What would you do different in Orochi's place with foreknowledge?
What would you do different in Orochi's place with foreknowledge?
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fuck monster girls
>with foreknowledge
Try to kill myself, what else?
not become a monster
Absorb the other monsters and then fight saitama
You know you'd still lose, right?
Not if I fight him at a video game. He’s not very good at those.
Grab works for limited time so throw Saitama up in the sky as hard as I can and then blast him with concentrated fire rays, hoping those would be enough to propel him into space while simultaneously burning off his boots, gloves, socks and clothes so he can't accelerate by throwing them in an opposite direction.
I can do nothing if he shits out a half a kilo turd though.
go into hiding with a harem of monster girls and live a quiet life in rural area, becoming a venered figure that the villagers respect and come to for advice
This is also good although I imagine there're no "rural areas" without Hero coverage in the setting. People who live outside of Hero coverage just die off to monsters.
I would set up shop in a different city than the one Saitama lives in and endeavor to make sure Saitama doesn't know I exist.
>Hide every monster, build forces over years instead of a few days or weeks, however piddly long it was
>Viciously train everyone, get them strong enough to be able to scratch your back a little instead of being tiny fodder
>Build up an army of thousands of cadres, instead of have a couple
>Wait for Saitama to die of old age before attacking
I don't know how bad their urges are for killing humans, but if they could hold out and actually prepare instead of making a shitty salad bowl of walking entrails, they could actually be a threat. Every footsoldier in the monster group should be at LEAST cadre level before they do anything.
Get the fuck out of Japan and go arch the Americans
Nah. I’d one punch Saitama
Join the HA.
Defy Saitama at a game if King of Fighters 2002 (only video game I'm really good at).
How? I'm pretty sure they mad big exception for Mask.
He seems to be able to change forms. He could probably assume a more or less humanoid form, then hide inside a big ass animu armour and call myself Actually Not Evil Black Knight.
How would user-Orochi get through the exam?
>Join the HA.
Implying he needs a turd that big.
Saitama could fart his way back from anything you can throw at him. Not even serious farts.
A walk in the park.
Make more mosquito
Imagine Saitama unleashing a Serious Diarrhea.
What's Black Sperm's backstory?
At that point, he had lost his very ability to type words. Possessed by
Undiluted, unbridled fury for the very first time in his life, user began
shitposting like a madman. And each of those moments: the bright
exclamation marks, the waves of (You)'s, the replies of the baited,
It had been painfully known to him, burned into his memory.
Foreknowledge, overwhelming him. Foreknowledge wherever he looked.
Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge.
Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge.
Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge.
Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge. Foreknowledge.
Challenge Saitama to vidya games.
there's no America in OPM
it's one giant super continent
Fuck Psykos. What is she gonna do? Make me even stronger? I literally can't die, my power is literally just phoenix man but less chicken looking.
Orochi cummed hisself
Fuck Psykos of course.
Tentacle fuck Psykos and Dos. FOR FUCKING WEEKS.
Also this. Train under Bang. Or maybe get a giant katana done and become AS's fourth disciple.
>Train under Bang
Orochi is a genius and he fought Garo once.
He already mastered water stuff cutting style.
nobody knows he's a monster (if he even really is, anyway).
>implying Garou's fist of water polo is anywhere near perfect
They've put up detection barriers right after monster association arc.
Then King rapes you
Find the one they call "speed o sound sonic" and make him my bride.
just dont pick shit with saitama and say sorry
>black sperm and rover survived
and it seemingly doesn't work on him. It's not clear how the detection works, anyway. Could be just check the face and recognize whether it's a hero, normal human, criminal or monster based on available data.
>parasite walks into HA HQ hitching a ride in one of the associates
>wtf let's put facial recognition on our doors!
That sounds extremely retarded.
He'll just fart at near light speed
How did Metal Knight?
feed black sperm for years until he can turn into diamond omni god sperm or some shit
Demote Psykos, move the fuck away from Z City and build a monster kingdom with blackjack and hookers. And kill Phoenix Man twice so he gets his resurrection power.
easier said than done, they don't necessarily have ways to analyze that parasistes are inside.
Apologize to Saitama for making so much noise, explain I'm cleaning house, dealing with some home invaders and things should quiet down by the end of the day.
Start a honest business like the Gorilla from the House of Evolution. Saitama doesn't seem to mind monsters that aren't causing trouble.
Some never did it, like King.
Would be pretty epic desu, even more so if the fallout blew up uranus haha
>proceeds to massacre a random horde just walking in z-city
Saitama doesn't care if he doesn't come across them.
Not put the base under Saitama's house...
I mean his big blast baely singed his clothes unlike how Boros did so that plan is faulty. Plus Saitama could easily punch through the blast.
Its not just their urge to kill humans keeping them in line from killing each other can be a challenge as well. Also their urges are pretty strong as they attack humanity non stop on a day to day basis.
Sounds exactly what HA would do, tho'.
Yes what the fuck is he wearing adamantium?
On 2nd thought yes that's right up their alley.
The tailor said it was specially made he probably also fixed it up after the Boros fight. Don't know what that material is but it's durable as crap only ever showing fatigue and wear int he Boros battle. The hardest though is his gloves. Not only do they survive the pressure his punches yield but they never wear or tear no matter what substance or surface it hits.
From Genos training I'm assuming that Saitama punches are not delivered by his fists but by compressed air in front of them kind of like when meteorite enters an atmosphere.
Fuck off to space, find another planet to torment.
Or just wait for saitama to die of old age.
It's probably both. Sometimes he hit people head on and others they get a combo of both his air and fist. Boros got air pressured while Elder disentagrates from contact and air. Boros was lucky he didn't take that serious punch head on.
So if you're light enough you get obliterated by air pressure, if you're bulky and heavy - you might have a chance to come in contact with fist before air rips you apart. Makes sense.
I was going to say "become a hero and help the world so the heroes won't bully me" but this is good too.
It seems that way. Boros and Beefcake both took the physical hits. Boros took this gut punch then the air pressure kicked in and knocked him back while beefcake took one didn't explode but broke his neck.
where can i read the webcomic
Mangadex same for the manga. Though I would search it up instead of just going on the site and do it.
i dont know how to navigate on this website
Just search "one punch man webcomic mangadex" and it should show the link to the chapters. I don't go on the straight on the site to navivate and search on it.
Take many hostages and threaten to kill them if Saitama attacks. If you could capture Genos and Licenceless Rider that would be good.
alright thank you and wich web comic chapter is the equivalent of black sperm appearing
>Tie a bunch of people to yourself with ropes as hostage armor
>Baby armor
nvm found it
These two are good, you can't beat Saitama with force but have to out think him (and he doesn't seem very clever desu). You would have to be the Lex Luthor to his Superman, except a giant snake man.
impregnate psykos
I see no benis on this man.
If you look closely it’s covered up by a dragon snake. But technically he could transform any of those into one at will. Since he seems to have a large control over his own biology.
Black sperm is a loser that lost and became a monster, I want the white sperm that lost to appear in the form of a new hero blessed with white potential.
fuck off tripnigger, I didn't ask you
He is the king of worms he needs control.
Carnage Kabuto >> Orochi
Fuck I love this chapter
avoid the bald guy at all costs and fight other heroes
no one except blast is probably capable of putting him down
he probably ties with Tatsumaki, but I think he would win because the way it was explained, he is Garou-lite and probably another zenkai machine
Saitama doesn't lose his clothes because otherwise he would be naked 24/7
You think his suit could handle the air ruptures from his own punches? Hell no. It's for pure convenience
Orochi stands no chance against carnage who has more speed and power, even sperm was ready to fight orochi, he's overhyped.
Fucking nope
Piece of shit got killed by Zombieman
Beefcake would shitstomp Orochi tho
>even sperm
Are you looking down on him?
Orochi sama
The Hulk Shorts conundrum.
To be fair Zombieman tired him out though I don't see carnage winning agaisnt Orochi. Especially with his blast and techniques.
Much cooler than his real color
Green Gyoro looks fucking ridiculous though, he should be light yellow
>To be fair Zombieman tired him out
That's no excuse, I really doubt Zombieman could kill Darkshine even if he is asleep
The anime did right in that cooler change for gyro but whoever do the others especially Orochi was dumb.
Darkshine is different since he's so durable. Asura mode discards parts of his shell when he transform though how tired he us after asura mode we don't know or if he's even really that vulnerable.
green gyoro is retarded
I like her anime colours
>Supposedly the strongest monster there is
>Not having him breed with DOS and other q.t monster girls
>Not having him produce descendant which that cyclops motherfucking can reliably test that can overcome the current Monster King
>Not making a monster gladiator arena to take monsters and train them until they can actively survive all the while appeasing their killing intent
>Ensure the HA never finds out about this, even if it means having to throw monsters at them for disinfo and disabling whatever poses a threat of finding their base
Go into space and chill
Psykos mentioned already having tried breeding. And the gladiator stuff only makes sense if they were going to be building up their forces for some years.
Although, I will admit training should be done.
Eat D-OS.
At least that way she wouldn't be wasted on sweet mask.
>Not making a monster gladiator arena to take monsters and train them until they can actively survive all the while appeasing their killing intent
This x1000
They should just take all of those shitty wolf levels and make a huge free for all until the survivor is a beast
>not making a base under Saitama house
>avoiding to fight with him, Tatsu and eventually Metal Knight and Blast
>recruiting more dragon level monsters, preferring quality over quantity (500 monsters and only 6 cadres? Ridiculous)
That's it
Make friends with saitama.
> >recruiting more dragon level monsters, preferring quality over quantity (500 monsters and only 6 cadres? Ridiculous)
Easier said than done, they accepted any monsters that came in. Also they have 9 cadres. And 14 dragons if you include Bakuzan, Haragiri (not confirmed but he was totally dragon) the ninjas and phoenix man.
This. Just get him some premium beef or something.
The ninja party joining in with all of them taking monster cells would have made one hell of an extra force.
Decide to move the MA base and to never directly attack the surface, building my and the MA strength, leaving some authority to some monster like sperm and phoenix man who could challenge my power. Hunting heroes and other strong human, brainwashing them with Dos-S and feeding them monster cell. I would basically become a monster mobster who controls everything from the shadow
leave earth