ITT: Times when Manga >>> Anime

Help a secondaryfag get into manga

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Maybe start by learning how to read things longer than a sentence

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I never understood the appeal of anime, especially an anime adaptation

It moves

Every single time newfriend.

literally always


Jojo anime > manga save for part 3

One Punch Man season 2


Every time with few notable exeptions. Which i won't give since rec threads are not allowed on Yea Forums.

What a straight-laced goody two shoes you are, user! Bet you've never been banned or warned :)

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Not him but
>wanting to spoonfeed newfags with their thinly veiled rec threads

and it's colored

Fuck off, with the exception of part 2, and maybe part 1 but that's trash anyways, the anime is fucking terrible compared to the manga. They completely fuck up the pacing by doing nearly a 1 to 1 transfer.
I mean for example, in the most recent episode, it makes some sense for Diavalo to explain what is happening to him during GER in the manga because it's not the easiest thing to convey via still medium, and doing so would take up far too much real estate that could be used better. There's no need for him to do that in the anime where we can clearly see what's

I understand that there are some purists who would be annoyed if any dialogue was cut but when you have a character commentating what's clearlt occuring every fucking second of every fucking scene when the medium resolves the need for that you haven't made a good adaption because you haven't utilised the benefits of the medium, you haven't really made an adaption at all because you didn't adapt shit. You'd be better off with a coloured copy of the manga and an audiobook and maybe the soundtrack because it would be pretty much the same thing but with much better art.

It's not as bad in part 2 because obviously before stando powers there wasn't too much shit that needed to be explained, but once everyone and their dog has a unique potentially complex power it just gets ridiculous and doesn't flow well onscreen.

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it's like having a good voice actor in your manga

unless the anime adaptation is crazy good i don't bother with it like
>medaka box
>pandora hearts
>black butler
>tsubasa reservoir chronicle

times when manga was better than anime?
is this a trick question?
every single time? why be satisfied with a trailer, when there's the full 3 hour movie available?

and it has voices

and music

It depends. If you want the complete story and do not mind that everything is not in color, you should obviously pick the source material. If you just want to chill, don't mind the occasional mediocre animation (a lot of animation studios try to reduce costs by skipping out the kind of subtle details you see in manga) and also don't plan on getting invested in a story, then watch anime.

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Every single time.
Anime is for ADD cases and low IQ shitters. Manga is for real motherfuckers in the struggle.