Damn, I wish everything would turn to stone for 3700 years in real life too

Damn, I wish everything would turn to stone for 3700 years in real life too

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>nuclear reactors meltdown with no humans to look after them

>wants to lives like a literal nigger

even if every reactor in the world blew up it would hardly be life ending. Longer lived wildlife would have higher cancer rates and maybe some the local fauna would die for a few hundred years, but that is about it.

3700 years is plenty for most of the damage to disappear.


>reactors explode
>cockroaches are nearby
>dr stone is now terraforms

good, fuck this gay earth

still much better for the planet than humans, even in the immediate era

>Russia gets destroyed
>first world countries with reactors designed to fail in ways that prevent an explosion are fine

I haven't watched this yet. Is it true the the human are still alive a conscious during their time as stone?

They're still alive but not all of them are concious. They have to keep themselves "awake" by constantly thinking basically or they lose conciousness.

3,700 years of this crap. Geez, no wonder people seem to hate this.

I'd imagine it's 50/50. Our protagonists obviously had consciousness during that time, however I'd imagine a lot of humans who were turned to stone went insane in the first year or less and succumbed to nihilism because that's all you can really do when you can't move and can't die, stuck in a subconscious state for the 3000 year timeskip.

Can't agree more, user.

Only two confirmed to have stayed concious. Everyone else basically went to sleep the whole time.

Anime skipped it, but there's a scene with not!trump and some others that showed most people lost concious pretty much within a few minutes of being turned to stone.

I kekked

France would be fucked beyond repair.

Wait, this would be bad. I have a pet.

Nuclear reactors cannot explode like nuclear weapons, the system that generates controlled power is on the other end of the spectrum from the system that generates an explosion.

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It already is.

Based Tsukasa killing selfish boomers.

Reactors aren't the problem, user. Yes those mostly have containment structures. The problem is the open spent fuel pools, that's what will melt down, catch fire, release contamination on a scale that makes chernobyl look minor.... but even so those will be localized problems, the biosphere will mostly be fine. Our un-stoned heroes just need to stay away from those places.

What a piece of work that guy was, talking about how the adults are evil and that only the youthful pure should be saved, yet commits revenge murder.