Protect her smile
Spy x Family
Anya a cute.
twilight a cute.
Yor a cute!
Twilight and Yor development chapter when?
hopefully soon
mama and papa day's off with the daughter at school when
It's pretty much guaranteed that her brother showing up will be a plot point, just a matter of what happens.
>the entire family wearing the same striped pattern shirt
I love this fake, dorky family.
coordinating outfits is important for élégance
It's the little things.
Oh I forgot to read this
just imagine her face when someone rapes her and takes her virginity in the doujins
I want to see these two actually developing romantic feelings for one another. Which will probably happen at some point right before they're forced to square off due to work.
Aww man I missed the dump thread didn't I?
Yep and it was glorious
Why Spy x Family is once every two weeks?
I can't wait
Most of the time Yea Forums is a piece of shit board but sometimes SOMETIMES Yea Forums is pretty already. Yea Forums is alright for showing my shit wonderful story.
broken pelvis
I'm still waiting for Anya's uncle/ Lloyd's brother in law chapter
I like the smell of Yuri in the morning
This manga is developing pretty well. I’m already curious of so much about the family. I wonder how their relationships with each other will turn out and backstories.
Shit like this makes me wanna have kids. Too damn cute.
Agent Anya has successfully seduced the target's son.
Now for Twilight's hardest mission yet: Getting a tsundere to admit their feelings
>tfw all he thinks about was how cute she is
Twilight and Yor will start sleeping together after the brother comes to visit and questions why they're in separate rooms, right?
Nah, Twilight first needs to realize that the Tsundere does have feelings for Anya.
And then he needs to convince Anya to not be creeped out by the little Tsundere's crush.
And only then he can start having the Tsundere admit his feelings.
I would take a bullet for her smile
So how hard was Damian's peepee when he sees this?
So hard he could cut Diamond with it.
i just want to see them kiss and mean it
Probably had his first boner.
>>from the author of Tista
I'm going to give this a try but it better give me depression again
You're in bad luck, user. It's lots of family hijinks and cute bonding.
what twilight did to her this chapter falls under malicious brainwashing
think of it as guiding the youth of today towards a bright future
they're /fa/ as fuck
now that she's got his attention, it's mommy yor's turn to step in and teach her the way to a man's heart
up the stomach and under the ribs
>tfw she test it out on Damian again
I sort of want David Productions to pick this up, after seeing that Anya punch. Because we all know an anime adaption is inevitable.
Anya make the stupidest faces.
Runs in the family.
I will.
Ya know, if you remember the whole purpose of getting Anya to the school was to kill Damian's dad, this doesn't seem to end well.
>tfw the climax of the series is an intense duel between yoru and lloyd, but they can’t get themselves to harm each other because they fell in love with each other over the course of the series, and then have to cut through a horde of enemies to escape with Anya
would be ABSOLUTE kino
wasn't it to get info out of him rather than kill him?
>10 chapters till axed
is this how it's suppose to be?
aren't there anymore english scans?
i'll read it in russian if i have to
>10 chapters left
>falling for a shitpost that obvious
All the chapters are on that new Jump app for free
Who do you think will fall in love first? Yoru or Twilight?
Yoru, Twilight is too much of a mission autist
>Anya becomes infatuated with her daddy
>starts messing with their relationship on purpose
>since she can read minds, she sets up perfect traps for Yoru to fuck up
This. Anya already fell for the Chadlight. Yoru is just a baggage needed to allow her to attend school, and shouldn't be allowed to be more than that.
just to be sure, you're talking about this?
Mangaplus shueisha
my guy there is literally a link labeled "official english" on the mangadex page you posted above
I'd say Yoru. She thinks her family life is a normal one except for the fake premise. Twilight is trying hard to be a father and look out for Anya also because this is directly related to the mission.
Yoru on the other hand already got what she needed from the fake marriage (wich is also a distinct separate thing from her job), so she's already in the mindset that now that she's here she might as well become more of a proper wife and mother. She's already showing appreciation for Twilight's figure as a father, so it won't take too long before she starts seeing him as a husband.
>Spy x Family
yay, another chapter of president x Kaguya
i assumed it would just take me to the official store
Insert penis in potato.
>comparing this with redditguya
get out
You don't even need the app. Just go to their official website.
To be fair, I'm depressed knowing that Anya will never be my daughter and Yor will never be my wife
Kill in the pilot, get info in the main series.
Even the author is taking steps to protect that smile
>his daughter
>not our
One job.
Probably. Yoru's brother will sleep on her room.
Cue sexual tension
>get information
The informations will soon convince the higher-ups that it's necessary to kill him.
Yoru chapter when?!
When we inevitably get to the arc about Twilight giving up Anya, either to the orphanage or to another family or whatever else, will we forgive him for breaking her heart?
She's NOT ugly, and she has CUTE little stubby legs
>translating sounds into not-onomatopoeia and not-sounds
Thinking about it they actually did it, how weird. I didn't notice because I just read the hiragana and thought of those as two separate things.
Nah, he's going to drop Anya to Yoru and then arc will be Yoru hunting Twilight down
Not America's fault it doesn't have words for hgnwaa or hngwnyaa sounds of little girls just before crying. Whimper ain't cutting it
>bullies not getting immediate comeuppance for making her cry with their bullying thoughts
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Anya is for protecting, I want the bullies to be punished
In what shithole country is the setting inspired? !notRussia?
I mean Yoru still thinks Anya is Twilight biological daughter
Nope it's instead alternate universe facist East G*rmany
Austria Hungary ?
At least its not monthly.
Biweekly is somehow tolerable.
Rate my headseiyuu, Yea Forums
Daisuke Ono
Yui Ishikawa
Rina Endo
It feels more like East Germany to me.
I like your Yoru casting, but for some reason I read Twilight as being performed by Koyasu
Lewding the Anya is wrong.
Imagine licking those legs.
axed soon
delete yourselves
Casual reminder that lolifags are the worst, most hated posters on Yea Forums!
There is nothing worse than yuriniggers, though.
t. lolishitter
Get the fuck out, scumbag.
I'm not, but I don't mind them either. And I don't see the harm, unlike with yuriniggers who ruin dozens of threads daily with their autism.
This poll is rigged. Don't get me wrong, lewding Anya is very bad, but yuriniggers and Yea Forums crossboarders are the clearly worst scum by a long shot.
>I'm not, but I don't mind them either.
Yeah right, you piece of shit.
This thread is a perfect example of how desperate lolifags are trying to push their fetishes in a series that simply has a loli in it who's not even supposed to be lewded. Fuck off.
lolifags just ruin threads.
Every other cancer stays in their designated shitty threads but lolifags make it their sole mission of contributing nothing to discussion but unrelated fetish talk. That's why they're so hated.
Yes, I'm not defending it. But you can ignore or shrug it off in these cases, but with yuriniggers, they will screech over "hetshit" until a thread dies or literally everyone else has left. We're talking about entirely different leagues of autism here.
>We're talking about entirely different leagues of autism here.
No we're not. I've been on Yea Forums long enough to support that poll, it aint rigged, people are just tired of lolifags and their cancer.
I hate to tell you, but you're clearly biased in this, probably because you don't like this fetish. Their presence isn't nearly as destructive as the other groups'. If you can't accept that, you are blind or a newfag.
Too fucking cute.
they all ruin threads. Honestly I'm surprised the poll doesn't include powerwanks considering how many threads they ruin as well. Though I guess that could fall into the category of "shounenshitter"
>I hate to tell you, but you're clearly biased in this
Please go to the archive and search 'lolifags' to see how much people are sick of lolifags and support this opinion. And then kill yourself.
I'd rather look at the actual damage they're causing rather than how many people claim that they do and how much, and I'm not seeing it. Also it's pretty ironic, because the only thing that put a stain on this thread is your retarded ass.
>I'd rather not look at facts that completely cancel my argument
>Every other cancer stays in their designated shitty threads
Literally false. If anything is lolifags that create their autistic circle of self-contained autistic replies, generally. Hard to ignore and irritating maybe, but still not as annoying.
As for yuriniggers for example see . They literally take pride in shitting on "hetshit" (i.e. the most normal and common kind of romantic relationship in the world) out of nowhere and honestly believe they're somewhat superior to others for hating males (so themselves too, in most cases). They make of their stupid meme their way of life. You don't see this from fujos, for example.
As for Yea Forumstards, they're cluttering this board with their "funny" and "hip" retarded memes and lingo, constantly dragging the level of discussion further towards the bottom.
>And then kill yourself
You sound hysterical and you're honestly being more obnoxious than any shitposter in these threads as of now.
In case you haven't noticed, there are no facts here, only subjective impressions. A thousand opinions don't add up to a fact. Stop being a retard and let this thread in peace already.
You're wrong and all you have to do is take this thread as a perfect example.
The OP chose a picture of crying Anya and this thread suddenly spiked with lewd Anya talk.
All it takes for desperate and mentally ill lolifags to flock into a thread and spam about their fetishes is a picture of a loli. That's it.
Yurifags need at least a couple of female characters, and then they stay in that designated series as much as that series will bait them. See Symphogear, Hibike, Carol & Tuesday. They are autistic sure, but once they see the series doesnt cater to their fetishes and has a het relationship they leave. Unlike lolifags who stay and derail threads on purpose.
Anyone who doesnt agree with this hadn't been on Yea Forums for long enough.
It's well known that everyone hates lolifags because they ruin threads. Buncha newfags/lolifags in this defending them kek
>You're wrong and all you have to do is take this thread as a perfect example.
>first post: yuri
It's a picture of Anya and her friend, even the name of that file is 'cute'. Nice reaching there.
Sure user, he changed the line no particular reason. The answer to the post were also a coincidence. I suppose that whining in the previous thread about Anya having a "het" love interest was completely unrelated as well.
You can try twist it as much as you like, facts still remain what they are and lolifags are the most hated posters on Yea Forums for a reason, pal.
I thought this was a thread about Spy x Family what's with all the metaposting?
We need to refrain putting Anya as the OP picture in the future
Whatever you say.
I'll keep disliking any annoying poster anyway, and I bet my distaste will keep following the proportions that I mentioned.
I'll stop here, I see it's pointless.
The real thread was yesterday. This is a shitposting thread.
Some yurishitter has his panties in a bunch and is desperately trying to defend his honor.
More like lolifags got called on their bullshit and are now assravaged.
Either way this user is correct.
I appreciated this and saved it. Nice work.
She's such a little angel.
reminder that anya was codenamed 007
don't fall for her tears, it's all a trick!
next chapter is Damian secrely trying to get anya stars so she'd be a "commoner worthy of someone of his class"
>called on their bullshit
>ruins the entire thread because of one lolipost no one even paid attention to
You're the same flavour of stupid as the people labelling everything reddit and thinking they're improving the board's quality by derailing every thread. You're the worst, and I know you'll keep doing this.
What will be Damian's next move?
confess to anya
me2, except then I read both and it’s dumb
just rewrite the sounds in latin alphabet, or leave it untranslated as a pleb filter
>one post
Not even that user, nigga are you blind?
Post you face when you see FISHIES!
Though you think the book will get an English release? I’d totally buy it
I want a full 360 body shot of Yor in her open-back-slit homewear knitted swear.
>The way he sees Anya
All that's missing is the shoujo bubbles. Damian is doomed.
What exactly did he slap in this panel? His henchman? Thin air?
>Protect her smile
I would with my life user.
The doki doki sound effect.
Swatted away the sfx of his heart going doki doki
The sound effects
I see now, thank you. It's pretty cool.
>lolifag trying to deflect blame this hard
Why don't Anya just read Damian's mind for his address
Kek, the vision he has of her is a lot more mature
Her spy dad probably already has his address, I guess he lives under strict security.
Westphalia intelligence likely has that if they know he's a recluse. It's likely they're trying to get Twilight as close as possible to the target which will require him to infiltrate his estate, and not just kick down the door
look at this dumb hitman confused by opera singing
Will we see Anya grow up or will she remain a little grill throughout the story?
She will grow even more stacks that Yoru.
Now that I think about it, Damian does look a little bit like that lunatic waifufag who fell in love with the titular witch girl in the Ashe one shot.
On that note I wonder how this shit is gonna progress. Will it mostly revolve around Anya's school days with a side of spy and hitman shenanigans?
No. She'll stay flat even if she grows up.
Yeah, they have the same almost look
Having a clear main female love interest ensure me this this manga wont pull a Usagi drop on me. Unlike a certain anime this season...
If this goes to to become a 20 volumes series I assume that by the end Anya will be a beautiful adult and a perfect blend of spy/hitman/esper after learning from her dad and mom.
I wonder what’s anya’s backstory. Is she originally from Desmond’s country? Did his government experiment on young mothers in order to defeat twilight’s nation? Who’s anya’s father? We know she loves her original mother, what happened to the father? So many questions
it's the esper curse, all of the growth goes straight to the brain
Cute penguin family.
>what happened to the father?
Maybe they kept her mother inside the lab and gave her some random guy's seed. Her father could even be unaware/uncaring of her existance.
I love how Damian gets fucking REKT by how cute Anya is. Absolutely fucking demolished with some industrial strength cuteness. How will he ever recover? Is it even possible?
Can't wait for Damian's oniichan to tease the shit out of him.
>cant wait for a random kid to go
Damian fighting off rivals when?
This was nice and all but FUCK we really need a Yoru/Twilight chapter already
everyone else is scared of her
The only Anya backstory and flashback are in the first chapter but I think it's fair to assume the mysterious organization was operating in that same country. It seems difficult for such a cute little things to jump borders between countries. She went through several orphanages and foster homes and without other explanations, and since she doesn't seem to be that much of a problem child, we could assume it's because she jumped ship when the mysterious organization caught up with her. If she had changed country, they probably would have lost her, and if it was an option to switch country, she would not have changed orphanages many times but always remained in the same place. As you can see I have put a great amount of thought in this analysis.
This. I want to see the reaction of Yoru's co-workers and where the fuck is her brother and how she should explain not inviting her beloved brother to her wedding.
The mixture of roman architecture with german building is quite nice.
What if it was Twilight's own organization that sponsored these scientists and Twilight eventually receives the mission of finding an escaped esper girl and returning her to her lab for experiments, for the sake of world peace?
>not straight scotch
A male trundere really is a thing to behold if done right. Should be fun.
bottom right is me when I visit /pol/
>he still reads Flop x Axed
>yfw Damian's dad was involved in the project connected with Anya
>yfw they finally meet each other
scotch is B tier elegance at best
at least go for bourbon which is A tier
>Implying Damian's dad won't be not!Bruce wayne.
>mfw manga like this, Yotsubato, Otoyomegatari, or Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san are making me want my own family
I've got to step my game up anons...
That didn't stop Fubuki at all
Damian's dad was the good guy all along.
Walk into an orphanage and adopt a random girl just like Twilight
A proper family needs both a mother and a father. I couldn't rise a child properly by myself.
I'd consider adoption only if I found out I was infertile.
> manga are making me want my own family
All according to keikaku
they actually make it very hard for single men to adopt, you have to jump through a lot of hoops put in place to sift out the pedos, child abusers, and just bad parents. They mainly accept married couples, most adoption centres prioritize a good environment with support for the kid, and single parent households of either kind are not highly rated, especially if the parent is working full-time and there's nobody home to raise the kid
And even if you go to some sketchy tijuana orphanage, the kid you pick up will probably be an addict, a delinquent or just straight up retarded
>And even if you go to some sketchy tijuana orphanage, the kid you pick up will probably be an addict, a delinquent or just straight up retarded
Anya is two of those things
may as well bring her down to the local opium den and get the trifecta going, then
she's only addicted to hugs and she's a delinquent for the sake of justice aka punching dumb boys
>he expresses regret seeing Anya
>ships him with Damian
would be great
I hope Drill Loli is relevant, she seems cute
100% there’s some fuckery going on between the countries and anya’s original circumstances
That sounds so good it will most probably be part of this manga eventually, I'd be surprised if it wasn't. That is if it doesn't get axed too early.
I swear to fucking God, if japan axes Spy x Family it deserves another few nukes.
>>ships him with Damian
>muh grankids espers.
>believing in Axeman not to get axed
>That is if it doesn't get axed too early.
Calm down, the first volume already has a reprint, manga got extra chapter in WSJ and it's in mangaplus top-3.
Right now it's safe.
>the entire mission is his keikaku to eugenics an esper grandchild
Underrated post. I almost spit my beer.
>the first volume already has a reprint
What does this mean? Genuinely curious.
That's a very old joke here, newfriend.
Why are you implying that I think it is new?
It means they are out of stock so they need to print more volumes.
Of the 50.000 volumes put in circulation Spy x Family managed to sell 39.000 copies in just 4 days
Overreaction to a so-old-and-obvious-joke-it's-boring.
I think you might be just spending too much time on Yea Forums friend.
Why is she always this sleepy?
Kids gravitate toward being very excited and very sleepy with not much in between.
She stays up half of the night listening to her Pa's thoughts about his secretion missions because it's cool and the other half listening of Ma's thoughts about how she wants to ravish Pa.
Also this, kids have poor resource allocation skills.
She's 4-years-old. What did you like as a 4-year-old?
lmao it's okay, just lurk more.
Okay fren, lurk less.
I'm the background.
>visiting /pol/
What is the best way to get killed by Yoru ?
No fucking thank you
Did you even follow the link? Literally free to read on their site.
>flop x axed
I give it 3 volumes.
>implying not putting paywalls on other mangas
I would fucking shiv you if I knew you in real life.
Shut your whore mouth. Japs have shit taste, but they can't possible have taste THAT shit.
Thank You for your kindness but I already read the chapter on MangaRock app
>inb4 ads
PersonalDnsFilter just werks
Have faith.
YoruxLloyd doujins cannot come soon enough.
I want them to make sweet tender love in some dirty alleyway after running away from some thugs/agents. (I assume this would be after they learn their real identities)
Oh fuck I forgot this. I guess I'll read tomorrow.
Patience user. What we need is some progress first. We need Yoru to gradually become more and more suspicious of Lloyd and his abilities, as he gains more and more respect in her yes, until it culminates in a chapter where he saves her somehow and spills the beans on who he really is, followed by a passionate but awkward kiss.
I need this in my life.
May you and your family be blessed with good health.
Are western families so corrupted that anons seek confort and self-inserting in a fake family in a gook cartoon?
I mean it’s just a nice book, the arts good and the family dynamic is cute. If you’re bitching about hook cartoons why are you here?
>both of them saw some couple being cute with each other
>both of them realize they never did anything
>both of them simultaneously want to make the first move
>its kaguya all over again
cant wait
The best thing about any kind of development in this manga is Anya will be completely privy to it all. Twilight and Yor falling in love? She will know. Damien falling for her even harder? She will know.
Genius premise.
>inb4 i knew it all along
>passionate sex afterwards
holy shit
She doesn't seem to understand what Damian is going through, though, because Damian doesn't know it himself either.
Can someone post the punch image? I remember some cropped it.
That is indeed pretty cash money.
The question is, how will she reacts when the romance of her "parents" starts. She's 4, it will be incomprehensible to her.
I'm don't know how Yoru's side hustle of murder can really fit in with the rest of the story aside from just generally trying to hide it from Twilight, since I'm not sure Anya can really interact with assassin mode Yoru in a way that doesn't traumatize her
>Anya can really interact with assassin mode Yoru in a way that doesn't traumatize her
That's assuming she wasn't already traumatized by her past when she was experimented on.
Her reaction to murder might be just "gross but cool".
>She's 4, it will be incomprehensible to her.
She knows more than enough
>i want a brother
oh shit nigga this is fucking golden
>9 chapters
>literally nothing happens
Bravo, Tatsuya. Bravo.
Cute things are cute. Wanna fight bro? We can take it outside.
I'm sure there's some surface level "romance" in her spy tv show, but that doesn't mean she will understand Yoru falling for Lloyd and getting progressively more and more bashful around him.
Actually, that might help her understand Damians feelings, since it would be a similar type of confusion and denial.
are you shitposting this way only in romcoms or do you go to OP too?
>best mom teaches her adopted daughteru how to tame a tsundere
fund it you bastard
>Western society
I'm the corrupted one
so when are they going to give anya more esper powers like telekinesis
>She doesn't seem to understand what Damian is going through, though, because Damian doesn't know it himself either.
So Yugi vs. Pegasus?
Damn, brace yourselves for some 4D chess, lads.
Damian is(will be) a tsundere, but Lloyd/Twilight probably isn't. As said, he is a "mission autist". He sees only one thing in his life, and that is his missions, which are supposed to lead to peace(how exactly, not sure). He wouldn't notice if Yoru fell in love with him for real even if she confessed. He'd probably think she's actually a spy and it's some kind of trap.
He might grow to care for his fake family, but he probably wouldn't sacrifice the mission for his "family", at least not right now. Actually, that might be the final arc of sorts. When he has to decide between the two.
I meant Yoru herself
Twilight has too much of PTSD to ever consider settling down on his own, and i think only being told to kill Yoru and/or fetch Anya back to lab would make him stop and think 'wtf am i doing exactly'
this isn't a romcom you brainlet
>this isn't a romcom you brainlet
we'll talk again about it in forty chapters or so
Twilight isn't the kind that will go "b-baka!" like Damian but you can bet he'll go full denial or dismiss his own feelings hard because he has already been shown to do that.
>I'm defending my fake wife and my fake daughter and fake pretend to go the extra mile for them but it's all for the mission even though I'm shooting myself in the foot here no other reason I'm a professional!
>He wouldn't notice if Yoru fell in love with him for real even if she confessed.
I think that depends on Yoru.
The fact that he was going out with that politician's daughter in the first chapter shows that he understands seduction and relationships to some extent. Lloyd is more of an autist in the sense that he's numb to feelings; as we saw in the interview, he can still pick up on (normal) social cues.
The LOLMISUNDERSTANDINGS will likely come from Yoru's autism.
Yoru: (Maybe if I point out how good I've been with his daughter, he'll realize I would be a good wife for real!)
Yoru (glaring, out of nervousness): "How long..."
"...have I been taking care of Anya...?"
Lloyd: (shit, she's pissed that I've been taking advantage of her all this time)
>Not wanting to have a daughter
I'm very excited to see Twilight and Yor's relationship develop, bros.
>her right eye is always half open
Anya is adorable and so are the rest of the kids, but I hope it's not going to be just school drama with Twilight/Yoru occasionally dropping in for the foreseeable future.
There is sth called GPA bro..
>but I hope it's not going to be just school drama with Twilight/Yoru occasionally dropping in
I'm more worried that it'll become the Anya & Twilight show, with Yoru becoming a background character who will occasionally use her superhuman strength for shenanigans.
Yoru will come into play whenever his brother decides to enter the plot or after the obligated Twilight hit request
old habits die hard
I mean, that's pretty much what it's been so far.
It'll suck if it stays that way, since Yoru is such a high-tier fake-u, but at the very least, Spy & Psy are elegant enough to keep it serialized.
her fuck I'm getting sleepy
>whenever his brother decides to enter the plot
Yeah, or just Yoru's social life in general.
The dinner party was fun as hell, we need more of that.
why does she have the dumb horns anyway?
How many chapters until the axe?
Imo it's the best. Weekly is taxing on the mangaka. Quality always decline as the series progress. Besides we get more page so it kinda makes up for it.
Why did she cry while apologizing? There's nothing to cry about.
This. Longer, well-planned chapters chapters that don't have to rely on cliffhangers are just better.
I reread the whole thing and Yoru isn't as absent as you guys make it out to be, granted she's not really the center of the plot most of the time and I understand from where the complaints come from but you guys make Yoru seem like a ghost
The weight of the guilty.
she was reading the minds of Damians friends and they were thinking of insults that they thought Damian was going to say and it made her cry because shes fucking 5
They were bullying her in their minds.
Anya is literally the best daughter anyone could have.
Reminder that none of this ever happened and all the events depicted are just figments of Anya's imagination, borne out of a desire for a real family.
Anya is psychic and Yotsuba is invincible. Theoretically, the best daughter would be both psychic and invincible.
i'd be scared because she could read all my weird and dirty thoughts
>Having dirty thought about your daughter
I think user's complain about Yoru is regarding her lack of proper agency to the plot right now. Both Twilight and Anya are striving forward to get to Desmond, but Yoru remains on the periphery because she doesn't have much to aim for other than wanting to play the proper mom. She can affect the plot by circumstance but she doesn't have any stakes or voice in it, which in turn affects her actual importance and the chances to have a meaningful moment. So the story leans towards Anya and Twilight so much so Yoru sort of feels like an afterthought.
This isn’t much of an issue now because the manga’s still in its infancy so to speak and it can also be easily fixed by giving her something to do in relation to Desmond, nevermind the author's obviously setting up for eventual Twilight vs.Yoru, but the question is how long do we have to wait before that happens which I think is a fair question .
Just wait for Yoru to finish training Anya.
She's the descendant of Ashe the witch
Too much mental stress due to mind reading
That's some high-level warfare
I swear to god, I will find you degenerates and light you on fire. Keep your degenerate opinions to yourselves.
Lolifags and Yuriniggers on suicide watch!!!
Is this manga good.
yes if you like wholesome stuff
>yes if you like wholesome stuff
Also known as "having good taste".
when are we gonna see my boy Scruffy again?
Kids cry all the time when apologizing.
5head loli is fucking adorable
Is Anya actually 6 and small, or is she like 4 like Twilight originally thought?
shes most likely 4-5
If her age is on the clock...
I like how the other kids behave like kids
Makes sense that Anya is a bit different due to being psychic, but a lot of writers fall into the trap of having kids act more like teenagers, so seeing them actually act like kids is refreshing
>Male tsundere
K I N O. No more Saikawa'd posting and no more Rabbit Dropped posting allowed. We have a prime ship here, let's nurture and protect it.
My brother. Male tsunderes are rare, but I find the attribute suits male characters more than female. Sadly shoujo love interests usually fall into either "seductive bad boy" or "kindhearted genki boy who inevitably loses the love triangle".
I suggest you to read the deathflag novel. It's about protective tsundere boy x Kind hearted yamato nadeshiko girl. The dere moments are fucking great since he is pretty "harsh" on her and she knows that he is a tsundere
>Inb4 isekaishitter
I've only read baccano, sukasuka and deathflag novels.
I'll take a look, thanks.
>user links you to the official translation for free
>it doesn't ask you to sign up or anything, it's just the newest chapter in their manga viewer
>your fucking post
>Yea Forums is 78% shonenshitters
It's terminal.
Is her name Yor, or Yoru?
>Lloyd Forger
>Yoru Liar
>Damien falls in love with Anya
>does all he can to get her to like him back
>he's at his highest
>Twilight kills his dad
>"Heh, nothing personal, kid."
Cute and funny
I want a shojo version of their highschool years
>Male Tsundere x Bubly Mindreader
Childhood friend and a tsundere. Can anyone else even compete?
Pretty easy to compete with the literal Anti-Christ.
Only 11 chapters til the axe!
>They were pun names all along
Hory shitto.
>This keeps getting more popular
>your favorite mango gets axed because its shit
Must be frustrating axe user.
oh come on he doesn't even have the Hellhound
also he's just victim of his circumstances
Wait you’re up to something
Damian knows it perfectly well, he's just in full blown denial phase.
Anya is confused right now because Damian's mind is a mess. But she definitely got creeped out by his slowly growing lust for her.
IF the story actually goes with both Damian and Anya actually taking a liking to each other I hope Lloyd won't fuck up his adoptive daughteru's love life.
Damian please, you're still a child.
Don't you get it? At the end he'll have to choose between his fake family happiness or his mission. This shit is cliche as fuck but it depends on the execution.
whats up with the axefag?
Is the name of the novel is My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending ?
Nice, thank you. I'll take a look too.
Sorry user but I'm one of those people who close tabs immediately when words like "pay" , "purchase" , "premuim" ,etc
Twilight. But he will try to stay in denial
Anya is this manipulative now, imagine her in middle school.
No problem. Enjoy
She's got nothing on Takagi.
>Anya is this manipulative now, imagine her in middle school.
But I don't want to imagine that at all.
It's far more likely that Twilight + Yoru will save Damien's dad, earn his trust, and then Twilight uses him for high level leaks.
How come there's so little fanart if the series is so popular? GIVE ME MORE ART DAMN IT
it just recently got popular
hopefully more soon
>Axeman finally got his break
I'm happy
I think part of the reason why it's sold out is because the cover is so visually aesthetic, the mangaka has great art and also a great choice of colors.
unironically true if this manga didnt work out he prob would have killed himself
The stars sure aligned for him, huh?
I'm actually happy he didnt give up, because this proves he's pretty great and also creative which is a true rarity in the world of manga.
timeskip fucking when
its way to early for a timeskip
Jesus user we are only 9 chapters in
when twilight realized that this mission would take longer than what he expected
>Twillight give up on Anya achieving anything
>Yoru also need her own children to fool her brother
>timeskip to Yoru(8 months pregnant) expecting delivery anytime soon.
I see shounenfags complaining about this manga not moving fast enough. How fast do shounen mangas usually move to make people complain this much?
No idea what they're talking about, long running shonen tends to move the slowest because they need to not run out of steam, along the fact that they don't want to make the powercreep too blatant with their progressively more powerful characters. Spy is a romcom, there doesn't need to be an El Hermano to shake things up.
>there doesn't need to be an El Hermano
But there is an hermano
Wait a minute
It's ok, Hoppou.
Even implying the fact that Anya would be anything like that honey smelling piece of shit is an insult.
This is accurate, lolifags are fucking disgusting.