You DID do the post-credits plank, right Yea Forums?

You DID do the post-credits plank, right Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread: manga&s=g

Ive never done a plank in my life

Do one right now for 30 seconds and your waifu will become real.

Machio's body is ridiculous
I refuse to believe serratus anterior can be that wide, he must rather have a rib cage that's like a meter wide

It's hard

Your belly is probably so large you don't even have to engage your arms

I tried it on my bad because the floor was too hard. Couldn't stay for 10 seconds. Not even a fatty. 195cm and 102 kilos.

I will retry on my next workout with a carpet or towel on the floor.

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>because the floor was too hard
user... unless you have concrete/hardwood floors you're kindof a pussy
Even if you do, that's kinda weak since all that's touching the ground is your forearms and toes

stop being a faker and do it on the floor properly
there's a reason why its hard
its effective and actually works

How many seconds do I need to hold to get beach body ready?

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195cm and 102 kilos gives you a BMI of 27, which is overweight. If you can't plank for 10 seconds than than the majority of that weight is likely fat.

>unless you have concrete
That is exactly it. It fucking hurts nigga. Can't even do sit ups right because my vertebra hurts like a bitch

I've been doing scooby's 3 minute ab workout, but I've extended it to 4 minutes because doing each exercise for 1 minute works out nicely for me.
So I do two minutes of planking, one minute for each side.

Yeah... I probably wouldn't do situps on concrete
Might want to invest $5 into a yoga mat

>looks like this in 1 scene
>looks like an average skinny jap in every other scene

I never said i was a lanky bro. I know i am overweight that is why i started working out like 2 weeks ago. I have a pretty good metabolism tho. I can lose and gain weight whenever i want to.

Like 1,5 year ago i was 72 kilos and looked like a huge lanklet. I moved back to my hometown and gained weight like crazy. Now i am trying to lose it again since i will move to Germany soon for my Masters degree.

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Just off yourself if you can't plank for at least 1 minute

My BMI is probably twice his and even I can do 30 seconds.
I did used to do powerlifting tho before I got lazy and even fatter, although rarely every did abdominal work

You are a fucking fatty. I’m 185 cm, 83 kgs, and did it for 30 seconds on my hardwood floor just now. I’m pretty chunky as it is but I’ve been working out and dieting for a bit, you’re clearly all fat.

Same BMI as you (180cm/90kg), fairly fat, don't lift, did 2 minutes and 38 seconds before failure. How can you possibly be so weak that you cannot even do 10 seconds?

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>I’ve been working out and dieting for a bit

There is the difference mate. The last time i worked out was in high school playing basketball. This was like ten years ago. I have done absolutely nothing after high school but drink, do drugs and eat nothing but fast food. Give me 2 months and ill wrek your ass.

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Plank is small time.
Real men do dragon flag.

Maybe this is consider normal in burgerland but in the rest of the world you are a fatass

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Well it's better late than never when trying to get in shape.

Anyways, just do your best!

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I will sir. I will achieve this body type or die trying.

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I want to do dragon flags, but I don't have anywhere to grab to.

15 secs yesterday 36 seconds today eat that Saitama broke my limiter fast as hell

I was going to, but then I remembered I wrecked my body 13 years ago in one of those wars for oil and Israel...

Grab the leg of your bedframe, staircase, table or whatever. It is kind of impossible that you have nothing to grab onto unless you are living in an unfurnished room/house.

Only place I can see to this is my car port, where everyone in my neighbourhood can watch me. It's embarassing enough if I can do them, mortifying if I can't

is machio natty?

I've done both post credit workouts so far. After each episode, I plan on doing the workout from each previous episode too.

The planks were easy and I barely felt any burn. The squats on the other hand weren't hard, but my legs were a little sore for the next 2-3 days due to being 70 pounds overweight and having bad knees.

No need I am already Saitama-strong

You should only do squats after you slimmed down to a safe weight.

The girls in this show aren't overweight and very slim. You shouldn't copy them.

They aren't feeling the same weight and pressure you are feeling due to different body type.

You can do it. The fat fucks and whales at my job worked their up to a full 2 min hold after a month of once a day practice.

you're not distributing the weight along your forearms or you're leaning. there's no way the floor is too hard you faggot

Did it for 10 minutes straight.
I goddamn hte doing exercise so this reminded me of how much i despise it.
Please dont tell me youre suppose to hold it longer or even remotely close to this time because i dont think i was handle staring at the floor unmoving for so long.

I'm fine. A little muscle soreness never killed anyone.

no you didn't

We had a planking contest in basic training and 3 of the guys managed to hold it for over 12 minutes. If user is one of those guys who is active and loves playing sports, but hates actual training, I could believe it.

I didn't say it couldn't be done

I wont say im active but i fucking love playing sports despite being total shit at most of what I play since i have the precision and accuracy of a blind baby.

Machio is a steroid abuser

I tried but my belly kept on touching the floor so I gave up. Perhaps I need to grow longer arms?

This is false
You can do squats at any weight provided you're able to control them and do a full rep

It was extremely easy. What the hell. Didn't feel any burn at all I probably could of held it for a minute or two easy.

So hold it for two more minutes.
Or go for the full 5.
And remember to keep your hands at shoulder width with your elbows. No cheating by bringing them together.

Failure is when you can't hold proper form and there's no way you can hold plank for 2:30 with proper form without having titanium core
Sagging so deep your fat supports 90% of your weight doesn't count as plank anymore

>the full 5.
What do you mean? I don't recall anything about five minutes being mentioned? Is that some sort of standard for people who exercise?

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You can try doing a plank by doing it in a position that is the same as the top of push up and then once you're less of a fatty you can do it like the show if you want. I don't know if it's easier or harder when you do it that way but that's how I normally do it. Pic related.

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Having an "activated" core during a plank means flexing those abs and keeping them tight for the entire duration of the exercise. As hard as you can, keeping balance with a straight back.

The idea isn't "hold the form in the most excusable, easiest way possible haha success!!" It's exercise. Too easy? Find another core workout.

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Tried it, but I'm a fatass. I could only hold it for at best 8 seconds.

there's no benefit to holding plank for more than 2 minutes
just do a more difficult variation

I see. I just held it for two minutes. Felt it but not that hard. Should I do reps of this or do I just do the two minutes once and thats it.

I am a little worried about whether or not my back is totally straight though. Also I am trying to keep my core as tight as I can but when I am breathing in or out it loosens, doesn't seem like I can do anything about that.

>Should I do reps of this or do I just do the two minutes once and thats it.
If you have no other exercises in your repertoire that challenge your core muscles (i.e. abdominals), than yes you can do "reps" of this exercise. 1 rep = hold until failure.

Long, straight body, maybe push on the nail-bed of your tippy toes. See how "stretched" you can make your body, while still keeping a flexed core and a straight back to reduce stress on your spine. You can also try getting into the plank position and "lift" your (R) arm straight and (L) leg off the ground for 20 seconds, then "lift" your (L) arm straight and (R) leg off the ground for 20 seconds.

If "planks" are too easy, there are plenty of other more difficult calisthenics exercises that anyone can do in limited space at home.

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get a backpack and put a bunch of shit in it and do it

that's how you wreck your lower back

ez neet bux

If my back is perfectly flat and I'm holding myself above the ground, am I not already working out my abs enough? How do you "flex" your abs? Pushing your stomach out?

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planks suck dick even after you do them hundred of times they just feel awful, fuck planks

Niggy, I am literally 150kg (fat, not muscle) and could still hold one for 30 seconds.
The start of episode 2 described exactly what went wrong.

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>Not even a fatty. 195cm and 102 kilos

You shouldn't be more than 85kg

Is a body like this achievable natty?

>You shouldn't be more than 85kg
Fuck right off
195cm is huge, he could easily be 950kg and be slim.
Fucking lanklets I swear

170cm, 110kg here.
Imagine taking all this fitness seriously when you'll just become old soon.

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Having a strong body is more important for old people than youngins
Do you want to be bedridden at 70, or do you want to be spry like a 40 year old?

You what?

Anime of the fucking season. This shit is fantastic.

Man, dragon flags look so cool, they left an impresion on me when I read the manga. As expected of best girl.


Anyone mind explaining the difference between protein calories and fat calories to me?

1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories

they're both important macro nutrients your body needs

Also protein is what your muscles are made of (duh), so obviously if muscle gain is what you want then you want a relatively large amount of it in your diet

You should always be able to do at least body mass squats, always.

I'd do the push up plank instead not a big fan of elbow planks

If you can't, then how the fuck do you use a toilet?
Like lmao, stop drop and roll off?

I'd be down to try this. Any pro-tips for best results and how to not die?

protein is needed to build and repair muscles and organs


>75 kilos/198cm
>Still have moderately big gut with thighs literally Rika tier

Apparently I have diabetes type 2 too somehow, guess I should start getting strong if I want to be healthy

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What if I want to AVOID losing even more weight after working out? Would eating garbage food with lots of fat help me? I don't care that much about muscle buildup. Working out just makes me feel good and I want to keep doing it without disappearing.

Then eat protein and eat more calories than your body uses.

he's natty but only because he's a mutant freak of nature

find out what your tdee is (google tdee calculator) and eat that number of calories.

oh and you should eat a couple hundred over on the days you exercise since you're burning extra

also reminder that everyone should run at least 5 kms daily or every 2 days because having a strong heart and more red blood cells feels amazing.

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Raising your body while keeping a planche is hard, so do negatives instead. That means geting to the top position and then descending slowly keeping your body straight (for 1 rep).

If you've never done it, it'll still be tough, but you can do easier variations. The easiest is keeping both legs tucked in while descending. A little harder is having only one leg tucked in. And a little harder than that, is having both legs straight but open ('straddle').

As for pro-tips go, idk. Don't forget to breath properly?

Shit, I couldn't do one proper dragon flag. I really thought I could, but I can't keep my back straight enough.

You would be gaining fat if you aren't a fatass in this place. Muscle is heavier than flab

i just do pushups instead because i'm not a limp-wristed cuckold

Is dragon flag something a beginner should even try?

bruh you can still stay in shape well into your senile years provided you don't get fucked by arthritis or something

Where can I watch this? I don’t have a funimation account :(


Different guy, but in my apartment I have a bookshelf (with smooth sides), a desk and a computer chair (that are both too light to be useful), a stationary bike (that's the wrong shape), and no other real furniture (I sleep in a futon). Could I do it if I stacked all my weights on top of each other and grabbed onto the stack? How heavy does the item need to be?

I do both, and I honestly think they do different things for me. No reason to look down on planks or Superman[s? Supermen?] or static holds. Just do 'em for longer than anyone else.

No that isn't true I'm afraid. And to prevent this from turning into a yes/no argument based on living staddards, let me just say that most health calculators agree that 102kg is considered overweight and that the perfect weight for a 195cm tall man would be 88.6kg.

Yes, just start powerlifting

Great character.

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I keep rolling over when I try this

I've been doing it daily ever few days before that episode after someone posted the manga page about it. But I feel like I'm doing something wrong as I dont feel anything in my stomach area, only my arms are getting tired.

Delicious abs

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This, it's great.

Too much social anxiety to start running
It's a positive thing but when I've never done any training before it feels like doing something shameworthy

Damn I can't even hold a normal plank for 2 minutes anymore.

Don't worry nobody cares.

do my planks for about 30 seconds.

55.4 kg considering fat wtf

I haven't been to the gym for the past 3 days because of this stupid weather.

i can bare do it for 30 seconds but i dont feel in in my belly
its just hard to hold that position
is this normal?

Nigg im 1'85 and 110/115 kg and can stay about 2 minutes.

It is most likely that you are too fat that your belly is already touching the floor

You probably did it wrong.

>Can't even do sit ups right
No one can, sit-ups are trash. If you do heavy compound exercises, especially squats and chinups, you will work your abs as well.

Just put a baseball cup and music. No one is gonna care about you.

What are some good Shoulder exercises, /fit/bros?

it is not you basement dweller


Put your arms further forward and tense your shoulders, ass, and leg muscles. Make sure your back is ever so slightly rounded, don't let it sag.

I do handstands and planches. Is that better?

>run at least 5 kms daily or every 2 days
I'd advise Yea Forums to do couch to 5k (c25k) first, unless they want exploding knees and shin splints.

THE press

I'm your height but 20 kilos lighter. I'm not fat but I got two depressing love handles. I highly doubt that you are not fatty being 20 kilos heavier

Cycling is a better aerobic workout, less impact to your knees

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damn you are buff user

buy a treadmill

I just upped my planks from 2x30 to 2x45. The last 10 seconds of the second plank felt like I was going to die, which is great.

Damn. This advice made the planks way more intense. So basically I am stretching out my body as much as I can while maintaining the form and tensing as much of my core and everything else as I can? I may be describing this wrong but I did what you two said (in regards to the standard plank, none of the lifting my limbs up stuff) and it felt way better.

this is some of the most pathetic shit i've ever read on Yea Forums
no, actually, all of Yea Forums
it's absolutely disgusting to me that I can be an old man with a mangled leg can hold this for 2:30 without a problem with one leg, but you can't even manage the 10 fucking seconds?
I use both a leg brace and a cane for gods sake

I never thought i'd be so angry about someone elses lack of fitness

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No one would care. But if you're too anxious, run inside your house for at least 15 minutes a day.


exercise bikes are anywhere from cheap to 'just pick it up' on craigslist and kijiji and are a lot easier on your feet and legs than smashing them on cement and road.

the real benefit is that you can do it when you're watching anime, and if you exhaust yourself not knowing your limits, you don't have to stumble back while feeling like you need to throw up

pic related

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The Press™

I'm too fat for this...

Just run. Nobody cares. But if you are very overweight you'd better start with long walks.

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>anons actually exercising
did anyone else never entered a gym in their life?

I have only been there during gym classes over 15 years ago. Now I'm just exercising at home because I cant leave the house for long enough periods.

I got shin splints but it only hurts when put pressure on it. Should I continue to jog or just rest and let it heal
I only started jogging seriously a week ago and my leg feels terrible.


which one?
bench? incline? floor? behind the neck?

Stop doing all this meme shit like a bunch of retards and start lifting.
If you're fat, lift and eat 1500 calories of healthy food with lots of protein.
If you're skinny, lift and eat shitloads of healthy food, and lots of protein.
Do this for a year straight and you'll look and feel great. Depending on your genetics you will be able to squat 120-140kg, bench 80-100kg, ohp 50-60kg and deadlift 140-180kg.

I do most of my exercising at home while watching anime.

why? the asian twink under your bed will escape?

Overhead using barbell.

I'm mentally pretty fucked up, I'll start panicking outside easily, especially if strangers are around.
Yeah its fucking pathetic, its just out of my control.

They should lock you up in an institute.
Can't believe they let these mentally ill people walk around.

i have my new tube lying around but i am to lazy to repair my bike or rather i have so many thing to do
and i have been working out like crazy the past 3 days
should i screw it all and start biking?

The Press usually refers to overhead/military press

>its just out of my control
Get help faggot. Stop finding excuses to be pathetic.

they dont need to they can't leave their house

Yes. Cycle first then after you are done, start doing those squats, plank and dragon flags. You are supposed to do all these meme workout after aerobic exercise anyway.

stop finding excuses faggot, it's not okay to take your time or pretend things are okay as their are. if you don't do anything about it, anything won't ever change

If I take the c25k times and apply them to cycling is that ok or is one of the two considered more intense?

I have no idea what you are talking about.
Just load up a cycling app and start cycling until you are tired. It is not like it is hard to keep up a 20km/hour pace even as a beginner.

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I was referring to this

You should be aiming higher. I doubt you would even break a sweat cycling for 30mins unless you are doing uphill.

Sure did. All I had was carpet to do it on, and I somehow managed to last the whole 30 seconds.

I'm thinking about doing it again.

get something you can lie on and grap it with your hand behind your head. something like a bench works but even stuff close to the ground is okay

I only work out my right arm after episodes

keep your asses lower cheaterfags

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Surprisingly easy. Didn't even start getting tired after 30 seconds. Did 60 just for the heck of it. Could probably do twice the amount. Shoulder muscles would give up first. Am I doing it wrong or is something weird with my muscles?

shit form desu

do 3 sets with only a minute rest time in between

If your shoulder muscles are getting tired first your butt is too high in the air. Make sure you really flatten out.

I've been doing it before the show even started, and tomorrow I start doing 40 second planks

user, you know you can do this at home too.

The gym I went to was Planet Fitness tier and a con job for old fucks (IE my dad) so I stopped going.
Now I'm hesitant to join any gym again

Why would anyone waste time at the gym when swimming gives you a better body + teach you a useful skill?

Not a reason to be a negative dick though, you're still stuck on this website with us you know

I tend to panick outside easily, especially at job because I'm a bad looking ,social anxious mess and small talks are a nightmare for me.
Life's tough but do it at your own pace and give yourself a treat once a day to cheer you up

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picking things up isn't a useful skill?

>Planet Fitness tier and a con job for old fucks
Please elaborate. I have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

By swimming you also get good at picking things up.

I've been in one for a delivery once.

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Neo, start a new vg thread. I’d do it but I’m phoneposting

enjoy blowing out your back

But I don't have any of those fancy big tools at home. Only two 5kg dumbbells.

It was a bad gym and most of the people there were near geriatric old fogies, and was half of a wellness program with a half baked doctor's office a few buildings down.

>an average fitfag

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I think this "big dick energy" persona which call himself a person fails to see that even 'mUH AlPhA MalEs' can have those kind of kinks

I swear, people reflecting their own insecurities onto others are a plague

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pizza or a baby?

Have sex

my hip

I go three times a week to a local gym

>mUH AlPhA MalEs'
Kill yourself.

Can I really get nice abs just by planking? I can hold for two minutes and do multiple sets so I figure I can results at a decent rate.

You didn't even understand why I wrote it like that, do you?
Nice reply though, I bet you're fun to talk with and your parents are very proud of the positive person you are

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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.


A locked briefcase.
Pizza is probably a nice idea. Have all the fat, dieting ladies watch you eat it.
But why would you order a baby? To a gym? You're weird, user.

>doing weighted chin-ups
>without bracing your core

theres a lot of types of static exercises and some variations for planks like side planks
but I don't think static exercises will really give you 'shaping' they're more of a strengthening thing
even just flexing muscles and holding it without weights can give limited results (basically how physio works)
imho strengthening your endurance is the first step to getting fit, whether it's cardio or static exercises

The fun thing about squat DOMS is that it teaches you how much you squat in daily life.

Don't start running again until the shin splints have healed. Go swimming or cycling in the mean time so you don't lose cardio gains. Next time repeat a week if it felt hard, so you don't injure yourself by progressing too quickly.

My parents died of smoke poisoning. Didn't make it out of their bedroom in time. Couldn't even get the door open before they lost their strength. A tragedy.

Sounds good. I work out 4 times a week but it's just DYElfag shit with cardio then pull-ups/chin-ups or push-ups. I've been wanting to integrate something more ab focused.

Plank is a horrible exercise.
Avoid it if you don't want to room your posture. Also it hardly works the muscles you want, because there's no resistance on them. For example, you don't drive with your glutes, but your hip flexors, which is bad for you.
Your shoulders will also just drop forward in an unhealthy way.

still better than crunches

might just be but the main reason I cant run far is my shins and calves usually give out before I even get winded.
I mainly attribute this to I used to bike a lot for fun, so much so that I was one of those people who used to claim
>Strava or it didn't happen

You can do decent dumbbell alternatives to most machine or barbell workouts, including:
>lat raise
>overhead press

Check out

In fact, if you tilt your hips the right way, sit ups or crunches won't hurt your spine and your lower back.
Just make sure to use posterior tilt.

So I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that unlike some weight lifting where you should take a day rest in between, planks (or any similar exercises) can be done daily?

Reminder for /fit/ to fuck off

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Thanks, but I have no clue what all those names mean. Guess I'll have to take an anatomy course first. Why is fitness so complicated?


Your and can be worked out daily, but give them a rest from time to time.
Also, do not do planks, or only rarely.

/fit/ is always on Yea Forums are you new

Anons... You've exercised way before watching this show right? You have been in a gym before ri-right?

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Even just sitting on the chair or couch or whatever you're on, you can flex your abs. In fact, you can both flex your abs so it feels like your spine curves AND pull your erector spinae so that it UNcurves your spine to make your back straight. You can flex that those pseudo antagonistic pairs of muscles.

Think of "flexing your abs" like getting ready to take a punch, right in the stomach. You aren't allowed to bend, you can't think of blocking the punch: you gotta take a punch right in the abs and the best way to mitigate the pain and damage is to flex your abs as hard as you can. Breathe out ALLLLLLL the air in your lungs. Twist your upperbody left and right and up and down and front and back, feeling allllllll the muscles you just used, keeping them as flexed and tight as possible. After breathing out allllll that air and moving alllll the muscles in your upper body like some weird paraplegic gymnast, KEEP that air our and KEEP those muscles flexed and stand up tall. Practice feeling what that's like, where those muscles are, and you'll eventually learn how to flex those muscle groups individually i.e. your abs.

Exhale all your breath. All of it. And keep trying to exhale once it's all gone. Keep on breathing out, hard (but don't bend over). Feel those muscles? That's flexing your core. If you practice that feeling, you'll be able to flex and breathe at the same time.

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Never have, never will

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I worked out to try and get a girl but it didn't pan out, things went from bad to worse and I spent close to a decade suffering from crippling depression and fear of saying I had it because I didn't want to take Anti-Depressants that kill my emotions.
I'm in a better place now and finally working out again, but I'm older now so I dunno how well I can lose weight and put on muscle.

Shut up Jeff.

It's funny how a fucking show makes weebs hit the gym, Boku no hero did the same for me two years ago after watching Deku go from twink to hunk

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I usually just stick with leg lifts or v-ups instead, I do planks maybe 2-3 times a week

There's going to be a new class of Yea Forumsnons getting legitimately fit as long as they stick with it, and then there's fat losers who just cry about /fit/ all day and not betting themselves.

>shin spints
Does cause constant pain or only if I'm walking/running?

Friendly reminder to pig out next Danberu episode. Cola, chips, ice cream, pudding, and other various junk foods go great with anime! Afterwards spend a few hours browsing Yea Forums, watching more anime, or even just playing a video game for maximum comfy.
Might have some cheesecake next episode.

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I already dropped most junk foods.

>as long as they stick with it
Hard to know whether the motivation from this would last long enough for it to happen, but hopefully some realise it can be quite fun.
Considering there are things like stomach vacuums and mini exercise bikes that you can do at your desk you don't even have to take away time from what you normally do to get slight improvements.

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Well that sounds awful but I hope you enjoy yourself.

Appearance-wise? You already have nice abs! To be able to see them, you just have to lose weight.
Strength-wise? You sure can get stronger abs thanks to planks! They ARE very simple and one of the easiest strength-training exercises when it comes to intermediate to advanced level core exercises, but planks performed with proper form can build endurance quickly.

When it comes to exercise, it's not about "can I last, no matter what?"
When it comes to exercise, it's about "can I keep perfect form, no matter what?"

Exercise is about challenging yourself. Improving what you can do. It's not about showing off. "Showing off" is just a nice public side-effect of how much more capable you've become. If lifting 5 lbs is "easy," you challenge yourself by starting to lift 10 lbs. If pushing 50 lbs is "easy," you challenge yourself by pushing 60 lbs. If holding form for 30 seconds is "easy," you hold form for 60 seconds. When you can do more you'll feel better, be healthier, and people will notice, too.

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I actually just started on fitness stuff since picking up this show. The /fit/ sticky has been extremely helpful so far, but I think what really helped me get started was the first link on the sticky. The concepts are pretty simple.

>your body can't defy the first law of thermodynamics, aka you're as big as how much you eat minus how much you burn energy
>when doing weight training, you're essentially injuring your muscles so they can grow back bigger from the surplus of calories (particularly protein)
>maintain proper form when working out to avoid injury and maximize gains
>compound exercises work many muscles so always prefer them over isolation (single muscle) exercises to save time

Anatomy is actually not that difficult. Most muscles have easy-to-remember shortened forms (e.g. quads = quadriceps). And since muscles contract, it's easy to deduce what each muscle does by their location relative to the bone. For example, the triceps is located at the rear of the upper arm so it's responsible for pushing something with your arm.

No. All you need is really low percentage of fat.

Door frame pull up bar upside down at bottom of door frame

>There's going to be a new class of Yea Forumsnons getting legitimately fit as long as they stick with it
So until the show ends.
I believe in you, anons. You can go beyond.

Of course I'm going to work out after the show ends.
cause I haven't even reached the point where I can do 100 push ups, sit ups, squats and run 10 kmI haven't even reached the point I can do 10 push ups

Huh, thanks. Looks like I have no excuses left now. What does "proper form" means?

I went from not running at all to doing my first marathon in 2 years. Just keep at it and push yourself a bit more each time. I'm cheering for you, user.

>My BMI is probably twice his and even I can do 30 seconds.
That´s just lying on the floor, user

Anyways, just do your best!

Fast metabolism means low gainz and low strenght. Sucks to be you.

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Went from morbidly obese to normal weight about 3 years ago, but I got lazy. Maybe this show will actually encourage me to actually put my foot on a gym

"Proper form" means doing the intended exercise without injury and with the lowest risk of accident possible. It also means (on an advanced level) working only the intended muscles groups. It can finally mean that with proper form you can maximize result.

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>this whole thread

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i never face pull, what you gonna do about that, jeff-san?

Gyms are for faggot posers and simpletons. Murricunts literally drive in their SUVs to gym to run on a treadmill. How fucking stupid is that?

It's just /fit/ trying to escape their shit board.

Maybe bad gyms.
But good gyms that have machines beyond the generic stuff are usually pretty good.

>have an arthritic spinal disc from too much exercise
>have to worry about my spine snapping in two with every exercise

no. planks are stupid to do for core if you squat, bench, deadlift heavy, especially so without a belt

>did 400 crunches in sets of 25 yesterday
Surprisingly easy, I guess the fitness is working.

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is creatine worth it

What's /fit/'s opinion on doing ab wheel rollouts? Wasn't there a greentext story about a guy moving around in the gym while making motorcycle noises?

Why does sensei look so tired in the OP?

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Youth is a powerful thing

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the cake is expired

Japan hates cakes and makes them out like they are 50+ years old.

>that hibiki

Hard wood in my favorite for planks. Concrete would be misery though.

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lmao rekt

No. I am sick as fuck. Can't even get up from bed lol

I'll try with my bed, thank you.

Jesus user you're making me feel worse than I already am.

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so how many anons are making sure that they're getting enough protein while working out, though? make sure your gyaru girlfriends are feeding you meat and not just carbs.

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>if you exhaust yourself not knowing your limits, you don't have to stumble back while feeling like you need to throw up

I kinda do this a bit often since i often lose motivation in running and when i decide to start it again thinking i can do the same distance where i left it i got that horrible feeling
is there a way to avoid it?

Of course. If you can't do that you're a weak homo and don't deserve gainz.

I did both.



I thought people were still talking about Jeff Seid when Jeff was mentioned.

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How many curl i should do by day ?

tree fiddy

I just spent an hour picking up rocks and putting them down in the forest because im too fucking autistic to just go to a gym. At least I now have weights prepared for next week´s episode

Staying /fit/ really does get harder as you age.

t. Wizard who goes to the gym

>Wizard who just started to lose weight

You don't have to lift, swimming alone is enough to get a full body workout.

do it, you'll still be better off than most people

No it doesn't.
t. wizard who doesn't reddit space and who works out at home and outside

The ideal figure in your mind helps more if you can idolize it, as in relate, understand and accept it
If it's a fictional figure but you can genuinely use it to fuel your motivation to keep /fit/, then so be it

Some anons think getting /fit/ is a step to revealing your weeb powerlevel
With proper admirable form, you can even convert normalfags and make them accept you or you just grew in the process of getting /fit/


Is Jeff a weeb?

Yeah people underestimate swimming in this thread.

For people who want company when swimming in case of boredom, there's United States Masters Swimming.

>Masters swimming is an organized program of swimming for adults. U.S. Masters Swimming (USMS), founded in 1970, is a nonprofit membership national governing body. The program began when the first National Masters Swimming Championships were held on May 2, 1970 at the Amarillo Aquatic Club pool with a few dozen swimmers. Captain Ransom J. Arthur, M.D., a San Diego Navy doctor, had persuaded John Spannuth, President of American Swimming Coaches Association, that the event would give older swimmers (ex-competitors and beginners) a goal for keeping physically fit. Arthur's mission of encouraging adults to improve fitness through swimming has grown over the years into a nationwide organization that currently includes more than 60,000 adult swimmers.[1]

>Members participate in a variety of ways ranging from lap swimming to international competition. The program is organized by USMS, which provides organized workouts, competitions, clinics, and workshops for adults aged 18 and over. Programs are open to all adult swimmers (fitness, triathlete, competitive, noncompetitive) who are dedicated to improving their fitness through swimming. To be eligible for USMS competition, swimmers must sign up with USMS and obtain a membership card for a fee that varies by location

>Although there are more than 500 local and regional competitions around the country that are available for Masters swimmers to participate in, less than half of the members compete in these meets. However, for those that do, there are a variety of events to choose from including pool meets, ePostal swims, and open water swims. Two national championship pool meets are held each year, which help to determine the USMS Top 10.

Has to do with metabolism. You had higher natural metabolism when you were younger.

When you get older, metabolism slows down.

One way to solve this problem is building up more muscle because more muscle means more metabolism especially when you are just resting and not doing anything.

I don't know the science behind all this though.

>Not even a fatty. 195cm and 102 kilos.
>102 kilos
>Not fatty

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On the other hand, men in good shape become rarer and rarer with rising age. Few of the 50+ yo men I know are in a physical shape that I'd call attractive. Only one of the 60+ yo. Being also a mildly successful musician, he regularly takes women home that could be his granddaughters. Far out of anyone else's league in his age bracket.

I miss doing those.
They were easier to do than simple abs

You'll see in the beach episode

I don't doubt swimming at all myself (I've seen Phelps' diet after all) but I don't have a pool nor do I think there is a publicly available one near me. And I don't actually know how to swim

>bought elliptical trainer
>run like 1km per day, sometimes with skips
>buy bluetooth headset
>started running 8km every day for 1 month now
Feels great, also thanks to this show tried to do planks, hope it will be good.

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102/1.95² is ~27, so the cat poster is just slightly overweight. Doing planks shouldn't be too hard for him.

Swimming is much better than jogging, walking, or running for overweight people.

Much, much easier on the joints and knees since the water supports your weight and its low impact exercise.

If you are afraid of drowning, there are water belts/swimming belts that work much better at keeping you floating than swimming kickboards

>A water aerobics belt, or buoyancy belt, is a water aerobics accessory that you can wear while you're in the water and aerobicizing. Wrapped around your waist, it's a belt that allows you to float in deeper water so you can tread water easily and safely. It allows you to be hands-free -- Giving you extra time to work out your arms or core with barbells or foam noodles. While you're practicing your resistance training, equipping a foam belt is a good way to help keep yourself balanced in the water so you can have more exercises in the pool.

My suggestion is to start swimming and lose enough weight over time that you can start doing long walks without worrying about hurting your shins or knees.

You could also swim and do exercise bikes at the same time, but put off long walks, jogging, or running until you lose enough weight.

And once you reach your ideal weight, when running, try looking for places in your area meant for runners like in parks.

There is usually a running track specifically for runners where the ground is made of rubber instead of cement. You could also borrow your nearby racing track course if it is available to the public.

For example, my old highschool lets the public use the school's running track (which has 9 lanes by the way) from 5PM to 10:15PM everyday after school and on weekends when there are no school events.

These running tracks are basically either in the same football field or in the same tennis court.

The only problem is dealing with walkers on these racing tracks who you might bump into when jogging or running.

What's with those weird training belts from granny scam TV that vibrate or give you electric shocks or shit like that? Do any of them actually work?

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Public swimming pools are gross.

Basically this is the average football field design for highschools in America.

They place racing tracks alongside the football field. They are usually available to the public to use after school is over.

If you are unsure about your local school racing track is available for public use, you could always call your local highschool and ask if the public is allowed to use the school's racing track for running or jogging after school. Your local tax dollars paid for this shit after all.

Your knees and legs will thank you for running on rubber than cement. Trust me.

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>promotes blood circulation
arguable but yes
enhances metabolism depends on the above point
more metabolism=more fat burned
but if you do it while sleeping where there's almost no metabolism if there's nothing to regenerate, what's the point?

I mean, rest is for muscles to metabolize and regenerate its torn bands because of your workouts
so maybe it complements ab exercises

point is salesmans HEAVILY OVERSTATE what they can do and should never be your choice as a primary anything burner
get a set of 5-20ish kg dumbbells, the amount of at home exercises you can do with them are staggering

Gym Pools that require membership fees are just as disgusting. One of the gyms in my area only has 3 lanes in their swimming pool and the smell of chlorine is super strong everyday.

To be honest, I feel like I trust my city's public swimming pools more than my gym's swimming pool which I don't use at all. I prefer indoor swimming more than outdoor swimming due to potential for sunburn. Unfortunately indoor public swimming pools are more rare than outdoor public swimming pools so I actually drive to a nearby city for indoor swimming.

It would be nice if a big college was in my hometown so I could pay to use their indoor swimming facility but no such luck for me.

Basically, in my opinion, public swimming pools in my area have better maintenance than private gym pools in my area and public swimming pools have much more swimming lanes in comparison.

If the smell of chlorine is too strong in any swimming pool, it means that swimming pool has become too dirty with someone possibly pissing inside the pool or too many people already used it for the day.

Not that way you think.
They were mainly constructed to help slow down the deterioration of completely immoble comatose patients in a hospital, or to help rehabilitate paraplegics by medical professionals. They forcefully (mildly) contract the muscle group they literally electrically shock.

It will not help a fully mobile adult. Especially whatever you see on the t.v.
It makes for a funny enough character development chapter in this slice-of-life gag comedy manga, though.

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I know it feels more embarrassing as an adult to learn how to swim from a swimming instructor but just do it. You should be tall enough to not fear drowning compared to when you were a kid.

I remember, I hated and feared swimming lessons as a kid because I felt like I would drown in seconds and I could swear my swimming instructor was way too Spartan on me.

Also, no need to feel embarrassed about your body. Otherwise, you would never see senior citizens at your local pools who want to swim for health and exercise.

Eh, even going from early 20s to late 20s its a big difference. Especially once you lose the infinite stamina of youth, and to have to survive on the finite stamina of adults.

I'm with these anons.
Fuck asphalt and concrete. Mountain hikes might be okay, but only because the material you move on varies extremely.
The worst feeling possible is when your lungs are alright, your leg muscles are amazing, and your heart is weak. And its not that hard to remedy.

Don't know how much money Yea Forumsnons have but the best treadmill that even physical therapists and physical rehab facilities are starting to buy is called AlterG.

Basically pressurized air bubble treadmills. They use a pressurized air bubble to decrease your body weight as much as 100 to 20% so when you run or jog on this pressurized air treadmill, you are running or jogging on way less body weight.

You don't have to afford the entire machine, itself, because there are generally gyms meant for physical therapy/rehab that you can visit (usually for a higher fee). Or you just call your local physical therapist or clinic if they have these machines and ask how much money if you just want to use the machine and nothing else.

I just checked and my state's state universities and private universities seem to already have these AlterG machines. I bet they have injured college athletes use them.

I actually tried this treadmill once. It feels like walking in a pool. I guess if you want to be cheap, you could also just walk in the pool back and forth to save money.

Just wanted to show you guys what the future of treadmills might look like in the future. It's not really an anti-gravity treadmill, Air Bubble Treadmill would be a more accurate name.

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I swear to god I can't find a place to do this in my home.
Don't have enough room to hold on to something and lie straight on the ground.


what the fuck, I remember doing all this shit at high school with fervor

how thinned skinned are you?

First set of 30s was pretty easy. Second had me feeling the strain. Last the hardest even though I did it all in 3 minutes. Still not quite sure why the strain ramps up so much.

Gyms are too expensive where I live and I have nothing in my house but a couple of dumbbells with weight to put on it. I don't have money for any other equipment nor space. I don't know what to do but I really wanna start.

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Do pushups.

>Not even a fatty. 195cm and 102 kilos.

Ayaka asking the real questions

you're going to have to rely on bodyweight exercises until you find a way to afford a gym membership. you can also try pilates.

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>elastic plastic
how about no

or else....

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water barrels or a literal sand bag?

pushups, makeshift dips
situps backups planks crunches
chinups pullups
hindu squats lunges cardios

there's a fuckton of things you can do with a pair of dumbbells
curls is one of them, much less their variations

read the danberu manga for a start, then hit up /fit/ sticky if you're more interested after reading it

>Not even a fatty.
>195cm and 102 kilos.
>not a fatty
Why do fat people keep lieing to themselves? Is it an unironic coping mechanism?

dumbbells are not that bad, there's quite a lot of shit you can do with them.
If you just want to build a bit of strength, you could also buy some resistance bands.

real life Machio?

also watch athlean x

Fun fact: This guy only started exercising when he was 30 years old.

Before that, he wrote that he was sick, pale, and fat all the time since childhood.

That image you posted was when Yukio Mishima was somewhere between 30 to 45 years old.

>167 cm, 52 kg
>can't get my weight down to 45 kg
kill me now

I hope your a girl, or at least a cute twink

It's really hard for smaller people to lose weight because your TDEE is already really low. You'll probably need to go really low in terms of calories (lower than the typical 1200 that's recommended).


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Not a scientist but I heard colder climate or colder environment forces your body to burn more calories to keep you warm so if everybody fat in this thread moved to Siberia, we could all become skinny in 1 to 2 years.

I recently added a plate to my squat
my first

What the fuck was up with that turtle, holy shit. Did they feel the scene didn't have enough going on so they need to add that? I had to tear up half my room to calm down after seeing this.

>I had to tear up half my room to calm down after seeing this
were you raped by a turtle as a kid?

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I'm 170cm and 57kg. You're skinny enough lad. 45kg is just emaciated.

webm of Hibiki and Akemi stretching their legs pls

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what the fuck

>tfw live in a desert so it's too hot to run/walk in the day
>coyotes and drug addict mexicans roam around at night
at least I can walk around my room!

its really not fun

Fuck cardio, do HIIT instead. Tabata squats or burpees aare where it's at.

I get that. Back when I started I ran in summer nights in parts of town where i knew people wouldn´t be in. Try running in the way back home once you can run for longer times, it´ll be easier, as you´ll be too tired to give a shit about people looking at you

>a 6'4" person could weigh a ton an be slim
Are you retarded or just completely delusional?

I have a school with a dirt track, is that ok for running too?

Is he wrong?

Post more hibiki

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I'll be honest here, I didn't last 10 secs.

we yugioh now

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I bike 10 miles to work everyday and spend about 6-7 hours walking around for my job

Is MTG popular in Japan?

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>first time running outside this year
>ran 6k
Well no need for C25k lol

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I don't have enough for even pushups. Going to have to lose weight and increase my upper body strength first.


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This must be the worst card I have ever seen, I did not even know this existed.

Planks are boring though. If I don't keep moving something I lose interest.

It's from a joke set.

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what chapter was this?

I figured, but even unstable cards seem less horrible by comparison


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in 3 days, did you not watch the preview?


Post the PV link.

how the fuck do you not know how to flex your abs? Jesus christ this fucking website

How many people have actually picked up a gym membership because of this show

Dragon flags are fantastic for core work. Make no mistake though. They are super super hard. Start small 5x3, then work your way up to 5x5, then 5x8 all the way to 15.

Going to the gym is fucking easy. The HARDEST part is maintaining mental fortitude to keep consistently going and developing it into a habit, and then eating properly, and taking care of your skin.

The rest, over time, falls into place.

I'm military so I get it for free, but now I'm actually using it.

>It's not about showing off. "Showing off" is just a nice public side-effect of how much more capable you've become.

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>ask chick out at gym
>it's a no
>later find out she was 13 at the time
Pornstar body, fucking hormones in the water I tell you!

Don’t hit on girl in the gym
Actually, don’t hit on children

Got to do my first gym workout on Friday, still recovering from DOMS but my next training is today

I could have sworn she was of age!

Can we expect cameos of this cast in the Kengan Ashura anime? They exist in the same universe after all.

They already showed that Thai guy's picture at the boxing gym.

>Not even a fatty. 195cm and 102 kilos.
I weigh the same as you and am 5cm taller, and i do not have a good shape, you're a fatty user

It's a strange world we live in

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How big is the timskip for this manga to take place after Kengan Ashura?

Or does it take place in the same time period?

Real Talk Yea Forums: how many set-up, push-up, and pull-ups can you do?

60 set-ups, 40 push-ups, 10 pull-ups here. I ran a mile in 7:23

women don’t belong at the gym

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Go brag about uncheckable achievements somewhere else, loser

after doing 14-12-20 squats with 1pl8 during the show

I started to shake near the end it was pretty gud

I wish I could do more.

Shame the closest gym to me seem to be mainly cardio focused. Like more treadmills and elliptical machines machines than anything else.

These machines really take up a shitload of space, huh?

It is hard to find a good quality gym. I heard some people say a good indicator is the quality of the restrooms.

If the restroom is shit, the gym owner is shit and you should find a new gym.

now you can jerk off at home imagining what her sweaty butthole smells like


Dirt feels amazing to run on. Best place to run is through natural terrain, mostly dirt obviously. Only shit part about it is if you don't know the terrain you can end up in... stupid situations.

Why wait?

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lol. Such based Music band ruined by faggots.

I hate to break it to you but they literally capitalised on gays

This better be irony.

Always wondered, how fast are you supposed to walk/run for the couch to 5k? If it’s on a treadmill usually I walked at 3 and jogged at 7 or so

Honestly I didn't think I could do this, but I gave it a shot and I actually can do it. I did 3 sets of 10 and the next day my abs hurt.

I've been putting off working out for years, and have constantly had periods of starting up for a few days and then not doing anything. But an anime is getting me to work out daily and finding it somewhat enjoyable - what the fuck.

jeff seid is an old meme. athlean-x jeff is the new freshness just check out /fit/

>doing chinups over leg lift holds

user, this is Yea Forums, everyone is a lard ass

unfortunately this dude still looks weak as fuck. he wasnt extacly an athlete and it shows in his other pictures. extremely narrow shoulders and weak frame. can't escape that. even worse when you consider that he was like 5'4"

Planet shitness brings pizza/donuts and shit in once a month, to trick fatties into thinking they are actually being healthy by having a membership.

>not a reverse plank

>ensuring your customers can never leave
Genius, honestly

unstable cards aren't as joke effect oriented. Unstable is more like twisting the existing rules, and making new rules that are fun. Older Un-sets were about making jokes out of the cards themselves, not making jokes out of the interaction those cards have

Daily reminder that if you're lifting because you think it'll make you more attractive to women then you're doing it wrong.

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They happen concurrently. A couple of their chapters even overlap a bit.

I'm lifting because might is right. Also for my waifu. I've wanted to take up a martial art but grappling style doesn't appeal to me, and boxing has a shit training style where you have to pay for one on one sessions with the couch. I thought about Kendo, but I don't know how legitimate it is here in the states. There are a few groups that seem to be active locally.

Hello, im on phone...
Im overweight and tried the plank and did my best effort to reach 30 seconds.
Can i know the name of the show so i keep bettering myself?

user please manga&s=g

>"request" no longer on list of reportable offenses
What the fuck is this?

Unironically got me to start running agian. I started slipping on my lifting routine last year since it was my last year in college, and I ballooned up to 22% body fat.

lost 8 pounds the last 20 days or so, been running 3-4 miles a day on my treadmill while watching anime. also been lifting back on my old routine

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my dick is so fucking hard atm

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I'm a borderline fatass and I literally went on my first public run ever today because of and you instantly just don't care at all. All that matters is the run itself once you just start going

How do I train my penis?

Who else does full planks? Can do them longer and work more of your upper body. Elbow planks are for corelets who haven't don't do their compounds.

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Martial arts can mean more than close quarter combat. Archery is considered a martial art too you know.

Martial is defined as ”relating to fighting or war”.
These days, people only think of martial arts as only using hands and feet and not hand held weapons at all but that is a narrow minded viewpoint of martial arts.

Martial arts was originally and always intended for war as its true purpose. You say you don't like grappling, boxing or even kendo but what about archery?

I never tried it myself but playing Taiko Drums seem like a great workout.

unironically have sexual intercourse

Thanks you, dear user.

I'm doing the post-credit exercises every day and will add the one from next episode to the list. I should do some sit-ups too but those end killing me faster than planks

is there an episode about facepulls?

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I did squats with weights instead. My legs are still sore


Why does she need that tooth?

Is there anything I can do that isn’t so hard on the knees? I’m paranoid since my family has a history of needing knee surgeries later in life.

fucking hell that OP is SO DAMN CATCHY


why is she so perfect bros

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Biking shouldn’t be as hard on your knees as running on concrete. Or swimming.

WTF!!!, i've watched 2 episodes and my biceps are hard again, im not even doing anything!!!!!


because she's my wife

I'm thinking about getting a rowing machine because I'm too autistic to run outside and if I'm going to be inside I'd like to hit more than my legs.

I've only ever done Jackknives never a dragonflag since I don't have anything to hold on to

No, I said I do like Kendo, but the problem is that I don't know how legitimate it is in the states. There are active local groups, but as far as I know there's no governing body or Kendo association to oversee them. I don't believe there are even any active tournaments unless they fly to Japan.

They're easier and everyone knows it. Stop trying to cope and just get on your elbows already. If you want to do hard planks, raise your feet, not your shoulders.

Easier does not equal ineffective
It's easier to lift 1000lbs with a deadlift than it is a squat, but you wouldn't say the deadlift is an inferior exercise.
You get more bang for your buck by doing full planks, but if your need to target your abs more specifically, the forearm planks are just fine.

Redpill me on spiderman push ups

would honestly be easier to just do it at a gym, machines are pretty expensive I think

I always ran in the morning at the local arboretum on hal higdons intermediate 5k program. it was pure comfy. Eventually once I got down to a sub 20min 5k and I relentlessly practiced my running form I started running in local races and stuff
then I got ran over by a truck while doing my 1 hour bike for light exercise day and stopped working out and started drinking to ease the back and hip pain.

Nobody talks about Seid anymore. Jeff pls go finally took. Now there's a newer, more useful Jeff. There's even a second good Jeff, Jeff Nippard.

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It also comes with risks.

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Canines are for tearing meat. Hibiki eats a lot of meat. You do the math.

Yes, actually. So popular that for War of the Spark they even had special Japanese-specific card art for some Planeswalkers.

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Cope harder, jesus christ. You aren't doing real planks because they work your shoulders harder and this hurts your feelings when you stop and look at the stopwatch.

I've got some meat for her to tear right here

I have my own squat rack so paying for a rower is not that big of a deal.

I live across the street from a high school but they don't allow the public to use the track. Other than that there's some trails nearby in a forest preserve but they're gravel.

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Thank you kind user

Exercise machines have poor resale value.

>we yugioh now
They all love it, looks like

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you can literally get fit / buff on just dumbbells. do them like everything else and keep going up in weight. curl, press, row, squat, then ab routine. fitness isn't that hard, you just have to do it. hit every muscle with atleast 2 exercises at 3 sets of 10 and be struggling on the 3rd set and boom you're working out properly

>Not even a fatty
>102 kilos

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g-guys I'm totally natty I swear

Id unironically probably still be a virgin if I didn't start lifting 4 years ago

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Those two were the "leg" ones I had.
And you're welcome

Ah, the magic of pump.

It's part of my routine, but more importantly I want to mate press Hibiki.

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vroom vrooms.

Whether or not he's a fake natty (to be fair, he is also VERY short, so he looks wider than he is when in solo shots, and he's not especially vascular outside of the bicep veins, either) isn't all that important. He makes good videos with well-presented info and cites studies, and that's way more important to me.

I've never heard of that exercise before. How do you do it? How many sets and reps?

Will do it right now

5x100 every three hours

Jesus why do the last feel seconds feel like an eternity

>Ayaka calls Hibiki fat and will never get a boyfriend at the rate she's eating
>Is also really fit

What the fuck if Ayaka is that fit why not help and motivate Hibiki to get her back in shape instead of letting her waste her money to go to a gym? Ayaka is a shitty friend.

Maybe she wants to keep her work and her social/school life separate? Also, boxing gyms tend to have shitty equipment for lifting, and Hibiki seems to have taken to lifting anyway.

There's no point in being fit if you can't lord it over everyone else.

Friendship is banter.

I've never done any form of exercise in my life

Are you a hiki

yes, and i find them pretty boring and prefer traditional sports, and i hope I can do them as long as possible

The teacher's PT is Kureishi Mitsuyo
They consult an exercise book by Ozu Toshio
They hitch a ride to the Harnold Classic with Adam Dudley
I think are the cameos that should be coming up.

don't forget your lunch tho

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honest question, because I'm an idiot. Can biking replace running? Is there a ratio like 3km on a bike roughly equal 1km jogging? I greatly dislike running but enjoy riding a bike, thats why Im asking.

I think /a is more skeletons than lard asses

as cardio, yes.

No, Biking has actually been shown to reverse the muscle-strengthening process by making certain muscles work less, in turn lessening the epidermic load and thus redistributing the Haffners factorial which then means the net mucle gain is decreased (which obviously in turn deteriorates the muscles that were worked over the course of a few hours due to heightened lactic acid production and flow).
It's widely accepted that Biking is best used as a stretching excercise for cardio.

tl;dr just do squats and eat your oats

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Privleged europoor here, a 20 kg dumbell costs like 400$. But the gym costs 30$ a month as well which is still fucking retarded but not as retarded as investing in gym equipment yourself.

>, a 20 kg dumbell costs like 400$.

So this thread doesn't revolve into fit/ottry, you guys have some Spotify/SoundCloud/Napster playlists with anime music for running/sports in general you care to share?

I just listen to Symphogear music. It never gets old and it makes pushing myself much easier.

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These really should be on /fit/ or /trash/. You faggots aren't even pretending to talk about the anime.



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I can't even hold a plank for 10 seconds. What do. Yes I'm a 250 pounds fat fuck.

lose weight

How much does height play into your ability to hold a plank? Is this another one of the bodyweight excercises where manlets get better numbers by virtue of their more favorable mechanics?

Height doesn't matter.
The thing that matter is your weight. The fatter you are, the tougher it is for you to do the workout.

look up dragon flags, its that ab exercise rocky did in rocky 4.

its hard enough that either you wont be able to do it at all, or you will only manage less than 20. be very careful though, its possible to snap city your shit if you dont have your entire core tensed, if you dont, its easy for one vertebre in the location you arent keeping straight to move out of alignment.

this is the best ab exercise since it WILL be a low rep exercise unless you are already a olympic level athlete or a skinny person who has been working out for a long time.

be careful of the surface you use, ive busted multiple workout benched by snapping the part off where your hands are

how is situps trash?

>not tucking in your gut when you're out in public
And that's why you're a fat fuck.

I just did those dynamic stretches followed by 5 sets of 20 squats and then did some more stretches after was that a good idea?

sgt uses plank to smoke the young enlisted and ot build their mental tpughness. but its not a good exercise foryour lower back.

do dead hanged leg raise instead and subscribe to jeffs athlean x youtube channel.

have sex

Dynamic pre-exercise, static post-exercise

Thats actually what I did. I googled it beforehand.

>especially on asphalt or hard terrain
Enjoy your broken knees.

Swimming or an elliptical machine.

What if everything around my house is literally asphalt

Don't run, there's plenty of other cardio you can do.
Or if you really want to run drive to a local park.

>plenty of other cardio you can do.
what are these

stop doing cardio retard

Swimming, biking, elliptical machine or just walking.
basically the ones that don't include jumping.

work on fixing your posterior tilt faggots

You're getting memed on by powerlifters. A weak heart directly affects your lifts.

>running on asphalt or hard terrain
>will result broken knees
please tell me youre joking

Uh, no that's pretty well known.
If terrain doesn't absorb the impact of your body hitting the ground while running, obviously your body itself will.

HorribleSubs don't bother subbing outros because they're fucking retarded

If you're doing really intense shit it will take a toll over time. It's one of the reasons why I hate playing DDR at Round1 compared to Dave and Busters. It feels like I'm playing on top of a concrete slab.

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biking is alot of fun. but you have to invest in a good 300 bucks bike beforehead.

so in comparson, swiming is cheaper. and you cam buy a seimming goggle with prescrption

I have no idea how many reps of things I should do. Can I just keep going until I physically can't do any more?

>swiming is cheaper
Depends, swimming pools subscriptions are pretty costly.

Sure, do SS+GOMAD.

point reduction might br possiblr if you are doing it in a fasting state. t. when you are hungry after 20 hours of not eating, and your body is looking for fat t burn and then this belt prob will promote the fat on your gut instead of the fat on your

>swimming pools subscriptions
just use the nearest river/lake/beach lmao

The majority of people leaves far from those.
They are also off limits in most countries during cold seasons unless you want to fucking die.

depends what youre doing

swiming in open water for a noob


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Stuff like dumbbell curls, squats

Is it true that there are people who can't do dragon flags?

>some ppl cant even get an eraction.

3 sets of 8-12 i guess. if you have the weight i'd do 5-6 reps for big muscle groups.

assuming you are noobie, just aim for 8 to 12 reps and do it till you cant do it any more.

just start exercising, dont worry aboit too much. your body need a week or two to warm up

and try to build your agility up before your strength. if you dont want to get hurt

Bad for your body even with proper form