Who's going to win the next official poll and why?
Gotoubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
Kodansha isn't obsessed with polls compared to Jump. Who cares.
Yotsuba due to ship jumper from everyone else
Miku, because everyone loves waifubait.
There's no character poll, there's a "favorite chapter" poll though.
5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.
What's with Negi and his flower autism?
To symbolize that Yotsuba is the bride.
She'll replace the plants in her rooms with flowers.
There won't be another poll. Don't know when the "Best chapter" poll results drop, but there won't be enough time to conduct another poll.
Miku. Japanese men love their women who are submissive and don't argue against them.
Tr/a/nslations when?
If that's the case why do those always lose in harems/romcoms?
2 days ago.
Unfortunately Miku again.
They don't make interesting or challenging to the MC love interests.
>Miku 1st
What fucking calamity. It's okay, we all make mistakes in the past.
I want him to comeback
>Nino last
Based nips.
Enough with his poll autism. And it would be Miku.
Itsuki a best!
Cute and bride.
The general rule is that short hair girls are always best girl but can never win. Quite sad.
I hate Nino so much, she is the worst!
Maeda almost winning to Fuutarou
Maeda and Takeda are bros though.
>new Ichika arc
I can see where this is going. She's going to win.
I swear there were 5 sisters, but I only see 4. Who is that Ichika again?
fuck off
Chad Miku
Submissive women is a trait liked by men in general, not just Japanese. And they don't have to be unable to argue. Anyway, I don't see how Miku would fit there. The closest ones to this are Nino when she is dere and Yotsuba.
>Boy on boy
That's fucking gay.
The general rule is that short hair girls are always shit and can never win. Very good.
That's not an Ichika arc. But yes she is going to win.
Nino is the bride though
Not even Nino can stop zetsuba.
Maybe everyone except white liberal democracies. You could tell them to put on a thong and shake their ass for dollar bills, but very few of their women would put on a maid uniform and clean.
>blocks your path
Why is Fuutarou smiling so happily at Ichika Yotsubros? I thought his smile was only reserved for /ourgirl/
nino a shit
It'd be really funny if Negi went with a ridiculous plot twist, like one of the sisters turns yandere and murders Fuutarou and the wedding flashforwards are actually him hallucinating while he's slowly dying
Doesnt matter now
Fuutarou is slowly realizing he is unnecessary to the quints.
I see you've read the harem hentai doujinshi too.
Quality raws when?
As if you fags don't see yourselves as retards, but from different planet
He is not very useful now that "everyone is a teacher". Especially to Ichika who was working alone while juggling with her job. Because of said job she has less study sessions too.
That was before her confession.
She is bound to have made a jump for this one.
As I see it its going to be 3 way with Miku, Yotsuba and Nino and I have no idea how itll play out.
140-150 degrees later.
Tomorrow or tonight. Korean scans are not raws.
fuck off ninotard
I said quality raws not quality gook shit.
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to Nino being the bellkisser.
1st: Miku 2nd: Nino 3rd: Yotsuba 4th: Itsuki 5th: Ichika
Whatever tremendous increase Nino achieved, overtaking Miku in another story. At most I think she could get close to her, but that would be still a 30%-25% of the votes situation. Yotsuba would be stable 3rd place thanks to Lolikano. Itsuki is general main girl gets the edge over dead Onee-san.
The women are the issue here, not the men.
Exactly. The raws are always good so there is no need to ask for quality raws. Makes things confusing.
This hurts to watch
Her retard puppy face always remind me of this dog
Is it boy?
>linking to past threads
damn you better get paid to defend ninofags or else this shit is pathetic af
Sometimes it's been so long that the fact that I'm alone doesn't feel so bad. And then shit like this hits me like a semi and I remember that oh yeah, it is pretty bad.
3 kingdom hikkimori win in poll, because incels and otaku like inserting her in imaginiry girlfriend role.
But my vote for short hair one.
I can't, she's busy fucking Miku.
Let me release decision of secret coincil of 300 oldfags:
Ichika > Yotsuba > Nino > Miku > Urine > Shit > Itsuki
Despair Fuutarou is cute like despair Yotsuba.
So the list is in reverse then?
Hang yourself.
If you weren't here when the only thing we had was LHT you're no oldfag.
How new?
>he doesn't know about council
Pretend oldfag harder
Checks out
>Checks out
Checks in
I bet they also read the discord """"translation""""
I'm new here. What is discord?
Manga ending,there will be no more poll
Miku will still win. But it will be a close game, not a 1 girl shitstomping the rest like in Bokuben.
>Miku will still win
>no u
>post ironic cosmogay pictures
>But it will be a close game
Shotarou is literally perfect
No he is literally cringe
That hairline though.
Theres noting quite like coming back to your Miku folder after a hard days work. Anyways, sup bitches, I'm back. What have you all been up to?
Who the fuck are you?
Noone, just your local Yea Forums Miku shitposter. People like to call me Mikujeet or MRV for short tho.
a 4head can only be beaten by 5head
Fuutarou feeding Eatsuki when?
You take that back
The chink shitposter.
I cant believe Miku is Fuutarous bride
Seeing how some of the quints would support Fuutarou no matter who he chooses or would congratulate the winner does this apply to non-quints? Like what if he starts liking/dating a girl who isn't one of them?
So the chapter pretty much confirms that it's Yotsuba's game now, right? Itsuki knows, and now Ichika's going to pull something selfless for Yotsuba's sake.
Is the bowl already over?
Ironically this two cowards girls wants that another girl to be special for Fuutarou. This two are out but they have right Fuutarou found his new special girl Nino
It's been over for a while, 23fags just refuse to acknowledge it.
A girl backed by 2 other haremettes doesn't lose.
They'll just part Fuutarou between them before that happens.
No Yotsuba wouldn't accept that. Ichika and Itsuki would.
If a quint goes full Tsubame, will you still support her? Answer honestly user
Cant we just be peaceful for one thread? Must I always shitpost every thread?
Which girl is going to win? I know you have some crazy proofs for your crazy theories.
He will start dating Takebayashi. Cucking all 5 quints.
Yes, I'm not an incel.
It was over once she was revealed to be lolikano, everything else is denial and frustration. Negi's probably confused as fuck that his fans don't seem to understand the game is already over, the rest is just for future sales and anime seasons.
Only Nino would do that.
Wow user you are cute
Fuck off chink
This assblasted chink/falseflagger.
Remember to report and ignore.
Fine then
Also by his sister
I find this edit of Meeku really cute. Do you have other ones with a similar edit for other quints? Thanks
For Raiha it's 5>>>>>>>>>>who are the rest again?
Why is Miku so perfect, bros?
Omo I forget my cute pic related
Fuutarous wife is so beautiful
rip nino
I LOVE Miku art
How can other quints even compete?
>Miku becomes a cheap knockoff of Nino
>Mikufags resort to copying the imagespamming that Ninofags did
1 will be the most likely culprit who can pull this off
Sketch Mikus are great. Any more, user?
How can one guy be this assblased?
Well, I dont remember Nino ever doing this with Fuutarou. But, Miku is the bride after all so its understandable
Boredom and lots of love for this cute couple
It's Side Sachan
Ah yeah, the "make a wish" foundation sponsored date.
Yotsuba did well. I'm so proud of all her sisters for helping Miku do it. She is truly the 5toubun no hanayome
watch when their girl loses, the shitposting will be phenomenal
I'll try my best to shitpost even when Miku wins, and even now actually. Miku a best and Fuutarous bride.
It's more likely that they'll jump ship since they are mikufags.
I can't wait for the reactions to both Nino and Miku losing in japan.
Man, that'll be fun.
Only have this one, unfortunately. But, I could tey making more when I get some time later. Right now, I have a thread to post on
Ichika is the original snek
Aka just joined in on 22i and Negi's having a drink and took inspiration from it
That's my guess as well.
I could see Nino and Yotsuba swapping since she was 2nd last time.
Nino is the main girl, though
Reading the nips twitter it seems like Miku's popularity is dwindling, so maybe there won't even be a meltdown.
Dunno about other Mikufags, but Imma stay on this ship till it sinks user. Actually, scratch that. Even if SOMEHOW this ship sinks, I'm still gonna be here. Miku is love, Miku is life, she is also Fuutarous bride
Nothing Ichika ever or will pull gets on that level.
Difference between shonen and seinen I guess.
even squad!
Nips support Nino because they love her.
Not many expect her winning because muh tropes.
oh, a kekguyatard of course
Did I mention that Miku is also the sexiest quint? She is also the untimate wife material in her MILF form
Cute and Canon
My brother
>Miku's popularity is dwindling,
How can you tell?
They'll just deappear
What level? Being slutty enough for a one night stand? Sounds like a good thing. I'd prefer snek shit than something basic like that.
But it's true, 5toubun will never get to the sex part or have drama regarding that. It doesn't even mention it casually.
The worst Ichik has done will never get anywhere close to baiting a guy then rejecting him before sex.
Cute and canon too
My sister
The best!
i guess they realized how bland and boring Miku is. its a shame though given how popular Miku is in japan i was expecting huge meltdown, something worth visiting to 2ch for. same goes for Nino
This picture is funny because whoever made it either has no reading comprehension or they're just illiterate.
I hope for a detailed wedding night chapter.
What it is about Miku that makes her the best quint, anons? All the quints are supposed to look the same, but Miku looks the cutest while simultaneously leaving room to look sexy. How does she do it?
It was made by a subhuman, chinese ape after all.
Even if Mikus not the most popular, she will always have the most dedicated fan in me.
someone post that Miku feet collection please. I need it in my folders
The sentiment from seeing their tweets after a chapter drops is like they actually expect both Nino and Miku to lose. Approaching Fuutarou in the same way was a death sentence in their eyes.
I gotta say even though they have the same hair color in canon, pink and orange are a pretty good combination for these two
Not really. Nino doesn't need to specifically say she'll be by his side when she's always by his side since she's in love. Future Fuut saying he could finally tell his bride what he couldn't tell her before aligns to what Nino said since he didn't answer her question of if he'll be her side which he's thankful for.
What does matcha taste like?
Old men sweat
>even though they have the same hair color in canon
They dont
Miku is LOVE
>The taste is complex, rich, aromatic, astringent, and leaves an alluring sweetness post-drinking. When made in the traditional manner (ceremonial Matcha), it has a full-bodied flavour. ... Due to the high chlorophyll and amino acid content, Matcha has a unique vegetal taste and a lingering sweet aftertaste.
Apparently, Miku is a woman of refined taste in tea. Who would have known
>Future Fuut saying he could finally tell his bride what he couldn't tell her before
He's talking about all the quints
very earthy but with a hint of sweetness
No, it showed all the quints to be ambiguous. In the future he was specifically talking about his bride.
I want to drink Mikus Matcha Soda
Matcha always smells like fish to me
>miku haters in full meltdown since she's gonna spend more time with fuutarou at her job
Doesn't Negi have them all have different colors so that the readers could tell them apart easier?
You're trying too hard
Miku is the bride confirmed!
Why are you unironically think that hes not being sarcastic about that?
Yes, he's just baiting you
>second frame
>it's clearly itsuki
>mikushitter implying it's miku
That too, but they all have different colours
Miku is vulnerable to attacks from her right
I'm not an even an Ninofag, retard. You must be illiterate considering you don't know what an parallel is.
There were two sets of raws some weeks ago and one was hi res and the other not so much.
Lear English before posting again, chink.
It's true.
>The eldest daughter
Are there more?
It wasnt even that good of a bait desu.
Yotsuba will support him no matter what
>close game
If anything Miku would have gained a fuck load of casuals who picked it up when it became popular and Yotsuba might get some too. Only ones who won't rise are Ichika and Nino since casuals hate bitchy characters.
Oh, dear...
How new? by high quality raws one means the 1600px ones, not the leaked 1300px ones. The proper ones are ripped once the chapter officially comes out. Neither dropout nor Yea Forums will release before that timeframe.
Lurk more
>To cope, one must be a Ninofag
I like the way you think, user
I have a proper grasp of the English Lexicon, user. Please go back to school if you dont understand basic English sentences
Have you missed that the anime gave Nino a huge boost?
A missed key Vs
>Why are you unironically think that hes not being sarcastic about that?
Oh dear...
>no mention of Nino
>I'm not even an Ninofag
>not an even an
KEK delicious irony. You're a complete retard lmao.
I can see 1 trying this, and probably 2. And you know since the pool chapter 3 as well. Damn that trio are whores. Good thing best girls are pure
>I have a proper grasp of the English Lexicon
Reminder, the bride was in front of their faces the whole time
Where did you find this artwork, user? I have checked almost every major art website for Miku fanart but I've never seen this one. Also, MIKUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE
>Not really
Yes, really. You're already showing how you didn't understand any of it.
May Blues.
Raiha, maybe, but it's a stretch.
In chapter 32 he's looking straight, not to the left at Nino.
You really should stop regurgitating "theories" made by mentally handicapped subhumans
Bullshit. Ichika would never do this, only Nino could do something like that.
I have CONCRETE EVIDENCE on who's the bride. Open at your own risk.
This is my new favourite Miku fanart. Just wanted to show it to all of you :D
Cute Nino
>an parallel
Yep, you're a fucking Ninotard. All ESLs are ninotards.
No it didn't. Miku and Ichika benefited a lot from the anime, not Nino. Nino's popularity rise is due to her confession and what happened later.
Fanarts like that really make you realize how much of a generic waifubait character Miku is. It's sad since for the first 2-3 chapter she had potential.
There are a lot of these Fuutarou x Miku shots in the manga. They are small and simple, but boy are they great
The confession obviously made her more popular, but it has only blown up after the anime started.
Looking at fanart only Nino and Miku got the boost that separated them from other quints (Miku had a much bigger one, of course)
Based. 1245fags are now shitting on miku.
Please tell me more about how your quint has the least fanart
Youre gonna need all the help you can get, user. Miku will win the Fuubowl so you'll need friends to seethe with
Regardless of my shitposting, I hope (You) all are having a great day!
Success breeds jealousy. They fear the Miku
Whichever quint wins, I'll take pleasure that it will never be miku.
Raiha isn't an stretch since she's looking directly forward until Yotsuba caught her attention and turned to her. Also Fuutarou is eyeing Nino, it's obviously not proper but the point is that from the future, Fuut was staring at his bride then we came back to the present where Fuut is eyeing Nino.
I guess the concept of "quality over quantity" is wasted on a chink.
Source, yours is a bit low quality to save, sorry to say. Miku still a best and the cutest tho!
I want Nino to fuck me
>high quality
>high quantity
Miku has both tho
Case in point. Sasuga, insect.
From that logic, everyone benefited from the anime.
No, not me.
She will never touch you like this.
If you want more Miku fanart, you could have just asked user. No need to be shy!
>Raiha isn't an stretch since she's looking directly forward until Yotsuba caught her attention and turned to her.
The stretch I'm talking about is you thinking it means anything.
>Also Fuutarou is eyeing Nino,
He's looking straight. Not to the left where Nino is, or to the right. Straight.
Nino and Miku the most.
Rare Mikus, anoyone?
Miku a shit
>If you want more Miku fanart, you could have just asked user. No need to be shy!
Holy shit you're actually copying Ninofags. Hahahahahaha is actually right.
IF I had to be honest, I would say that I am not worthy enough to love Miku. Miku is far beyond my level.
user ichika is a Japanese actress. They literally fuck all sorts of VIPs to stay relevant. Even more so than their western counterparts.
Mikufags are just like their quints. Insecure and can only copy the superior quint.
You dont own the rights to post fanart, Ninobros. Miku also has great fanart, so its obvious that I want to share all of it. Cant you relate?
Based yotsubro
What is she saying?
Mikufags are not bros.
Are you new here? She was the center of shitposting in Sister's War.
>He's looking straight. Not to the left where Nino is, or to the right. Straight.
The point is that you can clearly see his eyes looking moreso at Nino than the others. That's why it's subtle.
Well, I'm not going to stop posting Miku fanart anytime soon so theres that. Besides, who am I hurting by doing this?
And it was well deserved.
And can you blame us? The kyoto arc was shit thanks to her.
Have you ever worked in japanese film industry to say this bullshit?
Ninobros arent fags, let us LOVE! Actaully, nah. Nevermind. Anways, Miku a best and the cutest!
The “leaked” ones are gook scans not raws. And it’s a holiday and the timeframe is all fucked up so I was asking when the raws drop. Stop being a faggot and use reading comprehension before acting like a cocksucker
>Shitposter chink Mikufag playing the victim card
kek, they really take after their shitty quint.
You are the Ninofag samefagging using Yotsuba lately aren't you?
I'm not even talking about the KR stuff, retard.
>Guess the flowers
Saying "you dont own the rights to posting fanart" is not playing the victim, user. Stop trying to make me feel bad for you. Have a Miku and think about what you did.
Yes. It’s quite easy to get bit parts by virtue of being a blue eyed gajin. But that probably won’t satisfy you so I’d advise doing a little research as it’s really not that big of a secret. Idols and actress are basically slaves in their contracts with their agencies and are often prostituted out to influential people.
>everyone I don't like is a Ninofag.
I'm not blaming you guys, she deserves to be shat on in that whole arc. That was the worse thing Negi could've done to a quint.
1. Character regression.
2. Kept apologizing to Ichika or being a fucking doormat.
2. Carried by all of her sisters so she can confess.
3. Backpedalled the last second because she's a coward.
4. Wasn't even grateful to Nino and only gave her the trash talk after what Nino did for her.
This wasn't even funny in the least, the whole arc was a big shit show.
Lurk moar gayboi
Leaked low res raws --> Lurk more, ledditor
Miku never had a chance in the first place. The winner has already been chosen since chapter 1.
Yeah i see how you made research in your head.
But even if it's true there is anime with ideal girls who will never cheat. Ichika is a perfect character.
This. Fuck that arc.
I realize you don’t wanna accept reality but ichika is a whore.
Well, this was depressing to read. let me do you a favour
1. Miku gained confidence for future advances, already in effect as of ch93
2. Forgave Ichika like a fucking Stacy
3. Supported by all her sisters because shes the 5toubun no hanayome
4. See point 1 again
5. She was grateful to Nino, thats why she told her things like they were, You got your precious Nino chapter because she tried something new, courtesy of Miku of course.
Kyoto arc was great for Miku at least, desu
Seek help.
Please dont confuse your fanfictions with reality, user. But I do agree that Miku was shown in the first chapters, she was wearing a brides dress
>mikufags adding his headcanons into the story
If we're going to talk about true Parallels then Miku's journey for self improvement mirror's Shoutarou.
Just my LOVE. Its tedious dealing with retards, but someone has to do it
Only in your favourites doujinsi cuck
Its my belief, you can believe whatever you want
Fags here are too afraid of Miku to see the truth. They have willingly blinded themselves and it's quite the sad sight.
23&5 are irrelevant to the story. Only Ichika or Yotsuba is the bride.
Absolutely true lolikanobro!
It wasnt supposed to turn out this way, We could have had a nice thread, but fags just HAD to shit on Miku, baka my head
All of the quints have changed and improved.
>blocks your path
Keep doing the lord's work Mikubro.
No, Miku is regressing
In what town do Futarou and the quints live?
>don't say anything negative about my generic waifubait drawing or I'll shit up all the threads!!!
Typical chink.
>fuutaro and nino said goodbye to their past
The seven goodbye arc was a nino/fuutaro arc? Also it’s funny how yotsuba appear in both panel
Yeah right? The Ninochink is freaking terrible.
I dare you.
I do what I love, Mikubro. Miku a best!
This. Mikufags have always been the worst cancer in these threads.
the chink is a samefagging mikufag tho.
Square up,
That's Itsukilards, though.
I havent samefagged like ever. Reference
Ninofags and Mikufags are litterally the same.
Then who are the best fags?
I like Miku, sue me
>I havent samefagged like ever.
>reference is the proof that he samefagged 72 times.
Yeah as an Ichikafag, watching them accuse one another of being the worst is hilarious to say the least. Reminds me of that spiderman meme.
No she isn't. She didn't even put out for Fuutarou.
Guys, grief changes people.
This manga is about recovering from grief.
Ninofags are leagues above the Meekufags.
Probably Yotsubafags. (the real ones, not the ship jumping mikufags after chapter 86)
Nah this manga about a guy who is going to be cucked 5 times
bruh, dont expect me to think for you. If you want to look at proof and just call me names, go right ahead. Miku still a best and cutest tho.
>Probably Yotsubafags
Good. Yotsuba is my second favourite. I like Genki. They are usualy pure and kind-hearted.
Unnecessary Fuutarou when?
Yeah. Everyone knows that snektards are the worst scum.
There we go, whatever makes you sleep at night Nino/Mikufag though I think your post is more likely from a Ninotard's.
Why do you fear her? Or should I rather say, why do you fear us? Or even further, why do you fear me?
I haven't been in these threads in a while, what the fuck happened to make Mikufags so salty?
Yup, right on target Michlan.
Someone was talking shit bout Miku. Decided to shitpost. The usual. We could all just have a nice thread, but no.
Now I just realized Itsuki gives the best salt.
Ichikafags and Itsukifags.
Mikubros! I LOVE all my Mikubros!
Wrong guess but sure.
>Someone was talking shit bout Miku. Decided to shitpost. The usual.
So you're a kid.
He want asking for the worst fags
The love of a child is the purest, so sure. But seriously talking, its just what I do. Call it an excuse if you want
23514 have the worst to best fags.
You mean wasn't, right? I know. Or I would have said Ninofags and Mikufags.
I want to fug Miku and lovingly raise a family with her. She is the best thing I have ever laid eyes on!
I would have agreed until recently with these Yotsubafags who keep telling others to reread the manga when they counter their delusions. And they also started doing parallel things and there is the Yea Forumsfag who thinks he is some kind of genius, and "meta"fags.
Feels good knowing Meeku is officially out of the bowl.
Rena a shit.
user, you need some sleep. At least post something better as bait
Those aren't real Yotsubafags. Notice how they shitpost the same way as mikufags did in the past. Those are just Mikufag that have jumped ship.
>32 chapters
You seem scared.
I want to have a Nino daughter
Okay guys i let you pick Ichika's side for the last time before finishing of manga
I like Miku's new change, granted it was very quick in terms of character progression. So I doubt Negi has anymore plans with her besides her rejection. If she was like that from the get-go then I'd probably be a mikufag. But the cinnamon roll won my heart.
>Just blame all on the Mikufags
Can you not be so pathetic, user. I am the only Miku shitposter here
>cinnamon roll
Go back.
Already in and never wavered.
What crime would you like to report, anons?
Dat ma boy
I'm still /ichicute/. Miku a shit, though.
>Playing the victim card.
No u
Hear hear, I just don't think this chapter is the death knell for her as some other fags were clamouring it to be.
>Step 1: Accuse someone
>Step 2: Wait for them to respond
>Step 3: p-playing the victim card h-huh?!
Just trust me when I say this, you are not doing yourself any favours here
Bride was Imouto
Close this thread
Reread the manga faggot
She’s focusing on her career which invovles sucking and fucking a bunch of producers. Sorry your quint is a whore
She’s gonna for producersan
Meeku thanks to the anime boost.
>Implying that Meekoo have the balls to do that
Pic related is what actually happened, though.
But that's Miku? The easiest girls to fuck are the ones in culinary school. Even easier than in the Army.
>Sorry your quint is a whore
Btw i'm ninofag
Fuck it, bring home the stale bread. Croissant kun we need you!
Don't engage with shitposters
Looks like the prospect of Miku and Fuutarou working together has fried your brains. Ninofags claim that Nino is the Future, but the sure cant stop looking at old outdated data
Source: Anons cute ass
Please, she only kissed Futarou twice. She is not a whore.
But you just did to a dumb shitposter?
>Ninofags claim that Nino is the Future, but the sure cant stop looking at old outdated data
Okay, that was unironicallly funny.
Sorry, but I only see confidence in this stacy right here. You asked for active Miku, you got it baby
>Mikufags try to keep an air of superiority but keep getting BTFO in every thread/chapter.
>Gets rejected
Nino just can't catch a break.
Nino got BTFO after that but the faces of Ichika and Miku are priceless. Worst girls by far. Also, nice digits.
Call me an idiot, but this right here is why 4fags were always shit
Imouto. This is imouto.
Kinda reminds me of these digits
Yup. Same as Itsukifags. Pretend to be nice and start shitting everywhere as soon as they get a bit of relevance
>4fags were always shit
Spoken like a true Meekufag.
Stop hiding behind Yotsuba, Ninofag.
Ups. Wrong pic, sorry.
Kill yourself, subhuman
Does anyone have ant to read it?
>everyone who dislikes Meeku is a Ninofag.
I dont get what youre trying to say here. Mikufags always hated 4fags?
That's not even quint related
Fuck off chinkshit.
I get that your chink eyes probably allow for a super zoom Ninofag but please post something that humans can read.
Yep, As soon as Yotsuba was revealed to be Lolikano hordes of Mikufags started slandering her.
What if I'm actually a yotsufag supporting Miku? Nah, just trying to show that one can easily falseflag on Yea Forums. Whatever the fuck you are, you are surely just one anti--Mikufag. Nothing else
No, but you are clearly a Ninofag using Yotsuba.
proof? IMO Miku was never involved in the lolikano shit to begin with
>the worst shitposters here are a SEAmonkey Ichikafag, a subhuman chink Ninofag and another subhuman chink Mikufag
Why can't we rangeban all of Asia?
This. I liked Mikufags before but now they are shit.
Best girls
>Anti-Mikufag trying to throw mud on Mikubros
I am the only Mikushitposter so fuck off. Generalization is a sin
Whatever floats your boat. I'm just a yotsubafag tired of all the Mikufags shitposting.
Don't forget michlan.
>Why can't we rangeban all of Asia?
I'm all up for that
All me baby. Do you like it rough?
I'm not SEA. I'm just esl.
I was referring to him with the "SEAmonkey ichikafag"
That's a good way killed translation
Sounds like something a falseflagging Ninofag would say
We could have had a nice thread, but people just dont learn. Also, rangebanning asians wont stop my Mikushitposting, unfortunately.
That's because she's irrelevant. Notice how Nino, Itsuki, Yotsuba, and Ichika are related to the lolikano + Fuutarou thing.
>Yotsuba was lolikano
>Ichika impersonate lolikano
>Itsuki pretends to be future lolikano
>Nino saw Fuutarou and gave him the Fuu-kun nickname
Miku was always waifubait
This is enough to tell us who the future bride is.
Then you shouldn't post here to begin with.
Case in point
Dunno. I somehow completely missed that part.
I like Itsuki.
Based fatty.
>Don't post what I don't like or I'll sperg out
I always knew Mikufags were the worst cancer.
>Then you shouldn't post here to begin with
If you say so...
Nino never interacted with him, so I wouldn't say she's related.
Well, its something at least. If it helps you sleep at night, then so be it.
Shinobu is alive and happy
I'm not even mad that a Ninofag is saying this to me, I'm just bathing in irony
Okay, what if.....
Miku had glasses?
I will protect my wife's smile!
The people that translated gook shit are actually in SEA for one.
Fuutarous wife is so cute!
>caring about translated gookshit
That's the problem. kiddo.
Please close this thread. I also forbid any waifu fight before manga ending.
We can be from different regions of Asia but we all love anime. We arecfriends and respect each other. Peace
I want to marry Miku!
More related than Miku though.
Finally, All that Meekuspam left a taste of character stagnation and asspulling in my mouth.
Don't forget this CONCRETE EVIDENCE.
I'd rather wait a 2 days for the proper translation if it meant rangebanning the worst scum on Yea Forums.
I fulfilled my purpose of being here at least,Nice
Fuutarou should stop raping her ribbons.
But still won't get fucked by Tapioca.
he can't help wanting to touch his future wife.
Ichika is associated with Maeda and Fuutarou's boss as well.
>ninofags and mikushitters try to cover the truth about how they fucked up in this thread with picture shitposting.
Multiple Ninofags
The only Mikushitposter is me. Coincidentally, the only Miku imagespammer is me as well. Other Mikubros are innocent
When will Yotsuba gain her white ribbons?
Miku is vunerable to attacks from her right
Check the ninofags file names, it's just one ninofag doing it like you
I love Ichicute so much. I'm hoping the Ichibro colourfag does some of the panels in this chapter.
After Fuutarou rejectes Nino and Meeku and confesses to Yotsuba,
Well, thats cool
Oh oops.
Well, uh.....Miku a best?
+1 Nino
I want him to come back to life. It's been 2 weeks already.
+1 Nino
Hopefully, anons learn their lesson from next thread on. Anyways, Miku a best and the cutest!
Miku a best
It's not about the attendants, but about why Fuutarou didn't put the ring despite Raiha delivers it to him just before.
I mean the wedding ceremony of the famous M.A.Y. should have quite an exquisite buffet.
Even the miku colorbro is dead judging from a recent credit page. Can't blame him, who would wannt to color such a character.
What is it about Miku that makes her the best, anons? I love her so much!
Miku a shit
seethe more, I am the new Miku coloranon
Nah, he just doesn't have much time and is losing interest in the series.
Are you one of those fags that thinks the bride isn't the actual bride?
Fuck you all. Maybe i'm esl but you are faggots.
Did Negi forgot to make a tweet about ch93?
Shut up, subhuman.
I usually completely disregard any comparisons between panels since it can just be a coincidence, but in a chapter that had multiple, obvious, deliberate references to previous chapters, can you say for certain that this wasn't a reference too?
Shut up sublangauge speaker
Miku is still best btw
No, I think Negi is NOT that big of a hack.
Miku is just your typical waifubait character made to rope into the series waifufags.
all the quints are the same, user.
based esl learning sub language
Ok, thirdworlder.
Shitposters should just stay dead. It's better for everyone this way
Bride is doing the Miku hands thing on the top panel
He was never a shitposter, you retard.
Someone needs to do the dirty work
You're confusing Michlan with the ichika colorfag, newfag.
Really, now. At least he's not sniping other colourfag anymore
Oh, it's you. Right.
This was a productive thread. I got to flex my Mikufolder a lot
Nah, I'm not. Michlan is just a shitposter, the colourfag was at least producing something noteworthy
Again with this shit? Wasn't getting ignored by the colorfags on /c/ enough?
Go back
And I'm still correct, no matter how much you'll try to cover your eyes and ears
Different context. The only one close to Miku is Yotsuba but she completely gave up on herself.
Sure thing discord tranny.
>Sniping the spread Yotsubafag wanted to do (chapter 70, I think?)
>Sniping Nino's anime vol2 release art
But feel free to continue denying everything
You're delusional, tranny.
So that's your response in the face of concrete evidence, huh?
>Sniping parts of chapter 71
t. Indiaman
Back to discord.
I see you know I'm right and it makes you mad.
If you're so sure go ask the colorfags on /c/
I'm not even following the conversation, I just wanna tell you to go back.
I don't have to ask them, I saw it happen myself
>One colourfag requests a page because he wants to colour it
>Ups, I already did it tee hee. Shame you wanted to do it
I guess it's true what they say. Quintfags always reflect their quints
Oh, yeah, and because other colourfags don't say anything to not cause drame doesn't mean it didn't happen.
He's been behaving himself after I pointed it out a few months ago, so good for him
>Quintfags always reflect their quints
Hmm and guessing by how retarded and paranoid you are, I'm guessing you're a Ninotard.
There was concrete evidence of Yotsuba winning in chapter 94. But I'm unable to show it because of the autistic pic spammer.
>Ad hominem
You really have no ground to stand on, huh
>not denying it
Cool, now go back retard.
>C O N C R E T E
>E V I D E N C E
Next thread.
Would you believe me if I'd say I'm not?
Of course not. Continue deflecting, please.
There was concrete evidence of a certain quint winning in a certain chapter. But I'm unable to show it because I hate that quint and her fags.
Funny how Yotsuba might be the most likely winner, and her seiyuu (Ayaneru) fucking hates Fuutarou's seiyuu (Matsuoka)
Yotsuba hates Fuutarou too.
It checks out
I need a source on this
>Most likely winner
Oh, dear...
Also a whore
>I don't have to ask them, I saw it happen myself
Yeah, and you completely missed the Yotsucolorfag telling you to learn how to read and denied everything you said.
Then you completely missed that I haven't given examples before because I didn't want to point fingers at anyone, so there was nothing to deny. Good job lying through your teeth.
Also Should I post the links to the archive showing that it did happen?
Funny how Nino might be the most likely winner, and her seiyuu (Ayachi) won against Ichika's VA (Hanakana) in a different romcom anime (Oreimo)
>I-I have proofs! B-believe me!
>You want to see it? I c-can't! I don't want to point fingers!
I gave you concrete examples in this thread, retard.
You having no reading comprehension isn't very surprising, I must day
Not him, and I actually wouldn't say Ayaneru hates Matusoka, but is more like they're indiferent to each other, and have just a bussiness kind of relationship.
Anyway, people say they don't get along because she tends to tease him a lot (and with Matsuoka asperger, he can't handle her either) here is a little evidence.
Continue deflecting
Continue not posting any evidence besides your delusions.
Go back, tranny.
Kiku will whore herself to movie producers for Ichika's sake.
Yotsuba's seiyuu seems more like Nino in RL.
>That's Itsukilards, though.
>still trying to push this
They will married before you know it
I already said.
>Nino anime vol2 art. Ninofag couldn't do it at once because he was busy, so Ichikafag sniped him and only posted it on twitter
For Yotsubafag you'll have to give me a minute to get the links
Last for Nino a shit
If what you said is true, why did the colorfags tell you that you're wrong?
Last for this and based.
Yotsuba a best
Cause he wanted to stir up drama, it didn't work so he's mad.
They didn't. Like I already said, I didn't give it as an example back then.
Pulling technique!
It's the truth. Check when Ichikafag posted his on twitter and when Ninofag finished his.
Weren't you talking about some unwritten rule that you don't snipe each other when that rando coloured a Miku bonus?
>Man, you beat me. I barely even started.
He sure sounds mad! Stop getting your panties in a bunch in other people's stead. discord tranny.
Go back
You're delusional
I didn't say he was mad, retard. What was he supposed to do? Get mad?
It's the proof of that faggot sniping others. So own up to it now
Cucktaro & YoNTRsuba OTP
Stop trying to stir up drama, shitposter-kun
>people are actually arguing over coloring chinese drawings
Holy shit, the state of this thread couldn't get any worse.
The funny thing is that the anons in question aren't even here.
I said the truth and gave you evidence, but it's apparently fine when it's one of your own doing it.
Meanwhile you started shitting on some guy who did the same.
Own up to it now.
>it's apparently fine when it's one of your own doing it.
So you admit of being that discord tranny. Nice, Go back.
All of you have sex
>More deflection
I don't. I just dislike hipocrisy.
Mikufag wasn't there when this faggot started shitting on some random dude for sniping him.
Then started sperging out like in this thread when he got called out on being a hipocrite
>no evidence
Cool story.
I already gave you 3 different instances of it happening
One you've addmited to being true
Cool story, no one cares. Not even the parties in question.
So you agree with me?
There were instances of sniping and you're a hypocrite for pretending it didn't happen?
I saw no sniping sir!
I will continue to call you out, then.
Look forward to it
>arguing on behalf of someone else
Sorry but who do you think I am? Are you starting to see things that are not there?
Nino a shit