Spoilers below Ryuk gives note to a genius kid, Tanaka. Instead of using the note, Tanaka decides to monetize by doing an online Death Note auction. Near (now L) tries to figure out who Tanaka is but in the end, Tanaka outsmarts Near. Some American wins the auction and pays Tanaka 1000 trillion yen. While all this stuff is happening, Ryuk gets called by Shinigami King and Ryuk announces that there is a new Death Note rule, stating that if you sell the Death Note, that person will die as soon as that person receives the money. Manga ends with Tanaka dying in front of an ATM
Kinda unfair to make the rule after it happened, but glad to see Near still sucking balls
Jace Scott
>haha lets make a rule because we dont like losing
this is fitting but a shit tier ending
Jonathan Hernandez
making up a rule because you got outsmarted by a fucking kid and got butthurt is pretty pathetic.
Brandon Harris
Okay that's stupid and fucked up.
Ryuk, you can't pull that just because the person who got their hands on the death note wanted to make some actual money instead of playing your stupid game.
That's pathetic Ryuk and you know it.
Brody Nguyen
The Shinigami were the kids all along
Nathan Clark
What are Death Note fantasies/a/? I always wanted to use a Death Note to get the girl that didn't like me to suck my cock then die of a heart attack seconds later.
Thomas Myers
that's fucked up.
Eli Rogers
That's not very nice user
Jace Fisher
Why is selling it a problem? All of Light's shenanigans with giving it to other people was fine, but selling it is a no-no? Why? Ryuk can just switch to following around the guy who bought it for entertainment. What does it matter to Ryuk whether the guy he gave it to is the one who ends up using it?