How could goku or any of the DBZ warriors defend itself from mental ninjutsu?

How could goku or any of the DBZ warriors defend itself from mental ninjutsu?

It seems goku is like a very powerfull rock lee, but then again he could be easily defeated by naturo most powerfull mind jutsus.

Attached: rock lee.png (645x484, 264K)

Goku barely has a mind to be taken advantage of

muh Ki

A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses.

This is as stupid is asking how naruto ninjas would fight Logia users.

The answer is that they don't. The closest you have to someone resisting mind-based attacks was Vegeta breaking free of Babidi's mind contrrol, but his "mind control" was basically the equivalent of him yelling at Vegeta through a megaphone (except directly to his brain). If it's not raw power, they have trouble.

(Also, it's debatable whether or not Vegeta actually broke free of his control, given that he just scares Babidi and Dabura tells him to leave the issue alone since he's doing what they want anyway. He had to an hero to get rid of the brand)

Goku is much faster than any Naruto character.
Heck Master Roshi can solo the whole Narutoverse.

Now fuck off to MAL or some shit.

Only if master roshi can counter genjutsu

Roshi is probably one of the few characters that actually could, though. He didn't abandon proper training since he didn't have freakish genetics that made him stupidly OP before learning advanced techniques.

Idiots. Vegeta just went along with Babidi in exchange for more power.

You can put all of your illusions all you like it's not like anything Naruto can do to any DB character considering they can easily tank moon-busting attacks easy-peasy.

You fags would have been eaten alive in the old vs forum in the loungeforums.

Cyborg Tao >>>> Narutoverse

Genjutsu is a joke.
Roshi is much faster and ain't no Naruto character dodging a Kamehameha.

Goku is not a human and the images that would cripple Yamcha would probably just make Goku go rage mode Saiyan and blow up the planet or something.

The same applies to anyone with Sayjin blood

Yamcha would destroy the Narutoverse too considering he's much stronger than Moonbuster Roshi by the end of DB and probably can destroy some planets with a Kamehameha.

It's so sad for you Narutofags, when even joke characters like Yamcha put your pitiful universe to shame.

Genjutsu never even kills you so what does it even matter? Oh god, I just had a nightmare that lasted 3 days in dilated mind time (3 seconds in reality) and now i'm awake and ready to kill you with the power to destroy a literal planet.

kill yourselves narutards

Honestly though, Yamcha alone can put almost any universe to shame. put Yamcha in 95% of anime and he rapes. It's just that his universe is Dragonball where he just happens to be one of the least powerful members of a roster of gods.

MAYBE if there was a side effect of the genjutsu like where you believe it's real so much that whatever you dream actually starts to happen to you but that would just be some freddy kruger shit and way too overpowered.

>You can put all of your illusions all you like it's not like anything Naruto can do to any DB character considering they can easily tank moon-busting attacks easy-peasy.
Are you equating psychic and magic attacks to brute strength? Because they've emphasized throughout the series that brute force isn't the only answer to everything. Things like Mafuba and Moro's ability to drain two fully powered SSBs at once prove that strength means nothing when you have no resistance to magical and psychic attacks, as well as Ginyu's body snatch, Frieza's telekinesis, the Tuffle Invasion arc (though this is GT which isn't canon), and likely other examples I can't remember off the top of my head.
>You fags would have been eaten alive in the old vs forum in the loungeforums.
>bragging about his time as a veteran fighting in gay baby wars on internet forums

>Genjutsu never even kills you so what does it even matter?
Did you miss the part where Itachi almost kills Kakashi from making him experience a few hundred years of torture in less than a second? And it doesn't matter if it can't kill you on its own, because you can kill them while they're under the effects.

By being vastly faster than the genjutsu user

Future Trunks made me gay

Also, if you were referring to the physical end of things rather than the mental: Goku gets shot and almost killed by a common laser gun when he was using SSB.

Stop spamming your shitty threads, Narutard

why are people ignoring this. This is the answer.
Genjutsu wouldn't work most likely because
>no chakra network
>ki power is way too strong to affect
Maybe a more magical effect could do it, but not the way genjutsu is described

Not even close. He had a bad dream. He was still functional afterwards.

Except he Justus has been shown working on normal animals.
Chakra is the power of the soul, genjutsu directly affects the soul.

actually in the dragonball series there have been some instances where Goku has gone up against non-traditional fighters, who use time-stops or psychic powers, and he had extreme difficulty. It seems to be a major weakness

I think we're overlooking the crucial fact that goku already has a lot of experience with hellish self abuse in time dilation so he'd probably just start training in there and ask for more

Gen requires a chakra network to work on someone.

Itachi: Why aren't you in agony right now?
Goku: I do this kind of shit to myself on the regular
Somebody make this happen.