Patrician Anime Villain Tier List

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Category A in spades right here.

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"Elder God Tier" villains miss the point of being a villain entirely

Shouldn't Char be High-Tier or possibly even above that?

>Whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's.
That's Char.

That isn't Charr it is Quatrro Vagina. Although, there is no reason for him to be listed as a villain.

Maybe if you're an old fart who still thinks stories have to be black and white to make sense.

Eren is mid-tier

I dunno, does neglecting your original goals and dropping a fucking meteor on earth to teach people a lesson about space and souls a good idea?

Maybe not. He should've taken notes from Pappy and Haman.

Only doing anime so far. Not manga as of yet.

Plus, SBR hasn't been adapted yet.

villain a character whose EVIL actions or motives are important to the plot.

An antagonist is the character in a story who is against the protagonist

are u 10 user ?

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So you're just a dickler for terminology.
Does it even matter anymore when so many people use villain and antagonist as interchangeable terms?

>Job Trunicht
>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's
What the FUCK am I reading.

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But do you know who the greatest villain of them all is in anime?

Hint: what's the opposite of laughter being the best medicine?

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Griffiths motives aren't a mystery though

>OP asks for patrician villians
>Posts a patrician hero

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Where would pic related rank?

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Shigeraki is shit tier then.

What kind of brainlet cant understand Griffith

they mean completely different things faggot

an antagonist doesn't even have to be a bad guy just to oppose the protagonist , a good example would be funny valentine he just wants the best for his country

the Elder God Tier villains are not villains

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It deeply saddens me that retards take this image seriously.

>evil or lust for power
>.t never actually watched shinseki yori

But they are villains to the protagonist