What the fuck is this thing?

What the fuck is this thing?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Okaa-san Online - 01 [480p].mkv_snapshot_00.06.547.jpg (848x480, 178K)

Burger patties I guess, the left one is yet to be flipped so it's still red raw?

looks like a cooked burger patty and a raw burger patty about to be cooked. Maybe it's salsbury steak.

was gonna say donuts, but it’s meat you retard have you ever seen raw beef before

Why do they have indentations in the middle?

For the egg.

A filthy 480p video in 2019.

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burgers when you cook them on the pan if they're not thin enough leave a cavity in the middle which pools with the grease/blood from the burger. I assume they make it thin so it doesnt do that.

That's how you pan cook a burger so it turns out flat and even like a normal burger

This. Making an indentation in the middle of the patty keeps the edges from curling up as it cooks.

Try cooking thin, lean meat in a frying pan and watch as the center of your meat starts to swell like a bubble.

then tell me which phone could play BD/'BR?

Attached: why.jpg (384x399, 43K)

I guess I, and many others, have been doing the impossible for years without knowing.
Either that, or you've never actually cooked in your life.

You don't need a phone; you need a noose.

>I, and many others
You got 4 (You)s and we each got one, I'm not so sure about that buddy.

how rude

I think you know why you couldn't tell what was being fried on that pan.

Attached: 1496489474834.png (179x203, 61K)

It's Japanese hamburger steak.


Why are you acting so schizophrenic? Go look up a recipe for japanese hamburger steak and you will see every recipe tells you to make the indent in the patty. I do it to when I make it.

Attached: hambaagu.jpg (800x1200, 225K)

Because heat makes it bulge mostly in the center of the meat, so it kinda evens out but not really. It is still better than under cooked sides.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-15 4 Levels of Hamburgers Amateur to Food Scientist Epicurious - YouTube.png (1378x775, 1.53M)

I pan cook burgers and this is pretty normal

Rice balls

Attached: 1360639_640px.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Attached: Kumika no Mikaku - Vol.1 Ch.2 - Why You Become Hungry - 5.png (1123x747, 755K)

That indentation is way too deep and you don't need to use that technique on panfry, it's mean for the grill.

>you don't need to use that technique on panfry, it's mean for the grill

How on earth did you cook up this belief?

Why are there divots in them? Also, if you're going to use a pan, do yourself a favor and use cast iron and not some thin metal shit.

/ck/user here - well, used to be.
... A divot in middle of extremely thick hamburger patty will decrease the cooking time, especially since it's salisbury steak-style.

Cast-iron is nice, but not every kitchens have those; They are heavier and most mom's can get by without them. They are great, especially for people that's been cooking with them their entire life, but they aren't the most intuitive thing for most common mom's that aren't foodies.

You generally don't need an indent for most western style hamburger patties because they are extremely thin, which is why there's a value discordance; it's simply not the same hamburger patty that most Westerns are familiar with.