Daily Sketchbook Chapter

Art Club's Christmas Party

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That's all for today. Who knew Keito was a stone cold killer.

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Cute cake

Based Kate

You think Sensei is cute?

Thanks, user.

>"You're not allowed to say things that don't make sense."
Meh, where's the fun in that?

You don't?

Early bump. No one here today?

surprisingly the last two threads didn't survive the night.

She's a bit much.

She loves cock though

Le cock est mort, user.

Cute cock.

What did she expect?

I just realized I don't know what comes after "Holy Night" either.

I can't believe chick is fucking dead. Not the slightest remorse.

I can see why some wouldn't like that but she seems very fun. She's like Yukari but nicer.

I want to be friends with Sensei to pet her cock.

...all is calm

Thanks user.
>Kate will never give you that look
>Meh, where's the fun in that?
He's the most sane of the bunch. Maybe that's why he's the president.

I've always been more of a Nyamo.

Mad respect for President for at least trying to keep everyone in check at the party. He is out of retorts.

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They don't really sing Silent Night here in English, but a variation of it in my language.
...And I just realized I don't know the continuation in my language either.

There are two kinds of people in this world, those who prefer Yukari and those who prefer Nyamo

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I'm glad I'm not the only one.

>All is calm, all is bright.
>round' yon virgin mother and child,
>holy infant so tender and mild.
>Sleep in heavenly peeee-eeace.
>Sleep in heavenly peace.

Or in the German original:

>(Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht.)
>Alles schläft, einsam wacht
>nur das traute hochheilige Paar.
>Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar,
>schlaf in himmlischer Ruuu-uuuh,
>schlaf in himmlischer Ruh.

They don't exactly mean the same thing, but are close enough.

As for the Japanese version:


Again: Bump!

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Board seems to be moving fast today.

Unfortunately the last few threads didn't even last a day.

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>They were sold out of cakes
Tori -chan has already proven that to be a lie when she buys them for half-price on her christmas day.


Now I know why her dech has 4 cards missing.

The jokers wouldn't be counted as part of the normal 52 cards anyway, would it? In fact where's the other joker?
Thanks as always.

This has to be the most haphazard Christmas party I've seen.

It took me a good while to realize that video is actually a joke.

Attached: [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_color'S_07_[720p][79D5333C].mkv- (1280x720, 535K)

It's about 31% joke.

So... Do people actually act like this when they go to a sushi bar?

Those are mostly real things, but amplified to the point of absurdity.

Apparently they are incredible smart.

They're tapped into the hivemind.

>Christmas party with no chicken

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>Hazuki is the only one with vertical lines on her head
poor poor girl has a shit hand

Or the best bluffing face.

Bump ...