Jojo Dream

I have never watched Jojo, but I had a dream I was in the show and Giorno was gonna kill me.

What does this mean?

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Elaborate. Do you remember why he was planning on killing you?

Giorno doesn't actually care about anyone or anything. Becoming the new boss of Passione was always his goal, he even told Bruno that from the start. The bit about doing it to keep drugs out of kids hands? You believe that crap? You think he got rid of the drugs? You think he actually listens to Polnareff? You think anyone is going to turn on him no matter what evil he brings into the world knowing what he can do to them on a whim? He's a far greater evil than the man he dethroned and he's even worse because he wears the false banner of justice.
He is his father's son.

You know who else could fake tears?

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I hate to triple post but it just keep becoming more apparent. The only person who saw him for the manipulative piece of shit he really is was Abbacchio, because he used to be a cop and had that policeman intuition. He always knew.
God dammit, he always knew.

Attached: stop manipulating my friends you evil sack of shit.jpg (900x900, 128K)

I don’t know why, I think he was probably gonna spare me. I’m not sure.

t. Diavolo

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Abbachio made me shed a tear. He was a good boy even if he has one of the worst stands in the series

I too have had a weird jojo dream
>in chernobyl
>avdol is right next to the reactor
>he gets radiated a shitton
>some zombie guy comes in afterwards
>blows avdols head off
>it grows right back
>avdols eyes are now red with white pupils
>the only other thing I remember was killing a radiated dog in my driveway

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It's really not though, he just didn't use it to fight much. It had pretty good punching power. It could have been a nice all-round stand but...dead happened.

What was the point of him discovering the face of the boss if they fought against him anyways in Rome? His death was pointless.

You probably did some drugs at one point.

>"My name is Fred Jones. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Coolsville, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for Mystery Incorporated, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone."

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It means that a blond gay half-Italian half-Japanese guy is gonna come beat you up and rant about truth

Ngl this actually kinda makes sense.

Without him they couldnt go searching for matches of the face he created and they wouldnt have been able to find polnareff.

Not on your life.

He let Narancia die so he could have Mista to himself

Whatever fujo.
Mista is hetero as fuck.
The only one with gay tendencies might be Fugo but even he was admiring Trish's tits.

Are we even watching the same show? Parts 5 and onward are all fujo bait

Stop selling drugs to children.

No joke right before episode 20 of GW I had a dream I was Josuke and king crimson was trying to kill me

brp... no offence but you are delusional.

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How did you survive?

You're a fucking degenerate.
None of the characters are fags. Fujos being mentally ill doesn't overwrite canon. You're tainted.

I'll even raise you idiots this.
Araki doesn't actually like gay people all that much and the gay characters he does create are blatantly faggy and are created to be fodder.
Fujos and their mental illness do not change that fact.
He draws women just as sexually provocative as men so you have no real argument in favor of faggotry.
Accept that you are foul creatures with a warped perspective.

Giorno is actually half-british half-japanese

>wow one guy touched another guy's waist that's basically the same as saying he wants his cock in his mouth haha
