Who's the stinkiest waifu?

Who's the stinkiest waifu?

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"Waifu" does not mean "anime girl".


i want to bury my face in her hairy butthole after she's done some jogging

>assuming that there is an anime girl who is not a somebody's waifu

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whats the difference in stucking your face in her hairy butthole as opposed to sticking your face in say, my hairy butthole.
we've both eaten eggs for brekfast and had curry for dinner. we've both got dingleberries and tiny shreds of toilet paper smeared across our taint.

One is gay and one isn't.

ok, now you're blindfolded.
me and galko both have our asses facing you. shitholes out, ready for sniffing.
you cannot touch our asses, all you can do is sniff. how can you tell which is which? which ass will turn you on? why?

HEY! She doesn’t stink!

I win

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fucking hot

imagine the smell haha

my wife stinks sooo good

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Literally me

>14 replies
>no Hibiki
Yea Forums is dead and rotting

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good girl stuck in a shit show

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good series

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just admit you want someone to smell your ass user it's not that serious.

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She either smells like rotting meat or blooming lilies.

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This thread sucks man p

P was a typo

Fucking terrible? Yeah, I know. I made the mistake of walking into a Del Taco one night and caught a whiff of an obese nigger in the corner of the restaurant. That single incident convinced me smellfags were delusional.

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nasty faggot fuck off
also curry sucks

She'll smell like blooming chestnut flowers by the time I'm done with her


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Anime doesn't smell that is one of the reasons it is superior to 3D, it doesn't smell is pretty and always clean.

A better question would be, why are stinky girls alwyas best girls?

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this because its canon
post canon stinky girls
unff i need galko to hurt my penis