Villain becomes handsome after taking off his mask/helmet

>villain becomes handsome after taking off his mask/helmet

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He looks the same just with hair.
Not like that's even canon.

glasses also count

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>Villain just starts combing his hair back
>People treat it like a big difference

Blessed image

in the case of shiggy it's the opposite

>Perfect cell isn't already perfect

>Name is Perfect Cell
>Expect him to not be perfect
Negro what

This isn't canon, right? I don't pay attention to this series at all anymore


You'd be surprised how much difference it can make

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why did toriyama's editor hate his first form again? it was the best looking, coolest, unique one
dragonball z was a horror story for an episode even, that was cool

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Toriyama's editor sounds like he was a picky fucker

because there was more spots on that form compared to final
from what i read in a manga trivia in one of pages

makes sense, that'd be a cunt to animate.

The more I hear about Toriyama's relationship with his editors, especially during that arc, the less respect I have for just everyone. It sounds like it was a disaster.

He's not a villian, you retard

Yu Kondo(Tori's editor at the time) thought it was ugly as fuck and told Tori to transform him.
When Tori did the 2nd form he replied "Well now he just looks stupid, hurry up and transform him to his final form"

>"Well now he just looks stupid

As opposed to WHAT exactly?

>ugly as fuck
yeah, it's supposed to be ugly and scary, it's a fucking horror monster that kills people for power

Was Perfect Cell always going to be his final form anyway? I wish imperfect cell could have stuck around longer. There really didn't need to be a second form. It's like it only existed to give Tien his fifteen minutes of fame.

What they really needed was more than a singular antagonist. It's just completely boring watching everyone square off with the one asshole. Having the androids around was better but we're still a far cry from when we where dealing with the Freeza posse

What if Cell never came around? What if the androids remained as the villains and were actually evil like their alt timeline selves?

I really can't say. Shit changed so fast during that arc that it's really hard to guess anything. Toriyama fly's by the seat of his pants on the best of arcs but this one especially was just unfocused. I didn't like how he made things all about aliens but there was at least some logical progression there.

>Goku's an alien
>Bad aliens show up
>Have to go to space and fight the baddest alien.

Honestly I think they should have just followed that line and went with King Cold and the freeza race. Explore that shit more.

Yeah I expected a lot more out of King Cold too.
That was a major let down.

Having Freeza show up to get one shot by Trunks was all kinds of lame.

Not really, since he was on life support but one shotting King Cold was just stupid.
Trunks needed to display his strength as a super saiyan but KC should have been more of a threat.

Piccolo would have defeated them with his Kami +Nail Power Boost.

Tell me about Cell. Why does he wear the helmet?

Middle one did look stupid though. First was unique middle was dumb.

That's called shit writing. If you can't think of a clever way to show how strong the new character is, the lazy option is to make the old character look bad.

Anyone else found it interesting how Toriyama went from an arc revolving around Sci-Fi (Cell Arc) directly to magic/fantasy (Buu Arc)? I've been thinking about that juxtaposition lately.

You do know this whole thing started as a mystical fantasy adventure right?

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Yeah you are right, I guess if anything the Saiyan, Frieza, and Cell arcs are the real juxtaposition compared to the rest of the series

Well even the original series had Red Ribbon and a metric fuckton of robots.

The old character wasn't in top form.