Life-altering Series

Anons. You ever have that one series in your life that really affected you? And I mean REALLY affected you.

I'm not talking about temporarily feeling sad or happy when you ended a show. I'm talking about a show that left you contemplating, thinking, feeling and letting it fill up your mind for months, even years after you first saw it. It may even affect your outlook on life. Be it feeling good or bad, you just can't let it go.

For me, "Now and Then, Here and There" was that show. I was 11 when I saw it, and it left me feeling empty for months. Please share me yours.

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Boku no Pico

Plastic Memories.

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Boku no Pico

Kurosawa made me want to be a better man. Well, to be fair, many of FKMTs manga are inspiring as hell.

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not really it's a bunch of cartoons for asian young adults and kids

I watched EoE before I knew about fapping. The hospital scene flew right over my head. When I finally fapped for the first time, I instantly knew that I was fucked up. The only difference between me and Shinji is that I did it to Rei rather than Asuka.

I wouldn't be posting here if there were any "life-atlering series".

They may alter your life for the worse.

>Watched EoE before you knew about fapping.

God, I wish I can experience that.

your name

In most cases you won't really know if it's life-altering. Even if it makes you feel or think things, it might be fleeting and irrelevant long-term.


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If you constantly remember something years after watching, then it is life-altering to a some degree.

Tokyo ghoul.The first season helped me cope with becoming an orphan.

Sure, that's tautological though. It changed your life into one that did watch that show and enjoyed it. It's pretty hard to check if it altered your behavior in any extrinsic way like f/ex if Danberu makes you start lifting is one thing but some philosophical stuff like "never giving up" is hard to extract from all the other experiences you've had.

She almost made me want to reach my failed goals again.

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Lain is the major one. More than a decade ago it raised to me the question of whether the more real "me", who I should strive to be for the sake of my mental health, is the offline one because that's literally the quantifiable physical reality, or the online one who I act as for much bigger portion of my days. To this day I haven't settled on an answer, and still keep Internet and real world completely segregated. Only online presence my offline self has is a separate email to receive my bills and such into, everything else is under aliases.


dear god that was shit

Name me the more hardcore seppuku anime (or even other medium).

Rewrite, the VN, was quite an experience, but I failed to rewrite myself.

Honestly AoT/SnK is why im here right now. Before those hardcore into anime tell me im wrong, let me give you the context that id be called "normie" by most here. I had never watched anime but i like to keep an open mind and when a friend recommended aot i gave it a go. For one reason or another that show hit me hard since i watched it after the first season came out, and now im probably more invested in it than i should be.
I watched 'a silent voice' too recently and liked it, so ill be lurking the thread for recommendations on more anime to chase that feel, if anyone has any.

Try lurking this whole board for at least 2 years before posting again.

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Yeah im probably not gonna do that. Just want to dabble in new things with an open mind. Looking for recommendations from those without a superiority complex.

SInce browsing Yea Forums for yeats does not improve mind state and posting quality, he may as well just shitpost now.

Revolutionary Girl Utena made me reconsider a lot of things and I think it actually helped me understand other people a bit more. It also inspired me to write and I still think of Utena as presenting a kind of ideal that I strive for.

Eva affected me a lot when I watched it at 16, but that goes for half this board.

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>You ever have that one series in your life that really affected you?
>And I mean REALLY affected you.

New pasta?

The Tatami Galaxy.


Honestly, it changes how I picture the world. I want to see what Akari sees in the world although this world is not the romaticized version of Martian Venice, I tried and it changed me. I was edgy kids before I watched Aria. After I watched it, I became less edgy.

Cowboy Bebop played a big part in me becoming a bail bondsman irl.

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became immune to feeling sad
still working out to this day
RRGI is literally me guys

i will not explain further.

You became a /k/fag addicted to guns after watching upotte?
Me too, user. Me too.

Same, then again I didn’t fap until I was 18.

Ah, a fellow man of taste.