What is the best hair color for animu girls?
What is the best hair color for animu girls?
You posted it.
Genki Pink
My wife's.
We can argue all day about the best hair color, but I think we can all agree on the worst: pink.
reserved only for the best ones
You posted it
Black is the sexiest.
>brown that high up???
You what now
We all know what isn't
Multicolor is the best color
Gaddafi plz go.
whatever hair you can headpat is best
I know it seems weird but there are loads of really great girls with "normal" brown hair, so what can you do?
It's not even just about the girls. Brown is simply a super nice color (well, most browns at least), that nicely fades into all kinds of greens or reds.
I have this strange urge to shop Kaos-chan's face onto this scene.
In fact she would go nicely everywhere Lucy commits mayhem.
The best girl has a pink hair though.
Obviously no one colour has a monopoly on Best Girls. But Pink has the MOST Best Girls.
It doesn’t fucking matter as long as it’s short