1. man what the fuck is this ending
2. kakyoin literally died to figure out dio's ability and johnny realizes it after it gets used twice? how come every jojo character after part 4 is fucking sherlock holmes?
Reading part 7
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hell, maybe even after part 3
i'm okay with it sometimes cause it moves the story along but there's been some ridiculous shit in steel ball run
lmaoooooo what the fuck
I think the idea is that after Ringo Johnny was used to the idea of time shenanigans.
I hate jojo
This. They already fought a time-based stand. OP is retarded.
Yet the obsession continues
Johnny is a based psychopath.
A ball that hit the net, brainlet
Kino you pleb
Not a psychopath, just willing to take lives if need be. Gyro was too soft. Look what happened to him.
Kakyoin, Jotaro and the others had Stands with abilities like "sword", "punch" and fought beetles and dolls. Time stop was absolutely out of their reach.
Johnny has been neck deep in the most insane abilities from the start. The whole golden rotation thing is insane.
>Part 7 thread
>It's shit
Make one yourself if you think you're so good at it, bud
Too bad I'm not good at anything, friendo.
Was this guy a stand user?
Not only is High Voltage a shit album from a shit band, it's also a shit arc. Scary Monsters on the other hand...
I'm sorry to tell you but David Bowie is shit along with the Scary Monsters arc.
Why do you think the arc is shit, im willing to bet you dont understand it
under this reasoning did diego know they had faced a time stand? and is that why he was able to predict that johnny would predict how his stand works? and let's be clear, dio didn't say "let me set up this countermeasure to be safe," he said "johnny will predict the world's range and predict 5 seconds"
i'd get that argument more if this were at least hinted at in prison, like "the boy's conditions there were terrible" and it says he dies of pneumonia that he developed in there, but it's pretty abrupt for him to just "die of a cold"
also, let's be clear, i had fun reading this arc, and there were some great moments, but a good portion of it was a fan-appeasing clusterfuck. the end boss is suddenly the fucking world again? how did the president use his stand to contact diego in time for diego to snatch away the corpse?
again, good moments, like every jojo part (loved gyro, even though all the rectangle shit got tiring), but i would definitely put this in the bottom half
this fight was pure fanservice and SDC wanking, nothing more, theres no development to be done besides ending the race.
its enraging to see Dio character in SBR reduced to this meaningless husk, fuck Araki for this shit ending.
whoa just noticed johnnys arm there, whats up with that?
Don't be a faggot, this was something we learned all the way back in part 5. It's not the results that matter, but the will to do what it is that we believe in.
heeeey~~ Jooooohnnyyyyy~~
nice infinite rotation you got there, can you catch meeeee~~?
>no development
>Johnny loses the race
>Johnny learns that his new stand isn’t invincible
>Lucy and Steven get to be useful
>Valentine had one last trick up his sleeve
Why would it have to be set up, it literally didnt matter, the point is that doing the right thing is what matters not the result.
Dio 2.0 is there to have Johnny fight his past and his family, why do you think the first thing we see of him is the Joestar birthmark on his horse? It also shows that the two are intertwined even in the new universe.
i would've liked it a lot more if dio had found a way to survive though, and just kept using scary monsters
it was pretty wack for him to fight multidimensional the world power-boosted dio
>Johnny loses the race
he never cared about it
>Johnny learns that his new stand isn’t invincible
that was never a point relevant to the story
>Lucy and Steven get to be useful
>Valentine had one last trick up his sleeve
trick that was reduced to part 3 wanking
its like you dont even think on what you write, take valentine's rotten imperialistic dick out of you mouth for once
SBR faggots are something else i tell you
That would lessen Valentines character
you make no sense
it would make more sense
dio could've at least died in a situation where it would make more sense for him to be brought back, somewhere valentine could actually reach him quickly. and he could've come back with scary monsters instead of the world, which really was just fanservice
Valentine trusting Dio with the corpse over Johnny while knowing he would make an evil ruler shows his character flaw concerning what patriotism. He didnt care if a monster was in charge as long as it worked for America. It also shows that his speech was a hoax and the gun wasnt just a safety precaution and he had already contacted Dio. The world serves to reinforce that this is the same Dio in character from the OU as stands are a manifestation of a characters personality. He is the same megalomaniac controlfreak. Part 7 haters never understand the part.
Diego got SM from Ferdinan who got it from the corpse, the corpse that didnt exist in anything but the base world. The World is Diegos natural stand. Part 7 haters never understand it.
part 7 The World should've been called Holy Diver
>he never cared about it
But it’s still a good thing that he lost.
>that was never a point relevant to the story
It makes Johnny having Tusk Act 4 more tolerable.
Maybe you don’t care about them, but many people do.
>trick that was reduced to part 3 wanking
Better than having no trick at all.
>its like you dont even think on what you write, take valentine's rotten imperialistic dick out of you mouth for once
This has nothing to do with my post.
there's no reason for the world to be his natural stand though, it could just as well be anything else. making it the world of all things really was bad fanservice
it would've been better to come up with a new stand ability even
Its his natural stand because its a manifestation of the characters need for control
ppl who complain this is retard.
You did read whole part7 yet didn't understand what it was at all.
learn english
your absolutely deluded, anyone can understand the themes going on with valentines plan, its obvious valentine would never agree to Johnny deal since he was after the corpse for himself and not for the country.
as for Dio, the universes are similar but not equal, base Dio was receiving significant development and could be something different from old Dio, the AU one was tacked on the story, the developments we had with base Dio were negated in favor for a new one that was only there to serve as final boss with his old evil stereotype, base Dio character was interrupted and then trasformed into a meme by the new one.
and quit you patronizing bullshit you dumb american.
But base Diego was good
this. it was also clear that the president’s patriotism was flawed in the president himself. remember that guy on the train he dimensionally door slammed for literally no reason?
You dont even know what the deal was, im not condecending you're just dumb. Diego didnt have development, he was a ruthless egomaniac, Valentine counted on this. If he was a good guy valentine wouldt consider him viable because his plan is not "good". The world being his stand proves this. We know valentine was a shit but many thought his plan was justified, him using Dio was proof it wasnt.
It was Valentines deal retard
Based and bowiedeepcutpilled.
>newfags are still complaining about the world fanservice
>color scans
People had to wait for nearly 20 years before that shit appeared for another proper fight.
Seems like only newfags remain on this board.
I pity the people that didn't get to experience the reveal while it was serialized.
>and quit you patronizing bullshit you dumb american.
Fuck off, SJW commie faggot.
Go throw a milkshake at somebody you disagree with. cuck.
so what's with the horses small as rats? the smallest Miniature horse that was bred was Thumbelina, a dwarf miniature horse, but that was the record from 2001 and sbr takes place in 1890.
These horses doesn't even looks like clock works or toys.
Johnny had already dealt with a ton of insane shit like Ringo and D4C, in part 3 The World was the only time manipulation stand
It's Stephen's Stand, Riders On The Storm
They already fought a stand that reverses time, it wouldn't be strange to assume a stand can stop time aswell.
Kakyoin is a brainlet highschooler and Johnny is a 200 IQ genius.
Why do people complain about this? They never said WHEN he died, later could refer to teens or adulthood.
Araki should take his own goddamn advice then and not break and twist and bullshit the story process at every turn in order to get whatever forced result he wants at any given time. Turns out the results are indeed the only thing that actually matters to him.
How can I be spin user IRL?
problems with the manga:
1. valentine was the kino ending, Dio should not have been "brought back".
2. Johnny uses his nails for mobility once and then Araki Forgot, a shame.
3. he couldn't steal harder from Pulp Fiction with the napkin business, what a hack.
4. if cream starter is a stand, which it is, why can it be used by other people?
5. even if valentine won it wouldn't have been the original one, which makes it suck. the original will be dead or stuck without his stand. he literally lost the first time he switched.
6. it's confirmed his replacements only find out about the stand once the current D4C owner switches with them on Love Train arc, yet they somehow grasp the situation and gain perfect control of the stand in no time.
it was fun to have some race chapters, especially with Poco Loco's crazy luck stunts, it shouldn't have been completely abandoned.
1. bad opinion
2. fair
3. >watching pulp fiction
4. that's literally how the stand works, speedreader
5. the whole point of his character is that he doesn't care about dying.
6. that's literally explained to be how the stand works, speedreader
Just follow Gyro's lectures in the manga and believe in Jesus.
Kakyoin realized after seeing it once. Turns out it isn't that hard to figure out.
Cream Starter is an object bound with a stand, not the stand itself. Furthermore, stands in SBR-verse work differently.
more problems
>bonus chapter backstories that araki never mentioned again and assumed nobody read
>blackmore could have been a main character but gets shafted
>the soundman bullshit, plus his story going nowhere
>lucy's disguise shit never goes anywhere, in fact her entire story goes nowhere
>diego dinosaur shit, alt diego
>final arc lasts fucking forever
>haha gyro died for nothing
>haha johnny's entire arc was literally for nothing, he's just the epic guy at the end and everything is fixed- his relationships and his legs, but he is le epic shounen protag who became wiser and more good natured !
if u rate part 7 higher than 3 ure a pleb. it was mostly a dumb retread with themes and narrative directions overused to death, extremely poorly paced, tons of dropped good ideas and used bad ideas. best parts was the duo by themselves on a roadtrip and the completely separate stories that involve valentine before he meets the duo. part 8 is the real best one
we're not a spin universe, we're a hamon universe. I've been using hamon breathing to channel energy to my arms while bench pressing and hitting new PRs. I bet if a vampire touched the barbell while I was 1 rep maxing he would be killed by my overdrive.
>blames pulp fiction for the napkin
>not the entire way the D4C arc plays out.
It's genius and you're a pleb for disliking it.
Based rock bro
I'm sorry he botched your stand, Okuyasu, but there's no need to get so mad.
what are other similarities besides the napkin?
>a rock kills Johnny
>pic related shows what a hibernating rock human looks like
Yeah that wasn't just any fucking rock.
Just the way the series of events play out.
It's extremely tarantino-esque.
Things are shown out of sequence/repeated and later come together like a puzzle after you see the same events play out from different perspectives. The whole arc is insane like that.
Maybe Reservoir Dogs is more accurate but that was just shown backwards. D4C actually does more time fuckery to the reader than tarantino did with either of those movies.
Johnny was already dead because of the rock disease.
The falling rock was mercy.
Its clear that youre a speedreader faggot
The more SBR threads pops up, the more clear that Valentine fags are nothing more than /pol/tards
Or maybe you're just anti-white and jumping at shadows. You're the one bringing politics into the discussion, not the Valentinefriends.
>nonlinear storytelling was invented by Tarantino
Go back.
His character is soaked with politics, If someone says he was indeed noble and appeals to him its clear that said person aligns to be a redneck with fascistic tendencies, no need to white, buts its Very clear that Valentine appeals to the stupid white amurican type.
Yeah you sound like one of those milkshake throwers.
Also that valentine that did fucked up shit died with a knife in the throat. The one he brought back was more honorable and understanding. Not all valentines are exactly the same. The final one that was brought into the base universe was a total bro no matter who you are.
Some valentines are assholes but it seems that most are not.
>falling for a politician's lies
>eff the system, maaan
So we know there are two stands attacking the group right now. One of the stands appears to be causing "roadblocks." I think I've finally figured out what the other stand does. What seemed like forgetful writing is actually a massive hint, the 2nd stand has something to do with selective memory loss.
>Rai starts his "89 years old" schtick right when the stand first appears.
This is Araki's magnum opus. The ability is just like King Crimson, except it only targets one person. That's why Rai keeps bumping into shit, that's why Rai keeps repeating the 89 years old statement, and that's why the old man keeps maintaining a distance. Don't question it.
What if it's MM?
>Base universe has Jesus
>The race is not only about material gain, but spiritual and potential dominance in the world too
>Protagonists are aware of the corpse
>Alt universes had diamonds or other material things
>The only gain is material
>SBR fags still says that the alt characters are the same
>Don't think how the difference in the goals could affect their personality throughout the story
Who says the alt characters are the same? Alt-diego is an assbag.
>King Crimson
>all the blood members of the Higashikata family have stands with "King" in the name, except Hato for some reason
Something's afoot.
My father is David from David Productions.
Don't ask me where this came from. If I told you, his agents would kill me.
Oh SHIT I just remembered Tsurugi has been blacking out while the fight was occurring. The following theory is now the true and accurate prediction. Tsurugi evolved paper moon king into king crimson, and has poor control over it. The head doctor's stand is automatic, and just has the power to cause inconveniences when being pursued by someone. The pretty boy's stand is what actually caused the damage to Rai's leg, and is just working in conjunction with the head doctor somehow (for example, his power may require touching an object, like the chair, to set as a "trap". Then the trap springs when Rai was struck with it.)
Also Joshu is going to find some way to use Milagro Man to his advantage for the final showdown.
>walKING heart
It's there, user.
Was he based on Charles Bronson?
>The World and Killer Queen have already showed up in the SBR universe
seems plausible that KC could show up
Good argument
fuck off, speedreader
Cool it ringo
How does it feel to only understand half the words you read?
Its rough, I cant even see a single argument you're making
This This might might make make it it easier easier for for you you user anon. Kill Kill yourself yourself.
It was the most recent more well known example I could think of off the top of my head. It goes beyond simple non-linear storytelling though.
Name a better pose.
Inb4 gay priest
If you think that any of those ideas are unique to Tarantino, you need to watch more movies.
Risotto on the rock.
No sorry man I still dont see you refute anything I stated
Is that a dish or a drink?
Which one is that?
Bruno, Abbacchio or Narancia?
But does an inanimate object such as a rock have any concept of mercy? No, of course not. Therefore the only way a rock would mercy kill someone is if it was alive, ergo a rock human.
Is this going to be the next time traveling Josuke?
He was BASED
Goes without saying.
>wants to protect the U.S only, which is full of based retards and "non-whites" at that point
>Europe gets fucked over
So much for Anti-white, Amerimutt-san
Not that user, but you need to be 18 or more to post here.
Funny is funny.
>america not being at least 90% white
Wow, learn your history.
It's no secret that people who dislike Valentine are anti-white antifag weekend milkshake throwers. Just listen to their rhetoric. It's called reading between the lines.
This is true schizophrenia.
I think you're onto something here. Isn't itt odd how Head Doctor seems to be walking off in a detached manner similar to a certain requiem stand that had a similar ability of reality-defying repulsive power?
The Stardust Crusaders version.
>no trace of me being your claim
>all that projecting
Fuck you sound like the stereotypical Schizo political fag, seek help