What is the best hair color for animu girls?

What is the best hair color for animu girls?

Attached: This One IMO.png (280x218, 2K)

You posted it.





Genki Pink

My wife's.

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We can argue all day about the best hair color, but I think we can all agree on the worst: pink.

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reserved only for the best ones

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You posted it

Black is the sexiest.

>brown that high up???

You what now

We all know what isn't

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Multicolor is the best color

Attached: Birdy.jpg (1920x1200, 259K)

Gaddafi plz go.

whatever hair you can headpat is best

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I know it seems weird but there are loads of really great girls with "normal" brown hair, so what can you do?

Attached: Japan expects that every girl will do her duty.jpg (254x392, 43K)

It's not even just about the girls. Brown is simply a super nice color (well, most browns at least), that nicely fades into all kinds of greens or reds.

I have this strange urge to shop Kaos-chan's face onto this scene.

In fact she would go nicely everywhere Lucy commits mayhem.

The best girl has a pink hair though.

Attached: clarion.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Obviously no one colour has a monopoly on Best Girls. But Pink has the MOST Best Girls.

Attached: kaos happy.jpg (1200x628, 91K)

It doesn’t fucking matter as long as it’s short