Why does Yea Forums hate this so much?

Why does Yea Forums hate this so much?

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Because westernized anime garbage.

because it's fucking bullshit

same kind of westernized shit as cowboy bebop and space dandy

>shinichiro watanabe

I'm inclined to believe that it has a chance to be good.

I actually wanted to like it, but nothing has happened and the only highlights have been the amateur music video and the fucking bullshit meme. I'll still stick with it but its shaping out to be barely better than Zankyou no Terror.

it's disappointing, but the ones seething about it are post-2016 crossboarders

>hating aots

Because Yea Forums's full of virgin incel neckbeard neets, who have issues with everything that doesn't immediately appease their shit tastes for fanservice and waifu culture and "superior" Japanese garbage. In their eyes even the worst seasonal anime is better than anything the west ever makes. Everyone's just bitter. It's really that simple.

It's not well-written, and what should have been an interesting and promising premise was wasted on storylines that kept dragging.

Western pandering shit. Also Watanabe is an overrated hack.

It's boring.

She should have been white.

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>Politically correct trash with MUH diversity sponsored by Netflix with garbage 4 chords western pop and super ugly character design.
Tell me why should I like this shit?

Do you want western inspired series done right? Watch Cop Craf.

/pol/ crossboarding.

Didn't care much about this disney teen trash, the seething /pol/tard's chimpouts are always hilarious though.

>hey guys r/anime here

It's boring and it feels uninspired.

>same kind of westernized shit as cowboy bebop and space dandy
No, they were not about US immigration politics.

This. It's barely anime really.

it's pretty funny watching them seethe everytime an anime provides even the slightest reminder to them that black people exist


Bland like a fanfic. Not that I thought he was a good writer before but I didn't know watanabe was this much of hack

It was completely taken over by Netflix's woke wankers.
Also the songs are shit and clash horribly with the rest of the show because they're all in english.

So far I think it's alright, it has the occasional good moment but it isn't particular memorable. Where I feel a disconnect with it is I feel like all but a couple of the songs are underwhelming and this sort of anime absolutely needs it's soundtrack to be spot on.

I watch it to own the conservatives!

True Hero Of The Internet.

You mean anyone left of the USSR.
Hell, I think even the most devout party men would have been appalled by the selection of woke faggots that make up the communist faction in the US.

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>Look it up
>It's a netflix anime
>It's licensed for 24 episodes

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Good start, great potential. All of it went to shit with the whole American Idol thing.

>great ep 1/2
>stop focusing on actual artistry of music
>do a fucking american idol arc
>annoying sideplot with tuesday's mom
>angela is annoying and a shitty/boring rival

im not even going to complain about the BLATANT and hamfisted SJW pandering, but it isnt even a good music anime

nodame cantabile remains one of/the only good music anime



Fucking Bullshit

How SJW did it end up being?

Watch Given this season if you want a decent music anime

First few episodes actually gave me hope that it's going to make somehting fun. But the fun has ended around the episode 5. Now this shit is heading straight into ZnT levels of terrible.
One thing i can't understand is why the fuck he made a sci-fi out of it in first place. This garbage could take place in modern new york and nothing will change, even retarded hamfisted politics.

>BLATANT and hamfisted SJW pandering
Why would a japanese director pander to non-japanese audiences?
Surely he has full creative freedom to do as he please with monetary incentive to make a show that makes its money by selling maximum amount of bds in japan?

The only thing i liked out of that anime


Western pandering for monies, much like Space Dandy and LWA.

I didn't like the character designs (No not the fact that they had a black character, they just looked bland) and the premise was really boring

i think a cool plot point would be revealing a lot of little brown girls are being trafficking to Mars as child sex slaves and Carole only got away from them by biting a dude's dick off and getting the fuck outta there as fast as her legs could take her. How exactly does a terran refugee manage to flee to an entirely different planet through the vastness of space without SIGNIFICANT financial backers invested in smuggling human chattel, anyway?

You're joking right

Whiiiiiiiispering my loooooooooooove~

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>make anime about music
>its barely about music

every time

Honest non-meme opinion here: its shit

Don't call me pretty~

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it's just boring as fuck

Tits or gtfo

Interracial yuri triggers the Yea Forumsnon.

Beside this song here, i find all the song shitty as shit. They might as well read straight from a book

Watanabe has always been interested in Western things, and that's exactly why everyone praises Cowboy Bebop. But now suddenly that same thing is bad.

How is it not anime?

>BLATANT and hamfisted SJW pandering
This would have never been made in America, and Watanabe has no motive to pander to SJWs even if he knows what those are.

>anything I don't like is pandering

I can move mountains I can move mountains!

You would too if you lived near feral niggers

It's literal faggot shit.

I want to kidnap and develop Stockholm syndrome on Tuesday!

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This would have never been made in America

How not, pretty much the setting is dowright America, it's Mars or the future in name only.
And has annother, obvious and boring Trump parody character with the typical inmigration is super-good storyline, something that could be stright of a current Marvel comics, and that is not actually a praise by the way.

Gloria in excelsis Deo
Adoramus te
Glorificamus te

There is no "white men bad" narrative and other aggressive, in-your-face agenda pushing. The characters are attractive and their race plays no part in the story.

I will say that having an super obvious-Trump like character with the typical anti-inmigration retoric as an enemy poit is a very in your face thing.
It's as an obvious example of orange-man-bad as it could be.

I have no recollection of any such character.

Because you decided to make this thread knowing it would get these kind of replies despite the fact that Yea Forums seems to be one of the few places that likes the show taking in count it seems to be too "offensive" for the west.

>This would have never been made in America
user, the show is so down to earth and filled with parts of modern political discourse you can literally remove all sci-fi elements and just set in in modern LA and literally nothing will change.



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Where is that from?

From the very last episode of the same series that this thread is about.

It was good when it wasn't taking itself seriously, i.e. before the american idol arc.
Now it's just bad.

I thought the latest episode was supposed to be a recap.

Jokes on you, everyone dropped the show on the first cour.

I haven't even watched it but I hate it based on the synopsis and the art style. I want something more entertaining and thought-provoking, and the closest thing I've got is Sarazanmai.
>Why would a japanese director pander to non-japanese audiences?
Because they give money.

They don't, Watanabe is just being Watanabe.

So many buzzwords. All of them right.

The most offensive thing about this show is that it's made on Bones' anniversary instead of some mecha original.

>They don't,
What about Netflix production?
>Watanabe is just being Watanabe.
Come on, he could do better if not for producers. They just hired him to work on the project, because he's well-known in the west.

Fucking Democrats.

>I want something more entertaining and thought-provoking, and the closest thing I've got is Sarazanmai.

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Bones was born from the team that worked on Cowboy Bebop, why would some Mecha be the anniversary project while a Watanabe series is "offensive"? Retard.

Define "pandering" and tell me why this show isn't it.

Define pandering and tell me why it is.

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Appealing to an audience of a specific kind.
>why is it pandering?
>made for an audience that isn't Japanese, which is strange for an anime
>99% likely made to pander to progressive westerners due to progressive elements

That's not what pandering means, this is the fake definition people pull out when they realize they fucked up. It's not a coincidence that only shows that the West doesn't like are ever accused of pandering.

Based Carole&Tuesday making /pol/edditors and SJWs alike seethe.

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How can I hate something I don't even know about and even after seeing one picture of I know it's just not worth even seeing much less forming an opinion about?

Because it's boring, the blonde and nigger are both boring as shit to watch and nothing much interesting happens.

Its literally is you tranny. Dilate.

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That is the definition retard, pandering refers to appealing to a specific group with specific desire.
>Progressive elements pander to progress retards.
Learn to read

It literally isn't, and the fact that you had to resort to randomly accusing me of being a tranny means you admit that I am right and you are wrong.

That isn't the definition and never has been. Nobody uses it like that. Stop being dishonest.

Then what does it mean retard? Everyone uses it the same way we are using it you can stop lying, because you're so indenial that this series is fucking garbage.

It means cynically exploiting the base desires of people, and that's the definition everyone uses. Stop being dishonest.

>when Russians find the thread

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What is the point of screencapping the thread we're presently in?

>Muh Russia
Progressive anime fans are Cringe

Why does the black girl dress up like NAS?

You have severe autism

It's is too anime for non anime fans while being not anime enough for even casual anime fans

Bebop managed to hit a Middle Spot that this show is failing to do honestly

Why does everyone see business as something bad? I don't get commie thinking.
>make game/anime/LN
>pander to lolibros

have you incels who scream "pandering" at anything that doesnt perfectly line up with your edgy-14-year-old worldview ever considered that maybe he just holds certain opinions himself and they come through in his work?

It's just plain not very good.
I sort of liked the beginning of the show (the AI music video director episode in particular), but other than that it felt kind of bland and unimpressive, like a teen movie stretched into two cours.
The show also doesn't portray its supposed theme of "Soulless AI vs based soulful Carole and Tueday" well at all. Largely because their songs are the limpest pop imaginable, the kind you'd hear coming from the speakers at a shopping centre.
But really, the feather that broke the camel's back for me was the first episode of the American Idol arc, where the rap opera singer was failed because "he's a poser". What the hell is a stage persona anyway? I could've just chalked it up to "the jury has shit taste and the protags need to advance anyway" if they failed him because they liked Carole and Tuesday's song better, but that reason was just utter nonsense.
Also the contrast between the singing and speaking voices is too jarring. They had Aoi Shouta, an actual goddamn singer voicing the youtube twat and they didn't have him sing? What kind of logic is that?
tl;dr I don't rike it.

Is Yea Forums the only place that gives a shit about this show?

>a rapper is a poser therefore bad
That's retarded, Ice Cube was a college boy and Tupac took ballet lessons , nobody gave a shit

They can post it to Reddit for that sweet karma.

>The show also doesn't portray its supposed theme of "Soulless AI vs based soulful Carole and Tueday" well at all.
That's true, and I think C&T's music isn't very good. Their final, winning song in particular was a snoozefest.

>They had Aoi Shouta, an actual goddamn singer voicing the youtube twat and they didn't have him sing?
They wanted the singing to be in fluent English.

Judging by the thread Yea Forums doesn't give a shit either.

So first you complain that the show doesn't portray the music of the protagonists as sincere as it should be, and then complain that the other guy lost because he was insincere. Mmmmmm....

We didn't until the trannies on here made it relatable again.

>Largely because their songs are the limpest pop imaginable
Yeah, bad art in works which are meant to be about good art is often a pretty big failing.

Not the guy you're replying to, but I personally just can't come to watch it because it doesn't interest me.
Same with some isekais and SoLs. Especially SoLs that tries too hard to be realistic. But this show doesn't have any good points to motivate me to watch.

this is your brain on /pol/

I really like it. The music is good, The story is pretty cliche but nothing wrong with that the characters are likable.
It's a very modern anime that incorporates a lot of stuff from the west in it like Bansky paintings, Ellen show.
I really like what Watanabe went for in this show.

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/pol/ is always right, so he is correct, it's a shit anime.

The world building seems to be a naive extrapolation of current American trends taken at face value by foreigners.

Because it's something that the production actually wanted to make. So when Yea Forums knows that, they hate it.

I think Angela's songs being junk makes sense. The AI computes the most effective and popular songs are dumb simplistic shit engineered to stick in people's heads. I CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS I CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS I CAN DO ANYTHING I CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS. Nice shitty soulless jingle, just short enough to invade short term memory and insinuate itself into the victim's mindspace. The problem is Carole & Tuesday's songs aren't really any more complex or emotional than the stuff the computer spits out despite having more "soul" apparently.

Because Eureka Seven was the best original series Bones ever made. Though they keep going back and trying to make it worse (and succeeding).

>Netflix faggotry as usual
>English singing
>the entire contest arc
They really fucked this up. So much wasted potential.

Dunno, for me it's a 'meh' show.

It's sad, the contemporary music that's deemed to have "soul" is entirely the same thing as the souless computer generated ones just with better promo, a more recognizable name and better autotune.

i was actually enjoying it in the beginning but the american idol arc kind of sucks, is it worth it to push through?

Since most of Yea Forums don't actually have any real hobbys or talents outside of jacking off to anime tiddies, they wouldn't notice how impressive it is in telling and animating a story about making music


Hey no forced drama, edgelord shit, lolis, or anime tiddies. Why would anyone expect Yea Forums to appreciate it?

Oh no no no, Yea Forums. This is a sin.

America Idol arc is pretty long, but I actually enjoyed it a lot, honestly. The performances are amazingly animated (especially Pyotr, holy shit). Afterwards the anime seems to be getting back to that slife of life tone similar to the early episodes, but it's hard to say what's gonna happen next since it's only been one episode since it's over.

>Good story telling
>Good music
>Coping about Yea Forums not having your shit normie taste.
This is what a retard looks like.

The hypocrite Brit guy who sued a museum while being supper rebel commie?

It's really good though. A lot of manual work went to it because of differences between the model and character, and it looks very natural.

Holy shit this is actually really cool.

It is good for what it is, which is generic cookiecutter pop shit. The whole thing is music is AI made so it's all gonna be bland lyrically.

It's the first anime I've seen that actually takes the time to animate someone playing the guitar accurately instead of having them strum the guitar while their hands move vaguely around the guitar. And it also showed what making a song is like pretty organically.

Story and music are nothing new but there are a lot of small details to pick up if you come from a musical background.

Does K-On not show it accurately? Bang Dream season two might also, because I think they mocapped it.

You weren't here during the Subject F rotoscoping shitstorm, were you?

Oh the manufactured controversy over Kaguy-sama? I think I saw that.

I don't agree. Here's the thing, AI doesn't need to be that simplistic. The interesting about how AI works today is that it can recognize patterns and similarities that even humans don't notice. So if you provide an AI tons of examples of music with "soul", it can now recognize which music has soul and which music does not. All you need to do is label it. So if an AI can create music in this show, it could create music with soul if you wanted to. They even had the AI judge tell C&T their music had soul and make a stupid joke about it.
The AI should have perfected mass marketed pop songs. Whatever it is that makes songs appeal to people, sell well, the AI should be doing it better than any person could possibly do. So the only way to outwit the AI would involve:
- Doing something radically different the AI wouldn't be trying to do (they aren't)
- Doing something that appeals more to a specific audience, but loses large amounts of mass market appeal (not the case)
The whole premise reeks of someone being upset with current mass market pop, but not understanding why it is popular. So they just write that their favorite music wins "just because".

The top-of-the-charts pop music in America is already so formulaic that it may as well be AI generated. Speaking of AI, the show doesn't seem think what it would actually mean for society to have human like AI. It's just used for some joke characters.

>Speaking of AI, the show doesn't seem think what it would actually mean for society to have human like AI. It's just used for some joke characters.
Thank God.

Fuck, never thought this faggot would get a chuckle out of me.

It's not like it's relevant to the story, but it's still bad world building in a scifi story set in the fairly far future to have human AI that has no impact on the setting at all.

>Because Eureka Seven was the best original series Bones ever made

It's a shame I already preticted how this will end
>Tuesday's mom is a politican with an anti Earth agenda
>Tension will rise between Earth and Mars with a possibility of an all out of war
>Carole & Tuesday will stop that from happening by showing that a refugee girl from Earth and high society Mars woman can work together so why cant Earth and Mars?

I hope they deport Carole back to earth.

It doesn't matter. The sci-fi elements are there to make the setting a bit more exotic and the commentary not as obvious, and the QT/Bender AI was funny. The moral and practical consequences of the existence of AI are literally irrelevant and not the point. Nobody complained about the Cowboy Bebop setting not making any practical sense, and ignoring its sci-fi nature in favor of cookie cutter noir/hard boiled plots that could have been set on Earth half of the times, but everybody is at this show's throat. It's frankly annoying.

C&T has a down to earth setting dealing with everyday things, such as the automation of work. Yet the human level AI is used for comedy only.

And then they kiss on stage and she has to legalize gay marriages. Hillary Trump BTFO.

Why do you have to make Everything weird?

That doesn't answer to my post at all.

What bugs me about their songs is the lack of rhyming. I keep expecting the lines to rhyme, and they usually don't.

Do you understand the implications of human like AI?

>Do you understand the implications of human like AI?
Try reading my post.

For me personally, I'd say its just because Cowboy Bebop felt less serious and the mostly episodic nature meant that there isn't a reason to scrutinize the plot or setting.
Here, being in the future is supposed to be relevant in the plot (AI vs handwritten music). But as an user said, you could just take industry pop from today and write this entire story in 2019 and literally nothing changes. Most of the scenery we see is an uninspired copy of today's American cities (even though its future Mars). What's the point of setting it on Mars? Would it actually be worse if it was set in New York?
I suppose what it really comes down to, is that the setting sounded way more interesting and full of potential than what we got. So the criticism is rooted in frustration.

I'll take that as a no.

I'm pretty sure this was originally meant to take place on Earth not long into the future, and for some reason they decided to change it to Mars late into production. Even the shots that show a futuristic city look like they were made in a hurry and outsourced to some second rate studio.

I'll take that as the fact that you didn't read it, as I already addressed that point.

>music anime
>music is shit
>westernized garbage
>Ed fucking Sheeran

I did read it, and then I asked you if you understand what the implications are. And it seems you do not.

It doesn't matter. The sci-fi elements are there to make the setting a bit more exotic and the commentary not as obvious, and the QT/Bender AI was funny. The moral and practical consequences of the existence of AI are literally irrelevant and not the point.
Here, I spoon-feed the retard.

Of course it matters, and I said already why it matters.

>What bugs me about their songs is the lack of rhyming.
They aren't writting rap Music so why would their songs have rhyming?

>Watanabe has always been interested in Western things, and that's exactly why everyone praises Cowboy Bebop. But now suddenly that same thing is bad.
Doesn't Yea Forums also hate cowboy bebop?

It's pretty boring. You can trust me, I'm Yea Forums.

Do you seriously believe that rhyming only happens in rap music?

It doesn't matter, and I said why it doesn't. You keep refusing to address what I wrote and sticking to your dogma, because you can't refute the CB comparison, as well as the functionally limited use of sci-fi elements.

Again, it's a down to earth setting dealing with down to earth things including the automatization of work by AI. That's part of the central premise of the entire show.

Why don't they sing nude? I'd pick it up instantly.

Yeah, I'm sure that the original version set on Earth had extensive animation of robot characters and plenty of scenes set in a Brazilian favela that surrounds New York. Not to mention that the city backgrounds look as good as the rest. Most retarded post in the thread.

>Most retarded post in the thread.
If you know how stupid your post is, then why are you making it?

Sick burn bro. I'm sure that you think you totally owned me.

Robots already exist, and a favela surrounding a major American city in the future isn't exactly far-fetched. The "futuristic" city backgrounds look like turds compared to the regular ones.

Attached: vdsfgvfdfdgfdgb.jpg (2560x720, 266K)

No but that's where most of them are,

Rhyming is normal in Western music.

>Robots already exist
Yeah, and I have this thing beside me right now.
>a favela surrounding a major American city in the future isn't exactly far-fetched
And how long you guess the dessertification of the surroundings of NW would take?
>The "futuristic" city backgrounds look like turds compared to the regular ones.
They clearly don't. I should also mention that Alba City in Cowboy Bebop is LITERALLY New York, with not even the futuristic elements of C&T.
The reality is that yours is pure speculation with nothing to back it up.

forgot pic.

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Well yes.
The point is Yea Forums doesn't take rotoscoping too kindly.

>Cowboy Bebop felt less serious
With the exception of a couple comedic episodes, anything in CB is more serious than what seen in C&T so far.
>and the mostly episodic nature meant that there isn't a reason to scrutinize the plot or setting.
Why? It's not like there wasn't some consistency in the setting, even in under scrutiny nothing made sense. It's not Space Dandy.
>Here, being in the future is supposed to be relevant in the plot (AI vs handwritten music). But as an user said, you could just take industry pop from today and write this entire story in 2019 and literally nothing changes.
And as I said, that's window dressing to make the story more exotic (like in CB), and the commentary on the music industry not as explicit.
>Most of the scenery we see is an uninspired copy of today's American cities (even though its future Mars). What's the point of setting it on Mars? Would it actually be worse if it was set in New York?
Alba City in CB was literally New York, without even the futuristic elements of C&T. Why set it on Mars?

> nu-Yea Forums can't see the difference between rotoscoping and using model as a reference

I have to remind you guys that the girl in FLCL ending was *the model* they used for reference.

AOT and FMA is not anime then

>Yeah, and I have this thing beside me right now.

>And how long you guess the dessertification of the surroundings of NW would take?
Desertification in the near future as a result of climate change isn't a new concept and was recently seen in Megalo Box.

>They clearly don't.
They look like they came from a different show and don't go together with the run down, contemporary street scenes, and have a lower standard of quality.

>The reality is that yours is pure speculation with nothing to back it up.
The setting is almost exactly like modern day in Not New York City, and is full of references to 20th century and current music, and people use smartphones and Instagram.


Jesus why the fuck do you redditors need to invade the whole fucking internet with your reeking cum splattered buzzwords. Go back to harassing your 3DPD victims.

Tracing or using human models is a no-no in Yea Forums. The truly skilled animator animates using only their imagination.

E7 is western pandering because no Japanese people are in it

Cowboy bebop is on mars

I’m going to be honest here and just say I don’t like niggers and a big plus of anime is it has none. So never even bothered to watch this.

>Desertification in the near future as a result of climate change isn't a new concept and was recently seen in Megalo Box.
So the surroundings of NW desertify and a favela is created there, in the original version of the show before it was changed. Proofs you have to back it up: none.
>They look like they came from a different show and don't go together with the run down, contemporary street scenes, and have a lower standard of quality.
Do I really need to explain you the thought process went in making the futuristic elements of the big city more clean and sterile compared to the warmth and the handcrafted feel of the traditional, lived in places inhabited by the characters, in a story about the difference between the value of music created by humans the old way compared to the sterile one created by AIs?
>The setting is almost exactly like modern day in Not New York City, and is full of references to 20th century and current music, and people use smartphones and Instagram.
Cute how you ignored the CB comparison again. Is it that hard to admit that your delusions have no basis in reality?

I want to betray the white race with Angela.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 02 (WEB 720p AAC) [232060A6].mkv_snapshot_03.22_[2019.05.26_12.39.32].j (1280x720, 50K)

corny Disney Channel shit

Disney would never make a song called fucking bullshit

neither did this show

>So the surroundings of NW desertify and a favela is created there, in the original version of the show before it was changed. Proofs you have to back it up: none.
I don't know how far along the original version was or what changes were made.

>Do I really need to explain you the thought process went in making the futuristic elements of the big city more clean and sterile compared to the warmth and the handcrafted feel of the traditional, lived in places inhabited by the characters, in a story about the difference between the value of music created by humans the old way compared to the sterile one created by AIs?
Do I really need to explain art direction to you? They do not look like they belong in the same show and don't have the same quality standards.

>Cute how you ignored the CB comparison again.
I don't know what CB comparison you're talking about or why it would be relevant.

>Is it that hard to admit that your delusions have no basis in reality?
Is it that hard to see that the setting is almost indistinguishable from the present day and keeps referecing present day things despite supposedly taking place so far into the future that Mars was terraformed 50 years ago?

The mermaid sisters song

That's not the title.

In what Disney Channel show can I see qt underage girls biting each other necks? Asking for a friend.

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Because its Yea Forums and having unironic wholsome fun with somthing is as foreign as the consept of kindness

I'm not into stories with gorilla MCs, so cheesy

Cowboy bebop is on Mars but looks modern day 90’s

>not knowing nigger means master race
the state of Yea Forums these days

Disney don’t show LGBT people or Space Trump


This isn't Cowboy Bebop.

Dan, stop.

That’s not Disney

Attached: 48B755DA-78C4-427F-9DAB-5B1380692CB0.jpg (705x301, 145K)

>show about music
>has weak music
Dropped at episode 1.

Worldbuilding was cool I guess. Watanabe should stick to aciton shows, he has shit taste in music.

It's still not Cowboy Bebop.

>I don't know how far along the original version was or what changes were made.
There was no "original version", yours is pure speculation with no basis in reality and no internal consistency. Apparently enough time passed in this version you speak of for NW to desertify and a favela to be created in its surroundings, but people still used instagram and smartphones?
>Do I really need to explain art direction to you?
Well, I just did that to you and you weren't receptive as usual.
>I don't know what CB comparison you're talking about or why it would be relevant.
You have a serious problem with reading the posts you're answering to
>>I should also mention that Alba City in Cowboy Bebop is LITERALLY New York, with not even the futuristic elements of C&T.
>Is it that hard to see that the setting is almost indistinguishable from the present day and keeps referecing present day things despite supposedly taking place so far into the future that Mars was terraformed 50 years ago?
Is it that hard to see that CB did the same, with references to modern music, movies and pop culture, and locations that were 1:1 of real cities despite being put on different planets? I think we should assume that CB was a modern day police procedural before Sunrise forced Watanabe to make it sci-fi.

I saw that one clip where the three (or four, I can't remember) black trans non-binary things are singing and the lyrics are all swear words and I thought it was the most unfunny, western pandering thing I'd ever seen in an anime.

>There was no "original version"
I am hypothesizing that there was.

>no basis in reality and no internal consistency
Why are you lying?

>Apparently enough time passed in this version you speak of for NW to desertify and a favela to be created in its surroundings, but people still used instagram and smartphones?
As opposed to people using Instagram on their smartphone so far into the future that Mars has been terraformed and colonized for 50 years?

>Well, I just did that to you and you weren't receptive as usual.
Why are you trying to reverse this? Why are you lying? I am the one explaining art direction to you, not the other way around. Stop lying.

>Is it that hard to see that CB did the same
This is not CB.

You've obviously never seen Terror in resonance then.

Why is there woolongs and they on Mars then?


Oh no no no. We're being raided by Eddie's furfags.

>I am hypothesizing that there was.
With no basis in reality and no internal consistency.
>Why are you lying?
I'm not.
>As opposed to people using Instagram on their smartphone so far into the future that Mars has been terraformed and colonized for 50 years?
You aren't even following your own train of thought anymore. The presence of Instagram and smartphones were proof that the show was supposed to take place in the near future, according to you, but now your "original version" wasn't clearly set in the near future either.
>Why are you trying to reverse this? Why are you lying? I am the one explaining art direction to you, not the other way around. Stop lying.
You haven't explained nothing, I did. >This is not CB.
And? Why are certain elements common of the two shows proofs of something for C&T, but not for CB?

>With no basis in reality and no internal consistency.
Ok, I'm done with this. You are constantly lying. This is extremely blatant. I've given good reasons to think that the setting may have originally been Earth, and you just outright claim that it has NO basis in reality. You are lying because you have no arguments and because you know you've lost.

Yea Forums actually loves having wholesome fun, this show is just a little too pretentious. Sorry.

Attached: Renge1.gif (650x742, 1.5M)

>Ok, I'm done with this.
>You are constantly lying.
>S-stop making valid and logical points, they're LIES!
It feels like you haven't even watched CB. Why are you even here trying to discuss Watanabe's creative process?

I haven't seen the show but from I gather it's mostly seething underage pol fags that hate it for arbitrary reasons.

Your next line is "you have to go back" because we all know no one likes talking more about reddit than Yea Forums.

This isn't the CB thread. If you want to talk about CB then go make a new thread.

Why do you keep obsessively trying to make this argument? Comparing the work of a director to his previous ones to find common elements is a much more valid analytical methods than your baseless speculations, especially since the CB comparison disproves them entirely.

Because this isn't fucking CB. If you want to argue about CB then go make a CB thread.

Didn't you say that you were done? There isn't much point to this discussion if you keep replying like a bot ignoring my points, anyway.

>hur dur bot
You've already embarrassed yourself enough.


The buzzwords in there tell me you're just baiting, tone it down next time

>Pol is always right
>Let's do our best to support Zion don the Jew yorker who's daughter and son-in-law are Jews
Pol is full of retards who can't actually organize or accomplish shit

based, ost is pretty good

GTFO my a/ discord tranny

>hamfisted SJW pandering
I'm not watching it.
What did they do?

>ignores the blatant fucking definition to address ad hominem

There are black characters and some appearances by gay characters (one of them negative) and that's about it.

It implies black people will ever leave this rock, and that japs will help them get to Mars.

I ignored the fake definition in favor of the real one that everyone actually uses. It's just hard to justify calling something pandering when the only argument you can muster is that you don't like it, and thus people suddenly pretend that pandering just really means making something for a specific audience.

Macross did it decades ago.

>Cop Craft
>some shitty cop isekai with shitty char art
>done right
weak b8

Did you actually watch it? It immediately brings to mind American buddy cop movies from the 80s and 90s. It has all the cliches. And since when has Range Murata been making shitty characters?

Ignoring all the /pol/ shit in this thread, the actual show seems really intriguing with a lot of potential, but so far its mostly been shallow and disappointing.

If it actually took itself a little more seriously and went full-on with more details of future mars society and politics, or deeper into the songwriting and music industry aspects, it would be really interesting.

Instead, it half-asses everything and wastes a bunch of screen time on generic anime silliness.

Too American for me.

>Did you actually watch it?
watched the first 10 min and got bored. If offered nothing new but cliches
>since when has Range Murata been making shitty characters?
Since his entire career. He could be arrested here in uk just for some of his art

>He could be arrested here in uk just for some of his art
That's an insult to the UK, not Murata.

We were not talking about whether or not it's original, we were talking about whether or not it feels American. It's specifically aping buddy cop movies.

>Since his entire career.
So you're either lying or have no aesthetic sense whatsoever.

>He could be arrested here in uk just for some of his art
Dumb normalfag.

>there are ""people"" pretending nogs didn't exist in anime before

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Because All Degenerates will be Cleansed!

Because it features a black character

for some reason she doesn't look black enough to me

Posters like you say that about every black character in anime. Next you're going to tell me how she's a dark asian or something.

She looks like her Singer Nai br xx. Who has 2 Jamaican parents.

Carole is black


Race mixing

AOT and FMA is too American

And Asians like Tao

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the music is intentionally shit. other than that its an ok show.

Better than a second season, which is unlikely.

Neither of them look like anime ethnicity

>And it also showed what making a song is like
>things that never happened
They wrote and perfected the first song in one night. All other songs just keep magically popping in with no prep or rehearsal shown.

>They wrote and perfected the first song in one night.
No, the first night it was kind of disjointed and they only proved the chorus, they only played the actual song in episode 2.
>All other songs just keep magically popping in with no prep or rehearsal shown.
False, Dancing Laundry started as mumbling and clapping and kept getting more elaborate and refined as the song and scenes progressed.

>black girl
Its shit without the need ot see it

user never wrote a song before.

DJ guy said C&T's songs were generic

Because C&T have the personality of wet paper and I thoroughly enjoyed it more when Ertegun was on screen or Roddy was getting shit on. I even thought Pyotr was more enjoyable after we got to learn about him more, and Angela seems a better character to give the "insider" perspective on society
The talent show arc really killed it for me, as I was expecting them to continue with a more "guerrilla" rise to fame through street performances and seedy bars until their Miracle on Mars, but they've already hundreds of thousands of fans so it's not like they're starving artists anymore. I'm expecting the rest of the show to be more about the AI conflict and music industry problems vs being genuine, but I'm not watching the second half because I'll be bored for all of that.
A shame, because I liked the subtle worldbuilding thats been going on, and I liked the aesthetics of the city

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C&T > Bebop

Tried it. I wanted sand people to die, but there were none.

It's a DreamWorks/Pixar/That-studio-who-made-Minions movie that got bought by the guy who made Bebop.

Because the songs arent even good. Its all shit
The only decent ones that i can remember was the opera guy and the crossdressers
Also, i dont mind them using english singers although why even cast Aoi Shouta if hes not gonna sing, hes mainly a singer isnt he? but they dont even try to get singers that sound the same as the Jap VAs

I love this show. It's super progressive.

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>Cowboy Bebop
Lupin fanfic mixed with references to movies Watanabe saw as a kid. That include yakuza movies (Spike's design is inspired by Yusaku Matsuda) and heroic bloodshed.

>Space Dandy
Cobra fanfic with strong Buddhist subtext and very Japanese humor.

Kids on the Slope is a much better musical anime by Watanabe. And its soundtrack is so much fucking better than this it's not even funny.

I can see Watanabe's direction on certain episodes but whoever's writing this is fucking botching it beyond help.

both star white guys

its awful and boring

Because it makes /pol/tards angry. They're too predictable, really.

Western garbage with lots of political bullshit shoved in it.
Doesn't even have noteworthy production values.

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She's clearly Okinawan. You racist blackwashing tumblrian dipshit.

have sex

Is that bogyman the only thing that's "good" about the show? The reason why you're enjoying it?
That you are totally sticking it to those evil nasty people who totally care about you watching some boring show?

Maybe you should watch it twice to really defeat them once and for all.

I'm not gonna deny that because its obvious looking at the thread, but you can't deflect any criticism with "you must be a butthurt /pol/tard!" because you can find plenty of flaws in the show even if you don't mind black people. If not you're on the same level of people screaming that you must be an sjw for not liking Goblin Slayer.

>She's clearly Okinawan.

Assuming you are right you are still wrong taking in count that supposed target audeince doesn't like it, first damn episode have a nignog stealing yo shit, of course people that hate the show doesn't watch it, and most of them doesn't even watch anime and are just here for le funposting.

Spike is a jew.

jews are white with beak noses

Is fun you say that when this entire thread is "le netflix", "this show have niggers eww", "omg anime is ruined, it was never like this!" and more, I have made entire posts pointing out all the flaws of the show and why I don't like it and never got a single reply, because none of these people even watches anime. Stop defending cancerous behavior, that's all i'm saying.

>Kids on the Slope is a much better musical anime by Watanabe.
Ahahah, Jesus Christ, no. The characters and narrative were the most trite Joseishit imaginable, the series constantly sidelined anything potentially interesting for more love triangles drama, the last two episodes were downright comedic in their bad pacing and baffling narrative decisions (kid randomly get on my bike, I get truck-kun'd and she has some bruises? Better leave without saying a word and becomw a priest, and still not contact anyone, my family included, for like 5 years). The character designs were also awful, with some ugly gradient shading and hideous manface for the women. The music was the only saving grace of that thing.

Why burgers make everything about race?

>SJW Pandering
>Mermaid Sisters


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This user, you drunk if you think this is SJW pandering with all the stereotypes present on this show

Attached: 1341843814_preview_image.jpg (720x720, 116K)

Still way better.
And it felt like actual anime instead of shitty Disney teen drama.
And it was about jazz not western pop.

Lastest episode went full Netflix.

>everyone praises Cowboy Bebop
>This would have never been made in America
This is for America, dumb and uninteresting.

As the director of netoge OL cake anime said it is simply jew money paying the directors to make things like:
>Actual tranny father on hormones.
>Le multicultural society on mars(though that isnt that much of strech if it sipmly represents the absolute state of USA.)
>More nigger trannies singing.
>Full on lesbians and homosex and how they accepted themselves and live happy.
>No real story
>Good OP and ED animation and some sakuga in the anime itslelf.
All this in a series about 2 girls making as music artists.The director doesnt care as long he gets the sweet jew money.
I still watch it for the trainwreck.

what happened

More like you are a retarded /pol/tard

This is your brain on /pol/.

Seething tranny.

The only good part was the mermaid sisters, their song captures my thoughts on most things recently.

Garbage comments. I'm starting to strongly believe in the "far left psychological type" theory each day.


>Still way better.
No it was not, read my post again. And "feel like anime" means nothing and is not an argument.

>we want the SJW western audience

also, it's yuri shit. Bad yuri shit.

Then what are you even doing on this fucking board in the first place if it means nothing.
I don't know if it's possible to make bigger garbage than Carol and Monday to be honest. I've never seen any other anime that was so disgusting and just unappealing than this. Even garbage isekais like Tate no Yuusha weren't as bad as this shit.

This. Also niggers and instagram deserve a special mention. To think that this is the logical conclusion to Watanabe's westaboo-ism.

Agree. The other guy is literally "muh not an argument" molymeme.

>Then what are you even doing on this fucking board in the first place if it means nothing.
Are you retarded? It's your statement about something "feeling like anime" that means absolutely nothing. Anime is animation done in Japan, and does not have other intrinsic characteristics. Does Kaiba "feel like anime"? Does Wanwa' the Doggy "feel like anime"? Does Cannon Fodder "feel like anime"? The answer is that the question is nonsense from a retard with warped perception of what anime is supposed to be.
>I've never seen any other anime that was so disgusting and just unappealing than this.
Yeah, I had no doubts that you were a retarded newfags with double digits anime watched in total.

Nice upvote.

Coping with multiple brain damage from R3dd*t for Dummies 65th Edition.

My fucking sides.
Retard who is defending sjw trash is calling other anons "newfags". No, really. You made my day. I can assure you that I'm watching anime long enough and that's why I'm able to see how trashy this series is. I never liked Watanabe's series, but this one is absolutely the low of the lows.
And don't even co are it to Sakamichi. Sakamichi was probably the only watchable series directed by this westaboo. And only because it was based on manga.

>>No real story
Like bebop

I haven't watched bepop so I dont know.But it is in my back log, I have been putting it off for a decade now lol.

Bebop was a watchable 80s burger movies ripoff.
This one is burger teen drama ripoff with strong progressive Commiefornia influence.

So, no arguments? Not for defending Apollon (other than "it feels like anime"), nor for defending the meaningless statement that is "feeling like anime"? Okay then. I assume you haven't even watched the anime I mentioned or Macross Plus either.

/pol/tards would call bebop "Western SJW crap" if it came out today

Attached: SoAxo73.png (1200x899, 830K)

And Western SJWtards would call it fetishizing neckbeard trash or whatever the current buzzwords are.

get your genitals out of my face

Cop Craft is western inspired too.
And they already presented what multi cultural progressive society with millions refugees means. Filth, corruption and high criminal activity. Not rainbow colored commie utopia.

Thankfully the kind of people that dislike C&T don't watch anime because you can find the exact same message in almost every anime out there.

Space Dandy is the only above-average show Watanabe has been involved in. He works best as a co-creator.

The mil-ky way...

Nobody hates it, this is a bait thread, stop.

Bebop was boring even when spike died I was still bored

We don't like talking about you at all. That is why we tell you to go back when you won't stop redditing.

Gravity bounce bounce bounce bounce.

Is this the show where they try and convince you that sterile indie rock shit is somehow better than the AI made pop music?

It's yuri so it's shit.

Why are you so offended, snowflake?