Only GOAT manga allowed in this thread

Only GOAT manga allowed in this thread

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Pretty painful to read ongoing for the second half but as a finished series it’s excellent.

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Attached: lamentofthelamb.jpg (268x400, 20K)

Literally who

Attached: gantz cover.jpg (893x1280, 253K)

I watched the live action adaption on netflix and it was actually good

I will read the novel to my grandchildren before the manga even ends.

Attached: vagabond-manga-vol-34.jpg (692x1000, 155K)

This. Who needs drawings?

Pic not related

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Any news on the anime?

Why is it that despite the terrible, TERRIBLE pacing and story I have such fond memories of Gantz?
Probably the chapter cover pages.

Attached: blame-killy-end.jpg (1600x1000, 296K)

Big fat titties

Are there more things like this? Dry, cold, bleak stuff that seem to appeal to no one but the most miserabilists out there?

So far no goats in this thread.

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Came here to post this.

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One dude posted Berserk. That had a goat..rapist. Or is it rapist goat. The former sort of makes it sound like he rapes goats.

And other works from Mizukami

Attached: hoshi no samidare.jpg (840x1200, 290K)

One of the best i've read

Attached: Lone-Wolf-and-Cub.jpg (970x545, 113K)

>he didn't get together with Rin
>sequel manga isn't about her grand daughter

Attached: rin.jpg (1089x1600, 422K)

Come on man,its a classic even a zoomer like me read it.

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I liked samurai Executioner better, but they're both great.

Samura just straight up hates women

*blocks your path*

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>Real and vagabond will never be finished
Whats even the point lad? Why do you torture urself this much.

Finish Vagabond Inoue you hack.

REAL is resuming next month iirc

Attached: onep.jpg (1200x1800, 565K)

>REAL is resuming next month iirc
whats ur source?
Also low energy bait, But some newfags will fall for it.

>Samura just straight up hates women

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Attached: raffin.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Itt: babbies first manga

B8 and troll,most of the fandom never gets to these mangas,hell they never graduate from seasonal shit,so you can fuck off with your elitism faggot.

Just about all the manga posted are straight from the old Yea Forums manga rec chart. a.k.a. newfag starterpack.

Let's see your GOAT if you're so great.

The image he posted is also from berserk.


This looks like I'd like it, name ?

I dont think there exists, or will ever exist, anything as overrated as 7.5/10 at best X 7.5/10 at best

It's Girl's last tour or Shojo shumatsu ryoko.

Girls last tour
I imaged searched it for you and i would be happy to do it again if you ever find yourself in a pinch.

Thanks, anons. Also I assumed it was a cropped image, and I usually dont even bother to reverse image search images I think are cropped because its setting myself up for the disappointment of not finding it, sorry my guy.

He'll come back,they always come back.

Nah, he's just a bit fucked in the head and really into S&M.

Off the top of my head; Texhnolyze, Bokurano, Now and Then Here and There, Barefoot Gen, Midori: Shojo Tsubaki.
