Prichan, Shining Star, Aifure, Cocotama and more


Attached: story09_3.png (709x975, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:プリズムランウェイ?src=hash

Was Kaname considered a beast-type idol?

She is like a bat or a monkey, well she makes those monkey noises and eats bananas.

Attached: D-3dKFhUYAcxquG.jpg (874x1200, 146K)

Imagine being Hibiki and having this natural milkmaid and this sex doll in your bed.

Attached: Hibiki's bedroom.jpg (1200x1138, 272K)

Remember when eggpets had nice moments with its multiple human characters?

Attached: 1503569618829.jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

>you're a little girl
>your best friend is coming to visit from overseas
>you get to introduce her to your other best friend
>they get along
>they bring their big playsets and toys for a sleepover
>your mom brings cookies and milk
>you have little magical pets that talk and goof around that only you and your two friends know about

Bet your childhood was never as good as Kokoro's.

How are you dealing with the summer heat?

Attached: 75738789_p0.jpg (2150x3035, 768K)

Attached: 1435182103797.png (600x664, 300K)

Prism Runway 2!

Would you like me to post photos of the costumes there?

Attached: プリズムランウェイ 2.jpg (846x1200, 144K)

Wow, look at them all, and all that detail. Gorgeous

Attached: D_cafZpVUAIXZCq.jpg (1200x800, 131K)

Attached: D_caiehVUAAYrfR.jpg (1200x800, 123K)

Nice and cute

Attached: D_bCYqjVAAAWddf.jpg (768x1024, 137K)

I love the detail in this Yui coord.
I think this one has the nicest craftsmanship

Attached: D_b54b8UwAEyb07.jpg (900x1200, 265K)

There's so many nice pictures but I shouldn't spam them.プリズムランウェイ?src=hash

Attached: D_cZk2xUEAE5ZXz.jpg (1200x800, 116K)

Cosplayers wearing their creations as well.

Attached: D_aATLbUwAArXpY.jpg (675x1200, 128K)

>Tobidasu PriPara Minna de Mezase! IdolGrand Prix
Has this been subbed before? It seems familiar.

Attached: 2 Nons, 1 boy.png (1024x576, 820K)

I want to cum inside Wakaba.

That girl Mel is a tad odd.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 63 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-14-01h37m41s670.jpg (1280x738, 166K)

Even the 3D one?

Attached: D6SHmYjUIAAqRK3.jpg (788x1181, 102K)

Most of her mysterious atmosphere and character position are projected on Ange.

Attached: aquaregina.png (350x200, 92K)

This is doing things to me that I can't put into words. Oh man. If Mirai was a real girl, I would be the biggest orbiting loser.

Attached: 1563093590704.jpg (956x1040, 176K)

>Aikatsu transformation scenes, girl is silent for a whole minute.
>PriPara transformation scenes, Meganee narrates everything and describes the coord in a descriptive and sometimes lewd way
>Prichan transformation scenes, girl yells narrates everything in a funny way

Mirai is a pretty birthday girl, I like how she really looks Japanese.

>Star Twinkle transformation scenes

Is it still her birthday? I want to celebrate all month.

Attached: D90JzW_UYAAU7Gd.jpg (1203x1103, 160K)

>not celebrating Mirai's existence the whole year every year

Attached: 1550577163891.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

Happy Birthday Mirai-chan!

Attached: D_gi5g4UcAEZ8oA.jpg (1158x1637, 237K)

For whatever reason I've always preferred the silent sequences.

They're more immersive.

Attached: 079A8CFB-6409-473B-AE0A-65B8DD36EA6B.png (900x1881, 552K)

All those cute clothes I'll never wear.

Translator-san onegai!

Pleasure of being cummed inside.

This artist's style looks official, I wonder if it's an actual animator.

>has your chest grown again?
>They're definitely bigger

>They say if you have them massaged by someone they get bigger
>Maybe they've got bigger because mio fondles them so often

>Massage, you mean massage!
>Right, Aine!?
>Ah, oh, yeah! Massage!


Saionji Leo is so cute oh god oh fuck
no homo


Attached: IMG_20190715_160429.jpg (1280x720, 200K)

Not even the cutest middle schooler.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] King of Prism - Shiny Seven Stars - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.42.jpg (1920x1080, 645K)

The family got all the cool genes.

Attached: D_a-HhPU8AAhLsf.jpg large.jpg (2048x864, 314K)

Imagine all the in-universe speculation.

Not yet, I believe

No, that's the second, "lost" movie.

god I want to wear those!!!

Nigga she was like a little cute animal that knew how to do Prism Shows.

Cuter than his sister.

Her fashion type is Ethnic

Attached: [Gelatin] Aikatsu Stars! - 082-00:17:20.957.jpg (1920x1072, 351K)

Attached: D_hNxWBU0AIIUx7.jpg large.jpg (1800x1800, 732K)

Ice cream. Lot of ice cream.

What about milkshakes?

Alive and well.

Attached: D_SX12mUcAATx-_.jpg orig.jpg (1240x1752, 105K)

Been a while since I had one.

Worst song of worst koreans.

The guide:

Attached: 1552690579972.jpg (1229x1843, 1.11M)

Make it sherbet.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 065 [F5B93812].mkv_snapshot_16.48.041.jpg (1280x720, 481K)

But it is the lewdest song.

Waga Maou returning Stars when?

And I wanna have a pure time.

This is the purest time I could find.

Attached: D_H0i5OXoAAV2r2.jpg (1033x1500, 347K)


Is Yume going to cheat on Zi-O with zero one?

Attached: Screenshot-00457.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 065 [F5B93812].mkv_snapshot_03.50_[2019.07.14_19.18.32].jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Is Mio's butt secretly growing to match Aine's boobs?

Mio has always had a cute butt.

Attached: 07vivid.jpg (1788x2500, 650K)

So cozy and lovely it even transcends death.

cooling down with fizzy powder?

God, I want Mirai to be obligatorily nice to me.


In-universe it still does. It's only us who don't get to see them because we'd much rather see the newest playset in action or Tuxy and Dressy doing their now tired shit for the 35th consecutive episode.

Attached: mpv-shot0043.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

I'm freezing over here.

Attached: 1483631798843.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Attached: DtUiy6IUwAIawcT.jpg orig.jpg (2490x1632, 454K)

I want to have a happy family with Mikan

Attached: [kpkn] PriPara - 40 [5F6202C4].mkv_snapshot_21.26_[2017.10.10_23.51.49].jpg (1280x720, 70K)

I would just fuck her.

Thanks but no thanks, I'm to young and handsome to die

Fuck the moons

By me right?

But that would be a crime! But she's really cute.

Fine, but I'm only doing Kaguya.

Attached: D9bnu4vU0AEw2VW.jpg orig.jpg (1092x2048, 234K)

Can I fuck Sakuya and call her Kaguya?

Only if you wear a karen wig.

Lazing around in a bikini

Only if you wear a Mirai wig

Attached: i'm gonna fucken put mah dick in the moon2.jpg (2557x1160, 246K)

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 64 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-15-12h10m36s841.jpg (1280x738, 155K)

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 64 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-15-12h04m32s194.jpg (1280x738, 162K)

Attached: [Doki] The iDOLM@STER - 24 (1280x720 Hi10P BD AAC) [A8E6197F].mkv_snapshot_02.24_[2019.04.13_01.45.4 (1280x720, 81K)


I miss her.

Attached: 1487751687432.jpg (1024x576, 77K)

I want to see Ema massaging Maika

literally me

i want to die

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.36_[2019.07.15_14.56.27]. (1280x720, 75K)

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Attached: [project-gxs] 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku - 05 [10bit BD 720p] [6888E7AE].mkv_snapshot_06.27_[2019.07.13_ (1280x720, 52K)

Literally me, it doesn't work though.

Attached: D_iJoU1U8AAXicv.jpg orig.jpg (1018x1398, 198K)

I wish I was super happy

Figure poll results out yet?

What me to help you with that?

Yume wins lol. Not yet.

Nothing works

Have you tried making friends?

Attached: 1560640448840.jpg (1020x1487, 467K)

I have something to say about an ainon here. This will probably make it obvious who it is but last thread we contacted each other through temporary emails. Unfortunately this exchange was negative and rather hurt my feelings. I wanted to make a full post about it explaining the situation and how it made me feel towards them but over the course of the day I decided this may be an overreaction and just make the situation between us worse. I don't think it's what either of us want. Instead I'd really like to speak with you again ainon so I can express my feelings in a better way. Either here or again through email. Though I lost my original address so I'm not sure if it will still work but you could try the same name and @. I feel as though you may not have intended your actions to hurt me the way they did to the point of going to bed in tears so please speak with me again.

Look what happens when you try to make friends

Not your blog, fag.

It's weird that I find this somewhat cute?

>trying to make friends on Yea Forums

Meeting ainon at the airport!

That's why you don't became friends with shit people

People you meet on the internet aren't friends.

>shit people
So ainons are out?

How do you even have a proper conversation through email, add each other on irc or discord or something.

Some of the loveliest friends in my life are people I've met online. I've even become great friends with a lot of ainons over the years, and I talk to a few of them regularly.

Trying to do so is what caused them to be mean to me

Some Ainons are good, some are bad.
My best friend meet his wife on Facebook.

people with friends are not welcome here, get out

I did it once, it was kinda romantic, I liked it.

We are all friends.

Attached: [Doki] The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - 23 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [DBA9743B].mkv_snapshot_00.34_[2016 (1280x720, 156K)

I meet one of my best friends here, it's funny calling each other a fag and shit taste irl.

Noble aichads, it's time to rise up and remove the priscum and gookscum from our once-glorious thread, their sewer-rat taint shall stain our historical legacy no more!

Aichad here, gooks are the best.

It's actually kind of fun communicating with someone only by email. Like being pen pals or something. You can put a lot of thought into what you say.

I'd never be friends with an aifailurefag.

Attached: 5t1215t34t.jpg (790x1068, 66K)

Why? Do you really want a "lol they gay" only thread?

>What is the measure of a man?
>Like an awkward boyfriend

Quotes referring to Hibiki from Mezashite's latest episode release. Seems like Akatsukin was finally broken and is now trying to rationalize the gay by comparing it to het.

As expected of a dude that dress like a plot device, an hero soon.

Imagine being Akatsukin and having to force yourself to enjoy the slog that is aifure due to your own pride and unbreakable will.

Aifure is great though.

>tranytsukin an hero
>nobody sub aikatsu anymore
>/ai/ finally becomes a nice place to be around
What time to be alive.

Thank you for the present ainon

Attached: 564f43fy.jpg (2000x1126, 152K)

Akatsukin would only commit suicide if Aikatsu ended, him doing it before that is impossible.

Are raw watcher ainons inherently niceposters?

I won't let Akatsukin die before I do.

I don't understand this hot new "Akatsukin is a tranny" meme

Raw watchers are inherently elitist pricks. But if they don't have any people who watch subs to lord it over anymore, maybe they'll be nicer.

Cosplayed Koharu at Anime Expo.

Attached: 8a568b2cea675882.jpg (963x1702, 499K)

I just like watching idols. Nothing else matters.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 47 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.10_[2019.03.07_18.07.35].jp (1280x720, 119K)

I love you too, here is your present.

Attached: 454g34.jpg (2000x1125, 161K)

Trannies are the current global boogeyman on Yea Forums, thus he gets called one for doin koharu cosplay.

Attached: file.png (801x1200, 1.47M)

Attached: file.png (801x1200, 1.54M)

Why Akatsukin hates my angel?

Attached: file.png (801x1200, 1.56M)

God, I wish that was me.

Of course they are, only people that rely on subs would say otherwise.

I love my idols when they have 5 o'clock shadow.

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Attached: file.png (901x1199, 846K)

>OP by Ali Project

I cum every time.

You should see a doctor.

Attached: file.png (1055x1200, 1.09M)

>OP/ED by Kanae Itou

Attached: Photokatsu_0347.jpg (720x1007, 209K)

Attached: file.png (900x1200, 1.75M)

>Post by Kaneo Itou user

Attached: 1433454678768.png (1198x1500, 1.15M)

Seems like there was an advanced screening.

Attached: file.png (900x1200, 1.04M)

Attached: file.png (1200x900, 1.13M)

Triple 7's by Shion ainon

Attached: 0fc582206a9.jpg (676x944, 52K)

I cum every time.

Any more of this cure doll~puri?

Attached: file.png (1200x1200, 556K)

Shitty camrip when?

Attached: file.png (1200x1200, 417K)

Can I be your Ichigo?

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! - 76 [17535A84].mkv_snapshot_05.52_[2017.06.28_19.52.30].jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Attached: file.png (800x600, 98K)

I haven't gotten that far yet, is there a reason why Tutu Ballerina is sung on a church?

Attached: file.png (1000x650, 764K)

Attached: file.png (960x1200, 989K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.35_[2019.07.03_16.18.15].jpg (1280x720, 168K)

It's how her character is portrayed or something.

Attached: Photokatsu_1383.jpg (720x1009, 210K)

You just know.

Attached: file.png (960x1200, 1.43M)

You just know.

Attached: file.png (960x1200, 1.36M)

I do knot

Can you trade places with me?

Attached: PriPara S2 - Creditless ED2 [BDRemux].m2ts_snapshot_00.18_[2018.01.25_19.20.29].jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

Remember when Sumire was really into fortune telling?

Stop being Australian.

I miss Tutu Ballerina

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! ‒ 103 [11E94AE2].mkv_snapshot_04.30_[2017.09.21_18.30.48].jpg (1280x720, 121K)

I miss DanDiva, they were my favourite pair

Attached: 1432402158964.jpg (500x740, 47K)

What is her charm point?

I remember when she was really into Akari and didn't like Ichigo and Hinuky. I remember when she was really sweet and followed Akari around like a puppy.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! ‒ 103 [11E94AE2].mkv_snapshot_00.40_[2017.09.21_18.25.32].jpg (1280x720, 173K)

I always hear toilet instead of koi no roulette

Cute and very tight pink anus.

Demure beauty

To be fair, nobody likes Hinaki.

Cute goth girl who wasn't eccentric like Yurika. Then of course I liked her evil side.

Attached: Photokatsu_1180.jpg (688x960, 106K)

Attached: DD38VQtUwAAIkOm.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1536, 844K)

I don't like Hinaki... I love her!

Attached: 2015-02-03-708058.jpg (950x1250, 835K)

I want to be her Candy Candy King

>Hinaki was against Akari showing off her panties
>Sumire supported Akari showing off her panties
Gee I wonder who was right?

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! ‒ 105 [23B5CD3D].mkv_snapshot_06.11_[2017.09.22_23.28.37].jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Attached: Sumire.webm (578x628, 989K)

Ahem... DEM HIPS

Attached: dlu571128.jpg (518x616, 50K)

I miss people making long posts about how much they liked Sumire.

Attached: 1449046566983.png (424x600, 392K)

Attached: file.png (1000x672, 723K)

Sucks your _______

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! ‒ 122 [FBD6CC50].mkv_snapshot_11.26_[2017.10.06_20.22.29].jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Attached: file.png (709x1024, 849K)

Viscous bodily fluids?

Attached: 1562729429081.png (320x380, 89K)

Attached: file.png (763x550, 688K)

So sexy.

Attached: file.png (1162x1200, 1.67M)

I was tempted to blog post today but I don't wanna be a faggot. Also you guys would just say bad things about Amu and I just can't deal with that today.

soul out of my body

All of Hera's issues would be solved with a good dicking, prove me wrong.

Amu is even more Australian than jymmy

Amu a slut and I hate her

It's okay bby, you'll always be a faggot in my heart

Does Amu have any elegant dresses?

Attached: 1553289206222.jpg (1189x2048, 128K)

That applies to like 90% of the girls.

You are one of the very few people who are always welcome to shit up the thread.

Attached: 1563007379053.png (493x600, 210K)

I haven't watched shining star yet

Attached: 1531867574491.jpg (1280x720, 118K)


It'll be the perfect time soon since it's resuming next month.

Does this count?
I don't like shitting up a thread with my posts. I just wanna talk about PriChan and Kanae Itou girls.

Attached: Hinamori.Amu.full.2415.jpg (576x891, 78K)

Attached: file.png (383x383, 242K)

Attached: D_hDSHFVUAIk9--.jpg (1200x902, 168K)

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Hera can look really cute when she is not in queen mode

miyu a super cute

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Lala you are a bit to young for that

I love koreaposting

My super cute wife.

Same here, it's funny how I'm having more fun with SS than with other /ai/ shows.

Shining Star is a really, really good show, and it has unironically made me less racist.

I fucked you're wife.

I find kinda cringey how obsessed that guy is over it.

It has tons of great fanart I was completely unaware of and the show itself was a very nice surprise.

I want to die.

It's an okay show, but unironically made me more racist or more accurately anti-korean.
What the fuck is wrong with Korean language and Korean music?

Make sure to wish Himika a very kawaii Birthday today and don't forget to kashikoma.

Attached: DmoxLhUU0AEhRKP.jpg (855x1200, 214K)

Run & Run is a 10/10 song my duderino

The music is alright but korean sounds like french, in other words, like shit.

Erection max

How old is she again?


Yeah right, and I'm a cute little girl looking for other little girls like me to form an idol unit called tea time.


I bet that name is already in use, I'll be sued.

It's still Mirai's birthday for the whole year.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 64 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.39_[2019.06.30_21.30.49].jp (1280x720, 138K)

I'm gonna dick Mirai for the whole year while Dia and ainon watch.


user I am very sorry. I just went to bed and woke up just now. I'm sorry!! Please forgive me...
I'm very sorry!

I was told that Prichads don't celebrate birthdays. Have I been lied to again?

This doesn't make any sense.

Only Korean songs that I somewhat liked in /ai/ shows were Shuwa Shuwa Baby and Gee. Everything else ranged from okay to shit.
I kinda get what you say, but at the very least French is funny. Korean is just shit.
I unironically would rather watch it in Chinese.

Then watch it in chinese, the show has a full chinese dub.

We kiss. Do you kiss?

Attached: 12342255.jpg (1063x1793, 150K)

I've never been kissed in my entire life

Is it really you? sleeping for 19ish hours is quite long though I haven't been able to see if you emailed me again since last night. I was very sadden by the scam email and thought it was you since I never got a response.

>ainon about to fall for it again

I'm too lazy to track it down, rip the subs from youtube and all this shit.
Shining Star is a show that is good enough to watch, but doesn't worth putting effort into it. At least at the point where subs end now.
If they will upload it in Chinese on youtube, I'll switch to it.

Attached: 1553307941116.jpg (615x776, 65K)

Is it wrong that I want an armpit job?

Are you tnat jackass who spent ages hijacking the thread to talk about gay crossdressing sex? Because if you are I would have been mean to you too.

Waki idol Himi!

Is it wrong that I want not to be alone?

I miss drunk funposting!
Friday when?

Can you /soc/fags fuck off elsewhere?

There's nothing fun about posting on /ai/.

That's on-topic now that jymmy and Akatsukin have done it.

No. My relationship with them has nothing to do with gay cross dressing sex.

It's completely normal, but don't be a fag about it.

Okay, I'll go stalk Himi instead and take photos from the bushes.

No you are misconstrued my intentions. It was mostly a business transaction happening.

Do it while I touch her.

Different user then, my bad. We had a pair here once that got into a conversation over wearing pretty dresses, fair enough, everyone likes to do that, but it started devolving into talk of what sexual activities they could do in their dresses and kept on going in that direction even after several anons had told them both to fuck off. I remember they ended up taking their conversation to email, so I thought it might have been you, maybe your email train was more recent, that event was a while ago. I could also be misremembering it a bit.

That time we talked about dicks sizes was fun.

Take photos of her bush down there.

What took place was last night. I feel bad for mentioning them by name but I want to clear confusion that I was the ainon asking Ajimiposter to make a video.

Unfortunately, she shaves.

So was the time when we jerked off to Jewelpet tentacle porn together.

You guy are such creeps, like ew.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 33 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.07_[2019.06.12_02.14.08].jp (1280x720, 81K)

Attached: 1551486106265.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

When will iRis do something that involves swimsuits or kissing?


Lurk more.


Attached: 5ec219c5e72784ee4c9d532e3e2cd75c.jpg (720x1049, 103K)

Don't look at me like that, is only the arm pit, i will clean you after that

Attached: Kirara in High School.png (492x720, 161K)

Sheep is meant to be hugged

Attached: [Gelatin] Aikatsu Stars! - 082-00:06:37.480.jpg (1920x1072, 651K)

Remember to shag your sheep.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 072 [E0ACB76B].mkv_snapshot_09.59_[2017.10.01_01.06.34].jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Did she get a taste of some authentic Yume too?

Attached: 1506521960356.jpg (1967x1106, 1021K)

Please don't kill your favorite Prichan idol, be nice.

More than just a taste.

Gross Hime is tainted by even setting foot in India

And definitely don't decapitate her, jerk off on her corpse, then send a photo of it to her mom with "serves you right for raising a thot".

Being nice is the best.

I want to jerk off on ainon's corpse.

It sickens me deeply. I’m glad ainons arent monsters and are only a little mean.

...but if you did, which one would you choose?

ainons is savage, ainons is monsters, 'til ainons have daughters, now they precautious

Yeah, I just wanna destroy people mentally speaking, not physically, that's a bad thing to do.

I wouldn't do that because I don't have horrible mental problems. Just minor ones.

I would never do that, not even to the idles I dislike, at worst I would call her shit and say her fans are dummies.

The worst thing I’d do to an idle is not pat her head

It would be worse to be with two idles at the same time and then only headpat one of them while saying she's the cutest girl of the world.

Post cute Itos

So Zeus?

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Reminder that your favorite idle wants you to do your best.

Attached: 1554748632485.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Make me a sandwich, Aine.

I'll do it!

I know, it's her catchphrase.

Attached: __shimamura_uzuki_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_kibihimi__40534847d77bebfdd565 (1150x1525, 1.21M)


Cutting Aine's throat and sending pictures to all her followers!

Aine would do that to her fans

Attached: 1524173881568.jpg (735x576, 228K)

I'm Aine's fan

you know what, i think i like prichan more

I’m going to marry an ainon

Save me

ainon is gonna cheat on you with me

Attached: IMG_20190715_192359.jpg (1724x676, 182K)

My favorite onaholes, and Hibiki.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Who is your favourite OHOHOjousama?

ちり's my beautiful young wife, so her.

Attached: DRP7lKVVwAErGdA.jpg (1024x768, 192K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dream Festival! R - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.48_[2017.09.13_13.50.13].jpg (1280x720, 97K)

What is he reading?

Return when?

Attached: mpv-shot0012.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Reminder of who's the number 1 on PriPara.

Attached: 1522281349086.jpg (1200x675, 124K)

Last and First Idol

Attached: Authentic Cunny Stars.jpg (1920x1072, 1.07M)

I don't think you've been in the thread ainon but please if you see my messages from earlier respond. I won't be able to speak until 4:30 est tomorrow, but I will look through every post for you.

I should not have suggested temporary emails because the messages are for 1 hour and I browsed the internet waiting for reply, then went to bed without saying goodnight. I apologise for making you cry ainon.

Ainon, I thought about it, I wondered about it all day, I even made a new email at, but I decided: I just cannot do it.
I am just too shy and cannot record any sort of video for you.
I'm very sorry for hurting your feelings.

I'm very sorry, but I have to refuse.
If I don't refuse now, I don't want to lead you on any further.

Even if it's not a sexual/fetish/romantic/weird video, even if it's just a nice clean video, no matter what kind of video.
I would just feel weird and embarrassed about making one.
Please understand and please forgive me.

I don't care about the video I really just wanted to be your friend! I really like your videos and have wished to be friends with you for the past month. I am sorry I just wanted your attention... I feel like a complete idiot for how I went about it.

>being that desperate
Jesus Christ.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] PriPri Chii-chan!! - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.56_[2017.04.29_03.22.09].jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Awkward and cute.

>someone stole 100% my plan of getting close to lavender
I guess I'll die.
Please pass by my tomb sometime in the near future.

Attached: 1562152647845.jpg (640x480, 33K)

I know, right? It's pretty pathetic, even for ainon.

Attached: DZHZBapVAAE1Imv.jpg (1000x750, 115K)

Not sure if that was me exactly but I like to do sexual activities in the pretty dresses. Though just in case I like to apologize for taking too much of the thread, if that is the same ainon. I just wanted to get connected with someone with same kind of thing I'm into.

I'm willing to bet it's that one white knight that was always over ann's ass.

I want to fuck Mio

I'm sorry it may not be my place to still ask you for this but I'd like to still see you recreate this as Ajimi

Ann, what's that?

Wait, I thought some other ainon started a conversation through the same email he shared and their relationship went sour but ainon is crying and bitching about Ajimiposter not doing his weird-ass fetish video?
Jesus, I still pity the guy but I'm less inclined to be sympathetic.

Is this the movie original song?

I want to tidy up Amu's uniform.

Attached: maraca shaking cuties.gif (280x480, 507K)

I'm going to love my wife forever

Attached: 1563147231795.gif (782x440, 367K)

Let's do our best to love our wife forever!

Mio belongs to me!

I prefer silent. There's a very intense energy to it.

I want a JC idol friend.

I get you feel bad about upsetting the guy but I don't think you did anything wrong and you needn't feel guilty.

Attached: 1529342925026.jpg (1280x720, 259K)

Attached: 1556557646360.png (315x580, 98K)

I want a JC idol wife.

Looks like we're dealing with two different email type ainons. I did an email in here months ago but not for the same reasons that's going on in here now. I'm the sexual activities with dresses ainon who probably annoyed the thread months ago to which again I'm sorry.

Guys I think Mio might be gay

She's canadian straight.

oh she's definitely gay, with me
as my wife.

The bird is an exception I guess

Attached: 1563137575487.jpg (1280x720, 427K)

But nothing is wrong with it

Attached: 65101c8ed6dcc4cb5cafb1c409893ce6.png (641x832, 198K)

I guess it never came out but the reason I was upset was just after saying I wanted to speak on something else due to being uncomfortable with staying on temporary emails they stopped responding to me and instead i guess an unfortunate coincidence I got another email that was a fake scam email. The email seemed like a copypasta or something and thought they were taunting me because they thought I could no longer be taken advantage of. I didn’t think they’d be that way so it really upset me but I don’t think it was their fault.

>shirt untucked
>tie loose
>collar popped and undone
There's three things.

aifure sucks

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 004 [36AA98F7].mkv_snapshot_10.49_[2018.04.30_00.04.48].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Three things right with it, yes, but where are the mistakes?

iine sucks me regularly

The mistake is the school staff letting her wear it like that.

But it's cute. How about this?

Attached: Amu4961.png (1000x1750, 887K)

I want to break into this girl's window and have a tea party with her.

Attached: D_YIh3RUEAAZ9tw.jpg (2039x1378, 183K)

Still needs to fix the collar, but that is an improvement.

braps are friends

>uniform fetish user

Better than that dickhead in his 50s who posts photos of himself in Cocotama underwear on Twitter.

Is Cocotama twitter weird like that?

Okay this the closest I got. All good?

Attached: Amu5536.jpg (1023x1024, 232K)

post it

I'm halfway throught the Pripara movie and there's one abysmal difference between Pripara and Prichan that I am just noticing, friendship isn't as prominent on Prichan than it is on Pripara, not only within the characters but the lyrics are not as heartwarming, they don't talk about getting along and such.
I am experiencing a relief I haven't felt in years by watching it- it's making me feel like a complete retard for not realizing sooner, out of all the things Prichan didn't do right this is probably the biggest loss.

Attached: 1562956799891.jpg (270x270, 15K)

Much improved. I guess it's her prerogative to wear it the way she wants, but it would be nice if she could take proper pride in her school appearance once in a while.

Just that guy. In my vain attempts to stop his images coming up in my searches I saw he does it for Prichan underwear as well.

Can't recall his username offhand and I definitely didn't save any of his work, but he shows up in my eggpet search results from time to time.

HOLY FUCK when you said underwear I thought it was just pantsu.
But no, he also wears diapers, all the time.

Attached: vomit mirai.jpg (680x680, 136K)

Lala being the core makes all the difference. There's a world of difference between elementary friendship and middle school friendship. Don't know about you, but I don't see the difference between the friendship levels of Sophie and Mirai compared to Emo and Rinka, honestly have no idea how Pafes stay together, Tricolore is a fucking joke. In contrast look at how geddons and sugars have a more wholesome friendship going on, about my dream I don't know, never really feel anything from them.

Sophie and Mirei*

Reminder that Pritubers aren't your friends.

>check punpun
>two chapters in and already feel like shit

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 001 [6CCA74FA].mkv_snapshot_15.33_[2018.04.09_02.17.52].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

>honestly have no idea how Pafes stay together
Don't reply to me ever again.

Wow user, why did you ignore Ucchari like that? (Long-term adult lesbian couple and one middle-schooler third wheel.)

2/3 Pafes are twins, Dorothy and Shion don't like eachother or act as rivals, but Leona is the heart and peacemaker. Leona is the glue that sticks them together.

Dorothy loves Shion. She's mega tsun about it.

Attached: [SMC-Subs] Idol Time PriPara - 017 [2137D2A4].mkv_snapshot_13.56_[2018.07.25_11.51.42].jpg (1280x720, 274K)

Can I get some Leona glue? Asking for a friend.

>Tricolore is a fucking ménage à trois
Fixed for you

Attached: [SMC-Subs] Idol Time PriPara - 036 [6B7638DD].mkv_snapshot_08.26_[2018.08.15_07.11.50].jpg (1280x720, 395K)

The top part that snaps off of the PriTickets is called FollowTickets instead of Tomo(dachi)Tickets

Will FuwaGaruKanaPpe be a better Fuwari team than Tricolore?

Attached: D_hTodTUIAAWMTL.jpg (639x924, 87K)

I am sorry but I am getting ideas looking at this.

What ideas?

Attached: [SMC-Subs] Idol Time PriPara - 044 [23831B41].mkv_snapshot_09.10_[2018.08.18_14.01.21].jpg (1280x720, 356K)

Ideas for things I can do with my dick.

Dude friendship is Pripara's whole shtick.

Oh. Same.

Attached: [SMC-Subs] Idol Time PriPara - 034 [382A55FC].mkv_snapshot_14.20_[2018.08.09_20.15.54].jpg (1280x720, 310K)

>follotickets are good as long as the channel is up
>tomotickets are only good until the next live
Follotickets are better anyway.

dude friendship lmao

(Character designs and main coords)
Lala: Creamy Mami + Sailor Moon
Mirai: Minky Momo + Cardcaptor Sakura

Attached: [mottoj] Corrector Yui - 01 (R2DVD 1024x576 x264 Hi10p AC3 Chap).mkv_snapshot_10.02_[2018.09.13_16.1 (1024x576, 88K)

Attached: 1530295016070.png (733x999, 1.52M)

I want more Chiharu.

Attached: 1528924149575.png (1000x1000, 1.58M)

I hope she gets to design Pure Palette's next coord. Actually it would be cool if she collaborated with Mio.

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.Naisho.02.[366D6A92].avi_snapshot_04.34_[2019.05.04_00.28.06].png (640x480, 765K)

With all due respect, I don't think this so-called decrease of the prominence of friendship in Prichan really affects the relationships between its characters in any negative shape or form. Just because friendship isn't getting shilled all the time doesn't mean there is any lack of it in Prichan.

isn't them collaborating sugar melody x material color brand the reason why they had to go back to japan?

Yes, but I don't know if that's going to be an actual thing or they just needed a quick excuse with no deeper meaning. Still, they could use it as a way to let Chiharu take part in designing the next PP dresses we know are coming up due to the arcade game. Mio is officially the designer of Pure Palette, but every time she created dresses, she had to seek out Aine to complete the designs, so it wouldn't be strange to involve Chiharu in it. Plus their upcoming dresses incorporate their jewels, which Chiharu expressed interest in.

At the very least the girls in prichan feel more like friends than in a certain anime labeled "Friends"
Though I like the idea of them being secretly cunts.

Friends is short for Girlfriends.

>muh gay XD

I don't know how you can possibly think the aifure girls don't feel like "real friends," unless you unironically fell for the "its only gay" meme. The only better friends in /ai/ are Soleil imo.

Attached: [email protected] (2046x1447, 553K)

I want Karen to sit on my face and smother my nose with her sweaty butthole.

Attached: 1557091872941.jpg (1000x1437, 205K)

So your problem is that Prichan shows friendship, instead of talking about it and that song lyrics don't have to contain key words like "Pripara" and "friendship" in every ten lines?
Got it.
It's nice how you ignored MyDream there, who never really got friendly with each other, despite having two (2) elementary school girls on the team.
Basically this.
Even if we'll ignore Kiratts, due to how Rinka fits in and Mirai being "friendly with anyone"-type, Meltic StAr are certainly close friends and that one episode about Sara and Mel was amazing.

I laughed so hard yesterday watching isekai youtubers when one of them actually did muh gay meme to boost their views.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.10_[2019.07.15_16.14.25]. (1280x720, 99K)

>It's nice how you ignored MyDream there
Pretty sure I didn't.

Emo has a mix of Lucia-like appearance and Hanon-like personality.


Attached: 75743666_p0.png (2397x2631, 1.59M)

She's kinda hot isn't she.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 64 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-15-11h57m55s967.jpg (1280x738, 243K)

Attached: D_lBbfpUEAE7--W.jpg (600x600, 131K)

Attached: 75757590_p0.jpg (2150x2717, 680K)

>The only pop coords there have all been worn by Ajimi
Cosplay makers know what's up

>I'm to young and handsome

Attached: smug shiteater.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Isn't the Cocotama world showing up in a few episodes?

So why do characters act like Mirai is a good designer? This goes beyond Rhythm-tier fashion.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 66 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.14_[2019.07.16_22.32.30].jp (1280x720, 708K)

Good "taste"!
(あじみ means taste)
(Actually "good taste" is ハイセンス)

Attached: twirly tippy toes.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)


>the girls in prichan feel more like friends than in a certain anime labeled "Friends"
So no one told you life was gonna be this way.

They also called the right one fashionable when she was a complete disaster
I guess you can pretend that this coord was based on her pop sensibilities and colors.

Bottom looked like Shining Star mc

She doesn't melt, unlike Lily.

Lala is also Mii from Popotan
The odd thing is that it's an Akio Watanabe design, and he worked on Aurora Rising, but has no credits after that

Attached: 256316.jpg (1600x1200, 952K)

That's not my name.

Attached: gosh....jpg (318x383, 55K)

Akio Watanabe's art is so sexy.
I would love to see all Pretty Series girls in this art style.

Attached: rhythm and aira.jpg (2418x3318, 667K)

fuwari was cute

I look forward to more Fuwari content in Pretty All Friends with her new team ふわガァルかなッぺ.

Attached: IMG_2770.jpg (225x225, 11K)

I thought Koyubi is into melmel

>sugars on the left.
>geddons on the right.
>last bosses on top.
>Prism Messengers on bottom.

Is little Fuwari a Prism Messenger?
(Is Hibiki a Shine? They look alike and have the same voice actress.)

Attached: PAF shuffle teams.jpg (991x451, 111K)

>Is little Fuwari a Prism Messenger?
>(Is Hibiki a Shine? They look alike and have the same voice actress.)
No, KinPri fanfic bullshit isn't applicable to PriPara.

>Hye In
>last boss
That I can't even fully say you're wrong is a testament to how much of a mess DMF was.

"FUCK Hye In!" - Mia

I know PP has more characters in general but I can't help but notice teams are like half or 3/4 PriPara.

What were they gonna do, use the rest of Prizmmy and Puretty?

You seem a bit flustered.
I think it's because you want PP to stay a cheerful innocent paradise without the dark implications of KinPri lore.

I think PAF might head towards that direction, but only a little.

No, it's more like my daughter worked really hard on an art project and the special needs kid in the class is trying to "help" her complete it, which is to say destroy it with her own bullshit.

I just finished the King of Prism series. It was sometimes kinda ghey, and other times ultra mega ghey. The best Prism Live was Yukinojo's because of his exotic traditional theme. My favorite character was Leo because reasons; I also liked the Pretty Rhythm and PriPara references and easter eggs in his focus episode. Speaking of which, the appearance of the names of the characters from said series in Episode 10 (Sonata, Cosmo, etc) during the discussion among the Prism World deities, and everything that transpired on Episodes 11 and 12, made me wonder if we're gonna get a super-epic crossover movie about saving the Prism's sparkle, regarding the 10th Anniversary, especially with the Pretty All-Friends thing going on. Well, maybe they're just references, but I can dream. In fact, maybe they're just like the other Pretty movies where it's just essentially Live recaps. Overall, I give it at least an 8/10. I didn't expect to like and appreciate these bunch of >boys

All RL characters + MARs are already in.
Prichan is still airing and no one cares about DmF or Serenon.
I really want to see Asterhythm in PAF though, so maybe that's the reason why Serenon isn't in yet. Well that, and Kanon/Chae Kyoung's VA retiring from singing due to hearing loss.

KinPri is by the director of Pretty Rhythm, Hishida Masakazu. So really, it's more like PriPara is the fanfic of Pretty Rhythm, but I love both so I won't say such a thing.

Because they are popular

Least popular teams.
They will be like the leftovers but still included a little.

I think that even Ucchari Big Bangs will be treated better than them.
Ajimi can get into an all-pop team with Mirei and Pinon/Dorothy.
Cosmo can get into a cool/premium ladylike team maybe with Sophie and Meganee.
Chanko, maybe Chanko will be ignored or deleted as I don't see Nao getting in PAF either unfortunately.

The Prism World stuff in the last few episodes seems to be canon strictly to Pretty Rhythm itself (both RL obviously but also AD and DMF), not Pripara or Prichan.

how are all my kyootie sparklez doin today! im miserable! yay!

Attached: 9D9B89DD-9857-489E-8FA4-A56FAB3469BC.jpg (1325x2048, 305K)

Attached: D_SDgvQU4AA0mxs.jpg (800x800, 43K)

Haha, good one ainon.

I actually doubt it's canon to AD and DMF either.

>KinPri is by the director of Pretty Rhythm, Hishida Masakazu.
So? Why do you randomly mention universally-known details like this like it has any relevance to the conversation or proves you're some kind of expert?

Good taste and good review user, thank you for watching and enjoying this work of art!
Leo is a cutie.
Have you seen the first 2 movies or any supplementary materials (Prism Rush game art / stories, interviews etc)?

About 11 and 12, yes I agree, I'm very excited.
I think we'll see Shine again, too.

Attached: thumb_leo_on.jpg (270x390, 122K)

To pretend that the Pretty series is super deep?

I don't want the least and second-least pretentious PR outings tainted by the embarrassing egotism of RL and post-RL Hishida.

First game Rinne (and Rinne related lore) appears is a DMF game.

Pretty Rhythm: My*Deco Rainbow Wedding

Attached: Pretty Rhythm My Deco Rainbow Wedding.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Hera is cuter, cooler, nicer and bitchier than any other rival

I know, but it's about as important to the show as original Pretty Rhythm manga.
I mean, there also was that ASS game where June chose Mion to be her partner, which doesn't really fit the show either.

Mion is a Prism Messenger CONFIRMED

I want to translate the original Pretty Rhythm manga

Raws are around, so nothing stops you.
If you'll ask around, someone would be able to help you with image editing.

Attached: D_lrwCQU4AA_k3T.jpg (1620x2048, 151K)

Attached: D_gYViBVUAAB_pA.jpg (1450x2048, 147K)

Let me know if you want TLC. It might motivate me to actually finish reading it.

>Have you seen the first 2 movies or any supplementary materials
Yes, I have seen the first two movies, as they are precursors to the series and I assumed are necessary to understand the plot. I haven't seen any of the extra materials you mentioned, though.

>supplementary materials
Watching anime isn't a fucking homework assignment, if they can't write a story properly that's their problem.

The rest might probably show up in future installments of PAF shuffle teams.

Honestly SSS did a good job explaining everything important, but I always recommend people to check out Prism Rush main story as it's the proper introduction to the characters and it explains what happened between two movies.
SSS is standalone enough to be enjoyable without even watching KinPri movies, so it's fine.

Shine would only work with a new character arc, being dispatched to make way for a new surprise villain or being the surprise final boss himself but with some kind of new twist so it's not a repeat of the SSS climax.

Who called the bitches?

Attached: (1920x1080, 796K)

Chill, disappointment at storytelling incompetence isn't a lack of chill.


Seven shiny flops

I just torrented them tonight.
I have some experience typesetting and editing manga so I would edit them by myself, but thank you for the offer.
I’m looking forward to reading them!

TLC? Does that stand for Tender Loving Care or is it another acronym.

look at this pleb

>SSS is standalone
That's part of the problem lmao.
>enough to be enjoyable
60% of the enjoyment is from RL and a little bit of previous KoP nostalgiapandering and 40% is from the 3 or so good episodes. The other 2/3 of the show is kind of a waste.

Canonical issues aside, despite both being in separate, parallel universes the AD/DMF and RL/KoP worlds share a lot in common, so even if there are specific differences, some of the Prism World lore could apply to the former as well, albeit in different ways (or they could just retcon it).

Pretty Series is an anime-original franchise, your doofus. Promotion and adaptation are different things.

I’m not him. He would do a much better job at it than me. But I’d like to try my hand at it.
But it’s past my bedtime now, see you soon.


did the artist also drew other characters from other little girls anime? specifically Precure?

Translation Check, it's used in fabsubs, not sure about scanlation.

>But it’s past my bedtime now
Don't let your dad know.

You never provided an example of storytelling incompetence within SSS. Did you even wath it.
I'm sorry you feel that way, but I thought it was other way around, with Leo and Taiga episodes being the only kinda weak ones.

Attached: D_MgCOBU0AIp_1k.jpg (1146x1165, 159K)

FUCK Mirai

>Leona is the glue
Well yeah, he can make glue if you catch my drift.

>This goes beyond Rhythm-tier fashion.
Nobody will ever surpass Rhythm's level.

Can't blame you, Leo is the ideal husbando for ainon.

Putting character-relevant material outside the actual show demonstrates incompetence. Look at PriPara, they told you a little about Lala in ASS and the PriPara School show but nothing you needed to know and couldn't get just by watching episode 1.
Leo and Taiga were okay rather than great but there were weaker ones (Yukinojou or whoever and Minato's for instance), Alec's was the best. The last three episodes along with Alec were what I meant by the good ones.


I am a little girl. Please tell me what are they doing?



Attached: 1513956386248.jpg (1280x720, 477K)

They waiting for the big black dude in the next room to come by and fuck their brains out.

Fuck off, proto-Shine.


While I wouldn't go so far to say that SSS demonstrates incompetence as a whole, and I do admit the flaws present within its narrative, one positive thing about the show itself is that it gives all the main players some backstory and presents the previous two movies (as well as RL) with some new insight and perspective.

Thank you for answer my question, but I can not understand at all.

Aside from Mirai, Karen only fucks wild and dangerous animals who then become her pets.

Everything really important is reintroduced in the actual show, like Alex living with a mom and stuff. If you meant unimportant, but nice stuff, then Aikatsu and Pripara sinned in Photokatsu and PriPuz by putting some rather nice stories in it (everything Stars related, Reona debuting in DanPri). Getting to know characters more through the side material is inevitable.
Also, Yukinojo and Minato episodes were pretty good. Which in latter's case pretty surprising. Taiga and Leo eps were just fanservice though.

I want to bully Wakai Yuki.

Punch Aine on the face