What is some of the best early anime? Pic related

Even better if there is more than 5 episodes which have subs

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? Is an anime? Tried looking for it and found nothing

Does anything from the 60s besides Dororo have all its episodes subbed?

Honestly, from what little research I have done, I haven't come across any fansub projects which completely sub any anime of this time period. But I am pretty knew to this all desu. Was trying to get into Astro Boy cause of how important historically and culturally I heard it was, and couldn't find subs past the first 2 episodes. Extreme disappoint, but led down a rabbit whole. There are 16 episodes straight of Cyborg 009 and 25 or so of Sabu and Ichi, but many others are much more partial. It's a bummer, but I can't do much to help that except for maybe throw some money to some efforts.

If anyone could show me like, say, a full season or run or whatever of any subbed 60s anime, I would be ridiculously grateful.

Oh, I think Mach GoGoGo has complete subtitles actually! One positive example.

The 70s is a lot better but we are still missing out on a lot of shows.

Attached: Subbed 70s anime.jpg (2906x1680, 808K)

Ah, so even up to that decade we don't have reliable subbing? Makes sense I suppose, the tech for fansubbing, what that wasn't until the late 70s at earliest that was doable right?

I'm not the comparative type, I am sure there were many great advancements for anime in the 70s and just many enjoyable shows in their own right. I'm actually watching through Heidi, Girl of the Alps right now along with other things. However, I love some of the strange things that come with 60s anime I have seen. There is that American cartoon-y influence on some, almost Loony Tunes-y at times (was that a thing in the early 60s? If not something like it I am sure), sometimes there is a Disney flavor to it, and they are some really cool techniques you'll find in them animation wise. One show, forget the name, blends marionettes with animation (is that anime even? I dunno haha), and there is a few shots in the second episode of Sabu and Ichi which shows the reflections of the illustrations in the water with mini-boobers on it for a fishing scene. It's like wicked cool! That tonal crunchiness and experimental feeling really is something I can see myself obsessing over in the next few months is all, hence my thread

things were very different back then
a lot of things were dubbed but not subbed.
old manga was also often mirrored after being subbed to make it easier for westerners to read

i'd have to check on these, but honestly even finding the recordings online would be difficult for most things pre-colour,
i'll include dubs as translated

Astroboy (dub)
Gegege no Kitarou (I think should have a significant amount of dubbed or subbed but has around 100 episodes)
speed racer(dub)
kimba the white lion (sub)

it's be interesting to see how much people could pool towards getting translations done for archives sake
be pretty interesting scouring vintage movie stores and flea markets in japan just for hopes of pulling copies of things we had in north america that were butchered

even in the 80s AND 90s theres a significant amount of missing stuff dude
hell even today we still have things that slip through the cracks, but not nearly as often.

Yah, I definitely get it. While I am not surprised of the practices of the day, what I am surprised by is that there still hasn't been either enough of a demand or just enough people into this sort of thing with the right skillsets to make fansubs for many of the animes we still have copies of at least. You can't really help when some shows still have lost episodes that need found, like Big X if I'm not mistaken, but when even a show as important as Astro Boy only has the first 2 and the finale subbed that's pretty shocking to me. But maybe I expect too much and underestimate the effort required. I do think the most culturally relevant stuff should be not only well archived, but made easily accessible to people all over the world, not just Japanese speakers but English as well as Spanish and other major languages and shit. I know that takes a lot of effort, just something I am passionate about, and I have my own archival efforts on different fronts.

Anyways, thank you very much for the recommendations. I did check out Kitarou's first subbed episode today, and really dug it. Gonna continue with that, Sabu and Ichi, and Mach GoGoGo. Might keep up on the Astro Boy dub, I just gotta kinda acclimate myself to understanding that until subs become available is the best I can do, and might not have a complete sub for some time (if even in my lifetime).

Any idea how to find a Kimba sub past the first ep and film, or if there is one? Tried to look into that actually recently and I had trouble checking KimCartoon and Nyaasi, so not really sure which way to go next? I'm but a babe in all of this so apologies if there are some obvious sources for these things I am missing. Only leads I have are some fan subbers' sites scattered on blog sites and shit, plus streaming and torrent sites.

Def see what you mean about the 80s and 90s. I guess "reliably subbed" is relative. Just mean it seems at least the most popular stuff of that era has subs, some niche stuff too

Kissanime not Kimcartoon, silly me

Pretty sure Cyborg 009 is subbed and dubbed all the way through. Toonami picked up the original Cyborg 009 and went all the way through iirc


Looks like a modern version, not the 60s one. Easy to mistake, many anime like Astro Boy, Cyborg 009, and Gegege no Kitarou which had 60s runs have had many adaptions, especially 80s and modern ones, so one can get lost. No worries

basically before the mid 2000s, so many people had dial-up that transferring video to eachother was a very difficult task

I made a mistake, kimbas series has a full dub available

I would suggest using bakabt.me for old releases in addition to nyaa.si or nyaa.pantsu.cat
I don't think you'll find kissanime useful, though it's low standards do make it the only place you can stream koikoi7

yeah thats the early 2000s remake
1979 is the original series

the easiest way to tell the age is by the grain texture in the colours.
that is the film grain, individual frames were recorded onto film, while by the early 2000s much of that was changed to digital recording, and phasing right into digital animation shortly after that 1999ish-2004ish tech gap

youtube.com/watch?v=ARhmCPmapnU heres the op, of the original

Thanks for all of your help, I'm sure it'll come in handy and I really appreciate it. I'm looking into bakabt atm.

oh yeah check out Soratobu Yuureisen
"the flying phantom ship"
1969, full of whack shit

Ooh duly noted! Love that wacky shit haha

I guess I was mistaking due to the 2000's one looking like the 1967's Speed Racer (which is all dubbed btw) due to Cyborg 007 the orginal ran around a year later in 68 according to jewgle

that ones also a lot truer to original designs and styles than most remakes so I can't blame you if you're not familiar with the differences in recording types

Watch Attack No. 1.

Attached: [OldCastle] Attack No. 1 - 001 [A22B3001](00_01_39.182)0001.png (960x723, 881K)

>Anime from 69
>Actually has all episodes subbed in english to end, 100ish episodes
>Easy to find
>Bit different from other anime at the time

So that's fucking awesome. Thank you so much!

Enjoy, user.

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虎だ! 虎だ! お前は虎になるのだ!

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Le petit Prince's pretty damn good

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is hentai from the 60s and 70s any good? This webm has me curious now

I don't think hentai really existed in those days. Or at least not in any mainstream capacity.

There is stuff like Tezuka's 1970's Cleopatra movie, but that's more like a really weird sex comedy.

vintage hentai is always weird, and a lot of them can quite literally, be watched for plot.
they're more like r-rated movies than porn

try watching these two for examples
>Cream Lemon 1985~
>La Blue Girl 1989~

yeah cream lemon is generally considered the oldest 'well known' hentai
but in like 1730 or something japan was making laws against hentai manga, meaning that hentai manga predating the fishermans wife was already getting to be enough of a problem that it had to be acknowledged
i'm not sure on sexuality and shintoism but I think around that time dutch christians were commonly trading, so it could have been western pressure?

>tfw it'll never be translated
If I wasn't a lazy fuck I'd learn Japanese to watch this

>so it could have been western pressure?

Westerners were disgusted with it, but I think it was more that the Tokugawa Shogunate wanted to keep tight control over what got printed in Japan. I suspect that artists were drawing lewd pictures of politicians wives and they all got anally devastated about it.

god I could see it
political comics have really always been the worst comic with the lowest efforts in writing
I can only imagine the shitflinging we'd see in political mangas drawn by a japanese ben garrison

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Close, but no cigar.

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