Why does Yea Forums hate this anime so much?

Why does Yea Forums hate this anime so much?
I watched the first episode and it wasn't bad at all.

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Yea Forums doesn't hate him, they just try to force people to hate the show.
heck who cares about what Yea Forums thinks, it's your experience with the medium. People that says Yea Forums ruined a show/a serie for them are weakling that can't muster their courage to have a personal opinion.

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>Dr. Flop

Because it makes hunterfags jealous.

Dedicated contrarian minority.

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Fanbase are insufferable brainlets, would be why.

because the only reason anyone was aware of dr. stone's existence before the anime was because of the push

stop projecting

The only good thing about this is how well the artist draws eyebrows

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Reddit refugees desperately trying to fit in. Hence why all the forced Rick and Morty memeing and insecurity at the mere mention of science. Some genuine brainlets who didn't pay attention in class must have been scared off, as well.

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If only you could stop false-flagging, Yea Forumseddit

It's not the fault of the anime that weak-minded retards hate it by the association with reddit.

Some kids got too many F's this year and now they hate anything educational + it's summer break. It's considered uncool to be smart during summer break.

Pleb filter is working

science gay

I normally hate shounen but the first 2 episodes were pretty good

The start Is the weakest part. Story needs to speed up.

same i even marathoned the manga yesterday pretty good read

>I hate doing my homework
You have to be 18 to post here

I haven't even seen it but the E=MC^2 design on his shirt makes me hate it by default. Also I keep getting youtube recommendations of random reviewers saying it's the smartest anime of the year, which is usually a bad sign. Not to mention the threads are full of shounenshitters. Is there any reason to watch it?

It's not the anime but the fans, same with HxH, i am a huge fan of it but fans of the anime/manga are the most insufferable fucks on Yea Forums.

Because this faggot wants to bring back the zoomers and the jews. The hulk guy has the right idea. I'd love for an anime to stop having all this righteous bull shit hammed down it.

Read the manga.
If youre easily skewed by other peoples opinions and you cant make your own then you dont deserve to like anything.

Yes but kys

>people like it
>this means I can't like it
This mentality is still popular? I remember this being the craze 10 years ago.
Read the manga, anime is washedoff entry level.

Because it's stupid

>Is there any reason to watch it?
Post Apocalyptic
Building up survival and technology from the land
Exagerrated characters who are really good at what they do
Setting goals and pretty wholesome plotlines to help people out
Making devices to spy and communicate
Enriching lives of primitive people

I'd say theres a lot of merits but you need to actually try it instead of hating something you could possibly enjoy because the internet has managed to make you hate yet another thing by sheer principle

I just don't like watching a blatant a rick and morty rip off

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No manga reader is behind Senkuu's idea completely and after 100 chapters they only revived high skilled/strong people. Even Senkuu agrees that just reviving randoms would be retarded and would cause loads of problems. So they want to do it all at once.
[spoilers] Boomers and jews are gonna get btfo either way cause these high skilled people are in charge of production[/spoiler]

Do you have notifications for when a Dr. Stone thread gets posted so you can say this everytime?

>zoomers and the jews
So you havent read it?

Well, that's good to hear because I was thinking about dropping it since I'm sick of so much cheese in anime MCs.

Yea Forums isn't a hive mind you fucking retard

Can you even make actual connections between Rick and Morty than the obvious Sonic=Goku autism?

Meant to write boomers. The jew thing was just a metaphor.

I'm going to be honest with you, I haven't even watched it. I'm just an asshole.

Interesting idea but all the characters suck so much dick that i can't express it in words. The way they talk and act is so annoying, especially the MC with his milimeter, centimeter and 1000000000%.

At least you're honest. Read the manga instead, it's superior.

Come on dude, if youre gonna shitpost at least find a "o my 7 quirk" or something you can actually make fun of.

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>MC is a literal fully functional super genius autist teenager
>has catchphrases
After 100 chapters you won't even notice them.

I haven't looked into Dr. Stone and I don't plan to because the general sentiment I hear from detractors is
>Unappealing art style
>"me so smart" intelligent characters who sound like they're written by reddit

Congratulations you have been decieved by shitposters.


You need to go back

It's very wubba lubba dub dub I'm pickle rick. But I actually like the show. Fantastic visuals.

I've heard these sentiments long before the anime was a twinkle in some jap's eye.

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shitposters are baiting non stop to get replies from the 2mart4u crowd and make a cool collage of why dr stone fanbase suck but it is not working so they are pretty mad.

The truth is the opposite of falseflagging.
Dr Stonelets can't even use words properly.
>no u
Stonefags confirmed as low IQ and underage.

>digibro's favourite anime of the season
Confirmed as shit, all fans are degenerate pseudo-intellectuals on par with youtube shitters.

It's cringe and pretentious, just look at the mc.

I like it. Taiju is pretty fucking hilarious. I had no idea what this story was about, though I had of course heard of it before actually watching it. Seems bretty gud to me so far.

ITT: Shitposters seething eternally

First season of Rick and Morty isn't even bad

he has e=mc^2 written on his shirt unironically

I dropped this like 10 chapters in but let's be real, every single anime is gonna have autists talking shit about it. Always been like that, always will be regardless of what it is. Don't let what some random anons tell you form your opinions for you.

I'm gonna bite, why did you drop it right before it gets good?

The setup is fresh. The art is great. The gags are well done.

Because I read it as it released and it was a chore to read. I believe people when they say it got better, I just never got around to picking it back up yet.

I read it since release aswell. Idk do what you want, it picks up fast after Senkuu discovers the village. Everything prior to that is prologue.

Yeah, I got you. It's just that at the time I couldn't be sure it was gonna become better. Maybe saying I put it on hold would be more accurate.


>absolute delusion: the post
you niggers can't stop being cringe, huh?

his shirt should say e=mc^2

He was so busy county seconds that he forgot the difference between multipliers and exponents

There's currently less than 45 minutes of it and you should make your own mind up. Don't be part of the cancer that is neo-Yea Forums.

It has a equation that is very recognizable so it's obviously trying to be pretentious

I don't agree that Rick=dr. stone, but come on man.
It's pretty fucking obvious where Super Sonic came from, and you know it.

Did you hear about index notation, mouth-breather?

He's an arrogant, self-aggrandising character. It's good characterisation.

>teenager cracks a boulder in half with his bare fist

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>Yea Forums
A bunch of Yea Forums rejects who force console wars into every single shounen discussion aren't Yea Forums.

Fair enough, it's better to wait then to force it, good call.


I was being sarcastic
I don't really have a problem with it even if he wasn't that kind of character

Both the opening and ending are god awful.

If you want to shitpost, at least using I'M THE EDGE to shitposting

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Do some lifting instead of shitposting on Yea Forums and this is possible with good training, proper hydration and food.

I wouldn't call him arrogant even, at least not in the manga. Overly cocky. As for these 2 eps they didn't really show his full character. In the manga it's clearly shown that the tough act with Tsukasa was all a ruse and he's actually scared and freaking out.

>Also I keep getting youtube recommendations of random reviewers saying it's the smartest anime of the year
What is with people and listening to Youtube for anything?

What's with all the black people reacting to anime?

There are more white people reacters, but the (((algorithm))) wants you to only see the blacks.

It literally is not. No human can crack a boulder like that and I challenge you to prove otherwise.

>filling a round bottom flask up to the neck

>tries to be about science, but most are broscience and popscience tier shit that's just brain numbingly pedastrian that you can find at the back of your cereal box
>for a science series has lots of lapse of believability that's just too damn retarded (katana part)
>some characters are OK, but the MC is mostly insufferable and is written like a caricature of smart people by dumb people (appropriate for a kiddie series), and stupid shounenshit-tier humour stand out way too much, like FMA (but without the charm).
>Gets pushed to oblivion but still sells less than other titles (like Autist Acting manga) that didn't even have an anime at the moment
>shit tier fanbase; gets assblasted when called out of its flaws, unironically believes in the stupidity that is the characters' role (super duper genius beyond geniuses high school, holy shit)

t. Read all manga chapters since the first dump

Im sure a peak human on adrenaline can crush a stone the size of your foot though.

That's not what it's ripping off.

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You're literally saying "no u" back to that user again, though.

>Source: My ass.

A stone that small can be split with proper technique but that's not even close to what happened in this case.

>primitive technology
Senku doesnt like primitive stuff thats why he wants to quickly advance back to the modern era so its not primitive technology.

There are youtube videos of really strong dudes bending metal bars and they arent even on adrenaline.

Still, what's with this reacting to anime? I tried to watch one and my body instantly rejected it. Who watches this?

>>Unappealing art style
beyond his refusal to draw women who don't look like aliens, Boichi is the best artist in Jump, and one of the best contemporary manga artists, period

Easy money for anime fans, I still doubt black weabs because they still speak that backwards language you hear in their ghettos it makes it hard to not hate them.

I think Dr. Stone sucks!

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Yea Forums had fun reading the manga. Blame the brainlet animeonlies that suddenly go full Yea Forums mode and start talking about Rick and Morty in every thread

>tries to be about science, but most are broscience and popscience tier shit that's just brain numbingly pedastrian that you can find at the back of your cereal box
>for a science series has lots of lapse of believability that's just too damn retarded (katana part)

Fucking this. I can't put my finger on it but while I watched series I feel my intelligence being insulted with all these basic shit being explained as some sort of world-shattering revelation.

I guess it also contributed to the everyone-is-stupid-but-the-MC vibe in this show which is just shitty literary device.

Just finished reading the manga. What the hell, it's actually good, I'm hooked. You guys lied to me.

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>basic shit
If you read the manga Senku does things that would never pop in the average person's brain regarding usage of common materials. Like me I had no idea seashells could be grounded down in calcium carbonate and didnt even know soap had that stuff in it, I knew it was alkaki but still. The fact he could recall that sulfuric gas reacts with gold or was it silver he used? was incredible.

No insulting you or anything, but both of those are not that obscure of a science factoid that even I can sorta recall from high school/college science (Saponification is definitely taught on there somewhere) despite me being stupid as shit and gold refining with SO2 (if that was what tour going for) has been in movies.

Read the manga instead. Anime will dull everything down

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There's an entire Youtube subgenre of black people reacting to shit, probably because they're so over the top. There's a shitload of "black person reacts to [rock/metal song]" videos out there too

I can lready see shitposters switching this mentality when they make the cure-all

Reaction videos should be banned.

Is making a cell phone from scratch basic shit? are you fucking retarded or something

>Listening to Yea Forums

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the 'rip offs' of this channel is so lame
>man makes pool in cave
>man makes pool in ground
>man makes pool in mountain
>literally just digging a hole and filling it with water

>inb4 he starts crying about muh too complicated realism

Yes, get out of Yea Forums, go to somewhere where criticism of your normalfag series is not tolerated and circlejerk all you want, like Reddit

Just a bunch of Hunter incels. Only miniority

It targets the most obnoxious I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE demographic.

I hate those videos, not cause of the pool gimmick by itself, but cause that water is gonna be a cesspool of bacteria in no time with no contant filtration.

>he knows this much about Reddit
You need to go back

>missing the point this hard
Is this what it's come to? People really can't read or watch things and come to a conclusion by themselves now?

Forced Science

>actually watching/reading
I form my opinion about shows purely by inferring information from threads on Yea Forums. Actually watching anime is for pedos and manchildren.

It's the most popular show of the season among normalfags, and contrarianfags are trying to tell us that means we have to hate it.

This is how elitists work. Everything that is a tiny bit popular is instantly the worst thing ever. We should all instead talk about his series no one watches till it gets too popular and he hates it too, then it's all shit.

Just got into this in the last few days and was expecting something mediocre based on all of the posting going both ways.
Kept on reading into the manga and damn if this isn't the most likable cast of characters in a while. It has problems, but it's surprisingly good.

>poster count doesn't go up
>it's just one shitposter spamming
Stonebros living rent free in this shitposters head.

No it doesn't. Actually read it.

ah so just like how everyone hated Hataraku Saibou last year just because it was popular/

Senku emphasizes how awesome science is because it allows him to manipulate the Ishigami retards into doing what he wants. First he shows them cooking, then shows them medicine, and appeals to the ultimate human gibs with capitalism.

>people come to a negative conclusion and post it
>"Y-you animeonly!"

What's the point?

>Also I keep getting youtube recommendations of random reviewers saying it's the smartest anime of the yea
This tells a lot about you, you actually have to watch webcelebs to get this type of recs.

At points the science stuff gets buried by cool looking shonenshit moments. I'm definitely afraid that when Dr. Stone approaches the endgame of confronting whoever made the stone day, we'll have escalated beyond the point of rational science and into science fiction.

Japanese rick and morty

>Senkuu needs help to make thing
>help isn't free
>Senkuu helps people in other ways
>people help Senkuu in return
>Senkuu is excited they can make new things
How absolutely terrifying

To have your own opinion on it. If you let this shell of a board and ecelebs influence what you watch you might be too far gone, though.

This is already science fiction because a transmutation ray that can precisely hit stuff is clarktech.

It’s just HxHtards.

Turning human beings into stone doesn't cross that line already?

>people shitpost
>get proven wrong with minimal effort

the first episode was fine. I ended up reading ahead and dropped it soon afterwards. it gets worse.


>he risks the future of humanity on saving some thot. even though he could have just lied anyway
>o my small piece of stone on the back of my neck
>somehow a skinny girl is the strongest fighter and can beat men twice her size
>katanas are the best sword

My favourite anime is HxH1999 and I am enjoying a lot Dr. Stone.

>on saving some thot.
He has no interest in her but that girl is actually one of his childhood friends. Kohaku is a genetic freakshow even among her tribe.

It's Yea Forumsedditors trying to stir shit. They even go as far to pretend to be HxH fans just to try and start a console war.

I was on the fence about it, but thanks for saving my time. Shounenshit truly is irredeemable.

Yes there are blatant shitpost like
, but there's also legit shit like and that you conviniently ignore, fucktard. Newsflash, this isn't rebit where you can block mean comments just because it opposes your opinion and it hurts your feefees

>The setup is fresh.
The development is not.
>The art is great.
Only in the manga. Plus the girls are weird.
>The gags are well done.
For whom?

>saving one of his closest childhood friends and his best friends love interest
>mentioned how it works, explained and foreshadowed
>best sword in current situation they were
Shitposters once again BTFO

It's the le epic forced meme of every season
Must hate X series because

My dick turns to stone when I see kohaku so this is quite within the realm of reality

This deserves a (You), got a chuckle out of me.

>reads a quick summary
>posts his speedreading opinion
>gets proven wrong
Every single day, when will you learn?


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Katanas are not the best, they were easy to make and had intimidation factor. The guy with the spear beat 4 katana wielders easily

Prefer Aka and Negi for manga style. Hate the shounen style, even SnK kinda pisses me off

I just don't get it, when I think one anime is shit I don't even talk about it since all you do is feed contrarians. But all the time people shit on HxH. I am actually having a bad time introducing HxH to new people because "in Yea Forums they said its shit" I know its their loss, but feels like watching a child being unvaccinated by their parents.

Senku should have made a cutlass for Kohaku more killing potential than some faggy Katana.

1. I don't care who the fuck it is, that secret was too valuable to just give away. He could have lied and said use wine, instead of distilled alcohol
2. Yeah explained like o my rubber nen. How could you possibly anticipate needed that piece of stone to protect you from such a specific attack?
3. This isn't dark souls dumbass. By that logic a fruit fly could kill an elephant because it can move around fast
4. No it's shit no matter what. It's sharp but that's only useful for cutting vegetables.

How dangerous would Kohaku be with a club? Im sure she would snap those spears Hyouga used against her if she had a club instead of a shitty sword.

Lying wouldn't do him any favors, he wanted Tsukasa to keep reviving people even if he died.

I am a big fann of Dr.Stone, but I still enjoy HxH, especially Hisoka, dude is sly and not your typical braindead character, still not the emo character. Read his backstory even, it's great.
Just laugh at the shitposters, they are just eternally mad. Yea Forums doesn't apply IRL.

>but the E=MC^2 design on his shirt makes me hate it by default
Can you even explain why? If it's just a contrarian kneejer reaction to "I freakin love science" retards, you're almost as retarded as them.

Senku is maximum science and engineering knowledge but there's no way he'd know intricacies of combat.

The humor is better than FMA's by default just by virtue of having more than one joke.

So let's say he lied, he gets whooped, Tsukasa can't revive anyone, it's game over for humanity. He bet his all on O MY, but even if it wouldn't have worked, humanity had a chance, as he often said, no matter the time there will pop up a person who will want to learn more and progress.
Senkuu tricked Tsukasa in going for his neck, it's stated by Yuzuriha in the manga. Also in the anime they even added the crackling noise whenever he touches his neck and there's the thing about Yuzurihas toe, showing not everyone gets fully unpetrified. You need to slow down when you read.
This is bait, Magma is strong but too "clumsy" and his attacks to linear, a decently strong person who has better combat ability can easily win.
As another user said they served their purpose in intimidating the enemy who are even for their stupidity smart enough to recognise their culture. Go back and read, the brutes' willpower to figh6t was gone. Senkuu helped motivate his people by saying it's the best to raise morale. They all got their ass whooped by a guy with a stone spear.

i like it. :3

Should've just given her a spear like the guardbros, they were popular throughout history for a reason

She doesn't like 2 handed weapons, when she's introduced she's shown dual wielding.

What is it with anything that gets positive buzz getting shitposted to death and back?

They also hated the manga. Ignore them.

I’ve really tried to like it because it’s been some time since I’ve watched an all according to keikaku/science anime but I know myself and I know i’m not going to enjoy this, for me characters are more important than plot and I just can’t watch an anime that has presented me 3 characters and the 3 of them are so annoying and dislikeable. For me it has been a big disappointment because I was looking up for this.

Yes but we’re talking technical skill. Objectively speaking, Boichi is better. You can have different opinions but it doesn’t change fact.

Bending is different because you're not getting sudden force slammed into you.
Even if you did move your fist fast enough to break a boulder you would also break every bone in your hand.

I can prove you wrong in every thread

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You haven't even scratched the surface of what Dr. Rock has to offer

actually based

You seem so obsessed with reddit. I see endless reddit posting on Yea Forums when in reality I really think the only people who spout that shit every post are the people leaving reddit to come to here and they think everyone else comes from reddit like they did. You need to realize that not everyone started out on reddit like you dude.

Imagine going back to the stone age and not having any modern dental care.

I hate that Thai Jew just becomes a reference. They setup the premise that they need to build civilization and recruit humans then one basically gets written out and it turns out hey you don't need to! there's an entire village just 5 feet away. Then it turns out not only is there an entire village but there is basically an empire that has Grenades that turn you to stone!

boy all of this is really convenient and fits with the premise!

We didn't really need dental care until (((they))) started to inject sugar everywhere.

Lemme think about it for three thousand seven hundred years and I'll get back to ya. Won't be long.

I don't see the problem, what bothers you here?

>it's the smartest anime of the year
It's smart in the way that it uses real world science instead of made up science. It's like Bill nye but in shonen manga form.

The impact just lessens and gives the protagonist artificial problems that are contrary to the premise. If they refvived more people and it turns out that the antagonist was right and they resolve to deal with the issues as they come and revive people by the thousands which starts some of the issues.

That would be OKAY! Hell they could go to a different region or country in search of remnants or artifacts from 3k years ago and stumble onto other people and that would make sense, but the entire premise is just shit on for no real reason


I haven't watched it but It's shonen bait that easily appeals to retards so I automatically dislike it by default

When it dies down and people forget about it, I'll watch it and give it a fair chance

It's always
>fuck yeah science
when it would be more accurate to say
>fuck yeah technology

Are they cosplaying the JUST dentist?

that's the entire point of Kaskei. Senku couldn't pull off half the shit he does if he didn't have Kaskei to build to his specs

Coping stonefags ITT

Summer high school losers can't handle intellectuals.

>having a bad time introducing HxH to new people because "in Yea Forums they said its shit"
With what kind of people do you hang out

And yet the MC knows the best way to handle a problem. You just hate it cause it's "cool" to hate it

There's a bunch of idiots who have to treat everything like a horse race and obsess over Jump's TOC rankings and manga sales. Dr. Stone is ranked higher in the TOC than its sales would necessarily indicate, so they scream their heads off about it being pushed.

Also they are in a different region searching for remnants right now in the manga

>he doesn't know
>he doesn't know about best girl

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Zoomers shitshow of the season.

It's 1 guy

Maybe if you weren't a sperg with the attention span of a fucking dog you'd come to learn there's an actual reason to the E=mc^2 on his shirt

I remember reading the reasoning behind it a few months ago but forgot, what is the reason?

Ngl I've been in these threads since day 1 and there's been no assblastiny, only thing close to it is calling out the one shitposting autist who keeps trying to shit everything up

That guy is buffcorrell. He's cosplaying himself.

It was to remimd him to never give up or something and find the cure for the stoning as the equation helped him figure out how to undo it

Yea Forums keeps trying to logically analyze the show like it's the real world. That is a mistake. The show is a magical world. The characters are super humans.

You should watch it if you like the core emotions it tries to convey: friendship, effort, victory. It's a shounen jump show.

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Its related to the reason the nitric acid worked on him and his friend but not anyone else he tried it on. Its on his clothes as a symbol to remind him that petrification follows certain laws and is therefore science and can be understood no matter how impossible it seems.

>he risks the future of humanity on saving some thot. even though he could have just lied anyway
What would have he gained by lying, except dying anyway but without no one knowing the recipe? It would have been riskier to die without passing on the recipe to anyone

>katanas are the best sword
They got btfo'd by a guy with a spear one chapter after using the swords

>somehow a skinny girl is the strongest fighter and can beat men twice her size
While her strenght makes no sense, she's only the best warrior in the village (Magma is stronger in terms of raw strenght). Kohaku can't beat Tsukasa or Hyouga.

>Explain everything and shit
>Humanity can overcome everything by intelligence and hard work
>Highschooler punches a lion into a fucking tree with a power of cannon
>I'm going to kill this man because he beat me down once while i was collecting some PRECIOUS SHELLS
>Wait, wtf?

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I really want to give this a try because the themes seems really cool, but i'm completely turned off by the characters and how unrealistic they are. I mean, for a series that try to pass off as big brains to have some teenager manhandle lions and another teenager who spent an eternity being frozen, wake up and shrug off all the world dying like it was nothing, just set all the wrong flags for me.

because it's popular

Senku is focused on reviving everyone and Taiju did have a moment of grief, but he believes in Senku so why shouldn't he shrug it off?

Science is most certainly not Gay.

>he didn't watch or read Dr.stone
>saw some clips
>thought he could get away with it
Watch the entire ep, then come back.

Why is Senku always so jacked in these color pages. Homeboy got ABS.

The core is building things that form our modern society from scratch, everything else is crafted around that and isn't touched by real life physics.
This show is much more /diy/ than it is /sci/.

They know what you like, he's a skinny bitch in the story, 60kgs or something.

It has huge potential. Most of the shounenshitters are quacking in their boots that their precious shitty favourite get drowned out by it.
Doesn't take that much to scare the most retarded of Yea Forums.

I watched it and at first I really though the character design was going to mess it up for me. Not just the MC but the way the characters in general look made me really unwilling to continue watching it but I got used to it pretty quick for whatever reason and now it doesn’t really bother me. The only thing I’m worried about now is if the story will actually manage to keep me interested.

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According to the source material readers this anime has the potential to surpass Evangelion if the anime is gone correctly.

done correctly*

Just watched the first two episodes. It was better than I expected and I'm gonna keep watching, I thought MC would be annoying but he gets played off quite well by the meathead.

the manga is an extremely well done comedy with just enough drama and plot to keep you hooked

>here's an anime

just as bad as the "cook food" scenes trope

I don't remember what I picked it up for but I stayed because of the humor.

You're gonna cry at some point, it'll be extremely wholesome and comfy. And that part I'm talking about is getting adapted.

He turns less annoying as time goes on in the manga. Hope they adapt it well.

Remember that Senku is of our /m/embers. Dude likes Space, Mecha, and Doremon.

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What a stupid comparison.

Surpass it in terms of what?

Remember kids, do NOT fuck a gorilla

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Theyve never seen something with such raw soul and it scares them

watch the second episode cunt

Fucking sheeple.

>Unappealing art style

God I hate Yea Forums

it's a meme anime that was taylor-made for reddit

What is it with ESLs and shitposting this show?


I don't recall seeing anyone named Taylor in the credits.

Finally someone with an actual brain!

>I haven't looked into Dr. Stone and I don't plan to because the general sentiment I hear from detractors
Imagine being this fucking cuck

The big action shounen threads for series like One piece and DB have long been proven to be mostly composed of south americans and mexicans. They start fanbase wars and shitpost every single new shounen jump series that gets an anime. Just look at how kimetsu threads were at the start of last season.

That's literally imposible, desu.

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>he doesn't know

>most are broscience and popscience tier shit
How is calcium carbonate being a component of cement pop science or bro science? What the fuck are you even talking about?

He's just shitposting like a madman.

Great response to actual criticism

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She has enough retard strength to one hand a spear though.

>he calls shitposting criticism
This is your brain on Dragon ball


Can you elaborate? Is this supposed to be sexual?

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kek, I love when people is beyond delusional

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Just so you know humans cant outrun lions.
Just imagine if she grabbed your dick and you tried to move her hand off it and it feels like you are pushing against a wall because thats how strong her grip is on it.

same as always
Yea Forums likes manga > get adapted into anime > Yea Forums now dislikes it


That would hurt.

What is the religion of the Ishigami tribe? All tribes had batshit crazy religions tied to them.

>Well we smash rabbits and pour mud over them then grinding it up into something and rub it on our skin because we believe it gives us resistance against the dark spirits Senku-kun

Yes it would hurt now imagine if she held you down and no matter how hard you tried you would be on that floor and she would be looking in the eye as she takes off and clothes and prepares to violently rape you while holding you down with one hand, and staring at you in the eyes with a blank expression.

Their beliefs are all based on 100 stories handed down from priestess to priestess.

A-are you masturbating?

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Yes but I mean 3700 fucking years at some point very insane beliefs would have started in them as they are tribal and have no writing.

>The gods have brought us this strange man I have never seen before, should we offer him as a sacrifice to get a good hunting this year

Basic founder/ancestor worship. The priestess has the job of passing down their teachings which took the form of stories.

I foillow the manga but I don't recall some details from the beguining very well, can some answer me these questions

it was Senku who put Taiju in the cave right?
nd, it was someone from the village who put senku there as well?

Well I already knew that but Im pointing out there should be animistic insanity in their beliefs like all human tribes.

>I believe eating strange man will give me children who are powerful. What do you say Senku will allow me to consume your flesh?

They don't seem to practice one overtly, although this exchange when Senkuu took his dad's gravestone might indicate belief in some sort of spiritual realm.

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Yes I am to the thoughts of this goddess beating the life out of me then raping me while Im unconscious, and when i wake up she completely denies anything happened at all.

>not eating the flesh after impregnation
shit rituals

insecure mhafags

They do mention a god of lightning or something like that when the storm comes

Everyone knows magic juju begins at conception.

Never heard of the meme about cement containing cow bones and worse?

How would you stay erect when passed out, she doesn't use any herbs or stimuli

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Animist nuts dont view animals like us there are magical meanings to each animal in the wild. It would be an interesting cultural conflict to see Ishigami freak out about Senku eating boars.


IIRC the "cave" is formed from the remains of his school building where he first got turned to stone. Its just so covered in earth and shit it looks like a cave now. The acid drip forming and hitting him was a 1 in a trillion miracle.

That's an interesting thought
When Senkuu meets Kohaku and saves her he implies romantic feelings from her words and she feels like this is somehow associated with violence

I despise the pajeets who copy primitive technology as well

A coincidence? I'll need to re-read the start of the series

Dr. Push is mediocre and overrated.

How Senku's meeting would Kohaku would go in reality

Senku would basically be beaten by Kohaku for information about what tribe he came from, and then forced to show her where his food is. Afterwards Kohaku would leave then the next day her and some of her tribesmen would show up and basically go THIS OUR TURF NOW MODERN BOI(stealing from outsiders is like shitting to tribal people btw). Senku would get annoyed but try to manipulate them into using science of course primitive tribal feral Kohaku would never listen to a thing he says only laughing at how weak he is and would bully him constantly. Eventually more tribesmen would show up forcing Senku to either relocate or become their slave until they get bored.

Her presence would keep my penis hard even if Im not aware.

[/spoiler]If you cross out 100 stories which was used as education I could see this happen[/spoiler]

Kohaku considered him a sorcerer who could summon the mountain's wrath and protect a girl (Yuzuriha) from a man who was trying to kill her, and so he reminded her of Chrome and she took a liking to him.

Nature doesnt work like that only 5000 years ago most white men would beat the life out of a random person for fun because being a feral unhinged savage is what gets the most humans being generated by reproduction. Due to this simple fact over the generations the humans from those astronauts would get more feral and uncivilized and as time passed until you eventually have savages on par with neolithic europeans. One thing the author doesnt understand about tribes is that casual violence is fun to them, so Kohaku punched out Senku for pissing her off then acting confused why hes against it would be expected.

i don't watch this, but Yea Forums "hates" literally everything new that is not moetrash. the brainlet contrarians need a few years before starting to like anything decent.

I mean science is pretty awesome. Knowledge of it is a highly demanded skill in our capitalist society but I guess if you're a brainlet I can see why you'd be pissed.

Because is the cringiest shit out there, manga and anime

>manga published in shounen jump so regular hate and shitposting
>somewhat popular manga so contrarianism kicks in
>something about smart stuff (regarless if it succed at being smart or not) it eventually started attracting huntertards
>I love science stuff also trigger some anons
>it got anime so manga fags hate it by default
>normies started noticing it caused more anons negative reaction
>now Rick&Morty reddit/tv/tier shitposting
Probably still just vocal minority anyway

>manga published in shounen jump so regular hate and shitposting
And this is where you're incorrect. The only shitposting about the manga before the anime began was TOC salesposting shitposting, and one fag obsessed with agriculture.

90% of those people are just trolls who never even watched episode 1 or read the manga.

Things they do and why:
>Calling it Rick & Morty because the main protagonist is a superbrain with sarcastic attitude and questions religion
>Calling it edgy or stupid because Senku has E=MC2 on his shirt (theres a reason for it)
>Calling the designs shit because Senku has green hair
>Calling the characters shit because one of them is inhumanely smart, one can kill a lion with his bare hands and one screams all the time
>Calling it unrealistic because all other anime that isnt slice of life is realistic anyway

MC design is awful

don't think he's questioned religion once actually, he just says stuff sint magic and can be explained through science


The only thing he did that's even close to questioning religion is saying something to the effect that gods have no place in the world of science.

They just need something to fap to while they watch the anime. With 3 ugly dudes they obviously can't do that so tbey call it shit.

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Anyone who enjoys this anime is a niggerlover.

Not at all, I only watch cgdct clips

The females have a good body type but the faces are atrocious. I wouldn't fap unless they have a paper bag on their heads.

It's an ugly design for a main character, just surreal and pretentious.

What's pretentious about baby's first physics formula? You think he's trying to show off his big science dick with an equation that third graders know about?

>units of measurment are annoying
what the fuck

I'm assuming he means MC uses it as a stupid language quirk just like his
>I'm 1000000% sure that...

Humans have always done science, even creating a series of rules for magic is science.

based speedreader

I really liked it. Refreshing to see something new.

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>western vs eastern art in animation
I know that wasn't the intention of the post but damn. And you know what the fucked part is? Rick and Morty probably costs over 2x the budget per episode than Dr. Stone.

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Right isn't even from the show, it's from an ad for it.


Based Hunterchad


There's one reason to watch it at least.
Mother Fucking Kars.
The mangaka clearly takes inspiration from Araki.
That's a plus in my book.

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That's why I said "art in animation". I know it's a promotional image but the actual style of the character is the same. Rick is literally a shitty oval with spikes and eyeballs slapped on; it's not hard to beat.

absolutely, and that's why it's pathetic

You thinking that is why you're pathetic.

you really know nothing about what kind of thinking goes into character design
but enjoy your baby anime, shounenshitter

>science nerd
>doesn't fight
it's cringe jesus fuck


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What would that make you on the opposite end? A moeshitter? You like cute girls doing cute things and you think that makes you better than me? what else is there? You need to fix your fucking terms.

Looks like a massive faggot ay. One reason why I already hate it without even watching it.

Modern science is indeed gay. It’s highly political and dissenting opinions usually ends careers as they are dependent on grants. When the guy that discovered DNA and it’s structure is branded a racist and people demand his Nobel prize and shit you realize that modern science is a joke.

Imagine being this cuck

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>you think that makes you better than me
kek, I was trying to have an honest discussion with you before you turned it into a shit flinging contest, as all shonenshitters do

Well what else did you even mean?
>start off by calling someone a shounenshitter
You put yourself in that box. You didn't have to argue from that perspective.

It's just hunterposters seething. It's an applied science manga, which makes theorycrafts mangas like HxH look pretentious in comparison.

Someone who enjoys shounen is not necessarily a shounenshitter. I was referring to the people starting fanbase wars and posting unfunny memes.

The best christmas cake is stuck in it, too

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Ok so i tried to see if six people who are barely related can produce healthy children and well.

Im trying the latest two sons(blue spheres to the left) as a reference, the orange sphere are their cousins and the green ones are their half siblings so as you can already see the future generations are gonna be genetically fucked up big time.

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people in remote areas with low populations have managed to breed out the genetic issues that come from incest
so given enough time it should be fine

So whats safer fucking your cousin or your half sibling?


I quite like him. He knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. He's like an anime Sid Vicious with an IQ of ten-billion.

You need at least 1500 pairs to avoid genetic incest issues. You can do a google search instead of busting out your crayons and napkin math

You know all those guys who watch seasonal moe crap and isekai?

It pisses them off when anything else is good because they take it personally as if a different show being better than theirs is a personal attack on them. To them, people praising Dr. Stone is the same thing as just outright calling them dumb faggots with shit taste to their faces, so they lash out in anger.

It's pathetic and not worth worrying about. Matter of fact, as for "Yea Forums" hating on this show, I can basically promise you it's just 3-5 fat autists who are just really persistent.

misha route when

They're both equally risky.

Half-sibling has approximately twice the shared genetic material as a first cousin.

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>To them, people praising Dr. Stone is the same thing as just outright calling them dumb faggots
I don't even hate dr.stone but this is just the dumbest armchair analysis that I've ever seen. Good bait though.

Well it seems this is legit impossible because after the third generation everyone is first cousins(12.5% related) with each other meaning when they fuck for the fourth generation they will produce humans who are 25% the same DNA as mommy and daddy and these 25% will fuck other 25% creating a 50% fifth generation and at that point any future fucking is now extinction because there is no more possible genetic diversity. Im talking about a seventh generation that has around 100s of humans who are more genetically similar to you and your sister from both parents thats how inbred and fucked it will be.

Or, without submitting to your big-brained analysis, people just like making fun of this series and its fanbase due to how popular it is and how easy it is to elicit a response with base level shitposting. Not even hating the show (not even watching it or participating in the threads), but reading the threads of the back and forth shitflinging is just so entertaining.

Incest issues are overrated. It could work.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dr Stone. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Senku's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dr Stone truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Senku's existencial catchphrase "1000000000%," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Yuichiro Kido's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Dr Stone tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

You are the bane of this website. Absolute trash tier scum.
>it makes people le mad so I shitpost xDDDD
I really hope you're underaged.

No it couldnt
Fourth gen is 25% if it fucks thats now 50% for the fifth generation and if that fucks thats over 50% relatednesss for the sixth generation and at that point they are screwed because genetic diversity is now impossible due to how ridiculously they are related to eachother.

Incest can be harmful if one practicing it generation after generation. Likely nothing happens if its the first time doing it, unless both sides have very bad gene pools

>it makes people le mad so I shitpost xDDDD

Reading comprehension, fucking faggot, use it. . And even if I did want to participate (which I don't because its stupid) in the shitposting spree, what can you even do, retard? Gonna cry to the mods that your safe space is being violated? Contrarian posts always appears in any series (more so for popular series) no matter how adored it is, deal with it,

>Fourth gen is 25% if it fucks thats now 50% for the fifth generation
That's not how it works. It can be cumulative like that, but unlikely.
If two people who are 25% genetically related mate, their new DNA will be composed of anywhere from 0% to 50% of that originally shared DNA set.
Remember that you only send half of your DNA down to children, and it is completely up to the whims of meiosis which half gets sent.
While almost impossibly unlikely, it is still possible you might not be genetically related to your full sibling. It's also almost impossibly unlikely that the two 25s combine to 50.

>i just go with the flow of trash and shitposting and nobody can stop e!
>I singlehandedly drop the board's collective IQ by at least 30 points and that is okay!
I really, REALLY hope you're underaged.

>Fourth gen is 25% if it fucks thats now 50% for the fifth generation
First of all, your math is completely wrong
Let's assume the first generation is 100% unique for both mates
Each child of theirs would have 50% of their genetics
But there are two chromosomes involved with each gene
That means for each given Gene a pair of siblings only has a 25% chance to have the same haplotype
If we go down three generations then a pair of siblings on the same Branch only have a .125% chance (.25^3) of having the same haplotype
Granted, phenotypes are generally dominant or recessive so the rate of expression for specific traits could be much different

The chance of retardness is the percentage of shared genes divide by 2.

Example if full siblings (50% genes) fuck they child would have 25% being retard

You're basically just twisting around being a dickhead to your benefit like a slimy little weasel, while not even having the balls to commit to your actions.

>Shitposting is fine, even though I don't do it, because I'm above everyone else and watching you argue amuses me!

Basically a cocksucking reddit "Look at how great I am for being a complete tool" post.

Not how it works at all.

It works if both sides have same amount of shared genes.
Unless you can give me the math.

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Explain further

This is assuming that all the shared genes were bad (which is impossible). Realistically the chances are quite lower

Imagine everyone just had 4 DNA pieces, shown by pic related.
In pic related, one parent (doesn't matter which) is on top, while the other is on the bottom. Mom and dad.
They share 2 of 4 pieces. 50% related.
Now randomly take two pieces from the top row, and two from the bottom row, and make a new person. Or two.
Imagine this child was Circle-Circle-Triangle-Triangle. They're the oldest child.
Now what if their younger sibling was Circle-Circle-Triangle-Triangle as well? 100% related to the first sibling.
But what if their younger sibling was Square-Star-Pentagon-Hexagon instead? 0% related to the first sibling.
What I'm oversimplifying here is that there is a range introduced by the probabilities involved. Figuring how each generation will be related is a function of probability rather than just addition.

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bet the author was inspired by this old infographic

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That pose and smirk doesn't help.

All shonens are garbage and this is no exception.

That stupid fucking tournament arc was the pinnacle of retardation and I'm sure all the shonenfags ate that shit up.

>watching anime youtubers
Jesus, I hate your kind.

I like it because the artstyle reminds me of Araki. The MC seems like a real piece of shit though. I like the dude who looks like Kars and hope he succeeds in securing the planet for the young.

It gets better once there's more characters to play off of, pretty much every character shown in the OP is more popular than Taiju, even Yuzuriha once she gets her moment to shine.

So someone tell me, is this one of those stories where everything just always goes right for the MC and he's kind of a douche to everyone else?

Hypothetically, if this anime had a scene were the MC went to a casino would you expect to see him just bet everything he owns on 1 number in roulette with a smug look the entire time like he knows there's no way he can lose even at 1:35 odds, and then of course the cosmic forces in the universe just miraculously align to make him win every time?

Is that the kind of feeling this anime has?
Because that's the vibe I get from it, like it's going to treat "being smart" as if it were basically magic or something.

OH BOY. Why would you value the opinion of someone with the brain capacity of a gerbil. Just look at this thread, shonenshit defenders can't offer up anything more than buzzwords as an argument. QUALITY>QUANTITY.

I see this asshole getting humbled real quick, honestly.

Senku cannot do everything, he relies very strongly on the talents of other people to help him accomplish the goals they all have set out together. It's emphasized practically every chapter, the strength of individuals all gathered together can accomplish the seemingly impossible. People = power, and desire = justice.

Alright then, I might give it a shot

I mean it's already gone wrong by episode 2 and they revived one of those new world order types. But he obviously understands he can't do shit by himself, he was basically eking by until his tough classmate revived so they can start dividing labor and specializing.

Tsukasa Is for ___________


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But Dr. Stone is literally isekai

Tsukasa did nothing wrong

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Having an ambiguous and arbitrary level of accepted tech seems kinda retarded. Allowing miracle water to exist is hypocrisy and controlling who is deserving of revival is already the corruption he speaks out against.

Because it's streamlined.

But who gets revived is not entirely his choice. The news girl picks out candidates

Thats what you said about black clover and i still fucking hate Asta

I don't watch BC, so I can't compare it

I mean the fact that he breaks statues of people who are too adult.

Necessary evil. They don't feel any pain or suffering. Why revive people that won't contribute?

Well how does he know? And how old is too old? What is this, Logan's Run?

>Why revive people that won't contribute?
That's his assumption though because adults have "corrupted values" but of course his judgement is infallible.

Why do you care about Yea Forums opinions?

You should care about Japanese's. Do they give a shit about it?

He has the news reporter

rick and morty is a rip off of regular show

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Watson and Crick cribbed off Rosalind Franklin's efforts amongst other researchers. And bullshit science is bullshit science regardless of who's saying it (what the fuck possesses a man to say melanin increases libido with zero evidence?), the same way Linus Pauling's Vitamin C theories are a crock of bullcrap.

>coffee mugs
>they're always drinking water out of them
I fucking hate this talk show trope.

Believe it or not, people might not want diuretics if they're hosting a TV show for a few hours.

That kid is too edgy. And why would he want to save everyone? That's stupid

>t. bladderlet

>And why would he want to save everyone? That's stupid
>That kid is too edgy.

Cause he doesn't bother with politics.

Senku isn't a nihilist though. These R&M comparisons are retarded and show no one here knows why Yea Forums shits on it.

>replying seriously to a copypasta

Politics has an effect on your personal life. He is retarded if he doesn't take that into account

Imagine actually being you.

but what if the the couples are not limited for 1:1 like 1 woman gave birth to multiple childs for different dads?

Also there's a possibility of an earlier generation making childrens with a person of a later generation.

He has no need to pick a side, you've seen the first ep, he can produce his own gasoline. He wants to go to space where there's no jews or niggers so why would you care with such a bright future?

I can't get over his leek hair.

As a shounen, this is already pretty deep and would definitely keep me interested as a kid, but they're factoids any adult with any significant amount of background in science would've already known..

Feel free to leave anytime