
In which state is Senpai going to find her?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Isn’t the new chapter supposed to be coming today

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Looks like I will also be coming today

In 12-16 hours. Unless stalker got hit by truck kun

its going to turn into hentai, naga will decide the only way to “take back” senpai is sex and senpai will find her completely naked

I'm going to stop following Nagatoro when they have sex. Not because I'd hate that but that's what this is all leading up to and everything afterward would be a waste of time.

>missing cute dorky dates
>missing senpai and naga moving in together for university
>missing senpai asking nagas parents for their daughters hand
>missing the marriage
>missing the birth of their first child

Naga is not a long-term kinda girl, you plow her at her place and then hope she never finds out where you live.

I miss her bros.

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I need help Yea Forums. I kinda want to read this but I have no idea what the actual start of the manga is. Everything I'm reading says it started in 2017, but I know that's wrong, I saw panels of this manga way before that. Apparently there was a webcomic in 2011? So are there 6 years of chapters of the mangaka doing it for free or what? Where do I start with this thing? I've also heard the webcomic had a totally different tone, and that the print version is turning into generic romcom shit. Should I read this or not? What do I read first?


The webcomic only had a few iterations and the manga as we know it now started in 2017. You don't have to have read the one before, they're unrelated in terms of continuity.

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774 technically made the basis of Nagatoro in like 2011. He basically made 4 doujins for masochists. The manga is based on those doujins but are unrelated to the doujins. Read the manga first then the doujins

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Any more stories with a female bully hanging out with a cute nerd

Seriously what kind of fucking dumbfuck actual retard is literally too fucking stupid to start reading Nagatoro for fuck's sake?
Fucking seriously lad. Get a grip.

easiest (You) of my life right here guys, you know getting this angry isn't good for your heart right user?

Got any links for the doujins?

Anger is healthier than stupidity.
Consider suicide.

Fucking hell is this a spoonfeeding general for illiterate retards who can't use a keyboard for anything other than asking dumb questions?


Literally the third fucking result on google when you type nagatoro doujin, nobody needs that link.

You little faggot shut the fuck up, I can't let mommy see that in my browser history

Why didn't you kill yourself yet, you absolute waste of space?

It appears to be a joke, sir.

SeeIt's also a joke except go fuck yourself

Calm down, my friend. Nagatoro threads are havens of kindness and camaraderie. There's no need to fight in here.

The doujins were better than the serialization.

sure, but it doesn't give utter fucking morons and their retarded shit a pass
fuck them and fuck you too
And fuck your shit taste too

Fuck you and your shit taste, scumbag.
Its assholes like you that make it so that this series has only gotten more generic as it has gone on.

La Nalgatoro Blanca

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I literally just typed "nagatoro" on Google, clicked on the first result and went to Chapter 1.

You should thank me for spoonfeeding you.

POV light femdom image sets with no characters sure are unique.
There is more soul in the most boring chapter of the serialization than in any of the doujins, fetishcuck.

>reading a femdom manga
>shaming people for reading femdom doujins

Attached: anime female embarassed by how confused she is.jpg (374x347, 39K)

I don't shame you for reading femdom, I shame you for having terrible taste
What is terrible taste? Pretending that a serie of fetish fuel image sets are more enjoyable to read than a well written cute romcom with good characters.


>well written cute romcom with good characters
>well written
this is a thread for a shonen manga about hot girls bullying nerds, which as a premise, isn't really any more artistically valid or non-valid than femdom doujins.

I'm sure the characters are great, it's still a manga for japanese men age 13-25 to get their dicks hard. Don't be delusional.

The series goes from well done and brutal image sets that hint at a larger story to,
A manga that at first had a similar tone to attract fans of the doujin before becoming a generic tsundere plot. Give a few chapters and we'll get a 'Its not like I like you or anything, idiot' and you'll piss yourself acting like that is in any way novel.

I don't even like femdom and I still recognize the difference in quality and originality.

death to America, death to Israel, curse on the Jews, nagatoro

Nothing delusional in finding it well written. Sure it's not high end deep philosophical literature, yet the narrative is fluid, the comedy is good, paneling works well, characters are clearly defined, their personalities and antics are fun, there is progression and imagination; it is the very definition of well written.
It's not groundbreakingly revolutionary but who gives a shit aside from poseurs and assorted fetishcucks?
Just like who decided to hate this manga for things that haven't happened in it because it's not niche and obscure enough for his trve hardcore underground anime fan ass.

I used a Nagatoro reaction image today in a group chat including a female friend of mine and she knew what it was from. She said lmao you WOULD be into Nagatoro
How do I recover from this?

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Cool, maybe you can develop a bit about that difference then?

>Read the manga first then the doujins
What? No.
He should do what we've all done and read the doujinshi, shitpost about it on Yea Forums, then wait 6 years, and then read the manga.

telling that normalfag whore to go fuck herself and make you a sandwich while she's at it

You had me until here:
>It's not groundbreakingly revolutionary but who gives a shit aside from poseurs and assorted fetishcucks?
You can be annoyed at the manga being more generic than the doujin without being some kind of wannabe art-hipster or fetishist. There are a lot of romance manga, comedy manga, and harem manga. The list of well-written stories involving femdom that is more than purely sexual is smaller.

>tfw no more violent sm Nagatoro that goes wet at the sight of a disgusting crying senpai

this was the post I was hoping for. I will do exactly this.

Is she a landwhale? If you don't have to man the harpoons, the standard cool guy comeback is to tease her about knowing anything about Nagatoro.

Tell her that femdom is an entirely acceptable fetish and making fun of a guy for liking it is unacceptable in modern times.
Say that she is promoting toxic masculinity and gender roles.

The manga stopped being femdom after the first chapter, with the 2 pages in the beach chapter being an exception.

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How old are you and this friend of yours? Depending on your age, there could be some creepy implications there.

>The list of well-written stories involving femdom that is more than purely sexual is smaller.
Yeah, so fetishcuck, my point exactly

Nagatoro: 3.0 You Can (Not) Compete

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The difference is that the doujins were fucking rough to read. Naga was fucking brutal to Sempai and it actually hurt to see.
I'm not into masochism so I wasn't jacking it to the 'story'.
The serialization on the other hand loses the edge that made it unique early on and started to transform into a more generic 'tsundere crush and wimpy male mc plot' that a thousand and one stories have done before. Naga went from actually bullying Sempai to simply teasing/goading him and the story has started to just follow the tropes of the romance genre to the letter rather than innovate.

It no longer has the same elements that set it apart from the crowd.

*shrinks your waifu*

Nothing personnel, el presidente.

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What set early Nagatoro apart from the rest of the Romance Manga of the time?
Was it the MC? No.
Was it the setting? No.
Was it the art? Not really.
It was Nagatoro that set it apart. And her losing that bully personality means that this series as a whole has less going for it.

The 'edge' was the only thing separating it from the crowd? My balls. There are a lot of femdom doujins, even Nanashi himself wrote better ones than original Naga.
The good execution of story, comedy and characters is what separates the serialization from the crowd.
It is fun and enjoyable to read, well crafted shit honestly. The average manga romcom is neither of those, even the 'best' (or least shit) struggle to be. And the doujins aren't either beyond the first reading imo. It has its moments sure, but 4 doujins and a game was a good format, it ran its course and that's it.

Except not at all, because by 'losing' the one dimensional bully persona, the serie gained a more touching character, comedy, room for character development and progression, trials and tribulations, other characters, the possibility to create a lot more situations and stories, etc.
Naga is a better character in the manga.

Will we get a Bingo tomorrow?

Attached: BINGO_NAGA.png (1549x2067, 2.83M)

>never heard of this nagatoro RPG maker game
>google it
>Yea Forums translated it
>numerous reddit threads where they act like the tripfag who translated it is a member of their community

reddit, when will they learn?

Anyone have the freespace pic?

Attached: free.png (165x166, 24K)

The Nagatoro doujins wouldn't really be classified as "Romance". They're more like "psychological high school horror"

>want to download and play the RPG maker game
>it's for Windows
>i'm using Linux
>mfw i have no face

Cheeki breeki

I appreciate the sentiment to a degree.

I've heard a lot about this so it's about time I play it. Is it the escape the room game translated by STALKER?

using linux while being to technologically inept to use wine or a windows vm can't be satisfying

Here, Senpai

Attached: Please+dont+bully+me+eddy_7a9cbd_7061764.jpg (1200x1593, 212K)

It's sad that Nagatoro being so obvously lovestruck all but confirms that there will be no ntr bait in this adaptation. I guess mc could seriously fuckup and turn her turn into a vengeful cunt reaulting in her getting back at him with fake ntr, but that wouldn't make any sense after all we've been through.


oh no the cucks are here

If she tried to ntr bait Senpai in the manga now he'd just fuck both pres and any of Naga's friend in the clubroom and make sure she watches


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I wish I was senpai, he has all the power.

Quit crying, Senpai! Why do you always make me shout at you?!
How could you just NTR me and love Prez out the blue?!
Oh, what's the matter, Senpai? Am I too loud for you?!
Too bad, bitch! You're gonna finally hear me out this time!
At first I'm like, "Aight, you wanna throw me out, that's fine!"
But not for her to take my place, are you out your mind?!
This couch, this painting, this whole room is mine!
How could you let her be nude in our room?! Look it, Senpai!
Look at your President now! I said look at her!
She ain't so hot now, is she, gross pervert!?

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I expect she'll be hurt but try to play it cool. Then Senpai will say something like she's his greatest source of inspiration or she's the only woman he wants to draw.

I just read the doujins. Was more abusive relationship than femdom. How the fuck did this ever get serialized?

>>numerous reddit threads where they act like the tripfag who translated it is a member of their community
I want to see this but I don't want to go to r*ddit.

I got you.

Attached: the jesus of reddit.png (460x214, 16K)

I normally don't care about this dumb feud there seems to be between here and reddit but this actually makes me angry.
The stupid cunts act like that when it suits them better but complain when he puts "normalfag" in the translation and when he jokingly edits medieval art into the backgrounds. What a bunch of tools.

Because the lesser fags steal shit and claim it as their own is the reason they are looked down upon as the worthless cum stains that they are.

Oh shit

None of this is new or unique to anime communities there. The music boards banner was just a cropped version of a Yea Forums recommendation chart... for 3 years. Reddit is a shithole, and if you disagree with any prevailing opinion on reddit, sycophants just make sure your posts are invisible.

Now back on topic. Can someone please explain to me how the doujin that was a glorified variant set of nagatoro kicking a man in the thighs somehow got serialized as an actual manga? Nagatoro is a cute and interesting character, but the doujins I just read were literally recycled variations on the same drawings. Did internet circlejerking make this into a real manga?

It's more teasing at this point, only now it backfires on Nagatoro.
Plus it's got more development than most rom coms.

Maybe it got picked up by some adventurous scout and managed to get the corporate green light on concept alone, but after it got serialized the higher ups realized it was a bit too much and told Nanashi to tone it down.
I honestly have no idea how the process of serialization worked so I'm just tossing shit at the wall.


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I owe the user I was arguing with an apology. That doujin was pretty deviant-art-tier, especially the first 2 chapters/releases.

What were you arguing about?

>this big bad yankee bitch comes up to you and your not-girlfriend kohai bully and slaps your ass in front of her
What do?

Attached: naughty anon.png (545x947, 575K)

I argued the characterizations in the serialization were generic, and that the doujin assuredly had less generic characterizations. Technically it did, but that doujin wasn't great. I mistakenly assumed it was, you know, a normal doujin, not a series of full color poorly drawn pixiv images that re-use art.

You have to keep in mind that it's not as if some magazine saw the doujins and thought "hmmm this could be a hit, let's serialize it! contact the author" but most likely it was 774 presenting a romcom draft about a brown girl teasing his lanky senpai, that just happened to have the same characters and premise as a set of doujins he made years ago, to a magazine. They probably worked out "no hard violence" as in the butt kicking doujin, but I definitely expect and hope some psychological abuse like the fake ntr in the doujins coming to the manga. Keep in mind that my knowledge about manga serializations is based entirely on manga about mangaka

Honestly, the fake ntr was the cutest bit. I kinda thought they had a cute relationship in the doujin, with her insults obviously being how she expresses her love. Then she kicked him in the asshole for 60 pages and the quality suddenly dropped to on the level of eviant-art fetish porn.

I agree, the naga doujin fags only enjoyed it because of their fetish and should be ignored in every thread they stink up with their presence.

get down on my knees like the little bitch I am

I mean, I have the fetish and I still thought those doujins were trash. Some people just have bad taste.

Wait for for my not-girlfriend's reaction. She's the one who thinks she's in power after all.

fucking hell, someone tell stalker to make an appearance there and tell them about how great hitler was

I've got a better one, he should drop in and tell them there's only two genders.

they would probably upvote that desu

alternatively he could just start slipping offensive stuff into his translation, they he doesn't even have to tarnish his browser history with their name

He should just slip some frens and some 1350 at random in the translations

le alt-right frog might do the trick, they might just claim we edited it though

Are the raws out yet?


They won't be for at least 12 hours.

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>but the doujins I just read were literally recycled variations on the same drawings. Did internet circlejerking make this into a real manga?
Are you new to the concept of image sets? It's a format of, usually, porn.

What is so great about some flat brown brat when you could have a could have a curvy cool prez?

I just want to say that you anons make these Nagatoro threads so fun.

>cowtits and brapp over skinny with a round ass
ultimate plen kys my man

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Naga has nothing and is basically a boy.

Uzaki left out yet again


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It's too late to respond to her specific message. Let it slide for now and just pretend it didn't happen.

If it comes up again, ask her if she reads it or watches it. If she says yes, ask her if she self-inserts as nagatoro. If she says no (but still knows what it is), say that you assumed she would be the kind of person who would self-insert as Nagatoro.

There's a couple of different ways it could go from there, but the key is to not care about any possible routes she may take. You're not attacking her, you're just giving her a bit of banter back in return for the banter she's clearly giving you.

What lady doesn't want a cute boy to torment?
Its just natural.

From which chapter is this pic


Eternal reminder that even under the intense light of 1,000 suns of Summer, we'll never be as bad as leddit (or *any* normalfag site for that matter) though faith does waver at times.

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The bumping post

checked those doubles

Nice pic. Now post the sad cruel real version please

I imagine it's all of them around a communal toilet but the shit is then pumped back up and showers everyone?

Chapter when?

No new chapter today because of squid day in Japan (a public holiday)

So next week? Or tomorrow?

aww shucks

Attached: nagalevel.png (1800x2500, 1.15M)

woah there i didn't know her tits were not the only things hanging in the open in that nude shot.
trap presidenta sounds kinda hot ngl

it's presidente even if it's a female (at least here in costa rica)

Presidente: the one who preside something, it has no gender

first time I've heard of spanish speaking users not using gender specific nouns. Usually "President" is translated to "Presidente" or "Presidenta" depending on gender, like a lot of nouns in spanish. even if this distinction is not made clear with the noun it's feels incredibly weird to me that the pronoun is still used as if it was a male instead of a female.
(unless it's not supposed to be spanish and im just retarded)
I'm curious, are there any other words that share this behavior or is it just presidente? I know for one "Estudiante" doesn't have a gender specific noun for female because it sounds retarded

In almost every romance language, the present participle of a verb is an adjective (that can also used as a noun) that ends in -ente both in male and female conjugation because it was third declension in Latin, which does not change for gender.
Therefore in this case the president becomes La presidente

And that's why the beach chapter is best chapter

and the festival chapters where they put a collar on senpai

Imagine Nagatoro getting so soft that even cute senpai will be unable to stop himself from bullying her.

Senpai would be very lucky

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>Mysterious small cherry blossom
>100% ability
Oh dear god

Would you need a duck-like corkscrew penis to impregnate Nagatoro?

Cursed in hindsight

The program must have been reading some of Nanashi's pig doujins.

>Less than 24 hours to the next chapter
Hey guys, reminder not to completely flood the actual chapter dumping thread with reaction images, dont make the shit hit image limit before STALKER finishes

Attached: D_RqGoIUcAEyIsw.png (333x376, 158K)

It's less than three hours, user.

>the return of Nekotoro
Based Nanashi.

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Killing her

You just gave me an idea

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Is Nagatoro somewhat popular in Japan? I'm not much into manga, but I really enjoy this one,been refreshing the site a few times a day hoping for a new chapter

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Ask her if she would be your nagatoro

S.T.A.L K.E.R needs to go there and drop a bunch of anti kekddit shit

It's selling well, Nanashi will probably get a contract extension after this volume.

No, he needs to do nothing at all and keep on ignoring the existence of these retards

Yeah, that describes most of his first comments before the chapter starts doesn't it?

Attached: RUN AWAY.png (257x343, 34K)

Do you think Stalker sometimes posting here without trip fag?

Where is the chapter bros?

I don't think he uses the trip outside of his translation threads afaik

Not for another two hours at least, and even then S.T.A.L.K.E.R. needs around 20 minutes to translate and set up the thread.

Attached: STARE.png (115x227, 14K)

Also for some reason our shit is more rancid than the others because we still haven't managed to move on from pepe

>yfw Stalker falls asleep again

Attached: it really makes me think.png (173x185, 35K)

shut up faggot, OUR shit is the best shit in the world

Does anyone have a link for the new chapter?

It'll come out in a hour and a half.

Alright, so do you guys want this week's chapter in enigma code or in treasure hunt?

>In weird counter-cultural rebellion Nagatoro decides to go full Yamato Nadeshiko.

Treasure hunt, please~

Treasure hunt

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No killing Yea Forums please.


> Turns out 771 isn't even Japanese
> he's actually in the Zone right now
> He's drawing all his manga from Bar
> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is just exchanging artifacts and bullets for the raws
> It's affected other stalkers in the zone
> None of them play guitars by fires or crack jokes anymore
> Instead they just sit around fires reading Nagatoro and talk about why Sakura is better for Senpai than Nagatoro and how Yoshi is best girl

treasure hunt?????

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Ey yo hol up

Treasure Hunt. Dump those pages in a bunch of different threads please

Who is Sakura

Am I the only one that wants the enigma code?

Based Stalker.

Attention whoring much?

I thought only fags could crack those

Sleepy/Friend C

Attached: Monkeyspaw.jpg (254x190, 10K)

Every time there's a dump thread niggers spam the shit out of it

Niggers spamming the shit out of all of Yea Forums is slightly worse.

Someone post raws please

Nothing wrong with that.

Yea Forums以外にも書き込むね、楽しいかもしれん。

>implying Presidente is best girl
These scavengers, travlers, adventurers, loners, killers, explorers and robbers have some shit taste

God I fucking hate namefags. Why don't you just post the chapters anonymously? If you need credit and attention, go to >>>/reddit/

Apologize to stalker right now.

We can tolerate a small amount of manwhoring from Stalker for consistently and quickly translating chapters for Yea Forums for free

The shitstorm in the threads is the best part you plebs.

They'll come in a hour.

Who cares, that's part of the fun. Unless the thread hits the bump limit before half the pages are dumped then the thread will last long enough for stalker to complete the dump

>trying this hard to fit in

You should at least have said tripfag and people might have fallen for your garbage bait.


Because if he wasn't tripfagging any fucker could claim to be him and post fake translations in dump threads, retard.

You need to go back.

>The shitstorm in the threads is the best part you plebs.
Exactly, reminds me of the old pixiv imageset threads.


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>dissing based S.T.A.L.K.E.R

Oh, so you are aware of it then? Shame on you for not doing anything about it.

delete yourself crossboarder.

guaranteed replies

net positive. shoot yourself too while you're at it

Can't we just get the chapter by searching your name in the archive?

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Not really. What I said is completely valid, it just goes against the popular opinion here and I know saying it won't change anything.

Should've told her you only started reading it for the president.

It goes against the popular opinion only because it was a retarded thing to say, not cuz youre right

>What I said is completely valid
What you said wasn't even objectively accurate.

>I know saying it won't change anything
Well at least you're not completely brainless

Huh. Damn. Guess it wouldn't work huh.


you silly bear just post it normally please

stalker pls we dont need these games we only want the chapter

we crave it, we thirst

You were waiting for that exact kind of reply so that you can have an excuse to not pull this bullshit, I am I not right?


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Attached: Screenshot_2.png (127x103, 36K)

I guess you'd be asking for trouble with Yea Forums, which kind of defeats the purpose. Just stick to vandalizing the pages and calling that an achievement.

Do it my friend, change name and hide it somewhere in a thread far away from Yea Forums, let's have fun!

Do it, faggot. All these retard will collected it for me anyway.

And laughing as the edited pages end up on mangadex because everybody just waits for stalker.



NEVER show your powerlevel user. It's too late.

do it on different boards or even different sites, upload it to catbox and post the link in some thread. it's the only way

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Well boys
Seems like enigma's on the menu today

b-but it's 2019


Reddit really hated it when stalker edited those pages, huh. That's your cue to edit more pages in the future, stalker.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R-kun we beg you, dont do this to us

You know we to brainlet to figure out where this shits gonna be, just make one of your glorious 700 bumped threads.

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Don't mess with me, STALKER-san

do you mean improved?

where's the chapter???

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Fucks off

Its OK to be gay, its OK to crossdress, transgender surgery is partially covered by healthcare.
Tomorrow it will be the dog lovers, then the family affairs, then the children. Robots will appear at some point in between.
Until the rest of society has fallen to the very bottom of the shit pile, NEVER reveal your powerlevel. But they'll get there soon.


STALKER leaves the ship
It's over!

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Where are the Nagas?

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How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man? It comes out at 12 AM Jap time, like it ALWAYS does! So in like 20 minutes.

>new chapter gets released as a plaintext hex file encrypted with AES

I swear to god i'm gonna fuck your cranium with a crowbar if you dont release the chapter already, Nagatoro

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remember when this chinese comic was about bullying

It still is. Senpai just bullies Nagatoro nowadays.

Not before we fuck you inside out, backwards, and upside down first! Come on girls, get him!

Attached: ULTRA CURSED.png (1398x1857, 1.08M)

>muh original doughjeans were butter!

I'm being bullied right now by stalker.

I like it, fuck you

Would the series have gotten popular if the genders where reversed?

god i wish it where me

It's about STALKER bullying Yea Forums now.

>Reminder that the new watered down Nagatoro appeals to normalfags

Attached: 1055326429.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Sorry fag, Vanilla is the righteous man's fetish

Attached: fate cut routes.png (1012x1200, 947K)

Wrong image idiot. Oh wait, that's greentext for quoting. Carry on then.

It wouldn't be pure. Could you bully a submissive M without dicking her in the first chapter? And would you let your friends do the same?

If stalker leaves us i will 100% kill myself

Didn't you post this last time? Get better material!

Attached: NAGA CRINGE.png (377x300, 52K)

Reminds me of that screencap where an user wrote an ntr ending for nagatoro, someone post it i need to beat my dick

i didn't actually
isomeone else must've posted the exact same thing
which is worse

We're getting NTR this chapter, hold on to your dick.

it's okay to reveal your power level in 2019

How many anons have killed themselves waiting for stalker?

not enough

I know I did.

*cocks gun*
Not enough.


Wait, then how are you....

Attached: UNDEAD.png (481x126, 42K)



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*Readying the app now.*

>please don't bully me, STALKER

I was buried with my phone to avoid mssing this week chapter

Wow user, that's some real dedication right there. You recycled your phone into compost and everything!

Hey STALKER are you interested in translating the remake of Inchou Wa Suppon Pon?

I'm being contineously being bullied out of the afterlife and back into life just to post here

It's out. Please hold.

That was a fast chapter. A few pages without text, neat for Stalker. Naga's cute at the end too.

post in on reddit

I got isekai'd and but I have access to Yea Forums as my cheat skill so now I survive by ripping off manga.

Attached: 1528887873682.png (960x1378, 338K)

Please kill yourself.


My body is ready

you were so occupied with the question if you could, you forgot to question yourself if you should, nagatoro


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Holding my dick here.

This !

|Based stalker imposter.

Based stalker show this to the r*dditdrones


Why were you arguing for the superiority of something you had never read before? Fucking mongoloid.

ahhh based stalker please be harsher to me

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Attached: [DBNL] Dragon Box Z (DBZ) - 265 - Boo's Worst Foul!! Gotenks is Absorbed! [x264][0957C8F1].mkv_ (640x480, 47K)

>All these retards falling for obvious imposter
That's not even what a tripcode looks like.

>this week's gimmick is not posting the chapter
I'm not going to make it lads.



Attached: 1479262480806.jpg (700x509, 32K)

its a trap

Merely pretending.

My peepee is hard

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.33_[2018.09.09_16.50.27].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Are you gonna dump it normally or will you stick to treasure hunting this time? The latter would be fun though

Doesn't matter show this to r*ddit anyway

>thread already at 300 replies before the first image has been posted
Please make a new thread when you start stalker.

That's literally what he does every time. This is the "pre-dump hype" thread.

Go back to /jp/ scoundrel. JK

Attached: GO HOME.png (331x44, 26K)

It's treasure hunt time. Get ready to search through some /hc/ threads for a nagatoro page

Ah ok. I'm usually asleep by this time and just read it in the morning. My bad.

found it

Thanks user

Uzaki is in college



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what a chapter

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Just fuck already

Shame we didn't have any pages, preferably nudes, of the best character of this series again.

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Good chapter.

Attached: 19 (1).png (960x1378, 614K)

So there's no way the entire school won't know about them now right?

Noddletoro cabalgando Senpai should be in SS easy.

You're implying they haven't known about them for awhile now.


Stimulating chapter.

Everyone is snickering just a little.

cute edit


>finally manage to catch the elusive naga dump thread before it archives
>it's already over

Attached: sharena cry.png (755x470, 725K)


Gotta be fast, fun lasts about 40 minutes.

Did edit user make edits of her without the towel?

What don't you understand about Bi-Weekly Mondays at 11 AM EST? Next one is on July 29th, see you there.

wake up 5 hours earlier next time nigger
also, checked

It's so crazy seeing an Yea Forums thread go even faster than an E3 thread or Game of Thrones thread or something

Nanashi and stalker know what we really want.

Yea Forumsirgin and fa/tv/irgin autism is no match for Yea Forumsutism

I swear Banjo crashed the site last month

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Blessed and Based

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Truly a blessed post.
>774 makes a story about a truly pure love

Attached: ohno.png (888x842, 170K)

Where is it!!!!

You missed it buddy, it got to bump limit in less than an hour.

Attached: GO AWAY.png (585x246, 281K)

this seems lude

Pure and based

Disgusting and unwholesome

>Sex in the cowgirl position for the sole purpose of procreation
>Disgusting and unwholesome

Nagatoro but she's a succubus

>Nagatoro but senpai is an incubus


RIP user.
He missed it.

If it ain't missionary, it ain't Jesus approved

user, I...

Wait a second. Why didn't anyone link to the new thread here, or mention it exists? Wtf? I've been in this thread since it was made and now i feel betrayed



You didn't miss out on anything. It was boring.

stalker i's a stupid redditor anyway


Why don't you just constantly watch the catalog for any new interesting threads?

I want to say that I have better things to do... but that'd be a lie.

Blessed, based and romancepilled.

Attached: 1477444093946.jpg (500x324, 25K)

I do, but I keep checking anyway. I am not very productive.

>i's a stupid redditor anyway
You sure are.

Since Nagatoro has Furigana, couldn't anyone with basic knowledge of Hiragana+Katakana just do the translations by entering everything into Google Translate?

This would also explain some of Stalker's translations like "You're the most stimulating person to me"

Mad and slow.

>translations by entering everything into Google Translate?
Oh, fuck off.

Attached: go_back_to_reddit.gif (418x734, 273K)

Unless stalker stops, I highly doubt anyone is going to make their own translations unless they're reddit.

No, what explains it is that senpai said "You're the most stimulating person to me"

I thought that TL was weird too, so I checked and no, he just used a very bizarre word for how he felt about Nagatoro

Maybe he's thinking about it how it affects his desire to draw, and accidentally letting out that he also finds her body stimulating to his?

Nagathreads are such a complete breath of fresh air compared to the shitshow Kaguya threads have become as of late.
This chapter was fucking godly.

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Attached: Stimulation.jpg (934x338, 160K)

and people thought this one was axed


>takes out the photo of her older brother

More like "You're my muse" but with way less cheese

Don't you FUCKING dare!

>Maybe he's thinking about it how it affects his desire to draw, and accidentally letting out that he also finds her body stimulating to his?
Or maybe he's just thinking about Nagatoro's body that is pushing him to the ground. Maybe he does find her pelvis rubbing his crotch area stimulating.

She needs to try that with both of them naked. Then when it accidentally goes inside she can try to say she tried to do it.



I dont think you understand power levels.
nagatoro is like the ginyu force at fucking best.

i dont even know at what powerlevel i am but one of my favorite tags is:
>female: CBT
dont think i can pass that off anywhere.

Attached: power level.png (1784x5612, 738K)

This chapter was great. I love how she just stayed on his lap, I thought she would reflexively jump off but I'm glad she didn't.

Her hair being flipped is a sin.

Attached: nagatorohairflip.png (330x639, 106K)

No, you see, that was meant to symbolize something deeper: a moment of reflection for Nagatoro. An introspection into her own soul.

>Then when it accidentally goes inside she can try to say she tried to do it.
As if she wouldn't acutally try. And then blame him for it.

Senpai could want a condom first and her saying no and putting it in anyway.

am i retarded? where the fuck is the chapter?

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Still gonna be his fault for some reason.

It was linked in this thread

In the archives.

>am i retarded?

where the fuck is the chapter?
Well, where do you think it is? Checked the archive, already? (Thre's also a crosslink in this thread somewhere.)

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You're one of the good ones in my books user. You aren't quite a SSS Ultra Autinstinct autist, but you'd beat most

Attached: beardy_approval.gif (235x240, 1.93M)

>watching hentai
>let alone 600gb
How and why? There aren't even that many good ones. Last one I though was decent was Ore no Kanojo and that was 8 years ago.

Attached: cateyes.jpg (428x413, 48K)

She'll claim he was too small or was bad at it even if it's not true.

Why did she climb the tree? Where did she see that scenario ending?

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Based and redpilled

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>keeping animated hentai on your drive
Waste of a space if I ever saw one. Only exceptions are old OVA's that only included sex for better sales, but had plotlines despite/irregardless of those sex scenes.

Nah. She wouldn't go that far.

>OVA's that only included sex for better sales
They shouldn't have stopped including more sex for better sales.

With her slipping through the window.

Now that you say it, I see it. Senpai's bold and honest statement drastically changed her perception of the world and herself.

bro, every hentai on that list is like pre 2015.
actually, that list IS everything pre 2015.
after queen bee came and other studio's started doing lower tier shit and poro followed with abysmal adaptations i stopped downloading.
i was collecting everything but just stopped. almost no hentai is decent anymore. and even the decent hentai dont have stories anymore.
Kimi Omou Koi 2 was kinda good, but thats more because it was actually animated well.

those are considered hentai and are included.
>keeping animated hentai on your drive
in my time hentai was not something you could just find. most sites would be pay to stream or just vanish. hentai was harder to get and streaming was slow as shit with bad quality if you found it

Attached: 1562255994310.gif (540x576, 775K)

Naga confirmed God.

>when you never experienced high school love and now are a wizard who last time talked to a girl of your own age at school

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Please abuse me too Stalker!

Attached: 1555313008812.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

>a girl of your own age

heh. I mean, I have a girlfriend but she's 10 years older than me, and now that you're saying that, I can't remember the last time I spoke to a woman who was within 5 years of my age.

I put the chapter on imgur for those who missed the other thread

I like how Nagatoro speaks but I'm wondering why when she says "何スか", why the 'su' is in katakana

Dunno man I can barely speak english

Kimo is in kata too. I never understood why. Maybe to indicate slang/gyaru talk? The two new girls use kata quite often too.

Is this from when they went to the beach?


Nice of Naga’s new friends to ease drop on these 2 baka’s and will probably put me on blast to the entire school by sundown

Very hyped to see them fleshed out next chapter.

more like grandmafriend kek

you underestimate the power of a highschooler. I give them 10 minutes max

That's funny user, did you come up with that joke yourself?


I wonder if the usual user will typeset it again

Hello, I was going to immediately to do so after Stalker finished the translation thread but my PC crashed so I just went to sleep out of frustration and missed everything. So this one will be delayed.

alright, doesn't really matter here, the bottom feeders will have to wait a day then. however could you leave what fonts you're using so if you ever get hit by a truck it can be kept consistent?

Who the hell was in the right here anyways?

Attached: PREZ VS NAGA.png (1578x849, 244K)

Doesn't matter.

I hate that these chapters always come out while I'm at work. Oh well.

My dick

why of course, the answer is obviously yoshi!

Attached: YOSHI!.png (295x367, 96K)


Here's a quick edit of page 15 changing Toro's hair in the bottom right panel to what it normally is if you want it.

Attached: Page15alter.png (960x1378, 474K)

I love you


>Missing Senpai protecting his Kouhai by fighting and throwing his weight around
>He wins bearly
>Missing Kouhai teaching Senpai to fight properly
>Missing the genre change of slice of life to action comedy

Fucking this, Do it you faggot so that you can become the best you

she's never had a single original thought. how did this retard manage to make it to high school?

>to what it normally is
She's just fallen from a tree. Reason enough to have her hair messed up a bit (or mirrored or whatever).

>original thought
>high school
School isn't about originality or intelligence. Never was. You get through fine if you can parrot what you're supposed to "know", and she's great with that.

She copied Gamo!

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>copying a dummy delinquent

Gamo isn't very smart either.

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Attached: yoshii!.png (66x83, 8K)

Attached: lovedog.png (142x356, 47K)

Yoshi but on a weight loss program

Naga is a stick, we don't need more sticks

Naga is ass. I'm fine with more ass.

Yoshi is already perfection.

Yoshi but a little chubby

Will Sakura NTR Nagatoro?

And you may find yourself drawing in a lonely art room
And you may find yourself in another part of the school
And you may find yourself behind an easel with a masterpiece
And you may find yourself in a lively hallway
with a gaggle of gyaru
And you may ask yourself,
"Well, how did I get here?"
LETTING THE DAYS GO BY / Let the water hold me down
LETTING THE DAYS GO BY / Water flowing underground
INTO THE BLUE AGAIN / After the money's gone
'NOTHER DAY WITH SENPAI / Water flowing underground

Weight loss!

Fuck all the way off

It's out on mangadex.

That's a cool song.

No, but she will be flirty with Senpai until Nagatoro is open about her feelings.

D? E?

They will both get what they want in the end

DE = Deutschland.
Those two are German exchange students.

Will Nanashi continue the cultural festival or skip right to the conclusion in the next chapter after Senpai and Nagatoro magically win against the President offscreen?

Dicks and Eggs, it's a funny catchphrase from an older nanashi hentai where those two sluts participated in.

Senpai is not going to win against the President. It's unthinkable.

Thanks, pal.

We'll probably get at least one more chapter of Senpai painting his masterpiece before the actual judging.

President isn't even competing. And she'd have no chance to begin with if she was.

She's literally doing more nude poses for hers, which we KNOW she is doing, read the manga. It's probably full frontal this time if she hopes to surpass her past work. Nagatoro cannot compete.

>yfw Senpai and Nagatoro win by default thanks to the school disqualifying the President since she took it too far

>she'd have no chance to begin with if she was
Did you type "she" instead of "he" or do you live in an alternate universe from the rest of us?

How fucking new are you?

They lose, possibly because senpai didn't want others to see Nagatoro naked, but the president lets them continue anyway because senpai has shown what she was looking for.

>confession arc might come one day
>manga flips so senpai is the one teasing Naga about how cute she is
What are your guy's hopes and dreams for the future of them?

Paisen looks absolutely retarded when he runs.

More Nagatoro suffering.

A cute kissu scene that destroys Yea Forums
Followed by cute awkward dating, naga blushing 24/7, and a scene where we see naga's parents acting like older versions of naga and paisen

i laughed.

I'm pretty sure both of them know they like each-other so all that's really left is a formal confession with Nagatoro's gang cheering paisen on.

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Why does Senpai need to confess? By all rights it should be Nagatoro, she's been the one causing trouble for him.

who's the girl on the far right?

IIRC he used it in the Isekai Shokudou threads.

Why dies Yoshi always look like she's thinking very hard about something?

She is too shy to confess


Senpai confessing would mean his character growing from a meek guy to someone stronger.

why doesn't he just spank her?

She has to concentrate to remember to breath

thinking is hard work


Hey Naga come a little closer

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I only tolerate STALKER because he knows that Mahoujin Guru Guru was AOTY in 2017.


pretty shit chapter to be honest.

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>Tfw there never be a chapter were Senpai mans up and saves his Nagatoro from cheap shot thugs
I want him to be strong for her

He needs to become Daikon-senpai first.

>The Erotic Adventures of Tom Thumb
is it any good user?

Attached: thumb.jpg (1200x1773, 259K)

For me it's the inevitable chapter where Senpai gets a makeover.

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nothing seemed to come from this when it happened in anjou.

how is the dork on the far left a bully?

Komi is not a true bully but she is a rapist

Apart from some girls saying he was cute and the school becoming a little more aware of existence, it just served to show us how powerful Seto could be if he became more confident.

She bullied Tadano's hand and Manbagi's hopes for happiness.

can't rape the willing

I was expecting some girls to start going after him.

it is worth it

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its not okay to like anime yet

Wasn't he unconscious?

yes, he was in deep sleep because of his cold, in this very moment is when la shokotaso took the chance to furiously rape tadano by holding his hand in an incredibly lewd way!

>Gamo notices Naga and Paisen have been acting different (Naga hasn’t teased ab him being a Virgin)
>Gamo and Yoshi place a hidden camera in the art room
>View the footage next day
>Naga and Paisen making out on the couch
>”Naga, what’s that metal thing on the counter?”
>”Shut up and take off your pants”
>Gamo and Yoshi try not to talk about it to Naga and Senpai for the day
>Yoshi fucks up anyways and blurts that they knew Naga and Paisen had sex
Hilarity ensues.

Attached: E32DA90E-9921-4B96-9E5F-AC07E040580D.jpg (402x689, 61K)

You kiddin dude? With sex comes sexual bullying. SEXUAL

well you can reveal more of your power level than you could ~2011 at least

Whoops this was meant for

I just don't know how we can have that kind of bullying with how censored the manga has been, unless that can change in the future.

someone post nagabutt pls

Plenty. Start with lurking more, newfag.

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n a l g a t o r o

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Yeah, just don't expect Nagatoro levels of teasing. You get shown pretty early that she has a crush on him.

Should've edited this into the chapter.