beach demon "loli"s on your front lawn!
Beach demon "loli"s on your front lawn!
i dont got a lawn
im nowhere near a beach
megumin isn't real
the reason she's at the beach is because she isn't allowed in the pool with her nasty bandages and the sticky shit that grows underneath
I would use freeze magic to make her an ice burd to blow up
Why is this explosion maniac casting petrify on my dick?
>people honestly hate her just because shes popular
I can understand if someone likes aqua more since shes more fun but imagine unironically liking darkness more. Pure contrarianism.
Do potted plants on a balcony count as a front lawn?
Darkness is a real woman, unlike the retard and the retarded midget.
>Darkness is a real woman
Who is going to tell him, bros?
Everyone agrees with me, they don't have to tell me shit.
we don't want lolis on the lawn
Take them inside to the bed then.
Aqua, Kazuma, Eris and all the other heroes Aqua brought into the world are the only people in Konosuba. Megumin and Darkness are actually mindless scripted NPCs
Literally what?
Hello mister, want to drink craft beer and listen to rock CDs with me?
Go on, what are you going to say?
A real woman.
Dat hips
No one gives a shit about that retard. This is a Darkness thread.
Nah, not a huge fan of beer to be quite honest with you young lady, would like to listen to some rock CD's though