I like you romantically

>I like you romantically
>I want to fuck your best friend

Why are men always such whores?

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But I'm pure!

That's written by a woman, isn't it?

People like to fuck. Get over it

Get over it, Becky. Train-kun wants to fuck me, not you lol.

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Incels don’t count as men

Yes, Mari Okada.


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can't she just do the reasonable thing and agree to a threesome?

I'll always be a man no matter what.

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Why is he such an indecisive faggot?

maybe because his childhood friend didn't even register him as a male until reality hit her in her vagina.

What does that have to do with anything? She still loved him every since they were kids.

>Reading anything by Okada and expecting it to be good


I may be a lolicon but I wouldn’t marry a child
She’d be inexperienced and be a terrible mother

You're a shallow person.
Get over it.

>expecting anyone to act like a normal human being in something written by Okada

>Izumi, my son
>You're a man now, you must choose a girlfriend
>The average looking childhood girl
>Or the sexy hottie blondie

Why is the Dense/oblivious girl trope so rare? I'm tired of the boy being clueless and the girl suffering the drama.

Blonde girl is an alpha female, why wouldn't he choose her?

Because girls cant be dense. Enviromental factors dont support it

Why should he chose her? Only because she's cute? It's like the general message of this Manga is beyond you. Lust != Love

>Only because she's cute?

How does she keep getting away with it?

Lonely OL and retarded weebs (you)

I'm just tired of the norm. The boy almost never gets his heart broken and is always on the receiving end. Why is it always the girl doing the chase? What Happened to the classic tales of chivalry where the guy sacrifices his ideals to prove that he loves the girl?

I want to take your purity.

Casual audience falling for her melodrama shtick and calling it realistic.

Why should the childhood friend win? She saw him as a child for the longest time and not to mention stole his porn. Blondie is way more serious about him.

Izumi is such a chad, it's natural him aiming for blonde stacy instead boring childhood friend becky.

Roastie file name kek

>Niina is an excellent actress
>Meaning she can roleplay any fetish that one desire


Boys are heartbroken irl so its only fair

Because most anime is supposed to be escapism.
Real life is already full of what you're describing


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I miss when Okada wasn’t shit posted about constantly as I like her work. Anons use to have Okada love threads. I blame Gundam IBO and people blaming Okada for Mayoiga.

I thought Aquarion was the straw that broke the camels back. Maybe also BRS


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No there will still very good threads for Okada up until around Wixoss spread and that was also around IBO. Probably the shonenfags and /m/ crossboarders. It really hit a peak of shitposting when mayoiga hit around episode 4 and the meme retards blamed Okada. Anything she has made since then gets shitposted into the ground and it really sucks.

>no chapter this month
Fucking cliffhanger man.

August, my man.

I hope plain shit fucks him out of spite and dumps right after. It's not like japanese women are allowed to be friends with married guys and she's not ending up with him for sure, so ruining the friendship beyond repair is fine

>and it really sucks.
just like her works!

Why is izumi getting a harem though? Isn't childhood friend the MC?

> Anything she has made since then gets shitposted into the ground
I remember Hisomaso threads being pretty tame though.

It's shit but more males watch anime probably so that's what the bottom of the barrel wish fulfillment is.

It was also Netflixed

Read shoujo if you want guys chasing and getting their hearts broken.

>I like you romantically
>But let me first blue ball you by having hookups and short flings with guys above my league before I let you pay for something that Chads got for free.

Most women nowadays

It was already translated before the eng Netflix release
True. Not sure how that happened.


>all these anons that would pick a fickle slut over a loyal girl just because she's more attractive
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, etc.

You fools. You marry the childhood girl, and have the blonde girl as your mistress.

Ok w/e bro

Based. Have most of your children with the beautiful mistress kill her and have your wife raise them for you

>have your wife raise them for you

>have children with the mistress
And ruin her with child-bearing? That's what the wife is for.

You have one child with the good genes and you leave everything to that one when you die.

For what purpose? I'd rather keep a fuckable mistress, thank you very much.

Is Mari okada real life used goods. Did she talk about rough anal sex with her friends at school?

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Yeah but what if the mistress isn't monogamous with you though


Okada is a closested lesbo who has mommy issues because her mom tried to kill her once.

>It was already translated before the eng Netflix release
Yes but fansubbing and the inherent delays narrow the amount of people that bother with following it.

Having one pretty daughter seems reasonable

Stop putting girls on a pedestal. If sex is all you want then just pay for it. You don't need a girl in your life

Shit. Well I'd divorce my wife then, she ain't worth it anyway. Blonde is better.

You sick fuck! You want to fuck my daughter!? Get the fuck out of here.

Yeah but that's a 50/50 with getting a boy, and even if it's a daughter that's a least like 12 years before she's ripe, not worth it.


Because we're raised to feel actualization only through sex, and women are raised to deny us sex. Our only options are to be whores, rapists, or gay if we don't want to play the fuck-fuck games, the same way a woman's only option to avoid her fuck-fuck games of sucking dirty dick to have a life is to be a gold-digger, an escort (which is just an upscale whore), or a lesbian.


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>local train man making pussies wet

>Because we're raised to feel actualization only through sex
That's really sad. Why do men care so much about sex anyways? If women are just objects of desire then No man in this world deserves the love of a woman.

What is this face trying to convey?

>Childhood girl status: Oof

Stop it woman. You ain't pretty.

Does femcel actually exist?

Get over yourself, OP. Stop whining and get yourself a man.

kek, i have a female "best friend" but the reason i'm stil hanging out with her is i'm waiting for a chance to fuck her without being in a relationship.

>You ain't pretty
>Muh beauty
Is that all you look for in a girl? No wonder you are still single

OP seems like she's from crystal.cafe site.
Guys, should we help her get laid?

Because women are parasites whose only contribution is birthing sons

>you are still single
You assume too much, girl. And I already have a gf, thank you

Stop deflecting the argument. Why are men obsessed with sex?

OP's self-insert character.

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Cringe. Just stop hanging with that woman or make your intentions clear

>Why are men obsessed with sex?
Why are YOU obsessed with men?

Because that's all women have to offer. You don't think we talk about serious things with women do you?

Post your face here OP, maybe we can help you.

>Why are YOU obsessed with men?
I'm not. Ever since I converted to Buddhism i've renounced all worldly desires. Pleasures of the flesh don't sway me. So tell me this filthy monkey, why is sex all you care about?

>You don't think we talk about serious things with women do you?
I don't think you talk with women at all user.

God you're still going after all these years, autistic nigger?

What's your problem? You hate men? Yeah okay.
>why is sex all you care about?
Same thing with women, would you have sex with an ugly guy with nothing special?

>What's your problem? You hate men? Yeah okay
No you stupid fuck. I hate mankind's obsession with sex( women included). It's just a ritual to create something new. Stop romanticising it so much.

Biological programming from millions of years of evolution

Different guy here. The reason men care about sex a whole lot is because it's the way you validate that your existence is worth reproducing. If a man can't have sex, it means he's been chondemned to genetic death. A lot of people will say not to care about sex and that it isn't a big deal, but this is either a coping mechanism from a loser, or advice from a woman who doesn't undeerstand what it's like to be on the side of the reproductive game that actually has to try. Thinking you're above your existence as a biological entity is also loser cope, and is obviously illogical.

Now we know why

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which ch i dont remember this

Amazing how a people always assume they know persons they actually haven´t talked with, or even look at history or science to get a basic idea of the kinds of people there are.

But your "biological entity" argument falls apart ever since sperm donors are a thing, never mind the men who willingly go through vasectomy to have lots of carefree sex. Even if analized through the lens of it being ingrained through years of evolution, and completely disregard society and values, you´ll have people you don´t have your view simply because of random chance. But it´s society and values that make you think about genetic death in the first place - animals mostly go by instict.

I dont remember this scene too.

Raw chapter.

Threesome ?

>woman attempts to write an incel character

Does sugiwara have feelings for Izumi?

Yeah. She even told the childhood girl that she loves him and he's better with me

No fucking way, i always thought sugiwara had things undercontrol and wont go the triangle route. What chapter did she start to like him? Why did she even like him?

>What chapter did she start to like him? Why did she even like him?
Just read the raw manga. Err I forgot, something something "he's nice & cute, we are both weirdos so I think he would fit me."

>菅原新菜 Sugawara Niina
>Kazusa's best friend, a melancholic girl who the guys call a "crane" because of her fragile beauty. Initially, Niina ignores the boys because of an harassment's experience in her childhood, but gradually begins to develop feelings for Izumi because of his caring and kindness. Thus, her loyalty to her best friend and their common love of one boy quickly becomes one of the main conflicts in the series.

It's over, childhoodfags. Prepare to embrace more suffering.

I look forward to this episode.

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>Come to my house and "practice" with me :)

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Rooting for Sugawara desu, kazusa is just so slow

So is Izumi starting to like sugawara or just lust?

Yeah. Even worse, she can't do shit lmao it's pathetic.

He did denied her at first, but then this happened So I guess the blondie won. Just as she planned.

In not meme language. What does he say?

Does that mean friendship with kazusa has ended?

Asshole, do I have to spoonfeed you everything?
That's almost correct.
>I like you, Kazusa, but I'm "sexual attracted" to Sugawara-san.
Basically he's being dumb.

>After the cultural festival Kazusa and Izumi start dating
>Prez also starts dating the boy that likes her
>In the meantime, Mocchin has become lesbian, Hongou falls in love with the Milo-sensei who likes another teacher, and Sugawara falls in love with Izumi.
>After the cultural festival, Sugawara decides that she'll do any means possible to get make Izumi fall for her instead, even if it means losing Kazusa and Mocchin as friends.
>Mocchin tries to dissuade her: "Don't do it, you'll alienate yourself from everyone! We're your friends, so we'll do everything to support you!"

>Sugawara decides that she'll do any means possible to get make Izumi fall for her instead, even if it means losing Kazusa and Mocchin as friends.
Kek. How does the Train man did it? What a fucking guy.

she fucking tried to seduce her best friend's boyfriend by letting him feel her and told him " your first sex won't go will, so do it with me as practice " and when he said no she went " even though you got hard "
she then goes to lose virginity to skeevy old director
but she can't go thyrough with it and punches him
she then realizes she loves izumi and tells kazusa
kazusa lies and says she isn't upset

Izumi will impregnate both of them anyway, problem solved.

I dont have money to learn moon speak okay, I would gladly love to learn nip if i had the money and time. Thanks anyways

>Prez also starts dating the boy that likes her
Correction: they already were dating beforehand
They just start dating in public without hiding their affection

It's all over for the childhood friend. She can't win. She can't do shit.

Man August & September feel so far away. I need to see this trainwreck ending lol.

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Not quite
The dyke is all assblasted at him for having 2 girls while has nobody
So he should take responsibility and fuck her straight

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Alright, you're welcomed. Basically that's the whole story of this manga anyway, nothing else that interesting.

Prez best couple
Train Man and Snake woman best self insert couple
Kazusa is for okada tier women to self insert.

>Sugawara tells Mocchin "But you can't have Es Ee Cross with your friends" implying she knows Mocchin lusts for her

Does the MC have anything going for her besides being a childhood friend? All she does is being food over that she doesn't even make herself and barges in uninvited while you're just trying to rub one out. The blonde on the other hand is fucking hot and desired by pretty much everyone.

> Mt. Dyke erupting
Ah the kind of train that i would gladly get wrecked into. Sugawara must get impregnated while Kazusa should be the lady that lives with a lot of Azusas

Crying and running is also her speciality lmao. Just read the raw for some lol running & crying moments.

What is Prez and Hongou's opinions on this? Are they just watching while their friend group is self destructing?

>harassment experience
You mean when she tried to rape a pure lolicon in elementary?

>Guess where these hands just were...

How does that make sense?

They are oblivious to the drama between them

I don't know lol you tell me.


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She said she was 14 at that time

If your friends are in a similar situation like this, what would you anons have done? Just stay out and let them Duke it out or do something?

Sugawara deserves him more, she has lived a miserable life and is traumatized to the entire idea of love. Let her have this.

Prez is busy with her bf to notice anything and midget is still recovering from sensei rejection.

Why doesn't he just tell the blonde slut that he loves his childhood friend and be done with it? What the fuck is he so insecure about?

>almost no mention of this manga
>anime starts airing
>suddenly spoilers in thread titles twice a week
there's a spoiler function on this board, use it

I guess she also has her imagination that lets her picture the boy she likes having sex with other girls.

The Blondie seducing technique rubbed it on him pretty hard.

The only one i could see getting out of here alive is prez and hongou, if this all goes through 3 people would probably leave the group. Unless izumi gets hit by a train while masturbating or something.


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Is this the life of a chad? Inspite of all the bullshit thats happening, he will get laid regardless

So anons, you're not a virgin, right?

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So far it is certainly more realistic than most romance manga, not like it's something hard to achieve though.

Yeah, guy's a sex magnet. Look at this bishounen. He's a player.

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>group of five high school girls aiming to have sex
>only TWO of them are guaranteed to get the dick

Here lies Kazusa, Hongou and Mocchin, those who never scored.

Remembers me a certain Asanagi doujin...

>Getting seduced
>Not having self-control
What a pussy. At this point he should just get cucked. Let him face the repercussions of his indecisiveness. I hate how this manga( being shoujo) is literally serving everything to izumi on a silver platter. Just Make him suffer or do something for fucks sake, take him out of his comfort zone.

>get the dick

Is he even tall?

Has a sort of boring hobby like trains but gets those kinds of looks from girls without even trying. Pretty based life.

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It runs in Bessatsu Shounen Magazine
The same as Attack on Titan

>Expecting the newfags who came because of the fappening, gamergate and the elections to know about spoilers
Didn't you know user? It's now ebin to disregard the rules like a total faggot because fuck the poli- I mean mods XD

Didn't this happen to naruto?

He's a teen, and this is a shounen series, in a shounen magazine. At least he's being honest, I like that, better than lie and say he loves his childhood girl, which he doesn't.

He's 15 so he could still grow more
He's the star of the soccer team or some shit

>girls not getting dicked

Even ugly as fuck landwhales find guys that want to fuck them. Normal looking girls will never ever have a problem with getting sex.

>boring hobby

No, and fuck you.

>>Getting seduced
>>Not having self-control
You can't self-control your subconsciousness user. You can only deny it.

He does say he loves her though
Just that he lusts for her friend

>What Happened to the classic tales of chivalry where the guy sacrifices his ideals to prove that he loves the girl
Turns out that it gets boring after being the only kind of romance available for several centuries.
Crazy, right?

>he loves her
I doubt that's real love. More like love as friendship.

Is that so? Anyways, that doesn't answer the question. Why is there no love rival for izumi? You're telling me nobody tried to make a move on the childhood friend or the Blondie? What a load of bullshit.

Not to mention Josei and Shojo manga have that stuff in spades
Women still love being chased after so they should just read that stuff if you want wish-fulfillment

superior couple.

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>nobody tried to make a move on the childhood friend or the Blondie
Well there's that old creepy guy that likes the blonde, so....
Childhood girl is too average.

A lot of guys are after Sugawara, and she has a pseudo-relationship with an older man
But she doesn't care about them

The pigtails girl loves Blondie

It's a man's duty to do the chase and a woman's duty to do the selection. This has been the natural order of things since Genesis. Fuck this postmodern philosophy of making the girls chase after the guy.

Because it was written by a woman.

just read those trashy romance novellas from the grocery aisles
or twilight

>You're telling me nobody tried to make a move on the childhood friend or the Blondie? What a load of bullshit.
How about actually reading the manga you are trying to complain about? Blondie has several boys lusting after her and the childhood friend is just too average.

Bella Edward Jacob

Blondie almost had sex with an old man

See, that's the problem here. Any love rival for the MC is relegated to a pervert or just social reject. Why isn't the rival allowed to be more alpha than the MC? Someone who would make him feel insecure and inferior? It's a really useful plot device

There are plenty of other anime like that, Kiznaiver for example. You don't like this series, you can drop it.

I still don't know who this series is written for:
> MC is supposed to be a Chad but acts like a fucking pussy everytime.
> FMC is plain, boring, vanilla and somehow got into a relationship with MC.
> Blondie is ultra hot and cucks her best friend, seduces MC on a train, tries to fuck an old dude, then proceeds to run a knife through the couple.
> Cute, quiet, bff girl is actually a lesbian (???)
> Author girl is fucking pathetic and keeps cucking herself with the teacher knowing she has no chance.
> President girl learnt about the magic of being a cute girl and never looked back.
Judging by Okada's previous works and clear mental handicaps, Blondie will end up with MC and ... that's it? What's the point of the manga lol, ridicule your reader demographic for being unattractive?

Blondie seems like a short sighted retard. Assuming she did manage to seduce Izumi, she's now destroyed not only all of her relationships, but also ruined the relationship between two childhood friends and their families. The massive amount of guilt would eventually have him break up with her, but now neither of them will have any friends to fall back on because everyone will think their both shitheads.

Shoujo for boys but gone wrong.

Lmao why are you being a drama queen, OP?
>but also ruined the relationship between two childhood friends and their families
Nah, the childhood should grow a pair and accept it. That's life, he ain't into you and never will. She should be friend with him, that's the good thing for both of them.

I am really scared about what to happen to Izumi from the lesbian. She is the one who asked him to reject Sugiwara because he has already a girlfriend, but he actually fucking went " I love my girlfriend but I still want to fuck your crush too lol"
She is going to lash on him the first page next chapter.

Anyone who would still want to be with that type of person even after hearing that is a fucking idiot.

It doesn't matter, hot people deserve each other and that's the entire premise of this manga.
Btw if you're ugly and plain just fucking kill yourself already, you'll suffer from day 1 of your sexual awakening.

>hot people deserve each other and that's the entire premise of this manga
Damn son, now that part is too realistic right there.

I need sugawara and izumi to end up together for eugenics purposes

OP is too ugly so she's a monk now lmao

He will hatefuck her out of the lesbian phase

They're so cute together, bros

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>The massive amount of guilt would eventually have him break up with her, but now neither of them will have any friends to fall back on because everyone will think their both shitheads
I say let it happen. Izumi is a faggot for not rejecting the blonde slut. Let the childhood friend find a new love interest who actually cares about her while izumi watches from afar cursing every decision in his life. That would be a welcome twist.

You don't get it. Blonde want to have sex, and she found the perfect target becaide she even fell in love with him.
She said friends are nice and all but you can't have sex with them, so she is choosing Izumi over them.

Yes, she is crazy bitch and a yandere, she is willing to give it all to have sex. But that's what makes her character so fucking interesting for me.

Cuckzusa will never win, cope faggots.

Like he cares about the childhood.
Just like your ugly ass no one cares about, loser.

That's some high projection right there. Tell me OP, did you get rejected so hard you became a monk? lol

He's right, just break up with Kazusa, this is torture.

Grow a pair and accept that you're ugly, Kazusa self-inserters.

>Izumi gets to tap that at 15 years old
>Izumi might get to tap that forever and make a family with
Imagine getting home after a hard days work and gets greeted by your cute kids and beautiful lovely wife while shes cooking your family's dinner. LIFE is fucking unfair bros

>ridicule your reader demographic for being unattractive
That's right. And OP took the bite lmao.

I really can't blame her, some women actually have it rough there. It's usually the very introverts or brought up in a very conservative way ... which is totally respectable.
If I were a woman in 2019 I would 100% honestly kill myself because of my way of thinking. Thankfully I'm a dude and I don't need to prove shit to society or any pussy out there, and ironically it's because we've been so antagonized for decades that nobody expects much from us now.

Good for him. He deserved it. There's nothing wrong with being beautiful and handsome.

I agree.

The teacher and the midget are my second favorite

There's an obvious bias here. Why should the girl suffer? Why not izumi? She has eyes for izumi only while the Blondie is into old men. Izumi is of course a greedy little bitch who's too pussy to decide between his childhood friend and the slut. He deserves neither of them.

Imagine being Kazusa and ended up being cuckqueen despite having main character status.

Fucking pathetic.

Yeah, keep on that projection, loser.

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Out of the 5 relationships trying to form only 1 came out healthy but Izumi and Sugawara will have a healthy sexual relationship though, even with the bloody start

Emoto Nao previous work is absolutely better than AraOto.

why that thing not getting anime adaptation ?

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isn't that obvious to you? they'll never suffer. they're natural winners of life.

>It's okay if the girl gets cucked
>It's not okay if the boy gets cucked
Holy shit, that's some double standards!

Why WOULD he needs to oblige to date the childhood? She's ugly and uninteresting.

Just because some girl now tell me she likes me, and now I have to date her!?

That's a flat out reject right there, dumbass. Take a hint. He doesn't love him.

There are plenty of series where MC guys are cuckolds, if you're into that shit, sick fuck.

>they'll never suffer. they're natural winners of life
LMAO, he will eventually find someone who is way more alpha than him and get his wife stolen from him. Happens to every Chad in this world. There's always someone better than you

t. jealous bitch

Imagine being RAGING THIS HARD at a fictional manga story lmao. Fucking losers.

>Female MC gets cucked
>Holy shit this is fucking insane! Gimme more!
>Male MC gets cucked
>Sick fuck
Once again, double standards

I feel sorry for you. Your life must be miserable to be this angry at me.

OP must be an ugly SJW feminist or something. This retard seems genuinely angry at a beautiful happy anime couple.

what did the dyke say in response?

>Why WOULD he needs to oblige to date the childhood? She's ugly and uninteresting
Why would he need to oblige to date the blondie? Only because she's cute and beautiful? That's equally retarded

>Yea Forums loves it

Why I am not suprised?

She's beautiful, you're an ugly whale, that's why.

As in Kamen Rider 555/Faiz rape novel, Mari Okada?

It's female cuckold though, wrong sex.

So female ntr is okay but male ntr is not? Found the cuckold

You're cuckold obsessed. Kill yourself or get a life, whale.

No not really, I don't like NTR.
But you were speaking about Anons here, and those are men.

Have sex

honestly, Why do you think izumi deserves the Blondie?

Attractive people are entitled to happiness. What's so hard to understand?

I enjoy beautiful couple,(and the childhood's suffering lol). It doesn't affect my life, your life and everyone else. This is fiction. Calm your tits or gtfo.

Man, I didn't know we have femcel now on Yea Forums lol.

Is this you OP?

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>when the NTR shitposting went too far

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so they only talk about sex? doesnt okada get bored of writing caricatures

It's all good, my nigga. I'm feeling bored so I'll entertain OP and her friend for some fun.

>I enjoy watching others suffer
Fucking kill yourself, sadomasochist piece of fuck.

Cry more, whale. You're even way more pathetic than that childhood anime character.

You must be fun at parties.

nobody goes to parties here you normalfag

Cry more you autistic dipshits, the childhood friend is the endgame and no amount of shitposting is gonna change that.

Well I do, loser.

>OP's self-insert
Nah, she's better LOSE. I need to see this bitch's posts here when that happen. It will be glorious.

Who are you trolling? It's obvious she's gonna win, she's the MC after all.

I take it you haven't watch Kuzu no Honkai?
>It's obvious she's gonna win
Maybe, by Okada's gay writing magic.

The REAL MC here is the blonde. Not that pretender MC childhood. Childhood might as well be a side character, such a boring ass character.

>Kuzu no Honkai

You mean the one where the two leads declared they would end up together?

Well, to be honest, they DID end up together in the Decor manga sequel
But I don't know about this one tho. The chances are 50/50. That mushroom girl might win by magic or some shit after all. We'll see.

Yeah I mean the childhood, if you dont get me.

Oh yeah she was a old hag so she was turned down.

What's going on? I haven't read this since chapter 2, all I know is that it got an anime adaption and the manga is ending soon.

Shit's going down, my man. And read the thread if you like, we have a woman's meltdown here lol.

I too love Okada’s work. Watching people emotionally suffer is somehow fulfilling.

>manga sequel
Explain further my friend

Kuzu no Honkai Decor, google it.
Happy end.

Thanks friend, i will sleep happy tonight

Imagine being retarded enough to screencap then post this moron's nonsensical rant 3 years later.

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What kind of assbackwards fetishization of the past is this.
The idea that women should take a role in sexual affairs isn't even post-modern. That philosophy fits directly in with Modernism - at least have some idea of what you are talking about.

Glad they ended up together but no virgin sex scene and no wedding scene.

Thats as good of a reason to have mother issues as there ever will be, I guess.

It's a good ending imo.

Yeah but would have wanted to see hana's face while getting deflowered

>This is fiction
Kill yourself cuck, is that the excuse you use to read your roastie ntr series?

Yeah bitch, what you gonna do about it?



Read Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki, its pretty close to that

>Literally living rent free in her head

I self-insert as the guy here
It's not NTR since I have 2 girls after me


Okada Mari strikes again, uh? Looks like I'll have some reading to do tonight.

Nah, in primitive societies alpha male took all the females, they didn't do any choosing. In medieval societies the family chose the husband. Only in the last century a women can choose who to mate with.

Reminder that this is a SHOUNEN series in a SHOUNEN magazine. If you're mistaking this as SHOUJO, then you're a retard.

user, you are too fucking stupid to talk about anything serious.
Not just with women, in general.

You can't even pull of smug superiority correctly, you are such a failure.

Go back.

I hope he does actually and unironically cuck MC, together with blondie fucking him into screaming she's much better than MC on bed and everything. Girls getting NTR'd is the true thinking man's fetish.

Based and high IQ-pilled.

The emphasis on sex is the instinct.

>Girls getting NTR'd is the true thinking man's fetish.
My man.

you can easily tell when something like this is written by a woman because it doesnt make sense.

Think about it. An average guy who has to put in lots of effort to win over a girl...why the fuck would he put in the effort to win over a second girl? The most common reasons are that the first girl is stringing the guy along, aka "i wont have sex with you even though we have been dating for a long time" or turns out to be bitchy or something.

Guys who do want to go over multiple girls exist but are usually popular guys who are chads, like celebrities that women throw themselves at. Obviously if the barrier to entry is lower, then they will go after multiple girls...exactly like what most girls do.

The whole "i will put in tons of efforts fo fuck your best friend even though we have a perfectly fine relationship" thing doesnt happen IRL. It just makes no sense at all.

Ultimate shitposting.

Anyone bingo yet?

Attached: TearMaker Okada - Bingo v2.jpg (1946x2890, 2.74M)


It's even easier to tell when something is written by Okada. Always decent to promising early but quickly goes to shit every single time

Maquia though.

add my discord gorefeinxx#0490


and look how quickly letting women have a choice went to shit lmao

>we get see a week-by-week user mental meltdown blog
Damn haven't had good ones these since franxx although the actual schizophrenic in gridman threads is a joy to behold.

Attached: 1553573295650.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

it's a shoujo I think.