I got tricked into watching this

I got tricked into watching this.

It's like a moeshitter watched Ghost in the Shell and Evangelion and thought the appeal was standing around in silence for half the episode, "atmosphere" and being purposely obtuse. This is just another Madoka: moepleb see's something beyond happy happy fun times and deems it "wow so deep so mature 10/10 you don't get it it's deconreconairconstruction kid".

Attached: Lain_s071.jpg (720x480, 27K)


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i liked it when she was naked in the sky

>"wow so deep so mature 10/10 you don't get it it's deconreconairconstruction kid"
Whoever told you that was fucking with you because you are a retarded brainlet and deserve to be mocked.
Lain is a simple anime,with a pretty simple albeit interpretable plot.You cant see the appeal because you are just dumb.

anything that doesn't go out of its way with retarded exposition dumps, and telling rather than showing, is automatically pretentious and oh so deep to these faggots

>You cant see the appeal because you are just dumb.
The appeal is moeshitters wanting to feel smug and have something "deep" they can hold aloft in defence of their 8 year old girl taste in anime.

Why would Lain fit into that category? And why is that bad? Seems like you created some artificial boogeyman to fight against.

Lain is literally as far from moe as you can get

It stars a little girl, which is the bare minimum to keep a moeshitters attention.

It's bad because moeshit is trash for retards.

>anything with a young girl is moe

I guess Blood the vampire hunter is moe

I said moeshitters clung to it, I didn't say it was moe. Learn to read.

Just out of curiosity, what are some of your favorite shows?

>It's bad because moeshit is trash for retards.

is this the infamous case of x is bad because i don't like some of the fans

Are you new to anime?

Asterisk war and Boku no Hero

Yes, combined with a relatively common case of "Anything that isn't battle shonen is moetrash".

No, it's bad because it's bad.

>Only battle shounen and moeshit exist
Kill yourself moeshitter

I agree that Lain is trash, but disagree about Madoka.

I understood alot of things, but what the fuck were these grey fuccbois about?

Attached: aliendude.png (283x288, 64K)

Nigger, you like capeshit aimed at teenage boys and talk about how "moeshitters" are immature and retarded. You brought this up in a thread about a show that has pretty much nothing to do with these alleged "moeshitters". You either put way too much effort into baiting or are mentally handicapped, seek help.

you don't have to like it but watching anything while putting it on a pedestal of expectation is going to ruin just about anything good and that is what happened to you

Attached: lainbearvector.png (4000x3683, 815K)

>Seems like you created some artificial boogeyman to fight against.
This is all Yea Forums is at this point.

>Nigger, you like capeshit aimed at teenage boys and talk about how "moeshitters" are immature and retarded.
That's obviously not me, the OP, retard.

its alright buddy i hear the new season of SnK just aired maybe that's more up to your strict standards

Keep crying moeshitter

Seriously, name some of your favorite shows

ayy lmao

Yeah, I've noticed. Shonentards fight against moeshitters, hetcucks fight against /u/fags, normalfags fight against incels but at least everyone can band together to defend this site against Yea Forumsermin, trannies and reddit. This is beyond stupid, it reminds me of retarded football hooligans. Just pick your team and fight instead of having a discussion.

Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. and the 1995 movie
Vampire Hunter D (2000)
Cowboy Bebop
Darker Than Black
Outlaw Star
Aku no Hana

t. 16 year old

>aku no hana
you should have at least said "rick and morty" for your joke answer

I can hypothesize but I have no real clue.

My best guess would be it’s something Lain brought about as a manifestation of secrecy or conspiracy. Second best guess would be overseers/agents of the previous “god”

Ah, an /r/anime “I’m a true anime fan” starter pack

It's funny because Lain has the retarded exposition dumps

Isn't Evangelion also retarded shit for moeshitters? I mean, people post cute pictures of Asuka and Rei all the time.

No, and I wonder what makes you think that.

Fair point, but I’d say it’s different. It’s not ever explained or explicitly tied in any way to the surface plot, concepts and ideas are just explained. “Schumann resonance is this thing ok that’s all” and never explicitly states how it’s relevent

Lain and Evangelion are both shit and pretentious garbage.

You see that gets a pass because of fighting action robots kick punch wahoo

>everyone can band together to defend this site against Yea Forumsermin, trannies and reddit

that's quite an overstatement. almost all of Yea Forums is like that and j/a/nnies try to impose their imaginary vision of Yea Forums board and deal further damage by killing off old culture. please look at Kaguya-sama threads if you want to see the future of Yea Forums.

You are right, I was just trying to point out how stupid this labeling sounds to me, not necessarily portray it correctly.