Am i the only one here who doesnt like evangelion that much...

am i the only one here who doesnt like evangelion that much? like it was good but i mean you guys sit here acting like it was the best anime ever made. it really wasnt that good.

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Shut up Faggot

>like it was good
No it wasn't


op is a fag

It's okay user, not all of us can have patricians taste.

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Its literally the only anime Ive watched and its pretty fucking great bra

>you guys
All I hear are the echoes from up your faggot-banged asshole

>hurr durr escapism bad

Yeah, ther story is meh and the message is tired and feels insincere as it comes from a mouth of filmography genius who was at the time swimming in an ocean of pussy and is aimed to the ear of talentless dumb and ugly guys who are biologically incapable of achieving anything of note including sex they didn’t pay for. I guess such attitude is pretty common, everyone has just himself as a reference, so talented people think their talentless peers are just lazy instead of fundamentally incapable. I mmean look at Shinji, competent cello player, does well academically, good family background, even is kinda hot... that guy towers over average teenage boy his age.

But the designs and visuals are nice.

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it sounds like you've got some personal gripes that's making you salty about some of the themes, user

Holy mother of cope

>the best anime ever made
not just that, it's the best thing humanity has ever produced in its entire history

It’s shit


A guy in my extended family killed himself quite recently after years of chasing a dream that was outside his reach. If he for example masturbated to anime instead he would still be around for his wife and daughter.

Actually Evangelion is the best-selling anime of all time except for Studio Ghibli anime

No, it quite literally is best selling when you include merchandise

And the highest grossing movie of the decade is Avengers: Endgame, it's prety much on par with Avatar - the highest grossing movie of all time. That doesn't say much about its qualities.


Ah, the infamous buzzword. I don't know what am I supposed to cope with. I just came into this thread, and I don't even dislike Eva that much.

What's the best anime

Are you lonely?

Also Kimi No Na Wa

Actually when you adjust for inflation Gone with the Wind is still top and it's not even close but lmao cope

Is it really? What is the top 10? Or top 5 at least?

But then you and his family probably wouldn't have cared about him as much. Heartless, but if he embraced that void maybe he'd lose respect and the esteem people held in him.

Are you not?

Whatever, I'm just saying it's not a good argument. When something is popular, it doesn't mean it's good. It means it targets the centre of the bell curve and appeals to your average joe.

Aggreed. FLCL is superior.

No, because i stopped running from people
And you still haven't answered my question, are you lonely?


Not him but I am, how do I not run from people, user-sama desu ?

> posting on Yea Forums
> not running from people
You're not very convincing.

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Either convince/brainwash yourself into thinking you're important and worthy to people, zombify yourself on SSRIs, or become sociopath and take the clownpill and become a nihilist hedonist.

>telling other people to shut up over the internet

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is that blu rays or dvds sold, or what? it can't be yen.

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I agree it's vastly overrated

You don't need to like it

I thought it was legit boring. The real meat of the series is the last 6 episodes.

That is blu-ray and dvd sold.