Were you chuuni?

Were you chuuni?

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Hardcore. I remember wearing these gloves to go to the cinema. I think I was wearing these skateboarder things too, and when asked I told people it was to enhance my strength
God I want to die remembering this

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How could I be something that Kyoani invented in 2012


chotto kakkoi na

No but I took tae kwon do in elementary school until I got green belt and tried to use it in a fight after school in 7th grade complete with exaggerated hiyahs and flashy kicks with awful form and got laughed at for being a massive faggot.
Guy didn't even fight me he just laughed his ads off and walked away

I just keep it to myself. and just stop saying it's the Overseer and start blaming the jews.

I still am.

>tfw 28 years old and still say things like I need mana when I'm thirsty
Might be why I don't have friends.

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Whenever I tried to pull it off reality would bring me back to my senses through the most cruel ways.
>Family makes fun of me and derides me
>Classmates bully and ridicule me
>Something happens that exact same day that makes me feel like shit and completely destroys any illusion I wanted to create
I was born cursed by an evil star demon with no means to escape my fate or fight back, it's the only logical reason.

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I knew a guy who would always wear a bandanna. He was very fit, but of course rambling about schuuni stuff didn't help. But I was his friend and in the privacy of our friends house we could crank the nerd meter we didn't care. Having friends under the same delusion helps.
I'm sorry to hear that user. I would use my time traveler powers to go back in time and be your friend, but it didn't work so well last time.

Yeah, annoyed a lot of my classmates.
I'd tell them I was sent by the Organization to assassinate somebody at the school.
I'd switch personalities.
I'd place notes on people's desks telling them to meet me at the rooftop for a mission briefing.
One of my classmates was a shapeshifting eldritch abomination that would poison you if you touched him. Another was a holy paladin who could heal the poison.
One of my friends had a really dark looking house made of stone. He was the vampire.
I'd spread rumors of a secret underground labyrinth under the school with lots of gold. I had my own writing system.

I still am. Super ultra mega chu2.


Had a messiah complex

That's actually cool. Your friends were supportive.
How so
What's that?

No, but a friend used to run with his arms behind in middle school.

Where you think only you can save the world.

No but I was a weird kid. Nice blog thread by the way.

I went through a phase when I was 14 where I was an atheist. So, yes.

But you are the only one who can.

I had a naruto headband around elementary school time, but only brought it a couple times to show off and no one thought it was that weird since things like pokemon and dbz were popular. After that I had the self-awareness to hide my powerlevel though. I'm still a 21 year old who wants to die and be sent off to an isekai world if that counts.

>past tense
user, one does not simply step away from such powers.

don't worry user he was actually secretly scared and wanted to avoid the fight in grace

you should've kept wearing it I bet chicks would dig it. maybe get a flak vest and some Uggs too

>would pretend to be a giant robot in elementary school
>had a habit of reloading non-existent guns in middle school
>put meter sticks in my belt loop and draw them like a katana in high school
>actually I still do that
>if someone I know is walking toward me, I like to whip out my six shooter and put 6 holes in their chest in a half second
>if I'm in a chair with a moveable armrest, I like to slam through gears like takumi fujiwara

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nah, I didn't want to be like that kid who walked back and forth on the playground wearing gloves and making motorcycle noises

School is designed to strip away any sort of powers person could have and turn them to npcs
Only way to get them back is to become a wizard
Government doesn't want you to know this

Am I a chuuni if I really like chuunishit?

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Don't we all?
>still reload imaginary guns while I'm alone at work. Even adjust imaginary holsters and center axis relock corners

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Imaginary hologram interfaces for imaginary supercomputers from my watch/in rooms, controlling drones that have cameras and shit
Magic shit, transformations and stuff
Some things I’ve abandoned or changed over the years and some stuff have barely changed in 25 years.

I'd a chuuni.

>this thread

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Yes, luckily I was too socially awkward to show it to other people.

Me too. I'd feed her delusions buying strange stuff online.

Yesss, your secondhand embarrassment gives me life~!

Sure is summer

I did the naurto run all the time in middle school, still want to fucking die remembering that.

I wish it was.

OK fun killer go drink more water and get some sleep.

You're underestimating my power, user.

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You are walking to school one day and find some loot. What item is it?

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Aah. A Vorpal Sword. I'll be unstoppable.

Oh boy, was I chuuni. Well, not really. I kept most of my shit to myself. However,
>spent all my free time planning or writing my big stiry
>it was real top tier chuuni shit
>self-insert protagonist coming from an ancient noble line of humanoid demons, 3rd in line for the throne, banished from demon world by other successors to the throne
>wants to build a goddamn Mazinger to break back into demon world, get throne and manifest destiny
>meets underground civilization of moss demons who agree to help him build the not-Mazinger
>on his way back home he gets jumped by a masked demon hunter who is also probably a demon
>MC is not exactly a frontline combatant and more like an engineer without gear so he gets wrecked
>saved by the demon who the masked demon hunter was originally after, a runaway ancient demon girl with long pink hair
>she's the daughter of the royal messenger and spy master who served the ancient demon noble families for generations
>saves MC, recognizes his lineage and says that her best chances of survival are to stay with him
And that's just the first chapter
The next chapters include building not one but three Mazinger, high school drama, fighting a NGE angel that looks like a gigantic plasma slug that eats storm clouds, high school drama, fighting opposing Mazinger knockoffs and saving a bunch of imprisoned wizards and demons, high school drama, getting banished to the abyss where MC build another Super Mazinger to break out and kick ass, fighting a fucking Elder One and winning, cosmic horror never had a chance against 6 Mazigers (they refurbished the knockoffs) and the MC getting married to the rose pink haired demon girl.
And that's just the first 1800 pages. I kind of lost steam there.

Also, I made a tulpa of the rose pink haired demon girl and she's still around, in fact, I consider her my true love.


I had social anxiety and never had the courage to talk to my classmates. I'd still think chuuni-esque things in my head like "I'm on a secret mission" to get myself through the day. I still to that from time to time.

Imagine being born in Japan and focusing all that autism into a light novel. Wasted potential.

kinda? I just keep telling people they are just figments of my overly imaginative mind
watching chaos head while high was a mistake, doing datura was even a bigger one
I often LARP like I'm some kind of drug lord scientist, I can't even extract morphine from poppy straw without it looking like brown goop and tar and like crusted brown sugar
I kinda just stop talking to people for a month or so
I drop bits and pieces of information that would indicate I'm dying
I sometimes tie up my arms and legs even when pain is minimal (but I don't do it if they are ok)
I pretend like sun is going to scorch me so I stay in shadows in summer and when K have to go out into fully sunshine I cover my face with my shirt like theres something reeking nearby

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user takes 5 damage.


>drop bits and pieces of information that would indicate I'm dying
That's cool

Kind of. I injured my back because I tried doing a backflip back in middle school like an anime character. It didn't go well.

I still do it
Drawing imaginary swords or guns, yelling at random times to cast spells, using latin words to do that, talking to stray cats to absorb knowledge or receive information from them as scouts, generically laughing like a complete maniac whenever I feel like it
Last week I was yelling at the sky to try to stop the rain

I got chuck it into google translate and send it to a Japanese publisher for shit and giggles

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Are we fucked, or are we happy this way?

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not outwardly, no, but I definitely had a lot of stuff going on in my head that was chuuni as fuck

>Sitting in a boring class imagining a school shooter breaking in and killing him with a pencil, becoming the hero of the school
I thought about this scenario too much

Dunno if this counts but I used to believe I was secretly a lazy genius and that I only got shitty grades because everyone in school was just constantly memorizing shit except me.

>tfw I still do that

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The fuck's a chuuni?

>listening to music with your headphones on and imagining yourself in a fight scene to that song

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I actually always came up with “cool” firepowers for myself when I was younger. What is it with chuuni autist and flame based powers? I was a sort of pyromaniac with friends trying to impress them and make them believe I really could control flames. Just glad I didn’t burn shit or myself up.

>snk ost Levi Vs Female Titan on repeat

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100% on the inside but I tried not to let it show.

God yes. I used to naruto run everywhere and had one of those death note notebooks.

Makes me cringe

Her feet are a bit small don't you think?

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I'm super happy about it

>tfw was smart in hs
>tfw didn’t do shit with it
Now a fucking loser living with dad making peanuts in a dead end job wishing I was dead every day.

>tfw I do similar shit to this
Right now I mostly just daydream about going back in time and redoing my life the right way while also somehow being good at everything. God I hate myself.

>Right now I mostly just daydream about going back in time and redoing my life the right way while also somehow being good at everything.
I do this every fucking day and go to bed wishing I'll wake up as a child again with my current knowledge/strength/skills

>I'll wake up as a child again with my current knowledge/strength/skills
so, just an average child then

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Thats a big chin

I still am

My friends are just as cringy but in other ways
One guy is obsessed with like killing his coworkers and pretending to be in the mafia, its really weird

Sort of. When I was in Primary School, during recess I would pretend I was a Super Star Destroyer.

>imagining myself in super smash bros and coming up with movesets and final smash attacks, all of them in sync with music

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I legit grew up in deep woods - like, miles from nearest town woods - but my autist tech-dad insisted on having a T3 connection dragged out to our house when that was still a hot-shit thing.
having autist dad with 1970's kung-fu movie collection + unlimited highspeed access to early anime P2P + literally no one around for miles to see me and stop my shit = So fucking Chuuni for literally a decade. I started early and ended late.

>met best friend when I was 11
>he was Chuuni even after we graduated highschool
>he was only Chuuni around our close group of friends
>Chuuni training made him ultra buff
>Became Ace of highschool wrestling team
>only made him sperg out harder
>girls thought he was a chad
>got into a lot of highschool beef involving friends and other schools/groups into fights becausw lf his Chuuni tendencies
>this only furthered his reputation
>gave me great advice when he was sperging out
>"user don't ever feel like you arent important in life, our author just hasn't written your arc yet"

Chuuni's are real bros.

A little bit. I really wanted to be a werewolf. Stopped when i was 14 or so

>think of myself shooting up the school instead now
how times have changed

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Hopefully our wish comes true user. So much shit I want to do over again the right way. Like not being a complete piece of shit.

I do Kamen Rider poses while waiting for my kettle to boil the water

>"user don't ever feel like you arent important in life, our author just hasn't written your arc yet"
That's inspirational as fuck user.

Yes, of the 40k kind. I still think 40k is cool.

listen here fucker

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Yeah, but it mainly involved me being some badass soldier instead of having fantasy powers.
Like I found a half face gas mask in the basement one time, and it somehow snowballed into a past midnight post-apocalyptic LARP session where I ran around the dark house carrying a russian air rifle, an airsoft 1911, and a morakniv while wearing a fur hat with a flashlight I shoved in there somehow, safety glasses, the gas mask, a shemagh, a leather-like jacket (really it's just brown), skinny jeans and winter boots, with the goal to find a lost technology in the basement (aka my phone).
Thank god I studied how to ninja walk and other stealth shit because I'm fucking cringing right now just imagining what would have happened if someone had caught me.
Fuck S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

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>Were you chuuni?
Still am.

>whip out my six shooter and put 6 holes in their chest in half a second
i wouldnt fuck with you user

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No, but I knew someone who was. Funniest part was we were in college.

>"user don't ever feel like you arent important in life, our author just hasn't written your arc yet"
What a bro

I kinda still do that but it's mostly remembering how fun being in mosh pit felt.
Can't do that anymore due to being old and damaged spine.

your dad sounds cool

>mfw someone caught me singing and doing the x pose and song

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My family gave up on me long ago, in fact they see me singing to anime songs as training for being multilingual. Currently learning German and Russian but maybe I should slow down because I'm loosing it.

When I was about 14 I carried around various items to trade when I got sent to a magical world. Some video games and batteries, a watch, a pocket knife, and snacks. I figured that would be enough for a sword and armor I needed to get a start.

>I made a tulpa of the rose pink haired demon girl and she's still around, in fact, I consider her my true love
you're even more far gone than a chuuni

>tfw also pretend to be a soldier
>pretend I’m still in high school
>get paid by us military in millions of dollars for missions because I’m a superior weapon to nuclear arms
>dress like a hi tech anbu black ops
>backstory I make for myself is similar to ironfist
>crashed in middle of nowhere China
>get taught assassin shit by monks and martial arts master like kenichi from hsdk
>black hair and brown eyes when normal
>hair turns grayish white and eyes get red like sharingan when in attack mode
>have badass aztec tattoos over chest back and biceps
I’m too old for this shit

in my days we'd imagine terrorists instead

Lil bit

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I am cunny

get some friends you fucking loser

Partly. I formed a group after watching a lot of police/detective films. We practically spied after neighbours and made a book with everyone's schedule. The worst part about it was our name. I don't even want to remember it.

the real lesson of this story is to get buff and become good at sports

I just want you to know, I love you.

>The worst part about it was our name. I don't even want to remember it.
What were your names anons?
Mine was Black Cat, it was a nickname my grandmother gave me so my family just calls me that.

I used to have full on autistic walk abouts in my backyard. I'd just pace back and forth on the patio with my hands folded behind my back while I played out elaborate fight scenes in my mind. Sometimes I'd be pacing out there for hours. Only really stopped when I turned 16 or so. Now I only do that when I'm laying in bed listening to music
My mom used to call me out when I was doing it in public when she saw me fidgeting and my face contorting.

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I know. I forgot to mention that I wear a ring since we're engaged.

meant to reply to OP
Guess I'm still autistic

Lucy I was hella stealthy kid.

>and pretending to be in the mafia
That's what happens when you marathon The Sopranos.

Do chuunis deserve bullying?

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Yes. Relentless, merciless, pitiless bulli
The sooner you beat it out of them the better
>t. was once a chuuni

Those who are infected with the chuuni can never stop being chuuni. They can only hide it.
>tfw almost 30 and having chuuni daydreams all the time

I agree, but the sooner they stop naruto running in public the less traumatic memories they accumulate later

This is me, but during recess around other kids. My favorite battlemechs are Bushwacker and Vulture.

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Yeah, he is. He's the definition of "cool nerd" for sure. I inherited the Nerd but not the cool.

I dream of various “cool” ways of dying and then having people remember me fondly.

I do this too

See, the thing is not everyone goes that full retard.
I never ran like that but did carry a metal bar under my sweater across my arm, in school it helped a lot because we had at least one riot a year with the swat team showing up, the first year they busted a kid with a gun, another had a 9 inch knife and another kid got sent to the hospital after someone bashed his face with a steel rod.

Where is this, Detroit?

>listening to a good song and imagining playing it at my high school cultural festival and everyone liking it
This is normal right? As a 27 year old.

I love Rikka!

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When did I post this?

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If it makes you feel any better, I knew a guy in Uni that wore them to every lecture for basically the same reason. He also liked wearing an oversized blazer and a fedora.

I wasn't but nowadays I wish I was because it looks like it was a lot of fun. I guess all I do to try to recapture a bit of happiness these days is I drive a little more recklessly when a eurobeat song comes on

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Make this real please


Why always Florida?

I knew this guy, in high school, who thought he was a ninja. Always wore a naruto headband, did those hand signs, claimed he had all three special eyes, to a group of girls, and did the ninja run every chance he got.
There was this other guy, from my course, in college who wore his lab coat everywhere he went, I think he was trying to look like a mad scientist. Wasn't really cringey or anything, but he'd make his coat billow out everytime he went out a door, and did pic related whenever he answers or asks a question.

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Yes, but in a meme way. My chuuni was something like bobobo

>"user don't ever feel like you arent important in life, our author just hasn't written your arc yet"
Based as fuck

Swamp gas leaking out of the everglades, incest, and beaners

>tfw when your author is Miura Kentaro

i'm listening kiddo

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Nah. But every now and then, when I was alone in my room...

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don't make me unleash my chuuni power

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If this happens I'd literally stop being a virgin when I was 10. I was so close.

Close enough, it's the water from Turkey Point, Haitians having something against other blacks which I find funny and Cubans vs Mexicans plus retards trying to start their own little gangs based on whatever street they live in.

Not really, if you wake up as a child with the current etc, you would probably do the same things you previously did except the mistakes which got you into serious shit.
The problem of that is that if you somehow made a change that alters your future then you might not even study for the things you currently know and hell, maybe never even visited Yea Forums in the first place.

>>The problem of that is that if you somehow made a change that alters your future then you might not even study for the things you currently know and hell, maybe never even visited Yea Forums in the first place.
Sounds better than what I am now

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>Watching a chuuni in anime
>Thinking about my middle/high school life
I wish I was bullied. I deserved it and a lot more

Fuck you I don't want to loose more people that make my life worth staying alive for.

All you have to know is invest in bitcoin. Mine it on a shitty laptop even if you're born in the poorest of poor families, and you'll be rich.

I need to get back to 1999.


the fuck is a chuuni

When I was a wee lad, I associated Hell and Satan with burning so I thought the Sun was trying to possess me when I stared at it. When I saw everyone playing in the Sun at recess, I thought they were possessed by the devil so I yelled out to them
>if you guys don't want to burn in Hell, come to me I will save you because you are possessed by Satan and I have magic powers from reading the old testament
and a good number believed me and even begged me to save them from eternal damnation. I then gave them some instructions:
>first, go into the shade next to the multi-purpose room
>drink "holy" water from this can of surge or something
>say something in a made up language I thought up on the spot
>eat the "blood and body of christ" which is actually some kind of doritos
>and bow before me as I slap satan out of your head.
They did everything word for word and the lunch lady who was a stauch catholic latin american thought I was starting a cult and nearly got my parents called.
I don't know whether I should feel impressed or embarrassed that I managed to convince a bunch of classmates that I was their salvation.

I was never an active chuuni, I'd daydream on my own time or in class but never did anything beyond doodling. I feel like I missed out a little because if there was ever a time to be a chuuni it was then. Now I just try to channel the urges into a failed novel.

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I want this to be real.

The thing about being a chuuni is that you need someone to enjoy being one.
I had my brothers and family and I had the tendency to act like a cat and being stealthy as shit so that was plus for me but if you have no one to enjoy doing stupid shit then it doesn't have the same good impact, in fact others think you are nuts.

Maybe you are their salvation, and ours too. The school system is designed to suppress people like you.

Wow this kind of bullying won't fly today. Good thing this was years ago, would've been a controversy if this aired now.
Didn't know what the director was thinking. It wasn't funny even back then.

Are pro wrestlers just socially accepted Chuunis?

>still imagining this as a lv32 wizard

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Only if they act the same way in private life.

Based grandpa. I'll mosh for you too next time, sorry about your spine.

Only because they get paid

Chuuni girls are one of my biggest fetishes. I wish I had a chuuni gf in high school who I could share my chuuni experiences with but instead I'm alone and empty inside for the past almost 30 years.

>Also, I made a tulpa of the rose pink haired demon girl and she's still around
this is why you dont go full retard

It's fine, I had my fun and even lost hearing due to being at the front with old rock bands but I had fun, punched, got punched, picked up fuckers that fell and we laughed as we got drunk, the last concerts I went to years ago started getting sponsored by Monster so everyone was hyper as shit.

Bitch, I'm still a Chuuni.

Minus the CTE and intense traveling, getting paid to be chuuni is kinda sweet.

One time in high school the teacher went out for some reason and we were told to play some board games to pass the time.

Me and my bros played snake and ladders. It was a close game near the end.
When it was my turn I played the duelist theme from Yu-gi-oh, stood up, did a chuuni pose, "all of the feelings i've carved deep into this world ARE GOING INTO THIS ONE ATTACK!! COME FORTH!!!"
I rolled the dice and won the game. I heard one of my buddies whisper "that was cool".

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>middle school
>LARPed with a group of other chuuni kids
>My "character" was to be a necromancer and I went around during lunch break challenging random kids to yugioh duels with my Dark World deck
>my dumb ass thought necromancer and necrophile were the synonymous
>Nobody corrected me on this until freshman year
>who fucking knows how many people I told in both middle AND high school that I was "The Necrophile" while doing the stupid pose too.

What a massive fucking creep I was!

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Heh, the system did a shitty job then because I'm still very much happy with how much of a fucking retarded nut I am.
Or it could be ADHD.

Are you going to the cemetery tonight?

I meant weeding out saviors of humanity. (((They))) don't want another Jesus to happen.

Another time I was talking to a girl when suddenly one of my buddies who plays along with my delusions starts shooting me with invisible guns.
"I've had enough of your games, human. ACTIVATING COMBAT MODE" I proceed to deflect his invisible bullets with my invisible katana.
The girl couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes.

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I want to bully you!

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ah ha ha. i still am

Chuunis who get along with kids will be the best dads.

Does pretending to be a dinosuar count?

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Sure, after I put a fat bullet through the back of my brain

I still am.

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I love yugioh, and if they ever made a fully functioning VR system for it you better believe I would be on there being chuuni as much as possible, just like the anime.

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I often go off on long chunni rants about God, or "the darkness in my heart", or LARPing as someone who holds far left/right politics as a joke. People I don't talk to often sometimes walk away thinking I'm completely serious about it. mfw I find out years later

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I had a book I called the Grimoire Historia which was a chuunified record of my middle school to high school life. Sadly I can't find it anymore.

>mfw I still believe in God but they successfully removed the God in me
Whats the modern equivalent of the crucifixion? I need to right some wrongs by ceasing to exist and make way for the next messiah.

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Now this one hits close.

I was a huge tryhard about being cool.

>be 14
>meet cute 13 girl from the same town online
>chat a lot
>she's immediately falls for me
>thinks I'm really cool, practically worships the ground I walk on
>meet on a couple of dates in town
>enjoy some kissing and touching
>her parents are away one weekend
>she asks me to come over and spend the weekend at her place
>gives me her address
>go there on my bike
>get lost because I've never been in that part of town before
>spend hours trying to find the place before giving up
>she calls me and asks why I didn't come
>I don't want to look like an uncool faggot who gets lost in his own hometown so I tell her I'm dumping her
>don't return any of her desperate calls or e-mails, break contact entirely forever

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I want a chuunibyo anime where the entire school are chuunis.

Then it would just be Harry Potter.

> Naruto running in the school yard
Yep, that was me.

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The next konosuba arc is going to be a village of chunnis that has a school full of chunnis.

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Imagine if you were born several years later, this would have have happened if you had a smartphone.

I played pretend up to about 9 years old, does that count?

good shit user, had a similar situation myself. this was also way back in highschool. my friends and I came up with a game that was basically a team scavenger hunt relay with different twists. it evolved into a pretty complex game over the course of the year and eventually we got most of the class in on it but the important part of the story was the punishment system. not gonna get to in deep but if one member breaks a rule your whole team is basically detained for a random amount of time. and since the entire scavenger hunt was based on points and you were timed a long detainment could cost you the game. the way you decide the length is grabbing a card from a deck and the suit number is the amount of minutes you're team is detained 1-10, J Q K and A were 11-14 respectively. so basically my team got detained thanks charlie and had to pick a card for our length of time. one of them was gonna pick when I ran over and grabbed the card out his hand before he turned it over, crumpled it. then screamed in my best deep voice yami impression "THIS FOOL WILL DOME US LET ME HANDLE THIS, HAAAAAAA". then I proceeded to grab the deck and throw it across the room still yelling then screamed "MILLENNIUM PUZZLE GRANT ME STRENGTH! HEART OF THE CARDSSSSSS!!!!" and picked up the closest still face down card and turned it over in between my fingers like the show and it was a 1 then showed the crumpled card and it was an ace (14). so yeah basically saved us from the longest detainment time. the teacher just shook her head and smirked telling me its fine just clean up the cards. though only 1 of my friends watched yugioh and anime in general they all cheered for me. got a few funny looks and smirks from my other classmates and of course a bunch of snickers, especially the girls. of course I got teased the rest of the year from classmates but it was funny in hindsight, and I did get the nickname "duel master" till I graduated so yeah, hella chunni

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>if they ever made a fully functioning VR system

but user they did youtube.com/watch?v=AUnPN385wLI

I was never a chuuni but I used to bully cringy kids like you so I've just come to this thread to say sorry.


.....yes. It was bad, real bad. I just don't want to talk about it but it does make me appreciate chuuni characters a lot more.

watch inou battle

I'm a 28 year old semi-pro boxer and I still imagine fighting anime characters when I train. Sometimes I make speeches at them but only when I'm absolutely sure no one is around.

Well, I was going to write a spiritual successor in better English and with a more mature mindset (read: still full retard), but since there's demand for unapologetic power fantasies I might as well revive the old lore.

I was very lonely

I loved to give look of some hidden twisted psychopath even through I was pretty friendly and didn't hate anyone in class.
>carried butcher knife in bag
>always cowered my wrists with bandages pretending I cut myself
>faked sanpaku eyes
>went home after school as fast as I could like I was busy with something
>carried notebook that filled only with gore drawings
Classmates didn't give are shit but I was noticed by young female math teacher.
>draw pentagram on the back of math test and signed it slightly with blood
>spooked her for the rest of the year till I gruduate from middle school

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>Sometimes I make speeches
Do this in official matches to psyche your opponents out and to hype up the crowd.

Would be embarrassing if he gets knocked out.

I used to sit on my dads office chair and LARP as a mech pilot, pretending the armrests were the controls,with sound effects and all, when I was a wee lad.

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It would be embarrassing in any circumstances.

Never was or did anything chuuni, at least not in public. At most I'd imagine myself as a character in whatever show I was watching and imagine myself solving problems, fighting and acting cool and shit. I still do it. I think this is pretty normal anyways.

Maybe if it was pro wrestling.

>I think this is pretty normal anyways.
No it's not you weirdo.

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No, I was too self-aware, or at least not enough to do it openly. The few times I've tried DnD I love roleplaying really hard. I do love chuuni characters though, I should watch the kyoani show sometime but have never gotten around to it

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You really think that self-insertion (or at least something like it) is not normal? I don't know. Maybe it isn't. In any case, I don't see myself stopping any time soon.

I think I still am but not in an open way...

I once copied the death note ed and turned it in as a poem in my speech class. I had to recite it in class and it was so fucking hard doing it with a straight face.

please use a greentext format for stories

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I watched Gankutsuou and got a B+ on The Count of Monte Cristo essay from the worst teacher in high school

fine here you lazy cunt, dont say I don't give you shit
>way back in highschool. my friends and I came up with a game that was basically a team scavenger hunt relay with different twists
>it evolved into a pretty complex game over the course of the year and eventually we got most of the class in on it but the important part of the story was the punishment system
>not gonna get to in deep but if one member breaks a rule your whole team is basically detained for a random amount of time. and since the entire scavenger hunt was based on points and you were timed a long detainment could cost you the game.
> the way you decide the length is grabbing a card from a deck and the suit number is the amount of minutes you're team is detained 1-10, J Q K and A were 11-14 respectively.
>so basically my team got detained so thanks charlie and had to pick a card for our length of time.
>one of them was gonna pick when I ran over and grabbed the card out his hand before he turned it over, crumpled it. then screamed in my best deep voice yami impression "THIS FOOL WILL DOME US LET ME HANDLE THIS, HAAAAAAA".
>then I proceeded to grab the deck and throw it across the room still yelling then screamed "MILLENNIUM PUZZLE GRANT ME STRENGTH! HEART OF THE CARDSSSSSS!!!!" and picked up the closest still face down card and turned it over in between my fingers like the show and it was a 1 then showed the crumpled card and it was an ace (14).
>so yeah basically saved us from the longest detainment time. the teacher just shook her head and smirked telling me its fine just clean up the cards
>though only 1 of my friends watched yugioh and anime in general they all cheered for me. got a few funny looks and smirks from my other classmates and of course a bunch of snickers, especially the girls.
>of course I got teased the rest of the year from classmates but it was funny in hindsight, and I did get the nickname "duel master" till I graduated so yeah, hella chunni

I was the most chuuni teenager imaginable, but for some reason everyone liked me and thought I was funny. I gave everyone code names that they still use today, and insisted on being called Captain Red (my friends still call me Captain sometimes). I saw myself as a hero who looked out for everyone so when my friends were depressed I would always be ready with an inspiring pep talk. "Remember, in this world... We're the main characters!"

Now I'm a 30 yo NEET, but when I was close to suicide three years ago my most uptight, no-nonsense friend told me not to give up, because I was the main character.

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it's to save me from eye cancer
but thanks user, I laughed

I used to pretend I'm on a secret mission from the government when my mom asked mevto go shopping.
I've also used sticks to LARP as a soldier and did Naruto attacks on my friends in elementary school even through I didn't watch Naruto.
I had Messiah complex in middle school.
But the most chuu2 thing I did, was pretending I had special powers in basketball like Kuroko no Basket. It started when I threw a ball from half of the court, turned and walked away and it scored.

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We're waiting, user. Why are you turning your back on us?

If it worked, is it really pretending?

Me and some friends got in trouble after our teacher found the death note we made.


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>tfw always used to run with my back hunched and my arms retracted into my chest doing a V with my fingers

We are happier this way, an introvert like me can't fully enjoy bar drinking with sociable people and think it's a boring pasttime. I'd rathee shitpost on Yea Forums

Are you the dude from Saki?

>Why yes, Eren Uchuuniha is my favorite character

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One time we were being taught basic martial arts at school using a wooden staff. My sparring partner was a guy I really liked to mess with. I'd intentionally hit really hard. When practice was over I turned around. I sensed some hostility and guarded the back of my head with the stuff. Dude was going hit me from behind but I blocked it without looking. I looked at him with my back still towards him like anime characters do and gave him a smirk. Then I casually walked away while humming a tune.
Dunno if that's cringe or badass, maybe both.

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but butterfly effect

next thing you know, you have hundreds of worthless virtual currency, and you've missed out on the sudden rise of the beanie baby trade

You only need a few bitcoins to strike it rich if you sell at the top, unless you hoards tens of thousands (which you can still easily do if you start early enough) you can't influence the market to a big enough effect to alter it's course. You only need around 50 bitcoins to make a million (pre-taxes) at it's height. In short don't get greedy, you'll screw it for all the other time travelers.

user, where did you find this picture of me?

I used to battle the ocean, believing it was my arch nemesis.

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spidey sense/10
I just make predator noises and larp as a pedo which creeps people out
I wish I was you

>Ceasar reborn

I tried to teleport like junta from dna^2
it didn't work
i also tried to do the kamehameha a couple of times
i successfully did the fusion dance with a friend once, but right afterwards we crashed chasing the same ball

I was pretty nuts.

If you believe in magic, you might be disconnected from reality due to a psychotic disorder.

I've LARPed as an edgelord since high school. Typically I talk about the suffering of being immortal and thus not being able to form friendships or romantic interests because your friends die before you. Also plenty of cutting people down with my dark-blood-edge-soul katana or shooting up the school. Friend even made my 'lore' into a comic. imgur.com/a/7d4Vh

Not the user you replied to, but know that I love and care about you, user.

>put meter sticks in my belt loop and draw them like a katana in high school
>>actually I still do that
>>if someone I know is walking toward me, I like to whip out my six shooter and put 6 holes in their chest in a half second

These are fun

My friend and I spent three years refining our own fucking chunni universe and by some strange miracle we were so involved everyone around us actually went pretty much along with it

You must be a late descendant of Caligula

I just ordered a wooden katana yesterday

All I ever did was act yandere for my friend

I guess. It always makes me wonder what went wrong, but when I was a kid, I used to be alpha as fuck. Other kids always tried to pick a fight with me for having good grades and liking nerd things, but I always won. I don't remember losing once until my early teens, so I guess it made me believe I was special in some way. Other kids looked up to me and even believed my delusions.
I remember inventing some japanese sounding word that I used to call my secret technique. I wasn't talking about it all that often, but whenever I managed to pull off something cool by accident, I told everyone it's that secret technique. This is a memory that comes to mind:

>be in elementary school
>some kid deliberately tries to splash water from his bottle on me
>I casually extend my hand with a raised palm
>the current splits into two and they both go around my body
>there isn't a single drop of water on me
>"dude... just now, that was your secret technique, wasn't it?"
>I nod
>tfw the others already believe my secret technique
>some even fear my secret technique

Good times. I also remember recreating various D&D mechanics irl. I mixed all kinds of potions and drank them thinking they would work. I kept the recipes secret by inventing my own alphabet and encoding them this way. I made around 20 wooden swords and carved runes into them to make them stronger, then challenged other kids to a swordfight. I also got into the occult for a brief time. There must also be many things I'm forgetting.

The only trait that survived the despondent depressive phase which followed the chuuni phase is imagining all the cool stuff I'm gonna make (read: ripoffs of whatever I'm obsessing over at the time) based on what I'm listening to
and even though I just need to develop one skill to start making it, it still doesn't motivate me to just pick up blender again

I got into the whole gothic rabbit hole that lead me to wiccanism and occult and 'summon lesser demons' shit. I'm still sorta interested in occult stuff, in the form of watching Ancient Aliens on tv. Wait, does this mean the Ancient Aliens guy is a literally chuuni?

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I pretended to be a lunatic in high school quasi worshiping figures like Robspierre and having over-dramatic responses when asked how much you should retalitate in situation x. Thankfully due to some eccentric behavior outside of my posing, most of the black kids simply assumed I was crazy and everyone else just followed suit.

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Aaaw shit. You got me there.
>Having the power to predict future terrorist attacks a week before they happened, and sharing that information through Yea Forums to become a mysterious Internet vigilante.
>Time-stop shenanigans.
>Recuing my favorite manga author/VA at a public event from a stabbing.
>Playing my favorite songs on the street and impressing passerbies. Despite half of them being soundtracks and the fact I haven't played an instrument since I was 17.
>Same as above, only with dancing alongside an imaginary girlfriend.
>Impressing foreigners (Japan, because of course it was) with my exotic Western nonchalance and charm. Possibly with a combination of the former three scenarios.
>Rescuing a child from a sex-trafficking ring/war orphan/Dickensian street urchin and raising her as a single dad.
These delusions have only gotten increasingly worse with age.

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ah shit of course its florida

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Oh fuck these are the best
>playing some card game with my fucking gf at the time and a few other people
>just me and another dude left
>last two cards, I either choose the right one and win or the wrong one and lose
>smirk and look at the other dude
>"Hah! You think this is merely chance right? You're thinking right now, 'if he doesn't pull that card I win.' you're looking at your cards and thinking 'how am I going to make it so he pulls the card I need him to pull'. You don't understand I WON THE MOMENT THIS DECK WAS SHUFFLED! THE WINNER OF THIS GAME WAS DECIDED FROM THE BEGINNING! IT WAS ONLY EVER ME!"
>dramatically yank the right card and win the game
>people laughing and actually really excited about it

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Love you my man!

You anons are all right. I hope you're still as imaginative as you were back then.

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I just learned to avoid audience.

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Oh god it's all coming back
>grow my hair out cause "all main characters have long hair"
I still have long hair

>STILL flick my wrist at automatic doors as if I'm some sort of god who makes things open for me

One of my teachers during elementary school would decide the line leader (the one in the front of the line when walking from class to class) by putting each of our names on popsicle sticks, putting them in a jar, and randomly pulling one out.
One day just before she pulled one out, I closed my eyes and vividly imagined her pulling mine out, and saying my name.
She did, and I used this and confirmation bias to convince myself that I had the ability to change the future to suit my whims for years.

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I had a trick back in the day. I’d soak chalk in water until the water seeps in and its moist to the touch.
When you write with it lightly against a chalkboard nothing seems to happen but when the water dries up seconds later the writing appears.

One day my teacher told me to solve a math problem up in front. I had my own chalk in my pocket and wrote the solution with it.
Teacher got super pissed that I wasn’t writing anything and told me to take a seat. Everyone in class was staring at me as the teacher mouthed off.
When the lesson resumed, everyone was shocked to see the answer on the chalkboard. The whole class was confused and whispering about what the hell just happened.
“Heh, pathetic humans”

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That's pretty kakkoii, user.

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I have the same ability but it's the opposite, everything I visualize never happens.

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I still am.


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There was another time the class troublemakers tried to lock me up in the storage room. There was a secret exit that only me and one other guy knew about so I let them shove me inside.
I sneaked behind them while they were holding the door shut and sat on a nearby chair.
“tsk, tsk, mada mada dane...”
they looked behind and had the most dumbfounded look on their faces.
Man, life used to be so fun.

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Mine are
>fighting X-COM war, be valuable because I'm autistic and impervious to psychic attacks
>find crashed UFO out in the county one day, rescue symbiotic alien and use it to overthrow my government after training on south-american drug lords and afrrican warlords
>All the while gender-bendering myself every Friday to run pussy charity for unfortunate virgins
>suddenly gain access IRL to dota2 item shop, have to trade with actual gold coins I buy with my salary, take over the country
>be isekaied as silly monster into dnd-like high-fantasy get rescued by female mage and shag her once I'm big enough
>be reincarnated as fat baron son into high-fantasy isekai, secretly learn martial arts and magic, but still make effort to appear fat, when Duke's daughter engagement is broken and she is sold to our family as punishment - I surprisingly beat the shit out of her offender on a martial tournament, wait until enemy country invades, wall off our province and declare sovereignty
>timetravel into 1890 as future Tsar Nickolay the 2 and try to keep country together while smothering all the commies in their filthy peasant cribs
>find palpable but invisible female ghost out on a cemetary one day, take it home and make it my wife
>find a creepy but humanoid-like youkai out in the forest one day, fuck it and return to buy the plot of land to build a shrine there
>be secretly an esper and kill special services agents when they come to arrest me at work
>crash motorcycle and fall into coma, actually isekai into another world which is hellish but has it's own small pleasures, wake up IRL and meet with girl I met in Hell, we hit it off
>be esper that can't see ghosts but is absolute repellent for them since birth, accidentally bump into Mieru-chan that can't get a break from ghosts, she gets the repellent and pays with her body
>I survive a plane crash and go full The Forest on island aboriginals

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That last one, holy shit, I also thought of it.

>Rescuing a child from a sex-trafficking ring/war orphan/Dickensian street urchin and raising her as a single dad.
do you plan to marry her eventually?

I'll be your friend

I've been doing for as long as I can possibly remember and I can't stop. There's just something so meditating to listening to music while walking around thinking of fights or openings for a made up show you thought up while walking around aimlessly in your own little world. I even do the faces my characters would make in certain scenarios. Except I don't walk outside, I just walk around my whole house in a certain pattern I made up in my head.

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Thanks for that greentext edit

Are you me??
I used to fight waves and think the ocean would cower before me if i fought them off long enough.

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My dream still is to become an exorcist priest

You were inspired by that one scary movie scene weren't you?

>pick up a hanger
>swing it like a fucking sword
I thought everybody do that.

>into the idea of telekinesis and such since i can remember
>continues into 9th grade where im practicing making psi-balls between my hands
>talk to a complete stranger, probably the most popular new kid in town, in french class and tell them to try it for themselves
>they swear they can feel something and think its kinda cool
>this leads to me making a ton of friends that i keep for the rest of high school
that shouldnt have turned out like it did

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>Kaltem Gibson

>or openings for a made up show you thought up
haha who would possibly do that ha HA HA HA

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There was this one kid in my high school who must have been 2 years younger than I who would come to school dressed like a Soviet Commissar. The ushanka, coat, and gloves, everything.

>freshman year
>listen to Jubyphonics' cover of The Game of Life
>make this my new philosophy of the world
>believe I can manipulate life to go any way I want if I try hard enough
>have a god I call Life that is always with me and I casually talk to if I have nobody else to talk to (pretty much just my own version of Ryuk)
>bails me out of anything I seemingly can't get out of (like when I was in the student faculty office with 2 cops present I assumed were ready to arrest me or some shit because I was accused of making a death threat to a fellow student)
>give my thanks every time he does this
I still believe all of this to this day and there's no stopping me

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Holy shit, I'm glad I'm not the only one who did this. I would pace around the side of things all the time while I was in whatever world I was in. Sometimes I'd fall in the pool but it wasn't too bad.

Yeah, I used to roleplay as my naruto oc on forum sites and shit. Used to make hand signs in class while thinking people didn't notice. They totally did. No one ever caught me masturbating in class though.

>"Heh, you made me use 10% of my power."

Every night

calm down there sand guardian

>listening to music while walking around thinking of fights or openings for a made up show you thought up
The protagonist of my imaginary mecha show can't get through the void barrier of an enemy monster with the weapons of her mech, and ends up physically picking up a downed starship and getting the surviving crew to fire the main gun. It's a cool spectacle (in my head).

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>listen to music
>imagine myself as a hero, tragic hero, anti-hero or sometimes even the villain
>do it on long car rides
>do it in bed
>still do
I have autistic moments in private, I would actually kill myself if I got caught being chuuni in public

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It's all in the delivery desu.

I stupidly believed you can find love in the 3D world.
Now I'm a wizard.

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I conditioned myself to associate specific track with novels that I read and when I hear that track I immediately begin to imagine self-insert fanfic scenarios situated in respective novel setting.

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as someone who doesn't care for mecha, this is probably the coolest shit I've ever read.

Naruto ran the mile

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So upscaled Star Wars shielded droideka takedown?

eyy I'm walking here

>pretending to play with revolver
what the fuck I still do this

Post your single most autistic chuuni fantasy.

Pick one.

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>"user don't ever feel like you arent important in life, our author just hasn't written your arc yet"
I love it

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I remember in school there was this kid who asked the gym teacher if he could show the class something. The teacher agreed and the kid Naruto ran around the hall for the next two minutes as everyone watched.


The chuuni from Saiki was trying to stop the organization

Chuuni rhymes with bully!

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I like to do this and run around the kitchen pretending to fight off a large group of attackers and think to myself "that was a pretty good move, might be useful".

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Axed would imply I'm dead though, clearly I'm just fucking filler

If im really bored i try to do operator stuff and act as if my phone or remote is a pistol

yes and it was horrible.
>kindergarten I imagined I was some sort of ruler of space aliens conquering the world.
This was when I was the least autistic, I knew it was fake and just liked thinking on my own about how cool I would be
I had a friend who was chuuni as fuck and all we did was having imaginary Yugioh battles and designing our own robot/monster designs? I don't even know what they were supposed to be other than "things that looked cool"
>8th grade
This is what makes me want to off myself. I watched Death Note and it had a pretty bad impact on me, as I turned into a massive "I wanna be like L" faggot because being the twink I am, the only anime trope I could be was the "skinny but really fucking smart guy that would win any fight just because of his 300 IQ". I fucking sat like this dude in CLASS. I have no idea how I never got bullied for it, I guess I was already nerdy enough that people just thought "huh that's new" and then stopped thinking about it.

I'm pretty sure I did more chuuni shit but my memory probably chooses to leave those things in a place I'll hopefully never have access to.

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I used to think that I could see people's auras, so I'd just be in class staring at the teacher or the back of someone's head trying to see the little glowy outline around them. Was always awkward when someone noticed of course. Also did the naruto run in gym class occasionally

>watched too many action scenes in every forms of media that you wished that you have an enemy/enemies that you can fight
I know that my ass will be kicked but the urge sometimes appear

>I used to think that I could see people's auras
you could

oh god this thread just unrepressed some memories

>last couple days of seventh grade
>sitting in the class room with my friends we have free time and were all dicking around having fun, everyone except me.
> I, I am autistically sitting by myself pretending to be steering a 17th century sailing ship in a storm
For context it was raining like crazy outside.
> i'd say shit like "aaah we're taking on water !!"
> Friends give me weird looks of concern and annoyance, but I don't break character
>the teacher fucking walks over and asks me if everything is ok with genuine concern
>I finally break character and tell him i'm fine.
>as soon as he walks away I immediately go back to steering my ship

god I hated middle school me .

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I played a lot of halo and crysis back in the day .
these scenes between missions in crysis2 had this digital map of new york so I ended up creating an interactive map of all places I had ever been to in my mind.because of this I had this empty stare and showed little emotion .
I sometimes made wierd predictions that came true like the economic crash last decade or that crazy pilot who crashed his passenger plane in the alps.

I still do this when I'm waiting for the bus or out walking, making up cool characters with unique abilities and having face and putting them in fights.

When I was a kid, not doing anything embarrassing was the only thing I could think about. Didn't speak to anyone, didn't look at anyone, tried to live invisibly. Maybe chuuni to think that that was possible, or wise, but I've got no bad memories from high school because of it.

In my old age though I've become chuuni as fuck. It's complicated, but I think I can see a legitimate path to taking over the world. Someone has to do it eventually. My dream has been to keep an eye out for them on the internet and join early, while letting them do all the hard work. But increasingly I've been getting frustrated waiting, and working on plans to start the movement myself. 80% sure I'm not crazy, and the ideology makes sense rationally. But the odds go down as time marches on and no one steps up to the plate. That's why it's so tempting to just try it.

>creating an interactive map of all places I had ever been to in my mind
That's unironically a very useful exercise.

shit i do exactly this user, be listening to music and then pace around the secound floor of my house while playing out fights and epic battles in my mind, even doing poses for the characters irl
occasionally id have a moment of clairvoyance where i would realize my window is open and id get super embarrassed

no, i was a mega normalfag at school

I'd like to think I still am.

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its does but it becomes a problem when you walk somewhere but you actually see your own map instead of seeing with your eyes .its strange that I never bumped into anything .

That's your chuuni, you're literally Shinka.

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No, I was too autistic. I hated when in any media any character had anything that covered their eye (or anything else) for no apparent reason. I would irritate my friends and family by constantly nitpicking things. My only friend who acted the same way ended up bullying a chuuni kid into suicide. I might have helped, I really can't remember. But the kid wrote a suicide letter about facing bullies at school and I don't know anyone else who made fun of him besides us.

Well it's one of the Cooper canes(not Sly's of course, that was too basic for me and my friend back then)

Well, got to deal with walking and cab rides somehow.

How? I want to do the same, for benevolent purposes, and I want to know the logistics/plan behind this.

>obsessed with killing his coworkers and joining the mafia
G-Giorno? Is that you???

I used to believe that shadows reflect the negative energy of a human and therefore people with shadows should be "purified"
I also tried to escape my own shadow

based dad

based bro

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This happened to one of my friends from. He went full autist with it, spending hours each night writing names.

Thank God, I never discovered anime until I was 21. My sincere condolences, anons.

it's a rough world for chuunis

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>making psi-balls
Just tried, Still got it

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Yes. Back then when Sailor Moon was super popular in the mid 90's i pretended to be Sailor Cheron; the only Male Salior Scout and brother to Sailor Pluto. God I wish I could slice out those memory cells out of my head that retain these memories.

I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

>brother to Sailor Pluto
That's a great idea, user. I don't remember much of a SM but Pluto had that sort of edgy and tragic backstory, I remember telling my parents all about how edgy and complicated it was. At least I didn't mention how hot she was (or so I hope)

While on bus rides to and from school and on trips, I would imagine a massive battle taking place on mountains, valleys and towns with soldiers popping out of buildings and getting blown up on hills. It was usually set in Moderns/WW1/WW2 or Napoleonic time periods.

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I also had a toon dark magician girl card I brought to elementary school and said she was my gf or some shit. That's the 1 and only moment in my life I wish I could forget.

My friends and I also got really into naruto and had grand ninja fights during recess.

I have been chuuni since I can remeber, but I'm also very introverted and asocial so I've always kept my chuuni thoughts to myself. I'm 24 and to this day roughly 50% of my daily thoughts can be classified as chuuni. I thought I was mentally ill but looking at this thread it doesn't seem that uncommon.

>I thought I was mentally ill but looking at this thread it doesn't seem that uncommon
We're at the place for mentally ill, user. Just accept it.

Basically, I've been obsessed with the simulation hypothesis for the last 13 years or so. As much as I try and poke holes in it, it really seems like, when you take it to it's logical conclusion, you're left with, what has to be, the true final religion.

The people who codify it, are going to be hugely influential, and have the opportunity to coordinate legions of awakened individuals, all of them trying to become the main character in a fictional universe, towards a common vision of the future. The future where everyone can become a god, and obtain everything they ever wanted, via the simulation of child universes. Thus, finally making anime real.

Also, there's actions we can take to prevent our home universe from ever getting deleted. That's kind of important, and might be time sensitive.

Me and my friend did a mock lightsaber battle in drama class when i was 14, we thought we were so cool. Surprised no one beat me up or bullied me in hs

>only universes that can produce complex intelligent life forms get to procreate
>when said life forms create child universes based on the mother universe so that they have a place to live in when original one grows cold and still
That's sensible.


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still am

Hi /x/ how do I summon a succubus?

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>listening to music with your headphones on and imagining you're in a film where you're the main character

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The older i get, the chuunier i become as a coping mechanism.

Vampire. I was dark and DEEP.
Turns out I was young and dumb instead.

I must be that girl because I can't stop laughing. thanks user.

I used to play with sticks in the woods because I had no friends.

The main problem is we are nowhere close to being able to create such simulated universes. It's even less believeable than the usual religions, unless you demonstrate it's possible first, nobody is going to follow it.

You're living within the dream of Brahma.

GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I ACTUALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS. It must have been from 1st to 5th/6th grade. And then now I remember I acted like a cat or other animals in kindergarten. Thank god the chuuni ended early.

holy kek. Great laugh at the end. You're alright user

I mean he's not wrong.
That's like half the reasons to become Necromancer.

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I want to squish her little meat purse

I used to have this fantasy that I was made up of "four selves": an angel, a devil, me, and me as a girl. I literally fell in love with my female side I created to the point where I would crossdress to jack off to "her" later.
Then I discovered Persona, and it got worse. Me, naturally being a P4babby, knew I immediately had to make a persona and shadow right after I finished the game. At first I started off with Arakune with Blazblue (because I was in my shitty anime fighter phase) then I realized that wasn't orignal. It took me a solid 2 years to come up with the concept of my shadow/persona was, and eventualy I ended up with my shadow being an amalgamation of all the four selves and my persona being...
I haven't looked good in a dress in years, but thankfully immediatley after I came up with a good "outfit" I would immediately draw me in it in my sketchbook.
And the worst part is that I want to start crossdressing again.

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hey as long as you don't hurt anyone who the fuck cares if you crossdress or not

This is almost painful to read, mind elaborating on how that persona/shadow concept work? I'm not familiar with the game.



Jeanne D'arc

personas are the multiple masks that you use in your daily life. In the game they give you powers to fight shadows and shit

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Take the trannypill bro

i had a game had a game back in like 2008 or something, everyone made fun of me for like a 5 years afterwards but idk, it was a good time

i was a True Vampyr with a cloak, and black umbrella. good thing im no longer open about it, i keep it to myself by being a shut-in...lol

Just don't start e-whoring, /r9k/ is out for blood after recent events.

Are you all actually still in high school or just mentally stuck there?

Thanks, sounds just about as edgy as I imagined.

the main characterin p5 is named, Joker. dont be fooled like i was, Persona is fucking terrible

I'd have phone conversations with myself like pic related. This was in like 2004 back in middle school. I didn't think there was some organization or anything cool.. I just pretended to have friends.

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I mean, that's cool, user.

Latter you don't need to grow up nowadays, just don't be dumb and get a comfy remote job to rot away at home.

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I had thoughts about it when I was 13.
Then I realized I like having a dick, and being sane.

you what?

I still do this if I want to get out of a conversation

based and redpilled
traps > trannies

>wow, what a bunch of literal autis--
Fuck, you got me

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That's both a good idea and also kinda egotistical.

How loing until an actual gender-bender pill?

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>not learning how to lucid dream and act out your chuuni fantasies in your own personal universe
you disappoint me, anons

I never needed to do this because my normal dreams were always interesting on their own.

This, I sometimes surprise myself how smart I am when I'm dreaming. Like legit think up things I would never have realized while conscious.

I took the egopill long ago my friend

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Well, my dreams aren't lucid 90% of the time anyway, but on the plus side, I can remember around 5 a night, or even more when I get enough sleep. I like how creative my mind can get in terms of creating an interesting environment, I wish I could draw to somehow bring it to reality.

Can't come soon enough, but it will likely never come. Feels bad man.

holy shit psi balls
I also used to do this near fifth grade and I read stories about people "programming" their psi balls. One person made one and it accidentally burned through his floor hahaa... God I wish it was real

I can't believe that thread was five years ago.

Time flies doesn't it?

im still pretty sure im the chosen one

The fucks that

Google it, basically controlled manifested schizophrenia

For like a week after I first watched Naruto. I carried a coat hanger around the house and pretended to be a ninja.

me too

Post Rikka's fat ass

Another believer, nice.

used to have debates with imaginary partners in my head... made some imaginary speeches... had some imaginary romances... other than that the most embarrassing thing I ever did was own a katana when I was like 14 and cut these bean-stalk looking things in the woods as practice or whatever... had throwing knives too but thats not that embarrassing... once I bought a fedora and started wearing it around the house, that probably takes the cake for me, the fedora thing.

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don't sell me short user

w-what? why a coat hanger?

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this a great manga actually

Can't believe I haven't died of cancer or age related diseases.

Shit you got me

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>Be mildly-autistic hiperactive 10th grader in 2010
>Play S;T.
>become a chuuni mildly-autistic hiperactive 10th grader.
>in my later years,i realize i seriously like science
>my chuuni persona became my real persona
And that's how i got my title in theoretical physics,follow your autistic desires,Yea Forumsutists.

I have a degree in theoretical computer science, I thought it would be cool doing virtual realities and advanced artificial intelligence. I believed I could create artificial worlds. It turns out that 99% of that scientific field is just playing with riddiculously abstract theoretical concepts so that you can compute something a little bit faster than before. Absolutely nobody understands what you do and you are given little credit. At least when you send a rocket into space, people will see it and applaud you, but nobody cares about ones and zeros interacting in the computer case.
It's a big disappointment, but I guess it's well paid at least.

>mfw I used to crossdress too

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>implying i ever stopped

Yeah sure but, for what?

I don't know. I kind of imagined it could be a dagger or a boomerang or something. I don't know if you could really consider it chuuni because I was like 9 years old and not a pre-teen.

Chuuni has a huge ass. What to do?

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>I told people it was to enhance my strength
but it works tho..

Haven't seen that one in a while.

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I use to and still currently wear a weighted vest with wight straps on my arms and legs to pretend to be Rock Lee. Jokes on them though, I got swole as fuck lugging 100 pounds around.

>tried to do kamehameha
>fusion dances with friends

yepp, that was me too. would "train" with my dog to advance my power level and try to go super saiyan with obligated intense yelling for minutes straight. also during running exercises in school a friend and i would go "cheetah speed" and run like madlads. (kinda worked tho)

ahh, good times. cringeworthy, good times

recently i've been imagining characters from anime i like and just chatting with them, its nice in a way

pic (not) related

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I grew up, but my teenage fantasy is still going stronger, with all the real life experiences I collected, I have refined the storylines and there is at least 15 years of stuff with full blown characters and story arcs.

Are you gonna write it up someday?

alpha as fuck

well i used the excuse that some scientists consider Pluto and Cheron a binary planet system. Pluto and Cheron would effectively be twins.

I still believe I'm a dragon, but not in a furry way
Fucking furries ruined my backstory and now it's a secret origin story and I'll have to kill you after telling you about it

I pretended to be a secret vampire in middle school because I was obsessed with Buffy

Your loss. Its one of the greatest books of all time.

Sorta. I pretended to be edgy because it made the popular kids uncomfortable. I was just into metal though, I wasn't a sperg.

I understand why bullying and peer pressure happens and why it's necessary, but I can't help but think everyone is a little too harsh to their imagination and innocence when they grow up. Without those things, life would be so boring, and no one would have any hopes or dreams.

We make fun of people who play Yugioh, but let's be honest. If you could don a fully leather suit with various belts, wage stand battles with card hologram fights to summon ancient beings that inflict pain to your enemies, and banish people's souls to a hell-like dimension for all eternity, you would fucking do it; that shit is awesome.

You should try to cherish that little bit of chuuni that you still have, don't let the real world destroy those fantasies and turn you into an empty boring cog.

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Only on the inside
I wish I dressed the part, but it was too embarrassing

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obligatory: naruto ran for 4-5 years, finally stopped being visible once i moved away during middle school.
>first ever exposure to secular things was a japanese version of Dark Magician of Chaos card lying on cafeteria floor, fell deep into yugioh afterwards, assembled a deck from freebies that other kids would donate, none of us knew how to play properly
>took my mom’s dress sock (it was clean) with a clothespin and made it into a face mask to better myself as a ninja, my teachers saw this
>had sharingan
>did ninja training in the backyard after school
>tried the whole running up a tree to train my chakra thing
>didn’t own toys or vidya or anything else a kid would have so i would imagine ninja fights happening on objects (as if the object was a giant statue)
>most favorite object to do this with was styrofoam that lines tvs etc because of the variety of shapes
>wrote a self-insert half demon in the inuyasha universe for pages and pages, family found it and mocked endlessly
>fast-forward to HS: get into occult stuff because of boyfriend at the time
>spoopy shit starts happening around the house and mom threatens to kick me out
>now: act like i’m piloting an EVA when i drive, fantasize being skilled sniper like widowmaker

get her addicted to getting her ass ate.

Always dreamed of dying, or nearly dying valiantly, only to wake up next to my waifu caring for my wounds. Still do that on occasion, but these days I mostly have imaginary conversations with people I know. Also, I too listen to music and make up cinematics in my head.

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I’d lmao at you right now but that’s literally me rn

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>Not being part of a make-believe weeb team of supernatural power-wielders with your circle of equally cringe friends
I was an interdimensional traveller with a pocket dimension where I keep treasures and rare eldritch creatures that I procured from different worlds that I've travelled to. Although I personally had no powers aside from opening portals, I was the second-in-command of the League and will not lose to anyone, including our supreme leader. Come at me.

>girls thought he was a chad
Because he was one user


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It's autistic and socially unacceptable, but I sat like that in a chair before I ever watched Death Note and still do, at home. Maybe people just thought you were a weirdo slav or something?

>"user don't ever feel like you arent important in life, our author just hasn't written your arc yet"
fucker literally became an MC

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Same, I feel like it let’s your imagination flow and is really calming, almost therapeutic

Well put

There was a show I watched about some kid with red pointy hair that was a pro at some sport like handball with super powers where they threw a ball at each other trying to knock themselves out, I forgot the name of the show but I was so into it that I started believing my throws had similar powers and I would waste hours almost every day in the yard throwing a ball at a wall with all my speed and strength, it turned out it actually helped make me better at handball, I was the most powerful player in my whole school year because I could score on the first hit with 90% chance, my throws were just too fast and tricky to catch. Once I almost won a game by myself scoring over 30 points in a row, later my class also won the tournament of the year with most points scored by me as usual. Literally the only irl achievement I can brag about.

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What the sauce my homie

i have loads of conversations with real people in my head. like idle chit chat where i imagine their responses.

jesus christ sometimes i make jokes and imagine them laughing

>"user don't ever feel like you arent important in life, our author just hasn't written your arc yet"
i feel better after reading this

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I was too socially anxious and depressed to be, luckily

I still am chuuni and I'm almost 30.I always kept my chuuniness to myself because I don't have the 'tism.

based maxine

Chuunis aren't atheists, they're satanists.

So was this a thinly veiled ronery thread?

>"user don't ever feel like you arent important in life, our author just hasn't written your arc yet"
fucking kino

real chuunis are pagans


It's not really that bad user, you're just being immersed in the music anyway, the same way most people look through a window when listening to sad songs. Plus, you're wearing headphones so unless you're doing weird movements, it's really a normal thing to do.


When I was like 10, yeah

this was the best thread I've seen in a long while

Why does the pacing make fantisising so much better?

>mfw Daryl Hall & John Oates - You Make My Dreams plays in my head whenever there was a firefight
>the explosions gets automatically synced to "listen to this"
>"what I want" starting as soon as a shot cracks
>"I'm down on my daydream" gets synced on everytime there were burning hajis
Afghanistan was a wild fucking time

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>listen to a song
>imagine I'm performing it for someone
>they get super impressed and develop feelings for me.
>further parts of the fantasy involve me performing different songs for them or other people
This is how 90% of my fantasies go, and it's been this way for years. No idea why.

No (Yes)

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I used to pretend to be sleeping in the 5 minutes between classes, thinking of myself as a cool, not-giving-a-fuck kind of person. Most people just thought I was fucking autistic and they were right

I actually fell asleep in class often because I'd stay up until 4am playing WoW.


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If it's any consolation, I had a friend who was happy to play Battlemechs with me.

Bushie was also one of my favorites. Its starring role in Mechwarrior 3 definitely helped.

And the AC-10.

Lads, I don't think imagining embarrassing things is chuuni, its only when you actually perform actions.

Same, when I'd zone out in class.

I remember applying for some naruto msn RP board, and was denied because I made up the power combining byakugan and sharingan, since I didn't know rinnegan existed.

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How did she do it, how did she go from a total sperg loser to a huge Stacy in just one Summer?

Instead of pacing back and forth I would walk around either dribbling or balancing on an exercise ball. I did this since I was 6 and would basically have an anime fight with the ball, all while talking under my breath.

To this day I have an exercise ball with me, and I occasionally dribble it around thinking to myself.

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I lost it because I wasn't socially acceptable, but I didn't do things all that bad lol. Just shit like snacking and eating. I realized that it was hurting me socially and even now I still get pegged for being a psycho killer despite smiling and being goofy in an acceptable manner. It's alright though because everyone needs to grow up at some point.

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I remember in eighth grade trying to make spirit balls of psychic energy by cupping my hands close together. I tried convincing my friends that the orbs had color, but none of them believed me.

I then had a major brony stint my senior year of high school and only got away with it because I was a valedictorian at my high school and I had ZERO social intelligence. College shaped me up a bit but I'm still on Yea Forums.

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>sitting at my desk during class
>take out 2 pens and hold one on each hand
>complete with sound effects, music, and speeches

>implying I ever stopped doing that

Kill me man, pretending to be a normie is honestly so fucking painful I just want to be a 13 year old loser again

This hits too close to home

This shit almost feels like an addiction, I have been doing it every single day since I was a child. Walks and car rides in particular seem to really put me in that daydreaming mood so I always look forward to them, even if it's just walking to the store a few blocks away. Sometimes while watching anime or any other kind of show and a cool scene comes on I might space out a bit because I have to fantasize about something similar. Even when I am not 100% focused on daydreaming about my own little fantasy world, it feels like it's still on the back on my mind, I take whatever activity I am doing and re-imagine it in a different, more exciting setting with different characters.

I continually piss away my time on quixotic endeavors that would seem trivial to anyone else. I imagine the struggles that I put myself through as a romanticist narrative. The one that I have been working towards for many years may be nearing completion in the coming days. Nearly all the problems that I have at the moment are because everyday problems weren't poetic enough for me.

I also get stuck in fictional universes I create in my head that mirror these problems, which I also write stories about.

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>did carry a metal bar under my sweater
>kid got sent to the hospital after someone bashed his face with a steel rod.

user, why did you do it?

Oh God I'm having flashbacks of all the shit I imagined throughout my life. I guess it's a sort of escapism from not being able to socialize with people. Most of the time is about impressing girls lmao
Luckily I never told these things to anyone
I remember being a cool cowboy, Charizard, the white Bionicle, the big Khorne demon from Warhammer fantasy, or mainly having superpowers, darkness control for that extra edge. The most embarrassing one was literally having a dream of being a werewolf and writing a story about it, I even posted the chapters on a forum back when I was 17 and making one of my best friends read it. It's probably tame shit compared to what I've read here but I still feel embarrassed remembering these things.

Big time, I would always daydream about my class being given special powers, like class isekai basically. I was never very popular and I always just felt disconnected from everyone around me, so I figured something like that could bring me into the fold. I honestly feel like its still fucking me up right now since I still feel completely disconnected from the world

You don't even know how much I laughed at this. Thanks

>always wore a hat, even in class
>was super into code geas at the time, so I forced my voice to be more like lelouch
>super cute nerdy chick with short hair liked it, felt genuine teenager love blooming between us, she almost tried to ask me out but I was acting like I didn't knew what was going on
>fuck up and end up with a literal schizo who wanted to kill herself multiple times, even trying to jump off a window instead
I'm suching a fucking retard holy shit

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I did exactly this in the past but now I only paste OP of other shows into being potential OP of shows that are, have been, will be, or will never be. For example an axed manga that I liked but didn't get an anime or whose anime never reached that point, I'd imagine it with that OP as its OP during that arc that never got animated. Or imagine an OP for an anime that is yet to be. Chainsawman is my current favourite to project Openings onto.

> impressing girls
ugh, full puberty, revenge of the sith had just come out. imagined stuff like exiting the space battle and crash landing at the school walking out unscathed all bad ass, and girls swooning. the memory makes my brain want to implode

I’ve had this problem for a long time, I genuinely don’t know if it’s even a relaxing thing anymore, it barely passes the time, I feel like a cringeful fuck because of it

poor user

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I used to constantly isekai myself into various fictional universes in my head, sometimes it would even leak into my dreams

fucking kek user

>be gigantic chuuni retard
>everyone hates me
>channel it into stories
>suddenly I'm popular
>refuse to write
>now I'm just like that Berserk motherfucker who only plays idolmaster as people beg him to update

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>tried to get super powers
>insert shonen training arc
>got super powers
I don't think this makes you a chunni.

I always wore my hat/hoodie and jacket indoors. People first thought (knew) I was a weirdo but somehow it actually became a trend. I hated them so I really don't care what they thought of me either way.

I used to have a fat classmate who always wore fedora and trenchcoat to school, but he never wore it indoors, instead he kept it in his locker. I have a short story about him.
>my friend and I enter the locker room
>one locker was left open by accident and the fat guy's fedora is sticking out
>friend takes it and puts it on my head as a joke and laughs at me, because now I have autism
>at this moment, the fat guy shows up
>we expect to get yelled at for borrowing his fedora
>instead, he looks at me with disappointment
>"A true gentleman does not wear his fedora indoors! You disappoint me."
>he angrily takes his fedora and walks away

Just remember that if you wear your hat indoors, you disappoint him as well, you have no class.

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>Just remember that if you wear your hat indoors, you disappoint him as well, you have no class.

That's basically what the teachers said to me. I couldn't help it though, my 'tism demanded a jacket and hoodie indoors all year around.

Couplet is that you?
He probably had no issues socializing.

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My entire childhood was playing pretend with friends. I had the most lively imagination out there. But then something terrible happened. Everyone around me grew up and started acting like adults. I was all alone. So I play on my own now (15 years later). I have the most fun playing with my young cousin and his friend. We build and play with legos and gunpla. Children really like me because of how well I play with them. But when im home, I play on my own and pretend that I'm a character in one of the shows I have watched. I also use my vivid imagination for writing stories and one day I want to study filmmaking and make movies. Basically I hate getting older and miss my innocent and fun childhood so damn much.

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I do the glasses thing without ever wearing any glasses

Worst I did was shooting kamehamehas and choosing pikachu when I was like 13. I still like to stretch like Im shooting kmhmh when exercising though, but thats normie tier shit. I am envious of and glad I am not like the people ITT.

I tried to focus chi to fly and do a kamehameha and later a rasengan when I was around 12-13.

I only wear hats when my hair is messed up, so I'm not taking it off, even when eating.

>Absolutely nobody understands what you do and you are given little credit. At least when you send a rocket into space, people will see it and applaud you, but nobody cares about ones and zeros interacting in the computer case.
That's definitely a case of the grass is greener on the other side. If you work in pretty much any STEM field you will work with something like this. When I was younger I wanted to be a mechanical engineer because I thought I'd be able to, "see," what was going on. For various reasons I ended up in electrical and I now work for a big semiconductor company. Some of our ICs do end up in stuff like that, but they're not CPUs or MPUs which are all anybody ever thinks when they hear, "integrated circuit." So you still get that, "I have no idea what you're saying," nod that people do, even with stuff that ends up being critical components in tangible systems. But that's what a rocket is made of: It's an end product people think is cool, made of millions of tiny things (solved problems) that the vast majority of people don't care about. (it is possible to find weirdos, but they are rare)

I'm pretty sure that if I had ended up as a mechanical engineer I'd be working on something like, "Comparison of Particular Threadings of Bolts by Statistical Long-Term Microscopic Crystal Fractures in Medium Sample Sizes." I don't think people would be more impressed by that than by slightly faster computational algorithms. At least a theoretical computational algorithm sounds sci-fi, whereas a bolt is viewed as an old, 18th century thing you can buy at a hardware store. But there's probably someone working on it thinking, "I wish I would have gone into computers. Then people wouldn't think the stuff I do is boring."

Even if you worked at Boeing or SpaceX, I'd probably be something like, "I'm on the team that researches pitot tubes," and you'd still get that, "God that sounds boring," look from people.

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yeah I used to carry a black notebook around everywhere for no reason and I would write shit inside from time to time

it was my death note


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t cook

This thread hurts.

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Fuck you got me there