Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 02

Have you watched the second episode of Waver's anime yet?

What are your thoughts on the literal Saberface Gray?

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If Waver wasn't gay, which loli would get the D first?

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>Have you watched the second episode of Waver's anime yet?
>What are your thoughts on the literal Saberface Gray?
She's cute and her lips are kissable.

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He'd look at her face and go limp.

He'd get raped.

Please tell me it's not more boring backstory

>Implying he can't give them the W at the same time with modern magecraft

The intro was truly magnificent

Blonde first. Blondes are always first.

Gray is no loli.

>Welcome home, Onii-sama!
>Would you like your dinner?
>Or your bath?

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How did they get away with making an OP without vocals? I thought that they had to have one to sell to people.

>you'll never experience this

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Why does she know so much about dicks?

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>the literal Saberface Gray
I honestly didn't get what you niggers were talking about when calling her a Saberface and could not see any resemblance at all until I saw this shot

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No idea how they did it, but this intro without vocals blows the other intros this season completely out of the water

Does Waver give his two girls headpats? This is important in establishing their dynamics, if you get what I mean.

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I've become too used to weird anime shit to cringe too easily at it but god so far anyone has used engrish in this anime I've really wanted to fucking die

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I had heard a bit of the ED from some promo and I imagined that it was the OP.

Both are great though, so no complains. I was DREADING some forgettable uplifting j-pop like they did with the two OPs in Fate/Zero.

Why is Gray so huggable

I believe he's given some to Gray but only with he hood on. Nobody else comes to mind.

It's Kajiura, I ain't explaining shit.
And it's not like it's a thing that don't happen. Monogatari has had an instrumental OP too, though apparently that's more to do with Maaya Sakamoto not doing character themes or something, can't remember the exact details. Anyway, there isn't really anything to get away with, especially since Case Files isn't meant to be a big work anyway, it's already a rather niche show targeting a specific segment of TM fans.

Why can't Gray just get a different hair style and then she can cast aside the hood?


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I have a question.
Are the elements discussed in this episode (the fundaments of the magic of the Animusphere family, etc.) already known from somewhere in the Nasuverse?
As I was watching the episode, it felt like the creator was trying to lead me on to make my own conclusions but using rules and clues that I'm absolutely not familiar with, and therefore leaving me unable to guess what element leads to what.
For example, how could one have been able to guess that the Earth was the soul and therefore that there was a recipient for the soul hidden?

Anyone got the Yea Forums tower academy edit?

Gray is cuter than Saber

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Maaya Sakamoto is, by contract with her label, not allowed to do character songs or sing outside of her albums/singles with said label.

If Gray turns more into Saber due to HGW5 does her chest also shrink?

Because she's perma cursed to be a Saberface because the town she was in worshiped Morgan and Morgan felt really bad that her sister died so she created a keikaku that would try and bring back Artoria.

>hood hiding her head
>oh cool, I wonder if she has like horns, or animal hears
>nope saber clone
Why the fuck would you even hide that.

>another Saberface
Hahaha everything is fine.

Did you even watch FZ? Did you even watch the previous ep where they even have flashback to bridge what happens between FZ and this?

Waver fucking hates Saber because of the 4th war.

Because Waver

She hides her face because Waver doesn't want to look at it.

Comfy ED desu

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>I was DREADING some forgettable uplifting j-pop like they did with the two OPs in Fate/Zero.
>To the Beginning
>uplifting j-pop
>shitting on it
No user, you have shit taste.

Excaliblast PTSD.

>no kalafina ED or OP
it's shit

I like how what she's hiding is not her face, it's the dumb Seiba ahoge.

>What are your thoughts on the literal Saberface Gray?
I bet her original face was cuter. Her personality is nice though.

Because Saberface literally pisses him off.

user, I...

Can't she just fucking change hair style instead?

Man, Gray really is fucking small.

user the ahoge is a wonderful thing.

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Saber's hairstyle is shit. Even Saber looks better without it.

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Yeahhhh is there any reason for her to have literally the same fucking hairstyle of all possible ones?

so where they secret gay lovers?

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A Saberface will never stop being a Saberface regardless of the haircut. Just look at FGO.

Disney princess saber is cute!

The Engrish in this show has been absolutely terrible even for the series that gave birth to the Unlimited Blade Works amongst other things.

>I don't want to look like Saber
>therefore I'll wear the same hairstyle as her, but hide it under an hood
I don't get it.

Any hairstyle she puts on turn into the artoria braid. It's part of the curse.

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wtf... I'm sad now

bro don't do that...she'll turn into her alter form if you do that!

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She might actually be literally incapable of doing that due to the magic that changed her into a Saberface.

>Olga alive
Don't do this to me user...

>right hairstyle

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>some boring magic murder mystery
I knew it couldn't be about the loli being a sadist to everyone, but I'm still disappointed.

Just besties.

Don't worry, this series takes place 11 years before her time to shine.

It's very much a Holmesian mystery where the detective keeps pulling things out of his ass, the reader is not supposed to figure anything out, and chinamen are abound. KnK does a better job of being Mage: the Ascension.

I thought that Case Files was the savior that TM had needed and didn't deserve, but now I'm split. It's very comfy, but also very questionably written. Episode 1 required like five coincidences for its plot to happen, and the entire story ultimately wasn't related to anything and didn't really establish anything except albino kid being Waver's friend.

Olga won't get iced in this timeline though as the events of FGO can't happen here.

>It's too hot with them hugging me
>Gray's hair is kind of itchy
>I don't like Reine's perfume, what even is that scent?
>I wish I were playing video games

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She literally can't do anything about it, her very face one day started rearranging, bones cracking and shifting until she got the Saberface, and even the hair takes the shape of the cashcow.

Her character in a way is a jab over the rest of the Saberfaces. She is one and she HATES it, it's a curse to her.

>Lady Grey

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was she prettier before or after though.


Are Grays pubes gray?


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Here's how I know you haven't watched Baccano.

fuck fate
fuck saberfaces
and above all...

Well I mean, face and bone structure is one thing, hair another.

Yes, but I'll have you know that I'm only watching it because troyca, otherwise I would never inflict fateshit upon myself. The cuteness of the lady in your picture so far made it bearable, but I'm honestly considering dropping it, seeing as she doesn't seem to appear a lot.

I have a question for fatefags though, am I supposed to know why this Gray girl is Saber? I only read the VN and watched Zero, and even that was a short eternity ago so I forgot pretty much everything except who was the best girl of what. Hell I managed to forget just about everything that happened in ep00, but I vaguely remember they didn't address it either. Don't tell me if it's a fat spoiler though.

>I'm only watching it because troyca
Who even watches an anime for troyca of all studios.

>I have a question for fatefags though, am I supposed to know why this Gray girl is Saber?
Covered in a later arc, or so I've heard. Not sure if the anime covers it.


He probably meant the Lisa OP.

Would you watch this show if Reine wasnt in it?

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Of course, because I find Clock Tower bullshit pretty entertaining.

I was pretty disappointed Gray didn't use Rhon like in FGO

Neither of those anons, but that post did say "TWO OPs in Fate/Zero".

I don't know what I expected. I was expecting multi-episode length detective novels where Waver does some 900IQ detective work but instead I got 24 minutes of disappointment and lesbians.

Episode 1 was anime original.

I would be less content, but yeah. At least there's still Gray. If both are not in it, well, then....

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Keep in mind that we're dealing with anime original episodic content here. We've skipped three whole volumes worth of content and they're introducing stuff in there with only a fraction of the setup.

The novels have never truly been about the detective work though, that is true. As Waver states time and time again, detective work is worthless agains fucking wizards and the only thing he can do is make conjectures based on the possible motivations involved. Also just look at fucking Conan for successful mystery stuff that keeps info away from you until the reveal

All that said, some very basic understanding of Nasuverse terms can actually make you realize what what happened before the reveal fairly easily.
>Waver points out that the whole structure of the mansion is already built with the intent of working as a universe, and this is for a family that deals with celestial magecraft - If you know what workshops are you can already picture what kind of shit mages can achieve when inside their own
>Victim was chasing after immortality to reach the root, and he was pals and workbuddies with a necromancer who he shared theories with
>Even if you don't know the theory, Waver gives you a crash course early on about planet/bodypart association and how the body is arranged weirdly compared to what would be an orthodox arrangement.
>Everybody is confused about the parts being arranged in a helliocentric model, which is modern theory instead of classical - This is the in-universe red herring
>With the understanding that the sun is at the center and so is the heart of the body that represents it, waver points out that it makes no sense because in a ritual the center spot is ideally for the caster to be in.
Then there's the one piece of info we never get until the reveal: the soul representing the Earth thus Waver looking between Venus and Mars for a hidden compartment where a soul could be stored.

The music and the op visuals really did not mesh well with each other. Ending song was perfectly fine though. I would like the show if they stop emphasizing the English words.

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Well, it's less about troyca per se and more about the director - it's the same guy that did yagakimi, which was really nice on the direction side, so I wanted to make sure it was thanks to him and not the mangaka before I put him on my list.

Someone add Consider the Following

Eskimo sisters, if you will.

They're supposed to be in england so I hope you're ready for bad engrish in every episode.

It just feels weird they randomly switch between the two. I rather they just pretend everyone is speaking English and the nip language is just for the audience.

I did and I enjoyed it
It was somewhat predictable but the mood was nice

The problem with the engrish is that the very tone of their voice changes noticeably when they do it so it sounds jarring. You'd imagine that with all the fucking english in Fate and many shows outside of it, it'd be worth having VAs learn how to make un-japanese sounds

Gray's line would have worked much better in a natural tone.

I rather she just not speak and just fight at that point. She already seems like the quite type anyways.

I am getting tired of all the old veteran mages doing retarded shit and being arrogant assholes. Is there any good mages that aren't like this? Given how they all act I am shocked any of them live so long considering how much they backstab each other.


>Is there any good mages that aren't like this?
Plenty, but you don't see them because they're holed up in their homes researching shit without making a peep.

Our guy Gordolf, and Sion, maybe

>Is there any good mages that aren't like this?
They're either dead or not old veterans.

If you get to be an old age mage, you get to be an asshole because you're obviously talented enough to avoid being backstabbed.

Reines, but it wouldn't be with his consent anyway.
>If Waver wasn't gay
Pretty big if, that.

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So I know this is before the OG Fate/Stay Night but is there ever something that when Shirou goes to the clock tower and sees Gray?

I'm pretty sure the only FSN-related character who shows up is Luvia.
Touko also shows up, though.

Its really hard to resist it.

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So by the time Rin or anyone goes to the Clocktower is gray gone?

Think Waver is a Vicky 2 or a EU4 fan?

Civilization V plays only Greeks

That is absolutely adorable.

Fate is chuuni shit.
chuuni's like using English words like weebs like using nip words
prepare for more Engrish

Just watched it. It was fine I guess.

Is he gay though? Has it been confirmed?



I heard there's yuri wheres my yuri

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I want to protect him. He's literally too good a person for this world

Same. The rest of the episode was fine, but the engrish hurt my soul.

maid and master yuri

I want a cute SoL about nothing but the FGO lolis

I wonder if Reine has introduced Gray to vibrators yet. I bet they would have masturbation sessions in Waver's apartment while waiting for him to come home.

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I'm 90% sure most fate fans just want goofy SoL stuff with servants in modern situations. the best fate stuff is the stuff that doesn't take itself seriously like the cooking show and carnival phantasm.

Koha Ace is funny too

Hairstyle change doesn't matter.

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I would've much rather preferred if they made a special on some of the goofier events instead of Babylonia.

>another saber clone

Wait a minute, isn't this just Wizard Odd Jobs? It's basically Gintama.

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>same lineart for for
>for for

2021 carnival Phantasm season 4 but expect a lot of FGO shit

To me, I need the serious stuff to make the goofy stuff even better. Normally these characters suffer and try to kill each other but then you watch a show where everyone enjoys cooking and another where they are racing cars, and that just makes it all the sweeter to me.

yeah that as well

yeah I don't care for Babylon having already read it through FGO. I'd love a FGO Carnival Phantasm

It's not that long after the fact, so probably not. Case Files doesn't cover that period though, to my knowledge. Not yet, anyway.

We know some stuff about the Animuspheres and their specialization in celestial bodies from FGO, but I don't think they went into this much detail about how a human body can correspond to the planets.

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Is FGO actually fun to play without spending money or is it just a shitty gacha game that tries to get you to spend money for rare servants?

>is it just a shitty gacha game that tries to get you to spend money for rare servants?

Depends on what are you goals
Just a fatefag who wants to consume more fate shit/clear story content and then some? Perfectly F2P friendly as a lot of common servants plus event reward servants are pretty good with some outright ridiculous.
If you're a waifufag who just want to collect them like pokemons? Prepare your wallet because the rates are dog shit.

FGO's story content can be cleared entirely with low and medium rarity + free welfare Servants. There is no PVP, and very little powercreep. In fact there is so little powercreep that the most newly released SSR, multiform big tiddy Avenger Oda Nobunaga is one of the worst SSRs in the game gameplaywise. The only thing you absolutely need super rare Servants for is esports-tier challenge quests.

WIth that said, yes, it tries to get you to spend omey for rare Servants, but it does that mostly by baiting you with designs and waifuism, not gameplay

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The gameplay is boring but story is ok, and if you play it just casually you can have fun. Just don't get obsessed into rolling your waifu.

>fun to play without spending money
>Or is it a shitty gacha game that tries to get you to spend money for rare servants



Touko circa KnK has calmed down enough to take in muggles as apprentices and isn't haughty about shit until idiots like Alba get up in her face.
She's still kind of a psycho, though.

It's a shitty gacha game that tries to get you to spend money
The story for Singularity 6~Final and CCC Event are pretty good, and you can actually clear everything with 1*s

yeah I watched that and I hope they make more in the future

It's ok as a time killer and if you're desperate for fate content. You don't need to spend money for gameplay, people usually whale for waifufaggotry. As long as you're not retarded and have some basic idea of team composition, you can even clear challenge quests with perfectly F2P set up plus a friend's fancy gold support like merlin or cu alter.

I'm f2p in NA, it's alright. FGO isn't like many other mobage where all the new rollable characters completely outclass older units to the point of absolute uselessness.

Older servants occasionally get buffs though, since newer servants are generally stronger and everything on release was really weak. Servants that are free and were in the game on release are still featured in the story.

I probably wouldn't play it if it weren't Type-Moon though, since I wouldn't care about the characters. Gameplay is alright.

Gudaguda OVAs when?

That’s just the comics animated

Does Gray release Rhongo in this novel?
I want more of my nigga Add

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Something like this?

Nice, can't wait for the chant. They better not make it Engrish.

they made a drama CD and a single short


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>mary wants her father dead so she can have hot lesbian sex with her maid

Mordreds VA was the best thing in these

real fate anime when

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I'm still confused, how did Mary KNOW that her dads little experiment would fail but her dad DIDN'T KNOW.
Like how could she read HIS notes and realize it would fail but the guy who wrote the notes wasn't aware it would fail?

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so are they skipping to an arc that involved Animuspheres and Olgamarie so that they can bait FGOfags into watching?

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Why is this show's opening so boring?

Cuz her dad wasn't taught by Waver.

Howdunit doesn't make sense when we are talking about magic. That's the whole point. Whydunit is the interesting approach and the episode uses subtle storytelling to give you the pieces to the final answer.

Because you're a plebeian.

we'll probably see an Olga cameo since I believe case files happens before FGO or in an entirely different timeline, I don't remember honestly, I just know that many of the mages in FGO would interact with waver.

>Rider changing the theme to be about heavens feel movie
>Okita going, oh sakura saber anime?
I always get a great time watching those, i like nobu and okita too much, well gudaguda cast in general.
An imperial capital holy grail OVAs would be good too

>gee, why did my desperate dad's test didn't work when using unstable magecraft that he only winged it.

>Nasu heard whodunit and now decides to add all the other what, when, where ,why, how to "dunit" thinking he's clever

So far I am liking these episodes compare to the other line up this season.
Also do play FGO so I am bias towards it...

Gray is still there.

It's not uncommon for someone to overlook the faults of their own work that are obvious to anyone else who know what they're doing.

But nasu isnt even the writer

CF isn't by Nasu, what are you on about?

Howdunit and Whydunit were terms coined before Case Files was even a thing.

Different timeline Marisbury doesn’t win a holy grail war to get money to build Chaldea

I would be happy if they did a FGO CP
" Lancer, Arash, and Lakshmi always die each episode for some reason..."

Look at this pleb who has never touched mystery/detective novels.

Im still sad about not kohaku in a koha-ace drama cd, too much fgo and being too irrelevant is sad

She had the best teacher ever in the Clock Tower to teach her about Modern Magecraft. Her father didn't.

>fully animated Nobu and Okita was just a joke


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Olga shows up and it's a full character in the Rail Zeppelin arc.

Remember the bit where the old guy was beating the maid. The intent of this scene is almost certainly to signal that the maid was in on it.

More like it's due to the Heartless stuff in Rail Zeppelin being actually the start of the main plot.

I felt the same, I think the UBW chant is cool.

Junichi Suwabe just pulls it off well.

Olga has a role in the big arc in this adaptation.

As expected of Sawashiro

Yeah and I mean it's not only that, the whole "I am the bone of my sword" doesn't make much sense but it's undeniably really cool sounding. The problem with the lines here is that they are fucking retarded no matter how you say it, same with the whatsit whatsthat or whatever the fuck Waver said before.

He's been practicing that Engrish since 2006

To elaborate on how whydunnit can actually be tremendously useful when dealing with magecraft, here's professor Waver.

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The ED is really nice and song is amazing too. Almost thought it was Kalafina first when I heard the choir shit but I knew Kalafina couldn't have made this song because it doesn't sound like all their other songs.

>he's a mage in the mage's association
>he does it for the legacy of his family
>his goal is to reach the root

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>Taking NASU IS A HACK seriously
thanks for the (You)s suckers

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>Who even watches an anime for troyca of all studios.
I am. I like their production quality and other technical stuff, and about half of their writing has been great.

The other half has been shit, but improving, and I'm hoping that having something holding their hand will help them do better.

didn't him doing that make Luvia want to kill him since he was demystifying her families magic by explaining it?

Are Waver and Gray one of those together forever pairings, even if they never fuck?

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hurr was pretending to be retarded
Ironic shitspoting is still shitposting, retard.

Waver is gay.

She's just at the tsun part. Waver got to work for the dere.

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Well yeah but it's not like she hadn't already put a hit on him by that point.

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So did this event happen in the novel or not?

You're supposed to recognize that Gray looks like Saber.
I believe she has some of saber's blood being a descendant but the reason she looks exactly like saber is because her village was a cult of crazy Takeuchi Takashi worshipers who believe that saber face is the best.

Did we really another fucking Saber? Wasn't 50 of them enough?

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so the LN is done, is this going to be a full adaptation? how much has been adapted so far

Gray isn't saber
the village she grew up in was a cult of crazy saber worshipers who used magic to make her look like saber

There can never be enough user!

We don't need anime onlys like you asking this same damn thing every time for the one time it's actually plot relevant and yet here we are.

No, this is anime original so far. This episode was written by Miwa, one of the TM associates and the who does the occult research.

They already skipped three volumes. They're adapting the arc that happesns to have ebin servants and FGO references.

The LN is boring as shit.

Is she IMAGINE tier?

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they're making it really hard to take this anime seriously when the writing is this cringeworthy

And the arc that actually reveals the main villain and has a direct tie with the final one.

Grow up and you'll stop cringing at everything

>still mad that he didn't know these terms are classic detective literature stuff

Really? i had it understood that the original content would be written by Sanda.

Oh god, PLEASE don't let Nasu write an episode, I don't want any mollusks.

Stop with this fucking Olga shit already, she was a massively irrelevant and unlikable character in the prologue, where Lev kills her. She isn't even mentioned anymore afterwards, where does this fucking oh muh olger mentality come from

not a loli, but according to FGO she is 154 cm (roughly 5ft) and 92 lbs

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Wait, if she believes him to be incompetent then why ask him to be her tutor? Is she being tsundere?

What's cringeworthy is people like you proudly being ignorant of an entire genre of literature that predates fucking anime.

>watches fateshit
>tells other people to grow up
the only people that still enjoy this garbage are 16 year old chuunis, gachashitters, and nasufags still clinging to this rotting corpse of a franchise

Like you it seems

>Massively irrelevant and unlikable character
she's pretty popular and is important to the FGO universe

Sanda is definitely doing some writing here and overseeing the episodes.

See, I will always stand by my view that the magecraft and magic aspects of Typemoon universe are much more interesting and cooler than the overdone servant/grail war shit.
Maybe when that faggot Nasu pulls out of fgo, he might go back to his roots

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FGO is a franchise built upon baiting people into wanting

user, stop digging yourself deeper. You're really not one to talk since you're complaining about standard detective things that aren't even created by Nasu. Also, get some self awareness, you know this is a fate related anime and you willingly came into this thread.

Stop giving that retard (You)s.

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Do you respect Kayneth-sama as a mage, Yea Forums?

>Is he gay though? Has it been confirmed?
His affection for Iskandar is closer to deep admiration seeing him as king worthy of respect pledging a life long loyalty/allegiance to his king.
I guess you can say it's similar to the Knights of the Round being Arthur's fanclub.

Do I look like that kind of guy?

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I'll never forget his wheelchair skills. What a man.

Now I understand hawaii donut

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there's more than one retard.

What the fuck? Waver has his own anime now? Why did no one tell me

>See, I will always stand by my view that the magecraft and magic aspects of Typemoon universe are much more interesting and cooler than the overdone servant/grail war shit.
Welcome to the old fanbase circa the past several years. Fuck, I was already fed up with servant overexposure since fucking Extra came out, never mind Apocrypha and FGO, Case Files is the first breath of fresh air since the KnK anime and Mahoyo.

The Keyneth will rise again! We can rebuild him! We have the magecraft!

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Is it every explained why overusing magic turns you into a nigger?

Necrosis or something.

>Maybe when that faggot Nasu pulls out of fgo
Oh boy, I can't wait to see what fascinating tales will he come up with in the next installment of the amazing Extra series!

And a ching chong to you as well, youn user. What does it say fucker.

the magic circuits are being overused causing them to burn your body/skin from the inside out

Nasu is leaving the FGO team this year to do none FGO stuff so your dream is coming true.

It's kind of a running joke that Waver is gay, since he's the most eligible bachelor in the Clock Tower with girls essentially throwing themselves at him but he doesn't reciprocate ever and always dwells on Iskander.
Then you have all the stuff in FGO that throws oil on the flames, like the F/Z event and .

Attached: 1556423629955.gif (320x180, 509K)

In defense of Oath Sign, the intro and verse are good to passable depending on taste
Chorus is garbage though

Can't wait for Tsukihime remake (gacha).

If there was ever an exchange between two TM characters that should canonically be spoken in modern English, this would be one of them. So hop to it.

>he wasn't here for the best april fools event TM has ever made
Keyneth returns as a cyborg, memories messed up and goes on rampages in an alternate world where emiya shiro is a lawyer doing court battles phoenix wright style with kotomine kirei, rin and nero runs an idol agency, kiara is an """"idol"""", and medusa stays at home marathoning legend of the galactic heroes.
The event ends with keyneth meeting waver for the last time and slowly regaining bits of his memories, somewhat actually at peace with knowing waver for taking on the el melloi title.

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we all know that the real reason he's leaving the FGO team is so that he can finally marry Takeuchi

Remember when the worst thing about the Tsukihime remake was the new character designs being awful? Now there's so much more to be concerned about even beyond the fact that it's never fucking happening. Hurray.

And they'll make saberface babies.
No homo.

How would the 5th war have gone if Bazett remained Lancer's master?

Would Archer have died in the first fight?

I am gonna need the sauce of that. The emiya kotomine phoenix wright shit sounds glorious

He's so cute! Why does he look like that though.

>another saber clone
>sniff memes
I just want to see luvia

>Rin goes on the internet
>embezzles money and posts it on twitter thinking it's a private diary
>tells Archer to help delete everything please

>Case Files LN is over already
>Strange Fake will come out of hiatus around the time of the next ice age
>The absolute state of Tsukihime
There really is no reason to have hope for this franchise.

Attached: fuck.png (279x652, 165K)

Everyone except Berserker and maybe Caster would've gotten wrecked.

It's from the 2015 april fool event. They did this really elaborate shit where a whole bunch of characters have their own twitter account which they used to post what their up to.


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SF already came out of hiatus back in May with a new entire volume.

Didn't a new SF volume come out a couple months ago?

I've given up on T/M ages ago.

You make it sound as if UBW incantation is any better.

>The Engrish in this show has been absolutely terrible even for the series that gave birth to the Unlimited Blade Works amongst other things.

I wish once this gets an English dub, Gray gets dubbed with a British accent, but of course that's not happening

He's a shit mage while being the best magic instructor can be.
While he doesn't have any kind of mystic eyes he's capable of seeing the noodle code of magic remove the tangle and thus instruct/tell his students how to make their spells more efficient/better.

I like how Nero is just all like I don't know anything, it was all rin's fault!

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Case Files may be over, but if the anime proves successful enough maybe that'll be a good enough hint that TM should start fixing their priorities, especially with Nasu pulling out of FGO.

>For example, how could one have been able to guess that the Earth was the soul and therefore that there was a recipient for the soul hidden?
See Chaldeas in FGO i guess...?

Shouldn't everyone in Case Files have a British accent of some description? Save for a few like Luvia and Touko, anyway.

>that'll be a good enough hint that TM should start fixing their priorities,
FGO is printing more money than ever so why should they even bother?

Oh, and here's the court battle pic.

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>thinking some shitty name rhymes sound better than the most iconic engrish incantation in taiwanese cartoons
Haha kill yourself

Why does Waver dislike Saberface anways?

Gil killed Rider

>getting his shit over
Please, the fucker managed to play Danganronpa V3, Undertale, Bloodborne and Sekiro while doing FGO.

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I still miss the times were TM was famous for doing those great aprils fool event

Because nothing lasts forever and Nasu is out of material for it? It already had a sizable dip when it took so long for the next Lostbelt to drop, it can still make money for a fair bit longer but it's past its prime at this point.

>this year
Next year at least actually. From the FGO 3rd Anni interview summary
>The interview concludes with them saying that they will be working towards FGO’s fourth and fifth anniversaries, and an ideal ending for part 2.

I look forward to when Granblue Fantasy Versus comes out and all the marketing and esports shilling makes people switch over

They'll make FGO2, or I dunno, Tsukihime gacha.
Aniplex will find the way.

I've been saying, it's pretty obvious that now any joke ideas they have, they simply turn it into an FGO event. Seriously, a lot of the basic concept for the typical non-serious events are stuff that would have worked well as april fool events. Then there's the one where they took and april fool event and made into its own storyline (MHX, MHXX, MHXA).

>Nasu is out of material
There's actually still a ton of shit that's still mainly stuck in the 'ideas' stage, aka please read side material books and interviews to find out more!

a "whydunit" is a real thing but it does sound stupid

If even DBfighterz is losing public i dont think that gbfV is going to do much, is a niche genre after all.
If anything happens is that if versus does well maybe tm can finally greenlight a new melty blood

Probably most things relating to the Fourth War that aren't Iskander are difficult for him, it was a pretty traumatizing event for all involved.

Tsukihime gatcha requires a Tsukihime revival to garner interest, so that's a moot point on the whole "fixing priorities" thing.
FGO2 requires actual ideas and material to get off the ground beyond what FGO already is doing.

>There's actually still a ton of shit that's still mainly stuck in the 'ideas' stage, aka please read side material books and interviews to find out more!
Which still doesn't change the fact that the story for FGO is essentially done once the Lostbelts are finished, so yeah.

He got excaliblasted to the face dude

Because Keyneth is killed by Team Saber. He doesn't know exactly how Keyneth died, just that Keyneth plus Sola was taken down by Team Saber. Seeing a seibah face basically invokes his personal guilt.

What does Gray's breath smell like?

>If anything happens is that if versus does well maybe tm can finally greenlight a new melty blood
I too believe in miracles and magic.
>Tsukihime gatcha requires a Tsukihime revival to garner interest, so that's a moot point on the whole "fixing priorities" thing.
Or just strong marketing push which isn't out of this world for Aniplex.

Like Earl Grey Tea.

>i dont think that gbfV is going to do much
Don't underestimate Cygames' power.

Attached: ronaldo.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

This is my feitsh

Eh we got gudaguda in the evenst so im partially happy.
I liked tm aprils fool event because they were big and mixed all the nasuverse or even more (like with the saint seiya parody mixing even DDD)

>Or just strong marketing push which isn't out of this world for Aniplex.
A Tsukihime gatcha either needs a revival, or it being successful with just initial marketing will result in a Tsukihime revival regardless because they'd have to be retarded to not capitalize on it once its off the ground. Either way, Tsukihime makes a comeback, so again, it's a moot point.

Unironically nice.

FGO isn't ending, Nasu leaving isn't FGO ending it's just someone else is going to be the main story writer.
the Fate IP is so large that many people write for it now

Okay i'm just a retard but i just realized the reason why Add is one of the two replica version of Logos React. Like i've always thought why and how it could be a replica if its function is different from the original, especially after they introduced Logos React Generic in the current GudaGuda event.
Btw nice birthday gift Sion.

>like with the saint seiya parody mixing even DDD
Wait, when did that happen? Source?

how much FGO advertising will we see during the 2020 Olympics?

I always laugh each time i see cygames logo while watching random soccer match

What would happen if Shirou meet her?

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>FGO isn't ending, Nasu leaving isn't FGO ending it's just someone else is going to be the main story writer.
Yeah, remember how well it worked out when Nasu had the interns write the first Singularities? When it was so poorly received that Nasu had to step in and take over? Yeah, good fucking luck with that working out.

>i dont think that gbfV is going to do much
While I also think it won't go far on its own, at best, I can see GBVs can get some of its characters into Arcsys's BB Tag.

>he wasn't here for 2013 event either
>he didn't wait on Yea Forums every hour just to see the new zodiac boss being unlocked
You really missed out on a lot of genuinely fun TM stuff.

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many of the newer singularities not written by him were popular, it's not fair to compare the shit writers they hired for the start when FGO was just a quick cash grab when it's evolved to be something the company is more invested in.

The engrish was bad and not in a good way.

>2013 was 6 yesrs ago
Hot damn.
Fun times.

Only LB3 is and that was Urobutcher.

after, seiba is the pinnacle of beauty

Poor kid missed a lot of fun tm events
At least read the list:

Attached: KanataAF13.jpg (800x600, 151K)

Oh, that event, I was there for it. I didn't even know it was a Saint Seiya parody, I'm just disappointed that it's literally the last time DDD has ever been relevant.

But LB1 has been the best one user

What is the reason?

Pretty much yeah. Personally i think FGO will not shut down even after the ending of the main story
>Kajita next launches into the core of the interview, saying that while FGO has improved, it feels like something from 2-3 generations ago that is being retrofitted to keep with the times, and that the game system is starting to reach its breaking point, and asks Nasu on his opinion on this. Nasu agrees, saying that after countless revisions, the old system has become something twisted not unlike Kowloon Walled City. The only way to actually fix this would be to break the entire city and rebuild it up from scratch, but an effort of this scale would be impossible to pull off. He says that all they can do now is have players remain interested despite of the game’s flaws, and says that even if the system grows old, they can still keep providing players with basic “gaming joy”.

By the way
>Nasu says it would be wonderful if he could make “something after” in a great form that nobody expects.

>all that gold armour
>muh stairs
Come on, it was blatant as fuck

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The issue being that 99% of the alternate writers are hacks. You only have to look at disasters like early chapters of FGO, or Prototype Fragments, or Apocrypha to see that.

Isn't it sad, sacchin?

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I dont really think that they are going to keep going with the main plot after nasu leaves, maybe more events and more seasonal characters, they can even add hard mode to the singularities. I give at least 2 years of life and maybe 2 more if not many people leaves

Fluffy bunny shiki

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the ideal world would be they make a FGO 2 with all servants from FGO and allow people to use their transfer codes to move to FGO 2 with all their servants from FGO. That's the only way I could see FGO 2 working without pissing everyone off

LB1 and LB4 are nips's most favorite LBs so far though. LB1 is probably written by Higashide while people speculate that 95% Nasu is the writer of LB4 because of the story (though it would be kinda strange since they didn't announce him as the writer and Nasu didn't update his blog after it lol)

I prefer LB4

Japan had some issues with LB3 making most characters on it kind of irrelevant.

Didnt they stop saying who wrote what after many people ranted too much about the ones that were in charge of the shitty singularities?
Still didnt even read summaries so cant say

At least we all agree that LB2 is the worse one, not agartha tier though imo

I never noticed the armour and honestly I don't know much if anything about Saint Seiya in the first place. Kanata showing up was the only thing that grabbed me and it kind of eclipsed everything else.

I want to empty my balls inside Gray's soft body

They announced Urobuchi as the writer in LB3 stream. And iirc they did the same thing with Nasu in Camelot stream too.

Having played Agartha, it really wasn't that bad, Orleans, Rome, and London are still the worst ones by far.

Is there a TM protagonist that hasn't by cucked by FGO MC?

FGO MC hasn't cucked any of the protags, all servants that (You) summon either don't want that kind of relationship with you if they already have someone or they're a new version of them (See Nero Bride) that is different from the version that is with one of the protags that was made just for (You)

I never get this, specially when one of the biggest shitpost around is about fgo MC neing the actual cuck

It's just self-insert fags and waifufags being retards. Ignore them and they'll go back to /vg/.

My main problem with Agartha was Fergus repeating the same things over and over again. But at least it had screenshot worthy lines compared to the ones you mentioned.

As a secondary who will never read the El-Melloi LN's, what is Waver's endgame? Is it ever established what he considers "reaching Okenos" to fulfill Isakandar's dream?

The Okeanos was in his heart all along.

that was more an issue with forcing shota Fergus into the story for some stupid reason. He honestly felt really out of place.

The Okeanos was the friends he made along the way!

I blame the accents for that.

The Logos React is basically a mini-Moon Cell and has two main functions: record and recreate the mind/personality + calculate multiple possibilities, creating multiple worlds inside itself. Here is a short summary about it in GudaGuda
>By inputting some conditions, it can generate a limited observation space where one can conduct virtual experiments.
>Even though it’s virtual, it is possible of simulations almost on par with reality. This also means it can in a limited fashion be used to explore how a different history would unfold, theoretically. But once the simulation is underway, the conflict with reality due to the fuzzy settings don’t work well, and the simulation progresses while ignoring all the contradictions, discrepancies and bugs, the experiment space will turn into a singularity. In other words, it’s a singularity generator.
(it's literally the same thing that Sialim used in Melty Blood Nightmare manga except those doors, it's bubbles in Case Files)

Add aka Logos React Replica's function is the first one: to record and recreate the mind/personality (Kay's personality is this case)
Logos React Generic's function is the second one. As far as i remember they didn't mention anything about the mind part so it can only generate virtual possibility and observe it.

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His initial goal in the LNs is to gain enough notoriety to be chosen as the Clock Tower's representative for the 5th War.

I like Grey's design, but the anime version looks really weird. She is cute in a lot of promo art at least.

She was cute this episode.

Fergus was there to have SOMEBODY to give a character arc to.

>his initial goal in the LN is to gain enough notoriety to be chosen as the Clock Tower's representative for the 5th War

Isn't he just happy to be alive at the end of Zero? Why would he want to go through that mess again besides maybe summoning Iskander (who wouldn't remember him anyways)

She has been studying for her new oni-sama's sake.

>F/Z OP 2
>uplifting j-pop

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So which guest characters are appearing in the anime? Is it skipping Touko's bit?

Considering he's still got the cloak around presumably he just wants to re-summon his bro?

I can buy it.

Olga and Caules. Olga's tutor just briefly appeared in this episode.

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>tfw a magecraft student
>has been pining for the hot professor for so long
>finally gives (you) a chance
>you climax with him
>you both lie in bed, ashamed
>gives you an a in the next project as payment
How would you feel?

>Grail is known to be cursed
>still trying to have grail wars
are mages stupid?

She also hates the saberface because its not hers and she likes that someone else hates it.

Lame. It'd be nice to hear Takako Honda's Touko again after all this time.
Maybe she might get an appearance in HF3, but that's probably too much to ask for.

>Implying Waver would lose his purity to anybody but his king

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Is this manga faithful to the novel? Or is it manga original?

Waver is just that desperate to see Iskander again. Why do you think the fandom memes him as gay?

benis in bagina.

>Is this manga faithful to the novel?
Yes it is. It adapt all cases too.

Such a disappointment. I went in hoping for Mages Association intrigue after Ygg split away, with the Servants being a front.

Technically, it's fanservice.
>using magic long enough will make your hair white and you will become fucking nigger
White Kerry best Kerry, too bad there is no costume for him in FGO.

It isn’t known for sure, Kerry died without telling anyone, Rin as the Tohsaka heiress might be trying to keep it for herself and Shirou is some random guy

How does he feel about Shirou if he finds out he summoned her

>merely pretending

I like that it's got the episodic mystery shtick that made KnK work so well, but without the overarching focus on the main cast's development it's a little off. Waver was already kind of arced-out in F/Z so there isn't much left to run on except guilt and pining for Iskander, Grey doesn't seem to have much if any real character focus (thus far) and everyone else is too far out of prominence to work. Also, the atmosphere isn't nearly as strong as KnK's, but that's not exactly an easy feat to pull off.
Still, it's a massive improvement on pretty much any other serious TM anime adaptation for fucking years, so that's worth something for sure.

>sniff memes
What about braid tugging?

butterflybro was the best

He's a double edged sword. One one hand he is a magecraft destroyer who has shown he's getting uncomfortably close to saying things he shouldn't about her magic. On the other hand she basically received a free lesson on applied modern magecraft and was probably impressed.

being a good mage != being a good teacher

My mom is allergic to chicken, but she can still cook some really good chicken regardless if she can't eat it. Sort of the same concept I guess.

>Grail is known to be cursed
That fire at the end of the 4th HGW was just an unfortunate outcome of strong servants fighting for the grail. You need not worry about winning the grail for yourself.

>Also, the atmosphere isn't nearly as strong as KnK's, but that's not exactly an easy feat to pull off.
I wonder what changes they'd have made if they were given 6 ~hour length OVAs instead of a standard cour.

user I...

>best girl this season is a saber clone
Surreal kind of feel.

Attached: cute gray.webm (1280x720, 545K)

>Have you watched the second episode of Waver's anime yet?
Yeah, the first episode hadn't quite convinced me but this one did. Looks like it'll be a fun show so it's picked up for the season.
>What are your thoughts on the literal Saberface Gray?
She's cute, but I'm not much into Type-Moon lore so I have no idea what this means. I'm intrigued and hoping to find out more about her though.

If magecraft and other occult shit derives its power from mystery (or as Aniplex calls it, "mystics") then isn't deconstructing the mystery a la modern magecraft actually a dead end?

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What a highly reassuring and trustworthy post, thank you for your suggestion!

Would it have helped the format, though? Have they actually been cutting stuff? Because even the 1-to-2 hour movies KnK had weren't really enough to include everything, I'm still annoyed Alba never got to do anything in the Mujun Rasen movie.

>Implying best girl isn't the smug dom-loli
Come on.

Attached: reines.webm (1318x1080, 2.56M)

This is a blue board!

Gray should have been a boy instead, imagine a shota seiba

>t. Mage Association sympathizer

When did we start referring to a "Magus" as a "Mage" instead?

>dub + trips
checked. Also I think he meant OP1, with LiSA

It is difficult to decide between the two.

Attached: __gray_and_reines_el_melloi_archisorte_lord_el_melloi_ii_case_files_and_etc_drawn_by_no_kan__2219f7e (1200x1693, 227K)

Not really...?
>Modern Magecraft is a faculty that aims to summarise the thaumaturgy of the past centuries as a broader, shallower, more general magecraft that is "easier to use". Freely discussing and evaluating magecraft, even uploading images of it at times, it truly is a field for a new generation adapted to modern society, without the support or approval of the Lords.

>milking that useless master of Fourth Holy Grail War


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Bros is it Grey or Gray???

I see it as taking the old mysterious faults (believing the earth is the center of the universe) and "fixing" them with the correct information (The sun is the center of our solar system) which in theory would make the magic more powerful as it's mystery is reinforced with logic. It only weakens the mystery if people spread the corrected secrets around and make the secrets not secrets anymore.

I see modern magecraft kinda like mathematics in that they're just updating the magic (Proofs) with modern knowledge to better explain the phenomenon and allow them to do more with their magic than they could before.

The easier and more common a craft becomes the less mystery it has and conversely becomes less powerful.
I think Nasu said this at some point. Which is exactly the reason Luvia calls him a magecraft destroyer because his teachings will make magic easier and more common thus less powerful.

Both Magus and Mage are fine, though personally i prefer Magus over Mage.

Official spelling is
which spells out Gray
so Gray is the official way

Don't tell me you'd actually prefer a LN of Kotomine as an executor.

The only ones that know that the grail is cursed are kirei gil kerry y zouken though

easier =/= less mysterious. Only making the mystery public knowledge would weaken it. Now making it easier may make it easier to spread it around so more people know it so it could weaken it in that sense

I wouldn't because Kotomine doesn't need anymore character focus.
That said, something on the inner workings of the Church would be cool, with new characters. Maybe have Ciel, Merem, Roastbeef, etc. show up in the background but don't dwell on them too much, something like that.

>destroying the elitist culture of magecraft
Waver is based.

That reminds me, is he addressed as "Waver" after he is adopted? Or does everyone call him El-Melloi only?

Everyone calls him Lord El-Melloi II except Melvin

El-Melloi since he is representing the title, Iskander might call him Waver but I don't see anyone else. Though others may call him El-Melloi to tease him more than to actually respect his title

It spells out Gurei, actually. If the official romaji is "Gray" then its a different matter. It's spelt Grey in the UK, though.

Zeltrecht. He just want to power up his dimensional gems so he can visit magical girls worlds and have fun


That shit right there killed Fate in my heart. Those cringed eyes, the gaze asking himself what the fuck is this shit. I can't look it

based Kaleidoscope man

These are gut numbers

Attached: 1551074588331.jpg (884x1092, 181K)

>90% of the episode is magic info dump
How can anyone watch this shit

>90% of the episode is fate world building
>a series that is aimed towards fate fans
yeah who would watch?

Atlas alchemists ? I mean they only care about their crazy inventions after all.
Also Gordolf-kun is too good for the magical world.

> Comparing 3 episodes and minimal fraction of a plot to a 9 episode OVA series, 12+ hours of content, and a complete story

Why do people keep doing this?

>Mary interrogating scene
>both Mary and Maid have "lying eyes"

Attached: image.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

mana transfer

but she loves waver

But Shirou is a chad, especially when he gets older.

I want Reines to step on me

I'm entirely certain he made the kaleidostick for the sole purpose of trying to replicate the glory that was loli Arc.
He's yet to succeed, but at least he's trying.

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How old is she now? And when will I get to see if she's still flat?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.17_[2019.07.13_19.29.04].jpg (1280x720, 143K)

Gray for me!

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It's literally a case of "so far". Three episodes is about one to one and a half KnK movie so it's not even remotely unreasonable.

When do we get loli reines again?
That was the only good part of the show.

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Unless Waver figures out some new magic to de-age her.

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She's so fucking cute. An upgraded Saber.

It is understandable after dozens of failed attempts.

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Yes, but Waver is also tall

Can this saber get pregnant?
Asking for a friend.

I would imagine so...

Is it weird that I'd be more interested in seeing more about Kayneth than Waver?

That's why Waver is so hated. He finds a way to bring reason to their wizardshit and make it reproducible in spite of all their secrecy and bloodline garbage.

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He really was, what a travesty that ending. At least I take solace in knowing that Waver took his heir as a student.

Probably but it would get awkward when a few years later your wife and daughter are both identical 12 year olds.

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The kaleidostick is such a interesting magical tool. Sadly it's just used for maho shoujo shit

Attached: thebox.jpg (530x395, 54K)

She sure is trying.
But Waver is like "No way, fag!"

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Just summon Ko Gil and ask him to give her the elixir of youth

Gray by Yamanaka Kotetsu looks beautiful

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Modern magecraft is likely to be the only branch of magecraft (together with Atlas data magic) that will survive past the inevitable collapse of the current system, after which they'll peacefull blend into futuristic super science.

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Platonic pairings are nice. Even better if they end up fucking, but that's clearly not happening.

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It sucks they skipped Luvia but I hope the anime would have a similar scene where Waver coaches someone and raises their power level with modern magecraft.

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no user, she's Reines, this is flat

Attached: flat.png (350x933, 140K)

That is why doujins exist.

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Damn he's Flat.

Attached: abigail williams (fate_grand order and etc) drawn by kujou karasuma - 3857739f79e67d24565c708bc148ce (850x850, 273K)

Wait so how did the old dude cut up his own body and place the parts in different places?


dont ask the howdunnit


Attached: 1562621631673.jpg (702x991, 523K)

>only 1 Gray webm in a thread

Attached: graycoat.webm (1280x720, 367K)

Now you know how Rin's spells make Germans feel

Fix your first frame.


I don't quite understand why I like this Saber so much. Is it because of Reina Ueda's soft-spoken voice?

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Gray for me!

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If Mary already knew about the ritual, why ask Waver to tell her what she already knew?

I watched 00 and I don't know if I want to bother with the rest. It feels like it's so full of itself. It "reads" like fanfic quality writing from someone in middle school.

fuck sorry senpai, I'm using webm for bakas

Attached: graycoatfix.webm (1280x720, 288K)

Much better, user.


How tall is Gray?
Is she shorter than original seiba?

she's around 150cm

Attached: grayed.webm (1280x720, 721K)

>hfw you pull out on her dangerous day

Attached: the dissatisfaction of not being cummed inside.jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

So that those two guys wouldn’t get suspicious, I estimate

Her body is morphing into the same height as Seiba

Call me... Ophelia...

Attached: Ophelia_Portrait.png (302x598, 93K)

Thats some best looking umbrella I ever saw in anime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_23.49_[2019.07.14_07.53.14].jp (1920x1080, 222K)

Get this bitch outta my face.

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Did they translate more then the first volume yet?

I hope she shows up, she’s the most boring Crypter so far, too bad

You liked Kadoboy?

Is this the first appearance of the Kaleidostick? Rin is so cute here.

Chaldea established in 1950 actually, Marisbilly needs money and resource from the Holy Grail to activate Chaldeas (it was completed in 1999). The Animusphere want to reach the Root through Chaldeas, and Marisbilly's Leyshift system is the biggest threat to the God of the Foreign Star which is the reason why Rasputin-Kirei told Anastasia to freeze it. Novum Chaldea's current Leyshift system can't do that because they can't make something akin to Chaldeas (now Sheba is replaced with Paper Moon and Sion created the Trismegistus II)

The novel ? It's currently in vol 3 chapter 2. Vol 1 and vol 2 are fully translated.

Well he has the potential to do something, Ooooophelia is dead, her story is over, that’s all she wrote

Great. Last time I looked volume 2 was still stuck in translation hell

The first doujin for either Gray or Reines will involve FGO MC, not Waver.

Rhongobongo when?

Attached: bedi.png (469x1537, 163K)

Well at least that would be justified as Reines mentions Guda would be her apprentice in another time and place

So when Gray breeds with her master, will she have to wear a mask over her face?

It is. This is a chapter in F/HA where Rin and Shirou enter that cage that was built by Zeltrech or something and they managed to phone call an alternate version of Rin in another dimension.
The Kaleidostick just appeared but in another chapter, the Kaleidostick is activated and it was quite an ominous shit

She has her hood off in her final ascension, so, I doubt it

Everything is basically gintama

Gay show - gay thread.

They are a thing in umineko at least, not a bookfag

Waver is fcuked up, those abused lesbians killed him off and pretend that this ritual he did willingly by himself. The idea of modern ritual would came from a mage that studied modern magecraft - Waver's student.

You are an uncultured eastern monkey, gil

It's a saber face that isn't pretending to be "manly" and accepts being feminine

No need to describe yourself in detail.

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grave, wave, rave, crave, brave, pave,
grave tu you user

Attached: grave for me.webm (640x360, 2.82M)

Animeonly here, the episode mentioned that Animusphere magecraft is based on Geocentric Astrology, which has been scientifically disproven. Wouldn't this make the magecraft defunct by ridding all the mysticism surrounding it?

Maybe their magic worked, just their understanding of it was wrong.

Could be that earth is still symbolically the center of their system, it is our home and all that. Or as points out they were succeeding without knowing the real reason why in the first place.

The first KnK movie fucking blows besides sounding cool

So is Gray a servant and why does she exist if there isn't a HGW going on?

She is not a servant though

Grave for (you).


She was injected with servant AIDS and her head transfromed into saber's head.

Are all the boss fights conveniently undead? Volume 1's boss fight also had a lot of restless spirits to reap.

Wait, what?

it's not fate without cheesy engrish

She is in FGO :3

This is Case Files :3

Just another forced saberclone, no need to be surprised.

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Not necessarily. Waver's deductions of abuse didn't just apply to the maid, and this final bit confirms that they shared a mutual bond as victims of abuse.

So is it stated whether the cultists that were trying to artificially recreate King Arthur knew that their King was a girl?

Waver and Reines are also servants in FGO but not here.

"Revive" would be more exact i think. If it's successful, everything about Gray (soul, body, existence,...) will be completely deleted.
>Add's seal is the Logos React Replica
>Logos React (the original one) is basically a philosopher stone based thing that can replicate a personality.
>Gray was supposed to be King Arthur's body
>The Logos React was supposed to replicate King Arthur's personality
>And the HGW was supposed to replicate King Arthur's soul
>By fusing all three together, you get King Arthur

>knew that their King was a girl?
Probably ? At least they should know King Arthur's appearance


This show is getting boring really fast if they wouldn't do something cool soon. For a magic detective show it's pretty simple so far.


I watch it for cute girls.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.21_[2019.07.14_09.34.24].jp (1920x1080, 145K)

Even them are just not enough, they are out of focus and do nothing most of the time.

I would agree with you, but if the show is going to have cute girls, I'd rather they spend most of the time tearing shit up. There's nothing better than watching cute girls kick ass.

That is actually a good thing.
If they were in focus all the time, it would get old fast. So when they show up and be cute and kicking ass, it actually counts.

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It is also a nice thing to see Waver as a badass and cool magical investigator, while still being pushed around like a bitch by little girls.

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No, that's not a good thing at all. This episode is already boring for the most part, if it was focused of cute girls doing cute things or just cute girls fighting monsters then at least you could have some fun with it. We've got a pretty boring detective story and a boring fight with ghost. I can't see how this is actually a good thing.

It's so cute how happy she is when she's with her shishou.

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Waver is a loli magnet.


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are lolis drawn to gay men?

Apparently so.