Buyfag thread

shit figures incoming

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Other urls found in this thread:

if you read the guide you'll be blessed with faster shipping and shorter customs times

why is she standing like that?

holding in a fat poopie

why does that look like a bootleg? also it doesn't resemble to Oda's art.

>giving the thigh highs texture just because you have the technology
Never mind that smooth nylon would make much more sense for the outfit

I took your guys' advice and bought the official Rikka daki. Actually, Rikka and Akane since there was an auction for the set which was a bit cheaper than the individual dakis would have been. The auctions with bootleg ones ended about an hour after the official set that I won. The Rikka and Akane bootlegs sold for about ~3500 a piece and I got the official set for 17500. About $100 more, but at least I'll have zero regrets when it comes to quality. I finally won an auction for a yosegaki hinomaru, too. Hopefully the three items plus the bootleg Hane daki and packing won't go over 2kg so I can get the cheaper shipping options.

The auction I won:

Attached: i-img1200x786-1562973069keduu6644700.jpg (1200x786, 102K)

user, it's not ok to have dakis of anyone but your waifu. Pick one and sell the other.

Because it is.

>giving the thigh highs texture just because you have the technology
you know that's actual treated hardened cloth right?, it has been used in prize figures for while, problem is it might be her harder to clean.

Just don't let them know about each other.
Some people can have entire secret families, hiding a pillow shouldn't be too much trouble.

Yes I do know that.

Left or right, Yea Forums?

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>tfw waited too long to buy a figure and someone else got it

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Reifag or Asukafag

Grats user

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Asukafag, but love both

If you're spending that much, then I'd go for EMS for the insurance, just in case something were to happen.

Is EMS the only one that offers insurance? I bought these through ZenMarket and they also have DHL shipping which is a little cheaper and faster (2-4 days) than EMS. It seems it's a flat rate of $31.88 from 1.1 to 2.5kg which I'm sure is the range the package will end up in.

I've bought a bunch of Malaysian and Indian copies of my college books and they were all delivered through DHL with zero problems.

Use Airmail small packet, don't bother with EMS for small heavy boxes.
DHL if you're impatient can be cost efficient for small boxes as they don't charge nearly as much for wait, they're good for books.

All registered mail offers insurance to some degree. Things like SAL or airmail only offer protection up to 6,000 yen. But I don't think EMS or DHL have an upper limit for protection. So they are good for expensive things.

At 2kg the ZenMarket calculator is quoting $29.43 for Airmail small packet and $31.88 for DHL. The only daki I have on hand I weighted in at a bit over 200g. This will be three dakis plus the hinomaru so the total weight should be around 1kg plus however much the packing materials will be. The guide says ZenMarket packs well so I guess it might get close to the 2kg limit.

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Both, I would. I have been wanting to get some cool cells myself.

>buyfag thread
We already had this thread today...

That's not how its works user, you buy a cover of your waifu. You dont buy covers of someone that's not your waifu, you will always know even if she doesn't, and if your not committed enough to only own daki covers of your waifu then you dont deserve to call her your waifu

>not having multiple waifus

Fuck I'm drunk

>Having multiple waifus

Attached: x21.jpg (76x135, 8K)

People like are coming here because they want somewhere that will accept them for owning japanese fuckpillows, but if you start cheating on your waifu you won't be accepted here either.

Attached: polka_stops_oh_shit.jpg (900x1200, 243K)

What if you have a main waifu and side waifus? I already have a Rikka daki so I'll have two now.

I still need to watch SSSS.Gridman. Rikka's tights is what drew me in without even seeing the show.

You can have multiples dakis of your waifu, but not dakis of multiple. Your waifu is the only one that can share your bed. You can own figs, scrolls, whatever of others, but your bed is only for her.

The best time to order lot of stuff!

Maybe her asshole hurts.

From what?


Mashu B-style when?

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Fou isn't a bunny.
I would buy two

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Even if it's a 1/7 I'd kill for that Fou outfit as a proper scale

but that's an artic fox

If she's in that outfit, then yes please.

Ask somewhere else.

and marriage is between a man and a woman
polygamy is a sin
harems don't exist
no sex before marriage
Tenchi would be disappointed user.

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Mashu Kyrielight from Fate/Grand Order.
She never wears that outfit in canon.

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You couldn't read the stand, you illiterate faggot?

There's no such thing as a side waifu, you either have a waifu or your unfaithful garbage and probably a normalfag who uses the term waifu ironically
You can like other girls as characters but dont you fucking call multiple girls your waifu

what if Aru and her sister Mieru are my waifus?


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t. Yuta

user mieru is an elementary schooler

Not the only way.

Do you already have her other figs preordered?

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What if your waifus are all from a harem animes?

pvc when

Attached: D-8qEtoUYAE8KOI.jpg (1668x2500, 157K)

Unless it's an alter of you're waifu or something, fuck off.

What fucking happened to this board

Besides Dangerous Beast does she have any on PO?

why is cc shitting out her bunny tail

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I just remembered Formal Dress as I posted

Yeah, Formal Dress.
Also this came out this month.

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How fat and lonely must you be to think that's where the butthole is


She suffers from bad anatomy disease.

Only acceptable in very specific circumstance. Such as when they already clearly belong to with each other and come as a package like pic related, or if your brother dies and you take his waifu when you already have one.

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I'll call whatever I buy with my money my waifu and there's nothing your autistic ass can do about it.

Just paid for her lel

Attached: Unbenannt3.png (761x183, 8K)

Then il say you should leave Yea Forums and never come back you normalfag
And there's nothing you can do about it

What if your brother never explicitly left you his waifu in his will and wanted to be buried with her?

thinking about buying some cheapo aliexpress figures, are they like semi decent or just pure trash?


This, I'll be getting their figures together.

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>tfw this Thursday's bunny and next week's are guaranteed to be the other Norns
It always sucks not to have a surprise.

this could be a good idea for a figure

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No mom they aren't toys they are investments

Hopefully they get something at wonfes.
The elf got a bunny, but they're too expensive and too big for my collection.

The problem is that it's of the second to worst Zettai Shoujo girl the worst being curry-loli by a longshot.

Is this worth watching for the girls?

Maybe thats where his butthole is. Everybody is different

Well at least they're not huge liabilities. I don't think any of my figures have depreciated significantly yet.

have sex

Just gonna dump a couple pics from my holiday in Japan.

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this is going to be one of those GKs that never get picked up because the quality is too good

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Gonna go there next week too. Excited!

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Test it out by speedreading the manga.

I think it's sort of shit but that it's honestly not any worse than most wish-fulfillment fantasy isekai with a perpetually autistic-but-self-aware MC.
It's better written and has a better setting size/scope than unironic isekai like SAO or Re:Monster at least.

Even got the penis chariot from that one game.

Attached: IMG_20180405_140012_1.jpg (4032x3024, 2.89M)

So crap unresized pictures of old figures, fuck off.

First time?
My advice, use a bin every time you see one. Theres not many.
Eating out is super cheap and theres no tipping.
7-Elevens have free wifi and they are on every corner.
Photobomb peoples selfies, they love it.

>better than SAO or Re:Monster
That's an awfully low bar.

I guess that was a stupid question. Sounds kinda like overlord, but with better looking girls.

Some pretty cool stuff in there, but pls resize

I don't even bother clicking images over 1MB, if people can't put in a tiny bit of effort to resize then I doubt they're going to put in any effort in taking a good photo.

>Sounds kinda like overlord, but with better looking girls.
That's a good way of putting it honestly.

The humor isn't as good as Overlord and the MC is sort of a plot device more than a character a lot of the time, but the girls are a lot better (and there are more of them).

Clicked it for all of you. Can confirm it was a pretty shit photo.

Thanks, I'll take the photobombing advice to heart. Keep an eye out for me on Nip social media over the coming weeks.

Who's the thot, user?

Alright, I'll check it out. Thanks.

>Photobomb peoples selfies
>they love it
[smiles politely in japanese]

eat a fucking dick about resizing

[laughs heartedly while scooting close for the photo and then meet up later at a bar and hang japanese]

Your dick is the only thing that doesn't need to be resized, micropenis guy.

>pls resize

3rd world internet should be grounds for execution

Tell that to Hiro and his shit servers

You mean like 4chins' image server has?

Faster internet wont get rid of the shit quality on those pictures, in fact it will just make it worse.

They're both hit or miss on humor honestly. Isekai Maou volume 5 for example is something I found better comedy than all of Overlord, but Overlords serious moments are a lot easier to take seriously. The girls in Isekai maou are also a lot more forward and of course it focuses way more on fanservice.

If you like imagine sized girls then definitely.

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>haha I'm gonna wait until August bef-
Jesus FUCK

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Going to WonFes as well? Just so I can stay as far away as possible.

If you post a blurry pixelated 5000x4000 picture its gonna look like shit regardless of internet, dont blame other people for being autistic

Is this bait or are your really retarded?

Her tits are so wakwardly done.



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Who is this

Is Yahoo Auctions the place to get dakimakuras released at comiket?

it hurts

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I have a pillow of my daughteru. Do you not let your daughter sleep with you, you monster?

You should call it what it is, Ahmed, a harem. And even then you'd still need a leader there.

fucking whens it coming out

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Those tits, damn.

stop living in the 3rd world.

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this seems familiar whats this from

Any latino bros have any experience buying lewd tapestries?
I'm thinking of ordering a b2 tapestry from the Lilith store through 2you4 but I'm kinda scared it'll get stolen by customs or something.

Qin Liangyu from Fate/Grand Order

Attached: 3469679.jpg (1754x1754, 3.1M)

Elf ears + white gloves + slave collar is pretty hot. And the cat girl isn't bad either.

Why would they even want to steal it?

prolly saw in a doujin somewhere i guess dont play fate, looks cute hope it gets picked up

>account that had her on preorder got closed to due being on vacation
>preorders are now closed
Oh fuck me bros

Be careful. I was horribly inebriated when I ordered loli shit.

I fail to see a problem here

I knew she would turn out terrible, but I purchased the little goblin that came out with her. He is supposed to be ugly, so I figured they couldn't mess him up.

I'll just pose him with a sexier girl.

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Customs officers might.

>tfw your room is too lewd for anybody else to see

I want to see user

>due to being on vacation

Attached: ive seen through your tricks.jpg (746x691, 58K)

I'll probably get banned

I went to Tokyo for the bath loli figure, but it was sold out even there

Wow that looks like shit. This is a bootleg right?

You look like shit and you're not a bootleg.

pvc when?

Attached: 0d25a6def754cba7d1dd6e7442ae77cb.jpg (836x1180, 259K)

>doesn't know how to use spoilertag
newfag detected

>attempting to bait someone into breaking blueboard rules

Screw you, I'm cute as fuck.

>he doesn't know

Attached: when a newfag doesn't read the rules.png (449x401, 490K)

I wish

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>not just posting and then deleting if you're that paranoid about it
The people that really wanna know what it was will see it.

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Good taste. Are you getting the new henreader scroll?

Do you keep any of them on your wall?

>Covered in yoghurt
I never really understood why people like this.

What do you do when someone comes into your room?


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No mames que culero se siente no tener lana para comprar figuras.

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Haven't really looked into getting more lately, will have to take a look.
I detest the word "waifu," but my walls are usually covered with the same single character. I've had a few occasions where I swap her out for the lewd scrolls — but I just end up feeling uncomfortable throughout the day (not because of the lewd factor, though) and swap back within 24 hours.
Spill a bit of spaghetti out of my pockets, but otherwise just don't really care that much.

Nice. I love figures like this

It’s against the rules if it isn’t an official page or screencap.

i wonder why pedophiles like that guy don't get banned, meanwhile you get a 3 day ban for just posting nipples w/ spoiler.

He deleted the pic user, he didn't get banned.

You can get three days for a topless boy.

I honestly wouldn't believe that's a bootleg because the QC on Queen Pharanelis is all over the place. Me and my internet friend each got her, his hair is clearly red and not as well sculpted out, my hair is pink and well done but my skin is that pail white instead of a nice even flesh tone. Overall she looks a lot cheaper than the promo shots would have you believe, my biggest complaint is that her clothes don't fit well. The figure is not terrible but definitely not $200 worth. I'm not really sure if Native just had some problems with their supply line because I know that Olga got delayed for QC reasons so since they released one after the other I'd imagine Olga was "delay till they get it right" and the Queen was "fuck it ship it now the tits will distract them"

So I wouldn't be quick to call it a bootleg unless whoever took the picture said it was a bootleg in which case: IGNORE ME

It's kinda funny because in situations like that it's either one of two things
a) Go on a passionate hunting spree to find the one figure I want and pay whatever the seller is asking No Regerts
b) Completely forget about the figure find it binned/used 9 months later, usually skip it unless It's a "have to have"

>I'm not really sure if Native just had some problems with their supply line
to be fair native is only the distributor, that's the main reason I didn't get her.

>main reason why

Huh some of the research I did turned up Frog as a subdivision of Native, that's why I was willing to buy her since Native has a solid rep with me.
I probably mistranslated something then, which led to my current misery, my mistake.

I want cat's daki but I can't find it anywhere.

I'm an asuka fag but right seems more valuable.

>getting this triggered over other user's harem

Based HaremCHAD

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>Qin Liangyu

The one that was on AmiAmi looked like shit.
It seems like there are a fair ammount of designs out there. Ebay probably has a few.

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Is it a joke or does that website seriously show what people have bought in those notifications?

many times is just bs, at least considering other similar sites.

I think he's talking about the one from last comiket by the official artist, Takahiro. pic related

Attached: test.png (578x879, 756K)

The price tends to be retarded, but I think official/by original illustrator dakis are best. The illustrations in doujin dakis always seem off even when they are "premium".

It can be real. I run a website for a guy and he was looking into adding that feature, it's a simple plugin for certain webshops that does it. It's supposed to encourage new customers to also buy.

It's just a matter of following the right artists but yeh. This is a c96 unofficial dakimakura that is pretty high quality. Not to mention many huge artists make dakimakura that are pretty fantastic, Satou Kuuki's Grim Aloe is one I regret missing.

Also prices are consistent unless you wait for aftermarket, all dakis tend to be ~12k unless they're part of some retarded bundle (purchase bonuses). Just a matter of consistently buying them when they're released and not waiting.

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cute amagami

To the user that just added the cat slave daki to their cart, I salute you

my wife

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You'd be right, left is $850, right is $1200
>Asukafags eternally BTFO

Attached: smug_rei.jpg (410x416, 87K)

My first big purchase

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Thanks for the courage but so far I keep finding her for 400+ pretty much everywhere. I'll keep trying to find a seller that isn't trying to ripoff people.
Also, I mean the daki by the artist, I wanted that daki but it's a C95 exclusive so I'm fucked.

So are official dakis, even when not marked as "limited", also produced in a fixed quantity and once sold out that's it?

Another question about dakis, how is it that bootleg/doujin daki sellers on yahoo auctions sell 2 way tricot dakis for ~$30 but if you want to buy a 2 way tricot daki stateside you're typically looking at $70 if not more?

Are the nipples that prominent in game, too?

>Being muslim/mormon

nah, artists like to add that detail into their fanart

Most dakimakura are like that yeh, some companies rerelease theirs every so often, it's just a matter of remembering who. Hobbystock branded merchandise, Lilith (Taimanin) and Lose (Maitetsu) come to mind for example.

Even then it can be random. If you see a daki you like buy it on release, it's not worth the regret otherwise. Too many times I've seen people here complain about insane after market prices.

those bootlegs use chinese 2-way tricot which are cheaper than Japanese 2-way tricot

Is this it? Not sure how both sides are supposed to look but the illustration style seems very close.

Holy shit that one looks amazing.

Don't the stateside sellers also use Chinese 2-way tricot?

I'll look around at the guy to see how well his background is before kicking in. Wish me luck.

Godspeed user hopefully no one here snipes you

All right Yea Forums, let's see those manga collections.


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That's my worry which is why I don't want to keep high hopes though I've been searching for it for a long while.


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Jesus fuck user, get a proper bookshelf.

leave my old girl alone, she might not be a looker but she's reliable

If you cared about her that much you could at least give her a new paint job.

You been chewing on it?

It didn't occur to me that she'd gotten so worn (the picture is making it look way worse than it does naturally), but since it's summer I guess I will paint her again.

Mate, the ends look like were eaten by termites, if you loved her you would've repaired and given her a proper paint job.

Guess I need to start making a GK wishlist and start calculating how much I need to bring.

>the different yotsuba printings
I too feel that pain

Attached: this isnt like the game at all these are real people that Im killing oh god.jpg (2448x3264, 608K)

I kind of like it actually, having the original ones feels like owning some sort of artifact from another era of manga.

wtf there's a hatsune miku manga

I Stole the entire series from my school library before I left.

>tfw was too chicken shit to steal books from my HS library
Doesn't help the boomer cunt library ladies would watch everyone like a hawk. You'd fuckin turn down an aisle and they'd be there watching you from around a corner.

See how much better that looks?

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On the last day I walked in and told her there was a student crying outside in the hall and she should go check it. When she left I ran over to the shelf and shoved essentially the entire manga shelf which consisted of the Yotsuba and some One Piece volumes into my backpack then left out the back. It was literally the last day I was there and I'm pretty sure I was the only one who knew the manga shelf existed.
PS: If you steal book from bookstores make sure to check for a security tag, it's usually a small square with a weird circuit thing on it.

I assume not

How do I give gold on 4channel?

I'd be tempted to but I blew too much cash on dakis recently.

I just bought my first 4 mangas in Japanese and I don't speak Japanese

stonks = 100

Where did the goblin find those mini human skulls. Days old babies?

Seeing as how they are smart enough to have armour they may have carved them out from wood or bone.

So what goblin figures am I going to buy seeing as how the GS Figma doesn't come with any.

go nuts

Attached: 20190210_151823-am.jpg (1500x1125, 834K)

Wow user you're so cool :^)

Does that one have a giant glowing dick?

meaty thighs

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They are assets and investments

if you think of your collection as an investment you're a retard

Who's this.

Damn, those thighs are thick enough to kill someone.

god i love thighs

supposedly Suguha from SAO

I mean it has tits.

I bought one because I thought it would motivate me to start taking learning the language or at least learning to read it. It did not.

Small baller. Never speak to me again.

Don't feel bad about it. I have over 30 manga/LN all in moon and I haven't gotten to reading them yet.

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Should i get it

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hey guys check out my new figure

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100 times better than the previous virgin

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This is the other one for reference.

Attached: IMG_0752.jpg (3264x2448, 932K)

Looks good. Do you think it's good for the price? I'm thinking about picking it up.

I'd say so. This one's shirt is not floating above the body so you get different feelings from different angles. From above, she is really sexy since you can see down to her navel. Plus she is extra smug, which is always a good thing.

There is no nipples though and below is the standard white underwear but its better than the other one which is all covered.

Just report them for off topic, trolling, or spam. If you respond each thread their ESL shitty internet arguments pile up.

People using the word pedo for lolicon should be banned for being normalfaggot niggers.
Your probably the fag who got me a three day vacation for a spoilered censored henreader clearfile last week.

it's because the mods are pedophiles not really hard to understand


Is a lolicon for having a figure that has the appearance of a little girl but is actually over 500 years old? By definition she isn't a child because in most countries you are an adult at age 18 no matter what you look like.

Not this pedo discussion again

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What happened last time?

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You have more money than I sire