Symphogear XV

Tsubasa should stop holding concerts. These damn monster attacks are killing stadium attendance.

Attached: tsubasa-chan.png (1366x768, 575K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the perfect Idol concert doesn't exi-

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv ( (1280x720, 1.05M)


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Attached: crying chris.jpg (740x864, 89K)

Why the fuck is he so strong

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - 01v2 [BD 720p AAC] [C523F2DF].mkv_snapshot_02.57_[2019.07.13_18. (1280x720, 394K)

He's a muscle wizard.

Watch Symphogear. He explains it.

This is a tattered, uncool weakling of a hero

Attached: hibiki wants to scissor.gif (866x720, 2.45M)

>it's a tsubasa season
>and maria

He isn't.
Everyone else is just weak.

So... why the fuck did Tsubasa and Maria wait for a couple hundred of casualties before transforming?

Attached: 1457280098461.png (955x673, 1.08M)

Maria is in love with an autistic sword!

Attached: 1563045218641.jpg (1280x1440, 799K)

He watches martial arts movies.

>No you dense bitch, I didn't mean that kind of "beautiful music"

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p][00h14m33s].png (1280x720, 938K)

Mostly comic relief outside of when he was beating Finé’s ass

That was a fine ass, yeah.

Why can't sword be happy bros
Also watching the s1 concert and this new one just shows how insanely good the show looks now

>it's not a ChrisMJii season

Attached: yukine chris suspicious .gif (500x281, 730K)

How is Maria going to heal this broken sword this time?

With her fat ass and tits.

>Also watching the s1 concert and this new one just shows how insanely good the show looks now
It's amazing how far this little miracle has come.

I thought AXZ was gonna be the Chris season but Maria hijacked that too. It's not fair bros

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 03 (1920x1080 BD FLAC) [B5D1DE6F].mkv_snapshot_24.19_[ (1920x1080, 253K)

Don't know if it really needs anything more, but if possible make "and maria" smaller

Unsure if that dess or poledancer dess is better

How many people died in this attack, was it actually like 100,000?

>Tsubasa, I want you to finger my pussy
>But you dont have a pet

Attached: laughing sonohanas.png (1000x800, 273K)

How dare you question the number, it was obviously over 6 gorillion

It makes me so fucking happy man
Watching it i feel like a kid again reacting with OH OH THAT'S FROM EPISODE 1 OH SHIT and i didn't get that for a long time
This season is so full of nostalgia and callbacks it already hits hard and it will keep on doing that for 11 weeks

I just saw...

Attached: DB023F6D-017C-45B9-91D1-8D5C87FF8F4B.jpg (432x600, 34K)

We'll know next episode

Straightened hair Maria is so fucking beautiful guys.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.45_[2019.07.13_23.45.02].jpg (1920x1080, 740K)


Attached: DpWtjUsVsAE-wOr.jpg (1024x705, 148K)

It's good to be back S1 bros.

Attached: this is what I'm here for.png (442x923, 66K)

Maria’s always beautiful but you’re right

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00_06_26.428.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

I want her to choke me with those legs

They certainly can't handwave it with "most people lived" given how this time the intent was to maximize casualties instead of just creating a distraction to steal Nehushtan and the whole place collapsed into the ocean from the looks of it.

Nana is just that good.

She's extra beautiful in this concert.

Attached: concert.mkv_snapshot_00.20_[2019.07.14_00.23.21].jpg (1920x1080, 784K)

For a second I didn't even think they capitalized her name. I guess this is what she gets for being such a fucking jobber.


Blur edit of the mic when?

Maria is ugly.

Now this is a concert to die for.

That's from season 2 retard.

Imagine being Shirabe

Why can't she just sing a song in peace.

Attached: sadbasa.png (486x531, 422K)


Attached: 1476376880725.png (699x604, 682K)

Why does Sword keep having to suffer. She'll blame herself for this mess, no doubt.

Senki Zesshou Symphocure!

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stupid nigger

bad dog

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She already does
I thought waiting for ep2 was hard
Ep 3 comes out in a week and it hurts

First of all, you're dumb. Second, you're kind of just making his point.

>MAO voices the villain
Will she be gay again?

Attached: chad.jpg (776x782, 348K)

The fact we already know we're gonna end up heroifying these shits makes the early episode villainy that much more egregious. I mean, I still want to tap that regardless, but did you really need to kill a hundred thousand people to prove you mean business?

On an equally important note how the fuck are her thighs so fucking fat FUCK

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.42_[2019.07.13_15.50.40].jpg (1280x720, 164K)


i need a frame by frame analysis of kirika's transformation right now

>Shirabe Tsukuyomi (月読 調 Tsukuyomi Shirabe)
>In XV, it is revealed that she was an orphan because her parents were killed in a traffic accident when she was little and the accident hit Shirabe's head so hard that she has amnesia, losing all of her memories of the past and her identity.

Attached: __tsukuyomi_shirabe_senki_zesshou_symphogear_xd_unlimited_and_etc_drawn_by_resonancq__9c54a86db3d429 (1536x2048, 1.05M)


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 02 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.23_[2019.07.13 (1280x720, 55K)

Another one? You've already gotten several today.

I think it meant AXZ

I will post this every thread until they dock.

Attached: tsubasa chris is justice.jpg (600x800, 64K)

Cute sword idol

Attached: symphogear XV tsubasa concert.webm (1232x1080, 2.84M)

>we're gonna end up heroifying these shits
I doubt it. I bet they will just realise that they were wrong at the end like Fine did.

What if this time they are just treated as villains and get killed/jailed?

Just pull your dick out and start rubbing it, that's all you need to understand.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.53_[2019.07.13_15.26.01].jpg (1280x720, 119K)

What if Kirika were responsible for that accident?

Was this rotoscoped?

Why is Maria eating a popsicle in the middle of a concert?

I hope vampire's death is the most painful of all.

What is this? Shirabe in Ichaival?

>Maria in suit and tie
>her fabulous dress during the concert
And here I thought I couldn't get any gayer for Maria.

Probably. But more importantly, will she be weird again?

What is Maria's wife doing to Vanessa's sexpet?

uhh no one really died right?

Tsubasa's outfit during the concert reminded me of Precure so much for some reason.

Why can't she always wear her hair like this?

Attached: concert.mkv_snapshot_00.50_[2019.07.14_02.28.01].jpg (1920x1080, 940K)

Nobody important.

Filthy, dumb Cainite scum.

Is there a webm of Tsubasa fist pumping?

Hope we got more those next episode

Attached: 1561216463048.jpg (1920x1080, 501K)

That's Dino Shirabe from the gatcha game. Rawr.

Attached: shirabesaurus.png (960x1280, 1.66M)

Maria tops

What's weird about fucking your friendzoning crush's daughter you delivered?

Just Tsubasa's hopes and dreams, and some background people. And maybe Ogawa.


>Next episode opens with a catatonic Tsubasa
>Maria what happened
>I don't know she just collapsed on stage

>Madoka rerun airing right before Symphogear's timeslot
>double dose of suffering every week
I can't wait.

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 01 [A467190D].mkv_snapshot_00.58.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Femanons don't exist.

She can fly. Probably doesn't bother with that pedestrian walking so her thighs don't get much use.

>Tsubasa stroking down her jaw and strand of hair

Attached: concert.mkv_snapshot_01.12_[2019.07.14_02.32.24].jpg (1920x1080, 819K)

I wasn't talking about the timetraveling animal.

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>sad Aoi power hour
My heart can't take it.

We don’t know if they’ll redeem them. They could get the Finé treatment and die realizing they were in the wrong, but not necessarily redeemed.

Tsubasa's concert outfit was better than Maria's.

This has potential

Kiriya Aoi version 2! So cute!


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PTSD intensifies

Attached: symphogear XV execution.webm (800x450, 2.79M)

I can't believe she got saved in the first season just so she can die in the last.

Attached: 1.jpg (1334x1500, 118K)

>>Madoka rerun airing right before Symphogear's timeslot
>>double dose of suffering every week
This is amazing, Madoka is a great warm up.

What a horrible night to have a concert.

Reminder that you aren't a tru Tsubasa fan unless you get turn into dust

>I hope vampire's death is the most painful of all.
Hopefully Maria realizes when the times comes to save Tsubasa from the vampire that crosses don't work on them.

Hopefully the links wont die because fuck me and trying to get around a rus site and jap video names

Why wouldn't the other gears be let into the concert early just for the reason that they are personal friends with Tsubasa talk about a plot hole.

There's no way it's the same kid

Attached: hibiki stare.png (528x548, 609K)

Maria was way more fabulous.

Different girl.

The others still have school.



Attached: maid.png (1366x768, 1.45M)

This tail hole better get some proper usage in doujins.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.32_[2019.07.13_15.33.26].jpg (1280x720, 55K)

"See what I'd tell you bro, bullets are worthless. If we stand still everything is going to turn out all right."

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.04_[2019.07.13_17.31.33].jpg (1280x720, 61K)

what the fuck?

Unless she's wearing colored contacts, it's not.

coot maid

Attached: maidrabe.jpg (1080x1440, 315K)

Everyone is too busy gore posting no one noticed how well animated Tsubasa's lunge was.

Shirabe is used good

Attached: XV.jpg (1920x2160, 226K)

No, it hasn't been that long. She was like 7 or 8 and it's only been 2 years since S1, maybe a little more? That girl likes 12 at the least. Don't fucking do this.

Attached: Sweating Sword with Towel.png (427x240, 108K)

Holy fuck. Same hair and eyes.

I really like how they're using the huge screens in the concerts

Attached: concert.mkv_snapshot_01.35_[2019.07.14_02.37.38].jpg (1920x1080, 1.01M)

They're sisters.

I want to see how well animated Tsubasa's lungs will be after Milaarc is done with her.

The episode cut out for me in the second half but man was it really cute watching the dorks.

Attached: Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.52_[2019.07.13_16.35.06].jpg (1280x720, 147K)

My heart and my dick.

They also didn't bother trying to hide Hibiki's new power-up and no one is talking about that either.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.41_[2019.07.13_13.00.13].jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Chastity saw.

Attached: Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.15_[2019.07.13_20.39.28].jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Of course.
Of course!

Rawr indeed. Yum.

Not a fan of the look
But it's just the gold she already used before

Now we know why Tsubasa wanted to do the concert with Maria

It's good to know that Gold Saint Hibiki didn't just get abandoned.


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There's too many new things in this episode, it's even more hype than episode 1 in a way.

Funny thing that people tend to forget. Only standard noise are shifted, so physical objects can't touch them and living matter gets converted to Carbon. AlchaNoise don't have that feature and are fully physical and can be killed by anything. Also, they don't convert to carbon on touching one thing. It makes them much more effective killers then regular Noise, which seem to have been made more on the idea of being guards and the carbonize was a safety feature to make sure they didn't mass murder.



Alchemic X-Drive for anti-Custard combat.

It got overshadowed by the gore later on but it was definitely a cute moment.

rare smug maria!

Attached: concert.mkv_snapshot_01.30_[2019.07.14_02.42.19].jpg (1920x1080, 859K)

I'm worried about those teleport crystals being back already.

Attached: Tama.png (750x419, 378K)

yeah if anyone actually did symphogear doujins


Full of the blood from virgin girls.

No don't do this to me.

Attached: 1498972996690.png (1280x720, 1.18M)

There's a good number of them at the panda and the amount of them being about the AXZ alchemists makes me believe that season boosted the show's doujinability a bit.

Fuck you, you made me open up the episodes to check the credits for voices.


Hopefully the first of many to come. Maria has to step up and show some confidence. Tsubasa needs her.

It's good to be back

>each gear's animation budget was proportional to how much whale money they got

Attached: The power of Gacha.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

Imagine the budget.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.27_[2019.04.10_00.49.26].jpg (1920x1080, 670K)

Is Tsubasa made just to suffer?

brb, gotta stroke my dick real hard for a bit here.

There's gotta be something else that involves both her and Miku otherwise they would not show this.

>How do we upgrade Hibiki's fists?
>Just add more fists!

They actually seem more appropriate this time around if the alchemist rejects are going to be using sneaky hit-and-run and psychological warfare tactics.

>Maria stole Tsubasa's money

Trust me. I'm imagining.

Attached: 1560104500349.jpg (1920x1906, 936K)

>no scene of Chris stuffing her face with birthday cake

Attached: [Deetruck] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 09 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_08.26_[2019.06.0 (1920x1080, 253K)

Attached: walk.webm (1244x700, 2.16M)


Does anybody really want to see a midget fail at being a functioning human being again?

oh fuck

Attached: 1518710047797.gif (262x200, 498K)

Attached: screens.webm (1244x700, 2.67M)

Surely not. That would be too cruel.

Attached: 422cdfe70d8f0b90a3c67c18c405fa967ccf4035.png (340x580, 159K)

Yes, imagine how cute it was.
>that crown

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.05_[2019.07.13_15.21.26].jpg (1280x720, 197K)

I would watch 24 minutes of that every week for the rest of my life.

No one wants to see a retard shitposting yet here you are.

Attached: 1495058066180.jpg (1295x1080, 191K)

Is this expense really justifiable? That stadium must have cost millions. Don't they know there's a war on?

Huh, Hibiki is looking kind of strange...

Attached: 69619568_p0.jpg (2254x3187, 1.74M)

>Maria being so fabulous and sexy this episode
Stop! My sword can get only SO big!

Attached: Sword Erection.jpg (3033x1346, 1.06M)

The Top Dad and Nastassja story clusterfucks used up all of my anger so I don't even care if the 3 self proclaimed jobbers get off scott free desu, atleast they're hot on this occasion.

Attached: Eh.gif (335x190, 964K)

The original pendants... what were they supposed to look like when transformed?

Who's Nastassja?

Can someone compare the scenes from s1 concert and this one? Feels like a lot overlapped.

The general public actually doesn't know of anything major going on, even less that it's something involving Tsubasa.

Could TsubaMari actually happen this season?


Attached: __kohinata_miku_senki_zesshou_symphogear_drawn_by_mutsuki_riichi__a04ac5baef27e1a8edb23b20934e00f9.j (500x707, 355K)

Dog hasn't done anything irredeemable yet.

Are they doing reruns of past seasons on TV?

It's gonna get fanserviced looking at the OP and ED but I doubt they will unless Hibiki and Miku kiss onscreen too.

>inb4 someone compares and they just traced over the S1 scenes to save budget/"as a reference"


Attached: 74855076_p2.jpg (974x1384, 586K)

If Tsubasa and Marie doesn't marry at the end of this season I'm calling bullshit.

Also. Haven't felt this bummed out from Symphogear since the first season. Not sure how to feel.

Attached: NotLikeTsubasa.png (128x128, 32K)

She committed the worst sin of all:

She did the gay.

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-07-14_03-02-21.jpg (2560x1080, 152K)

I'm so bummed out i wrote Marie instead of Maria. I'm sorry. Just noise me.

No.... no no no... the age isn't right... right guys? I mean... the eyes and the hair are a coincidence, right? RIGHT?

Attached: tenor.gif (320x180, 2.82M)

I don't believe it's legal for a woman to marry a sword.

It won't be a sin once Miku becomes the new God.

Did someone tweet about this?

yeah, it's a coincidence.

It's only been about two years since her cameo in G and she looked the same as she did in S1, the dead Tsubasa fan looks too old.

If Hibiki can sing a literal love song to Miku this season, then it's only fair that Maria and Tsubasa should get married. They're the adults, after all.

They didn't trace it, but there was a lot of overlap.
>(Alca)noise starts to knock people out left and right
>Kanade(Tsubasa) jumps off to transform
>Kanade and Tsubasa (Tsubasa and Maria) running side by side cutting down noise
>Kanade (Tsubasa) gets drawn deeper in
>Random girl, or not so random gets shot through the heart
>Kanade's body (Tsubasa's spirit) gets wrecked in the end
What really triggers the flashback is using the same music as S1.

Tsubasa suffered too much already. This is overkill.

Attached: sad basa.png (631x720, 533K)

Maria really is Kanade 2.0.

maybe you should tweet about it to the devs and see what they say

>dess' transformation scene
Jesus Christ.

>the devs
Jesus Christ Yea Forums, at least try to blend in.

He's clearly talking about the top secret Symphogear fighting game project.

>Jesus Christmind
Jesus Christ

>Mila was just preventing another girl from becoming the main character of an anime

Kaneko is programming it himself.

So, do they have the same VA?

Attached: concern.jpg (480x433, 48K)

How do I become as cool as Maria?

>Top secret
>The devs of both games post updates on Twitter
They must have forgotten their spy glasses


The eyes are clearly different. And if they wanted to kill her off for shock value, they would make it really obvious who it was.

Plus she probably grew up as a huge Hibiki hero-worshipper, not a Tsubasa fangirl.

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - 01 [BD 720p AAC] [58FC7BF2].mkv_snapshot_21.02_[2019.07.13_21.08 (1280x720, 60K)


Attached: Hibiki Maria crash template.png (1280x720, 242K)

>top secret

Give Chris a mommywife

Real talk, though. I'm as curious as I'm worried about that eye thing vampire did to sword. I wonder how it'll affect her. Just the old "I'm worthless at anything" until friendship prevails effect, or something else.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-07-13-12h44m50s218.png (1280x720, 794K)


Imagine if she ran a concert in Rhode Island:

Attached: 5ekIYWh.jpg (1536x2048, 225K)


Another picture with different lighting. Bit closer, but still definitely different.

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - 02 [BD 720p AAC] [EB80A8D7].mkv_snapshot_02.07_[2019.07.13_21.14 (1280x720, 37K)

Only a hundred? That's nothing compared to Tsubasa.

What in the actual fuck.

Four birthday?

Is Symphogear good again?

This is actually pretty impressive for a single guy.

You tell us

Attached: 1563042434643.jpg (2880x2700, 3.25M)

4 is the number of dess
It's a deathflag.

It's HBD for Happy Birthday

Could be the fourth that she's celebrated with them. So that would mean it's been four years since S1. Has it really been that long?

That's her "Fujitaka is taking pictures of Shirabe again" face.

I hate these 3d arena fighters. Hopefully the guy developing the 2d game doesn't quit.

Attached: 2019-06-18 15-51-48.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

i half to say that my feelings for this episode were divided, on one side i was extremely thankful for millaarcs thighs and on the other i was split between anger and sadness over her actions

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.21_[2019.07.13_19.49.46].png (1920x1080, 2.78M)

How much exactly? I'm not saying they traced it but it felt like I've seen this before. Could be from other noise attack?

Reminder not to save this if you live in certain countries

The 3D one's models and animations look way better, wish they'd just combine the two projects.

birthday scene is for the BD release

Ah, it is an H, that's silly. Shirabe, move your hand some more.

Oh god dammit, no, this makes sense too. Hide the H so it looks like 4. Combined with her "the fun times are ending for me" and I worry.

More like Tsubasarianagrande

This felt a lot like S1, or is it just me?

Get some new material.

Because you can't use a helicopter for everyday transportation even in the army.

I think I actually love this anal puppy. How long until she murders innocent people

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.50_[2019.07.13_17.58.26].jpg (1280x720, 145K)

Just you.

Just you.

Too long.

>all of Chris's friends are hardcore lesbos
Is she cursed or blessed?

Next episode, when she face DMJii again

Kirika's transformation was way too sexual. I'm not a moralfag but it's akin to being a father and watching your daughter act like a slut.

For you.

I think she's the sole "redeemable" villain of the season.

Yes, it's obvious they wanted it to feel like S1, where the stakes were high, and emotions were also high and soul energy was low. It's been a while since Tsubasa felt this helpless about a situation.

but user if you fuck her in the ass you cant use a tailplug on her
such a dilemma

She already murdered those people on the carrier.

She didn't deserve this bros.

Attached: the cutest.jpg (1024x576, 49K)

That's for when she isn't being fucked you dumb person.

Chris is just pretending to not miss the fun times with Finè

Took you this long to notice that Kiri's transformations are slutty as all hell? All of them are her poledancing way to sexually for her age.

>innocent people

Maria has killed more Americans than the Anal Chemist has and she's "in".

She's mostly robot, so it's okay.

Attached: do not fist android girls full.jpg (800x600, 263K)

I felt the same way when re-watching AXZ. I can't remember her transformation from GX.

Im noticing a pattern

>S1: Tsubasa suffgers
>S2: She saves a kohai
>S3: Tsubasa suffers
>S4: She saves a kohai
>S5: Tsubasa suffers

Attached: senpai.jpg (1142x1960, 497K)

Those were Americans, that doesn't count.

Attached: 1530549247920.jpg (886x720, 128K)

go brexit yourself

They'll all be redeemed and added to the main cast for the 10 movies after this, r-right?

Why is she so rude to her super best friend?

Attached: act.png (1366x768, 1.27M)

God-Miku is probably going to happen at the same time as the Custodians arrival. So I bet that once it happens they''re probably going to be shone in this shot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.45_[2019.07.13_18.26.43].jpg (1280x720, 46K)

Because she doesn't want her lover to be hurt, duh.

Shut it vappa.

>Gears capture the dog
>Carol9 has her spayed so she mellows out
>Becomes the team mascot

Literally who?

>S3: Tsubasa suffers
What happened here? I forgot.

She was in GX

Family trouble.

muh tsurugi muh papa

>custodians arrive
>their weapon gets consumed
>by cyber Ver
>"Damn I love messing up other people's plan!"

Her DadBro

But those Murricans were evil and murdering civilians, so killing them was a good thing.

Okay, after watching it 30 times. I changed my mind. This is the best concert and even better than Seiten Galaxy Cross.

Oh that. I had blocked that from my memory and it's all coming back now unfortunately.

> Ver can finally be a hero

Attached: intrigued.gif (730x413, 11K)

Pretty sure this event would spark a few questions.

GX was so shit, holy fuck.

Was that post-concert scene the edgiest thing in this season so far?
There are some shows whose entire selling point is edginess and Symphogear took that too...

That someone is Tsubasa by the way.
Kirika didn't do shit.

Attached: someone.png (1366x768, 1.32M)

This makes me hope Shirabe somehow plays a bigger part in getting Tsubasa to get over whatever hurdle she's going to face this season.

They do know that noises come out and they kill people. Also, it's likely that noise attacks are like natural disasters to these people, considering the frequency and devastation. They probably shrug it off as just the usual.

That didn't bother me at all. Hell, it was enjoyable drama compared to muh gugnir and top dad.

>An Alchemist!
More like Anal Chemist, lmao

>implying he isn't already one

Attached: 1562325615258.gif (270x270, 142K)

Good one user!

He already got his hero moment in GX.

How will Fudou's precious Kazanari bloodline, sacred and eternal protectors of Japan, continue when he only has 1 heir, Tsubasa, an autistic lesbo?

worst girl

By trying to rape her. I'm dead serious here.

They say if you want a job done well you should do it yourself

I would really like it if Shirabe and Chris took point on this, but it will probably be Maria.

Imagine the smell of Kirika's feet.


I do find it a little funny. Before they were public, SONG had people sign NDA just to keep Tsubasa's identity as their weapon a secret. After G, they decided to become public, but at this point, the threat of the NOISE was gone, even the little random holes that use to open don't happen anymore, because the relic that was opening them was thrown into the noise dimension. Which is why Alcha NOISE need to be a thing in the first place. Can you imagine the backlash SONG must have gotten when a new type of NOISE show up and they are even worse then before?

I mean they've done nothing but double down on him being an irredeemable asshole every time he shows up so I guess it fits.

Ips cells?

>Kiri lewd
>sexy Maria
>people dying left and right
>Tsubasa suffering
Damn if this episode had Ver it would had been a perfect episode.

Imagine licking cute dessfeet

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.02_[2019.07.13_15.26.36].jpg (1280x720, 82K)

>father of three generations
living the dream

I don't think you understand the power of a TRUE sakimori.

full version of the concert song when?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00_06_16.167.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)

Attached: oh desire.jpg (480x480, 65K)

I'd rather imagine the smell of her shampoo.

Attached: 33208eccb89c14b838d61f92a130d5b9.jpg (1169x827, 545K)

I don't think he'd have to try very hard since Tsubasa almost instantly bends to his will anytime he talks to her.

Apparently they cut some seconds of her henshin because was too lewd for tv. Hoping to be included on the Blurays.

>people say Kirika is dumb
>but she is actually practicing for work after she fails to enter collage

Yeah, more then likely. Let's even use it as a way to kind of say that yes, Tsubasa is gay.

>Fudo brings Tsubasa in after concert was wrecked. Goes on and on about how it's time to give up this silly public figure face and to settle down and produce an heir for the family line
>Tsubasa refuses, she doesn't want to give up her independance for that. Fudo gets mad and goes to choke her
>Maria busts in, Fudo demands to know who she is and what her relation is to his daughter
>She just says she's a good friend, while blushing. Fudo asks if this is true and Tsubasa affirms. He just says "I see" and sends them away and that this discussion isn't over.
>Sits there by himself for a bit "So, my daughter is like THAT is she? Then once again it falls to me to continue the line."

Then episodes down the line he tries to rape her and Tsubasa shows that she doesn't need her gear to beat the shit out of him.

Based Millarc. No Idols Allowed!

Not exactly, they cut out those seconds because it was too long or something, the too lewd part never got to be animated because they told the animator to cut down on that early on.

Yes, that is why this is the time when she will stop. The man is clearly unhinged and Tsubasa needs to see that. Her true father is a fucking dick and her brothers will help her to fuck him up.

>americans depicted realistically
Why do so few anime do this?

They called the animator in and said that he couldn't be too lewd since they knew he was going to go full degenerate on it apparently. He did some mockups and then ended up throwing the whole thing out because he thought it was too lewd. What we got then had another 10 seconds cut because it was still too lewd.
We got something censored two or three times and it was still as lewd as it was...

So, was it Elfnein that took the pic, or Ogawa? Or the other school friends? Or was it just on a timer?

Kirika is not failing to enter college while Shirabe's around, and this episode proves it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.30_[2019.07.13_22.50.53].jpg (1280x720, 411K)


So Fudo is going to weaponize Miku right?

Was this episode even better than episode 1?

Fudo has spoken to Tsubasa exactly twice onscreen and she defied him without a moment of hesitation when he ordered her to do something she disagreed with.

Do we have the entire secuence on Bluray (on AZX for example?)

jesus fuck just what was the first draft? dess furiously scissoring shirabe?

She only defied him one of those times and he was about to beat her ass for it.

Attached: 75542470_p0.jpg (2000x1782, 1.87M)

Grinding on the pole probably

Japan and America are allies, user.

>Kanade and Hibiki are backwards

i miss the times when grinding on poles was allowed on TV

Attached: 64d8e8115424f7a6427717fed279c1c8.gif (1280x720, 967K)

With a very detailed zoom of the dessmanko, including a fluid trail at the end.

Why does Kaneko hate Americans again? Did his grandmother whore herself out to handsome GIs after the war?

Who knows.

>I was called in to the conference room a few months ago regarding Kirika's transformation and told that it could not be lewd.
>I had to throw out what I planned because I decided it was too lewd, which took up a lot of the production time.
>When it was done 10 seconds had to be cut because it was unfit for broadcasting

According to Zoid's translation, that extra 10 seconds was simply not complete in time, which could explain why the intro wasn't as extravagant as Hibiki's yet.

Kirika and Shirabe kiss in episode 8
Maria and Tsubasa do not kiss, but have implied sex in episode 5 and have a concert in the final episode wearing wedding bands
Hibiki states she is in love with Miku in episode 11 and kisses her in 12
Chris stays single

Based on the ED cover, probably Elfnein.

Tsubasa's concert gets attacked 3(4) times, like every half year, that's way more than random chance.

I think the artist just matched them by hair color

>Tsubasa has a wing on the left side of her hat and skirt
>Maria has a wing on the right cat ear roll and her skirt
Revival of Zwei Wing confirmed

Attached: wings.jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

Fudo is going to do something. Secondary antagonist for this season and that will be nice to finally have the family free of his bullshit.

If there was ever a time for Genjuro to enter the battle for real, it would be against him. Imagine him and Tsubasa going up against their father, revealed to be a Custodian.

yeah ok but Miku dies after the kiss

>Chris stays single
Until I marry her.

Maria's radioactive womb will perform a miracle

>Create a history, with the light God could not know
>angel Hibiki
She better punch God this season.

>ywn beat Fine's ass

Yeah, that could mean a lot of things. Either those ten seconds were too lewd, but it was at that point too late to redo the whole thing, but footage could be spliced without looking awkward. Or it was 10 seconds too long and would have caused them to go over time.

This would never be a issue since by the time Tsubasa is old there will be a hundred ways to go at it even for autistic lesbos

Well, probably we will get her secuence on the Blurays.

What a mess. This season started on a heavy way. Just in case, I'm not giving Spoilers.

Imagine an entire episode worth of Kirika's lewd henshin.

Considering how much longer Bikki's was, it'd make no sense that they'd cut that part for sake of length only.

>being this delusional

I'm surprised that in 2045 they HAVEN'T gotten that all sorted out. I mean, we are close to this shit now. Synthesized sperm made from donated DNA. Really the only reason not to do it is fear of stealing DNA from people and then making them help raise the child.

Hibiki has mc previleges.

Wait what about Case Files?

Hope your from Latin America otherwise you dont stand any chance.

Now is not the time for Ver.
That comes later.

Fudo did nothing wrong. Japan is safe, thanks to his powerful genes and giant bank account.

Why is Symphogear just the better than anyone else at everything it does
>cute girls
>voice acting
>character designs
>anime concerts
The only bad thing is the plot sometimes.

Not that user, but I am.

Haha, time for Maria.

Attached: 1561336660985.jpg (700x395, 142K)

The 7th star is actually Carol

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.11_[2019.07.13_23.03.32].jpg (1280x720, 284K)

It had Elfnein's memory dive helmet in the OP, so.

>they HAVEN'T gotten that all sorted out.
There is no evidence saying that they haven't. For all we know, iPS babies have been running around for a decade now.

maybe it's sorted out and that's why he lets his daughter hang around this obvious turbo dyke who always wants to get in her concerts

Based finish the job your people started and make many mixed babys.

Even when the plot is "bad" it's still more interesting than every other anime original.

which one is Dr. Ver?

Attached: h.png (1239x213, 402K)

Why can't we have Maria threads?

Hibikfags would be seething.

What's bad is usually not even the plot, it's the pacing. Even GX, massive clusterfuck that it was, could have been good had they not wasted a fucking insane amount of time.

Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 10K)

Clearly the one at the very bottom. The biggest star for the hero.

>noble samurai genes kept pure for centuries tainted by those of some radioactive gay ukranian orphan
No, this cannot be allowed

>Not the gif

Attached: archer penis erect.gif (500x281, 937K)

The big question is, why the fuck haven't SONG reverse engineered that technology already? Teleporting would sure as hell be much faster than waiting for a helicopter to arrive.

You're the only one seething

Attached: T4t0h3u.gif (1463x930, 1.35M)

This season has felt eerie since the teaser last season. I don't like this, bros...

is it really that fun posting this disgusting shit every thread?

They had to waste that stupid amount of time BECAUSE the plot was so terrible.

Teleport crystals are most likely bound to a specific location when they're made, they still would be a good tool to retreat to HQ however.

Chris is made for breeding with Stephan

Their chief science officer is Elf9.

They are set to a certain location. They can't just teleport wherever they please.

kill yourself

How is Chris loving latino men disgusting? Everyone has different taste and theres nothing wrong with hers.

I really, REALLY hope this doesn't turn into some sort of mind control arc. I fucking hate those.

I just wonder if you're just trying to antagonize Chrisfags for a laugh or if you actually have some disgusting IR fetish. Either way you're certainly obsessed.

and Maria.

Imagine Tsubasa being mindcontrolled into being the baddies' pet.

Wow, this was born from some serious butthurt.

I'm betting on a one time use body manipulation and she uses it to stab a gear

>Seal Invasion
At the very least it doesn't sound like a simple mind control thing. What bothers me is how the entire attack against the concert, including killing thousands of people was all done to make Tsubasa mad enough to hit her with it. And then the thighs vamp got the fuck out of there.

> First-half of episode
Enjoy watching gay dorks be gay while kicking ass.
> Third-quarter of episode.
Cool! Muh Sword and her wife are singing a duet with fantastic special effects
> seventh-eight of episode
WTF, I thought we were past this "edgy" shit.
> eighth-eight of episode
Why did they have to break sword again?

Why do you get so upset at something thats canon?

That kind of is the main thing Vampire's are known for when they use an eye thing on someone. So prepare for Tsubasa to be MC and Maria having to bring her out of it and maybe an appearance from Ghost Kanade.

>Maria is introduced in Symphogear G
>has G

I wonder if Fudo has involved with it, somehow. Certainly, given Tsubasa defied him in AXZ, he would want to place some sort of restraint on her.

>she uses it to stab a gear
She uses it to stab Miku.

I want Tsubasa to be my human dog.

I don't think custondian, probably a lineage from Fine's time but that's it. Still a major asshole though and willing to bet he learns Miku can also wield the power of a god

Still better than half the seasons we had.

Wait, are these suppose to be canon sizes? I know they posted official ages and birthdays for everyone.


>Seal is a reference for her virginity
>Fudo tries to rape her
>notices she's not a virgin anymore
>stops as she's a whore and disgrace and disowns her from the bloodline for good

Chris was canonically a sex slave

nah miku is going down on a fight with bikki

>ninth-eighth of episode
Why did Jesus decide to cosplay as Kanade?


Just think about it Chris must have been wet as fuck when Stephan was around. It reminded her of the pleasure of the BBrC

Force Genjuuro to get Fine back so he can have Aryan/Babylonian perfect gene kids.

Season 1

The measurements given are, we have all the gear's 3 sizes. The cups are just a guess.

the first season

don't have the screenshot though

never said to be sex slave, just a slave.
of course, for Yea Forums, that's the same thing.

When does it say she was a sex slave? She was used as forced child labor. You said she was canonically a sex slave, so back it up.

maybe commie didn't sub it right but it was said to be a sex slave

Ah, that makes more sense. It's weird to think that Kirika is only a cm larger then Tsubasa is in the chest though.

>forced labor

you cant keep running from the truth Chris is used goods.

She's very cute, I am sure that she could do it.

>delusional interracial fetish headcanon isn't true

She says she was pimped out, newfag retard. Fine literally sexually abused her because it was the only form of "affection" she knew.

Fucking newfags.

It's been 5 seasons already. please stop.

>no episode thread
>Maria thread
The absolute state of Japan

cool headcanon.

Yup, and it's all going to suck.

This would be less gay if they were having sex

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.37_[2019.07.13_20.37.35].png (1920x1080, 1.41M)

>rape trauma never addressed in any of her character arcs
whoa it's almost like it never happened!

in s1 she literally uses the japanese word for "pimp" when Genjuro tries to win her over, while implying it's what she suffered in Val Verde.


zegen: someone who makes their living selling women into prostitution; pimp

Did you miss the sequence of her strapped to a table in Fine's rape basement?

fine abused her because fine was a bitch.

I'll be here in 2050 making the same shitty joke.

I'm betting on some kind of "you can't transform now" Seal thing that mindbreaks Tsubasa every time she tries. Basically Hibiki's G arc copied over.

>moving goalposts
As expected of a post-2018 newfag.

i thought her taking miles of latino cock was retconned


If it was never addressed in her character development, it didn't happen. Simple as that.
Just go to Yea Forums or Yea Forums for your cuck fix.

Ah yes, small children make the best laborers.

So much denial. Chris has been raped continuously her whole life by gorilla fighters and psycho lesbians

No, but after S1 they talked about how they didn't expect Chris to be so popular. The "darker" part of her backstory hasn't been mentioned since.

Because her character arcs beyond season one were poorly written messes. Is this your first Symphogear thread?

>actually believing an attractive, orphaned, foreign little girl in war-torn Latin America didn't get fucked.

More unbelievable than most of Symphogear's bullshit.

>S1 shows Chris has no idea what relationships are beyond sexual violence and assumes everyone who reaches out for her wants the same thing, and Miku has to show her she's wrong
>"lol it never happened"

Post GX-retards, everyone.

neck yourself

Its her fault man have you seen her body let alone how she dresses shes asking for it 24/7.

>maybe commie didn't sub it right
Blasphemy. Commie is best subs.

Attached: v4ZNZc57qHNyQupvTs0n1cafjShowPKI1b6BHFq0ddI.jpg (1406x3861, 939K)

>and then the burgers ruin the mummy

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.32_[2019.07.13_15.39.49].jpg (1280x720, 165K)

Pic related and what said.

It was just never brought up again in later seasons because Chris has become popular and you can't rub it into the Otaku's face that she took miles of dirty Latino dick.

Attached: chris childhood.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

at the very least she was a fine sex slave

I miss fansubbing.

>Chrisfag's mental gymnastics in trying to not believe that Chris isn't used goods

Attached: remove gay.jpg (1920x1080, 1023K)

>S1 shows Chris has no idea what relationships are
Because of her dead parents and only shitty adults (aka Fine) in her life? No consequences specifically from rape ever plays into her character. Of course it's asking too much for mouthbreathers on the internet to know what rape victims would behave like.

>She says she was pimped out, newfag retard.
Let's see you substantiate this claim, newfag retard.
Hope to see that Commie screencap soon.

>mental gymnastics
>"it was never said that she was a sex slave"
>it really was never said so

Attached: 1537754566245.gif (285x186, 364K)

> abs
> vagina bones
> dfc
this is a extremely fuckable corpse

Those rebels who raped her were also shitty adults

What exactly would a teenage rape victim who is also a walking weapon of mass destruction do?

Chris was taken by Fine retards, she’s a lesbian used goods which is not the same as taking cocks.

Why would someone have an infrared fetish?

That happened later.

Clearly she is in a factory operating some pulley mechanism, and they aren't listening to her need for a piss break. You must be some crazy sicko to think this scene depicts something other than forced labour.

She didn't imply anything, and calling Genjuro a pimp was nothing more than an insult, like how you'd call someone a pedo.
>m-muh retcons!!!
Stop seeing things that aren't actually there, retard.

Attached: 1563040388052.jpg (3404x2552, 683K)

She was a victim for only about 5 minutes then she was into it.

>you can't rub it into the Otaku's face that she took miles of dirty Latino dick.
This is what annoys me the most of this whole shitshow. A girl being damaged like this means she's up for healing, and once the healing is done then she'll:
1) become the most loyal, loving girl ever and.
2) she'll pleasure you in ways you didn't even know were possible.
best possible outcome.

Also, please PLEASE stop falling for the retards' b8, they give us Chrisfags a bad name and I hate it.

This is the only middle ground that can end this stupid argument

they're not listening to her wanting to go out or just fucking leave, obviously.
But no, the only thing a child would try to beg for adults abusing her(not sexually) is when it's attempted rape, as if she could tell what's what.

You know shes likely a nymphomaniac with some weird ass kinks

>tfw Latino and a Chrisfag
It all makes sense now.

Attached: Vamp begins.jpg (1042x1238, 267K)

>frankenstein's monster
I'm actually not that mad. We already have Norse, Japanese, Sumerian, and Aztec mythologies. Going to "modern" mythologies wasn't that much of an absurd step and actually makes sense in Symphogeah's context.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p]_00:02:18.888.jpg (1280x720, 301K)

Chris was in Val Verde for years before Fine got a hold of her.


Attached: 1562361442418.png (856x302, 102K)


Attached: 1455671395232.jpg (725x1024, 234K)

Stop falseflagging and kill yourself.

>cuckposters are wojakposters
imagine my shock

Yes you are.

Almost everyone is a Chrisfag.

>Of course it's asking too much for mouthbreathers on the internet to know what rape victims would behave like
You act like every normalfag is supposed to know a rape victim in real life and how they behave. Maybe it hasn't occurred to you that characters in fiction don't always act like real life people that have been through similar circumstances. For example, a girl who watched thousands of people die around her, nearly get killed herself, have her father leave her and be mercilessly bullied for years after, sure as hell wouldn't end up like Hibiki no matter how much sunshine they have.

Also your posting style is cancerous. For that fact alone I ask you to kill yourself.

I thought Carol's Zoid was bad, but they actually managed to top it with literal finger guns.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p]-[02.21.600-02.24.227].webm (1280x720, 1.99M)

let's just go back to discussing thighs

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 02 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_01.43_[2019.07.13 (1280x720, 95K)

FUCK Vampires FUCK Trannys and FUCK Spics!

This is a bad thing how?
And for that matter, Zoids are awesome.

No thanks.

Attached: 1563039001973.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

So nothing in her behaviour shows any sign of being sexually abused, at most you got one or two lines that might possibly imply something of the like happened to her, and yet we're just supposed to take it as 100% fact?
I guess it is easier to just blame the writers for your head canon not being true.

I hope we get some glorious thighservice in Chris' transformation.

Attached: This is what dreams are made of.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

But most importantly, fuck jannies

There are slaves in Africa for years also who are still virgins.

Chris is a degenerate, she wants to do all that?!

God I would let Dess ride me till I died. Stupid sexy dork.

WTF do you think Fine was doing to her all through season 1!?

>he's still doing it
get a life you pathetic shitskin manlet

How can this fisting rapist be so erotic

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.57_[2019.07.13_15.48.16].jpg (1280x720, 166K)

>Carol's Zoid was bad
It was literally the best part of GX.

Nana approves this

Yes, it's sexual acts and sexual slavery, that's why it was shown on TV with no issues.

How did you know it was me Stephan all along?


Attached: 1207265469207.jpg (676x706, 79K)

What, does Chris being a cocksleeve for Latin American warlords trigger you?

Oh come on... get a clue. The odds of her not having been raped are like 0.000000001%

Imagine how every third saturday of the month was Chris day for all the grunts.

Unless my memory is shit, the geahs have never befriended a non-human enemy. The three new girls are dead as fuck, enjoy them while they last.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 02 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_20.03_[2019.07.13 (1280x720, 73K)

Actually Chris is not at all abnormal for a rape victim. In real life, behaviors vary tremendously especially that young. They don''t actually go around showing signals of "I was raped" all the time, especially outside of an attempted romantic relationship context, and Chris never has any of those. While, it's true you don't really see any of the more subtle details outside of season 1, Chris make more believable rape victim than Hibiki situation producing someone with that much sunshine.

What about werewolves and alchemic cyborgs?

If the hairless molerat from Shinsekai Yuri can be a human, then so can Millaarc and Vanessa.

Shirabe is a plank, not a human.

Kill yourself, frogposter.

Does Saint Germain count as a human?

The Vampire better not get befriended I want punished Tsubasa to fucking skin her alive.

Haha what if she wrapped one of her wings around your dick and the other just around her thighs. Just imagine.

Chris is a dwarf, not a human.

Attached: [ohys-share] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 11 (MBS 1280x720 x264 Hi10P AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.16_[2013. (1280x720, 55K)

Almost all Chrisfags, myself included, realize she was raped. We don't have a problem with that because the show never pretended otherwise.

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshoushinai Symphogear AXZ - 3 (1920x1080 BD FLAC) [A9BD0269].mkv_snapshot_05 (1920x1080, 920K)

Has anyone else noticed that she looks almost exactly like the newest Neko Musume?

I want to cuddle with this dog on a cold day

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.31_[2019.07.13_15.33.20].jpg (1280x720, 106K)

I need more info.

quit falseflagging and talk about the new episode

The term is "shortstack" you rude asshole.

Attached: 1562459172454.jpg (989x1400, 251K)

Naizuri with Shirabe.

That dog has caught the gay. I'm afraid it's terminal.

>Maria has now fully integrated into her spot as Kanade's replacement

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.01_[2019.07.13_22.04.38].jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

>AXZ says she wasn't raped
>"b-b-but they retconned S1!"
>points at pile of air that is his "proof"

Attached: 1512081618052.jpg (212x243, 14K)

The scientific term is midget.

Elsa is a furry and Vanessa is part doll.

Attached: D8dkY6ZW4AUEMt1.jpg (2000x1200, 202K)

Where the hell did they say that in AXZ?

A threesome with her and the chocobot might be fun too. Even more so if the thighs vamp joins in to make it a foursome.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.10_[2019.07.13_15.37.56].jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Fucking retarded autist snoggums

She's still a worthless failure.

>Symphogear took place in the same universe as Zombiegirl Saga all along
>she comes back as a new band member for season 5 of ZLS

I hope these events leads to some heavy Tsubasa x Maria content.
Depending on what that mindfuckery does they might have to fight again with Maria being in the right this time.


Shut up Chris, we know you have a dark skin fetish

Can you post the other two?

>Maria having to do something
so Tsubasa dies, I see.

>various other devices

Attached: 1394563229794.gif (500x281, 1.01M)

So she's plug-and-play? Awesome.

Can't you have some faith in Maria for once? When it comes to her gf I'm sure she'll put in extra effort.

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshoushinai Symphogear AXZ - 2 (1920x1080 BD FLAC) [93606867].mkv_snapshot_06 (1920x1080, 294K)

She's so cute that I don't mind it if her whole body is nice and fluffy anyway.
And if that really is the case instead of the description only referring to her animal ears as bestial features, then this is a shot of her bare, naked ass. That's pretty fucking neat.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.32_[2019.07.13_15.33.28].jpg (1280x720, 58K)

So do you guys think Symphogear is actually ending or is it just getting rebooted with new girls for S6?

Cyborg style gun-kata is the cool thing ever.

Attached: [Chihiro]_Asura_Cryin_-_02_[853x480_H.264_AAC][5E15B84A].webm (852x480, 1.46M)

Movies until Nana gets bored and wills a new franchise into existence.


She still needs to dust

If it does amazingly well, I wouldn't be surprised about some spin-off with new girls.
But it's quite possible they'll just really end it here, and then just leave the "play the mobage if you want more of the girls :^)"

Even if they pull the "play the mobage" card at least they put out 5 seasons before doing so.
I hate it when shows only make 1 season and then put the series' fate up to gacha whales.


If they do, i don't even think I'd be up for it. I just like the original girls too much.

she didn't sing her zesshou yet, right?

The reason I think it will get more is due to symphogear finally getting mainstream attention and being bigger than ever if they ended it here they would be throwing away money.

I mean, symphogear's been big for a few seasons now.

>Operation Condor
Might as well add Operation Cyclone too if we're going postwar.

Symphogear won't be the Symphogear anymore without the same cast and especially Hibiki/Aoi. They have stressed the important of her in giving the series its life and energy more than enough times already. Not to mention, the series was only able to come this far due to the love of all the staffs and cast involved. Trying to milk it with a new cast won't work. This is not as replaceable as those simple idol shows.

>wake up
>read this

Attached: 1375250844764.png (482x436, 216K)

Now read the replies.

I see normalfag shitters talking about it on social media within the last 6 months and I never saw anyone talk about it before then. Its definitely hitting its stride in the west.

Aren't dracula, frankenstein, and werewolf-chan Illumanati rejects? They weren't as bad as Carol, who used Homoculi to extend her life, but they couldn't attain perfect bodies either and were (presumably) rejected from the Illumanati. I don't see how they could pose a threat to the geahs, especially after they got a power up from St Germain (and her tranny friend's) lapis stones.

Adam also hinted that the Custodians were a trio. I'm starting to feel as if they're cramming too much villains this season.

Attached: too many villains.jpg (2560x720, 471K)

nah tl'dr

I swear, if Maria won't kiss Tsubasa this season so help me Fine I will bring the wrath of custodians upon this universe

After you, faggot. GX was miles better than the confused clusterfuck that was S1 and the complete milquetoast of AXZ.

>in the west
This means nothing.

only duo who even has any chance of going full gay is Miku and Hibiki, don't kid yourself, and even those two seems like the bigger odds are on just a tragedy happening.

They're just good friends and nothing more.

>on social media
>in the west

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.03_[2015.08.15_19.05.14].jpg (1920x1080, 101K)

Why are you asking questions you don't want to know the answer to?

>I don't see how they could pose a threat to the geahs
They can't, werewolf chick said it herself after Shirabe kicked her ass solo. Which is why they're doing underhanded shit like setting off Tsubasa's PTSD.

They can go for both and pull a tragic love ending, too.

>someone else remembers Asura Cryin
And yes, you are completely right

Could be her onee-chan.

Attached: 1521859126564.jpg (859x854, 72K)

My point is it doesn't need to be good for retards to like a shitty no soul reboot. We know nips have no standards and these faggots certainly dont its free money either way and I wouldnt be surprised at it happening.

glad to see someone saved my pic.

>Millaarc tries to mind control Maria
>Instead, the echo of Ver surfaces as her personality is suppressed
>He uses this opportunity to build himself a body out of relics

Attached: 1562623419849.jpg (1920x1080, 167K)

I remember Asura Cryin' , for the longest time it was the first LN to show up in Baka-Tsuki alphabetically. I just never got around to reading it.

If Ver actually returns the resulting hype may kill us all

I just woke up from a dream where Hibiki wearing a sundress got slashed across her belly.

Attached: 1562441279463.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

Sticking to the mobage makes a lot more sense.
It will be really easy to bring all the people it got this season to play it, if it's impact is strong enough.

>may kill us
That'd be nice.


It;s not the same girl. Girl from season 1 is too young and has red eyes, not purple.

>I wish they brought back the edge from s1
Why can't we have nice things? Tsubasa just wants to sing without shit happening in her concerts.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p]_00:17:21.583.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

No thanks, no need to reuse the same plot twist. It's enough that tsubasa's concert has gone wrong for the third time.

It sure would be something if Ver's ghost that shouldn't exist managed to revive a completely dead technology that's outside his field of expertise.

Reminder Sugita was tweeting about Symphogear before the first episode.

Kaneko doesn't look like the type to chase after easy money to me. If he pull out then they have to stop no matter what. Even the mobage has some soul put into it with a decent story line, some good events and all the silly inputs/meme from the cast.

This kind of shit only happens when she does a duet. Her single concerts all seem to go fine.

>livewatch thread instantly gets +200 replies

It's all Maria's fault after all!

Roughly the same eye color, hard to say because of the lighting.
But the age gap rules it out anyway.

Attached: [Deetruck] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - 01 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_19.38_[2019.07.14_ (1920x1080, 320K)

I wouldn't mind a full fledged RPG Symphogear game on the PS5. Kaneko would be up to it for sure.

Symphogeah Switch or bust.

Anyone has 1080p of Kirika's transformation scene? I'm collecting them.

Here's 1080p Hibiki's if anyone wants it.

This is what happens niche anime gets popular.

You should wait for the BDs. That one has very subtle anti-sezure shading on it.

>she convinced her to sing in the first time, instead of going somewhere else to protect a corpse
Yeah, it truly was.

Miku pls

Can someone post the AXZ chart? I don't have it saved.

Attached: 1443539250824.jpg (2630x4178, 1.86M)

wait for the BDs user.

Anything other than S1 or G was soulless and boring tepid shit with forgettable villains and no real conflict. Maybe this season will pick it back up.


There is only wins in that.

Attached: 0008_1551778771.png (1077x513, 337K)

>one of the five people that gets epileptic fits
sorry I'm too retarded to take my medicine

Attached: 1555078814178.png (532x430, 26K)

I can replace them eventually, just want to keep watching these glorious transformation all day, espcially Kirika.

>inb4 just a flashback with 2 sentences

I made the Hibiki one last week, guess I'll make a Kirika one now.

>espcially Kirika
For scientific purposes, right?

Thanks man.

no for sexual pleasure

Everytime I try to post it the fucking system flags it as spam. Lets try again

Attached: 1562971861589.gif (912x513, 2.44M)

>"Sure thing user, lemme just grab it real quick"
>don't have it either

>not Kanade

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.53.566.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)



They don't want to ruin the surprise.

Because it isn't "muh Kanade" this time.

>kirika gives tons of fanservice during her transformation
>they still won't give us dmjii kiss
It's not fair.

Attached: disappear.png (1920x1080, 1.41M)

They'll kiss in Shirabe's episode for sure.

Attached: ISHYGDDT.png (973x1080, 677K)

Much appreciated. Hope you'll do rest of other transformations.

This isn't actually a show about romance. You'll get fanservice and power of friendship and by damn you'll like it too!

Sharing drug injectors is even lewder than kissing

I mean, only fanservice after here will be chris and shirabe henshins, this season seems like it will be full on angst and edge.

>we're weaker than you
>we're actually weaker than the last guys you beat
>they had perfect bodies that couldn't age
>we had to become subhuman furries
>that's why we're going to use every cheap trick in the book
How can you not like these guys?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p]_00:19:48.104.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Some people don't get turned on by extreme loli fisting. But they're fags, so who cares.

can't like em because they're too obviously fodder before the actual threat since this is the last season.

Based as fuck.

Here's the lolikiller.

Attached: D8dkYV0WwAApOCF.jpg (2100x1200, 245K)

Because I'm too used to the show giving cheap redemptions to characters who don't deserve them.

Attached: 75712846_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x1200, 1.03M)

I remember it too. Childhood friend was best girl.
This time only about 50MB.


>since this is the last season.
who the fuck said this!?

I dunno. For a Symphogear, a morale threat is probably more of an actual threat than a big boss Hibiki can just punch. I just hope they don't try redeeming them at all.

>mind flay
There better be lots of porn of her
Wity mind break too

It's always nice to see two perfect anime come together

And here's Ms. Frankenstein.

Attached: D8dkXs_XsAEmnwU.jpg (2000x1200, 224K)

Official twitter account and Agematsu and Symphogear YouTube channel.

Fuck furries but I like these guys. We've had 4 prideful villains (Fine, Carol, St Germain, Adam) and some random scientist, who was wearing a uniform the entire time. It's a breathe of fresh air that we finally get someone willing to play dirty.

Attached: ver's uniform.jpg (1280x720, 181K)

So what she did to Tsubasa was mind flay her?

>trying to flay something that doesn't exist

Attached: 1562961268880.png (250x250, 116K)

well this is bullshit! I want Symphogear to continue. It's one of the few anime I look forward to getting new seasons.


Yes, she used her Mystic Eyes when Tsubasa had her moment of weakness from seeing one of her fans murdered a foot away from her.

all good things must come to a end.
you'll have to go for the mobage if you want more interactions between the characters.

They definitely triggered her PTSD. I hope this doesn't discourage Tsubasa from doing anymore concerts.

No, having too many seasons will make the show get worse and worse.

Reminder that Hinata has the same VA as Miku.

It works for Pretty Cure.

That's the joke.

Not really

Thanks for the chuckle, user.

You'll be free to stop watching it when it gets bad, while I can continue to enjoy it. Everybody wins.

So how will you protect your dick during the Chris henshin?

Attached: 1483934489882.jpg (413x711, 52K)

This is the last one retard, deal with it already.

Attached: CoyRnVLUMAI45g4.png (900x693, 804K)


By repeatedly jacking off to Kirika's and Shirabe's until there's no energy left to get hard. And I bet the dick will still prevail anyway. Fuck.

Movies & Wild Arms style games soon

I don't care about dwarves. Give me Maria's already.

Pretty Cure completely changes setting and characters each season, they are all just shows with a related name and a yearly shitty crossover movie. Symphogear would be lacking something without Hibiki, Genjirou and the many other awesome characters. Maybe they'll take the concept of girls singing while "X" and make a show like that, but it won't be Symphogear but something completely different.

By hot glueing my Chris Nendoroid while the Hibiki Figma watches.

I expect Chris' too be less lewd but more cool than Kirika's, while being more lewd but less cool than Hibiki's.

Attached: 1532209025019.jpg (749x998, 194K)

Since this thread is dying I'll go and say it: henshins do nothing to my dick I like hibiki's cool ones more than the rest

Let's be real here, Precure has been all downhill since Smile. There have been some decent ones but it's glory days are behind it.

Also precure series typically don't get sequels except for FW and Y5, so they basically get a blank slate each time. (As blank as possible while adhering to established tropes anyways)

But her transformation will be like 1 second long.

>Maybe they'll take the concept of girls singing while "X" and make a show like that, but it won't be Symphogear but something completely different.

Cute girls singing as an all-bard adventuring group in an isekai.

Smile wasnt even that good.

well since this IS the last season I can see it being her after all.

Why do people still attend Maria's concerts when there is already a precedent for her audiences getting murdered by noise? Are they just retarded?
