighting over Ishigami
>one is half-hearted and unsure
>the other is a tsundere
Now where have I seen this before?
>We're no strangers to love
>You know the rules and so do I
>A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
> you wouldn’t get this from any other guy
It fits too perfectly
>If you're not going to go out with me, then you're a fucking slut
>Only an incel deals in absolutes
He was basically rickrolled by senpai
Ishigami didn't let slut senpai take his purity.
Nah, she's gonna do some soul searching over the coming months, reconsider and ask him for a long term relationship at the end of the 3 month deadline. only to be rejected as a sign of Ishi's character development. Then it'll be over.
I want to make Tsubame-senpai a teenage mother.
>only to be rejected as a sign of Ishi's character development
This is so generic even OLs would puke.
He is not a hugless virgin but he remains kissless which is pure but not as pure as hugless
Used girls are the best. The more experience the better.
Most of the judging comes not from sex itself but the rotten attitudes behind it using it as an excuse for their behavior. It gets tiring that any type of romance or romantic drama outside the bog standard and safe tropes makes them sperg so hard it ruins threads.
Used girls are great, manipulative ones are garbage.
More like
>laser dead beam: 2
>his first two "confession" failed
>end of 3 months, Ishigami confess to senpai for real this time
>this time it works
Screencap this now
As the saying goes sandome no shoujiki; third time is a charm
>The loser behaviour would be throwing away your own dignity for a one night stand of meaningless sex with someone who doesn't love you back
This is why you're on Yea Forums if you have this mentality.
Why are you making threads?
Discussion is over, it's all just meme spam and shitflinging from here until the next chapter
>Ishigami successfully woos Tsubame
>Iino has some kind of character development after losing
>everyone wins
>Goes flacid instantly
Why do you ask a question and proceed to answer it yourself?
actually for the next 3 months following the flashbacks it's going to be called "Iino sama wants to be confessed to" and it'll go back to the mind games the story was originally about, this time between ishigami and miko
>this time between ishigami and miko
I wouldn't be surprised if it gets to that.
It's not the first time something that seems like a joke actually ends up happening.
>Thinking everyones opinion is valid to a certain point
But it isn't
There are opinions which are better in measurable ways. For example, marriages in which the average amount of sexual partners are higher break up earlier.
Also divorces are correlated with lower overall happiness. So having less sexual partners is objectively better because it decreases your chance of divorce and betrayal and increases your happiness later in life
KABAK? Wut Is that some 3rd world language?
This would be quite refreshing and keeps with the themes and writing that I enjoy about Kaguya. Instead of this just ending with one screw up, they work things out and form a better understanding of each other before dating. Ishi really sees all of her instead of his ideal of her, Tsubame gets over her issues regarding long term relationships and they're both better for it.
>Miko is deadass spot on
Don't get married?
again happiness doesn't exist
doesnt that just make them shit people? its not as if sex makes you into a new person, unless its traumatic or something.
Promiscuity is bad for marriage, for the family, and for society. It makes people unhappier and more likely to be dissatisfied in a marriage.
It's degenerate and stupid
Normie degenerate
>Happiness does not exist
user why are you such a massive faggot
Thing is, you can't autism relationships into some easy to understand route of success like a VN novel. There are always other factors missing from all the charts and studies that always get posted that also lead to the same answer their focus did. Approaching relationships like an equation is always a mistake because you have to be flexible enough to deal with the more chaotic elements.
Tecnically the first confession didn't failed
It was the 2nd one that ruined everything
>Also divorces are correlated with lower overall happiness. So having less sexual partners is objectively better because it decreases your chance of divorce and betrayal and increases your happiness later in life
This shitty correlation could also mean that people who are more likely to lead a more stable marriage decide to have less sexual partners as a consequence.
Meaning if you artificially restrict sex driven people from showing their selfishness, they'd have similar divorce rates anyway.
Who’s calling Ishi an incel? At this point he is clearly not a involuntary celibate.
the more sex and partners you have in life the harder it becomes to form a long term relationship->marriage later in life, that means more divorces, that means more broken households and fucked up children caught in the middle of all that, that means the base structure of a society becomes unstable, it's literal cancer in these terms;
it's prefectly normal, but what it means to be a norm in rapidly declining enslaved society fed constant bread and circus
Of course it makes them shit people. And shit people hate having their world view challenged, so they try to drown out any discussion that challenges said world view point with shitposting.
Yet I've seen plenty of promiscuous men and women form long lasting relationships and plenty of virgin couples break up almost immediately. Also vice versa. Sex isn't the main factor behind divorces, just one part of the equation that gets overstated in these convos.
He was making a prequel joke user...
alright, I'll bite, prove it. when you don't experience anything positive, its very hard to believe in things like that.
you can be a shit person without sleeping with a lot of people though, it could be a factor sure but not a deciding one.
>I'm sad so happiness doesn't exist anywhere in the world
pretty much
Go to therapy
Getting women to realize what they want is what men have been doing since the dawn of time you modern numale.
You cant fool me Abe, I wont give in
>you can be a shit person without sleeping with a lot of people
>but not a deciding one.
Of course, look at any thread that devolves into /r9k/ or shipper faggotry if the girl is even hinted to have a relationship before the MC or person they wanted to ship with said girl.
So the party's long over and they're heading home. How does Ishigami manage to break Iino's arm, then?
Since when Kaguya is a manga about sex. What the fuck happened.
Yes, Kashiwagi is a good example for this despite being a bit psycho
I'm not looking for a cheap fuck.
It's natural that teenagers hooking up eventually leads to discussions of sex. Or did you think Kaguya would adopt her baseball team?
This is what happens when you try too hard to develop what was originally a joke character like Ishigami.
>teenagers hooking up
First this needs to happen to anyone other than Kashiwagi.
Every single fucking thing was set in there for them to do the four pages, they were tipsy, they like each other, and for the love of true love they were teens, WHERE THE FUCK DID ALL THE HORMONES GO
>Only losers fuck the hot cheerleader in highschool
normalfags will never get it
But Kaguya doesn't have any prequels, or does it?
Just leave my dude. Maybe do some push-ups or go outside, all you'll get is shitflinging here
>prove it
Very nice
Lino had to do something about that boner...
>Promiscuity is bad for marriage
Marriage is bad for society. Literally the reason why so many men suicide is because they get legally bounded to some bitch that juices the life out of them, and the only solution people have found through history is to create situations in which it is the woman who gets fucked hard.
Marriage has never produced any positive outcomes that could not have been obtained regardless just by sharing your life with the other person without getting the government involved.
A manwhore has a better chance of getting married at 25 than a virgin at 25.
So it's a chemical? released under specific circumstances to further the species. Not sure if that's dopamine, in other words, a lie your brain tricks you with.
oh look a sane person.
When's the last time you read the manga?
>a lie your brain tricks you with
That's literally how life works, user. At this point you're just arguing against existence itself.
There have been sex jokes from the very beginning. You didn't take the hints.
ishigami? more like eatshitdogshitcuckgami amirite lads?
Goddamn all of you. Life isn't that simple, if "X is the cause of broken marriages" was something THAT clear, it would be said all over the place, the studies that try to find any possible cause are all over the place, and never really reach any conclusive data, they merely try to correlate possibilities with the end result, but often it's that clear at all.
If life was black and white like that, we sure wouldn't be having this discussion.
Every manga has sex jokes. They are jokes, not part of the plot.
>If life was black and white like that, we sure wouldn't be having this discussion
Just like there are no discussions about flat earth, vaccines, evolution, and a myriad of other things that arequite white and black yet peple refuse to listen?
The "if it was simple, we wouldn't htink about it" argument has never been true, user. People will discuss anything and everything.
Not when Aka has foreshadows a shit load of things.
Don't be surprised when we get to the pregnancy arc of Kashiwagi.
Why did the author suddenly make her a slut?
based daddy poster
He asked why was she gonna sleep with him, normal answer in a a healthy realtionship based on romance or just sexual desire would be saying "because I like you", she stood quiet, that means the real answear would have ticked off Ishi. He did good, just think at how much effort he put going against his own nature so he could pursue his love interest.
Kashiwagi's sex life was never even thought of a joke tho. The two of them were seen in private hotel rooms since very early in the manga.
I'm very conflicted about this.
I'm AMAZED at how this author has LEGIT made me HATE every single girl in this series except for Maki Shijo cause she's so sad(when she finds her best friend gets pregnant that will be a SHIT storm haha), this author legit makes the 2 Main boys to be AMAZING but the girls are HORRIBLE, usually its the opposite so props to you Author
>Except for Maki
>Not hating the self absorbed tsundere, that refuses to let go of a puppy love, and acts like the world is against her, even though her attitude is the main cause of her failings
Also how the fuck do you have every single female? Are you just mentally challenged or something?
It won't be a fond memory if he sees her next year with a boyfriend, also, she trusts him to fuck for one night but doesn't believe he will wait or follow her to make the relationship work.
And any sexual idealism, even the lack thereof, is warped by default since that's entirely subjective.
>about 8 fucking threads since spoiler pics
>not a single thread has this image
>not even as a reaction pic
What the fuck? Did no one else think this was cute?
>hating hayasaka
get out of here!
Very easily.
i cant think of many situations this pic would be useful
You'd never know if she'd "thank" other people for loving her.
honestly this is fucking hilarious to me
if we're discussing semantics then nothing exists, you can't be sure of anything at all, it might as well all be a dream
where is that one pic of donald and micey discussing nihilism
Copypasta? I swear I've read this on previous threads.
I can't find a parallel image but I remember seeing Kaguya having the exact same expression reacting to something and I thought that was cute
Hating a cute girl for being cursed with tsundere genes from the Shinomiya family line but still holds forever for her pure (and dumb) love.
that is the one, thank you user
I think i saw it as a comment on Mangadex
She is lying you dense fuck.
Her true reasoning will be explained sooner or later.
Anyone knows it and they are just shitposting about it.
Except you and that retarded namefag who unironically believe what he said.
The reasoning is that she's jealous of the attention he gave to other girls but doesn't want to commit either. she's a slut!
Nihilism is just accepting the truth. at least i understand everything is meaningless
Hello what is the proper way to give myself a handie? asking for a friend
>want sex
>don't want commitment
She's a slut or in the process of becoming a slut Yea Forumsnons. Just give it up. Never thought Yea Forums of all places would defend sluts. Where's the Yea Forums I used to know that would slutshame someone for just having a boyfriend?
Where does the dialogue originate from? I don't believe that's actually something a Mickey Mouse comic would discuss.
He just wanted to tell her how he's feeling.
Gotta make her understand.
oof the edge,
there is no truth you mongoloid, if life is meaningless to you is because you're empty inside and have no motivation, just because you decide to only look at the superficial it doesn't mean you're suddenly enlightened
>i don't believe it's something a mickey mouse comic would dicuss
really now, how do you figure
The lines don't probably come from anywhere
Depends on the kind of loser, a moral loser would fuck her but a social loser would not
>Slut this slut that
Anons you have to be being Ironic right!? Tsubame is pure! she wouldn't have sex before marriage she was just testing him to see if he was a suitable partner.
The only reason she rejected him was because he attempted to have sex! Ishigami did everything wrong there when she laid on the bed he should have moved to the other bed and fell asleep Ishigami was the slut in this sitiuation holy fuck you have to be legitimately blind not to see that I'd expect nothing less of the fags who called Kashiwagi a slut as well when we all know she is a good and pure girl who only teases her BF no sex is involved holy fuck you fags are so stupid Aka would never allow the women in his work to be impure.
Tsubame = Utaha
Iino = Eriri
Onedera = Megumin
Very obvious who will win the Ishibowl
It was a figure of speech like I have accepted this.
the world is superficial though, Everybody judges on first impressions and it takes a lot to see past those.
Searching for that text gives only that sam epicture as a result, so my guess is that some person at some point in time wrote that down, and decided that Mickey and Donald were the appropiate characters to convey his words.
Probably the greatest mind of our time.
Confirmed normalfag who gets angsty when said chick doesn't give them the light of day in the future when he thought they broke it off on a good note. Girl proceeds to marry a chad and said user feels insecure about it even though the event is past. Normalfags are bloody retards honestly.
i believe that you believe this, becaus ei know people who do, so i'll just tell you that it is what you make of it. If you can grow, seeing behind the superficial can become easy
This. I'm not surprise at all since the current Yea Forums browser watches anime on Netflix.
Holy shit i love how salty all the incels are in these threads,the last chapter really did save the manga.
Have sex only after marrying the partner you love.
This is a man btfo manwhores, say something nice about him
>Where does the dialogue originate from?
i ain't even joking
Honestly at ishigami age neither is really loser behavior desu.
>Marriage is bad for society. Literally the reason why so many men suicide
It is not , really. You just need to look at statistics.
Looking at research, married people are happier and healthier (they live longer lives).
But the most important thing in marriage is not how it affects the married couple, but how it affects their kids. Kids raised by their two biological parents in a monogamous and stable relationship (marriage makes relationships more stable) do better than others in a pretty large number of life outcomes and mental health.
And Tsubame had the sheer audacity to play innocent. I guess Ishigami was way off. Tsubame isn't purer than Miko.
Literally who is that?
Aka looks like this user.
Wait what?
gonna see how or if does she recover from this chapter
See? It has been too long and some people did not even know is a meme out of nowhere
Casual sex is connected with lower mental health and lower happiness.
Which is interesting because a guy who is happier has an easier time sleeping with women. And that in our society, many believe that sleeping with a lot of people makes you a better man, so you would expect that those who have casual sex would have a higher self esteem due to the messages society send.
The correct way of approaching relationships is to ignore studies and the wisdom of your grandma and just going #YOLO mindlessly?
Is Ishigami the definition of a chad virgin?
>You just need to look at statistics
Look at the divorce rates. Marriage working out all the way til the end of your life is an oddity, not the norm.
People these days seem to forget that the whole point of sex is having children. The pleasure is secondary
Not after he fucked Miko so hard he broke her arm.
The internet was invented for the military purposes. Yet there we are discussing fictional character's non-existant sex life for 3 days straight.
More than half of first marriages don't end in divorces. And one of the reasons why divorce rates are higher than they should be is due to values that consider casual sex to be OK.
And regardless of that, married people are happier and their families end up with better outcomes in life.
That mentality is what leads to deranged fucks who do all sorts of nasty shit behind the scenes and even rape. And being too sexual can lead to problems too.
You don't need to be that extreme, stop pretending sex is that much of a sacred act, or that people don't do it for pleasure, and find a middle ground without acting like a massive whipped church dog, or a whore.
so... did we won linobros?
That's not true
It helps, but to anyone who's not blind, they can see this is hardly over. Tsubame will find herself regretting her actions, and thinking more deeply about the issue.
Not sure how it will play out after that, but the 3 months is still in effect, Ishigami just isn't aware of it still.
Slutbame is out of the Ishibowl.
But there are still Maki and Onodera.
Nah, he's regressed a little to being a virgin virgin, he should've stopped it and talked with her before she was pinned underneath him.
I know that dude is a meme but wasn't Aka more... young that in your pic?
Go read some books. Overly puritan mentality is what lead many to seek out sex outside of their marriage or frustrated sex lives. It's natural to crave pleasure, and by acting like it must be kept as an absolute "baby making" process, and nothing outside of that, it makes for a lot of frustrated people and even failed marriages as well.
Acting like a complete whore isn't right either, which is why a middle ground is important. Nothing in extremes is a good.
Well, Ishigami did get to know her better in the end, for better or worse. I seriously doubt this moment isn't going to feel awkward as fuck in the future, no matter where things go from here.
Both treating sex casually and as something important and not to be taken lightly are valid stances and you are free to take whichever best suits you. Just be on the same page as your hypothetical partners, else it leads to heartbreak.
Hell, this is Aka’s recent pic
>passed out drunk and almost raped
>had arm painfully broken
>enslaved Ishi, rubbing salt in the wound
Win what, exactly?
I think his facial hair just gives him a way older look.
>Nothing in extremes is a good.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
>being this possessive
Turning down the hot cheerleader when she's wet and willing because you're not interested in a casual fling is the opposite of being a cuck.
I prefer the term unmale
>Tsubasa pinned a slut against wall
>Ishigami did exactly the same thing on bed
Y’all disliked Kashiwagi’s boyfriend because he is too powerful
>Go read some books.
I did.
Your view didn't come from books, but from shitty Hollywood movies and TV series.
I would also like to mention that in the early 20th century (we have statistics from that era, which I believe we don't have from earlier times), when people did have a more "puritan" mentality, they had a smaller number of sexual partners and infidelity was also smaller.
Seeing sex as something for pleasure unsurprisingly makes you more likely to cheat, to have a failed marriage and to be frustrated, as seem by the results of the Sexual Revolution. And by how very religious people have happier marriages.
>values that consider casual sex to be OK
People of both genders were seeking casual sex at all ages, regardless of values of that time. It's human nature to seek pleasure, you better not think it came out of nowhere or will end anytime soon.
She's not rubbing salt in the wound. I think after she understands what happened with Tsubame, she'll leave that subject well enough alone.
Except that sex is pleasurable by nature, and pleasure is not a bad thing per se. The issue is that most human's sex drive is much higher than what's reasonable in a monogamous society, so masturbation and sex outside of marriage appear, and for most people the latter is far more preferable than the former.
>implying there's trust or any emotion other than pleasure involved with sex with a thot
Might as well bang a hooker
user, you should really read about the Sexual Revolution. The values of today are not the values of other eras and other societies. Game of Thrones is a fantasy series with dragons, not a good documentary.
>people were raised to think that sex only belongs to the marrigae
>suddenly learn that sex is just sex and you can have it any time you want
>marriage rates go down because it's not as needed as before
Well, no faults here.
Pleasure is not a bad, but being a pleasure seeker is a bad. And certain values and having casual sex increases your desire for sex, which ends up leading to problems.
>suddenly learn that sex is just sex and you can have it any time you want
If by becoming promiscuous you end up having worse life outcomes, this isn't really true, is it?
>you should really read about the Sexual Revolution
Oh, i'll gladly will. I just know that general values of a certain era don't nessessarily reflect everyday behavior of the people who lived during that time. Me being born in USSR and all that.
>suddenly learn that sex is just sex and you can have it any time you want
you can shoot yourself in a foot any time you want too
what's the problem? it's what all the cool kids do
It's not pleasurable, simple as that.
>Miko and Ishigami are walking home from the party
>Ishigami gets a call from Kaguya
>Execute order 66
>Ishigami snaps Miko's arm
In your opinion, the values of an era don't affect how people behave?
But then, wouldn't we expect those in the early 20th century to have as many sexual partners as those that lived in the 1970's?
>by becoming promiscuous you end up having worse life outcomes
You keep saying that as it's a 100% hard fact. It isn't. No amount of statistics will make this claim any less absurd.
For people who can't keep it in their pants it's easier to not get married at all, that to struggle under the pressure they never wanted. For people who don't care much about sex as a whole, or who genuinely believe having one partner for life is a right thing to do, marriage will always be a better option no matter how frowned upon it might become.
>No amount of statistics will make this claim any less absurd.
You reject reality and go for your ideology that promiscuity doesn't cause problems?
No.. that person on is someone from Shueisha for attending niconico award iirc.
here recent Aka pic.
Not him but, i'm the guy who said extremes are bad. You shouldn't act like a whore, but acting like a gigantic puritan is also bad.
Except that seeking pleasure is basically the basis of every single human action. Why do you read manga, watch anime, go for a walk, shitpost here, work, study, etc? Because it gives you pleasure or helps you get it. Sex is just another source of pleasure, with people with high sex drives seeking sex just like an avid reader seeks books. I agree that sex as pleasure brings far more side effects than reading as pleasure, mostly negative, but what's unnatural in the first place is monogamy. Most humans, especially males, cannot go for nine months without some kind of sexual release, for example.
Let's just go back to the middle ages when people were puritan as shit and arrange all marriages. You really think that people were happy about that?
Is it just me or are there a lot of /pol/ mentality posters ever since the recent chapter? Or at least, they aren't shying away from talking anymore.
The fuck are you talking about, /pol/ mentality?
You never know, especially about the love part
I observe the reality of the hundreds, or maybe thousands of the people i've met in real life. Overwhelming majority of my friends had a single parent raising them, and majority of those ended up quite high in life, some guys moving to Dubai to perate Facebook-tier corporation. Meanwhile, most of the people with both parents came out more sheltered and malajusted. I witnessed seen people live in marriage for 40-50 years, and still cause everyday shitstorms you woulnd't even see in Brazilian soap operas. My ideology is based on what i've seen and experienced myself, you'll be hard pressed to change my opinion with raw data.
>Yea Forums is full of bitter virgins
no shit
Not really, user. And notice that what we are talking about here is "physical pleasure". Monogamy is not really unnatural. Plenty of people in human history spent their whole lives married to a single person without suffering due to that.
Buddhist monks are celibate. And they usually live well enough.
When's the JB version coming out
it's also less harmful in the long run
>but acting like a gigantic puritan is also bad.
what's the harm in that? it's not like you deny your children sex ed so they end up thinking that you get pregnant from holding hands which is entirely true by the way
If the school found out they fucked (through some Iino shenanigans) everybody would be high fiving him/trying to beat him up. He would be suicidal because he probably would've confessed and got rejected after the sex though
>You really think that people were happy about that?
1. Do you think people are happy with what we have now?
2. Happiness is just your brain trying to trick you. See the Donald and Mickey picture here
There's no extreme here. You either had sex before marriage or you don't. Stop being ridiculous with this. If a person would have sex just for the pleasure of it without wanting to think of the consequences, he/she is an idiot.
We DO know, there are documents from France that describe love as an imbalance of the body, a disease. There are even treatises on how to treat it. Where do you think the term "lovesick" comes from?
The /r9k/fags have gotten uppity. Normally Yea Forums just says >3DPD but recent years they've gotten bold enough to start going on full rants about their life and start posting infographics
you are aware there's a sexual part of Buddhism, but it takes like 10+ years before your even allowed to learn about it. its not in every type, but it certainly exists.
>Let's just go back to the middle ages when people were puritan as shit and arrange all marriages. You really think that people were happy about that?
I believe that in the middle ages, other than in the nobility, most people didn't have arranged marriages. But I would like to mention something: arranged marriages in India do not have lower satisfaction levels than "free-marriages".
And if you look at happiness research, we are not really in an era of great life satisfaction.
Ahh fuckers don't try to confuse me with your baits. Which one is?
user, anecdotal evidence doesn't beat large studies.
Where does this picture even come from?
Holy fucking shit. Which board are you fucks from? Do you guys not know Yea Forums fucking hate sluts?
Buddhist monks are supposed to be celibate.
unironically, have sex
It is an extreme, because people can have sex before marriage and still be entirely loyal once in a relationship, and others can be a virgin and still sleep around once married. If everything could be categorized that easily on "if X did Y, then that means H won't happen", we'd be living much easier lives.
The only one being ridiculous here is you. Again, stop pretending you need a singular mentality for this whole fucking thing, some people may be more prone to seeking pleasure for the hell of it, Tsubame in this case did it under some mentality but she wasn't trying to be a whore, but she was still stupid in her approach.
Which /pol/ mentality?
to be fair large studies apply to demographics, not single pairs of people
you can make a prediction out of it but in the end the success of a marriage entirely depends on the willingness of partners to keep it intact
I am against sluttery by the way
>married people are happier
>divorces are correlated with lower overall happiness
>having less sexual partners.. increases your happiness later in life
>Happiness is just your brain trying to trick you
You just eliminated a good portion of your own argument. Where are pros and cons, what's the standpoint to place any judgement in the first place then?
Yea Forums is selective with its sluts.
Also, if Yamada is pure, Tsubame is too.
Looking at research... People who don't have sex before marriage have happier and more stable marriages and their marriages have a much lower rate of adultery.
Pleasure is pleasure, there is no difference between intelectual or physical pleasure. And yes, some people actually managed to stay together for life with no issues, and some religions put great emphasis on chastity to various levels of effectivity, yet every society throught ages had polygamy, cheating, prostitution, and many other less palatable sexual release methods.
Aka personal Facebook
>to be fair large studies apply to demographics, not single pairs of people
user, you are just trying to avoid reality...
I'm I'm not
It's pretty simple. If your girl pretends to be pure at first, and then reveals herself to be a slut, Yea Forums will explode with rage. If your girl reveals herself to be impure from the very beginning, the purityfags will fuck off immediately, only those who know she is impure and still like her anyway will stick around.
And again, that research is not even conclusive, it's just saying a the ones researched fall more into it, but they can't search all families.
Plus you have to account for way more shit like:
>Families not wanting to divulge problems
>People hiding certain aspects they'd not want to be known
>Potential differences in background related to the marriage outside of premarital sex
>Religious background or lack of thereof
>Active sex life
And many much more shit. There's so many whats and ifs it could lead to many differences.
If there aren't any statistics of non-married couples to compare to, all that info is worthless.
If a person were to have sex before marriage it just show that they never had the concept of commitment ever in their mind. Sure they could be loyal but they would more likely won't. While the person to not have sex before marriage just shows that they have the self discipline and the mentality to wait for until marriage. What happns after that only god knows but according to statistics, the people that wait would be more loyal than the people that don't. Now shut up and stop trying to push casual sex as a normal thing.
>Pleasure is pleasure, there is no difference between intelectual or physical pleasure
Of course there is. Even Epicurus said so.
> And yes, some people actually managed to stay together for life with no issues, and some religions put great emphasis on chastity to various levels of effectivity, yet every society throught ages had polygamy, cheating, prostitution, and many other less palatable sexual release methods.
user, the issue here is that some values lead to more people having chaster lifestyles and some values lead to people having more "hedonistic" ones.
>people actually believe this.
Hope you have your purity ring user
what do you mean by that? if you studied statistics, you'd know that divorce rates are inflated due to the fact that whores marry and remarry
Both are sluts but one doesn't pretend to not be a slut. Some of the Yea Forums degenerate like sluts for some reason.
You people think too much about this. Just have sex.
In social science research, people do control for variables such as "religious background".
And given how large the difference was, it is unlikely to be for silly reasons.
After marriage. I can have up to four wives though.
Goddamn, what the FUCK are you talking about? When did I fucking push for Casual sex? I said that you shouldn't be a whore, but you shouldn't be giant puritan, that's it. If you're dating someone for a while and you suddenly hit a good mood and you have sex, I see no problem with that. The problem is, a lot of shit can happen in your life that stops the couple from being able to get married, IF they get married at all in the first place. I know people who don't tie the knot and are really happy together, they just didn't sign papers or had a ceremony, that's it.
Sleeping around and acting like a whore is an obvious red flag, that's not someone who has commitment. But comparing that to someone who slept with a person they were dating, and is otherwise not a massive slut of a person is just fucking stupid, and it's not like a virgin marriage is going to ensure that person won't find the sex life frustrating with their partner after they realize there's no alternative outside of cheating, nothing is certain in life.
based old school Mormon user
and as many slaves as your hand can hold right user?
jesus christ
>Now shut up and stop trying to push casual sex as a normal thing.
but it literally is a normal thing by virtue of being extremely common in society at large
what century do you live in?
Honestly, I'm expecting Miko to make some shitty effort to comfort him.
Serious question. Have you ever had sex? So much as even dated someone?
There are.
"Cohabiting couples" are a category in those studies.
>you'd know that divorce rates are inflated due to the fact that whores marry and remarry
Your point being?
>Kaguya threads have now degenerated into people calling each other incels or degenerate
Everything that gets popular goes to shit
>those studies
Post them.
>inb4 I'm not making the effort for you
Then don't mention their existence. If you bring them to the discussion, you bring them 100%, anything else is cowardice.
According to statistics, people who marry virgin do have better marriages
For once, it's actually justified by the manga itself presenting such question out loud.
I'm pretty sure it's just a Yea Forums thing and has nothing to do with the manga's popularity.
I'm sure this is plaguing the entirety of Yea Forums, not just these threads.
>Your point being?
you eliminate major risk factors by going for women who never married before and whose lives don't revolve around getting pounded every waking moment
in the end the only constant is you so I don't see how statistics would affect something under your control
it's literally just a matter of getting to know the person before marrying them
If they'd at least post cute Kaguyas while debating...
Just ignore them, unfortunately they don't realize that this is a manga for successful members of society and not lonely losers.
They should read a different manga like 5toubun if they want the girls acting like brainless moeblobs.
Dubs and I get this tattooed
They can wait until after marriage. It's a question of mentality and will. If they love each other they can wait.
You mean western degenerate society. Next you're gonna tell me that LGBTQRVWXYZ++ is okay because society at large accept those degeneracy.
Date yes. Sex no.
Nothing wrong with having a shitstorm for a few days.
If things are the same after a month I would worry.
>Muh statistics
AGAIN, like I said fucking said, those never cover the whole thing, there's way more families out there, and there's also variables like them interviewing families who happen to hit it off better with post sex marriage, more than those who didn't adhere to that, and all the other shit like families not wanting to divulge problems in their marriage life to an interviewer.
What's the range of the research? What was the location most interviews took place in, what was the community like? What types of families? Are they including those who don't get officially married in a ceremony, or just signing papers?
top kek
jokes aside, is there a single well adjusted character in Kaguya? Aka sure went out of his way to give everyone some baggage
>Next you're gonna tell me that LGBTQRVWXYZ++ is okay because society
Literally has nothing to do with the current discussion /pol/tard.
Certainly none of the major characters.
Tsubasa seems pretty normal.
Whatever. I'm not a phylosopher. As for the second part, how do values affect anything when everywhere, from the most barbaric tribe to the most religious societies face the same issues? Yes, the latter might recgonize those issues as problems, but they are in both societies regardless. Or are you telling me that all these problems began in the last 50 years with the liberation of sexuality? Also, needless to say, just like many people lead monogamous lifes, many priests and monks broke they vows of chastity.
Only the ones we know nothing about, like Momo or Onodera, which would undoubtedly change if they get focus
That's why you increase the sample size
Not that I care about your faggot discussion but saying "Statistics are unreliable because they might miss fringe cases" is fucking retarded, especially when you get samples in the hundreds of thousands with national marriage registers
Everyone has some baggage. Even people who seem to have their shit together have issues and fuckups. I know many people who inspire envy for how put-together they seem (myself not included) but under the mask they still have their insecurities, they still feel overwhelmed, they still carry around their mistakes and struggle with themselves. Honestly, one of the strengths of this manga is that it has at least the main cast being more than one-dimensional romcom stereotypes and actually explores their psyches.
Not that user but you don't seem to get the concept of average, more than half or more likely. Sure it might not be all of them because human nature is a bitch but in most cases it certainly do.
That is a fresh idea.
You know what i want to see ?
Miko and Ishigami meeting that meganekos that is Mikos friend while she enters or leaves a love hotel with her boyfriend
Trips and we all get a girlfriend before christmas
I'm not disagreeing with the statistic entirely, I do believe those who wait until marriage will have a better chance of not ruining the marriage, I just don't agree with viewing it as a absolute definer of what people should be seeking.
>Aka killed all tsubamefags in a single chapter
It does when you try to bring up what the western society at large think what is right and wrong. You can't just say that society at large support "thing" as a reason why it is okay but not wanting to accept the other "thing" that society at large accepts.
are you 12? no one asked about your blog, dipshit
this is Yea Forums so talk about the manga in question or leave
The amount of phases this manga has gone through is kinda funny.
I'm half expecting us to start getting into debating abortion if Kashiwagi does end up pregnant.
That the children of married parents have better outcomes than cohabiting ones is a classic result.
>Family Structure and Child Well‐Being: The Significance of Parental Cohabitation
The WWF threatened him after his genocide of otters. So he's trying to repopulate them.
I believe Aka is one of the greatest RomCom writers of this decade because he actually must have experienced teenage love in person unlike a lot of the faggots who write romantic stories while pulling situations out of their ass
From kaguyas: "I want our relationship to work and not to be magical" to Tsubame wanting to casually hook up with a guy she likes but doesn't want to commit too the manga has been almost uncomfortably realistic recently
Women who have had sex only with the men they would marry also have a higher rate of divorce than those who marry virgin.
You are just trying to avoid reality...
Again, I don't disagree with the fact that those who wait until marriage will end up having better results in terms of divorce rates, I just don't like the idea of seeing it as an absolute, there's always exceptions, or ways that it can work out otherwise.
>anyone who disagrees with me must be /pol/
user, let's think of a fictional example.
There are two large countries of 100mi people each. In one of them, half of the people cheat on their spouses. In the other, there are about 10 people who cheat on their spouses.
Would you say that there are no differences with how adultery is a problem in both? I would say the second country is doing better in this.
And the winner is
Otterbros. Where you at?
I don't even know what point you are trying to make
Have sex
Upboated, redditor
>In the other, there are about 10 people who cheat on their spouses.
statistically impossible
it's female nature to want as many providers as they can afford and don't even get me started on cuck fetishists
raise children
A woman who only had sex with the man she would eventually marry is not really a slut. But even women who do this have worse marriages than those who marry virgin.
The old idea of marrying a virgin is not outdated or crazy. It actually tends to lead to better marriages.
Hayasaka is gay!
This IS the reality. A reality were sex is but one of many things you can do in your life. Desperately linking it to the happyness of marriage, lenght of lifespan, or well-being of entire countries, reeks if not of pushing some agenda, but at least of trying to back up your personal preferences as some be-all end-all with big studies to boot.
There's nothing wrong with casual sex, but pity sex is just sad.
Fujiwara is pretty balanced. Her potential confusion about her sexuality only popped up very recently, and it might just be Hayasaka who is confused.
Ishi forced her for an answer and she came up with that. It's probably more likely that she just wanted to have sex but that answer makes her seem slutty.
Would you disagree that certain sexual habits and mindsets tend to lead to happier marriages than others?
>Fujiwara is pretty balanced
Except there's a huge portion of her personality that we simply don't know about yet.
Shut it with the fucking sex debate. All I want to know is how Miko's clumsy efforts to pry into the issue, or comfort Ishigami over them, lead to a broken arm.
I still have faith that Aka will not go for the cliched rebound route and have Ishigami's feeling magically disspear
More like get some actual life experience and interact with people more instead of hiding behind a poisonous mindset because its easier.
Fuck off no one gives a fuck about M*ko.
then come back next week
I would disagree that sexual habits are THAT important in marriage in the first place. The communication and understanding between the people is. There's couples where one side is alright with the other cheating, and even the couples where both cheat upon mutual agreement. As long as two people can work it out between themselves, they can afford virtually any sexual life AND keep their marriage intact.
Act aimlessly without thinking before?
Ishigami does. Also fucking cope.
But what if statistics show the opposite?
That sexual habits do affect marriage success? That open marriages are not really stable?
I know that but you should realize that it's statistically impossible for everyone to be able to have a virgin gf
hell, there are way more men than women on Earth in the first place and now you also want the people who shouldn't breed to get a virgin gf as well? no way in hell
it sucks that women are so easily swayed by peer pressure because before that peer pressure was exuded by religious institutions which hold little to no power in modern times but I guess that's natural selection for you
once waifubots become real we will witness a wave of polygamy only previously seen in stone age societies
what in the fuck was reddit about that post
>But what if statistics show the opposite?
Then i'd wonder where you gathered this data from, because rather few people in the open marriage are open to public about the nature of it.
What an odd Kaguya
Holy shit I love Kaguya so goddamn much.
>Ishigami's feeling magically disspear
I'm interested in Aka making Miko put a shitton of effort to make Ishigami fall for her after getting heartbroken twice. I see this as an interesting development that could redeem her.
No, I meant, what if statistics show that sexual habits do affect marriage success?
That'd require her to acknowledge that she's into him, which seems far off.
I'm more interested in Aka subverting everyone's expectations by having Miko lose the Ishibowl.
It'd be fine if both girls lose though.
Yes, I am sure supposedly pure societies where prostitution is an established profession and had the need to prosecute against raping, eloping, zoophilia, etc. (aka. the entire western world) had only 10 people cheating on their spouses.
Good for you, Prez.
God yes, bachelor end would make my sufferingboner so hard
user, both of the societies I mentioned are fictional. Would you say they both have the same problems with adultery?
Yes, i get exactly what you mean. The people in open marrigae, who fuck like bunnies on the side but put up a good front in public, are unknown to that statistic. They're not covered by it. It would be the same as trying to statistically figure the amount of pedophiles across the country - it would be way off because the majority simply woudn't tell you they're pedophiles.
Yes i have. Fucked up majorly before on all kinds of things and relationships. Happy i did because i learned things from the experience that helped me with my relationships and marriage. Life experience is vital user because you cant learn everything from charts and studies.
One is doing far better than the other. Thing is, the latter never existed in the history of the world.
Yes, I know it is hard to get statistics on them.
But I'm talking about people in general, not only about them.
I think it's a mere three months away. She could still soften up on him beforehand.
So, Miko's going to have to play the Prince on the white horse, to sweep Ishigami off his feet and carry him into the sunset?
I'm not expecting this too sudden happen. But it's an interesting development. She will need to change her shit personality and put some effort into making someone fall for her.
I don't particularly hate Miko or thinks she need 'redeem'
I am just getting bored of the rival turn into love thing that has been done million times before.
Ishi Tsubame is way more interesting plot-wise Imo.
yea that would also explain why you don't know how to handle women.
I thought Yea Forums liked Ishigami.
But user, usually those who "Fucked up majorly before on all kinds of things and relationships" have worse marriage and life outcomes than those who don't.
Fucking up creates the habit of fucking up. Experimenting on all kinds of relationships tend to create the habit of making you into a novelty searcher.
Can you please take this retarded discussion somewhere else if you don't even have the decency to post on topic pictures
>One is doing far better than the other.
Yes, that's where I wanted to go.
>Thing is, the latter never existed in the history of the world.
Yes. There were not that many societies in history with a population of 100mi either.
But the point is that in many of those categories, things got much worse in the West after the Sexual Revolution.
are you lost, mr tourist?
you can't offend anyone by saying that on Yea Forums
I'll be honest with you - from what i've seen, people mostly view marriage as a business investment. Then as a status symbol. Sexual preferences and being really that attracted to the other person only comes third, if even.
>things got much worse in the West after the Sexual Revolution.
Well, yes. That was kind of the point of the Sexual Revolution in the first place.
In the last chapter, Ishigami had the option of having casual sex with someone who he was very attracted to and decided that it was not worth it. Some people criticized his choice, some are praising him for doing so. And this discussion eventually leads to a debate on the nature of casual sex.
I've been reading through the threads and am appalled at the amount of anons putting the casual sex at a pedestal. Getting a pity fuck from Tsubame sounds nice, but Ishi really liked her.
And we've hit like eighty degrees of seperation between the manga and your weird obsession with female sexuality at this point
At least do the nice thing and post Kaguyas, that's all I ask
This. It's kind of refreshing how realistic some of the characters' motivations are. Guess it's one of the advantages of being published in a seinen magazine.
God damn, Iino's cute
The greatest sex story ever told.
How else would someone judge Ishigami's choice if not by discussing the nature of casual sex?
I can't believe the amount of sluts that are on Yea Forums that think casual sex is alright. Lewd stuff should be saved for your waifu/husbando only.
By focusing more on Ishigamis and Tsubames internal motivation and less on goverment statistics of marriage length
Also I said before, discuss what you want, but if you're going this far out at least provide on topic pics
>with female sexuality at this point
Not him, but is this discussion about female sexuality, or just sexuality in general? Ishigami, a male, is part of this pointless discussion too.
Should he have just behaved in the way that would get him some fuck, or should he keep his eyes on that he actually wanted in the first place?
I want you all to stop arguing and relax. You cannot guess what I am going to do next
No, Iino will fall more in love with him, then at some point two faceless dudes will try to pick her up as has happened before, only now she will outright refuse because she only wants ishi. Then they'll try to rape her, and Ishi will come save her, becoming the prince on the white horse she's dreamed of
I want to feed Miko Iino
Miko is not fat
Never write anything in your life.
Fuck off.
Wrong thread this manga is about Tsubame
>That resolution
God bless you user
Feed her what?
Ishi did right even if it was the hardest choice.
>seething tsubamefag
I want to feed Miko Iino some mikolino.
It doesn't matter.
What the fuck is an otterfag I don't get it
The 5 W's and H of Iino's broken arm
Who: Ishigami was the cause
What: The stairs Iino fell down
When: After the party and Ishigami's blue balling session
Where: In Miko's home
Why: Because Ishigami and Miko are OTP
How: Ishigami and Miko were going upstairs and he says something to her that flusters her. Being clumsy, she trips and falls down and lands on her arm.
Tell him we love his work
I miss the times when Yea Forums was full of virgins, with ronery threads every late night, when we would talk about sexual matters like a couple of toddlers who have never seen a vagoo before and hence have hilarious conversations about our unrealistic beliefs about sex, and how we were all against the normalfagshits invading this board, remember when Yea Forums got mauled by the normies and we said we would never be like them? What, in 2008? What went wrong?
Not all experiences are the same however, and people have the capability to change and mature if they desire.
Right now ive been with my wife for fifteen years out of college and according to the study i should be divorced. Ive seen the marriages of devout virgins and pure girls like Yea Forums worships fail for all kinds of reasons.There's always an exception to every rule.
Nah, Miko will save Ishi from faceless girls. She will have to become someone worthy of what she wants, and the only one worthy of a shining prince is another shining prince.
It's amazing how Tsubame already surpassed Iino as a character despite having like 80+ chapters less than Iino.
>still having pride
she can use me as a dildo I don't give a shit
How will prez heal ishigami this time
See this is exact type of shits I talked about in
He won't. It'd be hypocritical for a guy with a girlfriend to try and heal someone who doesn't
He won't. The rope wasn't a joke.
>Literally nothing is known about her or her motivations
>Surpassed as a toon
You also need to specify that YOU want to have a long-term relationship. With that condition, the loser behavior is 2.
I'm not going to write a huge fanfiction about every step inbetween.
Why would you say yes to pity sex?
Tsubame needs to realize she fucked off toying with Ishi's feelings like that and apologize.
Don't bother Mikofags don't even read the manga or are simply too stupid to realize that this isn't a generic romcom.
have sex?
The problem is, after the newest chapter Tsubame jumped so fucking far down the ranking to worst girl she doesnt fucking deserve Ishigami anymore. Frankly regalrdess of intention this puts her pretty much on par with kashiwagi
>walks in on Prez fucking Ishigami
>Frankly regalrdess of intention this puts her pretty much on par with kashiwagi
Oh... So, you're one of "those" kind of guys huh?
Fuck this arc was so good
Because of the sex part.
Seriously, you guys have way too much baseless pride. At the end of the day, everyone uses each other. If she wasn't having sex with you out of pity or because you're the best she could do at the moment, she'd be doing it for your money or status.
I know I'm the only one here above the age of 25 and still a virgin.
And I know I will still say no to that.
Trust me, you arent.
>And I know I will still say no to that.
how would you know if you never got close to getting laid?
Oh you poor virgin soul. Yea Forums has a lot of wizards, don't let the have sex fool you.
>the only one here above the age of 25 and still a virgin
where do you think you are?
Not really, the thing is even if Tsubame wanted to date him now the bridge is kind of burned cause it also has the same issue of her leaving. And looking past that its ignoring just how much of a shitty move she just pulled was, like seriously once you stop thinking with your dick here, this is honest to god one of the cruelest things someone could do, she knows he has feelings for her and she was more or less just gonna match genuine feelings with meaningless sex that would only stay as a horrible reminder of almost obtaining happiness in his eyes only to have the rug pulled out from under him abruptly and harshly.
This is the kind of shit thats on par if not worse than ghosting a dude.
It's dangerous to read this thread without protection, anons
>literally depicted 3dpd in a manga
>naive virgin weebs btfo
b-based Aka, haha
This is not how it works
>not a generic romcom
not being generic doesn't mean the author is going to deliberately forego his own story structure just to """subvert expectation"""
Kaguya and prez breaking up and oonodera being revealed to be Prez's mother ind isguise definitely would'nt happen in a "generic" romcom. Doesn't mean they should happen regardless
I understand you don't like Iino, but come the fuck on
If you understand anything of story structure, characters, and foreshadowing, you'd understand why people think she's going to win
you dont know what /pol/ is, especially if your trying to imply people have a incel mentality for calling out how bad Tsubame was in this recent chapter, cause the manga is making very apparent shes very in the wrong anyway.
Even if we try to roll with some sort of incel accusation, the simple fact is pretty much everyone thats criticizing tsubame has already been on another girl like Miko's side in the first place, no one asid efrom maybe one or 2 autists that cant think past senseless fucking are going full mgtow on anything.
So Aka is attractive enough to have sex in his high school and here he writes his own experience
It's okay, i have this.
I dont think its a pity sex. She was just a slut.
no, Prez wouldn't do that.
Nah this case its actually justified cause that is presented by the manga itself, the proof is in how your seeing this kind of reaction everywhere not just Yea Forums. We are supposed to react negatively to what Tsubame just did.
It's not that he won't try, it's that he'll fail.
>Aka writes realistic scenens because he actually experienced them
Do you think Aka also got blueballed by his crush once and then got pitysex from his shy friend that kept hanging out with him despite "Hating" him in public?
Nah fuck off, just cause youre too weak to look for a proper relationship and settle for some random slut doesnt mean everyone else will.
>we want the /r9k/ audience
Bravo, Aka you fucking hack.
Hell, you never know
>Onodera being revealed to be Prez's mother in disguise
I don't know how you even imagined that one, but that would make it an amazing trainwreck.
Is miko ok with erectile dysfunction?
>If you understand anything of story structure, characters, and foreshadowing, you'd understand why people think she's going to win
That's exactly why she's not going to win retard, but whatever keep believing what you want.
The day will definitely come where Aka btfo's Miko and you'll have your expectations subverted (not me though). And I hope you won't call him a hack or something like that.
but he has said he's a virgin
>When Ishi apparently was rockhard for six hours
Depends on who Aka's selfinsert is, for all we know he was Tsubasa
That dude comedies. Legitimately laughed my ass off just by imagining it
She assumed it was ED
Sure, if condemning playing with a kind person's feeling and pissing on their sincerity makes me whatever the fuck generalization you want to group me with, I dont think Tsubame is a evil person or even really meant to hurt him as much, but intentions mean jack shit when what you just did is nothing short of fucking cruel. The simpel fact is, Guy or Girl, if someone, especially a vulnerable person, is presenting themselves to you as a serious romantic partner, you stamp that out immediately if you have no intention of following through, she led him on, its a fucking dogshit move. She could of gotten to know him and let him down honestly telling him why shes not comfortable with the situation with her moving away. But no, she lied about what time it was to trick him into staying the night, then led him to a private room where she came onto him with no intention of follow up when he very clearly wanted more than just some random fuck.
She might not be a bad person, but decent people can do awful things, and she did a fucking awful thing.
Going back to this chapter, maybe I'm just a brainlet or maybe the chapter or translation don't fully convey what Aka intended, but I think despite their dejected looks and the obvious awkwardness about the arm both Miko and Ishigami are supposed to be acting really friendly with each other, at first I thought Kashiwagi was just referring to Miko's teasing him.
Maybe we are just a bunch a perverts thinking about his boner but actually they just became genuine friends by Miko consoling him and both are really embarrassed about it.
>erectile dysfunction
There will be no need for her to deal with it. Clearly it was Ishigami's titanic rod that shattered her tiny arm.
Yeah because ppl don't lie right? Everybody lies.
Nigga what? Ishi is going to pump Miko until morning if he can keep an erection for 6 hours straight. He should get that checked, that doesn't sound healthy at all.
Haven't we known that Ishi is Akas selfinsert for quite a while?
There was a compilation pic of situations with Ishi in the manga and interview snippets
>Aka’s wife is a semen demon
Shit, no wonder why he takes a break every month to quench her desire for an entire week
You aren't, also contrary to popular belief unless your like in your mid 30's, being a virgin is actually kind of a selling point for people just cause sex is so much easier to obtain now than it was, alot of girls actually kind of like knowing they arent about to sleep with a dude on his 15th girl
>Next Arc is Ishi dealing with Priapism and the debilitating effects on his dick
only 1 more month before i get my powers
i will probably just get a hooker somewhere in my 30-31 and be done with it. i have not even cared about it anymore since my 26'th. i now dont even know why i cared in the first place
The 6 hours timeframe is not for straight hours of sex, it's just the timeframe when sex is usually happening between couples during Christmas.
I think they're still in prime sex time hours too.
>It's not that he won't try, it's that he'll fail.
he will never fail.
So you're the kind who thinks he's gonna "subvert expectations" just for the sake of it even though he never actually did that until now.
I don't particularly care about who win in the end, but you're definitely a dumbass if you think he's gonna do something that would turn him into a genuine hack.
I don't know if "friendly" is the way to put it, but it definitely seems like they've grown closer. I'm pretty sure it's intended, too. I'm expecting some relationship development in the next chapter.
These threads made me realize just how hypocritical all the people going "sex isn't such a big deal, stop putting it on a pedestal" are when they absolutely lose it by the idea of someone rejecting a chance to have it.
That's kind of the gist I got, the party chapter itself made it pretty apparent that they both like each other and just don't really realize it. Miko got jealous that he treats other girls better and Ishigami immediatly dropped what he was doing to focus on how pretty Miko was and also got defenseive/sort of jealous when the dudes were hitting on her.
I do kind of wonder what caused the sudden attraction though, I am all for this pairing cause they have a fun dynamic but it does feel like something kind of small was missing there. Granted Ishigami has always been very defensive of her and we can chock Miko's point of view up to him being the only one to visit her on the festival night or something.
Remind me, what's the name of the current arc again?
trips of truth
Why do you think Tsubame is going to win?
Miko was introduced through Ishigami, and there are countless parallels and foreshadowing about them, not to mention the fact that their relationhip has been in major focus.
Tsubame was introduced to be a love interest, we litterally didn't see her face untill Ishigami had his epiphany.
I'm interested in knowing why you think she's being set up to win
what is this
The thing im expecting is they have a real heart to heart that could potentially lead to them starting a relationship or at least feelings for eachother being more apparent to themselves, but the broken arm thing is gonna throw a wrench in that development
Aka’s high school flashback
It's the "New Game" arc. Probably just because it's meant to start off the new phase of the manga.
>New game
>It wasn't just about Kaguya and Shirogane being a proper couple
>It was about Ishigami having a falling out with Tsubame, and spending more time with Miko, Hayasaka having to question her sexuality from desperation, and Kashiwagi getting pregnant
Aka you madman.
This user is right. Timing is what matters. She would've said yes if he had played his cards right. He fucked it up at the last minute but in his defense, he's a inexperienced teenager.
I also think these people are also neglecting that alot less people probably give a shit about real casual sex where its just 2 people meeting up on tinder or a friends with benefits scenario. The problem is this shit wasnt casual sex, Ishigami genuinly like Tsubame and made it very clear he wanted a relationship, even if he went through with it, its not casual cause he doesnt want it to be.
Context matters a fuck ton in this situtation, Ishigami isnt turning down sex out of some purity complex or some shit, hes turning it down cause its essentially shitting on his feelings
where did a paragon of justice like iino learn about how men have these kinds of problems??
I think they'll just go to Ishigami's pad and play Mario Kart.
Yeet the Thot arc
The first stage of grievance is denial
It might just lead to them finally realizing that the other one doesn't actually hate them. Which would be a big step in their relationship.
I thought the direction Aka is going to take with Miko is pretty obvious from her volume quote.
>Vol 7 (Iino): Humans learn to love, even if they are not loved
Tsubame's quote still barely makes sense to me,
thought it would be more interpretable after this chapter but nope
>Vol 12 (Tsubame): If you know the way to live, you know the way to die.
Mark my words, part of the Ishigami and Miko relationship starting to get major focus going foreword is that shes going to slowly become more and more like him and his interests, and her playing games will absolutly be one of the things she joins in on.
I didn't intend to offend anyone, I just tried to clarify where/why she was wrong.
no, i WANT to know why you think that
tell me
I'm being genuine here, i'm curious
I'm kind of hoping that it's one sided, like Miko realizes she loves him but Ishigami thinks she hates him even more cause of the arm. Could lead to some fun antics cause i do think we are all getting spoiled on how dramatic the past 30 some chapters have been that we are gonna go back to some really wacky shennanigans after this arc is over.
no, you really are lost
I never said that Tsubame is going to win, I only said that I'm sure that Miko is going to lose.
And the reason for that is exactly what you said, as of right now Miko is still barely a character. As you said she was introduced through Ishigami and her only purpose is interacting with him. Her entire existence revolves around Ishigami just like Tsubasa's existence revolves around Kashiwagi (and to a lesser extent, Maki).
There's absolutely no way Aka is going to keep things that way, even more so considering she's a member of the student council. And that's why I'm sure that Miko is getting btfo, because it's the best thing that can happen to her as a character.
extremely powerful image
I remember how people did fucking mind gymnastics trying to twist that quote to mean shes winning. Some stretching like
>oh if you know how to live that means you found what you want to do in life and can die satisfied, meaning he will get with Tsubame and live a fuffiled life with her
Like motherfucker how can you get that much shit out of this
Does Ishi still love Tsubame at this point?
She needs -something-, all of her attempts to enjoy herself so far have ended in tears or drunkenness.
yeah alright bro you keep searching for that pure virginal waifu you surely deserve
Stage 4: bargaining
Of course he does, it's Ishi.
>as you said she was introduced through Ishigami and her only purpose is interacting with him
She primarily interacts with him but thats just cause they are a pretty blatent pairing, kaguya and President rarely ever interacted with other characters unless someone was going up to them. Hell Ishigami doesnt even start really interacting with her until well after her introduction its President that actually had the big moments with her, I remmember when she was first introduced people were worried she was gonna fall in love with President because of it.
He had a puppy love crush, so her falling down of the idealism pedestal will make him forget those feelings soon.
I dont think there's any way to tell, but theres really no doubt hes not as sycophantic about her as now, hes probably so dejected that he knows theres no chance that in and of itself it kind of muddies the affection
>This fucking thread
>The absolute state of this series discussion since the last chapter
Didn't think this was where this manga was going when you picked it up, huh?
I'm pretty sure Fujiwara and Hayasaka at the boba shop is going to be mostly wacky shenanigans.
Ishi depression chapter incoming, where lino goes to his house so he can feed her
>unrequited love and keep going
Ishi is such a fucking loser, he is literally me
>kaguya and President rarely ever interacted with other characters unless someone was going up to them.
Yeah, just Fujiwara, Hayasaka and Ishigami. You know, the core cast early on.
The mental gymnastics Mikofags do I swear to god. Not anyone's fault she hasn't had any kind of meaningful development with someone who isn't Ishigami since her introduction.
Tsubame literally gets fucked to death.
He's hurt, but I doubt that's the end of his feelings. People don't get over shit like that easily. Just look at Maki.
Yeah sure, and continue aiming for low hanging fruit under the basis of there being no one better cause all women must be as shitty as the ones you settle for.
Humans are flawed, but that doesnt mean you settle for the very shitty ones.
user, you know you had never taken any action other than fantasizing
Nice argument loser, but whatever I will laugh at your downfall.
>kaguya and President rarely ever interacted with other characters
This is so wrong the only thing I can say is go reread the entire manga.
Even if I agree that Miko will have to grow and that she won't stay like she is, that doesn't mean she will lose as they don't have to be a couple before her growth. As much as Aka enjoys his suffering, he won't give a bad ending to both her and Ishigami.
I don't think pride has anything to do with it... The girl obviously liked him, just wasn't willing to complicate his future in university. Whether or not this holds true is irrelevant; if false, it's just an indicative of how dumb or poor at managing she is.
She just wanted to have a loving final moment with him I suppose, Ishi just couldn't brought himself to do so because of how much a hopelessly romantic idiot he is. He knew that he wouldn't be able to cross her out his mind afterwards.
He truly is the hero of the series.
It appears to be a quote from some book called Tuesdays with Morrie. No idea where to head on from there, never read it.
Ishigami is a pro at sadness by now, he's been through a lot worse with a lot less support.
Even in the flashforward, he's more upset by Miko's pain than by his romantic failure.
Currently disillusioned, who knows in the future.
He already knew his chances were astronomically low, it's easier to cope that way
Congrats you fucking permavirgins that's the 10th thread hitting bump limit back to back
Well yeah, we weren't supposed to know he had a falling out with Tsubame that early, so obviously Aka wasn't going to show anything too direct in relation to that.
And he did manage to go to the party.
That's something he couldn't have done in the first volume.
>Ishigami and lino riding back home in a taxi or whatever
>Ishi moping about how he failed, remembers he didn't give his present to Tsubame so he just dumps it on IIno like he did with the heart chain
>Lino says that she wishes he would do more nice stuff for her, this makes Ishigami bring up the flower and various things he's done for her
>ILno wants to thank Ishigami, he doesn't want to be thanked, leads to a fight/hate sex where her arm is broken
I mean yes, she's underdeveloped, but it's far more likely she's being set up to have developement through ishigami regardless.
They are going to interact during the three months, and since there's also a deadline to keep in mind, there has to be a resolution there.
Having it end with Tsubame reappearing and saying "lol i was wrong, let's kiss and make up" and him accepting just like that as if nothing changed would make this chapter useless.
Him hooking up with someone like, Maki or Oonodera, would make no sense, since they've barely made any connection with him.
Him ending up alone would honestly be very anticlimactic to this whole debacle.
so the only outcome that makes sense to me from a storytelling standpoint would be the Miko end, with her developing as a character through her interactions with and around him.
If anything, her becoming more lax and fair thanks to him is the most hinted thing in the whole manga (see card game, their dynamic and sense of justice complementing, etc)
I'm still not convinced, everything points to this one end, expecially since it's obvious now that Iino is shown to be starting to develop feelings for him and he clearly sort of cares about her
Hayasaka didnt interact with anyone outside for kaguya for almost a year and a half of the series run, and even then her interactions with kaguya were so slim and minor we didnt even get an idea of her personality till much later one, people thought she was some calm and collected kuudere character until alter one which is like the oppossite of how she actually is.
Fujiwara only existed to get in the relationship's way and never really has meaningful interactions with anyone, shes the only character in the main cast to pretty much never have a serious scene or introspective moment, even her one kind of heart to heart with pres had her dunking on him. And if we are really counting her then she was the character that interacted with Miko the absolute most for the first 50 some chapters of her introduction to the point where she was basically fujiwara's lackey.
Ishigami was a gag character at first with limited screentime and no interaction with kaguya save for being frightened of her and wanting to die.
Miko isnt the most active in the relationships but its not like shes only there for ishigami, really its just Kaguya she hasnt really had much interaction with. Pres and Fuji interacrt act with her a fair amount its jsut easy to forget that cause everyone has been so broken up to their own stories this past 50 some chapters, Kaguya and pres were like 2of the only prominent characters for 20 chapter straight with and Hell fujiwara is borderline not even a main character anymore with how little shes appeared
I dunno, man
Gotta wait for next chapters
I like the idea of him giving her his gift but I don't think he'd ever reveal he gave her the flower (if he even gave the flower at all)
HELL YEAH let’s make another one
I'm not complaining, this weekend I had night shift and these threads saved me
4koma when?
He probably likes her, but doesn't want to date her anymore, like if she ran out and grabbed him saying "lol sorry i was wrong want to hook up" he would probably turn her down I imagine.
Shes gonna come back and try to make it up to him though, but anyone thinking shes gonna try and date him is completely insane cause that's the exact reason this situation is this fucking bad. If anything it'd be even more insulting cause its like, oh so why wasnt i good enough then
You just flow with the magic of Aka
I appreciate your efforts to change Iino's name everytime you used it.
>Brown eyes
Not before Wednesday/Thursday, when the raws will come out.
>go reread the entire manga.
And you should go reread the first 50 some chapters, the series has changed dramatically since then in almost every way, the first year of this manga was pretty much a straight gag manga working on a very visible formula and only started having hints of more substance around 30 chapters in. Hell the setting was so trapped inside the council room it almost never started leaving and having much of a continuity. Fireworks wasnt just good cause it was a nice change of pace, it was basically the turning point for the entire manga towards more character development, tonal shifts, and continuity. The anime even reflects this how it just jumped around continuity at random and if you didnt read the manga youd never be able to guess it was skipping shit or rearranging order cause its that direcitonless, they couldnt do that if they have a new seasons adapting the post fireworks stuff.
I don't care about Ishigami's pity sex
I want to see Fujiwara dicked, she needs it. I wonder if she'd get more smug or humble afterwards
It's not Lincoln you fucking idiot.
go lick some leftist ass
Not him but I never understand why shipperfags keep saying that Iino's character development can only be concluded by Ishi giving her the D.
She getting heartbroken thus learnt from the experience and become less dependence is also a way to finish her character arc.
>Tsubame reappearing and saying "lol i was wrong, let's kiss and make up" and him accepting just like that as if nothing changed would make this chapter useless.
This obviously isn't how this is going to be handled if Ishi ends with Tsubame
They're made for each other like Pres and Kaguya were. Miko needs to loosen up her ideals and Ishi needs to let go his vigilante self sacrifice attitude and be more mindful of others.
I don't even understand what's the point of this post. Are you denying the fact that Kaguya and Shirogane regularly interact with different characters or what?
Never put your dick in crazy
Pres should get training from Fujiwara
>I think they'll just go to Ishigami's pad and play Mario Kart
I think it would be Miko's house, remember how Tsubame pointed out that her parents are away
Does anybody even really care about subject F?
She's been a comedic relief character since the start of the manga, all hints to a more serious side to her have been dropped ages ago
She found her father's pills
That's why I dislike this ship.
I really don't like the notion of pairing end up together because it is 'fated''made for each other"
No pres wasn't the fated one for Kaguya he worked his ass off to be her.
Ichigo 100% is excellent in that regard,
the MC didn't end up with his dream girl,
but instead the girl he accidentally confessed to then slowly develop feelings.
Me I love subject F, Part of me wanted her matched up with ishi in the beginning. Maki is probably better suited to him desu, though its going to be lino isnt it?
This is the one girl that is guaranteed to only be fucked in a doujin.
Chika barely spent time with Ishigami while she spent countless hours with Shirogane, doing things like watching horror movies together.
So Chika x Ishigami ship didn't have much material to work with
You are thinking like a contrarian. Them being "fated" for each other doesn't mean they won't become a couple without some proper development.
I just realized that it almost feels like Fujiwara appeared ages ago last time given how little development she had yet.
I'm enjoying this Ishigami/Miko/Tsubame part, but I hope F will get some (non gay, hopefully) development when her time will come. She sort of feels disconnected from everything else as of now.
Interesting. I just did a little bit of research on it. In Tuesdays with Morrie, Morrie is a dying man, and he says "once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.". He's basically saying that if you accept death, then you can appreciate the value of life.
The quote in volume 12 is switched around, though, it's "if you know how to live, then you know how to die". I checked to see if this is consistent with the Japanese, and it is.
> 生き方がわかれば、死に方がわかる
Tuesdays with Morrie:
> 死に方がわかれば、生き方が分かる
I'm not sure what the significance of this is, though. Hopefully it doesn't mean Tsubame is dying, because that would be stupid.
She'll get some for sure when she'll learn the truth about Kaguya/Shirogane, especially if they hide it at first. I wonder why she was curious about how kisses feel like, even if she wasn't as desperate as Hayasaka about it
It's not romantic fate, nor their "dream partner". Aka just set them up to be foils
In this context, "dying" can pretty much be graduating away.
Some user a few threads ago said that Tsubame might be dying from a terminal disease or something. That's why she was so eager to bone this chapter.
>Hopefully it doesn't mean Tsubame is dying, because that would be stupid
Stupid but fun. Anons would be talking about it on weeks on end.
>Ichigo 100% is excellent in that regard,
>the MC didn't end up with his dream girl,
>but instead the girl he accidentally confessed to then slowly develop feelings
And that's exactly how Ishi and Miko are, if you think any of them is the other's "dream partner" then I don't know what the fuck you been reading
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. So, if we take the quote as a summary of Tsubame's character. I feel like it means that Tsubame is making the most of the moment before she graduates from High School. Which is pretty consistent with her behavior from the last chapter.
>He doesn't have morals for fucking some girl he likes
Stop reading this manga.
did you follow the convo?
>Does anybody even really care about subject F
Most people do
Well, she could use something to relax with. Miko is very high stress.
You haven't actually read it don't you?
Aka shared the same dream with MC and 100% compliable with him. She was basically destined to be with him.
Meanwhile Tsukasa was far out of MC league, hold complete different value and different dream to the MC.
Unlike Aya she wasn't designed to be 'foil' to the MC
Yet the manga have the MC choose Tsukasa at the end.
Why is Fujis body so lewd
Jesus christ
Brothels and prostitutes used to be legal for most of human history.
Even the Epic of Gilgamesh mentioned prostitutes.
Sex is just sex, unless its involved in some religious, political, or economic purpose like what happened in human history.
F is for Fun.
Fun times are over.
Ishigami should have confessed when he noticed Tsubama started having Heart Shaped Pupils.
>Very religious people have happier marriages
That's a lie according to how my grandma and grandpa were
>Inb4 anecdotal evidence
You ain't providing any evidence either dude
Prostitutes used to be holy as well, with basically state protection. look if somebody chooses to go to a sex worker that's up to them, isn't it? don't think people should play the morality police
JB are shit translators too.
They make up words even when the Japanese text doesn't have the actual term.
Problem with this chapter is there is some difference between the Korean translator and the Chinese translator and we don't have the actual Japanese Raw to find out the correct dialogue between Ishigami and Tsubame.
>Choosing the 70's
>After the fucking hippies as a time when people had less sex
The hippies slept around like no one's business in the 60's user
>but instead the girl he accidentally confessed to then slowly develop feelings.
Huh. But seriously, Miko is going to have to develop a ton to make it happen if she wants it to happen. That's why tsunderes are a thing. They're supposed to require a lot of character development until they can be honest with their feelings and put in the necessary work to have a relationship.
Then post the studies
And Ishi and Miko have completely different values, I still don't get were you are going with this
Tsubame has 3 months to live.
If true, Ishigami is an asshole for not dicking her when she just wanted to have sex with a nice guy before she dies
Even some guys on /fit/ are still virgins.
Half of /fit/ has virgins and the other half complains about STDs due to being way too Chad.
Wouldn't her parents be at home, spending their last Christmas with Tsubame then?
>Unlike Aya she wasn't designed to be 'foil' to the MC
A 'foil' isn't a 100% compatible character, it's a character who contrasts with another to better show off their qualities. While Ishigami and Miko have some similarities, they are very far from perfectly compatible. Their similarities are that they're both somewhat idealistic, and that Miko was infected with Ishigami's ideas of secretly helping people without any desire for reward after he gave her the flower.
after hearing what some guy went through because of an std, thought welp. not having sex has its advantages, he basically lost part of his penis, jesus christ...
Obviously they're busy working overtime to pay for her medical bills so she can graduate before she kicks the bucket.
I wasn't trying to say that Miko is similar to Aya in any way, they are completely different characters afterall
I just appreciate how Ichigo 100 choose to have the MC end up with the different girl instead of the girl who is basically made for him.
How is Miko more made for Ishigami than anyone else? Other than the fact that she was literally written as part of Ishigami's side of the story, which also applies to Tsubame and Onodera.
>Talk about the manga
No one else here is tho
I'm really sad for Ishi, couldn't he ask her out after the deed or at least shout it out when he's cumming? Let the poor boy get something out of it
That actually is probably more historically relevant motivation than pure love is funny enough. Economics>pure love
Ask him.
>They're made for each other like Pres and Kaguya were.
You people are the one who keeps going on and on about how they are so compatible so they should end up with each other
Most of human history is actually arranged marriages even for poor people.
For example, peasants even in ancient times arranged marriages for their daughter. It could be to the local butcher, craftsman, etc
What the daughter thought may be considered by the parents but ultimately, it was the parent's decision.
Most parents tried to make the next generation be able to climb the social ladder if possible in ancient times.
Like if you are a peasant but managed to marry your daughter to the Village Hunter who everybody depends on for Meat and Fur for the village, wouldn't you say you done a great job as a parent even if your daughter isn't exactly in love with the Village Hunter?
In some cultures, if aren't married by a certain point you're considered basically dead, not having children is basically a social crime. Not that it matters anyway. Even If there were marriage interviews here like in Japan, its pointless. Its not like you can write id like to meet a gyaru is it.
>Is ishigami wrong for being a little bit of a sperg instead of going with the flow to bang the hot big tiddy gymnast senior?
The only answer you would get here is no because Ishigami is /ourguy/ cause he reads manga and plays videogames and can therefore do no wrong. Not that I'm saying he did anything wrong, but there's never going to be a fair judgement when Yea Forums's self insert is involved
He will probably regret, people regret stuff like that all the time
Let's post more Kaguyas!
>Iino gets concerned about how down Ishigami seems and gets a bit soft
>Tells him it's annoying for him to mope around like that and asks if she can do anything to cheer him up
>"What, you want to do it in her stead?"
>Iino starts punching him and calling him pervert and making typical Iino noises
>He says "Just joking" while he starts petting her head
>He starts crying while smiling
And then she gets super confused and embarassed, starts flailing around, trips them both and ishigami falls on her breaking her arm
Never write anything in your life.
That's the most i can fit at the same time.
>Not being married is like a crime
Yeah it's more an economic thing with dowries and arranged systems than a
>Pure love
Tsudere are shit.
They are basically used for lazy writer who just want to use anime trope instead of actual organic human character
Bet you are also a Ninofag.
I'm (maybe) the only one user that HATE to DEATH iSHITgami and I think he did well.
If you don't want to fuck after that, why need to force you?