What does Yea Forums think of this manga?
Grayson Thompson
Grayson Richardson
rape island? been there done that
Jose Ward
It's alright. Not the best not the worst
Rape keeps me reading
Jaxon Green
>ywn have land of slaves and cute girls sent to you from civilization
Colton Hill
Greatest manga of all time. I wish there were more mangas like this one
Dylan Johnson
not enough actual rape
Ryan Anderson
generic fetish manga n°666943
just read actual porn
Jordan Garcia
I think I read some of this when it got dumped.
I was disappointed they cut to another scene when the first group rape started, and my favourite girl of the initial cast got eaten by a shark, rather than raped
Carter Ward
Why don't government just nuke the island ?
James Smith
Needs more rape. Where's main girl mind break?