
Fucking Dragons
I wonder if there will be more dragons in the third series

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Everyone’s interested in the Book of Law quote, but no one cares how the colors are distorted? It shouldn’t be hot pink, baby blue or lemon yellow.

>“Heh heh hehh. If you come with me, you’ll run across that which is stored in Ryouran Maid School. That will answer the question of why maids exist in this futuristic SF city.”
I hope we get the Maika volume in Part 3 already to deal with this so we can cross off the entire "That which" checklist and get to the real shit like Touma terraforming Mars, Touma realizing fire is in fact cold, and Lolazon getting hooked on black vinegar

Just imagine owning the whistle that summons pretty dragonchad right into your bedroom to slay your pussy while breaking the sound barrier.Just how lucky this girls is,Yea Forums?

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I'm liking the theory that IT wanted the phone charged because he wanted Accelerator, and possibly anyone else uselful in Touma's contact list, but mostly Accelerator in this situation, and was covering it up by saying he wanted a picture

Doesn't work so great when the dragon shows up, but leaves before doing anything because it has no idea who the fuck you are.

>Blue winged lizard that role-plays Solid Snake
No matter how many times I think about it, it still is very funny.

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literally who are you? Cover your tits and stick your tongue back in your mouth, slut.

It does make more sense than wanting a picture, but at the same time IT is the one who told everyone to stop worrying and that the dragon didn't actually exist, so he doesn't seem like he's actually all that good at keikakus.

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>cover your tits
look at the picture one more time

Maybe he was hoping he could get everyone calm, call Accelerator, then destroy the dragon quickly before everyone noticed and started picking sides? But even that is a little weak, as Accelerator could question it too and turn on him.

IT seems very retarded.
He has done everything to piss ET off.
ET is a NT Touma, with precog; endless combat experience; raging PTSD and no fucks left to give.
Without IB he has his Dragon powers in full access and a War God as his personal aid.
NT Touma with actual combat abilities who gives no shit to bullets or fast moving idiots with sharp sticks.
No matter how you look at this IT is committing a fucking gruesome suicide.
IT is supposed to be smart, isn’t it?
More so, instead of gathering ALL of Touma’s possible allies he just wanders around checking out hot chicks and free food.
And it allows ET to get the legitimate crew that can take on the rest of the planet without much resistance, and it’s not like needed that much help for that to begin with.
This is just retarded.

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>Kamachi calls Touma science
>the AIM prisms
What does it mean?

If IT is so smart why didnt he just asked Mikoto to charge the phone?

We need more small blonde lolis in the third series.

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She said she couldn't in NT1E

>Kamachi calls Index magic
>Doesnt actually appears in magic arcs
What did he mean by this?

Either way, he did indeed pick up Touma's phone immediately and ignore the wallet, so he probably had some plan or other, even if he's a retard at the end of the day.
He did. Index just cockblocked him by mentioning Orsola at the wrong time.

13, christ

But she can hack using electricity
He asked for their phones

Time traveller-san please

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He's just a smug snake, and probably has a serpentine form since there are already dragons here so why not, and predictably gets his comeuppance at the end.

Yeah, he asked for their phones to charge his own.

>probably has a serpentine form
Nah, looks like he uses the same sort of form hoodie Touma does. Probably different colours though.

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>We need more small blonde lolis
To-aru has about 30 of them, maybe 20.
But because of Kamachi's curse we will have even more. Good. There can never be enough smol blond lolis.

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Part 3's MC is actually IT and not ET

To be honest, Anna looks more pink than blonde

He also mocks Touma, defines him solely through having IB, and couldn't even finish him off properly. Especially when Touma was injured and the chaos of the battle against Coronzon could easily hide his murder.

He's literally one of those "I am a genius.. Oh no!" characters from that image macro.

god bless him

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Why doesnt IT just shoots ET

She was described as pink, so that's not too shocking.

125cm L-cups

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Couldn't find a gun fast enough

I forgot, did Mikoto actually massaged those?

IT is a massive faggot

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>says the crab who was about to kiss him

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If it was America he'd have a M107 lock and loaded, the best he could find would've been some antiques or some knives in Bongland though.

Yes with body oil too

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Not enough time to get a loicense.

Star Wars BUNS!

Imagine how Beverley would look in Nogi's style if that's just from Fuyukawa's sticc times

ET tanked a Railgun.
ET is piloted by NT9 Touma and uses stealth.
ET is also fast and regenerates.

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Are dragons stronger than Magic Gods? If not, what's the big deal?

You'll be shocked to hear that not everyone is a kid who only drools over powerlevels like you.

Just imagine this upgraded to hold a gallon sized jug

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There's got to be some kind of twist, explanation, or error in translation. As it stands, Tux Touma does not seem as though he's the good guy. So either something's off or something is gonna happen to make the situation seem different than it seems now.

Will Othinus stop calling Touma "human" and start calling him "dragon" now?

>It's impossible for IT to just be a dickhead

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She is trying to keep him "sane" so no.

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Kamachi will probably pull a sympathetic angle to IT. It isn't like he hasn't tried to paint pieces of shit in that view before. Of course the resolution to this could be the two becoming one but it feels like there's something we're missing if that were to happen

I feel like that might break his normal boy heart. Maybe she'll at least swap to Touma though to stop him from dwelling on it.
>Othinus has been calling Touma human this whole time because she understands its important to him that he's considered normal.

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Why is everybody calling Original Touma (OT) ET? Is he an alien?

Trips confirm. Of course the fairy understands her mount and how to keep him in a decent state of mind.

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Exterior Touma/Interior Touma

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It's not about powerlevels though. It's about shock and fear. I mean, Touma and co have faced worse.

External Touma - the Red Eyes Blue Lizard.
Internal Touma - the former IT (invisible thing) & prisoner of "cuck cage".

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>This thing that can kill me is worse than this thing that can kill me because it'll you more collateral damage besides my death

Sure about that? The ones who have are on ET's side.

Spoilers say that that narration itself says that IT is the good side, So either that's false, or there's some twist

>Pft, Accelerator? I mean who cares dude, I've faced worse

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There is no Twist.
Touma was always a bad guy.

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IT did nothing wrong, ET is a tickling time bomb and must be put down

On a literal level, IT wants to live and ET wants to kill him, so you can still say that he's the good side even if he constantly acts like a total cunt.

It may be a Aleister/Coronzon situation where Kamachi called Aleister evil and a villain but was more correct

*deletes you from existence*
ETchads rise up

To be frank I'd probably say worse stuff to ET if I was trapped inside an arm for fucking billions of years, get out, and have to deal with a dragon immediately

Isn't this the thing that Othinus crushed? And they got by Othinus, so...

Misaki a pile of shit

Be nice to your wife, Mikoto

Naked nun tits

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I still haven't even heard any reliable spoilers on how the ET/IT situation gets resolved. Do they fuse? Does someone break up the fight and they fuck off from each other? Does one die? What happens? I haven't seen any spoilers that don't have words like "bros" and egg sale jokes in them

I'd probably think I should either double tap Touma or try to not antagonize him as much though if I know he's the main force who can get me back in that arm though. He's basically asking to get smacked.

Tick-tock IT.

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Considering Kamachi somewhat skips over the end to the illustration in a timeskip, it might be vague on purpose.

>Talk shit
>Try to kiss his friend
>steal his wallet/phone
IT literally did everything wrong

Touma got by Othinus*

The closest Mikoto ever got to danger was what, Coronzon jacking her AAA? IT nuked Coronzon and the temple. Index and Misaki? Hell, Stiyl and Kanzaki didn't even see Fiamma

>IT did nothing wrong,
IT wasted too much time fucking around instead of assembling a hit squad.
If you leave a thing with that much willpower standing you are just begging for it to come back to you and use your entire life as a cum bucket.
And that’s exactly what happens.
Instead of dicking around at the royal party he HAD to run around and gather support.
NT10 took the rest of the planet but he was successful only because of his allies.
ET version is NT10 on Dragon steroids and IT allowed ET to have allies even when he had an absolute head start.
Leaving a fucking War God and Rape Dragon behind your back is such a stupid move.

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I've looked on 2ch and tieba and can't find shit. All i know is Touma at least temporarily knocks out IT. Someone here said the lock is mended but I dunno

Huh. In that case the situation might not be resolved at all. I heard one person suggest that the Touma Index was with in the last illustration was actually IT, not ET. If it's vague/off screen on purpose, that very well might be true

If that's the case that's a pretty sinister ending contrary to the illustration itself

You may have missed the point of OT4, but it established a precedent that never went away.

A dude with a knife is just as scary to Touma as a fucking divinity or monster.

MP is the main person who whines about power levels and magic gods, what makes you think they've read the books?

Misaki a best! and a very good girl!

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>MP is the only shitposter in these threads

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It doesn't exactly have to be "sinister"; it just means that shit is still gonna go down. I'm betting that if IT actually is in the last illustration, he'll end up fusing with ET at some point in part 3

>is the main person
Reading comprehension kid.

>ET gets cucked and IT steals his life
would be kino

MP doesn’t even know that Magic Gods besides Othinus exist, you’re attributing traits that he’s hardly if ever displayed

>MP doesn’t even know that Magic Gods besides Othinus exist
How new?

kill yourself

Frying pan to the face in just a few chapters.
And then you are back in your sweet little cuck cage.

thank you based Aleister

Misaki deserves some happiness

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At least she took down the Bongland in half a second.

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>MP doesn't know magic gods exist
MP has done her little "how can you read this knowing nothing ever matters and everyone is holding back like Goku" tirade plenty of times. 90% of its knowledge is osmosis from threads.


>we could make up a bullshit plot for a volume and get everyone to pretend it's real just to mess with her

>IT pulls the "I have the right to exist."
>By taking away someone else's place
IT can fuck off.

why cant there just be 2
ET attacked him since he couldnt accept IT living like normal

Would you accept it if a nigger tried to literally steal your life, your job, your relationships, you house, your phone and your wallet?

Well Touma has a complex about that because of Headcrab’s defense system.
Without a doubt a low blow.
Especially after all of that dickery and sass
At least ET had no fucks left and the fucker got pummeled.

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IT intentional took everything away from ET and mocked him at the end, leaving him to his fate alone in the ice. He's the one that started the war.

MP has certainly attacked Touma before, but his posting style is markedly different. You seem to think every detractor in this thread must be them.

If it weren't for the fact I'd have to go a whole volume without discussing it at all it'd be amusing. But discussing the new volume is the only reason I still come to this shithole so.

The shitpost has nothing to do with Touma. It's another "muh powerlevels ruined the books" shitpost like she always does. I don't think detractors who actually use new material are MP, just the ones that use the exact same argument every thread for a "problem" that has existed since the start of the series.

It depends on how the fight actually ends. If ET felt pity towards IT and let him live with Index while he is elsewhere being a normal dragon with the chad squad, it'd be a good ending

Who still misses Mami Kawada here? Do Raildex fans still miss her?

>a new volume is coming out day n
>js06 announces he's leaked the volume a week earlier, but without illustrations
>chapter one of the translation features Lessar marrying Touma, Izzard returning, casual Vento and Hino Jinsaku
>a small note explaining the joke at the end and asking us to go with it
>back to normal once the actual volume comes out
Wouldn't be worth the effort, tho. Not by an extremely long shot.

>Meme about leaving Index in England so we can be rid of the shitty headcrab
>Instead she goes to AC and Touma stays in England
Kamachi you son of a bitch. Stop lurking and show yourself.

based Aleister,more love to our confirmed main heroine

Actually he was ok with it UNTIL he went for Index. They're the same but at the same time different, someone as quickthinking as Touma took the bait from Touma himself.

>>Meme about leaving Index in England so we can be rid of the shitty headcrab
>hasn't realised yet the preview was talking about the Touma who lives with Index's story will continuing

That's exactly my fucking point mate, the meme was turned on its head.

>According to nips this volume felt like a good place to end the series, but since a new series was announced despite having almost 50 volumes out already and missing a perfectly good chance to end it here, Kamachi might as well go for 100 volumes
Truly the Detective Conan of our times

I think he means we still stuck with crab

>This felt like a good place to end the series
>With Anna just showing up, Aleister being alive, Aiwass running around and no aeon shift or holistic espers
It's good to know at least we don't have a monopoly on morons

Guin SagaR laughes at this.

Mate, how fucking dumb are you. Be honest with me. Do you not know what it means to turn something on it's head?

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To be fair to them though LNs/Manga tend to have shitty endings most of the time because either the author can't write endings or they end through cancellation. People already expect most namedropped shit to go unused in weeb stuff.

>If ET felt pity towards IT and let him live with Index while he is elsewhere being a normal dragon with the chad squad
I was about to say, "how stupid would ET be to let IT live when IT intentionally fucks with ET?", but if IT is the "smart" Touma and fucks up this badly, I guess it could happen.

Good thing Kamachi isn't even 35 yet

I mean, Othinus not being on the final illustration of the final volume focused on Touma is hella weird. IT being the one wee makes a lot of sense.
That or she is simply that irrelevant.

It would hardly be the first time Touma let someone live because he just assumes they're a decent enough person to turn their life around.

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Well I'm sure they're putting aside that. If Kamachi didn't plan to go beyond Aleister/Lola this would've been the end. But it seems he's been planning on that since late OT, since he said in 2011 that NT would be about Aeons and a movement in the world.

Othinus is missing from illustrations all the time. It's just the stealth stats overflowing.

>If Kamachi didn't plan to go beyond Aleister/Lola this would've been the end
Sure, if Aleister didn't live and say he was going to lie low so he could pull some more shit. If Coronzon and Aleister had both died here you might have merit in thinking it's a good place to end, but having them both survive with each other is a huge "this isn't ending here" flag that you'd have to be blind to miss.

Othinus missing from illustrations that she's present for isn't that new.

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>Touma is suddenly utter garbage in close combat
>But has actual pick-up lines
>They work but he still finds a way to get his shit shoved
>Harem notices; shenanigans begin.
>Meanwhile somewhere in the Himalayas Fairy; Dragon & Degenerate are trying to share a hot spring.
But I doubt that. IT has demonstrated that it is unsustainable. IT is not OT Touma, that’s for sure and the way it behaves is just pathetic. Leaving it to its own devices is akin to leaving a kid with a set grenade.

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Eh, he did an ok job at pretending when ET wasn't involved. It was largely when he was thinking over how to get rid of him that the disguise slips.

IT willingly chose to discard IB in favor of a dragon form. He the TRUE owner of IB.
ET precedes to woop him like a little bitch now that he is car sized.
Imagine this idiot doing that against someone with actual AoE abilities and not a shitty frying pan.
Imagine if he is THE Kamijoy Touma. Touma fights more then he eats. How many days he have to live? Two weeks tops and that’s if he is super lucky. While that is enough for like 40 novels...
Maybe he will be fine.

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>IT willingly chose to discard IB
>Had to be torn off his person

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>ET nerfed himself on purpose and proceeded to beat the shit out of IT

Excuse you, the frying pan is a fine weapon.

Nerfed is how Othinus prefers him. Full dragon power Touma is too powerful to redeem the evil guys

>Full dragon power Touma is too powerful for her little body to handle
FTFY. Until she gets back to a normal size she'd want him to stay nerfed.

IT can have index. ET can just take the rest of the kamijou faction.

The hardest of tactical choices.

What's this? Is that the smell of dirty dumpster diving ETards? I think it is. Hope you enjoy the view while I fuck your harem.

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I'm sorry about the mean things I said, please take the headcrab and Biri off my hands. It's been so long since I could cook a proper meal.

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Now that I think about it ET’s MemeTeam was a tiny bit OP.

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>#1 Level 5
>First Princess
>Member of the Golden Cabal
>Nude Century Emperor
>Girl who sleeps with her eyes open

Blonde vampire loli soon. Or a silver one at least. Trust in Kamachi.


but biribiri doesn't eat all the food. If anything she may cook for you.

>It will be years before we get fujo doujins of IT getting anally ruptured by Touma

Is Takitsubo level 6 yet? Who can use magic by the way.

She can't and no.

It's finally my time to shine!

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Honestly, it's about time someone reached true level 6, even if it's for few moments. I don't care if it's even Takitsubo upon witnessing Hamazura "die" but the science side looks vastly inferior with the introduction of things like Secret Chiefs .


>When you keep missing out on the no deaths star because all your best characters have the same color

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>She doesn't know

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Science got a full magic tree made of memes now. Unless Will is a bitch and will only allow Accel to tap into its power, science is fine.

No she just ruins the groceries

Gotta roll man, gotta spend some to gain some.

Misakas>Magic God>all>Mikoto
How can the original even compete?

I'm kind of hoping Kakine is a green for this. I don't really want to keep using Index.

>Be Holegres Mirates
>Be fat
>Be bald
>Hate Amakusas and immigrants
>get BTFO by the #1
>still get drenched nun pussy while the MC gets cucked by himself

js06 updated.

Greens are usually for support. I think he's gonna be a blue for sure or maybe a light. I can see Post Kakine being a Dark though.

Kakine's autism (personal reality) should be reaching dangerous levels with how unlucky he'd been. I'm expecting to him come back with a huge power up only to job to himself once again until he understands what he needs is not more power.

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I can't until the new batch of characters. Give me that Knight Leader

Is this a new one?

3* Misaka is green and the only things she does are hitting hard and buffing her own hard hits

Spin off when?

Sides don't matter in the aeon of horus. As Aleister explained, everything in this world can be explained within a unified theory, he was the one who artificially drew a line between science and magic, and now he's gone

>IT sends all the silverware at Sphinx
This idiot keeps putting his foot further and further down his mouth

Oh I didn't mean sides like the novel uses it, I was more referring to characters who originally belonged to AC reaching the power levels of magicians.

As we saw with Coronzon, it'll be the 3 MCs with the big bads probably

Oh wow, Interior is absolutely pathetic.

So St. Germain is totally coming back, right?

Who plays cleanup for Touma in Academy City?

by being persistent.
You don't need to be the best. Just be the most active.

Interior can't remember shit and got glassed with a wine bottle while trying to talk it out. I'm giving him a pass just for managing to stay standing.

>“No,” bluntly answered Anna Sprengel with the look of someone who was fed up being praised and supported. “This is a deeper issue. Originally, people were open to anything. And then along came Francis Bacon to eliminate the four idols and propose a thought process that emphasized observation and experimentation. …In other words, the father of modern science was a Rosicrucian.”
Fucking hell Kamachi.

>Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass was standing on the ceiling.
>Or perhaps he was floating upside down.
Aiwass stop cosplaying as Aleister and do something.

Exterior's the one who can't remember and got glassed. Interior's the one who's desperately making excuses, panicking in order to convince everyone that he's real and even attacked his cat for preferring Exterior over him. He's a child throwing a tantrum.

>tfw the first magic spin off we get is Mirates' one
Please Kamachi, live up to the legend.

Science version of sex magick soon!

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>duality of good and evil
It's happening

With the current version of Touma_OS Germain is fucking dead if it gets anywhere close to him.
>It’s all your ….”dragon rape noises"

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I've got a feeling I'll be making this mistake a lot

>doing something
It took fucking Aleister for him to move his ass, he won't do anything for a long time.

>“I’d been curious whether the science side or magic side was superior, but this makes sense. They refine their lifeforce into magic power. I don’t know how exactly it works, but it looks like magicians as a whole know how to handle problems affecting the mind. They must have some kind of auto-fuse that shuts down their mind as soon as something tries to take control.”
Shitposters can finally fuck off

>The tuxedo boy must not have liked having any difference between the two of them.

>With a slight spasm near the eyes, he used his other hand to shove the silverware off of a long table. The sharp forks loudly crashed down toward where the cat was.

>Stole his phone
>Stole his wallet
>Attacked his fucking cat

You piece of shit. You fucking piece of shit.

>"The jaws of Mental Out snapped shut."
>"The victors of the war were swallowed hole and a new threat made itself known."
magickeks on suicide watch

Misaki is a traitor. She deserves to be punished.

With extreme dicking

M-Magic bros, I thought w-we could defend against Mental Out passively?

Keep reading

>Aiwass wans't the big bad guy
>Aleister, the man behind him wasn't the big bad guy
>Aleister's archrival, Mathers, the reason for all his actions, wasn't the big bad guy
>the Golden, Aleister's and Mather's origin, wans't the big bad guy
>the Rosicrucian order, the Golden's origin, is set up to be the big bad guy
Just how far can Kamachi go? Like, nobody here even knew about Rosicrucian shit untilp it got name dropped.
His series might as well be a glorifed epic chu2'd to heaven retelling of occult magic history through the ages.

>double brain damage was Aleister's plan all along
Quad brain damage when?

>Misaki can't control magicians but defense against mind control leaves them defenseless

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Well, we do have two Toumas each with double brain damage, so...

Oh this is the castle Elizard and Coronzon were using in OT17

>Shuts down their mind
Do they just. Get fucked either way?

>Misaki auto KOs magicians
Thats even worse
Magickeks on suicide watch

> In other words, he was healed and his brain’s network was reconstructed based on the assumption that the lack of his right hand’s power was his proper state
So wait, did Aleister cause the dragon form then? Or is it saying that Touma used to be able to transform into a dragon, or carried the potential, and only had it awakened/reawakened now?

>“Fool, have your thoughts dulled as much as your body? That is not what matters. Why do magic cabals like us open our doors to newcomers? If you thought we were doing it out of the kindness of our hearts, you are quite a sucker. We can take them for all the money and land they own. Just think of John Dee who gave his woman to a friend because the friend claimed to have received a divine message saying they should share their wives.”
Top cuck.

Maybe if someone other than a flabby girl could hurt them

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>Something must be done.
>And it has to be me that does it.


The more I hear IT speak, the less I'm convinced he's actually Touma's inner self. He's way too venomous. He's too pragmatic. He gives little regard for others. Even now, he's deliberately manipulating Shokuhou's emotions. He's like a stereotypical villain willing to use anything so that he comes out on top in the end.

That's just too foreign from the Touma we know now or the Touma from before the memory loss.

Birdway x Anna when?

>that nip theory video about miracles being an element of themselves might be true

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IT knew about NT9 right?
Why would he think that he can stand up to the ET with this farce?
This is so pathetic it’s laughable. The dumbest part is that IT is digging his own grave, instead of honest negotiations he took the retarded route of provoking and fighting head on.

Almost like Touma in OT2's final chapter or something

>I am not letting this turn out like the Kamisato panic all over again
What did Othinus mean by this

>implying you actually think that

I hope Mikoto unfriends Misaki once the dust has settled.


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I'm kinda feeling that way, too. Either that OR the Touma we know barely actually exists and THIS thing has been growing inside him waiting to be free all this time and is now taking its chance.

>a flip switched

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Holy shit IT is so fucking Pathetic

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It has to happen sometime.

I won't trust a thing that comes out of that alien's mouth

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They were namedropped in OT1

>“This is not about the very edges of the crystal, by which I mean the farthest reaches of the universe no one has ever seen. I fully restored this world using the reference point of Imagine Breaker. Imagine Breaker is the core I allowed to carry the fate of the world, but this means there is some black box within it that not even I, Magic God Othinus, can explain.”
Another fucking closed black box.

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ok retard

I'm becoming more and more convinced that Kamijou Touma is not actually a real person, nit a meat suit used to house thing. Think of it like an egg, but the eggshell now has feelings and sentience too and the shell and embryo are fighting. I don't think either of them are Touma. I don't think Touma's a real thing.

This part is also important
>Do you understand the gravity of the situation now? That means this is a function that did not exist at the point that I created Gungnir. Although I cannot say if it is a result of an expansion or a collapse
It seems as though Othinus is saying that IT is a result of her recreating the world in NT9, because something went slightly off course in her calculations when recreating it from what I can understand.

>That instant panic when they wanted to look into who was the real one
>the desperation to keep ET from talking

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unfortunately she won't and we already see Kamachi setting that up with her noticing "Misaki being driven to the edge" and with Misaki saying that if Mikoto was full of resentment for this, she would break free.
She should at least confiscate all of Misaki's remotes and tell Junko exactly what Misaki did.

She's her understander

>mirates MC spinoff with lessar, birdway and nuns

KUBOOO- I mean

>be me
>finish OT
>say wow that Anna Sprengel lady that Aleister mentioned in WW3 sounds pretty important
>comment goes unnoticed and the name never comes up again even after she was name dropped in NT18 and 20 and finally with 21 people started noticing the name being everywhere
>Rosen were mentioned by Index in OT1 and Othinus in NT12
You're all just brainlets. Maybe you should try and remember all those names that were just mentioned by Anna and Aiwass.

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he even tried to attack Sphinx
what a desperate fake

That doesn't sound accurate or make sense considering what we know about IT in OT22 and the like. But she also crushed it too, right? This makes no sense.

It means the Fool tarot. Fool is #0.

>the big bd guy
It's almost like there's more than a single arc or something? Who would have guessed, multiple bad guys with separate goals could exist, fascinating.

Don't tell me she will suffer zero consequence for what she did political, personal, or otherwise.

Who said the Level 5 espers of AC went from #1 to #7?

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So Kamijou Touma is really the #0 Level 5?

Probably, user. I mean, it's not like Touma's going to remember she did this either.

Considering the "expansion or collapse" part I think she's saying she's not sure if destroying the world or recreating it is the one that did it. OT22 may well have nothing to do with this IT. Which could explain why the dragon form doesn't really look the same as the shit we've seen so far.

I think she's talking about his dragon form. But if that's the case then between Anna conversation and this one, Touma is turning into something he always was but also something that never existed before. I'm giving myself a headache.

>“But, well, who would have thought that female knight’s high heels would do more damage than the monster? …Anyway, I just hope I haven’t broken open somewhere.”
>leaks color at the corner of his mouth and eyes because he has trouble processing where the inside and out connect
What the fuck was his long term plan? He seems less stable than Kazakiri was. Any injury could expose him.

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>not like Touma's going to remember she did this either.
Has that been confirmed?

I dunno. It feels more like it's about the dragon form or something like the user said since we haven't seen them in the timeline since then. It hurts to think about but hopefully it'll be explained well enough by the end so we at least know a little bit about what the fuck is going on.

I dont understand what does the Purple and Green leaking from IT mean?

Misaki is gonna fuck Mikoto and there is nothing you can do to stop it!

No, if anything the chapter 3 part 1 suggests exactly otherwise.

>Something he always was but something that never existed
Sounds similar to Shirou's whole "I lost my concept and my concept turned into swords" shit from FSN in the fire. He had the possibility for it, but it didn't come to be, and a slight twisting to the rules when Othinus recreated the world changed that. Either because she imperfectly recreated the world or because it was a random chance that had been set to "off" before and now flipped to "on" because the dice was rerolled.

Mikoto had already forgiven her just before she got controlled, there was really no choice at all for Misaki as her powers went out of control due to the emotional conflict

Misaki will remember what she has done.
That’s more than enough for a punishment.

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Maybe he's just getting unlucky because of IB, or rather, ET is getting lucky since he has no IB


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Nothing about that section suggests Touma will ever remember her.

Did you not notice the cover?

>Honestly, it's about time someone reached true level 6
The amount of calculation power an esper has determines his/her level. Will (or the Misaka network as a whole) is technically a level 6 according to the Accel manga. It explains why she has tremendous amount of calculation power which she keeps reminding everyone not to underestimate. She can give power-up multiple individuals at the same time without even breaking a sweat.

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>In the future, there'll be a misguided attempt to "repent for her sins" in some way that'll piss Mikoto off.

she did nothing wrong

>All this talk about IT's origin and the like
God my brain can't handle this, is it because I'm low IQ? I hope it's streamlined and explained/summed up near the ending or so, but I get that it needs to have tension and suspense. But it's killing me more than usual.

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>But he could vaguely see the tears spilling from the eyes of someone with honey-blonde hair.

>this image has aged poorly
>this image has aged perfectly

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So Othinus fucked up and tapped into something not even she knew about? Did Aleister know about it? It seemed he did last volume. Doesn't really make sense for Aleister to know something a god doesn't, but here we are

Fuck off IT Touma.

>Nothing about that section suggests Touma will ever remember her.

Mikoto will dick Misaki for an entire night every week as punishment

oh well shit you're right he does have the purple and green

>While watched over by the god of war, magic, and deception, Kamijou Touma – the kind of ordinary high school boy you can find anywhere – looked up to the moon and declared war.
>while in half dragon form
I don't even know where to start with this.

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Aleister knew about a lot of things that Othinus didn't. Othinus didn't even know about other Magic Gods.

>Meanwhile, something circled above his head with a sound like sheets beating at the air. It was a bird of prey larger than those crows and nightjars. It was equipped with handmade reins made of cheap leather straps so a palm-sized fairy could ride it around.
So Othinus kept the Eagle from NT20? Can Touma afford to feed another pet?

Othinus didn't tap into anything. She accidentally created something because she doesn't manually create the world brick by brick. Aleister on the other hand is always always focusing on one brick in particular, so it's hardly a surprise he noticed something about it (Touma) that she didn't.

Rapist and Violator of Free Will and Minds.

>IT Touma

Change your underwear.

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ET Touma*

Mikoto could kill half the globle population for the shale of her Touma lust and none of you would care, hypocrite fuckers.

Fair enough. I wonder if Touma was just born this way and Aleister happened to find him and nurture him. Or is it more like Kerry and Shirou, where Touma just had the possibility, but the fact he went to Aleister by chance made everything turn out like it did.

Robutt didn't deserve to die. Mikoto a shit.

It's a reminder to thank the doc

>Exterior Touma Touma

Statistics and irrelevant numbers. It matters when characters we care about are harmed, so what Misaki did matters.

>Othinus didn't even know about other Magic Gods.
Oh it's you again. Disucssion never progress here because you all just willingly ignore informations so that your headcacon still works.

Daily Dose.

>In half dragon form

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>Mikoto could kill
Nah she would pussy out.
>none of you would care
If Edgekoto ever went on an actual murder spree her popularity would explode even further.

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>Implying I don't call Mikoto on her shit all the time and get the rabid defense force on my ass for it
Fuck you.

Same difference.

IT must be the only person dumb enough on this whole fucking planet to poke a god damned dragonified NT9 Touma with his war god

Normal high school boys you can find anywhere can turn into dragons now. Get with the times Christkek.

The pan is coming for you.

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It's a compromise. Misaki being able to control magicans especially high end ones would be too OP. But her being useless against them would make her useless and make this scene impossible. So instead we have magicans going to the "you didn't win" school of mind defense. Which makes sense, since they are big on net letting power get in the wrong hands see (church being able to shut off saints and anything relating to Index). Although feel this happens too much with Misaki.
>Mikoto immune
>accel immune
>other people with her power are immune even if they aren't nearly as strong as her
>no magicians as whole have a kill switch
>I think there was something in astral buddy
There are so many situations where her powers don't work on certain people now

>normal high school boy
>war god
>NT9 mentality

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That would be cool and romantic if she did it for /our/ Touma, to be honestly. Being on the right side is important.

Looks like this needs an update

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>“I know you’re skeptical. But I want to ask something first. Othinus, are there other Magic Gods besides you? Or did you stand at the top of the world?”
>“Well… Theoretically, there could be more than one.” Othinus let out a small breath. “It’s nothing more than a final destination reachable by human means. It could be Indian mythology, Buddhism, Greek mythology, Maya, Voodoo, or in this country, Shinto or Shugendo. If people mastered those paths to the very end, it could lead to a few different Magic Gods.”

>“But have you forgotten? How many digits’ worth of worlds do you think I made and remade when I was settling things with you? If an equal Magic God existed in this world and this age, they would have interfered back then.”
>“You mean…?”
>"At the very least, there wasn’t a Magic God in THIS world. Doesn’t that seem like a reasonable conclusion?”

She didn't know about High Priest, Niang Niang or any of the other members of the "True Gremlin". She knew they could theoretically exist, but had no real evidence. They never approached her.


I mean, I think it's perfectly fine. It means if she wants to help against magicians she can, though I'm surprised that its working not just on mooks but Saints like Kanzaki too. Either way though, being able to freeze people is plenty good enough for a support role. But it would be too stupid of magicians to have no way to defend against someone trying to posses them and masquerade as them to take all sorts of secret knowledge, so it also makes sense that that card is off the table.

>all these guys forgetting accelerator is a level six in literally all but name since he's is quite literally the owner of the third tree and crossed the abyss simply by not being a dick at the right time

So what is this about Touma being an Eternal in the last thread? It that fan speculation or a hint from spoilers?

I mean yeah, but it's like saying someone who never saw an alligator didn't know they existed.

>At the very least, there wasn’t a Magic God in THIS world.
Hang on. So Othinus confirms that she believes there are multiple dimensions and acknowledges that she only had control over the one?

>Three things in this world you don’t do.
>Never mess with another Dragon’s treasure.
>Never mess with another Dragon’s women.
>And most importantly you never mess with another Dragon’s cat.
The Sphynx sealed this rape deal. IT is a deep fucked cream toast.

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>She knew they could theoretically exist, but had no real evidence
I'm pretty sure that's the distinction user was going for.

The original question was how Aleister could know something that Othinus didn't. The fact of the matter is he does. He knew exactly how to reach the Magic Gods, and even created weapons capable of destroying them.

Can Misaki shut down Fiamma?

Up next! Yuriko is going to be the #1.5 of the level 5s. Or the new #1 since Accel is now the chairman.

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Doubt it if HR is in play.

Doubtful with HR. Without it maybe. But it also would get no sold by things like Divine Mother's Mercy in all likliehood if all magicians have a very basic way to defend from it normally.

Well, shit. Any further details regarding that?

>the kind of ordinary high school boy you can find anywhere looked up to the moon and declared war
We're reaching peak Kamachi kino

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What's this IT/ET shit? Which one is Touma?

Touma is apparently a thing made to clean up the things threatening the world's balance. Much like Fate's Counter Guardians. Also amusingly similar to Hadit.

It's cause accelerator ain't a level 5 anymore, he's a level 6 now.

Is Anna talking about Level 5s or the Fool Tarot when she refers to #0?

There is nothing ordinary about this high school boy anymore. The faster he accepts he is not ordinary the better his mental health will be


ET is Touma.
IT is a faggot.

People forget only when it's convenient for them.


You remember how touma lost his damn mind at the end of the last volume? Apparently he split into 2 toumas, one called exterior touma and interior touma.

They're both Touma

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shut up ET
dumb faggot

I can't believe the #0 Level 5 meme was true.

The fool tarot obviously.

ET is Touma, IT's a faggot.
Sasuaga Kamachi.

Fool, since Fool is generally the 0 of the Tarot and it's more or less a Wanderer in a sense to my knowledge. But I wouldn't even be surprised if it was both.

>The world’s smallest battle was beginning
Not this shit again Kamachi.

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IT is the REAL Touma. Don't believe in ET's lies and his followers' mislead beliefs.

>miniature garden
What Kamachi buzzword is next?

shut the fuck up IT you dirty Cat attacker


t. Misaki

>Welcome Moderator
>To the age of Revelation

WHy is Orsola dressed like that?!

Is IT retarded? Doesn't he have all of Touma's memories to know Touma's normal behavior? Why does he think acting like a violent stuttering retard that tries to kill his own cat would be convincing?

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>Kamisato was right

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Blow your rape whistle to find out who is the real Touma then. I bet that faggot IT won't show.

There is no reason to get mad at ITfags.
The pathetic creature they worship is about to be raped by a frying pan right in front of them.

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>"With the same voice and smile in those memories she never wanted to lose."
>“I’m the only one who does.”
holy shit i'm not even a fan of misaki but this is fucking brutal

Looks like she hasn't stopped yet

if IT injures sphinx, doesn't apologize, then Index will get mad, thus creating a falling out
Index moves to England to get away
we've just freed ourselves of the worst character at the cost of Sphinx getting roughed up
its a good deal

The thing that scared Fiamma and attacked Othinus is literally Touma, and now they're fighting each other, but it turns out our Touma is actually a fucking dragon, and not the owner of IB

>The one oddity was the suspicious look on Index’s face.
Based crab

Knowing how it works doesn't mean he can keep up the act under pressure.

ET=our touma
IT=the other part of touma thats a complete douchebag.
touma lost IB and now has full use of dragon bullshit, shits great.

Kamisato would be having a stroke if he saw this play out and probably side with IT

>The thing that scared Fiamma and attacked Othinus is literally Touma
Not so fast. It's not really clear if the distortion Othinus is discussing this chapter is Touma's dragon power, the doppelganger or both. It might have only existed since NT9.

>the Touma we know and read for the longest time turns out to be a fake
Okay, Kamachi.

>“That is more important than the formless memories. In other words, he was healed and his brain’s network was reconstructed based on the assumption that the lack of his right hand’s power was his proper state.”

>“Then what about his leftover right hand?”

>“Yes, that is the question. His entire body seemed to be fully healed, but just as the rest of you are vastly overemphasizing, he did not appear to regain his past. So where did it go? Couldn’t the two unnecessary parts have gathered together instead of going off in separate directions?”

That kinda sounds like IT didn't exist before Crowley's jesus blood. Probably also why the arm didn't reconnect immediately like usual. The memories IT has are just leftovers.

At least Kamachi didnt went full Araki and killed Sphinx

>Imagine being IT
>You have a good idea what you have pissed off
>But first you did it and then you thought about what would happen
Poor thing is shaking.

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>Took until IT went completely full retard for people to realize he wasn't the actual Touma, even though he was acting nothing like Touma and was unexplainably without his fairy
Fuck everyone in the Windsor Castle

>NT9 broke Touma so hard he actually did start to develop Dissociative Identity Disorder
>Also decided to grow a Dragon Dick because that goddess wouldn't stop blue balling him with her nice smell

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It did seem like IT only remembered OT1 and NT22

She's referring to NT17.

Can dragons beat Saints?

I'm not up with the spoilers, but it's more viable for the distortion to be IT than the dragon power. He already had dragon powers back in OT2 and at Railgun

I wouldn't be so quick to believe that. Kamachi just said Anna is a know-it-all that doesn't actually know it all.

To be fair everyone thinks Othinus is a doll

But then there's no reason for IT to remember Misaki.

>“Are there any obvious signs I can look for?”

>“There are so many it would only confuse you. For example, the dragon is used to signify the devil, yet it is also used in house crests.”

>The word “dragon” caught in the boy’s chest a bit.
He knew from the start he was about to have a fucked day but is still not making it any better.


He is only a level 6 by proxy. Accel currently has almost no (if not zero) calculation power. He was able to retain his ability after being shot but without calculation power, he is completely powerless.

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Whats the third brain damage?

A single esper did shut Kanzaki down. Saints are overrated

Misaki would memories would be among recovered memories like the Index ones.

There is only ONE Touma.

>Misaki can beat Saints
>Mikoto cant

The dragon powers were never electric blue and never coated him to let him Henshin though.

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No no. My boy Acqua eats dragons for breakfast.At his peak, anyways.

To be fair Aqcua is a double Saint.

No shit, but that doesn't change the fact that it's through his potential. All the Network is doing is giving his brain the calculation power. It's still largely his power. The Network can't magically make people Level 6's.

She can still now demonstrably oneshot high-level magicians who don't have defenses specifically set up against her, she just can't CONTROL them as minions

Care to run that by me again in English?

Misaki used friendly fire on a Saint with her guard down. It only takes a Saint to speedblitz at beyond supersonic to stop or kill Misaki.

Can Misaki dab on Birdway, Thor or Silvia?

Can’t fight what you can’t see.

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>high-level magicians
Debatable. She had no idea what to do with Aleister or Coronzon. People like Aqcua will be fine. The highest level mage in the party is what, Kanzaki? It certifies that she can one shot mooks, but anything above mid tier is still questionable.

>Mikoto thinks Touma wouldn't use hardcore violence against his enemies
Poor thing doesn't really knows how far Touma is willing to go when pissed off even before NT, Skybus incident for example.

Magicuck coping

He still tried to minimize the damage during those times

i think he meant
>Misakis memories would be among the recovered memories, like the Index ones
I dont know on what basis hes claiming that tho

Thor can just teleport her to another side the planet dude

Thor no

Birdway, Silvia and normal Thor get dabbed pretty hard
Almighty Thor can auto teleport outside MO range so no

He's a normal magician

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So Kuroko and Misaki can take Thor?

Well Mikoto received special treatment he never even tried to actually hit her.
So this makes sense for her.

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Birdway had a lot of bullshit so we don't know, plus it's entirely possible there are methods besides "shut off my own brain" out there.
Almighty would always be out of range
If she stands still, also who knows what Telesma barriers can stop, the shit can already grab air.

Lmao, the butthurt is real.

Maybe, but probably more unlikely with Major and Minor Tarot cards hax.
Thor should be faster and can just KO her or worse.
Depends if her barriers can block mental inference.

>“Let’s watch, Aiwass. The One who Purifies God and Slays Demons has appeared. What will he destroy and what will he create within his chrysalis? I hope it will more than surpass my expectations.”
So it's more like IT was always a thing, but hasn't started dwelling in Touma recently. It could be related to what Othinus was saying, or it could've always been in Touma the moment he got IB. Anna might be referring to the fact that he has his own body now as well.
I really believe IT isn't a byproduct of Othinus, especially with the Triangle Prism thing going on, but we'll see.

Are you retards really debating if a fat 14 year old can click a button quicker than a saint speed rush

Birdway probably has some random tarot for that shit. Thor teleports all over so she can't hit him. Silvia is toast though, we've only seen her use self buffs, she's not much of a mage.

>Scienefags not accepting hard data when presented with objective facts

If HR didn't kill before she did it, it would defend him even if he was knocked out. Remember he doesn't have to know shit is coming for HR to stop it.

Misaki's actions were convenient for IT. If things were allowed to carry on that way, no one would have believed IT was the real one.

The chrysalis thing should at least confirm that the swarm is the true essence of whatever it is

Thor's shit is automatic. You can't tag him.

Misaki ruined everything.

Not even NT14/15 Kamisato would be dumb enough to think IT is the real Touma.

no, Touma did

>At the very least, the idiot she knew was not the kind of person who would hit someone with a wine bottle and try to stab them in the gut with the jagged edge.
Isn’t he though?

It could be a byproduct of Othinus, but the world remaking works on what people do too. It might even change whatever fuckery Aleister was doing with Touma; the only people in the world that truly remember what was there before that are Othinus and Touma; they are the only ones that can notice minor changes to it..

>I really believe IT isn't a byproduct of Othinus, especially with the Triangle Prism thing going on
Othinus didn't create it. She just said that recreating the world might have led to things that allowed it to exist. Aleister having made something that would pop up when a magic god tried phase shenanigans on the world isn't a stretch. And with Aiwass' comments on Touma in NT18, I think it's evident either IT or the dragon thing was being cultivated in him on purpose.

>Aleister or Coronzon
I said high level, not continent-busting. I'm pretty sure anyone with a singular magical focus and can be classified as a mostly regular human physiologically can be dabbed on, no matter their destructive capability. Almost certain Acqua would go down with a focused attack, especially since she nuked a whole castle full of mid-tier magicians including the queen and a saint. People like Fiamma and Almighty Thor are debatable since it's a "which ability activates first situation" but I'm pretty sure Thor's ability doesn't work at all on surprise attacks, thus why the train worked. She's a monstrosity for powerlevelfags

Maybe hit them but not stab.

Holy shit it exists.

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aleister survived NT9 too explicitly, he was actually outside of phases hunting for magic gods too kick the shit out of, so he would know too.

"the idiot she knew" is key here I'd say.

>ET gets wine bottled
lmao ETcuck

At the end of the day, Touma was the kind of guy who would run his opponent over with a moving train if he had to.

Mikoto clearly has no idea how brutal he can be.

Which Touma?

>I said high level
If you're defining high level as Stiyl tier then sure.
>Almost certain Aqcua would go down
Fucking kek
>Thor doesn't work on surprise attacks
Wrong. Thor doesn't work on multiple targets, and even then, he did dodge the train.

At the very least, Touma would ask questions before fighting. "Who are you? Why are you doing this?" It's only once communications broke down that he'd start resorting to violence.

>IT was born from the second death

That's why I said byproduct as in due to her actions, but it doesn't really make much sense. What would cause it? What are the dragons, the greater power, and the Invisible thing that attacked Fiamma then? I'm just trying to make sense of what I've got without touching spoilers, and there are inconsistences and more questions. But I'm sure it'll be made known.

She has no idea what Touma has done so far. She probably thinks he's a typical shonen hero like those from the manga she reads.

It didn't it's just not hard to draft up.

>Which Touma?
I don't know, i havent read that far

So how did Misaki controlled Mikoto? Did she push her power into overdrive?

>He feared the change to his own body that had allowed him to react in time.

>He felt like he could deflect a bullet with a sword if he had a guide to follow.
damn son

I was basing on the conversation Aiwass and Anna. It referenced getting memories from past lives and the two times touma got brain damaged. They pointed out the Touma didn't recover those memories when he was healed. They ended questioning where those memories could have gone. I believe the implication was that IT got the memories from before he lost his memories in OT1 as well as the things with Misaki. Those being the stand in for "past lives" in the memory magic.

supposedly Anna was involved

>What would cause it?
Othinus herself did NT9 in the first place because when she tried to recreate her home phase little things would crop up as fuck ups. So not being able to perfectly recreate the world makes sense. What's amusing is that Othinus did in fact recreate it, rather than strip off the paint like it was implied. So everyone from pre NT8 is dead.

Mikoto goes over this in the text herself dude. Read.

Those memories were literally obliterated though, or at least OT1's was. But I suppose when Touma said 'Right here' in OT1 the memories really did go into his soul.

>NT9 with a saint’s body
IT willingly choose to fight and further provoke this thing.
>IT is smart

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Just because something's gone doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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The memories weren't obliterated. The brain cells were. The idea of memories going into a magic hand are already out there enough, so saying the memories were killed is a bit out there if you're accepting that first point.

I'm defining high-tier as saints and cabal leaders. Anyone able to shred them is a global anomaly.
>Fucking kek
Care to elaborate why Acqua would be fine when Kanzaki went down just as easily as any other mook?
>Thor doesn't work on multiple targets
Exactly, he has to identify a target for the ability to work. He can't switch targets faster than he can think, otherwise there's be no point in specifying that part of his ability. He dodged the train because he switched his enemy from "Touma" to "train" and thus got physically displaced from Touma by hundreds of meters. Now, work this out for me: what if something attacks him before he can identify it as a target, e.g. a sniper bullet or a Mental Out wave?

The problem with the train is that Touma had no control over it. Anything coming from the target gets dodged (see when touma randomly threw several rocks at once without looking). The train was an outside factor.

Divine Mother's Mercy dude.
No. That's not what you said at all dude don't try it.
>S-sneak attacks!
No one fucking cares dude. Literally the entire cast dies to sneak attacks. "a monster for power level fags" my ass. No one ever says "x gets to sneak attack Y" in a power level discussion.



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Touma gets to sneak attack now.

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Spoilers mentioned Misaki got a boost from Anna or something. Plus, Mikoto didn't have enough time to erect stronger and additional EM barriers.

>While watched over by the god of war, magic, and deception, Kamijou Touma – the kind of ordinary high school boy you can find anywhere – looked up to the moon and declared war.

>Just like a sinister dragon raising its head and roaring into the heavens.
>we never get Half-Dragon form Touma looking at the moon declaring war while a Fairy Rides on a Hawk near him

>spoilers said IT is logical and planning
>panicked his ass off at the first sign of trouble and tried to kill touma in front of everyone

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According to Freud's model of the psyche, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the super-ego operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.


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Sneak attack! There goes your magic god!

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If Misaki blows the rape whistle, IT will come, but who will come once IT blows the rape whistle?

Third Touma is in the AAA

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>Literally the entire cast dies to sneak attacks
No, it's an important distinction to make, especially when you yourself discounted Saints as below "high-level". Try sneak attacking Acqua, Aleister, Coronzon, or grimoire Mathers. Only beings of a similar caliber could even hope to dust them in one hit, surprise or no. Thor is a lot more vulnerable than a lot of others at his "tier".
>Divine Mother's Mercy
What the fuck is this headcanon? Even if he still had it, it has absolutely no defensive capabilities aside from removing some muscular limiters.

Kamisato user, PLEASE.

Why are you giving misaki the advantageous scenario where she would attack by surprise? In a 1v1 normal thor blitzes and knocks her lights out like he did with Touma.

Misaki whistle summons Red Eyes Blue dragon.

Misaki's Touma was a playboy all along. Misaki is indeed a queen. "Queen of Cucks" to be exact. Cuckqueen for short.

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Closet of half form Touma is this fan art hopefully Kamisato user draws that scene

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>“Imagine Breaker in my right hand can negate any supernatural power. And didn’t this all start when I used that hand to save Index when she wandered into Academy City? Yes, that’s right. Stiyl was the first to attack, but the next fight against Kanzaki was the real threat! Um, um, oh, right! In the end, I had to fight the John’s Pen installed in Index herself, but…yeah, now that I think about it, that must have been Lola’s…no, Great Demon Coronzon’s doing.”

This is one of those "never said it was poison" sort of verbal slipups. Index knows that he shouldn't know this.

Don't forget this.

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Birdway spin-off any day now.

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>Saints are below high level
Never said that mate.
>Try sneak attacking Aleister
Seemed to work pretty well for Tsuchi and Coronzon
>Thor is a lot more vulnerable than others at his tier
Most people around Thor's tier still die if you go "attack them before they get to set up anything" dumbass.
>It's headcanon that DMM protects Aqcua from things
Holy kek


ET tard losing to a fucking wine bottle

You won't be laughing when he shits out a swarm of dragons in ch4

Why does this looks gay as fuck?

>it has absolutely no defensive capabilities aside from removing some muscular limiters.
You should reread OT16. DMM protects from punishment and ill effects. It stops the drawbacks of being saint and stops curses. Misaki didn't knock those magician's out, they knocked themselves out. DMM would keep the downside of the mind magic from effecting him, just like it stops the restrictions on being GRS and the saint self destruction.

It's because they're chest to chest

Im very dissapointed in Kanzaki, she should know that he doesnt knows this shit yet she did nothing

No idea.

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Forget rereading OT16, even the anime showed us this with the Amakusa's spells. This is a serious double whammy of speed reading and speedwatching both.

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So it sounds more like Othinus was referring to Touma's Dragon Form than IT rather, considering the topic itself was relevant to how his form was taking longer to change and Touma was more so referring to 'this' rather than 'it', like he was talking about his transformation. It could be IT too though, I'm not dismissing that either.

She was indeed narrowing her eyes at him, but she probably should have stopped him sooner, or be the one to suggest that they should stop both of them from killing each other at least.

>Never said that
You gave me an incredulous greentext after my initial post despite it talking about Kanzaki getting whooped, so yes, you did.
No, it didn't. Aleister had 2 billion backups and then some that he went through in one long stretch of action against dozens of incredibly powerful opponents before he went down
Did you not hear "of a similar caliber"?

Also feel free to direct me to any description of DMM that supports your case you absolute autist, burden of proof is on you

To add to it, she even calls it a 'function', so it can't actually be IT, can it?

>Meanwhile, something circled above his head with a sound like sheets beating at the air. It was a bird of prey larger than those crows and nightjars. It was equipped with handmade reins made of cheap leather straps so a palm-sized fairy could ride it around.
i want a battle fairy as well

DMM is an immunity ability not a physical buff

>Touma's reached the point where he thinks it's normal to turn into a dragon

She shouldn't know that, though. Stiyl and Kanzaki operate on the assumption that Touma still remembers who they are from OT2 onwards, so either they weren't told about his brain problems, or they got an offscreen excuse similar to the one Index did.

Yeah, if it's about IT, it's because her explanation applies to both, I think it was primarily about the dragon shenanigans.

Because gay begets gay.

Kanzaki doesn't know he has amnesia, though?

>Y-yes you did!
Nope. Try again bud.
>Those don't count because reasons
>Spoonfeed meeeeee!
You're clearly done here.

>And to proclaim wars
He probably liked the honey moon and wanted to reminisce good old times.

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>So everyone from pre NT8 is dead.
Touma being selfish and not a hero wasn't just a meme

> The order for wife-sharing caused Dee great anguish, but he apparently did not doubt its genuineness. They apparently did share wives. However, Dee broke off the conferences immediately afterwards. Dee returned to England in 1589: Kelley went on to be the alchemist for Emperor Rudolf II.[34][35] Nine months later, on 28 February 1588, a son was born to Dee's wife, whom Dee baptised Theodorus Trebonianus Dee and raised as his own. It is possible that this child was Kelley's; Dee was 60 at the time, Edward Kelley was 32.

ITchads rise up

He's in hardcore denial. And to be fair, it might be his fairy's fault and not his, so who knows.
>Othinus unconsciously wanted Touma to be a bit more rugged and made him a dragon

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"Declaring war" isn't really an uncommon turn of phrase though. Other characters have said similar things.

I don't know if it's about IT, it sounds like it's focused way more on the Dragon Side but IT can also do the same, so perhaps IT also relates. All I know is though that IT seems to be implied to exist before Othinus's shenanigans considering how the title of Purify God and what not has been a thing for a while. Too much has been thrown at us right now without any conclusions.

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>NT9 War Mode Touma with dragon form and Fairy Scout
>even tried to kill his pet headcrab's cat
is this what committing suicide means?


I think we're at the point where we need to differentiate interior and invisible thing until this volume is finished

It might also just be that Othinus is the cause of IT being bastardized into what it is now, and it used to be different. Seeing as it's being referred to as a mutation.

IT= invisible Thing

When a dragon knocks up a girl does she lay eggs?

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50/50 chance its an egg

Yeah, but he means it.
He gathers the team strong enough to take down the entire Bongland in matter of hours and proceeds to take down the Royal castle.

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IT interior
IT’ invisible


They were talking right before that about how Aleister claimed to have the memories of a long dead occultist

Fortunately, I'm in an autistic enough mood to have gone back into OT16 parsing for this shit. DMM somewhat ambiguously removes the negative effects from magic used by himself and he gives this description
>“—Then now, I’ll tell you the conclusion. My attribute is the ‘Divine Mother’s Mercy’ that
negates any punishment. Even if they’re strict and just final judgment, they can be
overturned. It even directs whether a person is going to Heaven or to Hell. No matter what
kind of guilt one has, the punishment will be nullified.
In response to this specific spell explained by Itsuwa
>“This is a spell that allows each wire to have symbolic features of being a person’s lifeline,
and then punish the person that destroyed these wires. This is an ancient thing, a spell
that any religions has, no matter the culture...in other words, no matter what kind of
defensive spell it belongs, it can’t block this ‘Curses of the Fallen’.”
It seems pretty clear to me that he was rebuffing the concept of ritualistic punishment spells with activation conditions instead of "literally every spell" which would be retarded and make Itsuwa's Saint Killer later on an asspull, but you take it to mean fucking whatever I guess.

>While watched over by the god of war, magic, and deception, Kamijou Touma – the kind of ordinary high school boy you can find anywhere – looked up to the moon and declared war.

>Just like a sinister dragon raising its head and roaring into the heavens.

Poor IT.
He just checked all the list of NOT TO DO

Does Fukou Da make a normal kid more likely, or impossible?

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That sounds much more likely, yes. I think IT was a thing before but something Othinus did may have caused some weird flux to happen to it. After all, instead of dragons we have fucking EGGS. So that seems likely.

He did declare war on the whole world already back in NT10


This volume reads like an acid trip and I fucking love it

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>It would make it an asspull to have the spell that was literally created with the intention of sending a Saint's powers out of control to work.
Sure thing. It would also mean that he would not be punished by having to lose motor skills by rebuffing mental out, but "you take it to mean whatever I guess" dumb Misakifag.

Whatever girl decides to ride that cock better have some weird fetishes then.

>making Touma of all people declare war while having his battle fairy
Yup, he dead

>not flat

>"punished by having to lose motor skills"
I can see I'm dealing with an anti-Occam's-Razor faggot here, so I'm done. Your horseshit would be an affront to storytelling and I'm sorry you don't respect Kamachi enough to believe your crap

Which Touma does Will supports?

Yes but he was on the defensive.
Now he fetches Accel & Hamazura and attacks the heart of Bongland.
No bullshit and no time wasted.
This is no “run away” NT10.

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good thing Othinus did some weird shit in the past then

The fuck is this mess of a post. There are easier ways to pull out of an argument on an anonymous forum without embarrassing yourself. Like, you know, not replying.

The one that is willing to fuck Accel in the ass

The only obvious treasure that the dragon would protect is gold
Misaki confirmed heroine
we did it Miraclebros

Good thing fairies can breed with dragons

>I can see I'm dealing with an anti-Occam's-Razor faggot
Occam-kun! Is that you!? I thought you died!

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Considering it's Othinus' fault Touma can't have kids normally anymore it only makes sense that she should take responsibility and carry all the eggs.

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This volume is making me feel shit for Misaki I never thought I would. What the fuck. Do I like Misaki now?

Probably IT only because Misaki is basically her best friend.

Dolly isn't connected to the Network. And Dolly wouldn't help someone who's so clearly manipulating Misaki for his own ends.

Othinus is the one who made him that way, of course she'd be down for it. Hell, she probably wanted it on some level. Much like NT9 was in hindsight a way to create an understander, what would logically follow? Accidentally creating something that in hindsight would give her the dicking that she wants.

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Shes still a full on goddess, shes just smol. Gods/goddess's have bred with far weirder shit then dragons before.

>so shit that can't even see who the real T is here
shallow bitch

>implying dolly isn't will
also misaki kinda brought that shit upon herself, she actively went with the bullshit.

This volume is making me dislike Misaki again. Point she earned when she hanged around Biribiri helped her with AAA has gone down the drain for me.

Othinus is glued to ET.
Accel is on ET's side.
Take a wild guess.

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and helped*

Unironically it's the reverse to me, that I like that she has the ability to break down and it makes her feel more like a human and helps her stand out from some of the other female cast members. That said she needs to stop thinking with her pussy.

Too be fair thats not the dumbest idea shes had, i mean since she fell for a human, may as well make him the most badass she could think of and as the norse god of war, whats more badass then going full dragon at will?

>Othinus is glued to ET
Honestly this would seem like a point against it for Will. I doubt she's got a particularly good opinion of Othinus even after she "got better".

So the leaks were less a matter of Misaka being puppeted by Misaki and more Misaka not being willing to fry Misaki's brain to avoid being puppetted.

Othinus explanations reminds me, Kamachi said OT was "until the end of the world" and NT "after the end of the world" in the afterword, didn't he? I wonder if it was about the changes from one to the other.

The ability to break down is fine and all, but going "Well, he has IB, it must be him" is some pretty shallow thinking. Especially with how different from normal he's acting. She's going in some serious self delusion right now.

Why didnt IT just asked Mikoto for some AAA guns and shoot ET?
I though he was supposed to be smart

Nothing in particular. She already paid up her debt. She made him stronger so he can stand up on his own. Like what she said, she does not care what he turns into. What is important to her is Accel not turning evil. She had Accel side with ET purely on a whim.

The world itself didn't really change between OT22 to NT1 anywhere near as fundamentally as it did between NT9 and NT10 though.

Yes, and also that NT22R is a highlight of various things from OT and NT clashing

It's because he remembers her. It's the one hope she has left now.

Is this whole dynamic with the memories going to end up being a Ghost Banri thing?

That would break the disguise instantly.


>let me anger a guy who hates being stolen from
but why would you do that

OT22 was the beginning of the end of the aeon of osiris because Fiamma (Christianity) lost

>implying almost killing the cat didnt

I never said it was a bad idea. It's a pretty good idea in fact, might keep him alive a lot longer. It just reveals some pretty amusing fetishes hidden underneath her hat. NT9 becomes cute when you realize that she just wanted a friend, but this becomes pretty lewd when you realize she wants a 2m long lizard to pin her down at sonic speeds.

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What if ET stole IT's life first?

I'm not saying it justifies her at all, but I think being able to show different sides and dynamics to a character, either good or bad contextually, is a benefit to the character because it fleshes them out.

I hope the spoilers about Kamachi making her a main heroine in part 3 is true

its cause IT actually remembers misaki, hes the touma who has all of his lost memories from the asston of brain damage, but doesn't remember everything else. for her its her miracle happened and she has her guy in front of her even if she has too reject reality in front of her. in other words touma is gonna smack a bitch and break some illusions soon.

Why are Othinuskeks so cringe?

It's not in part 3, he just says she finally became a main heroine in this volume. She could end up getting the Index treatment after this

You know what they say about me;
>Normal high school boy in the streets
>Dragon in the sheets

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>Accelerator, Kihara Noukan, Hamazura Shiage, and Takitsubo Rikou. Shokuhou had no way of knowing some of it, but was it fortunate or misfortunate that those other major science side members had not been here?
Hamazura and his drugged girlfriend are much important than Misaki and Mikoto.

IT seems like an absolute prick with a mentality of a newborn despite his knowledge.

They have always been cringe

I mean that's not misaki's thoughts that's OOC knowledge.

Stop being so cringe, holy fuck
anti-fun faggot

>major science side member

Isn't he more of a lackey?

If Accelerator had been there, the moment IT tried to gut Touma he would've tossed a table right into him.
>"Tch. That shitty level 0 wouldn't stoop to those shitty aesthetics."

Aleister please, just because you couldn't pin the boy down in your capsule hotel is no reason to be jealous.

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Hamazura has Dion as his cock warmer

>IT thought if accel was there misaki could control him
>when hes a level 6 and literally could just squish her and him with his bullshit demon contract.
methinks IT done fucked up badly.

We're at the point where Madame Horos even recognized him as important

I mean, if he was just chilling in the party with his choker off she could. But he'd be pretty useless because the moment he turns it on or 545 interferes he'd be free.

>She had Accel side with ET purely on a whim.
I doubt that. She just does not want Accel to with the original and other main girls. 545 is ugly so she does not mind her. Other girls like Dion does not give a damn about Accel so they are fine also.

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IT doesnt knows that, in fact it seems IT only knows from before Pendex dragon breath and NT22

thats my point, in exactly no world does IT win against current accel, cause hes either retarded and useless unless he goes full autistic with wings and breaks free anyways, or he tries too hit accel, accel shakes it off and just crushes his dumb ass flat.

I feel at that point Accel would've had his collar in overdrive, but even if she did control him Qliphah would've 'smacked' him back to his senses and then IT would've been dead on the spot.

She was just bullshitting in order to place a trap for Imagine Breaker.

Honestly I doubt it would work even with his powers off. The network can keep Neph out of his brain, how can Misaki compare even with the Anna boost.

hes knows NT22 though, where accel demonstrates his absolute bullshit, it's even worse knowing he knows what went down in NT 22

>545 is ugly
Wrong, she is a very attractive lady.

>Level 6
He's not Level 6.

>Hamazura Shiage is a small speck, but he is a dangerous element that can do things no one can ever predict.

>literally can control reality and could straight up bitchslap things that mortals or even magic gods can't deal with
>not level 6

>IT gets the rest of Touma's memories
>Explodes itself as NT9 replays in his mind

Hit them with a wine bottle? Sure. He still always went for incapacitation rather than kill.

I did say that he knows what happens in NT22, but he only knows that Accel helped in the boat, he doesnt knows that he has a pet demon now

He can only do that with outside support.

To Accel
Ugly = Not a Misaka face

A dangerous speck is still a speck.

Aleister fucked MGs over.
Anna fucked Aleister’s whole life over.
But I’m pretty sure that even with the boost Accel would break out one way or another.
He has WILL & Squid to boop him.

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That sort of thing is never clear with Kamachi

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>IT gets the rest of Touma's memories
>NT9 replays in his mind
>Fuck. H-h-hey let’s talk this out...."frying pan noises"

>To Accel
That's where you're wrong kiddo.

yeah but he does know accel was strong enough to smack coronzon into a form that could be killed, so you'd think he would at least get second thoughts on this idea.

>can control reality
Try rereading that chapter a bit slower.

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>Ugly = Not a Misaka face
Is that a side effect of his brain damage?

So he's basically a wildcard

yeah hes always been the wildcard, thats literally his role in the series.

>It had taken him just a bit longer to “return” after relying on it this time. If that delay continued to grow the more he used it, what would eventually happen?
There you have it, Touma can shapeshift at will.

Not him but he did construct hierarchical Laws using the Network as the basis so he's not entirely wrong, but I feel it was more like he was working off what already existed. I don't think he can actually just rewrite laws.

MisaMisa is endgame

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Speaking of Kamachi not being clear, I wonder if, with the illustration of Touma's crew popping up soon, and potentially showing how he gathered them up, if Kamachi will wind us back a little again and show how it is Othinus managed to find this dragon-fied Touma. Because he makes it seem like he can't carry her when he transforms (or she just doesn't, for whatever reason) so it would seem she wasn't there when IT broke off. It seems like Kamachi glosses over a lot of things involving how she gets from place to place though so my hopes on clarification are somewhat low.

>Quads of truth
There it is folks.

Who is that Misaka?

>At will
Literally the entire point is that he can't control it that well and it might eventually be permanent if he does it too often. That said, he can say things like "wow this is scary" from inside it. So at least he seems to keep his personality even if the change does become permanent.

i'm just waiting for the inevitable reveal that shes still at 1% power but 1% of infinite is still infinite she never actually lost her powers and has simply been faffling about with her understander for the sheer reason so he doesn't go nuts.

They are so cute together

I'd argue that bares similarities to the decriptions of a level 6. Those being understanding the workings of god which is pretty much what abyss knowledge is. The other being Aliester mention of making a 6 by forming a trinity out of Accel, LO, and Kazakiri. We got Accel ,545, and WILL Will can seemingly do everyting LO can and more in the network, 545 was actually compared to kazakiri a few times in nature. But only kamachi knows the truth.

I hope they become actual friends instead of pretending they hate each other for part 3

All we saw him do was apply pressure on the Sephiroth to force Coronzon out of her body, turning her biggest defense into her achilles heel. The thing is that the 3rd tree was there since OT, ever since Aleister spread them around the world. The Elizard fight this volume would sound like a massive asspull if you confused using that as controlling reality

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If she is though, then she should be in her 50/50 mode, so she'd risk backlash every time even for minor things like taming birds. Which you think would be something she wouldn't just bust out on a whim, but rather keep for important times like she was sort of hinting at in NT20.

He seems a far cry from omnipotent to me.

hes but 545 is specifically the ruler of the third tree which is human progress, and her official contract has accel as her boss and access too her shit, so by logic he has control of the 3rd tree and all that represents, all the bullshit therewithal.

Level 6 was never a state of omnipotence. Aleister already said he needed to go beyond it. You can't go beyond omnipotence by definition.

Bird taming is not magic

Why would you ever take the position of downplaying Accel while using this image?

That's not what happened though. In the text it's literally stated that he 'embedds' it into the universe. He uses that force as a means to attack Coronzon, but the hierarchy of the Clonoth wasn't made. The Network was basically a canvas and Accel more or less draw a picture on it and framed it to put it simply, but it couldn't have been done without the network.

most likely yes, why do you think she mostly doesn't do things and just chills nearly all the time.

Thanks, Super Coronzon


You're saying level 6 cannot be reached without support? rip Kekine. Even Mikoto is more likely to do it.

Will-chan inside 10031 (or some random clone).

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Bird taming is Odin's experience

Well that's my point though, while Kamachi glosses over how she gets from place to place, it would seem silly to roll the dice over possibly dying (or maybe if the magic is small scale enough it wont kill her) just to get from point A to point B

If Misaki can support Mikoto and perform a pseudo-Level Upper effect with the Network, it might produce interesting results.

That's the cover story, but I don't buy something the size of a tasty rat taming a hawk/eagle.

Wasn't it hinted that Othinus could still become a terrifying monster if anything happened to Touma?

They'd likely all explode, but that would be interesting.

she has been shown too ride animals and shit too get places, also we still haven't seen all her cards as THE ODIN, we saw gungnir and her bow, but odin is known for having raven familiars that he hears and sees all the worlds on the tree of yggdrasil and hes very nearly omniscient., in addition too a massive mastery of runes and other assorted bullshit.

Ollerus lampshades it
Same can said to Touma as well

>a character acts out of pure grief and desesperation, deluding herself
>a character acts human
>so it's a shit character
Sasuaga raildex.

>The thing is that the 3rd tree was there since OT
The one who was there since OT was Will and not the Clonoth. The Clonoth was probably created in the duration of the omega world which is literally billions of years.

It could result in a purified version of whatever happened in Railgun's Daihaseisai. As long as Misaki puts a hard cap on how much power Mikoto can use, she should be safe.

Humans are shit.

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>those crossover where Othinu randomly appears in his non-fairy form casually
>sometimes she just appears and vanishes
fishy goddess

basically ollerus straight out says nobody is allowed too actually permanently do shit too touma cause othinus will do some terrifying shit and become a super monster beyond the bullshit we have already seen her do.

The absolute state of Kakinefags after realizing that the one thing stopping him from reaching greatness is bonding and trust. Fookin rekt.

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The Clonoth was created by Accel using the Network. It was a baseless tree with nothing on it to which Accelerator applied laws to it through Abyss knowledge. Most likely simply borrowing from the Sephirot's laws and tweaking them since the rules of ascent are different. I prefer to differentiate the Clonoth and the Network but I guess it's all the same to some.

shes back too 50/50 form probably user, read the thread we've been on this. she just doesn't normally do shit cause 50/50 can just as likely fuck the situation up so she needs too be careful.

Yeah, though this was when she was still normal sized.

>The Will of the Misaka Network was unaffected by Othinus' power
>She witnessed everything from her throne.
>All the suffering Touma went through.
>Over and over, over 10031 cycles.

It's amazing she can still act like a benevolent goddess after that bullshit.

I'm not a delusional power level shitter and find it to be the absolute worst part of his character discussion bar none

>“Hmm /return.”
>An exasperated voice appeared in his head like a surprise attack.
>And this was not Qliphah Puzzle 545.
>"""This was someone else who had been seated in their throne from the very beginning"""".

>“Fine then,” said the voice in his head. “I’ve already lost my power as a Magic God, but as you mentioned, I still have the Norse symbolism. I’ll set my existence itself as the address and drag your body out.
She still has all the Odin aspects

I know she's been shown riding animals, I'm pointing out that's not super feasible without some magic. I don't care how smart a hamster is, or what techniques it uses, it managing to find a bird of prey that normally eats animals around it's size, and riding it, is suspicious.

Odin was known as "The wanderer" before reaching Godhood.
She might have a natural blink.

Attached: Odin the Wanderer.jpg (203x249, 12K)

Then don't take part in it.

i could see this, othinus could very also have a magnificent assortment of absolute bullshit as well.

So it's the fool?

Mikoto-Misaki-AAA Level Shift would be interesting

even as odin she shouldn't be able too simply drag touma from one dimension too another one user, shes still got 50/50 user, face it.

Ah yes, I'll just let anons talk bullshit and then get upset when an old lady with a dimension slicing sword can hurt a totally omnipotent kid

>I’ll set my existence itself as the address and drag your body out
>I'll drag you right to my side no matter what

>The Clonoth was created by Accel using the Network
Or the Network created the Clonoth for Accel.

It's still possible to perform some degree of magic even without tremendous power. Komoe was able to use a healing spell simply from following Index's instructions. Just by moving a certain way, breathing a certain way, performing specific actions, it's still possible to use magic. You don't need any innate power, you just need knowledge.

So there was always the possibility that Othinus could perform magic.

Isn't it more fun that way?

Certainly you understood what I said by referring to that image?

They do seem pretty friendly in the ending illustration, and thats supposedly after a timeskip

If Othinus still has full set of Odin’s abilities before he became God she has the bullshit.
And birds and wolves are his signature thing.

Attached: odin_before_his_scrifice_by_unripehamadryad.jpg (761x1051, 316K)

shes also a master of rune magic, which has fuck all too do with internalized magic, so shes pretty much just faffling about, like i said.

>The Will of the Misaka Network was unaffected by Othinus' power
bringing the clones back was messing her and Othinus treated it like an oversight in NT12 rather than being beyond her power.

I don't think it's how the text made it seem. It seemed more like the Network was basically a sleeper-cell Tree that couldn't function as one properly until someone gave it the right parts it needed and embedded it. But if I'm wrong I'm wrong, and I'm sure whatever clonoth shit he does will give us more context.