Would you have had the guts to?

Would you have had the guts to?

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Guts to walk her home gently?

To give her a ribbon?

I'd make her eat all the eggs

I understand this reference and I am ashamed of myself


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guts to give her the ring?

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Dagashi Kashi is just FLCL with candy.

weird, I remember FLCL being fucking trash


I've seen so much top tier smut art of this girl and I'm kind of obsessed, but I've never even watched the anime. Is it worth?

I would in a heartbeat. I love Hotaru.

Do you like snacks? Japanese only snacks? Do you like trivia about snacks in Japan?


I guess I don't dislike them. Is it about japanese snacks?

It's about a girl who's obsessed with them and gives a small bit about them every episode. There's a romance and a bit of humor. I enjoyed it, most did not.

>I call it the Pepe Wrap

This will forever be canon for me.

Did she stop making non-original stuff

Sounds like a leisure time, I'll give it a time, thanks.

No, it's a series of 22-minute commercials for various kinds of Japanese candy tied together with a plot thinner than the wrappers they come in. Seriously, most pornos have more of a plot.


If you enjoy snackies of any kind you will like it

Considering she's a biter fuck no.

Don't hurt people like this.
Hotaru is a terrible person who strung Coconuts along because she wanted his father to work for her family's company. She vanished one day out of the blue and only ever met Coconuts again through pure chance, whereupon she immediately started rambling about candy again without apologizing for ghosting him.
At the end of the manga, she does it again, only this time she gives him the ultimatum of "Marry me or I'm gone forever this time."

Yeah, that was really shit of her.

Why are we having this discussion?

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Not even close

>Marry me
Wow, how horrible

your favorite anime is shit, deal with it

>Loveless political marriage with a woman who only sees you as a means to an end

the weak should fear the strong

So, uh, does he?

It's left ambiguous.

It's cute and even funny at times

but does she actually like coconuts?
she's so cute

Again, it's left ambiguous. She's either too autistic to understand romance, or she's manipulating him.

damn i hate life

>tax benefits
>increased wealth
>make a child
what's the problem again

They made this joke in Norbit

>get divorced
>all that plus half your shit go out the window

I don't have any money anyway. She can take half my $100 if I can stick it to her enough.

All she wants is for Coconuts to take over the candy shop so that her family's company can bring his father to their main branch. You think she'll stick around after getting that? She'll vanish again and he'll get divorce papers in the mail.

Hold her hand?

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That sounds pretty dark for a silly manga about Japanese lollies.

I mean, she's an autistic heiress obsessed with banal things. It's not that surprising she doesn't understand human interaction, especially when she can just pay problems away.

my mom walked in my room right as i opened this image

There's a reason most people consider Pochi's doujins to be the true canon. The ending was poorly received pretty much everywhere.

You'd better clean your room and do your summer schoolwork or your mom will be even more disappointed little user.

I pick up like 20 shows a season, but over the years I've missed some that ended up being pretty popular, knocked a few of them off my list the past few weeks finally. Is this worth watching?

Watch the first two episodes and you'll know..they're all really the same. It's a fun and cute little series about candy. It's funny too.

Sarazanmai, Tejina-senpai and this anime are the most retarded anime that i've watched dropped