Who's transformation sequence will be next?
Symphogear XV
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Chris is almost all but confirmed.
Where did they crash Yea Forums?
Wonder who did Ver's transformation scene.
I liked this part of the episode.
Just finished AXZ. Man do I regret dropping this series after GX.
You don't understand, I have to do this.
Meet me irl and see what happens.
That stocking snap, though.
Shirabe is so lucky
I felt the same way after catching up on the first three seasons. It's a blast.
>all that detail to lewd the dess
>her shoulder blade blades appear out of nowhere
Why is this allowed?
GX was a mistake
i'm still impressed they managed to fuck that season up, the other 4 are all good
10 seconds are missing in the broadcast version
I dislike season 3, but I loved the Autoscorers. Such underrated villains reduced to shitty scrubs for Ignition mode reveal.
We don't know if the BD version is going to be any different though.
they added the entire miku transformation in the G bd, they'll probably throw 10 seconds in there.
God, Hajimari no Babel was so fucking good. Music absolutely peaked right there.
Hibiki getting NTR'd
Shirabe kissing Kirika in that one episode was really cute, do they ever do anything like that again?
Since I'm fapping to the scenes right now, gonna dump more webms. Here's biki's cute scarf pull
Shield the sword!
I'm going through Nanoha and do I ever feel ignorant now.
I thought it had some influence but it's literally the spiritual precursor to Symphogear. Really damn good.
No that's Wild Arms.
Wild Arms is the precursor to Symphogear. Seriously. Second season's first episode was almost a complete copy of Wild Arms 3's intro.
Really needed that Mexican standoff, though.
Has anyone dumped the transformation sequences yet? If not I'll upload them. Also, what's the current place for hosting webms? something.moe These are too big for Yea Forums obviously
What was this
>do they ever do [thing that never happened] again?
>the other 4 are all good
spoil me the ending of XV please timetraveler-kun
since when was chris religious?
You're supposed to play along with the joke baka
Everyone docks and save the world.
Hibiki punches everything into daijoubu.
Since when wasn't she?
Mindfuck seed.
The absolute worst thing it could do is make Tsubasa hallucinate people as noise when she's out of her mind in rage and you know what kind of edge that would lead to
Don't forget to read up on the keywords. symphogear.blogspot.com
> G3FA = Glitter Gear Gathering Finest Arts
super gay
Seductive Baka
I love the dorks pose but Im too upset to really enjoy it by the other half
Dropping your scythe mid-combat isn't the best strategy, Kiri-chan.
I wanted to get her delicious thighs/butt/back in this one but it doesn't clip/loop as well
Polish the sword!
And maria
You better save that swords smile, Maria. That's all you have to do this season. Save the cutlery you love.
Couldn't find a good host, here's the stripper one for now
That's too bad, i'm enjoying every second of silly, happy DMJii before the drama reaches them.
I used to think Chris was the sexiest but this changed everything
>watching AXZ
>Genjuuro wiping the floor with the Symphogears
Need more of this shit.
DMJii have been a shining beacon this season.
It's great when they remember he exists.
imagine the smell
>being the 157th person to upload clips of Kirika's transformation
>in mkv of all formats
MKV is just a container format. The internal video is H.264.
Butt too big.
So I guess we just trust the gaybies on solo missions now? They grow up so fast.
how do you want XV to end, Yea Forums?
Ireland please go.
I just want to protect Tsubasa.
What the fuck. Cagliostro is dead?
S/he gets better. But then dies again.
If you don't need to package a dozen fonts and subs into your file why not use mp4?
And for clips even webm is perfectly fine. When uploading on a site other than this old-fashioned shithole you can even use VP9 which removes even more cons.
We already know that something really bad will happen to Hibiki in episode 4, but who will suffer in the next one?
Chris, Kirika, Shirabe?
Enter KirikASS
I don't.
Vanessa hasn't done anything yet, so probably Chris.
Kirika will be bad wounded to save Shirabe by an enemy ambush.
Skin indentation on the thighs
Holy fuck
This anime looks pretty interesting, where do I start?
at the beginning retard
It's clear that something bad will happen to half of the girls in this firsts episodes
The source material is a mobage so you might want to start there.
The anime is a fairly faithful adaptation of the first three and the 5th story arc but for some reason it skipped the 4th the current season is original.
Chris has so many flags that Hibiki tripped for her. So Miku so that both can suffer when she gets captured or awakens.
With the petrification doujin.
Imagine sliding your fingers along her thighs into her stockings. Shirabe does this every night doesn't she
Gay marriage for everyone except Chris.
Is Dess not the sexiest geah?
Both cute and lewd on incredible levels
I always wondered, do they actually re-sing the song for every episode? Because all of the breaths and grunts and timed with all of the battles.
Chris will die in episode 4 trying to save Miku from being kidnapped
Maybe just the parts they need to change? Interesting question now i need to know as well
Chris will not die that early she still has to suffer first.
Hasn't she suffered enough already?
What's the lore behind Chris's gloves
One day I will find you, and kill you.
Not this season, she needs to be hurt and then to go on hurting like Tsubasa is now, then she can die in the climax.
They're cute.
There is no stopping us Shirabe. And Kirika herself chose to do that lewd dance for all of us.
Miku and Hibiki got them for her as a birthday present.
They're a custodian relic designed to keep lesbianism at bay
What about DMJii suffering?
She will use them after she will lost her hands in episode 4 and will get mechanical prothesis.
Kirika will finally dess
>Shirabe was the one who censored Kirika's henshin
After AXZ's transformation, everyone knows hers will be lewd as hell too so there's no point.
Kirika will fall for wolf's bait and get Shirabe hurt in the process.
Forever alone.
She wants to dess to pay for what she did to Shirabe. Thus she will not die.
I can buy that.
Maria will be too preoccupied with Chernobyl soon.
>doggo doesn't know about their unison
I almost pity the corpse-to-be.
Or she knows and she divided them to fight 1 vs 1
How can they afford those?
> Maria has to go full STALKER to fight off alchemic baddies
they do. a common phrase between the seiyuus is
"symphogear is sport"
SONG stipend.
She's going to refight them during a full moon.
Thats cool to be honest
I love them, they go get drunk together, have fun, visit each others concerts, the VAs look like they are really having fun and they look like they are as good of friends as their respective characters are in the show
Especially ice cream team
Is this finally the season where Miku gets her own gear? I can just feel it.
Every diegetic song is recorded while voice acting the episode.
Not sure about the concert songs though. They probably aren't.
Desslete these
jesus, I respect them a lot more now. And the seiyuu budget must be crazy
No, Carol will come back and pull out her red battle clothes
Nana's pocket change
Is it really solo if they're two?
She's an option in the quiz XDU has for each episode and the questions are always phrased as "the gear user who did X", so unless they're trying to be misleading there it's pretty much confirmed already.
Mamacat needs to rehab swordwing now. They have to become independent sooner or later.
That's a complete relic.
I rushed through season 1-4 in prep to watch this with Yea Forums, but now that 5's arrived I'm all burnt out. What hell is this?
Only counting the ones at the intersections, there are 9.
There are also two smaller bluish ones on the orbits but not on an intersection, and a gazillion background ones
Miku donning a full set of custodian armor is pretty cool too.
I wonder what DP Adam would have looked liked?
Maybe it's actually Miku who gets abducted by aliens.
XV ending spoiler
What you don't know at first is that Hibiki is missing her lower torso and has already been dead for all of Miku's monolog.
You sick fuck. This is a blue board.
They're part of the same character.
>Enki and Miku conspire to end everything for the sake of their loved ones
How can Chris be this small?
I want new geahs
I want Shirabe and Kirika not to be Linker reliant.
that's just worded that way because she is one in XDU.
Shirabe is actually taller than her if you take away her glamrock heels
But they're cooler that way
Enjoy you're post episode 13 credits. With Zwölftelnien and the loli Hibiki saved back in S1
Isn't Chris 1cm taller?
>Miku dies doing something in the moon
>Hibiki becomes Fine 2.0
But she eat so much semen everyday? perhaps twenty people weren't enough.
Symphogear Sunshine.
With Glamrock heels
Next season will feature an all new cast
>Symphogear Sunshine
>no Miku
>no Hibiki
>no Dess
Lasting Song is better than Metanoia
I dont think they can make girls what wholeheartedly make you smile when they do like Bikki and Dess
>Maria's period
Maybe, but since the questions are about things the characters do in the anime XDU plot shouldn't really matter. Of course that's probably looking too far into it and in reality nobody cares if the phrasing of those one-sentence missions is consistent with every tiny detail.
Okay guys, what if, WHAT IF, Time reset.
What ever will they do without 2 cookie-cutter genki retards?
FUCK that. Literally makes everything pointless
they should do symphogear sunshine about hibikis daughteru from XDU that swore she'd become as strong as hibiki and help people too
Is the Sympholive budget high enough to make a two layered dress to tear off for Nana and Hikasa during the middle of Angelic Remnant?
yes. they have leftover budget for 2 extra dresses every year because yoshino nanjo does the kirika and shirabe outfits
since season 1 dumbass
Where is YameteTomete?
I'm not religious but I still care for my families grave.
chris has a full buhddist shrine in her apartment, that's not the same thing
only because im not in japan
No. It's not. You better step shit up.
How popular was Cagliostro?
Can we get her back for season 5?
dead girl has a twitter account
Shirabe is next
She is cute desu
Maria breastfeeding Tsubasa.
Can Maria's breast milk save the day?
It would be the first useful thing she did with it aside from unknowingly making Ver's protein shakes.
Please just heal her.
Yes. Maria will protect Tsubasa's smile.
>Maria just holds Tsubasa letting her cry her guts out, fighting back her own tears till the sword falls asleep.
I don't think Tsubasa is at the stage of grief yet. She's gotta go through the anger first.
and Maria
Well she skipped denial and Maria held her back from her angry moment and she might have stopped bargaining when she was huddled against the wall with Maria not looking for survivors. So yeah she might be at that stage.
Might become S8 final boss like Minase Inori .
She was going pretty berserker
Even GX is still enjoyable overall, though it does have the worst points of the series. Like, more than one.
I like how Hibiki's mom and dad never even show up again. Like the writers saying, "Okay yeah, we never should have tried this part in the first place."
It's also got one of the best
Since always. A shrine for her parents was one of the first things she wanted for her new room.
Sonia will be back.
Doesn't it cost a small fortune to get Nana to sing one song?
How does this show afford anything?
Am I the only one who didn't like Hibiki's new transformation sequence?
The show was half her idea in the first place.
The guy who composed Eternal Blaze, which pretty much kickstarted her career is one of the original creators of Symphogear.
And she's making more than enough money back from the singles
she likes working with agematsu for one.
she also actually cares about the show
They should've made a bad end for the dad
Are we going to get a punished Tsubasa arc next?
She does it out of love
Also sells tons of albums
But the show was made out of passion in the first place so it doesn't matter as much
She loves Maria every day of the month.
Sword deserves it.
Is Tsubasa basically Nana's adopted daughter now?
I self insert as Maria.
They did my girl Maria dirty. She suffered too much...
Tsubasa IS Nana.
Why do you want to self-insert as a failure?
maria is good at coping with failure
But Maria is the most mentally stable geah.
I am crashing this venue... with no survivors!
I hate you so much.
Is Nana going to fund a floating stadium and explode it after the first song?
I feel like Nana is remembering when she voiced Tsubomi in Heartcatch, and is channeling the spirit of Cure Moonlight. Tsubasa is essentially Yuri.
I love you so much.
Maria was better as a bad guys desu
>Pictured: Mental stability.
Maria is the image of success.
based Chris-chan praying the gay away
This show is sponsored by King Records (credited as King Amusement Creative since they have created a sub branch for anime songs now), in which Nana is in. This show is basically just a big Nana advertisement. Also Nana has pretty close ties with Elements Garden.
Vampire fags are going to be the trolls of the season aren't they.
You know it's inevitable, just like strawberry jamfags from S1, and the Punished-one-arm-bikkifags of G.
>But Maria is the most mentally stable geah.
It's a low bar considering the group as a whole, but Chris is somehow the most stable. Maria's got the whole crippling self esteem issues thing.
Once Chris stopped being evil the worst she had was worrying about protecting DMJii like a good senpai.
You know she did nothing wrong. In fact, by exposing the security flaws of these concerts you could say she benefited everyone in the end.
She has stolen my heart.
>Maria's got the whole crippling self esteem issues thing
I think she got over it in GX.
She's in a pretty good state right now even though she spaghettis sometimes when sword is being dense.
I hope Nana's next ad campaign is this fun. Or will the budget reset back to S1 levels.
Access to Tsubasa pussy.
>It was an honor to have been a part of a popular series! (o_o)
>In a mere 30 minutes so many crazy developments happened... My heart...
At least she has a good sense of dark humor.
budget was never the issue with symphogear.
look at satelights other shows, symphogear has the best animation quality they ever managed to achieve.
Frontier movies were pretty great but there's loads of CG there.
IIRC S1 was outsourced to another studio but they shit the bed entirely at the start so Satellite took it back
The first few episodes of the TV airing had some legendary QUALITY between the good bits.
S1 was barely made at all
Shows like this dont look and sound good because they have more money but because the people involved dont work on it to cash in another paycheck
They love it and put all of themselves into making it
It's friends having fun and doing what they love to do
>next episode starts off with a stroganoff-style intermission for the ultimate mood whiplash
Make it happen, Nana.
What had been the highest death count prior last episode?
And then Vanessa or the Vampire crash into Lydian.
Carol killed like a billion people with her glowy leyline shit but they got un-killed so it's okay
Yeah, but people who stayed dead I mean.
S1 concert
How many did Germain have?
Do we have the numbers?
71 thousand and change over a few hundred years
We got her song in ep2, there's little chance they'll play it again in the very next one.
Every time I saw that I thought it was IJN Fusou, you know the one with the pagoda.
I see this posted all the time, can someone TL it so retards like me doesn't have to ask every other thread?
I'm actually really fucking excited for the other transformations. Not sure how they can top Dess' but fuck me if they do.
They gave each one to a resident geahfag on staff
Shirabe's is going to be illegal in at least 20 countries
As painful as it is, those saying Symphogear is too safe were right. I haven't been this invested in the plot since G.
I'm a hibikifag and a chrisfag, so there's only one I care about now.
c;mon man. I know it was a while ago but still.
Maria will top the others.
Hibiki's henshin was better than Kirika's.
I just want Chris to shout 'Bang!' again. It was really cute.
Well my good sir I respect your opinion and do think if I was homosexual as well I would hold the same thought.
Reading the yt comments for the transformations and the preview that cr posted
It's so cute seeing people falling in love with it
>Shirabe solos werewolf-chan (supposedly the strongest of the remnant trio)
>Maria is struggling with Alca-Noise fodder
>Maria was not able to shield her sword
They were different categories.
Hibiki's was "Badass"
Kirika's was "Lewd"
Apples to oranges, frankly.
Didn't like maria, grew to like her, if she can heal sword i will love maria
>Maria is struggling with Alca-Noise fodder
Only because they couldn't just AOE them away because of all the people around
That was some Season 1 shit right there.
I'm certain she would if she could.
Tsubasa will love Maria too.
Kirika is my daughteru and I've watched her transformation like 30 times since the episode aired.
Fuck me.
She already does
I'm not sure about that.
This sword is too autistic for romance. She loved Kanade for 3 years and never even hugged her before she dusted.
it might be time to take her as your daughterwife
I wish I had a mikubirb
For sword to say something like that it has to be love
But the important question is how wet was Maria?
Are ANY of the Symphogears heterosexual?
All of them are. Didn't you know? They all have boyfriends.
you need a lesbo brain for it to work so no
Fine was anything that moves sexual.
hibiki's gender is hibiki so both she and miku are straight
My wife Chris
Miku is the gayest.
If Hibiki's gender is Hibiki then Miku isn't straight - she's Hibikisexual.
Horriblesubs or Commie?
So Miku IS getting a gear this season right? After the ending of last season.
This is how Chris will die in the next episode
Something like 12k, I think the exact number was mentioned in the keywords.
If someone will die will be in the fourth episode not in the next
Incoming mind rape
quick question. are they allow to have boyfriends? or will they face expulsion if they got 1
yeah i mean the question was whether she is hetero which she is
>conspicuous 1-week break in CD release schedule
what could it meeeeeean
this isn't idolshit
Anime-chan's greatest hits.
Which sub am I suppose to believe here? These two sentences have quite different meaning.
Maria is so cool.
i believe the line is referring to the fact that the symphogears are upgraded with the philosopher's stone, so both are wrong
Episode 12 villain fake out leading to a 2nd cour and then when that's over I'll kill myself.
The only thing Maria tops is Tsubasa
Perfect being = Adam.
It's about when they fought Adam you dummy.
Both lines technically mean the same thing but Crunchyroll's translation is admittedly very clunky there and can be easily misinterpeted. The Azoth Gears were made as a last minute measure to fight Adam.
lmao look at this dude
you know i totally forgot that adam was literally baphomet
This. Symphogear has soul put into it. You can really feel the passion the staff has for the series.
What are the chances of Miku being the one in the hospital this time and see beserk Hibiki again if but for a moment.
I'd say there's a good chance of berserk Hibiki returning, the season has had a lot of callbacks to earlier seasons
Miku is probably going to take up the gungir when hibiki "dies"
Still no signs of the booklet's scans of the first CD?
No, the money definitely has something to do with it. You can absolutely tell this season has a much, much higher animation budget than anything that came prior. You can also look at G and notice how much worse everything works after a point because they blew the budget within the first couple of episodes.
The sound though, yeah. They've got an absolutely incredible team there and they all love the series and have tried their best.
i hope this means we get XDU adaptations up the ass after this
fuckin noice
I mean people can't work for free but the love and effort they put into it
Look at one punch man s1
It had an average budget but people who worked on it loved it and industry veterans went into it with passion
Yes money can make it better but passion for a project makes you work harder and better and you can feel it
Some of the events have really interesting moments themes and shit for movies desu
This season simply looks better because they started early with a bunch of heavy hitters in terms of animation. The concert and henshins are all credited separately in the ED and presumably were all animated well in advance of the rest of the production so those same animators had time for the rest of the show.
It’s less about money and more about time management. (Which of course is also about money again, but in a different way)
where were you when gachafags saved anime
Is this as good as Demon Slayer or AOT?
doubt it, if you think about it XDU adaptions would require about the same amount of effort as normal episodes. the only real thing done is the writing and designs.
they could just make a whole new season at that point, which they don't seem to want to do
snk adaptation was garbage past the ost
Fucking Noise.
It's not budget. It's the schedule. They delayed it from spring to summer, remember?
It's not a money but a time and manpower issue and shitty episodes often costs even more than good ones because they have to pay way more animation directors and in short order to try and polish up a turd so it can even be broadcasted.
>if you manage your schedules properly you get better looking shows
You'd think more people would know this by now
It's time and management more than anything.
Inexperienced animators can make a great cut if they have months and your best animators will deliver shit if they only have a week.
And when people take pride in something and put effort i to it you get a different beast compared to whatever you get when people just slave work on something to cash in a paycheck
Yes they get it done but they don't care how good it is
>it's punished sword time
What did she do wrong to deserve this
Holy shit
She didn't remain faithful
No, go away
Oh I didn't mean it as only veterans make good shit because opm had younger people passionate about it and they got a decent amount of time to make something happen and they did
Being good with words is not my strong point
She's cheating on Kanade.
If it's supposedly entirely the scheduling I don't want to know what GX's was like, considering so much of GX was a barely animated mess even compared to other seasons with tons and tons of reused sequences.
She didn't kick her Dad's ass.
Her brotherdad or her grandpadad?
What I meant to say it, passion can't make a day have more than 24 hours and doesn't move your deadline by a month.
That's true but it did make season 1 happen with people sleeping there just to work a bit longer so it doesn't crash and burn
But again it comes down to management which often is a soul sucking machine that doesn't know what they even have to manage
Holy fucking shit
Who knows
A movie or movies that adapt or take inspiration from the most loved events could work
At this point I'd watch a SOL show with the geahs
Her real father I mean. Fudo is probably working with the alchemists.
That retard keeps posting it but it can't be the same girl. Only like 2 years have passed.
When will they leave her alone?
it's only been 2 years in universe, no way it's the same person
Stop talking to yourself.
Anime logic has super growth spurt
they don't even share the same fucking VA
retarded forced meme
Passion shouldn't have to make up for catastrophic mismanagement. If your animators have to work all night and sleep at the office to finish up the shit managament wrought there's something fundamentally going wrong.
Passion is a resource that has to be cultivated by the work environment.
If you know that upper management doesn't care and the show is just made to be a cashgrab and the schedule is literally exploding and you know you won't see your kids for 3 months then it's hard to be passionate about working on something even if you love the source material. On the other hand if the production is a well oiled machine and everythig goes smoothly then you can give your best and show off your skill even if it's something you wouldn't watch yourself.
Plus if it was the same girl, she would be replicating Hibiki's hairstyle, not Tsubasa's.
So is bat bitch actually the first character to ever be depicted directly murdering an innocent non-combatant in the whole series?
I see, if you go by the word root meaning "different" and define Hibiki as a separate third sex, it could work.
all the previous people either failed or used noise up until adam nuked the base
3 weeks between them, leaving room for two more CDs.
oh yeah the dolls gave people the s u c c
Also, passion can actually be a detrinent to your work environment because it makes people accept substandard working conditions because "I'm working on something I love"
The really bad tldr story behind s1 was that friends wanted to make a thing, nobody would fund it, they got little to no funding and a studio that was going under and they wanted to make it so hard they lived for it and theres a story about the animator who fell asleep working, they finished ep 1 i think 30min or less before it went live
Season 1 was a miracle on it's own and it's amazing how hard they had to fight for it
I'm not saying overworking your self is good by no means but they wanted to see their dream project come to life
Who's the sailor Jupiter of this series?
That is Chris because she us the best girl.
It's a culmination of good management and passion that gives Symphogear it's magic.
Your logic is suspect.
A few episodes from now all the girls decide to get boyfriends.
Would you drop the show?
You think you can't have a totally gay friendship and a relationship?
Depends on what the boyfriends are like and how relevant they are.
>samefagging shitposter
Just what we needed.
can you get your hetshittery out please
Season 1 was a push to make their dreams a reality after being shot down multiple times and sabotaged
Chris lost her virginity very early.
They're topdad and his boomer friends and each of them gets their own introduction episode.
>good management
>good management
This is literally the first season that had proper management to it as a result of being greenlit alongside AXZ so they had the proper time to sort things out. Every other season has been a complete mess in some way or another, especially the first.
>In fact, by exposing the security flaws of these concerts you could say she benefited everyone in the end
That fucking stadium was designed as a death box in first place
Elsa's hairy cunt!
imagine sinking into her fluffy cunny
It's pretty retarded when you have franchises that sell so much but get shit on every step of the way
Corporate often has no idea what the company even does
so was the WTC
So we know Millaarc's name is a reference to Carmilla because haha vampire get it.
What are Elsa and Vanessa's names referencing?
Corporate has way more idea than you.
Your enjoyment is a very small part of their equation.
When everything is shit nothing is.
How do a dog and a cyborg have sex?
She was actually pretty nice, why are you being mean.
>Gyakko no Flugel is still the best song in the series
based Zwei Wing
>Version with Kanade singing is mediocre
>Version with all of the living Gears is astoundingly great
I miss Kanade
Even Orbital Beat is better
How you design concert halls to not get stabbed by vampire bitches? Excessive amounts of garlic?
Oh i wasn't talking exclusively about anime but a lot of giant ass companies have idiots in high places
Ill never forget a board member telling us that they never thought that something could fail and that saving money on materials would actually lose them money in the amount of failures and repairs even tho they had it on paper
You don't put a car salesman in the energy industry as a technical director or a police officer as a medical minister
So I watched episode 1 of season 1. What is up with the directing and why does look like a trigger show, did this rip of trigger or something?
Shut the FUCK up
>doesn't even fully play in the S1 concert
>gaybie version gets full sequence
Kanade? More like Kanadead.
By not having a structure that can collapse, killing everyone inside.
And not having emergency exits that require you to descend 30 stories
trigger didnt even have a single show in 2012
This alongside the fight made G's ending the best one desu
>By not having a structure that can collapse
tell me more about disabling physics
I laughed but you know exactly what he meant. Not being a deathtrap suspended a billion feet in the air.
There's a way, it's called putting it on the ground.
Trigger did a bunch of episodes for Idolmaster which aired two seasons before Symphogear.
Outer physics, son.
Regular buildings collapse too. Maybe not as badly as a stage on stilts, but still.
Did hazuki show ever ended?
Hödöki's story is completed. And forgotten.
I'm in the middle of GX and jesus they really use Maria's interior thoughts to save budget right? Also the whole Miku Hibiki drama was so dumb and unnecessary after 2 seasons
Jesus Christ Tsubasa, decide already.
Yeah, Kaneko worked on the two Nanoha games shortly before Symphogear went into full swing and you can absolutely see the influence the series has had on him. Obviously there's a lot of Wild Arms in there too like others said but the Nanoha parallels are really, really obvious.
The worst thing that would collapse in a modern stadium is the super lightweight roof tarp. The seats are on concrete foundations so nothing is gonna collapse there. And you could even have an open air stadium like a hippodrome which really wouldn't collapse if you build it with modern materials.
Will I cum harder if I yell Zeios Igalima raizen tron
only if you vocaroo it
>Sword's gf died protecting her concert
>While sword let not only let them rack up a 100K killcount, but get away with it too
>and let's not forget that she killed a civvie right infront her too
blessed post
She won't, not even Maria can heal her.
The only option left is to commit an hero
>wolfgirl who's hairy under her clothes
I've never seen that one before
She killed a tsubasa fag loli, little wing hair and all
Imagine watching your hero sing, she is a hero, you see her up close and then you die watching her lose her shit
Maybe then finally Tsubasa will be with her real gf and not some jobbing thot
pretty sure that if she stabbed through her she would have had a higher chance of surving considering it's only a katana wound
Tsubasa isn't dead inside enough to do that yet.
Imagine if she lived and Tsubasa died and she became the next blue ranger
You think Maria would have given her the same shit Hibiki had to go through in S1?
Yeah a katana wound going all the way through your head.
That'd be hot.
Maria isn't as sakimori autistic and foreveralone so she'd probably just be blaming herself and become an alcoholic
She would have tried but the loli would have bullied her back into submission.
What kind of SAKIMORI lets 100,000 people die right in front of them? She brings great dishonor to her famiry.
Go suckstart a shotgun, Fudo.
people have survived iron pipes through the head
Maria would blame herself and drown in self-pity
Tsubasa ain't Jack the Ripper just yet
Would be a perfect chart if you had used literally any other Pretty Rhyhm show that isn't Prichan.
That's like choosing Gundam Seed to represent Gundam or Vivid Strikers for Nanoha.
delta was such dogshit
when I watched episode 1 I actually felt like they tried to make it more like symphogear
I didn't make it. I've always thought of Symphogear as Nanoha meets Macross so I liked it. I'm not too deep into the idol/mahou shoujo half of that image to be honest.
Agreed. Episode 1 was hype as fuck and the song was great.
Delta was unironically better than any Symphogear.
How's that 5 good episodes out of 25 treating you?
She looks hilarious here tho.
The mouth is too large.
Kawamori please go back to your weed garden.
I too, have a scat fetish.
I love how sword stops
If she fucked up that would break her even more
Nah maria is a good girl that would relate easily to something like that
Dess and Jii would be best going from how they care about maria and how she was their hero
Not even close to the first season or G
Shit fetish.
I'd eat Bikki's shit.
>show so bad they're basing the sequel off the movies
Doesn't Macross always do that?
Delta's second half was pretty shit though, not sure how the movies changed it.
Milaarc is cute and did nothing wrong!
I'm not talking about the next entry in the macross franchise, they're making macross delta 2 and it ignore the tv series.
She killed Tsubasa's new girlfriend.
Why are you so wrong-headed?
There was only one Delta movie and it was worse than the show. They fucked uo the few good parts of the tv series and the whole thing was a rushjob.
>Carol died
>the neo-alchemists all died
>the neo-neo-alchemists are guaranteed to die thanks to milla's shit
What does Kaneko have against alchemy?
God bless Nana.
Fucked up how these were animated by the same person.
>since when was chris religious?
after the rape
What's so fucked up about it? Peace > Happy >>> Sunny > Beauty > March
Women are fickle creatures.
sword likes older girls
precure is nice every now and then, but it's literally the call of duty of magical girls. 50 episodes every year is insane
>it's literally the call of duty of magical girls
No, Call of Duty is shit.
>Beauty that low
I bet you like FIS too
Boy, this season will be a blast.
>s1: priest/alchemist
>G: ice cream team, a hero, and the dude from Shaman King
>GX: alchemists, 4 dolls, and a Zoid
>AXZ: 3 alchemists (2 of which are trannies), Adam, and a hug doll
>XV: 3 alchemists and 5 Custodians(?)
Kaneko's been using alchemists the last 3 seasons straight.
would just make Tsubasa cuter and more relatable
moe gap senpai
Canada is dead, tho.
>big tits
Literally perfect.
Reminds me of Hellsing.
I don't know about you but I can relate heavily to crippling depression
Learn to count, it was 1,000,000 people.
Beauty is gay.
Actually, it was 7 brazillion people
It's 6,000,000 and you better never forget.
>the neo-neo-alchemists are guaranteed to die thanks to milla's shit
They deserved a lot worse than just dying
mine will be incurable if any of the geahs die
brasilieros are only 3/5 of a person so it's not that bad
Fuck you
But everyone keeps calling her a Christian. So why does she pray Buddhist style?
Final episode spoiler.
I'm gonna punch you in the face
She's just retarded.
Don't talk while chewing, dumbass.
this is not wholesome
Is AI DESU YO the best scene in the series?
Or is it beef stroganoff?
I'm going to fuck you in the eye.
i can hear the zesshou theme in my head but its slow and really sad
fuck me
>3/5 of a person
That's pretty generous.
I guess Chris was only 3/5 raped then, not that bad.
3/5ths raped, each individual time. It still adds up to a lot.
she has a pure heart and shes cute as fuck
the rest doesnt matter she deserves to be happy
Multiply that by amount of people who done her.
total at once was at least 9/5 so it was pretty bad
They wouldn't be that cruel. What would Hibiki do without her sunshine?
Become either suicidal or genocidal.
>>the neo-neo-alchemists are guaranteed to die thanks to milla's shit
Have faith user, the 3 alchemist rejects can still survive by virtue of being minor villains, the main villains will likely do worse shit then them.
Nobody is going to remember the loli after the Custodians arrive and blow up half the Earth.
>unintelligible DESS noises
It's been almost 3 years.
To be honest, I have no interest in anyone but Elsa surviving.
She's the worst of them.
Last time I checked 2 is almost 3
Elsa will be sad if they kill off her brown robot waifu.
Good luck
>didn't like Metatonia the first time I've heard it
>have been listening to it for the last two days straight in a loop
I hope the aufwachen form is based
I love Miku.
's niku
2 could mean having JUST turned 2 or almost three. I was referring to the latter. The girl from season 1 could be about 11-12 years old by now. Thus puberty for her could
be in full swing and could easily account for her older look. puberty for girls goes a lot faster than it does for boys.
So you're saying someone can't be a fan of more than one person? Hibiki doesn't put on concerts to go to. Tsubasa does.
She's not even on Tsubasa's screen on the op. Is she gone for good?
Is it so Tsubasa can self-insert in (you)?
I want Tsubasa to insert her sword into me.
That would be extremely painful.
We know, Hibiki.
There won't be one like with Exterminate because there is Final Commander
I'm a big guy.
There's a new Kanade in town, and her name is Maria Cadenzavna Eve.
>repeating gx mistakes
How will they top all the other final episodes?
And you'll be pretty deep too.
Kung fu fistfight on the moon.
>killing a geah off
>going all the way with the y/u/ri
>continueing the franchise without the main cast
Glorious Break has the best intro though, what's the problem?
>>continueing the franchise without the main cast
Not nice.
Maria does the inserting.
Her dick's too small. Does she fist Tsubasa?
Meant to quote too, whoops.
Hahahahahaha keep telling yourself that
By playing every previous OP during the final fight in reverse order, ending in Synchrogazer.
There has to be a HibiMiku kiss and a TsubaMari implied sex scene this season. At this point, it wouldn't make any sense not to include it.
Both Kanade and Serena should be gone by now, they can't just rehash the same development routine for Tsubasa and Maria every season, it's getting tiring.
Maria inserts Tsubasa's sword on her butt
what about DMJii cuddling?
And licks it clean after.
>this time they die for real
They've already shared needles user
Fucking this. I won't be satisfied unless Synchrogazer is played during the final battle.
>One clunky line that can be interpreted properly with prior series knowledge
>Versus subs diluted with horrible non-jokes, a mistranslation that made everyone think Elfnein was a procrastinator, outright missing a Custodian reference in G and turning it into a nonsensical line, plus Heavenrend (which doesn't bother me personally admittedly) all from the people who purposefully delayed the last episode of G until someone else made subtitles themselves
>HibiMiku kiss
>TsubaMari implied sex
Yuuki Aoi would implode
>full blown geah orgy
She's a shipperfag
they fucked up the finale of gx too, Miku yelling "haato no zenbu de" which somehow because "you're the best Hibiki" even though it's fuckin song lyrics and a literal translation of "with all your heart" is perfectly fine
g i mean not gx
Maria, Tsubasa and Chris will all die to make way for the new generation of Geahs.
Hibiki will retire from PTSD and live a quiet life with Miku.
Why want people see the Geahs die so much?
Dead bodies don't resist.
Sufferingfags got a hardon for the first 5 episodes of Ep1 and have been blueballed ever since.
It's hot.
S1, I'm retarded
>the first 5 episodes of Ep1
I mean I could have gone more in-depth on the insane amount of stuff Commie has fucked up or missed, including when Mom outright drops the G subtitle in ep13 which they somehow missed completely, but I feel like watching one of their releases speaks for itself.
Never forget "Nice catch!" either.
>Hibiki will retire from PTSD and live a quiet life
Give me Mahou Shoujo Spec Ops Hibiki in 2021.
Is that a motherfucking Three-Fifths Compromise reference?
I just learned it the other day from a Cards Against Humanity card.
yes, truth is stranger than fiction
So, necrophilia?
I hope Chris will reunite with Fine in the afterlife
Fine has suffered enough.
Fine can fuck off
I need this
>Those handcuffs
This confirms what we've always known. Shirabe is the top.
Miku will be relevant.
To Bikki's bumhole.
But will she live?
>all those callbacks to previous seasons
She won't, and Hibiki will go Super Berserker and slice herself some Custodians and/or alchemists.
Didn't Reimu shave her?
honorary no more
She'll live, but she'll suffer.
I hope these new villains are not stupid enough to just kidnap Miku and wait for their innevitable dess
It's time for Kirika to take her rightful place as the protagonist.
But only if Shirabe doesn't become a stay-at-home wife like Miku
Kirika's only rightful place is six feet under.
very important image
That's great.
I don't get it.
Because she's the grim reaper! I get it.
I cried to the fucking defunctland documentary finale today.
I didn't even watch the muppets as a kid
read it in his voice
New thread.