I see shows doing this all the time? What about Salmonella?

I see shows doing this all the time? What about Salmonella?

Attached: egg-rice-silver-spoon-01-09.png (1280x720, 679K)

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fucking americans

There is no Salmonella in based Japan.

You realize only americucks sell diseased eggs right?

This is another "guaranteed replies", isn't it?

>this thread again

Salmonella is a myth perpetuated by the egg cleaning industry

superior 1000 folded japanese egg don't have salmonella gaijin

japan has more restriction and monitoring on egg they sales because nihonjin doing shit like this.

There's no salmon in there


Attached: raw.jpg (270x216, 10K)


laughs in natto.


Attached: 1562909136579.jpg (1036x919, 190K)

I eat 2 3 minute boiled eggs everyday I never got sick

Asian countries have been exposed to so mucg germs that they've gained some immunity

welcome to Yea Forums

Raw eggs don't make you sick retard. Chickens are vaccinatedmmodified to not have salmonella these days.

Sukiyaki with raw egg is fucking great

Stop eating diseased eggs.

Attached: s.jpg (848x480, 43K)

>1 post by this ID

post the damn soraumi webm already

Oh joy, it's this bait thread with the same exact screenshot from years ago. This is surely about anime and isn't going to turn into an off topic /int/ thread.

Pretty sure even American eggs are fine to eat raw as long as they're grade A.

>even American Eggs
>implying Best Country USA doesn't have BEST EGGS as well

Not in Burgerland. We don't want no autistic chickens.

The rice is steaming hot and cooks the eggs.

I do this often with American eggs and no problems. Furikake is just a bitch to get though.